I am Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Beloved children, wherever you are on this earth, I bring you my consolation and my Peace.
... Silence...
At this time on Earth, I am presenting myself more and more often, in different ways, to you. Remember that beyond this name, Mary, beyond the precise history of this earth, I am above all your Mother. I am talking about your filiation of soul, of Spirit, whatever your beliefs, whatever your denials or acceptances. As a Mother, I am now approaching, no longer for some of you but for an ever-increasing number every day. Whether in a dream, or according to thoughts that are going through you, or sometimes according to my effective presence at your side in your Marian Canal or in your heart, I reveal myself to you.
Even before my Call, since the opportunity is given to me, and because of my position within the Intergalactic Confederation of Free Worlds and my proximity to our Earth, many of you open yourselves to my Presence, to my conscience, to my function, and my function is above all that of being a Mother: I bring consolation. My Blue Mantle of Grace is yours. My heart will never be able to close in front of any of my children, even if they have not recognized me. So yes, I come for many of you now, even before my Collective Call, either to call you, if it has not already been done, or to make you feel and live the evidence of my Presence.
A few months ago, Jesus Christ told you to vigil and pray. This vigil and prayer are simply to recognize you as such, beyond all your sufferings, beyond the weight of the flesh. I am the Comforter, I am the Protector, but I am also what you are, in this dimension of gentleness and eternity in which your sense of responsibility makes you responsible for Life, not that of an entity or a form but you are the bearers of Life and you are therefore responsible for it.
By revealing myself to you in all possible ways, I come to infuse with my Presence, this consolation and a balm that comes to put an end to the last questions about yourself, to the last questions about this world, about your life. Now that your heart may have already lived a certain form of freedom, it is wide open to my Presence, even if you have never recognized me before.
... Silence...
I am with you. I am in your heart and I only ask to speak to you, to make you as authentic as possible of who you are. I am addressing today not only to you who follow me or who have recognized me, but also to all those who have not yet had the opportunity, the chance or the experience to make this return to yourselves, to show you to yourselves beyond any form, beyond anything you have experienced even so far, the truth of our relationship and our common Freedom.
I'm not coming for me. I'm not coming for you for your person, but I'm coming for you. Thus is the gift of Grace, the gift of Love and the gift of Life; it can only be shared, exchanged, in order to live both communion and the very essence of it. If your heart opens to me, even if it frightens you or repels you, then very quickly I will rush into this invitation to reveal myself inside you, coming if necessary to bring you the certainty, beyond your person and your brain, of what you are, the certainty of your heart, the certainty of Eternity.
I come to appease the last doubts, the last questions and also the last sufferings, like a mother who never judges her child whatever he has done, but by his filiation, has been committed since your first appearance, in his flesh. A mother can never betray, she can certainly sermonize, but Love is what it is. It is marked and printed in the flesh and the same is true for your soul and your Spirit. Whatever your beliefs, your adhesions or refusals, it doesn't change anything. Indeed, I come somehow to help you to go to the evidence, where there is no place for fear, where only joy and joy can be perceived, where nothing of who you are on this plane of the earth can be altered.
... Silence...
Take advantage of these moments, these instants, in your life here on this earth to refine your inner diamond. And you can only refine it, you know, by seeing the Truth that you are, and not the life that you live in this world. I urge you to Freedom, Autonomy, Independence. I invite you to Joy by my presence at your side, whatever the perception, to no longer be affected by any element whatsoever belonging to this ephemeral. I am also your rock, which you are from the moment you confide in yourself, beyond any situation and circumstance of your body, of your life. Remember, it has been a long time since I brought with my sisters, on this earth, the sowing of free life in all its forms.
... Silence...
So be attentive because when my Presence is revealed to you, in any way, if you extend your arms to me - not the arms of your body but the wings of your Spirit - then I will cover you and bless you with graces.
You don't need to ask me anything specific, you just have to leave the doors of your heart open and I'll be there. And I tell you, I am even here for those of you who have not opened any doors yet, certainly in a more discreet way, whether in a dream, or through ideas that may cross your path. Be attentive, because as soon as even a sudden thought reaches your conscience, concerning my name, then in one way or another, I am already there, consoling you, stabilizing you and telling you, to each of you: "Do not be afraid, my child, do not be afraid, because you have never lost your freedom. Whatever the weight and density of your flesh, whatever your experiences, happy or unhappy, in that time as in previous times on Earth, in other lives, in other places, I have never failed." Today, as you know, the circumstances of this world are special. You live the Revelation, the inner and outer revelation of all masks, of all that clutters the Truth and manages to reduce it but never to make it disappear.
So, my children, I address you today as a prayer: let go of what is bothering you, turn towards yourself and I will be there, giving you the necessary and indispensable help as you understand it, in order to make you discover that the time has come to no longer depend on anyone, no world, no history, no suffering above all. I come to lighten you up and help you to have a clear vision of everything that is happening right now, both inside and outside of you. For many of you too, you have already been called by your first name, giving you certainty in advance and helping you to walk for many years in the peregrinations that you have to carry out in your incarnation, which are conjugated to your eternity. Whatever the result of this conjugation, whether you are at peace, suffering or resisting, do not let yourself be carried away by what the ephemeral may tell you.
Remain steadfast in faith, in conscience, in perception, and above all, become trust, trust in this Eternity which has been revealed to you in so many and so many ways, by my Presence or by other Presences, by the peoples of nature - all means have been good for those of you who have already opened yourselves to the reality of Eternity. Every opportunity is good to come closer to yourselves, to what has been called the Heart of the Heart, or if you prefer to come closer to your Ascensional Heart or Glorious Heart which is nothing other than the Heart of Christ.
Regardless of your religion, there is only one thing that is essential, and that is honesty towards yourself, because by being honest, you demonstrate to yourself the effectiveness of humility and simplicity so necessary in this world, today, which has lost its meaning and which must find it again, this world where, as you can see, many brothers and sisters are awake but also many others are still in the entertainment, in the pain, in the incredible, in the non-living of the Truth.
I also come to help you to bear the Truth so that you do not judge yourself and condemn yourself, for in the end, if there is still any judgment made, anywhere, towards you, towards anyone or towards any situation whatsoever, it is you who judge yourself. My Son, then, in the history of this earth, had said it, I repeat it to you today: "What you do to the least of my children, you do to yourselves. ». So what do you want to do to him, to this other person yourself, if not to love him and respect him, in his freedom, even in his mistake.
You do not need to point fingers today, to react, to oppose, to confront yourself, you need to forgive yourself more than ever, because in the end, what you forgive is returned to you and the person, at that moment, with their sufferings and stories, will vanish before the majesty of your Love, the majesty of your mother's Love that will take care of each other, in all the relationships you can lead, showing you to yourself and to the other that there is in you this mother's heart capable of loving in spite of everything else. Because this Love is not personal, it is a gift of Life, a gift of Grace and a gift of Truth.
As you know, as you have been told and as perhaps you have seen on the surface of your world, absolutely all the signs of what we advanced to you long ago, by this voice as by so many other voices, even coloured by religion, one can say. Today I ask you to be free, from this inner freedom that is Joy, which is recognition, Love, and Peace. For that, think of me and I will be there, one way or another and you will then find the necessary lighting to stay and remain in who you are and not in the games of what you have to accomplish on the screen of your life.
But you know very well that there are two ways of going through the screen of your life, either by deciding, or really by an absolute faith, by a state that our Eastern sisters and brothers have named the Self, by a state of embracing it. This embrace is a service, and embracing the other in all its dimensions and above all, beyond any appearance, is the only space of resolution that is now available to you, in order to be free right here. Free internally, from a freedom that no satisfaction of the senses, no satisfaction of the intellect or your living conditions can even approach; it is independent of all this. It depends only on your heart, not the one you can control, not the one you can make vibrate, but the one who is independent of you, in the ephemeral or in the Eternal.
Seek the Kingdom of Heaven that is within you, turn back to that, without effort and let Grace work and operate, coming to cover with Light every situation that may strike you or affect you, and verify for yourself the action of Love today. Because the Light is such, now, all the first fruits of Liberation having been accomplished by the liberation of the nucleus of the Earth and the liberation of the Earth itself, it is today the whole collective that is living its apocalypse. This Revelation takes place at its own pace, in such a way, as you see, that it becomes more and more intense, in what is shown to you to see on the screen of this world as on the screen of your consciousness, as in what you call your life.
... Silence...
Remember that within Love, "true" - that impersonal and unconditional Love which depends neither on you nor on anything else but which is simply the marker of your found and eternal Truth -, there can only be Peace, there can only be sweetness, there can only be kindness, benevolence, humility, simplicity, inner happiness which depends on nothing, in fact depends only on your person, not that it can grasp it, but much more, if you gracefully accept not to play a character anymore, not to play a role, not to play a function, and to accept to do like a bird, to rely on divine providence, without asking anything, simply by seeing what will happen then in your life, in your relationships, in a way I would say so much more evident and striking than there is still not long ago.
It has been told to you: everything that is necessary is within you. I am also in you and when you will be in this sweetness, in this Peace, in this tranquility, then be assured that even if you have not perceived a clear form or clear energy, or clear vibration, what you are living is my presence, magnifying the expression of your sacred Feminine, no longer in any creation but simply in this maternal Love that you will be experiencing without words or concepts, by your presence even where you are. And where you will be, under any circumstances, will always be the right place, whatever you think, whatever you contradict; all these are only gestures of the ephemeral that have, once again, no weight compared to the density of my Love, the density of our Love - it is the same, there is no difference.
So of course, as you sometimes see around you, whether in other children, whether on Earth itself, you can sometimes be deceived by this tohu-bohu, by this apocalypse, by these things that can sometimes burst a decadent beyond, but realize, relying on me, that all this will only pass and is nothing compared to the peace you can be living, regardless of your state, no matter what the condition of the world. The peace of my Presence is the peace of your manifestation still on the surface of this world. There is no impatience, no intolerance and no conflict. It is at this moment that you are fully present in the world, present to yourself, and absent from any history and any person.
Life, in its Intelligence, in its instinct of Light, offers you exactly what is necessary, not for your physical or social, or relational, or emotional, or physical comfort, but much more for the comfort of who you are, who sees no difference. Right here, right where you are, at the very heart of the suffering that may still exist for some of you, is Peace. Do not let yourself be stopped by suffering of any kind, do not let yourself be diverted by the claims of the ephemeral. To discover Peace is to live the absolute faith that does not depend precisely on any belief. Beyond this faith, it is the very certainty of this faith, because you have recognized yourself, and by recognizing yourself, you recognize me. And when can it be more important for a mother than to hug her children when she has not seen them in the flesh for so long?
So certainly, even when I call you, my flesh is not your flesh but my form is very real for you. Remember that without softness, from now on, you will have trouble moving forward, wherever you are. Without benevolence, you may feel alone, whereas with benevolence, even if you have felt alone, you will find that you have never been alone, that you have never been abandoned, and that only your gaze, linked to the weight of this world, has not recognized my presence in you.
Then Love will become stable. It will no longer only become a function, in this world, of your disappearances, your alignments, your meditations or your prayers. Your whole life, right here, in the stages that are taking place now, your life will remain centered on Peace, without effort. The sweetness of the sacred Feminine, no longer expressed only through conscious co-creation but directly in your flesh, will magnify the Peace and joy of your heart. You will shiver, your tears will flow, because this blessing is the one I want to realize in you, if you open the door for me.
I told you, I come to console you and I come to give you a hug. Accept this, if you can, now. I have come to lighten what you have to go through, I have come to lighten your body and lighten your conscience, so that what is ephemeral can no longer be any obstacle to Truth and Love.
So if it seems complicated to you, don't hesitate to dedicate to me what you want, an image, a flower, an altar, a statue, but don't be fooled, it's just a way for your ephemeral to get closer to me, and I will get closer to you. I am not asking you to create rituals, to recite prayers, but to have a place in your consciousness, as in your surroundings. Oh, you don't need to spend anything, or spend a lot of time on it, a simple image can be enough. This image is nothing but it will represent, for your ephemeral, a support, not for what you are, of course, and you know very well that when your ephemeral - what remains of it in terms of habits, what you have to assume on the surface of this world -, even if you refuse it, is very sensitive to the materiality of an image, a statue or a flower. Lean on this without any scruples, but keep it simple.
From the moment you have dedicated to me a representation of any kind, which for you, in the ephemeral sense, can be important, then you will free your Being, your eternity, because I will be there immediately, even if you do not hear me, even if you do not see me, and even, I would say, if you do not feel me. You will then find that from the moment you think of me, even if you need support, then I will appear in your heart to console you.
I don't need words. Sometimes you will have the chance to hear them, but they will not be any different from what I am telling you now: "You are my child and you are the flesh of my flesh, and as I am the flesh of your flesh. " This does not go in one direction only; in the One, there is no direction, there is only what is, where eternal Love reigns, where eternal Peace reigns and where no weight can remain, where resistance melts like snow in the sun, because the sun of your heart is lit and nothing can be frozen or stopped there.
So what I mean by that can be summed up in one sentence: even before my Call, from today on, I am with you, concretely, not somewhere in a belief but much more in the evidence of your heart. Come and join me there. Join yourselves. Do not be seduced by the interactions of this world anymore. Do not reject them, assume them, but do not be dragged out of Peace and Eternity. This ephemeral, yours as well as that of each of my children, needs only one thing - which will become much more essential than money or material security, or even a house - it is Love and my presence.
Whether you are Buddhists, Muslims or atheists, there is absolutely no obstacle for me, because I fully respect all that may remain of beliefs and inexperience. I do not come to judge you, nor do I come to decide, it is not my role, but I come to console you, so that Peace may not be unstable, so that Peace may strengthen you, if I may say so, in your inner freedom and in your eternity.
Then I tell you, as my Son told you: be at peace in the hubbub of the world. Love fills everything, whether you are aware of it or not, and especially if you are open, regardless of your personal will and your personal history. In Peace, there is neither resentment nor a vicious look, if I may say so, at any of my children. Ask clearly, at certain times of your life, during your days, sit quietly and listen, not what your thoughts say, not what your story tells you, but listen, in the silence of your heart, to what your Mother sings - and what your heart also sings in unison.
My children, I tell you, rejoice. Whatever you are given to see or live, it is nothing. And remember that if it is nothing, then you are nothing if it is not this unknown Love on earth, and yet it is in manifestation. This Love does not depend, as you know, on any history or any link, it is the total freedom of conscience. So even if you sometimes experience painful circumstances, in your body, in your life, do not forget, more than ever, that I am here waiting for you to turn to me, I tell you, beyond any religion and even my history in relation to this world and in relation to my incarnation as Mary.
The Elements must pacify themselves in you, of themselves, not by any will but by the recognition of Love, of my Presence if you will. From that moment on, you will feel a peace that is unlike anything else and that can even be very surprising because in that peace there is no place for any conflict whatsoever, towards the different parts of you as well as with the world, as with what is happening to it, as with every brother and sister, even if it is considered an enemy. There is no other enemy but yourself with yourselves, as long as you consider yourself ephemeral.
Love does not need support, it does not need history, it does not need a body, it does not need dimensions. All this is what you are experiencing, rediscovering sometimes with amazement, sometimes with fear, sometimes with happiness, but the reactions are not important because the evidence is such that at the time of my Call, I remind you, no one will be able to ignore because the Trumpets will have preceded me and the Trumpets will sow fear for those who have turned to the material, and joy for those who have turned to it, even without living it, towards Eternity, in complete freedom. In these particular times, I am the one who puts an end to all wandering, all suffering, all imbalance, but do not see my action as an action coming from outside you because being the flesh of my flesh, I am evidently inside you, and I am you someplace.
Then let this sacred Feminine appear and magnify itself in order to live entirely, even before the space of collective resolution, the Grace of the New Tri-Unity, to celebrate no longer the Wedding from above or the earthly Wedding, but to celebrate your Resurrection in the spheres of Eternity, right here through this flesh. Your heart is pierced by this Love, and then everything vanishes. You can no longer hold on to anything. Drop everything, thinking of me, and then you'll see that there's never been a separation or even a door. Then you will shout: it's so simple.
Love is so simple. It is only the mess of all the stories through which you seek Love, in yourself and around you, that distances you from Love. Love is not seeking it, Love is recognizing oneself, above all else. And by recognizing yourself, you recognize the whole of creation, the whole of what you have lived, of what we have transmitted to you, whether it is techniques, accompaniments or simply our presence.
You see, my children, from now on I expect nothing from you, except that you recognize yourself. I'm not here to ask you anything. Take the first step, with confidence, and I will assist you. I do not want to take you, either, to the other side, but I can be in a way the witness and catalyst of this Love that you are and that unites us in Freedom and in the law of One.
I remind you that you don't need anything, and that when you're done playing with your story, your person, when you get tired of trying, of trying to improve anything else, you'll give up. And I will be there to take you in, not to stop you but to testify to what you are going through.
My children, my Mother's heart has never been more exalted than it is now. My Star Sisters, the Elders, the Archangels, all the peoples of the Intergalactic Confederation of Free Worlds is in a state, I would not say excited because it means nothing to us, but joy. Remember that we are not subject, even as we approach you, to the same linearity of time. We have already said, a long time ago, that everything had been accomplished, it just remained to make him aware and to live it. But from where we are, we knew that everything was accomplished and we tried, as far as respect for the freedom of each individual and the collective was concerned, and we do it regularly now, to manifest ourselves in a veiled form. Whether in our ships or out of our ships, in the shapes of your clouds, it is only about us.
Do not see it as human technology, or extraterrestrial as you say, but as the miracle of our presence in your very heavens, in your heart and in your lives. The chance we have, you and we, is that the time that is unfolding on this earth has left us, as you say, the time to soften what is there, to soften it in such a way that at some point, everything that has been announced will reveal itself before your eyes at the same time, in a sudden way, sometimes felt as brutal and violent. But there is no better way than to stifle what is afraid because the stifle of fear, whatever it may be, leads to release. At that point, you will no longer be in a fight, in opposition, there will be nothing to hold on to but what you are. And then many of you, even before my Call, even before the Trumpets, from this day forward, will live the truth of their being.
For those, for all those who have never lived anything like energy, like vibrations, like consciousness, for all my children who have turned away from me, from the Light, from Love, it will become more than evident, I would even say, that for you, because you, you need it less, who are there, who listen to me, who read me. Certainly, as I have stated, I will be able to console you if necessary, but who is the child who needs me the most, if not the one who has turned away from me and ignored me, the one who has sought only greed, possession of any kind?
You who have opened up, remember the years that have passed, or the months, or weeks, since you opened up. Look at the moments, the moments of Grace, the experiences you have lived. Don't believe in anything. Let yourself be carried and I will carry you, not to avoid you being tired but really to carry you in Joy, in the heart and in Peace, where you are, in your place.
... Silence...
Remember that every mother is in contact with her child; whether her child is close to her or very far away does not change anything. A mother's heart is quite capable of bringing her memories to life eternally, without suffering, but to be in Love, not of attachment but of the Love that escaped from her spontaneously by lifting you up, by educating you, whatever the harshness of that education, whatever the inadequacies, the negligence, the apparent shortcomings may have been. A mother's heart cannot be defiled in any way. So whatever you think, whatever you have experienced, it is never an obstacle to recognizing yourself in this sweetness and Peace. All that is not sweet, all that is not Peace is simply not enlightened, not yet vivified by eternal Life.
You don't need time, and yet there's nothing more urgent. You do not need to search, you do not need to solve except the occupations of your ephemeral life, but inside you, everything is already accomplished and resolved.
Even if you have not perceived it, it is now time to perceive it. There is no better way than to think of me, to evoke me. Don't ask me anything, I know exactly what I have to do; just open the door and don't worry about anything.
So my children, at this very moment when you are listening to me, at this very moment when you are here, at this very moment when you are reading, I am already here. Have confidence, even if you don't perceive anything or if you perceive its intensity. What is important is no longer your perception and knowledge at this level but your own recognition of who you are beyond any form. You are Love, incarnated as not incarnated, does not change anything. As you have been told, you are the unborn, the formless, the Eternity, the eternal Grace, whatever the weights and masks that seem to you to still clutter anything.
I also come to tell you that something that affects you, at whatever level, is now there only to be the spur of our encounter and the spur of your heart, so that it may be opened and not forget that the heart is both the source of all life and the source of all manifestation and that this source is nothing other than you. Then the Oath and Promise are not from a source outside you, but from the source you are.
This is what all these years, and even within the official circles of the time, my apparitions which, as I said, were not myself, except for some, but no matter what, the message is always the same. Of course, to evoke my Presence, to feel my Presence, of course refers you back to the history of the Earth, but see nothing in it but the image of Truth that is lived on the stage of the theatre of this world.
In my presence, you cannot maintain any veil, any illusion, and you cannot escape the Truth; that is what I am committing you to. There is no price to pay, there is everything to receive, not according to your person but according to the gift of Love, the gift of Grace. Freedom and Truth has no price and nothing can buy it, it is yours.
So, there in this moment and any moment that follows, whether with support, through prayer or simply through silence, I assist you. I'm not driving you, I'm here and that's enough if you're here too. Everything else is nothing but farce because Love is everything from the moment you are nothing, from the moment there is no claim, except this tension towards Love and towards Abandonment which realizes your state of Light beyond even the eternal form.
... Silence...
You are pure consciousness, as you are a-consciousness (ndt: prior to consciousness). You are the world, you are Love; you are the child who cries and the child who laughs; you are the old man who dies, in peace or in suffering. But all these are only games, in truth you are only Love which encompasses everything else.
It is to this that I now invite you, to ask yourself, to lay down the burdens, be it that of the body or that of life in this world. I invite you to drop the weights, you just have to drop for that. You don't need to understand, you just need to recognize yourself. There are no more veils, you just have to turn around and the Silence will be there, and Peace will be there, I will be there and you will be there, not through any mask, not through any thought, but as the only ineffable truth that can not suffer any opposition or contestation because it is evident.
So if in you today this evidence is not present, do not feel guilty, do not worry about it. Turn around and I extend my arms and hold you tight on my heart, covering you with the Blue Mantle of Grace so that you may discover your Freedom, the one that cannot be hindered by your history, by your joys, by your sorrows.
This is the important moment, even beyond my presence, since it is your gratitude that is at stake. Then you will say: how simple it is. And the more you feel it is complicated, then when the time comes it will appear to you as awfully simple, awfully evident, and you will then see the last bits of the defense strategies of the person's story collapse like a house of cards, no longer being able to stand before you, no longer being able to emerge within your life in this flesh. There is Freedom, there is no other place. This Freedom that also gives you the consolation, faith, hope and above all the charity of being who you are.
Then all the problems, the vicissitudes of life that will have to be solved, in whatever situation, will appear to you for what they are, a responsibility to be fulfilled, but it will have no weight or effect on your peace and joy; it is very concrete. I would also say to you: "Do not believe me, my children, I ask you to go and live it. "like the moment a mother pushes the child towards freedom, the moment the bird pushes its young out of the nest, knowing that it will necessarily fly away, even if it doesn't know it. It's the same thing.
I come to you to tell you to be free, free of everything, but simply to assume your body, your ephemeral, to the end, but with lightness and grace. At the time of my Call, then, it will be felicity. From the moment you hear the sounds of the sky and the Earth, then everything will be erased: history, the heaviness will be erased. You will then go to bed with confidence, you will find who you are, as when you go to sleep. Don't worry about anything, neither your body, nor your brothers and sisters elsewhere on earth, nor your animals whatever they may be, everything will go perfectly well. And today you are testing in yourself, in your ephemeral life, how these three days will unfold for you.
So if there is suffering, especially do not seek anything, except of course to heal this suffering, but do not seek explanations, grace, within the Light, or guilt, or the fault of others. All these are only interactions that have no reason to be before the majesty of Love. But love yourself completely. I am not talking about your form or your history but I am talking about what you are and also what you are not, that is, the Whole, the Great Whole, containing all the times, all the spaces, all the worlds, absolutely everything that can one day be manifested or that has been manifested.
Remember that your life story needs complexity, because if it were simple and evident, you wouldn't have seen that you were alive. So today, and especially if it is hard for you, I don't talk to my children who are there, who are awake, I talk especially to all of you who ignore me, to all of you who don't want the heart. Only fear is a screen and your heart is even bigger, if I can speak like that, because it is the same heart - as you may have imagined or feared.
... Silence...
You know, words are less important than before, only your Presence and my Presence count, only what you are, beyond all being, beyond all Self, beyond all Light, and especially far from any history whatsoever.
... Silence...
Do not forget either, to help you in what is happening, do not forget to make silence at times, the silence of your looks, the silence of your words, whether in your life or in nature, whether with the peoples of nature, whether with yourself, with the other, your love, your child, your parent or the one who resists. Remember that silence automatically ends the person's expression - the silence of words, the silence of the gaze too. Seeing beyond the appearance of form, in these moments of the Earth you are living, sometimes requires you to close your eyes so that you are no longer disturbed by appearance or by what is being said. Whenever you have the opportunity, place yourself in this silence and in the absence of gaze. Turn your eyes back to you, and remember that there is nothing to see, just to live it, to experience it.
Think of me as a last help when you feel that silence has been made, that nothing is printed on your mental screen, that thoughts are becoming scarce, and that Peace is taking hold. And remember that you have nothing to do but to manifest this silence and any expression of yourself.
I am not asking you to withdraw, but simply to think about it several times a day. And if you think about it, you will see for yourself that all the difficulties of your body as well as of your life will disappear on their own before the majesty of Love. But do not forget that in that moment, you have precisely nothing to do except close your eyes and close your mouth, to vigil and pray, and you will see not the manifestations but much more the direct effect on inner peace, which does not depend on you. This is the greatest gift of Life to itself: its restitution to its Liberty.
... Silence...
Find, as you were told, the present instant. To find it is not to seek it but to settle there, where there is no space for thought, for the person, for a story, for a feeling. By approaching this Peace, this emptiness if I can say, as it grows, the Evidence will appear in its nakedness, beyond my Presence and yours. Then you will really find, through living, this Absence, this Absence, this Absolute, this Ultimate, no matter what the words are. If it bothers you, then you will live that you and your Father are One, that you and the world are One, that you and the dimensions are One, and that beyond that One there is that on which all life is based, and that is beyond the Light, which is the source of Love but not the Source.
My Mother's heart beats in each of you and it is normal now that I lean to the bedside of all those who have not recognized me, in the hearts of all those who experience suffering; they need their Mother more than you, but I am there also for you - I told you, I make no difference. I am from everywhere at once, beyond being in your heavens now (on Earth), my Presence is revealed in each of you, in Silence, in humility, in simplicity, in this space where there are no claims or questions. I am waiting for you there because you are at home. So my Mother's heart doesn't have much else to tell you, everything has been said so much, you have been informed so much, whether you are here or elsewhere.
... Silence...
So embrace Peace so that no fear can grasp anything. This is important, not for the future perhaps, because you are all the children of Eternity, the children of the law of One, even if you serve something else.
... Silence...
Allow me, wherever you are, here or elsewhere, to place the Blue Mantle on your shoulders. Let me hold you tight in my heart. Allow me to restore you to your Liberty. Allow me to sing for your resurrection.
... Silence...
My child, my child, you are the Path, the Truth and the Life, in this form as in any form, as in the formless and the unborn. I love you from everywhere. From everywhere, you are Love. So I'm telling you, when you want it. Whenever you want, whenever you feel ready, or even if you don't feel ready, dare.
... Silence...
Like the child who, even when he has made a mistake, can only call his Mother, be the same.
... Silence...
I am Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I am the Heart of your Heart and I bless you. And I'm not saying see you soon because remember, I'm already here in you. Soon you'll hear me. When the time comes, and every day you will feel it more imminent, my Call will become more intense even before the Collective Call.
Wake up, I love you. Wake up, I'm in you.
... Silence...
I and my Father are One. May Peace be upon you all.
... Silence...
Together, in the Unity of Love, in each of you, the Burning Sons of the Sun, I greet you together. Let us settle here together, in the heart, and let us embrace ourselves in the Peace of Christ.
... Silence...
To each of you I speak, with the same intensity and truth. Together we vigil and pray, giving thanks to Love and Life. The time has come for me to return, among you. Do not seek me in a form, seek me in spirit and in truth. I am here, in spirit and in truth. I address you, the Burning Son of the Sun, child of the True and Unique, by perishing him in your form as in the eternal of your heart. I came to tell you, "Get up."
At a time when all the oldest and most recent prophecies are being fulfilled on this earth, the time is right for your final awakening and that is what you are living. In all circumstances of your life as in all circumstances of your current consciousness I knock on your door, so that you may hear me and open me. I come to decide, if you agree, which may give you the illusion that you are still being held back by the seduction of this world.
I told you more than 2000 years ago, and I say it again today: "You are on this world but you are not of this world. " Your form in this world takes its essence in this world but your Spirit is not subject to it in any way. I'm here to invite you to accept yourself. At the hour when my Mother will soon name you and call you, at the hour when Michael continues to plough the sky and touch the earth now, at the hour when your liberated Earth where you are standing rises in another octave, she invites you to listen to the Elements of the earth as well as the Elements of your body that try to sing in unison of the revelation of the Ether, the revelation of the Eternity.
... Silence...
The Earth's time calendar is coming to an end. Rejoice; rejoice in the Truth, rejoice in eternity, rejoice in Love. This Love, which knows nothing and recognizes nothing of what you experience in the midst of the ephemeral, because it does not belong to its Liberty and to what it is in this world, is now revealed to you in its entirety, leaving no space, no doubts, no suffering, no attachment to this world where you are settled and which is not yours.
... Silence...
Very soon, in terms of earthly time, you will be able to wash your robes of eternity in my blood, that of the sacrifice of what is only passing by, for the glory of Eternity, for the beauty of Truth and for the magnificence of Love in incarnation, in your heart as on this ground where your feet are placed.
So let yourself be cleansed of any offence to Love, of any offence to Life, not by yourself, for from now on you can do nothing but recognize who you are. Everything else, even attaching itself to you through any kind of suffering, actually only shows you that it is letting go.
You, dignified Burning Son of the Sun, where no task can remain, you where no resistance can be opposed, give yourself to Life, not the one you know, whatever the pleasures may have been, whatever the lessons may have been. Love does not need lessons, that's what you realize now. You have nothing to learn, you have nothing to overcome, you have nothing to conquer in the Peace of your heart, in the Peace of Christ.
Confide in me your sufferings and your pains, speak to me from heart to heart, beyond your form and my past form. Confide in me, confide in me as you confide your ephemeral to the Lord, thereby showing the meaning of your sacrifice, the meaning of Liberty and the Way of Love.
This Love that you are finds no equivalent on the surface of this world, whether in your loved one, or in the eyes of nature and the peoples who inhabit it, all this has represented only approaches to this devouring Fire of Love and the Spirit.
Then you discover Freedom, putting an end to the ignorance of what you really are. And truly I say to you, you are the One; truly I say to you, you were never born; truly I say to you, you can never die. Truly I tell you, you are nothing that appears on the plot of your life or on the plot of your conscience because in true Love, there is no place for the slightest suffering and the slightest conflict. Conflict and suffering are only linked to the birth, in this period, real and concrete, of your humanity and eternity.
The humanity of which I speak is not the humanism of the masters of this world who no longer have any control and who, constrained and forced, disappear in one way or another before the power of Love in manifestation and that you embody. You have nothing to say or to repeat, you have nothing to demonstrate, you just have to be there, stripped and naked, present for your eternity, absent from the form while maintaining your form.
Then yes, I say to you: "Get up, stand up", because you will never again be able to go to bed before anything or anyone, you, the Burning Son of the Sun whose Igneous Fire comes to reveal, enlighten and transcend what must be at stake for you on the screen of your conscience, on the screen of your life.
In these final moments of Illusion, each of you will find the thread of your freedom in the Absolute, in the One Source, in the ardence of your Central Sun. Let Grace discover you, let the true Life in Christ, in Love, in the One, fill every gap in your life. Do not resist yourself, do not resist anything and become the rock that you are in the ardence of the sun of your heart. So yes, I come to see you - like a thief in the night, you know that - but above all, with lucidity. Do not connect me to the history of this earth, do not connect me to any scenario, just stand there, just be there, as I am with you.
Remember that it is you and only you who can judge and evaluate who you are. And remember that there is nothing to condemn but everything to forgive, that there is nothing to take away but to let yourself be transmuted.
You who have been the servant of the Light, today use your eternity in abundance. Fear not of this world, there is nothing more it can do to prevent you from being. Whatever the circumstances of the place where you live, your strength is present, it is the strength of Love, it is the strength of the Informed, it is the strength of Eternity.
Then discard everything that can make a screen and stand up, announce the news, not by words, not by screams, but by the majesty of your Freedom right here in this body. You are the living testimony of my passage on this earth. Remember that you have nothing to defend, nothing to demonstrate, except to yourself and by yourself. Just stand there, in that Life offers you as it does in that Life takes you away, for it is in these circumstances of gains or losses that you can see yourself in what attracts you or not.
Let the ardour of your heart burn the slag and the useless. Then you will open your eyes, your eyes will be opened, not by your will but by the evidence of Grace, Liberty and Love, where you are.
I didn't come here today to reassure you, you don't need it. I didn't come to tell you anything because you see it everywhere, in you and around you. Wherever your eyes turn, the cycle ends. Be happy, stay upright and light.
I do not come to lecture you, nor do I come to judge you, I simply come to propose to you to join me, if that is your choice, in the abodes of eternal Freedom where each abode is your abode, where each form as each world is only your manifestation and your expression.
I do not come to baptize you, I reach out to you from the moment you are stretched out to your eternity. Never forget that whatever the suffering of this world, yours and your brother's, it will only pass through and pass all the faster as you stand up in your dimension as the Burning Son of the Sun and no longer as a character, with his desires and gestures.
... Silence...
I have come to introduce you to the Church in heaven which cannot be corrupted as the Church on earth is now. The times are fulfilled and the times have come to reestablish and restore the Truth. No more lies can stand, no more lies can hide anything from Love. I invite you not to hide anything from yourself.
I'm here to invite you to wash your robes. There is time, there is still time. Then thus you will be clothed with your crown of Glory, then you will only be able to stand in the Grace of Love, Light and Truth. And I say it again today: "To be up is to be happy". Blessed are the simple-minded, they will no longer know death and its illusion, and its cortege of suffering.
You, crowned with the glory of your eternity, you, my brother and my friend, from wherever you are, wherever you come, and whoever you are in the game of this life, I see you and I love you. Acknowledge me and you will absolve yourself of your own guilt, you will absolve yourself of your unfortunate experiences and you will overcome your happy experiences.
Then live, live your eternity from now on, do not expect anything and do not wait because the clock of time will soon no longer be able to move forward, putting you in immobility. Remember that in these events, you cannot control or direct anything but that you can simply erase yourself before your eternal majesty and before your beauty, for there is nothing else to see in eternity but beauty, where nothing can be separated, where nothing can be divided or even diverted.
Then, you who have been called in one way or another to this Eternity that you are, you who have already answered the call or who say you did not receive it, I invite you to the banquet of Heaven, I invite you to the banquet of Eternity where you will never again be thirsty, you will never again be hungry. This is now and you can see it even within the ephemeral of your form, because the miracle of transubstantiation is happening now. Your body of eternal Light has taken over from your ephemeral body while maintaining this form which is already dead, whatever your age, because it can never last.
I invite you to lightness, to be light as well as to non-being, I invite you to Love without make-up and without detour and I say to you, my brother, Peace be upon you. I give you my Grace, I give you forgiveness. I give you Freedom. Accept my gift, accept my gifts, they are nothing but yours; they are due to you from all eternity.
You owe nothing to this world and it owes you nothing, you just have to accomplish what still has to be done until time has stopped, even if for you it is stopped. Hear, hear beyond my words what is said to you, what Life tells you and what this world gives you to see. Do not be fooled by any attachment whatsoever to what is only passing and will pass away, and is already passing away.
Don't turn back so you don't become like Lot's wife. Do not define any future because life takes care of it and Love is Intelligence, like Light. Be fully available for yourself, beyond any entertainment, occupation or concern, beyond any responsibility you have to assume within this form. I did not say not to do but to see what is at the source of doing, at the source of being and at the source of Life.
Lighten up. This relief is not a relief from the constraints of your life but a definitive relief of what you are, opening the doors of your heart to my visit and to your own coming into Eternity on the ephemeral of this world.
Do not let yourself be deceived by everything that only passes through because you do not have to attach yourself to what passes through, because you are Freedom where nothing can be attached, where nothing can be constrained.
... Silence...
Today I tell you, everything is accomplished within the very heart of matter and this is what is emerging in a necessary and sufficient time that only our Father knows.
Go through without looking back, or even forward, what Life takes you through. Don't run away from anything, don't avoid anything, but forgive. Give yourself Grace; give to each one, wherever your conscience or your gaze is, give Peace and give the gift of Grace. Get up and look inside you first of all, and look at everything you have to look at that is just passing through. Don't stop there. My Mother is here to comfort you, I am here to tell you to get up at last.
Remember also, as the Burning Son of the Sun, that what you do to yourself as you do to each other, truly I say to you, you do it to me. So, the only useful "doing" today, whatever you have to face, live and overcome, whatever the intensity of your peace and the intensity of the manifestation of your Truth, in this "doing that", there is no "doing" to do from the person, there is just to say "yes", a frank and massive, irrevocable and irreversible "yes" to Love. Not the one you can assume or condition to any circumstance whatsoever, but precisely the one that is true, independent of any attachment, independent of any selection, of any condition. This Love, this true Love, you cannot compare it or even measure it because it radiates constantly, it sings of Love and Grace on all the circumstances of your life and of this world.
My presence today, between Mary, my Mother, and Michael, the faithful servant, naturally illustrates the New Eucharist, but at this level, communion is no longer an act of mass but an act of Life, which is present in each inspiration and each exhalation, in each glance you bear, in each emotion you feel, in each idea that only passes through. Dares to be, beyond all appearances, beyond all conditions and assumptions.
Then, as I told you when I arrived, I give you my Peace, I give you the Peace of Christ, and it will happen again in every time, in every breath and in every day. Don't walk away from yourself anymore, stay upright.
Stay here with me for a few moments. You don't need words anymore, you just need to hear yourself - that's what happens right now and every day. As my Mother told you, find moments - which do not need to be measured in hours but simply in seconds, even in one minute - whenever you have the opportunity. Become this constant prayer and vigil whatever your body and your ephemeral life may be going through. Listen to no one, if not your heart, it speaks in silence, it does not need to choose between this or that, it just has to be, irrevocably and definitively.
... Silence...
I am with you now for eternity, whatever you think and whatever you say, for I am also what you are, you, the Burning Son of the Sun.
... Silence...
And we stand together face to face, where your notion of identity no longer knows if it is itself in this body or itself in my body, because in your immortal body and my immortal body we share the same Love. We have shared the same sufferings and joys in the incarnation and see, through your life and through my life, what is the most important and intense today. Are you still attached to anything or do you present yourself free to wash your robes in the blood of the lamb?
You no longer need words and neither do I, only the Evidence is the witness. No word can translate what is happening in the intimacy of your heart as well as my heart. Remember that you have no one to follow, at most you can imitate me, not in the sequences of my life but in the intensity of Love.
So, I say it again to you, Peace to you and Peace in you. Whatever happens, the same Peace is there, even if you think the opposite and experience the opposite. Do not remain in appearance or surface, exceeds any manifestation and feeling of what bothers you and obstructs you. See only the true, see nothing else and you will see everything, all the solutions are there.
Then prove to yourself that your faith is active, that this faith in Love that you are, is much more intense and effective than any technique you could apply.
You are both the chisel that chisels the stone, the stone itself, like the absence of scissors and stone. Retain only the perfection of the perception of your consciousness, the perfection of the form whatever it is only passes through, there is only beyond any form or a free form that you will not pass through.
You, who were never born, who never died, who never really suffered, because who suffers if not your body, because who suffers if not what is destined to disappear at the moment of the appearance of death? Only remember what is true. Let everything else pass because no suffering belongs to you, even if you live it with intensity. No more than you are your body, no more than you are of this world, no suffering is yours, you are only experiencing it.
Look beyond what seems to stop you and sometimes pursue you in your quest for Truth. Look intensely at what you experience in yourself. Whether there is form, there is Light or nothing, everything is there, at your free disposal, in a much more evident way than during my passage on this earth. Thus you will be able to accept not only the Call of my Mother but also the sword of Michael without being affected by what is cut off from you and removed from you, by the Grace of Light, by the sword of Michael, by the New Covenant of Freedom. Then celebrate, with us, your resurrection without delay. Whether it is tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, even if it was not entirely apparent, get up and celebrate your resurrection.
My friend, my brother, with the same ardent heart, I do not need any other words. There is no longer any need for words because when Grace unfolds, when the totality of Love is revealed on the surface of this world as it is, what can remain for you but silence in the midst of the cries of those who have not yet seen beauty? Then stand up, vigil and pray as I have described it to you, be still, dwell in eternal Peace. Whether it has touched you or invaded you, let it be what you are.
... Silence...
May Peace be upon you all. I give you my Peace, the Peace of Christ. And there, in silence, we commune, wherever you are, in any instant.
... Silence...
And I greet you and pay tribute to you for having gone through the vicissitudes of this world. I pay tribute to you for the courage you have put into it, and I celebrate your resurrection in you. I and my Father are One. Peace to you. Forever in Love.
Peace to you. I give you my Peace as I gave this ephemeral life for your eternity, to show you what you were 2000 years ago you too, what you are achieving today. This was the only meaning of History: your resurrection putting an end to the dream of this world which has no weight in the face of the majesty of Love. I love you, I have loved you and I will love you beyond all time. My friend, my brother, rejoin, to join me.
I'm not leaving you. Even if my present words die out, they remain in you, Fountain of Eternal Life, promise of Eternity.
... Silence...
... Silence...
I am Michael, Prince and Regent of the Celestial Militias. Beloved children of the law of One, may the blessings of the Igneous Fire be upon you.
... Silence...
I come to express myself again today to clarify what is happening in the planetary body as well as in your ephemeral body. Many weeks ago, the sky was ploughed as, if you look up you could see it, the meteorites, the asteroids have completed the work of releasing and perforating the last insulating layer, so that from now on, at this precise moment, it is your ephemeral body like this planetary body that you call Earth can no longer present any opposition to the definitive installation of the Light and its appearance to your flesh eyes, your consciousness and in the intimacy of your physical body.
My action, as well as that of the various radiations you have known since the Celestial Weddings, now reaches its peak, allowing, through the Intelligence of the Light and its instinct, to bring you irrefutable proof of your eternity. What is happening in each of you, as on the planetary body, no longer leaves any doubt about the ongoing process of dimensional change that you call Ascension. This process, initiated many months ago, therefore finds today an acme and a space for resolving the last antagonisms that may arise through your consciousness, as through the Elements of the Earth, in order to allow the liquidation of the last illusions, I repeat, in your body as well as on the whole planetary sphere.
No one can ignore, even in the most total denial or blindness, what happens in consciousness and bodies. The ascension mechanism, through your ascension vehicle, is, as you know, in the phase of ignition and concretization on the most visible plane of consciousness as well as of each body.
As Christ and Mary have specified to you, it is up to you to check every minute of your presence on earth, the density, weight, and effectiveness of Peace. The location of each human consciousness in this earth can no longer ignore the call of the Light, whatever the bodily manifestations or societal systems may be. Peace is only waiting to be manifested. It is in a way the first witness of the materialization of the Light, even to your physical senses. Everything that you will have the opportunity to observe, to witness, in you, in each human body as well as on the whole earth, only reflects, behind some veils of Illusion that remain, the truth of Love and the truth of Light.
In each of you there is no longer any space to hide, no place in your body or in any place on this earth that can protect you from the influx of Truth. Only those who, through their conscience or through societal organizations, seek to stifle this Light will be shaken up much more intensely than what has happened so far.
Having touched the earth within my physical representations that are meteorites, before the arrival of the first asteroids and the ultimate celestial sign, you are offered, by the Love of Life and the Love of Eternity itself, the possibility of opening in your consciousness a space of resolution, a space of Peace, a space of cessation of all combat and of all opposition to what is now established.
The phase of tangible manifestation of Light, illustrated by all these first lived experiences, whether in nature, in your experiences during these last years spent on earth, have only been in some way the antechamber of the full manifestation. As I told you, all the veils are now completely dissolved. The remains of your causal body, that is, of what you call the karmic body, are also evacuated. Whether you have visions of it, whether you have no perception of it, the lightening of any weight of the past, the lighterening and dissolution of any resistance, wherever it may be located in you as a human body or within the societal body of any kind, is now exposed and brought to light.
Nothing about the truth of the Light, the truth of consciousness, can be hidden anywhere. The shadow or opposing forces, out of ignorance of the Light, out of fear, will see in these periods which are already opening up a space for resolving this antagonism, for them too, whether they are individuals or organizations. The freedom of this Light and this Love can no longer leave any doubt, and this very quickly, on the truth of the invisible worlds, on the truth of life on the surface of this world, on the truth of falsifications applied at all levels of societal organization.
It is in a way your duty of Love to let what enters into tangible manifestation, of whatever nature, be. The demonstration following this event must not lead you away from where you are, in your heart. Whatever the spaces of dissolution of this dimension opening up in your consciousness, in your body as well as in all societal organizations of any nature whatsoever on earth, can no longer be maintained, extremely quickly in earthly terms, if it is in frontal opposition, in total resistance if I can say so, to the Light.
Do not be alarmed by any fires that may appear in your conscience, in your person or in the systems of societal organizations. They too, whatever the exuberance of the manifestations, whatever the revelations, whatever the collapses, are an imperative necessity for the Light as well as for you. All that must be erased is erased, all that must remain will remain your eternity.
The space of resolution, sometimes violent for the person as well as for organizations, must be accompanied, whether it concerns you directly or not, by the birth of this Peace. This means that as a painful manifestation of dissolution occurs, in you as in any organization, you will be surprised to find that your peace not only does not disappear but, on the contrary, grows with each event occurring close to you, far from you, or on the whole planet. It is not any enjoyment of an aspect of dissolution or destruction, but much more, thanks to this dissolution or destruction, and once again, whether it concerns your body, your conscience, the Earth or societal organizations, does not change anything.
The apparent conflicts that may manifest themselves to you through your body, your consciousness, your relationships or on the whole planet, must not trigger anything, and this will be the case from the moment you accept to see, from the moment you do not turn away from what your consciousness presents you. This will allow you, whatever the intensity or violence of any shock, to return directly and peacefully from the world.
So do not be reactive to any disease, do not be reactive to any interaction between brothers and sisters on earth, do not be reactive to the full deployment, this time, of the Riders or, if you prefer, the Elements. The finality can only be Truth and Eternity. There is, and I repeat firmly, no other alternative.
It is therefore time, for what remains of opposition, of confronting elements, to erase yourself before the Love that you are and this, as quickly as possible in terms of time. The shorter and more intense your surrender as a person, or resistant to the Light, whatever the experiences lived, the more easily and easily you will discover the virtues of Peace, the power of sublimation of Igneous Fire and transubstantiation.
In this space, there is no place for any memorable element, there is no place for any habit whatsoever, there is no place for the maintenance of any illusion whatsoever, any evasion or any escape from the Truth.
Your ability to remain calm at these times, concerning both your body and your consciousness, as well as the societal aspect, does not have the power to limit, concomitantly with the manifestation of any problem on the level of the person, to the installation of Peace. Remember the keyword: you don't have to do anything. Everything is done beyond the will of the person, like the Earth, like societal organizations, in any field whatsoever.
This completion that is beginning will indeed confront you with a Peace that you could still describe today, within the person, as aberrant. This is not the case because at that point you will begin to perceive, if you have not already done so, what is behind the scene being played. You will not see the implications of people or organizations being able to struggle and shout at what is happening, you will not participate, even if you want to, in any position taken against the Light. This is how your freedom is respected, the freedom of the Light that is who you are.
From then on, if you manage to remain calm whatever happens, and even before Mary's Call, you will experience and live an intensity of Love, Peace and Freedom like no other. The aberration that may appear to you as such, whether at the level of a brother or sister or of yourself, closed or open at the level of vibration, the evidence that this dissolution is an act of Love and an act of Liberty.
You have worked for this for a long time, and I would even say for some of you, since you came into this world, prepared only for this moment, whatever the lives of your people have been until now, whatever your obstacles have been until now.
The "remain still", the "do nothing" and the embrace, the " vigil and pray ", the lucidity, in human terms I would speak of tolerance and fraternity, of humanity, must be total.
Societal contingencies, emotional contingencies, organizational contingencies, contingencies, you have understood it, whatever they may be, linked to the habits and conventions of your world, in whatever part you are, according to your culture, no longer apply.
The heart is Evident, especially when the manifestation becomes palpable, and I am not talking about energy, not about vibrations, but about the matter itself. That of your body as everything that was invisible to you and yet was the elements that worked in the shadows, yours as well as that of every brother and sister incarnate, as that of organizations at any level, to maintain ignorance and confinement.
Remember, the more you stay quiet, the more you find spaces for silence, interiority, alignment, vigil, prayer, lucidity, no matter what you call them, the more you will be able, if I can say so, to live Peace, bliss, even without having gone through the vibrational states that many of you have had to live through. It is therefore evidently a form of paradox or aberration that will definitely decouple you from what can remain within your ephemeral envelopes, astral body and mental body and causal body. You are therefore naked in the truth of Love, whatever it takes place on the field of your consciousness or inside your body.
It is in this Peace that you will now find the solution, and no longer in a "doing", and no longer in any understanding whatsoever. Spontaneity, the evidence of Light, must become in each of you the only tangible and recognizable evidence among all of you, for it provides a peace that nothing can alter.
You may be surprised not to react like a person, you may be surprised to be free of any interpretation, projection or explanation. This is the true Freedom, when matter becomes enlightened. The illumination of matter is much more than what has taken place so far, in other words the deposition of adamantine particles, but much more the whole radiation of the Ultraviolet, the Source, Sirius, which is now revealed not only by your feet as was the case by the Wave of Life but in all your senses, in all your lives and in all of society's organization.
As you know, no one knows the date. Thus this process can be anterior and it begins today, accompanied or preceded by the Call of Mary and the sounds of heaven and earth. These sounds from heaven and earth, for those of you who hear these sounds, see and perceive a change like no other of these sounds. This modification of the perceived sounds, this modification of the perceptions of your body and your own consciousness, means that the witness or observer is there, whether you have spotted him or not, giving you to place yourself not in withdrawal but in your eternity, manifested in its entirety within the ephemeral.
Your speaking will be speaking in tongues, you will express things that do not pass through the mind and are not born of the mind. You will be the Truth, you will express the Truth, you will manifest the Truth in its entirety, and not dependent on any person and recognizable by everyone.
As you let the Light, Truth and Love be expressed by the Word, by radiance, by communication, you will prove to yourself what does not need proof. You will demonstrate to those who doubt, by your words and your presence, respecting the freedom of each one, to manifest this Light so that each one can see it and live it.
Go your way, and go your life. Complete what Life has assigned you, to the best of your ability. Notice, in case of resistance, the appearance of Peace. Be interested in this Peace, not to seize it, not to keep it, but to witness it in the silence of your heart, to see its effects and to let Joy without object and without subject emerge profusely, I say it well, whatever you do within your activities.
In the moments when this Peace becomes more palpable for you, do not forget to settle down, do not forget to give thanks, do not forget to thank yourself, do not forget to give Peace and remain in silence.
Nothing can confuse or alter who you are anymore. This will become more and more evident to you, more and more evident, and you will recognize in it the only possible truth, once again, whatever the nature of the personal or collective events you have to experience.
Do not forget, from now on, that whatever the event of any order and nature, that Peace accompanies these events and that there is, in all the possible events concerning you or concerning the collective of the Earth, what is at stake is nothing other than the material realization, if I may say so, of your freedom and therefore the real and physical Ascension of the Earth.
I repeat, no one can know the date and time, but nevertheless, as Mary told you, as Christ told you, all the signs left by the prophets are now present before your eyes.
I would say: let the old die, let the new be born and appear in its entirety. You no longer have any decision-making power in any event that occurs in your life and in your world. From your acceptance of this also flows the quality of your Peace, from this acceptance also depends the intensity of the materialization of the Light both on Earth and in your body of flesh.
This means that at that moment you will grasp it, because you will live it, and I think, if I can think that, before the Call of Mary which is, as you know, imminent, and each day more imminent. In this imminence, see no impatience, no delay, no doubt. Just measure the approach of Hercolubus and the Call of Mary, according to the amount of peace you experience, but also paradoxically according to the intensity of the illusory sufferings that can affect your body or your consciousness. Both have only one purpose, and that is the unfolding of all that had been announced to you by the countless prophets of the earth in all traditions, in all cultures.
As you can see around you, some brothers and sisters in humanity do not live this awakening. Peace following any personal or collective event that appears at the same time will be the stimulus, if I can say so, that Truth is in incarnation. The Resurrection is underway. It is not an empty word, it is not an idea, it is not a historical reference, because that is exactly how you will live it. You are reborn into eternity where you have never disappeared.
All this is happening now. The duration of this process may be as short as a few hours or as long as the end of May. It is during this period when there is no defined date that everything must be accomplished, in one way or another, in Peace or without Peace. But the finality is indeed the most total Peace and the evidence of your eternity which will be, as I said, palpable, and no longer only in the Heart of the Heart, in states or in experiences.
As you know and as it was announced during the entire Archangelic Conclave, in this phase of the changeover, actualisation, materialization of Eternity, the vibration and presence of Christ, of Mary, of myself, and of the one who facilitates access to this Peace that settles by itself, that is, Archangel Uriel, have a predominant and major role. Do not see in this my Archangelical form, my ithyphallic representations, or even meteorites. Remember that we are already in you, from all eternity, that is what will appear.
You can of course support yourself, since we are in you even beyond any perception you may have of it, or feel the possibility, as has been specified, of thinking of Mary as a consoler, of thinking of Christ as a brother of Light and a brother of Fire, to think of my vibration when it seems to you that it is difficult to let what is to be decided decide, and finally you can call the vibration of the Archangel Uriel so that the Peace of the Supreme Abode, the Peace of the Infinite Presence is present in every corner of what remains of your person and your life on this earth.
Remember also that whatever is happening at the moment, at whatever level, and which seems to you to be a problem, is only a space for resolving the outcome of the tangible manifestation of Light and Eternity.
Those are the few words I had to deliver to you. I tell you not only be at peace, be in joy, everything is accomplished in manifestation and in matter.
I am Michael Archangel. May Peace, Love, Truth and Light be your abode. So be it.
... Silence...
I am Michael, Prince and Regent of the Celestial Militias and I am with you.
... Silence...
In the Igneous Fire and in the Truth, I honor your Presence.
Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.
Transcription from French: team of volunteers
English translation: revised by LMF
Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.
Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.
Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser
Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal
Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser
Grupo España
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