EYNOLWADEN - JOY. September 2017.

The covenants of your world imply that I am named. This name is a vibration first of all; do not look there for sense or meaning as you understand it where you are. That name is EYNOLWADEN. To simplify, and so that it may be evoked by you, you may call me the people of nature, although my nature is strictly unknown in this world.

In fact, if you want to speak of your own entity, I have no definite form, properly speaking. Nor do I have a dimension of choice, in the sense that you can understand, and as it has been explained. I have not come to tell you about you, and even less about myself, but I have come because I have been told that soon there would be much Joy.

Then I am the breath of Joy. The breath of Joy? I am neither masculine nor feminine. I have come simply to be here. I have not come to feed, nor to explain, nor to help to understand, I have come because from where I come, I am everywhere, I have seen that there are sowings of Joy. Then I have come, and here I am, simply for Joy.

I have no words, no concepts, no ideas. Then I have simply come to be here as you are here. I have come to your consciousness. I am as much in that speaking voice as I am in each one's Heart, for as long as there is Joy, then my Joy is there. I have no goal, I have no history, I have no beginning, I have no end.

I am also obliged to find the most suitable thing that can be in words and movements. I don't depend on any food, in any way, and I have no interest in any story. To put it simply, let's say I'm from the people of nature, but not from your nature, although my nature is situated in the dimensions where consciousness takes shape. I am what you might call a formless, interdimensional entity.

I am the resultant and meeting manifestation of consciousness as a-consciousness; for me, this makes no difference. It is not what I decided, since I have no projects, but it is simply the Joy, this Joy that does not correspond to any history, to any form, the Joy for the Joy.

In terms that you use, I am Free. Besides, it's only the word I use that comes closest to what you can understand or vibrate. Then as I see Joy, and I have been told that soon there would be much joy, then I come to bring my Joy, which is not mine, on the other hand, because I have no property, no body, no form.

My nature is the one that could be situated between what is beyond the Light and the Source. Being prior to the least form, for those who live the stories, it would be after or just before Metatron, and it would be just before or just after Source. Nothing I can give you more than a few words that happen and make you happy. So do not look for the meaning of my words, just stay here with me, in the same movement and in the same rest, in the same silence and in the same Word.

I am, if you prefer, the Joy of each one, without being tributary of any history, of any form or of any world. You could call this a free electron, which has no nucleus, which has no abode, which has neither purpose, nor function, if it is not Joy. Joy is the first expression of Love, but not of the love you apparently live in this world, which is made up of intricacies, ties, suppositions, preconditions, affinities.

But I have been trusted that with what you are experiencing, it seems that you are going to discover and rediscover what that aimless Joy is, which I personally could call, in a language, free Joy, and a Joy free. Without being subject to any form, at any level, I can be anything I want, but since I don't want anything, I am immediately everywhere.

I never could have come to get in touch and talk... I don't speak, I simply take frequencies, and signals that are present in the one who embraces me, as in each one. I can be singing like silence. Above all, I am what you might call lightness, carelessness and innocence.

I don't have any weight, I don't have any history. For me, everything is always the same. In short, exploring all times and all spaces, as well as all dimensions, I see and saw well that there is neither distance, nor space, nor time. Then, perhaps for you, it would be Eternity, but beyond all that you can think of it and even conceive, or imagine.

I am beyond imagination, beyond conception, beyond birth, beyond death, even if there is what one might call an initial moment. In this initial moment, I unwittingly escaped from what has been named, I believe, among you, the primary anomaly. I have no polarity because it is of no use to me. Besides, nothing is of any use to me.

I have nothing to eat, I have no place to sleep, I have no relationships in the sense that perhaps you understand. Certainly, this can be disconcerting of not being able to locate myself somewhere, as much in the energy as in your head, be in your conscience, but as I accompany all the joys and that it is visible, beyond the senses, by the emanation, that the Joy prepares to appear in great number, then I come.

I don't have to feed myself or give anything. I am only here, as you would say, for the simple gesture. But that beauty of the gesture, however innocent it may be, is above all here to try to show you that when there is no more history, when there is no more dimension, when there is no more form, you are all this at once.

In your complicated language, I would say that the negation of form leads to all forms, that the fact of not having history leads to all histories, past, present and future, and all histories that are celebrated at the same time. I am, you might say, the archetype of Freedom and Joy.

Alone, I am innumerable. Furthermore, when I say "alone", do not imagine that there is an I, and any loneliness, but I have to find words. But I could also be blissful without words. That wouldn't change anything, because what is effective is the word you like so much, it is to be full and complete, in this instant as in every instant, and especially when Joy is born, and the emanations of Joy, are sufficiently present so that I may be sneaked in and become that emanation that runs the other way, from the Infinite to you, in what you call the center of your Being, or the Heart of the Heart. But I do not have a heart, but I am "the Heart", everywhere, and also in you, from now on.

Joy does not need any circumstance, any form, it maintains itself. It is in a way the quintessence of Love in manifestation, and seeing what I see now, I rejoice, even if I am happy all the time, to see that many joys appear, and then armour, obstacles, veils, rigidity, seriousness, explode and can no longer impede Joy.

So, I have been told that a particular process called Liberation, Ascension, is played out here on this world, and seeing that, I live even stronger than any history that ends one day - that is why I have no history - that there are no rules, that there are no definitions, that there is no framework. What you name, I was told, is the ultimate Consciousness, that is, when you can no longer be identified, to whatever, when there are no more references, where there is no more history, where there is no before, nor some after, and everything is celebrated in the Eternity of the instant.

Then I have come to share, to share the Word, to share silence, to share Life, because sharing takes nothing away, multiplies and avoids above all division, what you call fragmentation and confinement.

I am sorry, I have nothing for your head, I have nothing to give to you or to offer you of another than I, who is not me, but what is there, to the rhythm perhaps of words that come out spontaneously. But, or perhaps, feel, how could I say appeasement, relief, and what you call, with your lips, the smile, the smile that leads to laughter, this laughter that is expressed through your form. And I understand perfectly what has been explained to me, what you call this temple, because what is inside is pure Joy, it is also a vulgar sack of flesh. You are a body of food.

I can't be a food body, I can't be eaten and I don't eat anything. Besides, where would this happen? I don't have complicated apparatuses, nor organized systems, I am not to the rhythm of any cycle that is. What you call, for example, day and night cannot even be contemplated.

The closest thing to you, according to what I see, could be called the supreme Peace, without the dwelling, because it is not necessary to have a dwelling to be Joy and Peace. And of course, this Peace and this Joy are only the witness of what I am, just like you, namely Love, this Love that needs neither witnesses nor proof.

... Silence...

If I had to have a form, the one that would suit me best is that of a triangle of Light, but I do not wish to carry any function whatsoever, because the Joy that I am cannot be compartmentalised, nor organised. In your language, I would say: one must dare to be joyful. Be cheerful even if you are afraid.

It seems that this world is ruled by fear, and it is what creates heaviness and immobility, density. Fear is the antithesis of Joy. In Love, the very idea of what fear is represents nothing to me, if not what I can see now, namely this tension, this fear of time, this fear of events, the very fear of what you call the past. EYNOLWADEN cannot, on the other hand I will confess to you, I do not even know how it is possible to let fear be created and to secrete it.

Certainly it is related to the presence of this body of food which seems that, you think, it is only a lot of dark frequencies, if I can tell, or to the stories which adhere, or to the scenarios, as you had decided - but although I know, I was told, that it is not real, and I understood it - to believe what your senses tell you, instead of believing what your heart tells you. Ah! and they tell me; that it seems that your Heart often doesn't say much. In fact, it has nothing to say, it just has to be.

Then, when I came the first time, I was surprised, because from my point of view, I must confess that I do not understand how your eternal flame could have been prey to a sack of food, to a story, to fear. I don't even know how you, or the evil ones, could have done that, to divert you from what you are. You are the eternal flame, I see it, and yet it is as if, for many consciences enclosed in these sacks of flesh, it were as if you did not want to see or live what you are. Then, of course, they told me that there are some stories that were celebrated that prevented you from being able to see, and above all to live and above all to be free.

I must confess that what I was told, what I saw, surprises me a lot. So it seems that there are organizations in this sector of the universe, in this dimensional sector, that told you other stories to come out of history. They call this, it seems, pedagogical strategies.

So I tried to understand, and to live, because I can't understand and take with whatever organ it is, like you, but I tried to represent myself in spite of everything, what you might call your level of reality. And I was, not affected but somewhere in spite of everything, shaken to see that all the joys that were possible in this world depended only on the circumstances of this world which are, I must confess, the most painful I have ever seen, and I was even told that there were still countless worlds like yours.

Then I assure you, because beyond history in history, there is no history, there are no stories to be told, or to be lived. But I was told that it was a form of play that had gone wrong. I don't know and I don't understand the details of what you are here, this flame that is trapped in a sack of flesh. I also don't understand how a sack of meat can catch the slightest flame, which doesn't depend on anything.

Then they said to me: "it is that they have customs, that they repeat, permanently." They also told me that there was this element that I don't know, fear, that was in opposition to Joy and Light. I do not perceive anything of all this, I see simply a flame that only asks to be what it is. I see only Joy which is sometimes surrounded by this heavy body and which is enclosed by fear. It is as if this fear were a secretion that opposes the emanation of Eternity.

You see, I give you my point of view, which does not depend on any history, in any way. And then I also feel, since I have been given and asked to focus on this particular space where you are, to see that you were in fact trapped in a form of inversion of Truth, because in your world, everything is relative, nothing can be true and nothing can be absolute. Well, it seems that you were taught to say that life is a gift and that fear prevents the gift, because there are some frames, where you are, since you are in a form, and that form so strange ... It's complex, you have wheels everywhere, and those who say wheels say conservation. What an idea, what a life! If I can call this, from my point of view, Life. I think this is more like what you call death, and in death, you call yourselves "living”.

You forgot, they told me - but I cannot understand how one can forget, whatever mechanisms were put in place to create this - that is, you are playing and you no longer see the game, and you suffer because you forgot Joy, and nothing else. And you seek the peace of this body, because you are obliged to sleep, that is to say, to extinguish yourselves even more, hoping to regenerate yourselves and to be, as you call it, "in form". And it also seems that you are forced to eat. And many things that you do about this world, and that are really what you call, some efforts. Even when you are happy, you are in the effort, you are not relaxed. But it is not your fault, it is the same story that created it. You see, you better not create anything, because everything is already created.

But well, I was told that this bad story ends, in any case here, but not elsewhere. I have quickly, not explored but flown over these other sectors of the universes where the same process happens, already through numerous stories. And when I saw that, I wanted to say "but wake up!", and they replied that you are not aware of being asleep, that you are persuaded to be awake. And furthermore, they showed me that there were other flames, unable to feed themselves, and that they fed on you. It is an endless food chain.

You see, finally, I am obliged in spite of everything, to talk to you about you, to inform you about what I saw, about what I see. And that, I would say, which is distributed completely evenly, is also surprising. Whatever the size of this vehicle, it appears that you call it age, whatever the stories, they are wheels of stories that are inextricable. But there seems to be one law that governs this very well: action-reaction. So the results are amazing.

How could a set of eternal flames, playing the game of consciousness, be found inextricably - finally this seems to end, I was told - how is it that here everything is exactly the opposite of Life? For even those of you who seem to me to overflow with life do not realize that they do not live. They think they are alive. Believe... then as you know, I told you, I have no form and even less brain, so it is impossible to believe, or if you prefer, I only believe what I see and live. There was, I don't hide it, a certain form of... how would I say... not of incomprehension, but of stupefaction, because I understood very well what I saw.

You played so much, you even lost the sense of the game. Besides, I think that in the language (French) with which I express myself, there is no difference between "I" and "game" ("je" and "jeu"). Wow, you made a big difference. Because the "je" without the "u" that letter turned up, the "je" prevented you from seeing the "jeu" with the "u".

Then it appears that, in the stories I have been told, that you were promised another place, and especially in what you called your beliefs in religion. What an idea to find religions, but you are bound together by all Eternity! You just didn't want to see the game, you just saw the "I" and forgot the game. But it's not a play on words that I do, it's exactly what I see.

I was also told that you are separated and divided, and that even the differences in appearance between those of you who name animals, vegetables, or even, I think, simply by the colors (you call this, the races), and that the races moved so far away from each other, from their Eternity, that they seem to you to be different. It also seems to you to be different from those who name vegetables and animals.

I was very surprised on the other hand, is to have seen forms of free consciousness locked up with you, as you name animals. It's a bad game you play there. But I was told that your game had gone so far, that it was necessary to create particular conditions to make you understand that you are not this game, nor this "je" (me). You must get out, they told me, of the dream. You dream, but rather you have nightmares.

I was told that this was called a diabolical game. It's as if you will revolve tirelessly around yourself, as does a planet that revolves around its Sun. I try to find what for you is explanatory, images, in function... because I don't need images, nor representations, but what I could see and live, when I arrived on this world, is nevertheless very disturbing.

And the most scandalous thing, finally one of the things you would call... that I find scandalous, but you certainly not apparently, is that you are obliged, as I was told, to earn your living. But you don't realize, life is not earned!

In fact, after several explanations, we could say that this resembles what you call usury. And this usury, which is not the usury of money, but the usury of what you are - fortunately that you are eternal, like each one of us and each one of you - and that you only see the differences, you no longer see the Unity, you no longer see the Truth. In fact you sleep, but in addition you are sleepwalkers, it is the word I believe, that is to say that you dream, you move, but I am sorry to tell you that it is here where you are dead.

And also told me that there was, since a certain time passed on earth, some beings that came out of his body and returned. And, of course, they told me that all the testimonies confirmed that by returning you were entering a corpse - as I said, a sack of meat and food - but it seems that even many do not have the possibility of escaping from this body of food. So you have built a story with this body of food and you are persuaded that there is only that, as if life could be extinguished.

But you are extinguished from illusion to illusion, from nightmare to nightmare. It is not a criticism, it is... I simply express my form of astonishment. Then of course, I have been told by the Archangels, that some stories happened that had been involved in your story, in your game. I understand it perfectly, but that said, I do not understand why, if not effectively, as I said, a game that went wrong, and a game, above all, that never puts the word "end". It's a kind of endless game.

But well, what I see and what I've been told allows me to hope, and verify on the other hand, that finally the "game" and he "I" will bring you back to Joy, because they stop, the "game" and he "I".

... Silence...

In short, I have come simply to express my point of view, with words that belong to your language. I tried to translate what I saw, but what I saw has nothing to do with what you see, but nevertheless, it is as if your flame, that of each one of you, overshadowed the other flames, when that is impossible. And they explained to me that there was shadow and light over this world, that there was alternation of days and nights. Well, necessarily, from the moment you are established on an object that turns and you call planet, around a source of light, which is nothing more than yours, you lose the sense, the thread if you can say, the thread of Freedom, the thread of Joy.

From my point of view, if I fail to call it something else because I cannot be located, it is undeniable that it is the absence of Joy, and forgetfulness, maintained as I was told in different ways, that prevent you from doing so. It is as if you were tied to a dream more than to the Truth, and it seems that even many find there a certain one, as they told me... Do you think you need to look for the least comfort? That doesn't mean anything.

Then, as it seems that you like stories, still, and that you need stories to get out of history, the simple fact of my presence, I would say recently on Earth, but that is not absolutely, how I would say... my cup of tea, allows me to leave an imprint, and this imprint - which is the imprint of Freedom and Joy that do not know any obstacle -, I propose to you, when you want, to make the experience of pronouncing some syllables of this name that I told you to be.

I am beyond any name, of course, and any adjective, but nevertheless, in the period of Joy which is announced, you can also pronounce in a good way, if you can, this name, which is in fact a vibration. I repeat: EY-NOL-WADEN *. This creates, and I see it beforehand, there, saying it myself, this comes to tickle your flame, what you call the Heart of the Heart. He is in spite of everything, in your temporal logic, it is time to see that it was only a game, a dream.

The only thing I could still find surprising, is that in spite of this body of fear, in spite of the enclosure of that flame in this bargain, as you say, of lead, it is always present. It is surprising on the other hand. I don't know what gears have been set in motion to continue living in these complex gears you call bodies, where all the stories clash with each other.

But they told me that you have been given to find, even in your environment, the nature peoples of this world who, they, are free. And to find these free consciousnesses, even that in a way, relieved somewhere, that is to say, according to what I see, loosened the ties that girded their heart and the truth of your flame, making that for some, the fire of the Truth of your flame burns and consumes the beliefs, the illusions, and soon the body, that body of food, because without more need to feed you being free, than interest to walk with this weight?

They also told me that they made you believe that you should improve, that you had fallen, that there was, how has it been said... an original sin. You have to be really cut off from the Truth in order to swallow and feed on this kind of elements. But this also comes from language. Where I come from, we do not need these sound vibrations which have what you call the head, and which create everything else. We are in permanent communion, elsewhere than here. You actually spend your play bonding when you are already in chains, and you call this the husband, the wife, the children, and you think you make children; when you only make sacks of food.

Then of course it seems that each bag of food is a carrier of a flame, and yet, when they told me, I was very surprised, because I saw bags of food where there was no flame and yet they were animated, and they told me that they have a particular name which I forgot and which means nothing to me, but they are soulless. Ah, you just told me, you call them organic portals. What strange portals... There is more life in a stone, there is more life elsewhere, but apparently oblivion is such that many of you seem satisfied, in spite of suffering, in spite of density. They found some occupations, they told me, in the game, to believe themselves imperfect and to look for perfection, for having fallen for I don't know what punishment.

I've heard all this, I've seen all this. What else to tell you? Oh! about me, I can say no more, I told you enough. But about you, even to the limit, apart from telling you what you are and proving it to yourselves, I don't want to add stories to your sufferings, to your fears. Besides, this body of flesh that you think you are, only shows fear, because I only see heaviness there, except in what you call your breast, they told me, that is where your flame is. And there are even those who created false flames in the head, and who are persuaded that with their head, they know everything. When, they only know the prison, they can describe the bars, the door, and even forgot that, they seem to be imprisoned.

The flames that did this are particularly, as you say... twisted. And the problem is, they don't even know what they're playing at. There is really something too dense, too heavy and too serious in everything you manifest, in everything you do. It even seems that you are obliged to take care of this sack of meat, which can fail you at any moment, because of what you call accidents or illnesses, and that seems normal to you. Note, I note, that there can be no judgment there, but I must admit that somewhere I am frustrated for you. And then, seeing for the first time your strange forms... it seems that in this form, you are obliged to change it, at regular intervals, more or less long according to your time data. There is usury, then, in every sense of the term. It is the best word that has been suggested to me and to which I adhere.

Then it is not a question of any morals for me, because I see well that you have been deceived, and that you have been held responsible, or guilty, and apparently this has worked well. These useless gears, which you call, the laws of this world, when where I am, where I go, there are no laws; there is a law, the Law of One, and the law of Love, which is the same. And they told me, and I saw it, that there are even among you who are bearers of this flame, who are persuaded that they are only inscribed among the little body, of which you call birth, the baby, and death, even thinking that the body, of course, but also what you are, returns to dust. This, I must say, is the element which shook me the most.

And I find this so surprising that I am determined to go and see... but I was told that it was the same thing for all the worlds that had been locked up, or if you prefer, people who played who didn't see that they were playing, who took themselves too seriously. So, I'm also going to see in other places.

Wherever I go, I sow - not by speeches, by my radiance, carried by the vibration of the name I gave you: Joy. It is also, in the terms of your human language, the equivalent. EYNOLWADEN is what you could call Joy, more or less. Well, I see that it satisfies you much more or less, and also how can it be otherwise with all these gears, in all that I see of this body of flesh?

And now they tell me that they told you about simplicity, then a long time. Yes, Joy, if there should be a ladder, I would say that it is the simplest thing in life. But well, I remind you that you are not alive, even though you say you are alive. I also found it very amusing, when I began to see some flames that were no longer dominated by this temple or this sack of life, the sack of food, to see that they call it "Living Freedoms". No, I would have said, "Delivered from death," you see.

They explained to me, and I see indeed, that you have, unconsciously reversed everything of course. Then they explained to me that the law of One had been replaced by rules proper to this world. This has been called "the law," or justice. But what a strange world! Imagine my first contact with your atmosphere, fortunately it was accompanied. I even had the opportunity to see that when one flame released another flame, you call this a homicide, then you go to jail, instead of thanking each other for releasing a flame. But they explained to me after that it was of no use, because the flame was always preyed upon by a layer called the soul or astral envelope. And there, indeed, I understood that the trap was terrible. Indeed, the best word that comes to me is that absolutely everything is reversed: you are, when you think you are alive, you celebrate your death, which is in fact your birth, and you mourn your freedom, when you lose someone.

I could tell you about all the sectors of what you call your life, because here absolutely everything is inverted, but I will stop there, if not I would have, according to your terminology, for days and days. One look was enough for that. Then I was asked to talk to you today, about what I wanted - and on the other hand he was not even talking about saying anything other than what he wanted - but that this could be useful in a very short time. Here we are. It's not useful for now, I was told, but it's useful for a certain calendar that they tried to explain to me. But I am, as you say... allergic to calendars. Not knowing time as you live it, I cannot conceive that you are dependent on a space that passes and seems to run out, moreover.

But well, I have been told that my simple words and the pronunciation of Joy in my language - which in fact is not a language, it is an emanation - can be of some use to you. I am pleased about that. But well, as I am always pleased, I do not see what this changes for me, but I see pertinently what this changes for you. If you were able to laugh like they laughed there, even if only for ten minutes, fear could never exist again.

Then, I have also been told that the laws and the fact of "making a living" prevented you from laughing spontaneously for more than a few seconds... I personally, as I do not know any person, and being obliged to express myself in this way, I do not see what use it is, but I have been told that I would soon have the opportunity to realize that it has served.

Then they tell me that I have already spoken enough and I fully conceive that this type of relationship is extremely limited. But well, it is your frame of reference and your usual way of exchanging, or actually fighting.

So, in spite of everything it seems that you have, in certain occasions now, the possibility to live the Joy. I am not speaking of those who have liberated their flame from this sheath and from this prison, but of those who live, as I am told, what you have called the Theophany... the Theophany. Well, EYNOLWADEN is going to do it with you, or it is going to be it with you. When you say "to do" something, there is the word "to do", but there is above all the metal, which is cold, which is hard. And in fact it is said to make an effort. In joy, there is no effort.

Then I shut up, and we are going to do it, rather we are going to be it.


EYNOLWADEN greets your flame, and I say to you: happy return to true Life and Freedom. I do not intend to have the opportunity to express myself in this way again. In any case, as they say: "I thank you". I honour your presence and your listening, and do not forget that all this is only a game. But anyway, there are more enjoyable games. I salute you.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
The Transformations

Transcription: Agape Team
English translation: https://www.deepl.com/translator revised by LMF


Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
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Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...