Original Video Audio en French


I am the Archangel Jophiel, Angel of Golden Light and Knowledge. Beloved Children of the Law of One, I am asked, within the Conclave, to come to you, by Vibration and by words, in order to direct your Consciousness towards a certain number of elements resulting from the unfolding of the Vibrating Light, allowing you to live this Passage of Knowledge to the Heart. The end of the Luciferic and Ahrimanian Illusion, the Resurrection of Christ, allows you to pass from knowledge to the Heart, meaning by this (and as I had already introduced it during the various works of the year in which I intervened in this channel) the completion of a cycle allowing you to leave this external knowledge that has led you ever more outside your Heart, to experience the Heart.

Knowledge, whatever it may be, in this world systematically takes you away from experience. Knowledge is an appropriation, an understanding resulting from a desire, sometimes for Light, but never satisfying the Light. The Light cannot be an external knowledge but can only be an experience and, as such, can only be an experience lived by the Consciousness itself and in no way a knowledge giving you the illusion of going to the Heart and living the Heart. Thus we cannot know the Heart, we can only live it. We can't have an understanding of it. We can only have one experience of it. And the experience of the Heart, within Vibration, in the steps leading to the Resurrection of Christ, does not care about all the accumulated knowledge systems, even at the spiritual level. Knowledge is the prerogative of separation. Knowledge is an altered means of making humans believe that they are going towards the Light, through the learning of a certain number of rules, an appropriation and an understanding which, in the end, will always be nothing more than the Illusion of the Light and its projection within an Illusory system.

Knowledge has lost its etymological meaning of: being born with it, as soon as the confinement has taken place within this carbonized world, unlike other carbonized worlds. The quest for Light, due to its loss, could only be expressed through a field of non-experiential experimentation but only confronting in relation to an understanding of a certain number of laws, a certain number of models, whatever they may be, and having ever further removed the being from the Truth. The truth of the Matrix is not the Truth of the Heart. The truth of Duality will never be the Truth of Unity. To live the Heart is to experience it and no understanding is necessary. This is accessible to a child. This is accessible to an animal because it does not require any exteriorization or projection but rather a reunification in the sense of Life, through Vibration.

The so-called external or inner knowledge, even esoteric, will never be the experience of the Heart, even if many teachings, of all times, have proclaimed loud and clear that through this external knowledge (still called the dry way) you would reach the Heart. It has never been possible for anyone through this projection of knowledge, through the intellect, to carry out the opening of the Heart. The quest for the Self stops as soon as it stops, which means that the Self can only be found in the Abandonment to the Light. Unity can only be achieved when there is an Abandonment of Duality and when there is an Abandonment of all external referencing to any understanding whatsoever. This I had already addressed during the year 2008 of your earth time. Today we can move forward further because the Passage from Knowledge to the Heart is linked, in a way, to the opening of the last Gate and the Passage of this last Gate, allowing you, if it is your state of Consciousness and your Vibration, to experience the Heart independently of any reference system.

Unity cannot rely on any Duality to Be. Precisely, it is the cessation of all knowledge, the acceptance of the disappearance of all understanding, that opens the Gates of the Spirit wide and never the opposite. Thus, what has been expressed to you within the previous lateral unfolding of the Light, passing through the two mirrors becoming transparent (which are Ahriman and Lucifer) then allow you, by transcending them in you, to discover Christ, in wholeness, to express it and to experience the Heart, what I would call the ultimate Knowledge but having nothing to do with any understanding.

Christ, unlike the teachings and virtues called theological, cannot be understood from the outside. It can only be lived inside. Any system talking to you about love, whatever it may be, any system talking to you about an external architecture of Light will never lead you to the Light but, only to what has been called Luciferic initiation, bringing you to Luciferic power, to the falsified and diverted vision, giving you the Illusion of the Heart. The Heart will always be about experience and not understanding. The Heart will always be linked to humility, simplicity and cardinal virtues that have absolutely nothing to do with any understanding. I would say that, even in these ultra-reduced times that remain for you to travel within Duality, you cannot penetrate the Kingdom of Heaven without once again becoming like a Child, that is, totally virgin of all knowledge, of all past, of all future. The solution to the equation is in the present moment. It will never be in the past, in any knowledge system that refers to a past external system. It will never be in the future and in any of its projections of a better future. When all the Archangels and speakers told you that the way out was the Heart, they were only expressing the only plausible Truth of access to Unity. Now the Heart is Vibration. It is not a concept, it is not an appropriation, it is not a moral virtue but it is Vibration establishing you in the Self. In this space of the Self, the forces opposed to the Light cannot manifest themselves in any way, that is, the Self will translate into a state of Peace, a state of Joy.

As the Heart is penetrated, it will translate, for your Consciousness, into the 4th state of Consciousness called Turiya, which is the totality of the manifestation of the Vibratory Heart within Duality, leading you to become KI-RIS-TI through the four Pillars that are Ethics, Integrity, Humility and Simplicity. Apart from these four virtues, linked to the Cross of Redemption, you cannot deploy the mutable virtues of the Light. This is an exclusively Vibratory work related to the Abandonment to the Light, which cannot be carried out within any knowledge. Thus, Christ comes to call you and this call you will hear him, but he will also ask you to pass through the Narrow Gate, that is, to strip you of all that belongs to desire, all that belongs to personality and all that belongs to knowledge. It is this death to oneself that is called the Resurrection. No one can pass through this last Gate if he does not abandon himself.

Thus, living the Heart and going out into the Heart, that is, penetrating the spheres of Unity, of Truth, can only be done if you renounce all forms of possession. I am talking about, of course, beyond what has been understood, by many, to give up owning a vehicle, a car or anything else. The possession to be renounced is the appropriation linked to any power and any manifestation of the appropriation of Light, the appropriation of knowledge, the appropriation of anything belonging to Duality. It had been said by Christ (and it was misunderstood) that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Who was this rich man? This rich man is not the one who possesses the money but he is the one who is possessed by his knowledge because the Heart does not possess itself, it is not conquered, it is established and lived, precisely, by the absence of any claim. This will become increasingly clear to you. This is the role of the deployment of the Metatronic Light leading you to distance yourself, precisely, and to clearly see the last zones of the Fire of the ego, the last zones of Fire of friction, existing in the Illusion of possessions, in the Ahrimanian and Luciferic Illusion.

Thus, therefore, to live Christ is to abandon all pretensions to knowledge, to become again, indeed, like a child. It is in this sense that John wrote under Christ's dictation: "There will be many called, few chosen". This is to be inscribed, however, in a process of total liberation of this humanity, but by definition the chosen one is the one who freely joins the Body of Being, while the called one is the one who has understood the call of the Light but who, somewhere, has diverted the Light to the benefit of the ego, that is, of Ahriman and Lucifer, and thus of knowledge. Many today have appropriated the Light rather than abandoning themselves to the Light. How does Abandonment to the Light translate? By the Fire of the Heart but, above all, by kindness, gentleness, love, humility and simplicity. Everything that is not given is lost. What is not given concerns, of course, the self that does not give itself entirely to the Self, that is, any persistence of the self, any persistence of an identification will represent, in the deployment of the Vibral Light in a few days' time in its entirety, the major inner obstacle to establishment within the Christ dimension.

Thus, in the name of the Archangelic Conclave, I deposit, in you, this injunction, this injunction of Liberty, calling you to free yourself, in totality, from all forms of knowledge that take you away from your Heart, even if what is called the ego, the fragmented consciousness, will believe that it is in the Heart itself when it is not. To live the Fire of the Heart and the unfolding of the Metatronic Light is the ultimate Grace, the ultimate Gate, open to all humanity, to live this Abandonment to the Light. The Light itself being an Abandonment and therefore a gift of Self and in no way an appropriation of anything belonging to this world. Christ said it: "Let the dead bury the dead". You cannot be alive and dead. The Resurrection is Life. The Illusion of the matrix is death. You will each find yourself confronted, both of you, with your last resistances, those of the ego that does not want to let itself die, in its entirety, and that, in its own way, will play the last games of Illusion, manifesting itself of course through anger, fear and attachment. Everything that has not yet been seen will be seen, allowing you to see yourself with clarity.

It is therefore essential to turn your gaze, that of Consciousness, towards the Vision of the Heart and no longer towards a vision of this external world that disappears, allowing you, by Attention and Intention, to no longer be identified by what disappears but, in its entirety, to what is born, not in a future projection because what I am talking about is now. This now expressing itself within your density in terms of days. Within this particular event, of course, every human being will experience this in their own way or not. From there will flow, in a totally Vibratory way, what you will create as a reality. Indeed, you will become co-creators of your own reality and, for that, the consciousness must be clarified, that is, it must come out of any projection, any desire, any assimilation to a role, a game, a function, whatever it may be. The Self has no role or function in this world. The Heart has no claim in this world where you are. The Heart is established in Peace, in Humility, in Simplicity, in respect for all life, without judging anyone. Christ told you: "The slightest judgment will make you judge yourselves. The one you condemn will only be your condemnation. We must see clearly, but seeing clearly does not mean asserting a truth external to you because this external truth is only an Illusion. The only Truth is the Vibration of the Heart, your state of Unity, Samadhi or at least Peace.

Everything that will manifest itself in the form of resonance coming, somewhere, to confront you, whether in the circumstances of this external life, through relationships between people, through the geo-climatic events that you will experience, will only be there to test your ability to penetrate the Heart, to live it, to leave any understanding to enter the moment of experience. And everyone will, in a way, be confronted with this. Time is no longer confrontation, time is creation and, through this dynamic of ultimate friction between the establishment of the Vibral Light and the reaction of this world, for you and for the whole world, your ability to create or your ability to Illusion will be immediately observed.

Thus, the unfolding of the Vibral Light, in its entirety, within this body and within this consciousness is not there to make you react, even if many things within humanity and many Incarnate Consciences will react. This unfolding is simply there to make you acquiesce to Christ and you cannot acquiesce to Christ as long as you see something as external to you. This is not a point of view, nor a concept, nor an idea, but a real Vibratory experience of Unity. Thus, some of you may have experienced the Being or the action of the Fire of the Heart, or the action of the Radiant Crown of the head, or even the sacrum, providing moments, moments of Peace or Joy. What is unfolding, in you and on this world, comes to launch the ultimate call to establish yourself for eternity in Peace and Joy, that is, in the Self.

As long as there is (and this will take on a significant acuity as soon as the Vibral Light is fully deployed) a desire to condemn anything belonging to this world, even within injustice, will lead you to move away from the Heart because this is the goal of all egotistical remains and all personality remains in the establishment of Being, right here. Thus, the Archangelic Conclave has asked me to draw your attention, your Intention, to this major fact of this transition: the Etherealization of your Consciousness, access to Unity can only be done, in its entirety, if you leave, obviously, in its entirety, Duality, right here. You have carried the Light as Seeds of Stars. It now remains for you to become, in its entirety, here in this very place, this Star and this Light. And you cannot adhere to any Illusion or you will not be able to go into Being. This is not a warning but an insight into what will be at stake, in you, as well as all that you will observe and experience. Only the gaze, that is, the point of view that you will have on all the elements that you are led to live, individually and collectively, will allow you or not to acquiesce to the Light, to welcome, in its entirety, Christ and thus to transcend, definitively, the Gates of Duality.

Once again, all humanity will, whether it likes it or not, be liberated from Duality. But some Consciousness will have, as you have been told, the Freedom to pursue a certain form of Duality but, however, without the cut with the soul and with the Spirit. But the density, the Vibration obtained, the conscious co-creation established of their own Consciousness will not allow them to free themselves, or to disengage if you prefer, in totality. These Consciences will therefore be carrying, for a certain time, a double polarity allowing them to gradually establish themselves within the Self. There is no need to judge, condemn or observe the Consciences external to yourselves, for as soon as you consider them external to yourselves, you leave your Unit. Unity is the source of Joy, it is the Heart, it is the intimate knowledge and no longer the esoteric or exoteric knowledge of this world but the intimate knowledge of creation and co-creation existing within the Self and Unity.

It will no longer be possible, at some point, when the Earth passes the last heading, to go back to do the work that is being done now. This work, understand it precisely as a total Abandonment and just an absence of will of the personality, called for so long and developed for so long, as a total Abandonment to the Light. There is no half-truth. There is a truth belonging to this world, to its laws and there is a Truth of the Spirit. The Spirit and Light are not of this world. It is the Spirit and the Light that come to illuminate this world, so that this world may become the Light in another Dimension and that is now. As you have been told, for more than 4 months now, the Commander, you are in it. It's not tomorrow, it's not yesterday, it's now.

Thus, living the Now calls you to leave, permanently, the yesterday and the tomorrow. There are no other ways to settle in Turiya. You must pass from noise to silence, from language to the Word, from knowledge to the Heart. The lateral unfolding of the Light (which you have experienced or will experience, either at the moment of the final impulse of the Metatron Angel or already, in advance, in anticipation) will lead you to concretely realize what my words mean within the Consciousness, far beyond any understanding, any intellectual or other appropriation. To experience the unfolding of the Light, through its Vibrations within its Paths, the Fusion of the 3 Fireplaces, realizes the Conscious manifestation of Unity in Duality but without using Duality. Nor is there any act of rejection of Duality or any element existing within your dual life. Just because you separate yourself from this person or this object does not mean that you will find the Light. It is only by separating yourself from your personality, that is, from the Illusion of what you think you are. External circumstances have no importance, but it is necessary to strip oneself, in Spirit, of all that is external. You cannot maintain and manifest any attachment of any kind, individual or collective, and experience detachment.

To pass into the Heart and live the Heart and Unity, to respond to the call of Christ and to the impulse of the unfolding of the Light, is a conscious act that must be carried out in all consciousness and in all Deep Inner Knowledge, that of the Heart. There is no reference point, as BROTHER K said, we must dare to dash into the void to pass from the known to the unknown. You will not be able to hold anything and maintain anything in the Heart because the Heart is not of this world, even if it happens in this world. He is coming to end this world. The Passage from Knowledge to the Heart is, as you have understood, directly in resonance with the earlier lateral unfolding of the Light. It is therefore following the decompartmentalization of consciousness, allowing us to see the play (I) of all the levels of consciousness, that this ultimate Turnaround, the Passage of this last Gate, that of your Resurrection in the spheres of Eternity, can be realized. You will not be able to maintain any ego Fire by penetrating the Fire of the Heart. It is Abandonment to the Light, it is the Crucifixion and it is the Resurrection. This cannot be appropriate, it is a total donation of the personality to Being and it is lived in Vibration. It is not a mental decision or a personal will that will achieve this.

The few days remaining before Mary's next intervention, next month, are intended to raise awareness and to realize this, collectively and individually. The Ascension process is therefore well underway and the Etherealization is underway. You will see more and more signs, not so much external, but remember that these signs must above all become Internal and be translated, in you, by a different Consciousness, defragmented, by a different state of mood, by a Peace, by a Joy that cannot, of course, be imposed by any circumstance of external comfort. It is in this sense that Archangel Uriel has invited you to pass to silence because, in the external silences, there is the Truth of the Interior and there are moments, like this one, when there is, in a way, a call and an urgency to realize the Heart, no longer to experience it, at times, but to settle there, in totality, and permanently.

These few words will appear to you as a Vibratory reality as the Light unfolds. It's just a matter of letting Vibration flourish. There is just to become this Vibration, by changing the frequency range. It is a process of ultimate Turning that is totally natural and is carried out by the Intelligence of the Light itself. Your intelligence, your reason, will not be of any help to you since they will even represent obstacles to living what is to be lived. Remember that, where you focus your Attention and Intention, there will be your conscious creation. Remember that the best lubricants, if we can use this word, will always be Humility and Simplicity because Light is Intelligent but above all it is simple and humble. She is a total, gift.

This is what I had to give you as Archangel of the Golden Light and Knowledge, concerning this preferential deployment on these anterior and lateral circuits. If we have time before the alignment that I will accompany, in each of you, and if there are any questions, I will listen to you.

- Question: When we say: "you will be judged as you judge", who will judge?

Judgment, in the final and first sense of the word: it will be made to you exactly according to your faith and according to your Vibration. This means that when you take an external look at a circumstance or a being endowed with conscience and judge that being, it is you who judge and who you judge. This means that the measure you apply to others will be strictly applied to you but by no one other than yourself because, there too, you become a co-creator and you realize conscious co-creation. What you condemn on the outside, you condemn on the inside. Within Unity and Self there is no judgment. There may be lighting, observation but at no time judgment. The judgment is related to the separation, Ahriman and Lucifer. He who judges condemns himself alone. These words, having been spoken by Christ, will appear to you in their simplicity and especially in their truth, in what you will have to go through. No one but yourself judges you, but you judge yourself by the extent to which you judge what you project outside yourself.

- We have no questions, thank you.

Beloved Children of the Law of One, beloved Seeds of Stars, may the Golden Light of Unity and Peace resonate in your Unity. In a few moments, I will be accompanying you in your alignment space.

See you next time.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

Transcription from French: Equipo Agape
English translation: revised by LMF

Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser



Video audio en original en francés

Video audio en español:


Yo soy el Arcángel Jofiel, Ángel de la Luz Dorada y del Conocimiento. Amados Hijos de la Ley de Uno, se me pide, dentro del Cónclave, que venga a ustedes, por la Vibración y por las palabras, para dirigir su Conciencia hacia un cierto número de elementos resultantes del despliegue de la Luz Vibratoria, permitiéndoles vivir este Pasaje de Conocimiento hacia el Corazón. El fin de la Ilusión Luciférica y Ahrimaniana, la Resurrección de Cristo, te permite pasar del conocimiento al Corazón, es decir (y como ya lo había introducido durante las diversas obras del año en que intervine en este canal) la realización de un ciclo que te permite dejar este conocimiento externo que te ha llevado cada vez más fuera de tu Corazón, a experimentar el Corazón.

El conocimiento, sea lo que sea, en este mundo sistemáticamente te aleja de la experiencia. El conocimiento es una apropiación, un entendimiento que resulta de un deseo, a veces de Luz, pero jamás de satisfacer la Luz. La Luz no puede ser un conocimiento externo sino sólo una experiencia y, como tal, sólo puede ser una experiencia vivida por la Conciencia misma y de ninguna manera un conocimiento que les dé la ilusión de ir al Corazón y vivir el Corazón. Así no podemos conocer el Corazón, sólo podemos vivirlo. No podemos entenderlo. Sólo podemos tener una experiencia de ello. Y la experiencia del Corazón, dentro de la Vibración, en los pasos que conducen a la Resurrección de Cristo, no se preocupa por todos los sistemas de conocimiento acumulados, incluso a nivel espiritual. El conocimiento es la prerrogativa de la separación. El conocimiento es un medio alterado para hacer creer al hombre que va hacia la Luz, a través del aprendizaje de un cierto número de reglas, una apropiación y un entendimiento que, al final, no será siempre más que la Ilusión de la Luz y su proyección dentro de un sistema ilusorio.

El conocimiento ha perdido su significado etimológico de: nacer con él, tan pronto como el confinamiento ha tenido lugar dentro de este mundo carbonizado, a diferencia de otros mundos carbonizados. La búsqueda de la Luz, debido a su pérdida, sólo podía expresarse a través de un campo de experimentación no experiencial, sino sólo enfrentándose a la comprensión de un cierto número de leyes, de un cierto número de modelos, sean cuales fueren, y habiendo alejado cada vez más al ser de la Verdad. La verdad de la Matriz no es la Verdad del Corazón. La verdad de la dualidad jamás será la verdad de la unidad. Vivir el Corazón es experimentarlo y no es necesario comprenderlo. Esto es accesible para un niño. Esto es accesible para un animal porque no requiere ninguna exteriorización o proyección sino una reunificación en el sentido de la Vida, a través de la Vibración.

El llamado conocimiento externo o interno, incluso esotérico, jamás será la experiencia del Corazón, aunque muchas enseñanzas, de todos los tiempos, han proclamado alto y claro que a través de este conocimiento externo (aún llamado el camino seco) se llegaría al Corazón. Jamás ha sido posible para nadie a través de esta proyección de conocimiento, a través del intelecto, llevar a cabo la apertura del Corazón. La búsqueda del Ser se detiene tan pronto como se detiene, lo que significa que el Ser sólo puede ser encontrado en el Abandono a la Luz. La unidad sólo puede ser alcanzada cuando hay un Abandono de la Dualidad y cuando hay un Abandono de toda referencia externa a cualquier entendimiento. Esto ya lo había tratado durante el año 2008 de su tiempo terrestre. Hoy podemos avanzar más porque el Pasaje del Conocimiento al Corazón está ligado, de alguna manera, a la apertura de la última Puerta y el Pasaje de esta última Puerta, permitiéndoles, si es su estado de Conciencia y su Vibración, experimentar el Corazón independientemente de cualquier sistema de referencia.

La Unidad no puede confiar en ninguna Dualidad del Ser. Precisamente, es la cesación de todo conocimiento, la aceptación de la desaparición de todo entendimiento, lo que abre las Puertas del Espíritu de par en par y jamás lo contrario. Así, lo que se te ha expresado dentro del previo despliegue lateral de la Luz, pasando a través de los dos espejos volviéndose transparentes (que son Ahriman y Lucifer), te permite entonces, trasciénerlos en ti, descubrir a Cristo, en plenitud, expresarlo y experimentar el Corazón, lo que yo llamaría el Conocimiento último pero que no tiene nada que ver con ningún entendimiento.

Cristo, a diferencia de las enseñanzas y virtudes llamadas teologales, no puede ser entendido desde fuera. Sólo se puede vivir dentro. Cualquier sistema que les hable sobre el amor, cualquiera que sea, cualquier sistema que les hable sobre una arquitectura externa de Luz jamás los conducirá a la Luz, sino sólo a lo que se ha llamado la iniciación Luciférica, trayéndolos al poder Luciférico, a la visión falsificada y desviada, dándoles la Ilusión del Corazón. El Corazón siempre será sobre la experiencia y no sobre la comprensión. El Corazón siempre estará ligado a la humildad, a la sencillez y a las virtudes cardinales que no tienen absolutamente nada que ver con el entendimiento. Yo diría que, aún en estos tiempos ultra-reducidos que te quedan para viajar dentro de la Dualidad, no puedes penetrar en el Reino de los Cielos sin volver a ser como un Niño, es decir, totalmente virgen de todo conocimiento, de todo pasado, de todo futuro. La solución a la ecuación está en el momento presente. Jamás será en el pasado, en ningún sistema de conocimiento que se refiera a un sistema externo pasado. Jamás será en el futuro y en ninguna de sus proyecciones de un futuro mejor. Cuando todos los Arcángeles y oradores les dijeron que la salida era el Corazón, sólo estaban expresando la única Verdad plausible de acceso a la Unidad. Ahora el Corazón es Vibración. No es un concepto, no es una apropiación, no es una virtud moral sino que es la Vibración que te establece en el Ser. En este espacio del Ser, las fuerzas opuestas a la Luz no pueden manifestarse de ninguna manera, es decir, el Ser se traducirá en un estado de Paz, un estado de Alegría.

A medida que el Corazón es penetrado, se traducirá, para tu Conciencia, en el 4º estado de Conciencia llamado Turiya, que es la totalidad de la manifestación del Corazón Vibratorio dentro de la Dualidad, conduciéndote a convertirte en KI-RIS-TI a través de los cuatro Pilares que son la Ética, la Integridad, la Humildad y la Simplicidad. Aparte de estas cuatro virtudes, ligadas a la Cruz de la Redención, no se pueden desplegar las virtudes mutables de la Luz. Este es un trabajo exclusivamente vibratorio relacionado con el Abandono a la Luz, el cual no puede ser llevado a cabo con ningún conocimiento. Así, pues, Cristo viene a llamaros y este llamado lo oiréis, sino también os pedirá que paséis por la Puerta Angosta, es decir, que os despojéis de todo lo que pertenece al deseo, de todo lo que pertenece a la personalidad y de todo lo que pertenece al conocimiento. Es esta muerte de uno mismo lo que se llama la Resurrección. Nadie puede pasar por esta última Puerta si no se abandona a sí mismo.

Así, vivir el Corazón y salir al Corazón, es decir, penetrar en las esferas de la Unidad, de la Verdad, sólo se puede hacer si se renuncia a toda forma de posesión. Me refiero, por supuesto, más allá de lo que muchos han entendido, a renunciar a la propiedad de un vehículo, un coche o cualquier otra cosa. La posesión a la que se debe renunciar es la apropiación ligada a cualquier poder y a cualquier manifestación de la apropiación de la Luz, la apropiación del conocimiento, la apropiación de cualquier cosa que pertenezca a la Dualidad. Había sido dicho por Cristo (y fue malentendido) que sería más fácil para un camello pasar por el ojo de una aguja que para un rico entrar en el reino de los cielos. ¿Quién era este hombre rico? Este rico no es el que posee el dinero, sino el que es poseído por su conocimiento, porque el Corazón no se posee a sí mismo, no se conquista, se establece y se vive, precisamente, por la ausencia de cualquier pretensión. Esto se hará cada vez más claro para usted. Este es el papel del despliegue de la Luz Metatrónica que te lleva a distanciarte, precisamente, y a ver claramente las últimas zonas del Fuego del ego, las últimas zonas del Fuego de fricción, existentes en la Ilusión de las posesiones, en la Ilusión Ahrimaniana y Luciférica.

Así, pues, vivir a Cristo es abandonar todas las pretensiones de conocimiento, volver a ser, en verdad, como un niño. Es en este sentido que Juan escribió bajo el dictado de Cristo: "Serán muchos los llamados, pocos los escogidos". Esto debe ser inscrito, sin embargo, en un proceso de liberación total de esta humanidad, pero por definición el elegido es el que libremente se une al Cuerpo del Ser, mientras que el llamado es el que ha entendido el llamado de la Luz pero que, en alguna parte, ha desviado la Luz en beneficio del ego, es decir, de Ahriman y Lucifer, y por lo tanto del conocimiento. Muchos hoy se han apropiado de la Luz en lugar de abandonarse a ella. ¿Cómo se traduce el Abandono a la Luz? Por el Fuego del Corazón pero, sobre todo, por la bondad, la gentileza, el amor, la humildad y la sencillez. Todo lo que no se da se pierde. Lo que no se da se refiere, por supuesto, al yo que no se entrega completamente al Ser, es decir, cualquier persistencia del yo, cualquier persistencia de una identificación representará, en el despliegue de la Luz Vibral dentro de unos días en su totalidad, el mayor obstáculo interno para establecerse dentro de la dimensión Crística.

Así, en nombre del Cónclave Arcangélico, deposito en ti este mandato, este mandato de Libertad, llamándote a liberarte, en su totalidad, de todas las formas de conocimiento que te alejan de tu Corazón, aunque lo que se llama el ego, la conciencia fragmentada, creerá que está en el mismo Corazón cuando no lo está. Vivir el Fuego del Corazón y el despliegue de la Luz Metatrónica es la Gracia última, la Puerta última, abierta a toda la humanidad, para vivir este Abandono a la Luz. La Luz misma es un Abandono y por lo tanto un regalo del Ser y de ninguna manera una apropiación de nada que pertenezca a este mundo. Cristo lo dijo: "Dejad que los muertos entierren a los muertos". No puedes estar vivo y muerto. La Resurrección es Vida. La ilusión de la matriz es la muerte. Cada uno de ustedes se encontrará confrontado, ambos, con sus últimas resistencias, las del ego que no quiere dejarse morir, en su totalidad, y que, a su manera, jugará los últimos juegos de la Ilusión, manifestándose por supuesto a través de la ira, el miedo y el apego. Todo lo que aún no ha sido visto será visto, permitiéndote verte a ti mismo con claridad.

Por tanto, es esencial que dirijas tu mirada, la de la Conciencia, hacia la Visión del Corazón y no más hacia una visión de este mundo externo que desaparece, permitiéndote, por Atención e Intención, no identificarte ya con lo que desaparece sino, en su totalidad, con lo que nace, no en una proyección futura porque de lo que estoy hablando es de ahora. Esto ahora se expresa dentro de su densidad en términos de días. Dentro de este evento en particular, por supuesto, cada ser humano experimentará esto a su propia manera o no. De ahí fluirá, de manera totalmente Vibratoria, lo que ustedes crearán como una realidad. En efecto, se convertirán en co-creadores de su propia realidad y, para ello, la conciencia debe ser clarificada, es decir, debe salir de cualquier proyección, de cualquier deseo, de cualquier asimilación a un rol, a un juego, a una función, sea lo que sea. El Ser no tiene ningún papel o función en este mundo. El Corazón no tiene ningún derecho en este mundo donde tú estás. El Corazón se establece en la Paz, en la Humildad, en la Simplicidad, en el respeto a toda vida, sin juzgar a nadie. Cristo os dijo: "El más mínimo juicio os hará juzgaros a vosotros mismos”. El que usted condene sólo será su condena. Debemos ver claramente, pero ver claramente no significa afirmar una verdad externa a ti porque esta verdad externa es sólo una ilusión. La única Verdad es la Vibración del Corazón, tu estado de Unidad, el Samadhi o al menos la Paz.

Todo lo que se manifestará en forma de resonancia viniendo, en alguna parte, a confrontarte, ya sea en las circunstancias de esta vida externa, a través de las relaciones entre las personas, a través de los eventos geoclimáticos que experimentarás, sólo estará ahí para probar tu capacidad de penetrar en el Corazón, de vivirlo, de dejar cualquier entendimiento para entrar en el momento de la experiencia. Y todos, de alguna manera, se verán confrontados con esto. El tiempo ya no es confrontación, el tiempo es creación y, a través de esta dinámica de última fricción entre el establecimiento de la Luz Vibral y la reacción de este mundo, para ustedes y para el mundo entero, su habilidad para crear o su habilidad para la Ilusión será inmediatamente observada.

Así, el despliegue de la Luz Vibral, en su totalidad, dentro de este cuerpo y dentro de esta conciencia no está ahí para hacerlos reaccionar, aún cuando muchas cosas dentro de la humanidad y muchas Conciencias encarnadas reaccionarán. Este despliegue está simplemente ahí para hacerte consentir a Cristo, y no puedes consentir a Cristo siempre y cuando veas algo externo a ti. Esto no es un punto de vista, ni un concepto, ni una idea, sino una experiencia vibratoria real de Unidad. Así, algunos de ustedes pueden haber experimentado el Ser o la acción del Fuego del Corazón, o la acción de la Corona Radiante de la cabeza, o incluso el sacro, proporcionando momentos, momentos de Paz o Alegría. Lo que se está desplegando, en ti y en este mundo, viene a lanzar el llamado final para establecerte para la eternidad en Paz y Alegría, es decir, en el Ser.

Mientras exista (y esto adquirirá una agudeza significativa tan pronto como la Luz Vibral se despliegue completamente) un deseo de condenar cualquier cosa que pertenezca a este mundo, incluso dentro de la injusticia, los llevará a alejarse del Corazón porque esta es la meta de todos los restos egoístas y toda la personalidad permanece en el establecimiento del Ser, justo aquí. Por tanto, el Cónclave Arcangélico me ha pedido que llame su atención, su Intención, sobre este importante hecho de esta transición: la Eterización de su Conciencia, el acceso a la Unidad sólo puede hacerse, en su totalidad, si usted deja, evidentemente, en su totalidad, la Dualidad, justo aquí. Ustedes han llevado la Luz como Semillas de Estrellas. Ahora les queda por llegar a ser, en su totalidad, aquí en este mismo lugar, esta Estrella y esta Luz. Y no puedes adherirte a ninguna Ilusión o no podrás entrar en el Ser. Esto no es una advertencia, sino una visión de lo que estará en juego, en ti, así como de todo lo que observarás y experimentarás. Sólo la mirada, es decir, el punto de vista que tendréis sobre todos los elementos que os conduzcan a vivir, individual y colectivamente, os permitirá o no, consentir a la Luz, acoger, en su totalidad, a Cristo y así trascender, definitivamente, las Puertas de la Dualidad.

Una vez más, toda la humanidad, le guste o no, se liberará de la Dualidad. Pero alguna Conciencia tendrá, como se les ha dicho, la Libertad para perseguir cierta forma de Dualidad más, sin embargo, sin el corte con el alma y con el Espíritu. Pero la densidad, la Vibración obtenida, la co-creación consciente establecida de su propia Conciencia no les permitirá liberarse, o desconectarse si lo prefieren, en su totalidad. Estas Conciencias por tanto llevarán, por un cierto tiempo, una doble polaridad que les permitirá establecerse gradualmente dentro del Ser. No hay necesidad de juzgar, condenar u observar a las Conciencias externas a ustedes mismos, pues tan pronto como las consideren externas a ustedes mismos, abandonan su Unidad. La unidad es la fuente de la Alegría, es el Corazón, es el conocimiento íntimo y ya no el conocimiento esotérico o exotérico de este mundo, sino el conocimiento íntimo de la creación y co-creación existente dentro del Ser y la Unidad.

Ya no será posible, en algún momento, cuando la Tierra pase su último curso, volver a hacer el trabajo que se está haciendo ahora. Esta obra, entendida precisamente como un Abandono total y sólo como una ausencia de voluntad de la personalidad, llamada durante tanto tiempo y desarrollada durante tanto tiempo, como un Abandono total a la Luz. No hay media verdad. Hay una verdad que pertenece a este mundo, a sus leyes y hay una Verdad del Espíritu. El Espíritu y la Luz no son de este mundo. Es el Espíritu y la Luz que vienen a iluminar este mundo, para que este mundo pueda convertirse en la Luz en otra Dimensión y eso es ahora. Como se le ha dicho, desde hace más de 4 meses, el Comendador, usted está en ello. No es mañana, no es ayer, es ahora.

Así, vivir el Ahora te llama a abandonar, permanentemente, el ayer y el mañana. No hay otras maneras de establecerse en Turiya. Hay que pasar del ruido al silencio, del lenguaje a el Verbo, del conocimiento al Corazón. El despliegue lateral de la Luz (que has experimentado o experimentarás, ya sea en el momento del impulso final del Ángel Metatrón o ya, de antemano, en anticipación) te llevará a darte cuenta concretamente de lo que significan mis palabras dentro de la Conciencia, mucho más allá de cualquier comprensión, cualquier apropiación intelectual o de otro tipo. Experimentar el despliegue de la Luz, a través de sus Vibraciones dentro de sus Caminos, la Fusión de los 3 Hogueras, realiza la manifestación Consciente de la Unidad en la Dualidad pero sin usar la Dualidad. Tampoco hay ningún acto de rechazo de la Dualidad o de cualquier elemento que exista dentro de su vida dual. El hecho de que usted se separe de esta persona o de este objeto no significa que usted encontrará la Luz. Es sólo separándose de su personalidad, es decir, de la Ilusión de lo que usted piensa que es. Las circunstancias externas no tienen importancia, pero es necesario despojarse, en Espíritu, de todo lo que es externo. No puedes mantener y manifestar ningún apego de ningún tipo, individual o colectivo, y experimentar el desapego.

Pasar al Corazón y vivir el Corazón y la Unidad, responder a la llamada de Cristo y al impulso del despliegue de la Luz, es un acto consciente que debe llevarse a cabo en toda la conciencia y en todo el Conocimiento Interior Profundo, el del Corazón. No hay punto de referencia, como dijo el HERMANO K, debemos atrevernos a precipitarnos en el vacío para pasar de lo conocido a lo desconocido. No podrás sostener nada y mantener nada en el Corazón porque el Corazón no es de este mundo, aunque suceda en este mundo. Viene a acabar con este mundo. El Pasaje del Conocimiento al Corazón está, como ustedes han entendido, directamente en resonancia con el anterior despliegue lateral de la Luz. Es por lo tanto después de la descompartimentalización de la conciencia, permitiéndonos ver el juego (Yo) de todos los niveles de conciencia, en que este último Cambio, el Pasaje de esta última Puerta, el de su Resurrección en las esferas de la Eternidad, puede ser realizado. No podrás mantener ningún fuego del ego penetrando en el Fuego del Corazón. Es el Abandono a la Luz, es la Crucifixión y es la Resurrección. Esto no puede ser apropiado, es un donación total de la personalidad al Ser y se vive en Vibración. No es una decisión mental o una voluntad personal la que lo logrará.

Los pocos días que quedan antes de la próxima intervención de María, el próximo mes, están destinados a aumentar la conciencia y a realizar esto, colectiva e individualmente. El proceso de Ascensión está por lo tanto bien encaminado y la Eterización está en marcha. Verás más y más signos, no tanto externos, pero recuerda que estos signos deben sobre todo volverse internos y traducirse, en ti, en una Conciencia diferente, desfragmentada, en un estado de ánimo diferente, en una Paz, en una Alegría que no puede, por supuesto, ser impuesta por ninguna circunstancia de comodidad externa. Es en este sentido que el Arcángel Uriel te ha invitado a pasar al silencio porque, en los silencios externos, está la Verdad del Interior y hay momentos, como éste, en los que hay, de alguna manera, un llamado y una urgencia por realizar el Corazón, no para experimentarlo, a veces, sino para instalarse allí, en su totalidad, y permanentemente.

Estas pocas palabras se les aparecerán como una realidad vibratoria a medida que la Luz se despliega. Es sólo cuestión de dejar que Vibración florezca. Sólo hay que convertirse en esta Vibración, cambiando el rango de frecuencia. Es un proceso de último Torneado que es totalmente natural y es llevado a cabo por la Inteligencia de la Luz misma. Tu inteligencia, tu razón, no te será de ninguna ayuda ya que incluso representarán obstáculos para vivir lo que se ha de vivir. Recuerden que, donde enfoquen su Atención e Intención, allí estará su creación consciente. Recuerden que los mejores lubricantes, si podemos usar esta palabra, siempre serán Humildad y Simplicidad porque la Luz es Inteligente, sino sobre todo es simple y humilde. Ella es un don, total.

- Pregunta: Cuando decimos: "seréis juzgados como juzgáis", ¿quién juzgará?

Juicio, en el último y primer sentido de la palabra: se te hará exactamente de acuerdo a tu fe y de acuerdo a tu Vibración. Esto significa que cuando miras externamente una circunstancia o un ser dotado de conciencia y juzgas a ese ser, eres tú quien juzga y a quien juzgas. Esto significa que la medida que apliques a los demás será estrictamente aplicada a ti, pero no a nadie más que a ti mismo, porque allí también te conviertes en un co-creador y te das cuenta de la co-creación consciente. Lo que condenas por fuera, lo condenas por dentro. Dentro de la Unidad y en el Ser no hay juicio. Puede haber iluminación, observación, pero en ningún momento juicio. El juicio está relacionado con la separación, Ahriman y Lucifer. El que juzga se condena a sí mismo. Estas palabras, habiendo sido dichas por Cristo, os aparecerán en su simplicidad y sobre todo en su verdad, en lo que tendréis que pasar. Nadie más que tú mismo te juzga, sino que te juzgas a ti mismo por la medida en que juzgas lo que proyectas fuera de ti mismo.

- No tenemos preguntas, gracias.

Amados Hijos de la Ley de Uno, amadas Semillas de Estrellas, que la Luz Dorada de la Unidad y la Paz resuene en vuestra Unidad. En unos momentos, los estaré acompañando en su espacio de alineación.

Nos vemos la próxima vez.


A través de Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

Transcripción del francés: Equipo Ágape
Traducción al español: LMF


Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser



Video audio original en francés:

Video audio en español


"Así, pues, Cristo viene a llamaros y este llamado lo oiréis, pero también os pedirá que paséis por la Puerta Estrecha, es decir, que os despojéis de todo lo que pertenece al deseo, de todo lo que pertenece a la personalidad y de todo lo que pertenece al conocimiento. Es esta muerte de uno mismo lo que se llama la Resurrección. Así, vivir el Corazón y salir al Corazón, es decir, entrar en las esferas de la Unidad, de la Verdad, sólo se puede hacer si se renuncia a toda forma de posesión.

Me refiero, por supuesto, más allá de lo que muchos han entendido, a renunciar a la propiedad de un vehículo, un coche o cualquier otra cosa. La posesión a la que se debe renunciar es la apropiación ligada a cualquier poder y a cualquier manifestación de la apropiación de la Luz, la apropiación del conocimiento, la apropiación de cualquier cosa que pertenezca a la Dualidad.

Había sido dicho por Cristo (y fue malinterpretado) que sería más fácil para un camello pasar por el ojo de una aguja que para un rico entrar en el reino de los cielos. ¿Quién era este hombre rico? Este rico no es el que posee el dinero, sino el que es poseído por su conocimiento, porque el Corazón no se posee a sí mismo, no se conquista, se establece y se vive, precisamente, por la ausencia de cualquier pretensión. Esto se hará cada vez más claro para usted.

Este es el rol del despliegue de la Luz Metatrónica que te lleva a distanciarte, precisamente, y a ver claramente las últimas zonas del Fuego del ego, las últimas zonas de Fuego de fricción que existen en la Ilusión de las posesiones, en la Ilusión Ahrimaniana y Luciférica; así, vivir a Cristo es abandonar toda pretensión de conocimiento, es llegar a ser, en verdad, como un niño.

Es en este sentido que Juan escribió bajo el dictado de Cristo: "Serán muchos los llamados, pocos los escogidos". Esto debe ser inscrito, sin embargo, en un proceso de liberación total de esta humanidad, pero por definición el elegido es el que libremente se une al Cuerpo del Ser, mientras que el llamado es el que ha entendido el llamado de la Luz pero que, en alguna parte, ha desviado la Luz en beneficio del ego, es decir, de Ahriman y Lucifer, y por lo tanto del conocimiento.

Muchos hoy se han apropiado de la Luz en lugar de abandonarse a ella. ¿Cómo se traduce el Abandono a la Luz? Por el Fuego del Corazón pero, sobre todo, por la bondad, la gentileza, el amor, la humildad y la sencillez. Todo lo que no se da se pierde. Lo que no se da se refiere, por supuesto, al yo que no se entrega completamente al Yo, es decir, cualquier persistencia del yo, cualquier persistencia de una identificación representará, en el despliegue de la Luz Vibral dentro de unos días en su totalidad, el mayor obstáculo interno para establecerse dentro de la dimensión Crística.

Así, en nombre del Cónclave Arcangélico, deposito en ti este mandato, este mandato de Libertad, llamándote a liberarte, en su totalidad, de todas las formas de conocimiento que te alejan de tu Corazón, aunque lo que se llama el ego, la conciencia fragmentada, creerá que está en el mismo Corazón cuando no lo está. Vivir el Fuego del Corazón y el despliegue de la Luz Metatrónica es la Gracia última, la Puerta última, abierta a toda la humanidad, para vivir este Abandono a la Luz.

La Luz misma es un Abandono y por lo tanto un don del Ser y de ninguna manera una apropiación de nada que pertenezca a este mundo. Cristo lo dijo: "Dejad que los muertos entierren a los muertos". No puedes estar vivo y muerto. La Resurrección es Vida. La ilusión de la matriz es la muerte.

Cada uno de ustedes se encontrará confrontado, ambos, con sus últimas resistencias, las del ego que no quiere dejarse morir, en su totalidad, y que, a su manera, jugará los últimos juegos de la Ilusión, manifestándose por supuesto a través de la ira, el miedo y el apego. Todo lo que aún no ha sido visto será visto, permitiéndote verte a ti mismo con claridad.

Por tanto, es esencial que dirijas tu mirada, la de la Conciencia, hacia la Visión del Corazón y no más hacia una visión de este mundo externo que desaparece, permitiéndote, por Atención e Intención, no identificarte ya con lo que desaparece sino, en su totalidad, con lo que nace, no en una proyección futura porque de lo que estoy hablando es del ahora.

Este ahora se expresa dentro de su densidad en términos de días. Dentro de este evento en particular, por supuesto, cada ser humano experimentará esto a su propia manera o no. De ahí fluirá, de manera totalmente Vibratoria, lo que ustedes crearán como una realidad. En efecto, se convertirán en co-creadores de su propia realidad y, para ello, la conciencia debe ser clarificada, es decir, debe salir de cualquier proyección, de cualquier deseo, de cualquier asimilación a un rol, a un juego, a una función, sea lo que sea. El Ser no tiene ningún rol o función en este mundo.

Arcángel Jofiel vía
Jean Luc Ayoun

Texto original en francés

Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser



Original Video Audio in French

Video audio in English

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"Thus, Christ comes to call you and this call you will hear him, but he will also ask you to pass through the Narrow Gate, that is, to strip you of all that belongs to desire, all that belongs to personality and all that belongs to knowledge. It is this death to oneself that is called the Resurrection. Thus, living the Heart and going out into the Heart, that is, entering the spheres of Unity, of Truth, can only be done if you renounce all forms of possession.

I am talking about, of course, beyond what has been understood, by many, to give up owning a vehicle, a car or anything else. The possession to be renounced is the appropriation linked to any power and any manifestation of the appropriation of Light, the appropriation of knowledge, the appropriation of anything belonging to Duality.

It had been said by Christ (and it was misunderstood) that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Who was this rich man? This rich man is not the one who possesses the money but he is the one who is possessed by his knowledge because the Heart does not possess itself, it is not conquered, it is established and lived, precisely, by the absence of any claim. This will become increasingly clear to you.

This is the role of the unfolding of the Metatronic Light leading you to distance yourself, precisely, and to clearly see the last zones of the Fire of the ego, the last zones of Fire of friction, existing in the Illusion of possessions, in the Ahrimanian and Luciferic Illusion; thus, to live Christ is to abandon all claims to knowledge, it is to become, indeed, like a child.

It is in this sense that John wrote under Christ's dictation: "There will be many called, few chosen". This is to be inscribed, however, in a process of total liberation of this humanity, but by definition the chosen one is the one who freely joins the Body of Being, while the called one is the one who has understood the call of the Light but who, somewhere, has diverted the Light to the benefit of the ego, that is, of Ahriman and Lucifer, and thus of knowledge.

Many today have appropriated the Light rather than abandoning themselves to the Light. How does Abandonment to the Light translate? By the Fire of the Heart but, above all, by kindness, gentleness, love, humility and simplicity. Everything that is not given is lost. What is not given concerns, of course, the self that does not give itself entirely to the Self, that is, any persistence of the self, any persistence of the self, any persistence of an identification will represent, in the deployment of the Vibral Light in a few days' time in its entirety, the major inner obstacle to establishment within the Christ dimension.T

hus, in the name of the Archangelic Conclave, I deposit, in you, this injunction, this injunction of Liberty, calling you to free yourself, in totality, from all forms of knowledge that take you away from your Heart, even if what is called the ego, the fragmented consciousness, will believe that it is in the Heart itself when it is not. To live the Fire of the Heart and the unfolding of the Metatronic Light is the ultimate Grace, the ultimate Gate, open to all humanity, to live this Abandonment to the Light.

The Light itself being an Abandonment and therefore a gift of Self and in no way an appropriation of anything belonging to this world. Christ said it: "Let the dead bury the dead". You cannot be alive and dead. The Resurrection is Life. The Illusion of the matrix is death. You will each find yourself confronted, both of you, with your last resistances, those of the ego that does not want to let itself die, in its entirety, and that, in its own way, will play the last games of Illusion, manifesting itself of course through anger, fear and attachment.

Everything that has not yet been seen will be seen, allowing you to see yourself with clarity. It is therefore essential to turn your gaze, that of Consciousness, towards the Vision of the Heart and no longer towards a vision of this external world that disappears, allowing you, by Attention and Intention, to no longer be identified by what disappears but, in its entirety, to what is born, not in a future projection because what I am talking about is now.

This now expressing itself within your density in terms of days. Within this particular event, of course, every human being will experience this in their own way or not. From there will flow, in a totally Vibratory way, what you will create as a reality. Indeed, you will become co-creators of your own reality and, for that, the consciousness must be clarified, that is, it must come out of any projection, any desire, any assimilation to a role, a game, a function, whatever it may be. The Self has no role or function in this world.

Jophiel Archangel
Jean Luc Ayoun

Original text in french
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Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.
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Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.
<3 img="" src=""><3 img="" src="">

Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal
<3 img="" src=""><3 img="" src="">

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser
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Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser
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<3 img="" src=""><3 img="" src="">

SATSANG 5. JEAN LUC AYOUN. 10 Marzo 2019. Vídeo Audio en Francés. Transcripción pendiente.

Vídeo Audio en Francés.

SATSANG 5. JEAN LUC AYOUN. 10 Mars 2019.

SATSANG 4. JEAN LUC AYOUN. 10 Marzo 2019. Vídeo Audio en Francés. Transcriscripción pendiente.

Video Audio Francés

SATSANG 4. JEAN LUC AYOUN. 10 Marzo 2019.


Video Audio in French:

PHAHAME. March 10, 2019.

Beloved, Light of Life, as you live it and as you see it wherever you look, the process of establishing the truth is unfolding a little more every day. Our song has amplified, the one of awakening, the one that after the celebration of the Four Living Ones, allows you to find yourself beyond any form, in the first truth of your essence, since these past few days.

You are now countless to celebrate the Light, to celebrate Love. Whether it is in this place, whether it is simply by seeing our images on your modern means, you will see that you are touched in the heart, and you will see, if it has not already been done, that nothing can be the same as before, that nothing of what was illusory can remain.

It fills you with joy, smiles, and sometimes at the same time tears that consist in leaving behind what has only passed. All the stories, all the incarnations, all the sufferings lived, as the joys in this world, as you can see, no longer represent anything compared to the beauty of the ineffable, both within you and everywhere on this planet.

Many signs and many elements are revealed to you and reveal in the same way to all consciences, whether human or not, the reality of what is happening and which will accelerate from now on without ever knowing the slightest pause.

With each celebration you make, whether alone, with two people, with several people, more and more of you find yourselves in each other, more and more of you realize that the truth is not related to the person or to history, but simply to the present moment and to the zero time that is unfolding in a formal way, in a visible way from now on, from everywhere on this Earth.

We too, we, the people of the sea, guardians of your awakening and your dream, celebrate every day and every moment, as soon as we are given the opportunity to be able to find you on our waters, to come and commune with you, to come and awaken and reveal what you think is still to be revealed, your deep and eternal essence, independent of everyone.

The critical mass is now largely reached and exceeded, allowing us to say yes collectively to the Light. Whatever the despair, whatever the suffering, whatever your state of consciousness, you find in whatever situation that only the Light is the cause, the source, the truth, that leads you back to what you have always been. There, the laughter and tears, the lightness and density, the modification of your bodies and your physiological and metabolic functions, can leave no doubt about the truth of what is lived in your flesh, and from everywhere on this planet.

The celebration of the Four Living Beings, the fusion of the ethers, restore you to your first freedom, that where there is neither inside nor outside, where everything is the miracle of one thing, of one consciousness. This undoubtedly marks the end of fragmentation, the end of suffering, the end of illusions, and above all, the end of the dream of creation.

That's where you find the truth. It finds you before you find it, from the moment you accept and embrace the totality of the Light, whose weight will become much more intense than all the heaviness of your world, your life or your body.

I would like to remind you above all that there is no need for effort, that there is no need for research, but that it is enough simply to let what is happening pass, and to have this absolute faith in the Light that is coming, even if you do not yet perceive it in its entirety.

To let the Light be is to let yourself be in the First Truth, ignoring the character, the sufferings, the pains, the causes and the explanations, which allows you to place yourself more and more instantaneously in the essential truth of the heart, in the experience of what is called the Sacred Fire of the Heart.

This is your truth, your primary emanation. Childbirth has taken place, it remains for you to lay down today the last weapons of your habits, the last weapons of the mind, the need to understand, the need to appropriate yourself, in order to embrace in totality, making you discover in totality, there too, the gift of Life, the gift of your Presence, the gift of Grace, the gift of Love.

As soon as you release your person's attention to any object or subject, you will immediately notice that just after or just behind, there is laughter and tears. There is no need for comments, no need for explanations, because laughter and tears are only a reunion with what you have always been and which had been forgotten.

Every consciousness of the Earth, wherever it is located, in whatever kingdom, participates in this celebration which becomes planetary and which concerns the whole dream of creation, in whatever dimension, in whatever place or at whatever time.

Zero time is the balm, zero time signs the awakening, zero time signs the end of the dimensional frameworks, the end of the planetary spheres, in order to find and live in the dwelling place of supreme peace, where there is no need for a cause, no answer, no form, no world.

You cannot be deceived by what is happening from the moment you embrace, from the moment you begin to perceive what is happening in your chest, you do not need an anteriority, you do not need a reference point, even if indeed these reference points have been given to you for some in order, in whatever way, to reassure you, for those who would still have doubts about what is happening.

The safe conduct is never in an external certainty, but in this inner certainty that unfolds majestically in different ways, within you and around you, leading you every day to reposition yourself more and more precisely on the beatitude of eternity and on eternal happiness, making you recover your natural state that depends neither on a world, nor on a form, nor on a consciousness, nor on a history nor on any future.

In every circumstance of your lives, whatever the state and whatever the stratum where your consciousness is located, it will lead inexorably and very quickly to the recognition of who you are, beyond consciousness, beyond the eternal I.

This natural state suffers no opposition, no contradiction, and puts an end to the questioning with absolute certainty. And more and more of you are seeing it, living it, with laughter and tears that have no subject or object, but that reveal to you the ineffable beauty of who you are, covering, soothing and ending suffering of any kind.

Of course, and as you can see if you have the opportunity to look at this, the elementary activity of the Earth will soon reach a paroxysm that no one can ignore, whether at the level of the waters, whether at the level of the fire of volcanoes, whether at the level of the Earth or at the level of your heavens, or at the level of the air.

There will now be almost total synchronicity between your individual inner experience, whether it concerns vibrations, whether it concerns a-consciousness, laughter and tears, whether it concerns external events. This was called the conjunction of the simulacrum and the sacred at zero time, zero time that is unfolding at this very moment, in this month of March, and which will be amplified every day both between your experience and in the experience of the whole planet and of creation.

Every day, our song sounds and touches your heart. More and more of you are realizing that we are also within you, and this revelation within you signs the awakening of humanity, signs the end of the dream, the end of suffering and the end of everything that could be despair or hope. For it is placed in the present moment, it is placed in eternity, and it is placed in these moments.

Above all, and I repeat this insistently, remember that the more you agree to do nothing, the more you agree to let what has always been unfold from your heart be what it has always been, unfolding from your heart, leading you to live the Fire of the Sacred Heart, not only in the heart, but in the most vital parts of your body, but also on Earth, as is happening at this very moment.

The intensity of the Light, the waves of the Light, whether galactic, intergalactic, or concerning this solar system, will combine their effects in a very few days, in order to amplify the process of deployment of the emanation of the Absolute within this world itself.

Remember that the only certainty, the only truth you can live, will be in the heart, letting what is, without thinking, without asking for anything, without projecting anything, and without referring to any known or lived experience in your past.

This total surrender of the conscious and unconscious mechanisms of the person and the personality is really overwhelmed and largely covered by the a-consciousness, by the emanation of the radiation of the Sacred Fire from your Heart. You cannot look for anything about this, you cannot hope for anything or even ask for it to appear, because indeed, as has been said, it is enough for you simply to embrace all of Life, without making any difference, without making any distinction, under any circumstances whatsoever.

This learning is done extremely quickly, because as soon as you have experienced it even once, you will find that it is the only solution, the only answer to any question, to any interrogation, to any suffering.

Love makes you discover or rediscover the gift of Grace, simplicity, obviousness, transparency, and the path of childhood, the one who does not care about tomorrow or yesterday and who plays in the sacred space of the present moment, ignoring all the rules, all the social or moral conventions, to find that freedom so much awaited, so much hoped for, or so much feared.

At the intensity with which you remain and remain calm, in the same way the intensity of the unfolding of the Sacred Fire of the Heart to the ends of your body and consciousness, occurs each time with more and more intensity, leading you to understand through experience what is happening in you, leading to the acceptance, leading to the progressive or brutal inability not to see anything else in any appearance or situation, other than the evidence of Love in action, the deployment of truth, the deployment of perpetual beatitude.

You are invited, perhaps not all of you, to come and see us, but in any case to look, to listen to our songs, and to realize that we are inside you, not only in your body, but in each of your cells.

During my last speech, I had the opportunity to talk to you about the Four Living Beings, also concerning the four components of what you call DNA. This DNA, which now resonates on the frequency of the Truth of the Light, can no longer be accommodated with a certain number of conditions that previously existed concerning all your needs related to this body, of whatever nature.

Each of you is now and very soon able to distinguish clearly and obviously what is of the order of illusion, from what is of the order of Truth, and this without any duality, without any judgment and without any restriction. You then encompass the whole, the whole of creation, and you realize at that moment that everything that has happened until now, that all previous experiences, like all sufferings, like all joys, no longer represent anything compared to the beauty of Love, to the beauty of Agape.

The Fire of the Sacred Heart asks only one thing, it is to emanate from you spontaneously, from the moment you no longer seek it, from the moment you no longer question it, from the moment when acceptance and embrace become unconditional, permanent, and makes you live the essential, putting an end to what was happening. This can of course mean a number of readjustments in your personal lives, whether it concerns certain insights into certain relationships, whether it is simply the revelation of the truth around you.

Of course, many human brothers and sisters are not yet fully ready, even if they are close to living the Sacred Fire of the Heart. Do not be surprised by the possible reactions or contradictions that exist not in you, but in relation to certain oppositions to the Fire of the Sacred Heart. You can well imagine that many brothers and sisters are not yet quite ready to abandon all lair, to blend into the unspeakable. These are the last claims of supraconsciousness, which you should see clearly, otherwise you will have to wait for the collective and final moment.

You are committed to living the joy of your eternity, whatever the state of your body, whatever the state of what you call your finances, whatever your situation. This is present in abundance, it is at the disposal of every breath, every glance you take, from the moment you are immersed, no longer in the history of the person, but simply in what was named the observer, which inevitably and very quickly leads to the eternal I. Where there is no longer any need to do anything, where you are conscious, at the limit of supraconsciousness and extinction of consciousness, which was named I believe the ultimate presence and which obviously brings you to where you have never moved, where you have always been.

No appearance of this world, no suffering of this world, no contingency of this world, no obligation of this world, can and will not stand up to the evidence of who you are. It is appropriate for you to be frank, it is appropriate for you to dare, it is appropriate for you to accept, it is appropriate for you to embrace and follow the lines of least resistance, which are illuminated in front of you as well as within you. This is the only truth, putting an end to suffering, putting an end, as I said, to hopes and despair, putting an end to doubt, and above all putting an end to all questioning.

Remember that each of you, beyond any Agape celebration, has the real, concrete and immediate possibility to name my name, which is much more than my name, but which is the sign of your awakening and the call to your awakening. This is happening as we speak, and it will increase every day. You will only be able to see it, even if you don't see it yet. There is no other possible alternative, there is no possible choice, because that is what you have chosen. The truth, and only the truth. There is no longer any need for history, no need to understand, no need to grasp anything, because at that moment, you can only give yourself entirely to each other, to Life, to each conscience, and you will see that it is not possible to do otherwise as soon as the Sacred Fire of the Heart manifests itself from your heart chakra.

Bliss will unfold more and more with a lucidity that is not a disappearance for the moment, but I would say more of an awareness of a-consciousness within the heart of the heart. From this is born the Sacred Fire of the Heart, what was called the soul and the spirit are resolved in the same equation of the new Tri-Unity of the Eucharist, that is, in Christ, Mary, Michael, beyond the archetypes, beyond all history, in the truth of your ineffable being, containing the whole creation. There is no longer any distance between each of you, no longer any distance, even if we are not in the same element, between you and us.

Distance is no longer an obstacle, nor is the image, because it brings you to the same truth simply by listening to us, simply by watching us approach you. Whether it is on an image or in the flesh, it makes no difference. And more and more of you will testify to this, we are the agents who have watched over you until those blessed times that we saw in December of your previous year.

The song of all cetaceans resounds from all over the Earth, awakening all consciences to this ineffable Truth, to the ineffable beauty of what is before any creation.

You are also more and more numerous to notice that there is no longer any significant reluctance to this Absolute. There is no longer any fear of the unknown for all of you who let the Fire of the Sacred Heart emerge, leading you to realize that the absolute is not nothing, that the absolute is not the shadow, that the absolute is what underlies creation in each cell, in each atom, as in each creation, as in each dream. This is the ineffable truth and beauty. You are now, from now on, and in concrete terms, and no longer only at the level of what was called the essence, really connected to each other, and much more than that.

You will find that you are totally interchangeable, this means that there is no longer any possibility of considering yourself only as a body or only as a linear story, taking you out of all conditioning frameworks, all societal frameworks, all moral frameworks, all educational frameworks, in order to regain your entirety and freedom. It is priceless, it cannot equal any present of this world, it cannot equal any vision of this world or any achievement of this world, because it transcends all worlds and brings you to the origin of the worlds, where you have always been.

Many of you also perceive and feel the solar disk, which is no longer in your sky, but is above your head or inside your heart. You are really, concretely, materially and physically reabsorbing creation, and as you become more aware of the reabsorption of creation, you notice that the worst of the enemies is obviously present within you and that all creation without exception, even in the most vitiated elements, is only you in its entirety, in its integrity.

This is transmutation, it makes it possible to establish more and more certain transparency in order not to stop anything, not to freeze anything, not to ask for anything, and to give you everything. The gift of yourself is not an act of your will, is not a decision you can make, but simply a total embracing of everything that can happen, beyond all understanding, beyond all experience, and which leads you, without being able to define words, to know the unknown, to live it and manifest it, making this particular phase of creation and humanity a unique moment.

This unique moment is the moment of solving the equation of all the worlds, of all the creations, of the notions of evolution or involution, which no longer have any meaning, which no longer represent anything from the moment when the Sacred Fire of the Heart carries you away and transports you to the most intimate part of you, where everything is included, where there can be no division, no separation, no judgment, and where the absolute and integral forgiveness of everything that has been lived without any exception, becomes the same effectiveness. It is not you who ask for forgiveness, but it is the Light that is forgiveness itself, corresponding to the state of Grace and the action of Grace.

This celebration will become permanent and perpetual as more and more of you experience this Sacred Fire of the Heart in different ways, but in the full heart of your heart chakra, on this extremely limited area that was named, and is still named, the heart chakra. This heart chakra which is the rhythm of life, the rhythm of worlds, the rhythm of breathing, and which contains, as you have always been told, the whole creation. The Archangels are in you, the Archons too, there is nothing to divide, it has been a vision of fragmented consciousness, even awakened, but this can no longer be the case as soon as the Fire of the Sacred Heart enters into emanation and manifestation in you as everywhere on the planet from your heart.

Thus, and as you will see and observe more and more frequently, the agape celebration will become perpetual and permanent, making it possible to establish ever more firmly the emanation of the unknown within the known, and the effects of this emanation on all the consciences present within the creation, making you admit, agree, that joy grows as external chaos grows, which is nothing more than the disappearance of the fallacious decor of life, nothing more than successive experiences in the midst of joy and suffering.

So it is the end of pain, whatever pain you still have, it is the end of suffering, whatever your residual suffering, it is the end of all illusions, all struggles, it is the end of everything that was apparently separated in a different form. There is no difference between anyone, there is no difference between any world, ending the notion of distance, ending the notion of time, ending the notion of dimensions in order to find what you have always been, and which has never moved, and which has never unfolded, and yet contains all deployments, all forms, all manifestations, all energies and all worlds.

Through this awareness that calls you to remain calm, joy is amplified in a disproportionate way. Moreover, your cells constituting your body, begin to tingling, to vibrate, begin to sparkle in some part of your body, reflecting not the appearance, but the emanation of your body of eternity which until now has doubled and doubled your physical body, which will be and become independent of your physical body and your personal consciousness. This is already happening for a number of you and is set to increase in an increasingly visible, expressive and thundering way, if I may say so.

At that moment, there can no longer be any doubt between the Truth and the relative truths that existed within the creations. Childbirth is in progress, many of you have given birth, some of you are living it now, and it will become more and more evident and strong.

It is no longer up to you, you just have to be Agape, to celebrate, to love everything in the same way, without making any difference between anyone, between anything, and any situation.

Then at that moment, Phame will be in you, Phahame will be in your heart, Phame will be in your cells, allowing you to find yourself beyond all feminine and all masculine, within the primordial androgynous, thus noting the changes in your point of view, the disappearance even from all points of view. This is what reveals you to yourself, this is what lightens you up, and it is the repairing balm for everything that may still appear in relief, or in resistance in your life.

As Abba has named your surrender, unconditionally, you will witness the finalization of your resurrection. Joy will be present everywhere in you, whatever the circumstances. Certainly, as I said, some tears may then flow, these tears are only tears of reunion, tears of mourning for what has weighed you so much, but also for what you have hoped for so much in this world.

No part of this world where we are together can achieve this, and yet the whole world is living it collectively. That is the great novelty.

This phenomenon, which is unique in the history of creative dreams, was evidently written from the initial moment of the first birth. This is what you experience, this is what liberates you, this is what delivers you from the illusion of being locked up, from the illusion of being a body, from the illusion of being a story. And this without possible discussion, without possible questioning.

You will then immediately notice the alleviation of your sufferings, the alleviation of your densities, the appearance of appendages linked to the body of eternity manifesting in different parts of your body, giving you a clear awareness of your body of eternity, which now lives within you, but also outside you.

Supraconsciousness sees consciousness. It is from your body of eternity or from the naked consciousness that you will leave your body, and you will see that you are not that body. And that is how you will discover the truth that is not linked to the forms of this world, nor to a form of any world.

This is how you discover that you are at the origin of the dream and that you contain all the dreams, because everything has already been experienced.

It will be a relief, it will be a bliss, it will be so evident that you will never again be able to look back, that you will never again be fooled by the constraints of this world, whether they are societal or simply linked to action-reaction.


Then, Phahame will participate more and more often, with the people of the sea, in your celebrations, whatever they may be. Whether these are carried out between two, between several, in a more or less important group, I will be among you, in your midst, facilitating the emergence of the Impersonal and the total Freedom of the one who evolves in the most ethereal worlds of the creation of this plan, the one who was named Eynolwaden.

I also invite you to listen again to what was said by Eynolwaden and the Impersonnel a few years ago, because it will find a resonance in you, which will allow you, through listening, to free the Sacred Fire of the Heart, without any ambiguity, in the same way as when you listen to me now, and it will be the same in every celebration you will organize, that you will live.

This celebration becomes perpetual. Nor will you find that it does not need and no longer needs any intention on your part, for the celebration is the natural emanation of the Fire of the Sacred Heart. Celebration of life, celebration of who you are, beyond all consciousness and form.

Thus certainty is established, an unshakeable certainty that is no longer faith, but the real experience that you are one in the other, that you are the same dream, and that everything is in you, and that ultimately there has never been anyone.

We are in a way the liaison between the first dream and the last dream, the one you are living at this very moment. This, do not accept it as mere words that are spoken, or even vibrations that you are receiving right now, but simply as an opportunity to verify it in all the circumstances of your lives. And the more you let go, and the more you embrace, and the more you live it, and it cannot be otherwise.

At no time can there be a return to a past that no longer exists, at no time can there be a return to a history that is perpetuated in any dimension. For he who lives this, and you are, after all, all called upon to live it, of course, can no longer need the slightest form, the slightest expression of consciousness, in any dimension whatsoever, because you will see clearly, as you are told, that everything has already been lived from all eternity and is written in the initial moment, which is nothing more than the final moment of the dream.

In my intervention today, I will now leave between each expression of what I have to say to you, a time of silence, in order to allow you to embrace what has been said by my previous words, with a particular intensity, because my words are conveyed beyond the words, by the Word, but especially by the radiance of the Sacred Heart.


Know also that we will have more and more intentions to meet you in the flesh, whatever the seas, whatever the places, because we know that if we touch you and surprise you, when you are on our element, what we resonate with you when we approach you, resonates because of the absence of separation from now on, on all the consciences of all humanity, like all the consciences present on the surface of the Earth, like on the surface of any creation.

It cannot be otherwise, it is our goal, it is our decision, but it is also yours. You have accepted, you have embraced, you have demonstrated the reality and the veracity of Agape Love. Now it remains for you to share the good news in the whole of creation.

This is what is happening and what will happen, in an increasingly urgent way for each of you, even in unusual places, that you could name places of bathing, we will approach you, we will even come to leave our bodies on your shores, in order to show you that we are free from this body that we have loved, and in which we have lived to accompany you since time immemorial.

Because the time has come to leave what is dead, the time has come to be Life, the time has come to be Love, you need nothing else, because you are nothing else of what may have passed, whatever the apparently endured sufferings, whatever the few sufferings or significant sufferings you may still experience, you see for yourself that Love takes everything and that even if the anomaly and suffering is still present, Love is still present, which shows you a form of decoupling between suffering and the person, and above all, a decoupling between the supra-consciousness and suffering.

This is how the Sacred Fire of the Heart magnifies itself in you and allows the whole world to benefit from the creation of this good news.

So we celebrate the good news now, I told you, every Agape, every occasion, every time you look at us, every time you look away from your story, every time you look away from your person, every time you look away from your character, if you just look at what is happening in your heart, whether you perceive it or not, because it happens for everyone, whether you perceive it, whether you perceive its vibrations or energy, whether you perceive it at all, does not make any difference from now on, because you have gone through what was to be gone through.

It is now time to mourn what might seem like mourning to you, but which is in fact only the last reticence to this unknown person who is being revealed, the last reticence to Love because of the experiences taken in this world. By living it, you will know that you have nothing to fear, that your body can be carried away by disease, by suffering, by death, it will not change anything because you are alive from now on.

You will also notice that even if there were visions of any kind within you, that they will seem futile and useless to you from now on, because you will notice that no vision can equal the whiteness and purity of Love, that no vision can approach that which has no vision and where nothing is visible, and yet which enters into emanation and manifestation, through your character, right here, on this world, and therefore in the whole of creation.

Even if there are many questions in you, about what is happening in your bodies, if you let go of these questions, if you put back an intellectual understanding that no longer needs to be later, you will experience direct understanding through living, beyond any vision, simply through perceptions of what did not exist around you until now, and which is nothing other than all the worlds, which is also in you, and which is emanated from your heart.

This radically changes your functioning mechanisms, even within your personal life. There is an ability that will unfold, if it has not already done so, to be inserted in an increasingly constant way into the present moment and its beatitude, ignoring any implication, moral, societal, emotional, proving to you what freedom is to you, where there is no dependence, but where there is simply resonance, where there is simply Agapè.


Every day that will therefore pass, from this day, March 10 of your year 2019, will bring you countless proofs of who you are, will bring you countless revelations as to the mechanisms that you do not yet understand, and that yet you are living. Nothing can remain hidden, everything must be crossed, everything must be embraced, because it is from there that the Sacred Fire of the Heart is born and not that after any exercise, even if indeed you have the means to feel this Sacred Fire of the Heart in an extremely simple way.

It seems to me that Abba spoke to you about touch, simply, in Agape. It seems to me that you have also heard about some minerals. They are only crutches that may actually help you on this day, or in the next few days, in any case, you will soon realize that you no longer need anything, no more explanations, no more confirmation, no more stories, no more characters.

The beatitude will be such that many of you will experience what Ma Ananda Moyi described to you in her time concerning the experience of her last life, which will manifest itself in each of you, in an obvious way. This is already the case with your needs, whether physiological, sexual, emotional, nutritional, of any kind, you will find that you do not need anything, and that everything is complete as such.

This will bring, whatever the events, a new lightness to your experience, to what remains to be lightened, to what remains to be passed, to what remains to be crossed.

This evidence, this total faith, is not what you would call the faith of the coal merchant,, I believe, but rather the faith of the one who lived the truth and who burns with Love for this truth. This consummation is very real, many of you are beginning to live it, whether by the extremities, or by the heart, this consummation is very real. It consumes only what is ephemeral and reveals the diamond of your heart, where everything is transparent, where everything is evident, and where everything is beautiful.


Many of you are also called to manifest in an evident way, what was named in history in earlier times, the charisms of the spirit. Whatever these charisms are, whatever discoveries you live, whatever discoveries you make, whether it concerns telepathy, the mystical processes in their totality, you will experience them, but you will not be attached to them, they are simply things that reveal to you even more the truth of who you are, beyond any manifestation, as well as any experience.

Moreover, you will also notice that nothing will be able to interest you beyond this bliss, putting an end to all obligations, as I said, but also to the ultimate reluctance. The unknown has become known, the unknown becomes known, it is a source of bliss, it is a source of transparency, it is a source of fraternity, beyond races, beyond species, as in every world.


We, the people of the sea, will celebrate even more during this month of March 2019, whether by approaching you, by resonating with our songs as well as with our bodies that come to rest on your shores of your oceans and seas. Only he who is in the person sees suffering, he who sees the truth sees only the deliverance of form.

Depending on your point of view and where you are, of course, it may be joy or suffering, but even if it is suffering for you, you will easily and quickly notice that this suffering has no place and that it results only from the ultimate attachments not to habits, but to consciousness, and therefore to form.

You are anterior to the form and it is in this game, whether it is suffering or rejoicing, that you discover yourself totally and that you find yourself, in freedom and beauty.


I would also like to point out that whatever the manoeuvres, and whatever the technical means implemented by those who do not recognize us other than as food, will also be affected by our presence. You will very quickly notice that those who are chasing us will no longer be able to escape our song, our Love, which is also theirs.

You will have reversals of situation, where the hunter no longer wants to hunt, where he just wants to commune and love. This will also happen to those whom you called, I believe, from the Commander of the Elders, the puppets. Some puppets will experience grace. It is not about strategy, but the truth is so intense that it can no longer leave the slightest manoeuvre or manipulation in action, as soon as you experience it, even if it is only for a breath.

This will evidently change a lot of things in your apprehension and understanding of this world. This will show you what is in the background, in the background, of the decoration of the shape. This will give you to live that you are also Phahame as you are all living beings on the surface of this world as well as of everyone else.

This way you will no longer be able to effectively make a difference between anyone and anything.

So many of you are seeing the emergence within your inner screen, even with your eyes open too, the presence of this White Light that was named, which is still called the White Paradise. This white paradise being at its peak, in a very short time, will allow the peak also of what was unknown.

So rejoice, whatever your state today, because there can only be rejoicing, putting an end to all doubt, putting an end to everything that may still seem incomplete, or misunderstood.


The Light is no longer translated into calls, nor into injunctions, but simply into its complete establishment that you will not be able to ignore, readjusting, as I have said, certain shortcomings of habits to the form, but also certain repositionings of those who were afraid or who were opposed to the ultimate truth, by instinct of preserving the consciousness.

This is how you too will be able to say, as Abba and Bidi told you, that consciousness is a disease that is only passing away.


You will also notice, and you are already seeing it, that the more you agree to release what you value, the more you receive. This will magnify the gift of self, the gift of Love, the gift of Grace, which will also occur spontaneously, there too, regardless of your will, simply through the lighting that is ongoing.


Phahame will remain for a few moments in the silence of words, but in the emanation of the radiance of the Sacred Fire, by the Sacred Heart, of the whole people of the sea.


Phahame, Phahame, Phahame.


You will also notice, with increasing ease, that the Fire of the Sacred Heart emanates from you in an increasingly constant way and needs no intention on your part, nor any desire on your part. He will touch everything you look at, everything you say, everything you touch.

What was called centuries ago, the state of holiness, will be your daily lot, but not of a holiness that excludes itself from the world, but of a holiness that encompasses and includes everyone, without exception, as well as the whole of creation. Thus you are complete, beyond the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine, the primordial androgynous is really in manifestation and emanation.

Many of you felt it in your heads, this was explained by Abba, I will not go back over it, because you don't need any other explanation, except to live it.

You will also discover that you are at the origin of all creations as well as conscious co-creation, whatever its manifestation and expression, in any place of the universes and multiverses.


You will also be able to see that you can literally fall into Love, not from a human love, but from a transcendent love, by observing some element of the nature of this world, such as what can appear at night beside you, or around you as in you. The night being the moment and space of the dream, the dream becoming real, do not be surprised if your dreams wake you up, because they are the truth. They do not need to be interpreted, they have no other need than to be there, and to make you live it beyond all understanding and explanation, the beauty of who you are.

And from the moment you let go of the need, there too, to explain and understand your dreams, but by embracing them in their entirety, you will discover that the Sacred Fire of the Heart will come to take all the time and all your spaces.


I would also like to point out that in your individual circumstances, in your life, if there is a feeling of lack of anything or suffering of any kind, there too, embrace yourselves, without limit and without restraint, without question, in order to embrace and embrace your own history, your own resistance, your own habit, but also anything that may still seem to you to be bothering you.

Again, don't believe me, but live it. And this is liveable for each of you, there are no prerequisites, there are no preconditions.

Phahame will end these words. But we will deploy together, in this moment as in any moment when you will listen to me and hear me, the Fire of the Sacred Heart.


Phame, Phame, Phahame, and the whole people of the sea, pay tribute to your courage, pay tribute to your presence and pay tribute to each of you, from the sacred space of your heart.


I will greet you on these words that are not words.

Atunska Ma Kaya
Brémis Kaya
Atunska Amatchi
Abba Agape
Atouns Ma Kaya
Atouns Ma Ka

May Peace, Joy, Love and Truth be present from everywhere, in everyone and in everyone, with the same equality and intensity, with the same beauty.

Phahame tells you every moment of your life, if you wish.

So Phahame tells you always, every minute, every moment, because it is the best gift you can give yourself and us.

We gave each other, we recognized each other.

May the celebration of the Four Living Ones be Permanent, in your head and in your heart.

Enoha Mis Kaya
Enoha Mis Ka
Enoha Mis


I return to the heart of your heart, in the Great Silence, in the Great Presence.

With Love, I tell you at every moment if this is your wish, because it is our wish.

There is no more distance.



Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

French transcript: Agape team
English translation: revised by LMF




 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...