Chronicles of the Ascension.
Chronicles of the Melchizedek: The Sacred Masculine.
The Waters of Mystery
I greet you, your Presence and your Eternity.
My name was Swedenborg. I come to you as Melchizedek of Water. Do not see in it only a reference to the element "Water", but to something more than that.
I come to bring to your dwelling, the sense and clarity of the lived experiences of the Waters above. The Waters above are the Waters of Mystery, the Waters of Baptism that accompany not your birth but your Resurrection.
I will place myself, therefore, in my words and in my presence, in your listening and in your reading, at the level of the Waters of the Mystery. Since it is a mystery for the person, there can be no explanation. I am asked, within the Chronicles of the Melchizedek, to transmit it to you simply, through my Presence, so that you may live it and approach its sacred sense stripped of intention, form and history.
I come to make resound in you, the mystery of true Life.
I quench thirst. I moisten and lubricate all the gears and mechanisms of the Mystery to allow you, if you accept, to approach the great threshold, where the last mystery is for the person. In this Baptism of the Spirit, I bring to your being, the conjunction of the Choir of Angels, of the Spirit of the Sun, of Christ and of Mary, the Water of transcendence that, in the image of Light, fills all the interstices and humidifies all life in any dimension.
I am the support and anchorage of Life and the manifestation of Eternal Life.
The Water from above, of which I speak to you and which I make resound in you, is the primordial and immortal Water.
I am the first support of life where all life emanating from the Source can sprout. The Water from above today joins the Water from below, manifesting the first phase of Genesis where it is said that the Spirit of the Source floated over the waters, prior to all creation. This is not only the element Water, it is not only the sacred feminine but its conjunction and pairing with the Water above, the Water of the Mystery of the sacred masculine.
I resound again in you, the fusion of the Waters. The Water from above meets the Water from below, baptizing you in the Spirit of truth. In this reunion, in this resonance and in this vibration, is where you live fully the mystery of the flesh and the mystery of life. There is no place for anything other than all the concepts, all the vibrations that have been explained to you throughout these Chronicles of the Melchizedek. I do not come, therefore, to make speeches nor to give explanations, but simply to approach you to the evidence of the Resurrection.
I am both the Holy Spirit and the Fire that dwells in the Water below.
I am the sacred feminine who has espoused the sacred masculine.
I am the Water of the Mystery of the Primordial Androgynous.
I am the water of Youth that makes you reborn again.
I come to resonate and vibrate in you, the futility and ephemerality of the person, to facilitate the last step.
I am the archetype of all manifestation and at the same time the support and essence of the expression of the consciousness that lives and awakens in your body of Eternity.
I am the one who feeds the alchemy of Resurrection and Mystery.
I am the unconditional acceptance of Truth. Do not see in my phrases and in my "I" anything other than what is born in you at this very moment.
I am the Source of Joy and Peace.
I am also the blood of the lamb that washes your clothes.
I am the softener what may seem hard to you.
I am the one who sees what is beyond what can be seen.
I am the one who feeds the Fire of the Heart
I'm the vibe of Ether that maybe runs through you.
I am the support of life, the support of energy and the support of vibration.
I am the receptacle and the content.
I stand by Uriel's side.
I am the Unit realized and surpassed
I am Silence.
I am the reflection of the unblemished mirror that reflects to infinity and allows itself to be pierced in its entirety.
I'm the medium who doesn't need to see anything or anyone.
I accompany the Word and I am It’s receptacle, It’s creation. That which remains motionless and, therefore, that which moves everywhere.
I am the one who blocks nothing and where nothing resists.
I am the clarity and vision of our Star sisters.
I am also the Matrix Water where the matrix of Christ's life is printed.
I am the Ascensional Heart and the MerKaBah in motion.
I am the Crystal Source.
I am the one who is when it is no longer, all that belongs to the order of your person.
I am the quintessence of the water in your body and your cells.
I am the Peacemaker; I am Peace.
I am eternal tranquility.
I am the Silence of the Word.
I'm the one who carries the Water of Life.
I am the aquarium and the beginning of change
I am the sympathy and empathy, the support of Love, its receptacle and its fertility.
I am the listener and "the one" or "the one" who listens and understands.
I give you back to yourself
I am the place and time where everything is clear, where everything is clear and where everything is transparent.
I am the water that flows through your body when the Fire of the Spirit dwells in you and nourishes you.
I am nobody because I am everywhere.
I am your Water of Life that satisfies you forever and quenches your thirst.
I am both Love in action and Love at rest, Love that knows no reservations or frictions.
I am the witness of the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I lead you to the threshold of yourself, where all antagonisms and all complements cancel each other out.
I am in you what you see and what is seen.
I am the density and lightness of Light.
I am the time that passes and the end of time.
I am the one who sows and the one who gathers
I am the celebration of Grace and mystical union with Christ and with all.
I've come to tell you that I'm here that everything is here.
I come to show you and show you your truth if you are the truth.
I am the vibration where there is neither inspiration nor expiration. I am the vibration where there is neither inside nor outside.
I am in the middle and center of your Heart, where your mystery is, where Eternal life flows.
I am nameless and I am, therefore, your name of Eternity.
I carry your lineages and your origin.
I am the end of what must end and the beginning of what must never stop.
And here, after having accepted my words and my vibration, all possible are revealed and the impossible, can also be revealed.
I am that Silence that grows and resounds in your ears.
My name was Swedenborg and I'm also your name, whatever name you carry.
I am the androgynous of your body of Êtreté where nothing is missing and I give thanks now to your embrace, to your listening and to your vibration and I salute your flame of living water that descends to your Fire.
I greet you in the One and Only Love.
I return to the abode of your heart which is my abode.
Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.
Transcript: Agape team
Translation: team of translators.
Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
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Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal
Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser
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