Original Video Audio en French
I am the Archangel Jophiel, Angel of Golden Light and Knowledge. Beloved Children of the Law of One, I am asked, within the Conclave, to come to you, by Vibration and by words, in order to direct your Consciousness towards a certain number of elements resulting from the unfolding of the Vibrating Light, allowing you to live this Passage of Knowledge to the Heart. The end of the Luciferic and Ahrimanian Illusion, the Resurrection of Christ, allows you to pass from knowledge to the Heart, meaning by this (and as I had already introduced it during the various works of the year in which I intervened in this channel) the completion of a cycle allowing you to leave this external knowledge that has led you ever more outside your Heart, to experience the Heart.
Knowledge, whatever it may be, in this world systematically takes you away from experience. Knowledge is an appropriation, an understanding resulting from a desire, sometimes for Light, but never satisfying the Light. The Light cannot be an external knowledge but can only be an experience and, as such, can only be an experience lived by the Consciousness itself and in no way a knowledge giving you the illusion of going to the Heart and living the Heart. Thus we cannot know the Heart, we can only live it. We can't have an understanding of it. We can only have one experience of it. And the experience of the Heart, within Vibration, in the steps leading to the Resurrection of Christ, does not care about all the accumulated knowledge systems, even at the spiritual level. Knowledge is the prerogative of separation. Knowledge is an altered means of making humans believe that they are going towards the Light, through the learning of a certain number of rules, an appropriation and an understanding which, in the end, will always be nothing more than the Illusion of the Light and its projection within an Illusory system.
Knowledge has lost its etymological meaning of: being born with it, as soon as the confinement has taken place within this carbonized world, unlike other carbonized worlds. The quest for Light, due to its loss, could only be expressed through a field of non-experiential experimentation but only confronting in relation to an understanding of a certain number of laws, a certain number of models, whatever they may be, and having ever further removed the being from the Truth. The truth of the Matrix is not the Truth of the Heart. The truth of Duality will never be the Truth of Unity. To live the Heart is to experience it and no understanding is necessary. This is accessible to a child. This is accessible to an animal because it does not require any exteriorization or projection but rather a reunification in the sense of Life, through Vibration.
The so-called external or inner knowledge, even esoteric, will never be the experience of the Heart, even if many teachings, of all times, have proclaimed loud and clear that through this external knowledge (still called the dry way) you would reach the Heart. It has never been possible for anyone through this projection of knowledge, through the intellect, to carry out the opening of the Heart. The quest for the Self stops as soon as it stops, which means that the Self can only be found in the Abandonment to the Light. Unity can only be achieved when there is an Abandonment of Duality and when there is an Abandonment of all external referencing to any understanding whatsoever. This I had already addressed during the year 2008 of your earth time. Today we can move forward further because the Passage from Knowledge to the Heart is linked, in a way, to the opening of the last Gate and the Passage of this last Gate, allowing you, if it is your state of Consciousness and your Vibration, to experience the Heart independently of any reference system.
Unity cannot rely on any Duality to Be. Precisely, it is the cessation of all knowledge, the acceptance of the disappearance of all understanding, that opens the Gates of the Spirit wide and never the opposite. Thus, what has been expressed to you within the previous lateral unfolding of the Light, passing through the two mirrors becoming transparent (which are Ahriman and Lucifer) then allow you, by transcending them in you, to discover Christ, in wholeness, to express it and to experience the Heart, what I would call the ultimate Knowledge but having nothing to do with any understanding.
Christ, unlike the teachings and virtues called theological, cannot be understood from the outside. It can only be lived inside. Any system talking to you about love, whatever it may be, any system talking to you about an external architecture of Light will never lead you to the Light but, only to what has been called Luciferic initiation, bringing you to Luciferic power, to the falsified and diverted vision, giving you the Illusion of the Heart. The Heart will always be about experience and not understanding. The Heart will always be linked to humility, simplicity and cardinal virtues that have absolutely nothing to do with any understanding. I would say that, even in these ultra-reduced times that remain for you to travel within Duality, you cannot penetrate the Kingdom of Heaven without once again becoming like a Child, that is, totally virgin of all knowledge, of all past, of all future. The solution to the equation is in the present moment. It will never be in the past, in any knowledge system that refers to a past external system. It will never be in the future and in any of its projections of a better future. When all the Archangels and speakers told you that the way out was the Heart, they were only expressing the only plausible Truth of access to Unity. Now the Heart is Vibration. It is not a concept, it is not an appropriation, it is not a moral virtue but it is Vibration establishing you in the Self. In this space of the Self, the forces opposed to the Light cannot manifest themselves in any way, that is, the Self will translate into a state of Peace, a state of Joy.
As the Heart is penetrated, it will translate, for your Consciousness, into the 4th state of Consciousness called Turiya, which is the totality of the manifestation of the Vibratory Heart within Duality, leading you to become KI-RIS-TI through the four Pillars that are Ethics, Integrity, Humility and Simplicity. Apart from these four virtues, linked to the Cross of Redemption, you cannot deploy the mutable virtues of the Light. This is an exclusively Vibratory work related to the Abandonment to the Light, which cannot be carried out within any knowledge. Thus, Christ comes to call you and this call you will hear him, but he will also ask you to pass through the Narrow Gate, that is, to strip you of all that belongs to desire, all that belongs to personality and all that belongs to knowledge. It is this death to oneself that is called the Resurrection. No one can pass through this last Gate if he does not abandon himself.
Thus, living the Heart and going out into the Heart, that is, penetrating the spheres of Unity, of Truth, can only be done if you renounce all forms of possession. I am talking about, of course, beyond what has been understood, by many, to give up owning a vehicle, a car or anything else. The possession to be renounced is the appropriation linked to any power and any manifestation of the appropriation of Light, the appropriation of knowledge, the appropriation of anything belonging to Duality. It had been said by Christ (and it was misunderstood) that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Who was this rich man? This rich man is not the one who possesses the money but he is the one who is possessed by his knowledge because the Heart does not possess itself, it is not conquered, it is established and lived, precisely, by the absence of any claim. This will become increasingly clear to you. This is the role of the deployment of the Metatronic Light leading you to distance yourself, precisely, and to clearly see the last zones of the Fire of the ego, the last zones of Fire of friction, existing in the Illusion of possessions, in the Ahrimanian and Luciferic Illusion.
Thus, therefore, to live Christ is to abandon all pretensions to knowledge, to become again, indeed, like a child. It is in this sense that John wrote under Christ's dictation: "There will be many called, few chosen". This is to be inscribed, however, in a process of total liberation of this humanity, but by definition the chosen one is the one who freely joins the Body of Being, while the called one is the one who has understood the call of the Light but who, somewhere, has diverted the Light to the benefit of the ego, that is, of Ahriman and Lucifer, and thus of knowledge. Many today have appropriated the Light rather than abandoning themselves to the Light. How does Abandonment to the Light translate? By the Fire of the Heart but, above all, by kindness, gentleness, love, humility and simplicity. Everything that is not given is lost. What is not given concerns, of course, the self that does not give itself entirely to the Self, that is, any persistence of the self, any persistence of an identification will represent, in the deployment of the Vibral Light in a few days' time in its entirety, the major inner obstacle to establishment within the Christ dimension.
Thus, in the name of the Archangelic Conclave, I deposit, in you, this injunction, this injunction of Liberty, calling you to free yourself, in totality, from all forms of knowledge that take you away from your Heart, even if what is called the ego, the fragmented consciousness, will believe that it is in the Heart itself when it is not. To live the Fire of the Heart and the unfolding of the Metatronic Light is the ultimate Grace, the ultimate Gate, open to all humanity, to live this Abandonment to the Light. The Light itself being an Abandonment and therefore a gift of Self and in no way an appropriation of anything belonging to this world. Christ said it: "Let the dead bury the dead". You cannot be alive and dead. The Resurrection is Life. The Illusion of the matrix is death. You will each find yourself confronted, both of you, with your last resistances, those of the ego that does not want to let itself die, in its entirety, and that, in its own way, will play the last games of Illusion, manifesting itself of course through anger, fear and attachment. Everything that has not yet been seen will be seen, allowing you to see yourself with clarity.
It is therefore essential to turn your gaze, that of Consciousness, towards the Vision of the Heart and no longer towards a vision of this external world that disappears, allowing you, by Attention and Intention, to no longer be identified by what disappears but, in its entirety, to what is born, not in a future projection because what I am talking about is now. This now expressing itself within your density in terms of days. Within this particular event, of course, every human being will experience this in their own way or not. From there will flow, in a totally Vibratory way, what you will create as a reality. Indeed, you will become co-creators of your own reality and, for that, the consciousness must be clarified, that is, it must come out of any projection, any desire, any assimilation to a role, a game, a function, whatever it may be. The Self has no role or function in this world. The Heart has no claim in this world where you are. The Heart is established in Peace, in Humility, in Simplicity, in respect for all life, without judging anyone. Christ told you: "The slightest judgment will make you judge yourselves. The one you condemn will only be your condemnation. We must see clearly, but seeing clearly does not mean asserting a truth external to you because this external truth is only an Illusion. The only Truth is the Vibration of the Heart, your state of Unity, Samadhi or at least Peace.
Everything that will manifest itself in the form of resonance coming, somewhere, to confront you, whether in the circumstances of this external life, through relationships between people, through the geo-climatic events that you will experience, will only be there to test your ability to penetrate the Heart, to live it, to leave any understanding to enter the moment of experience. And everyone will, in a way, be confronted with this. Time is no longer confrontation, time is creation and, through this dynamic of ultimate friction between the establishment of the Vibral Light and the reaction of this world, for you and for the whole world, your ability to create or your ability to Illusion will be immediately observed.
Thus, the unfolding of the Vibral Light, in its entirety, within this body and within this consciousness is not there to make you react, even if many things within humanity and many Incarnate Consciences will react. This unfolding is simply there to make you acquiesce to Christ and you cannot acquiesce to Christ as long as you see something as external to you. This is not a point of view, nor a concept, nor an idea, but a real Vibratory experience of Unity. Thus, some of you may have experienced the Being or the action of the Fire of the Heart, or the action of the Radiant Crown of the head, or even the sacrum, providing moments, moments of Peace or Joy. What is unfolding, in you and on this world, comes to launch the ultimate call to establish yourself for eternity in Peace and Joy, that is, in the Self.
As long as there is (and this will take on a significant acuity as soon as the Vibral Light is fully deployed) a desire to condemn anything belonging to this world, even within injustice, will lead you to move away from the Heart because this is the goal of all egotistical remains and all personality remains in the establishment of Being, right here. Thus, the Archangelic Conclave has asked me to draw your attention, your Intention, to this major fact of this transition: the Etherealization of your Consciousness, access to Unity can only be done, in its entirety, if you leave, obviously, in its entirety, Duality, right here. You have carried the Light as Seeds of Stars. It now remains for you to become, in its entirety, here in this very place, this Star and this Light. And you cannot adhere to any Illusion or you will not be able to go into Being. This is not a warning but an insight into what will be at stake, in you, as well as all that you will observe and experience. Only the gaze, that is, the point of view that you will have on all the elements that you are led to live, individually and collectively, will allow you or not to acquiesce to the Light, to welcome, in its entirety, Christ and thus to transcend, definitively, the Gates of Duality.
Once again, all humanity will, whether it likes it or not, be liberated from Duality. But some Consciousness will have, as you have been told, the Freedom to pursue a certain form of Duality but, however, without the cut with the soul and with the Spirit. But the density, the Vibration obtained, the conscious co-creation established of their own Consciousness will not allow them to free themselves, or to disengage if you prefer, in totality. These Consciences will therefore be carrying, for a certain time, a double polarity allowing them to gradually establish themselves within the Self. There is no need to judge, condemn or observe the Consciences external to yourselves, for as soon as you consider them external to yourselves, you leave your Unit. Unity is the source of Joy, it is the Heart, it is the intimate knowledge and no longer the esoteric or exoteric knowledge of this world but the intimate knowledge of creation and co-creation existing within the Self and Unity.
It will no longer be possible, at some point, when the Earth passes the last heading, to go back to do the work that is being done now. This work, understand it precisely as a total Abandonment and just an absence of will of the personality, called for so long and developed for so long, as a total Abandonment to the Light. There is no half-truth. There is a truth belonging to this world, to its laws and there is a Truth of the Spirit. The Spirit and Light are not of this world. It is the Spirit and the Light that come to illuminate this world, so that this world may become the Light in another Dimension and that is now. As you have been told, for more than 4 months now, the Commander, you are in it. It's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday, it's now.
Thus, living the Now calls you to leave, permanently, the yesterday and the tomorrow. There are no other ways to settle in Turiya. You must pass from noise to silence, from language to the Word, from knowledge to the Heart. The lateral unfolding of the Light (which you have experienced or will experience, either at the moment of the final impulse of the Metatron Angel or already, in advance, in anticipation) will lead you to concretely realize what my words mean within the Consciousness, far beyond any understanding, any intellectual or other appropriation. To experience the unfolding of the Light, through its Vibrations within its Paths, the Fusion of the 3 Fireplaces, realizes the Conscious manifestation of Unity in Duality but without using Duality. Nor is there any act of rejection of Duality or any element existing within your dual life. Just because you separate yourself from this person or this object does not mean that you will find the Light. It is only by separating yourself from your personality, that is, from the Illusion of what you think you are. External circumstances have no importance, but it is necessary to strip oneself, in Spirit, of all that is external. You cannot maintain and manifest any attachment of any kind, individual or collective, and experience detachment.
To pass into the Heart and live the Heart and Unity, to respond to the call of Christ and to the impulse of the unfolding of the Light, is a conscious act that must be carried out in all consciousness and in all Deep Inner Knowledge, that of the Heart. There is no reference point, as BROTHER K said, we must dare to dash into the void to pass from the known to the unknown. You will not be able to hold anything and maintain anything in the Heart because the Heart is not of this world, even if it happens in this world. He is coming to end this world. The Passage from Knowledge to the Heart is, as you have understood, directly in resonance with the earlier lateral unfolding of the Light. It is therefore following the decompartmentalization of consciousness, allowing us to see the play (I) of all the levels of consciousness, that this ultimate Turnaround, the Passage of this last Gate, that of your Resurrection in the spheres of Eternity, can be realized. You will not be able to maintain any ego Fire by penetrating the Fire of the Heart. It is Abandonment to the Light, it is the Crucifixion and it is the Resurrection. This cannot be appropriate, it is a total donation of the personality to Being and it is lived in Vibration. It is not a mental decision or a personal will that will achieve this.
The few days remaining before Mary's next intervention, next month, are intended to raise awareness and to realize this, collectively and individually. The Ascension process is therefore well underway and the Etherealization is underway. You will see more and more signs, not so much external, but remember that these signs must above all become Internal and be translated, in you, by a different Consciousness, defragmented, by a different state of mood, by a Peace, by a Joy that cannot, of course, be imposed by any circumstance of external comfort. It is in this sense that Archangel Uriel has invited you to pass to silence because, in the external silences, there is the Truth of the Interior and there are moments, like this one, when there is, in a way, a call and an urgency to realize the Heart, no longer to experience it, at times, but to settle there, in totality, and permanently.
These few words will appear to you as a Vibratory reality as the Light unfolds. It's just a matter of letting Vibration flourish. There is just to become this Vibration, by changing the frequency range. It is a process of ultimate Turning that is totally natural and is carried out by the Intelligence of the Light itself. Your intelligence, your reason, will not be of any help to you since they will even represent obstacles to living what is to be lived. Remember that, where you focus your Attention and Intention, there will be your conscious creation. Remember that the best lubricants, if we can use this word, will always be Humility and Simplicity because Light is Intelligent but above all it is simple and humble. She is a total, gift.
This is what I had to give you as Archangel of the Golden Light and Knowledge, concerning this preferential deployment on these anterior and lateral circuits. If we have time before the alignment that I will accompany, in each of you, and if there are any questions, I will listen to you.
- Question: When we say: "you will be judged as you judge", who will judge?
Judgment, in the final and first sense of the word: it will be made to you exactly according to your faith and according to your Vibration. This means that when you take an external look at a circumstance or a being endowed with conscience and judge that being, it is you who judge and who you judge. This means that the measure you apply to others will be strictly applied to you but by no one other than yourself because, there too, you become a co-creator and you realize conscious co-creation. What you condemn on the outside, you condemn on the inside. Within Unity and Self there is no judgment. There may be lighting, observation but at no time judgment. The judgment is related to the separation, Ahriman and Lucifer. He who judges condemns himself alone. These words, having been spoken by Christ, will appear to you in their simplicity and especially in their truth, in what you will have to go through. No one but yourself judges you, but you judge yourself by the extent to which you judge what you project outside yourself.
- We have no questions, thank you.
Beloved Children of the Law of One, beloved Seeds of Stars, may the Golden Light of Unity and Peace resonate in your Unity. In a few moments, I will be accompanying you in your alignment space.
See you next time.
Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.
Transcription from French: Equipo Agape
English translation: https://www.deepl.com/translator revised by LMF
Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
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Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal
Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser
Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser