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Good morning, everyone.

So before we start anything, first of all, two thanks to ask. First of all, of course, to the Lead Your Self organizing team and, of course, to you who are present.

So today, initially, we have what we have called a conference, it will not be an academic conference, but much more interactive, rather than flooding you with words and speeches, we will build this conference together according to what you want to ask, what you want to question and say.

Many of you, here in any case, seem to have known the work of Autres Dimensions for a long time, and those who have followed for a long time, you have seen that for some time there has been a form, both of outcome, of purpose of this process which was a teaching, a history, which has involved many entities.

Things have changed a little more than a year ago, because today, the most important thing is not the speeches, it's not the channelings, it's not the explanations, it's not me, but it's You.

The important thing, and what we have called Agape, I would say is the good news. This good news is not an announcement, it does not hold in movements, nor in any societal or spiritual grouping, but it is something that is lived.

This good news, which is therefore Agape, is that anyone, without any prerequisites, without any preconditions, today has the same capacity, provided that they respect, I would say, certain conditions beforehand, to live this good news.

Of course, I have already explained in detail and in all directions the processes that accompanied this discovery of the natural state, whether in neuroscience, in neurochemistry, or in energy, which was my field for a very long time.

There has been a long maturation, the descent of what has been called the supra-mental by Shri Aurobindo, or by Peter Deunov prophecies. But whatever your religious, energetic, spiritual culture, the good news is that everything depends on you.

Please understand that I am not talking about you, I am not talking about your history, I am not talking about any future, but about what is there, in the present moment.

From the moment you accept, from the moment you claim nothing, from the moment you decide to accept what is, and from the moment I say embrace, it is a word I have been repeating for many months, acceptance, embrace, allows you, if you put it into practice, I would say instantly, really, to be freed from what our eastern brothers call Maya, illusion, and to instantly recover your natural state.

There are very few conditions, there are just to decide to embrace, to accept, not to react, even if the person reacts, it is normal for a person to react, but that is how you will discover the truth.

There was never anyone there. The whole creation is a dream, we simply forgot who we were. There are sentences that have been given by authors and one that for me perfectly sums up what we call Agape, and that is the truth. All those who have lived it, and there are more and more of us every day, discovering and living that we are really one in the other, and that what we call, from our personal point of view, nothing, is nothing more than what has made life possible.

That's what we are. We are, I would say indefinitely, really and concretely, one in the other. There is neither me, there is neither you, and yet you are in me as I am in each of you, with the same intensity and reciprocity.

I cannot convince you of this, even if some of you who had followed at the time Autres Dimensions, clearly perceived this vibration, this light, which I was only relaying.

And then, due to a number of circumstances, which, as I told you, go back a little over a year, I would say the collective veil of oblivion has dissolved.

Of course, and these are words I have used a lot lately, the dream is still there, but we are many to know that we are dreaming. More and more of us are discovering the Truth every day. There's only one.

We are pure Love, we are anterior to consciousness, we are anterior to all forms, and above all, the Other is Me as I am the other. It is not an idea, it is not a concept, it is not an energy, it is not related to consciousness, but to what I named and Bidi first long ago, the Absolute, the Parabrahman, the a-consciousness, and not the unconsciousness, it is at that moment that you reveal the truth in yourself.

Remember that you can't look for what you are. Remember that there is no effort to be made, that nothing of this person that you are in this form needs to be improved or transformed, except for personal comfort, but that truth does not depend on your health, it does not depend on any vibratory elevation, it does not depend on any perception, it does not depend on any vision, but simply on the acceptance of the Evidence, evidence that the person will never know.

And you see here we are many, as always, to have a long spiritual journey behind us, many researches, and that is precisely what today must be dropped.

In short, in psychological terms, I would say that the form we inhabit, consciousness, history, and even supra-consciousness, are only dreams. Not everything that happens is true. You are as the Chinese Taoists would say, the Tao, the hub of the wheel, which has never moved, which has always been there. To discover this, to live it, by acceptance, by Agape, puts an end, as Bidi would say, to fraud, the fraud of spirituality, and the fraud of conscience.

You will of course tell me that it is my consciousness that speaks, but both my mind and my consciousness no longer direct my life. It is life itself that directs me. It is an uncompromising surrender to what is, what Eckhart Tolle calls the present moment.

If you live in the present instant, even if only for the duration of one breath, you instantly regain your natural state. This natural state is the state of Agape, it is a state of real Love, which is not a feeling, which is not an energy, which is not a vibration, but which is the truth.

Your Love is identical and equal to everything you see, to all forms. It is not an asceticism, nor is it a mastery. The time of the masters is largely over, they have had their use, the time of the instructors is also over, because the good news is there.

When I say it is there, it is present in the ether of the earth, but above all it is present in the middle of your chest.

So of course, I would say for hundreds or even thousands of years that we have been told that everything is inside, that we are told that there is only the present instant, that there is only Love, but who has realized it until now? Very few individuals.

Today the evidence of Love does not depend on any belief, on any energy, as I told you, on any prerequisite, on any effort, but simply on an acceptance. Accept what is, whether it concerns your story, whether it concerns a disease, whether it concerns your mental state, whether it concerns your story or your karma, whether it concerns only the person. But you are not, only, that person. Just remembering creates the experience.

Of course, those who knew Other Dimensions, more than ever Hic and Nunc, the four pillars of the heart, which at the time were an understanding, an asceticism, a work, is still relevant. But it is happening without you, directly.

It is very difficult to speak of the truth, because in truth there is no vision, there is no history, there is no world, there is no form, there is no consciousness, there is only eternal beatitude, this state that, for example, Ma Ananda Moyi and many others have spoken about, and which is revealed today.

This good news is therefore internal. It is present both at the neuroscientific level since we have evidence, as well as in the chemical mechanisms, and even in the mechanisms of consciousness. The information of zero time, which is absolute beatitude, depends only on you.

What depends on you as a person to not only be that person? I repeat, acceptance, welcoming what is above all. This of course does not prevent the body from being sick, or if your head is sick, from taking care of that person too. But you have to make yourself available.

This availability is not a matter of time or circumstances. It is the ultimate mechanisms of consciousness that are enlightened. Consciousness in psychological terms, -Bidi spoke of fraud, disease -, in more balanced terms, I would simply say that consciousness in its totality is only a projection within a dream.

You may know that the testimonies are countless brothers and sisters, others of us, who live the truth, and the more you accept, the more you live this natural state.

In fact, it's very simple. Whether it is consciousness, supra-consciousness, energy, what you can see with your eyes or inside you, are just things that happen. We'll never get through.

Remember, just remember. But this memory cannot be inscribed in the person, it is inscribed precisely in what I had named, with a connotation indeed a little bit for some frightening, the sacrifice. The sacrifice of illusion, no longer to be only his life, his history, but to be Life, without any more history.

Of course this is what is already taught, certainly not in religions, but in some philosophies of non-duality, whether in Kashmir Tantrism, Advaita Vedanta, or what is commonly known today as New Advanta.

Energy is a link. These energies, as you know, for those who are old, many energy structures have been activated. I am not going to talk about the new bodies, the body of eternity, the gates or the stars again. I am not saying that this is useless, but that today this good news is so simple, that we no longer need a setting, that we no longer need support.

But we need to share, we need to testify, because we are one in the other, as I said, and even those who, for reasons that would be unique to them, by their wounds, their sufferings, their memories, their personal beliefs in a savior, in a religion, in karma, all this concerns only the person and the soul, but not who we are. That's what we forgot.

And today, it is really enough to stop time. I am not talking about meditation, I am not talking about vibratory ascent, but really, in the noblest sense, about a form of fraternity, where when you live Agape, you can no longer make a difference according to what you see, according to what you feel, according to the speech, between any other being to whom you are addressing, because you really live that all this is happening in you, and it is precisely by ceasing to want to project into scenarios, into projections in the future, in the need to solve anything of your history, your memories, your wounds, that you are precisely free.

So of course, we tried it with several brothers and sisters, since the truth can only be experienced, the person will never be able to accept it. She can accept it intellectually, but that's not why she's going to live it. It is really the disappearance of the belief in believing oneself to be a person, an individual, that puts an end to this scam, and really gives you back to this Agape Love, which cannot be confused with anything else, with no human love, with no energy, with no history.

At that moment, you are free, it has always been there, but we had forgotten it.

Today, it is presented through the testimonies, through the experiences of each other, and we all reach the same conclusion and the same experience, whatever our stories, whatever our wounds.

It is the irremediable end of all beliefs, it is the definitive end of all illusions, all projections, and at that moment, with surprise, you intimately notice that this freedom is total, whatever your age, whatever what may remain as beliefs.

I tell you, there are countless of us, this progress is getting faster and faster. It concerns all sectors of life, not only the individual, but also society, the company and politics. Of course, in these worlds, there are still projections.

So if you're in fear, you're going to be survivalist, you're going to try to protect yourself from what's happening. If you are a philosopher, you will talk about collapse, if you are a sociologist, you will talk about societal collapse. If you are in the business world, the word that has been used recently, two years ago, is disruption. In France, the word has been transformed since it is called disruption. It is taught in business schools, my own son is training on disruption in the biggest business schools.

All sectors of society are confronted with this good news. As Eckhart Tolle said recently, the end of the world is excellent news, because at that moment there is only the Love that I have named Naked, and when you live the Naked Love, you can no longer be fooled, nor adhere to any becoming, you are awakened, you are no longer subject to beliefs, you are no longer subject to the same mind if it is there and it will be there until the last moment, but as I have said, you are no longer fooled.

Of course, this state of Agape will not consist in these times, in doing as Ma Ananda Moyi did, in staying years in the right position, in beatitude, but much more in sharing this good news in every possible way, among individuals, in every organization.

The important thing in this phase is already to be informed, even if you are not yet living it, even if you refuse it, you have heard it and you will necessarily live it. If not immediately, it will necessarily be at the legitimate end of all life.

You know in past times, for example you have the Bardo Thödol, the book of the Tibetan dead, the book of the Egyptian dead, closer to us, you have many mediums who have described an afterlife, you have countless brothers and sisters who have made what are called near-death experiences, in English NDE, I have investigated these states a lot, all this corresponds only to illusions.

I know and I see that many people in this room are already living this natural state, but everyone is called upon to live it.

Before giving you the floor, I would like you to remember that the natural state cannot be a quest, cannot be a questioning, cannot be a desire, cannot be a will, whether personal or soul, but it is an uncompromising surrender to the acceptance of what is there. You have nothing else to do.

So of course, I could explain it to you under its neuroscientific, energetic, vibratory approach, but that would not allow you to live it. It would satisfy the person somewhere, but remember especially that if you accept what is, I don't ask you to know what is, I don't ask you to understand anything, it can't be understood, it can only be lived. And the lived experience is understanding. Nothing else can approach that.

And the posture, today, I have not found a better word, there may be others, to show you, through your personal experience, that you are anterior to any conscience, is acceptance. It's the famous "stay still".

Of course, if you have to work, work. If you have to do the cleaning, do the cleaning. If you have to take care of children, it is your personal responsibility, but as far as who you are is concerned, it cannot work like that. First of all, you have to stop any quest, you have to see clearly what drives you both, the beliefs, the hope, sometimes also the despair.

Agree to drop all this off and embrace what is there, you will get your person back later.

I insist from the outset, as a former doctor, I told you about Advaita Vedanta, non-duality. This non-dual path, especially for a Westerner, involves risks. It's a psychiatric syndrome called derealization. It's the people who will talk about their bodies in the third person, they will tell you "this body will go for coffee". That's called a derealization.

Agape does not lead to any escape from reality, even if it is illusory. On the contrary, it is a total insertion into the dream. But the big difference is that we know that we dream, and we know that other brothers and sisters who are just us, really us, because we have lived all lives, not just ours, but all the possibilities of all creations.

Everything has already been dreamed of. We are only going down a path, or at least we believe it is, a path. There is no path. There is only Life.

This life does not need form, even if here we call living what is animated, what has form. We are only death. Of course we inhabit a form, we inhabit a history and a dream, but the simple fact of accepting reveals you to yourself.

You no longer need Mary, Buddha, Jesus, me, anyone, you only need yourself. I repeat, it is not a play on words, there is no one, and it is precisely because we live that we are living that we are in each other, that we really live that there has never been anyone, and that all these sufferings, and all these joys that have passed, that pass through us, that animate us, that make us die, are just games.

Again, we have simply forgotten.

So, of course, you ask yourself for those who are not yet living it, what difference does it make? It changes everything, because at that moment, without any effort, you are permanently in the present instant. You are always available, whatever your occupation, whatever the pain, whatever the apprehensions. You are the bearers of the good news.

Moreover, some of us here felt it when we entered this room, especially for those who were preparing the room, but it is not only felt in this room, because we are here a few dozen, a few hundred to watch live, and our intention to welcome, to listen, creates this field, which is a fractal resonance field, which spreads without notion of time and space, the famous zero time, and makes it accessible, in these privileged moments, to everyone.

That is why the spread of the good news, at the level of individuals, social groups, companies, all the systems that exist on this world, are now ready to hear this truth.

So of course the human being always needs to organize, to plan, but our role as an individual recovering the natural state is simply to be there. If you are there, it is here and now, free of any projection, free of any desire, if you embrace you live it.

So of course we have developed as I said these practices without practice, which I have already tried to explain on videos, but which can only be done, I would say in seminar, in practical work, cannot be done in conference.

Of course you also know that many brothers and sisters, not only on social networks, organize what are called Sacred Heart Fires, Agape resonances, which allow us to distribute the good news.

Remember that this good news cannot be a speech, it cannot be something you can grasp. We can't understand it with the mental tool, it's impossible. It is the living experience that is understanding, and it makes you happy, it saturates you with joy, no matter what your person says, since the person will be there until the last day, as long as you breathe, the person is there, but you know that you are no longer that person.

This person simply becomes the vehicle for the manifestation of Love. There is no control or superiority in this. As Master Philippe de Lyon in France, for example, said and repeated, and even Ma Ananda Moyi said the same thing, and so many others, they told us what, they told us that they were God, they told us that they were all the manifestation, all the invisible, and that is the truth.

This good news, we have developed a practice without practice, which cannot create Agape, but which relaxes the idea or belief of being a person, of being an individual, of evolving. You can't evolve, this is about the person. We have always been perfect and whole, we have simply forgotten it, I remind you.

This practice, which could be called osteopathy, which has nothing to do with osteopathy, as an anecdote, we developed this technique with a friend who is a well-known osteopath, who travels all over the world, and now, when his students welcome him at Tokyo airport, they all tell him Agapè, they really live it.

You cannot be wrong or deceived by Agape. Why? Why? Because you find yourself, and when you live it, you know in a formal, total way, that everything else is false. Everything else is just passing through.

You find what you are, you find what we have always been, whatever the appearances, whatever the sufferings and whatever the beliefs.

Here is a little bit the framework of this beginning of the conference which was a little formal, but we will now have the opportunity to develop, to exchange, to testify perhaps, some states of Agape, on this ineffable joy, which can no longer leave you whatever your person says, whatever your body says, whatever your head says, because you can no longer be deceived.

Of course the person's life goes on, without any derealization or being elsewhere, you are here and now, in the heart of the dream. There is no way to escape the dream. Where do you want to run away from, since it's only you. There was never anyone there. To live this, for those who live it, is really good news, and this good news of zero time, if you accept it, really, you live it instantly.

So don't imagine any frustration. You can imagine, when you see all the testimonies on social networks, that it can create a form of frustration, desire, envy. It is simply necessary to listen, to hear, to welcome, because this will allow you to release the claims of the unconscious, the claims of consciousness, and at that moment you are free.

If you don't mind, I now prefer to exchange with you so that the conference can continue but through your questions, your questions, but also among you, those who live Agape, to say, because it is important to share, to deliver, to give.

And it has been available, I repeat, for more than a year now, to everyone. There is no vibratory elevation. Of course, for those who know Other Dimensions, we have experienced a vibratory elevation, and for some of us for more than thirty years before Other Dimensions. It was a preparatory work, it was about telling stories, but not just any stories. Stories that would allow us, when the time came, to let go of history and discover the freedom that we are.

As the months and years go by, I try to avoid as much as possible, as much as possible, words with spiritual, even scientific connotations, because there is a fundamental constant in this state of Agape, and there is nothing we can do about it, it is that you are in humility, you can claim nothing, you are in simplicity, even if your head is full and "God" knows I have studied things.

You are in the availability of every minute, because everything you see, really, is only you. Simply, in another form, and especially in another time space. Everything has already been gone through, what I called the myth of creation, the same thing at the time as the myth of immortality.

The ego only exists because he believes he is immortal. Then there is the soul. Westerners have discovered reincarnation, Buddhism, but it has nothing to do with truth, it concerns the dream of creation, there is no karma, neither positive nor negative. These are laws that have been linked to particular circumstances, I am not going to go back over them, for the elders we have been talking about them for years, what I would like you to remember, even if this is the beginning of the conference, is: the more you accept, the simpler you are. The simpler you are, the closer you get to what has always been there. The more you embrace, without understanding, the more likely you are to find yourself.

And I remind you, I say it and I hope we will have direct testimonies, you are no longer your life after, you are really Life. You don't claim anything, you're available.

You have had countless authors for I would say ten, twenty years, who have spoken to you about this present time, about this incredible state of Love that does not depend on any chakra, any body of light, any world, any dimension.

Of course, accepting this creates the experience, and after your life will become Life. You will observe the changes in your life, in your environment, in the very way you experience joys and sorrows, and I repeat, you cannot be wrong, and you cannot be fooled. You can only recognize yourself, you know it, it is inscribed in the cells, it is inscribed in the brain, it is inscribed in the heart, and it is also inscribed in the consciousness.

Of course, since it's a dream. It was necessary to find a moment of understanding through lived experience, not for a master or an initiate, but for the whole of creation, that all this was only a dream. I am not talking here about the earth, but I am talking as much about the archangels as I am about the Melchizedeks, as I am about the stars.

When you experience this, you are finally free, you are fully present, you welcome what is happening, life becomes easy, and this facility is not a question of emotional, material well-being, or good body health. It is totally independent of it.

You are the Light, you are even before the light. There's nothing new in all this. Whether you look into the teaching of Kabbalah, but I am talking about the original Kabbalah, the Book of Splendors, and whether you look at alchemy, that has always been said.

This good news is not new. It is simply the ability to live it, since there is no longer any veil.

Nor will I go back over the circumstances, how to call them, astrophysics, of what happened at the far corners of the solar system last year, since the solar system (...), the sun, the moon, its stars, its planets, its constellations, which we call the cosmos, are only a dream. Moreover, the word cosmos, I had the opportunity to say it one day, in Sumerian Cosmos, it is Cusmus, it means the skin of a snake. It's a veil that has been put on the planet.

In the same way that in our heart, we have an envelope of the heart, the Chinese called it the master of the heart, we in anatomy call it the pericardium, which encloses the heart. The rupture of the pericardium indicates the opening of the heart, not only of the heart chakra, not only what has been called the ascensional crown, but of what I have called the heart of the heart.

You are the hub of the wheel, you are God, as My Ananda Moyi used to say, or Nisargadatta, Bidi is simpler, there is only one difference between you and me, it is that I know that I am God, but you, you do not yet know it. There is no more creature than creator, because you are all that.

You don't need to remember the circumstances, you don't need to remember the history, Autres Dimensions has insisted enough on the history of the confinement, of the curvature of space time, all that's over.

For those who may not know me in this room, it can indeed make a mess of saying there is no savior, there is no world, there is no dimension. There is no need for a world, you are the world, you are the dream, you are the one who created the dream.

As Bidi said, when he was incarnate, life appeared, it will disappear as it appeared. He even said, forgive me if the sentence is not quite right: "The eternal I, the Absolute, has always been there, it will always be there. Creation will pass, the universe and the multiverses will disappear the I will always be there."

That is the truth. It is not to believe, it is to accept and especially to verify by living it. After that, of course, as I said, if you have family responsibilities, there is no way you're going to go to an ashram and abandon everyone. If you have a disease of this body, you must take care of it.

The dream, the illusory, you have created it, you have to live it, but by living it with the good news, everything is solved.

That is what we are witnessing. Why do you think that since then, we are going to say a little over two years, but especially over the past year, the business world, the economic world, the world of power, which are much more aware than we are of what is happening in the universe, today have come to the fore. So I know, we talked about Nibiru, about the change of poles, but it's much more than that.

In our solar system, there is not only Nibiru, there is now known, in the center of our galaxy, a supermassive black hole, and we have in our solar system, dead stars, brown dwarfs and not only Nibiru, who actually eat the matter, and we know today, that the black hole is not this black as it has been presented to us, this nothingness in the egotistical sense, but it is a total fullness, that is what we say the mystics, whether it is Rumi, or wherever we look in the East, in the West, the poets, Khalil Gibran for example, have always told us the same thing.

You know today, in the world where we are, here on this earth, Krishnamurti I believe said it in one of his books: "As long as the human being prioritizes, will promote a societal, economic, political system, a system whatever it is, as the supreme value, the human will get lost".

We must put the human being back at the heart, what have been called the four pillars, humility, simplicity, ethics and integrity. Today, I will add the truth above all. The truth is not a point of view. It does not depend on consciousness, it does not depend on a becoming. The truth IS. It does not correspond to any world, any thought, any history and any dimension.

The resolution of the myth of creation takes place on earth, in this body, because the dream started from the earth, and the sowing of the dream took place on this earth. Moreover, in Amerindian traditions, or in more recent teachings, we are well informed about the fifth dream.

We are the fifth dream, we are both the dreamers, but we are also the dream designers. Last year I told you, we are all Abba, prior to creation. I would be wrong with myself if I took any advantage of it, if I took a presence. If one day you see me in an orange outfit, run away very quickly.

You don't need costumes, which some spiritualists had a hard time accepting last year. When I travelled, outside this body, and outside the astral world, that is, it was not an astral body, I could put on any body of light, like when you change your shirt.

I travelled in the body of light of Christ, of an archangel, of Mary, of everyone, it is interchangeable, until I realized that at the ends of the solar system, going there, really, there was a mirror that is known, finally that was known by astrophysicists, and that is still called the Van Allen belt, which is at the confines of what is called the heliosphere, that is, the radiation of the sun that extends to the confines of the solar system, constantly sent back these great archetypes, all these beings who really traveled in a form this world, to bring a message, more or less altered, more or less true, had been highly envied.

And that all the egregores, all the force assemblies, even the highest ones, had been diverted. So we had to, I wouldn't say destroy, it doesn't mean anything, but how to destroy since it's a dream, but to deconstruct the dream. It was necessary to put an end to the mirror image. Van Allen's belt behaves like a plasma that reflects images, that permanently reflects shadows.

Of course, that still belongs to history, but that's what, as I said, ends the story.

Today, we must forget everything we have learned. That doesn't mean that our knowledge will disappear, I studied medicine, but if I'm a doctor, I have anatomical knowledge. A physicist has knowledge of the atom.

When I say that we must unlearn, it means that we must go through all this knowledge, it will not disappear, it will not be forgotten, but it will come to the background and there you will be totally available, through acceptance, through embracing. You will live it because it is evident.

Of course, you know, for a year now, I have been travelling a lot, travelling everywhere and seeing people I haven't seen for years, and I observe, I see all these people in Agape, all these people who were joyful, in a spiritual process, in suffering for various reasons, I have seen their lifestyles flourish, I have seen their hearts flourish, and that is wonderful.

I repeat it and I have had the opportunity to say it, so I repeat it today for you who are here, if you do not live it, do not conceive of it as frustration or distress. Just accept to land there, without waiting for anything, without asking for anything, and you will live it.

Besides for all the people who are there, which I wish, of course in the seminar we will have the opportunity to do it, you will have the opportunity to do it, you can leave me, if you wish with Christina, your last and first name, personal birth name, and tonight at 11 pm, if you are available, available it means being lying down even if you sleep, I propose this Agapè resonance, or this Sacred Heart Fire, at 11 pm tonight.

I don't even have to do it at 11:00. I have your name written, it will show you that there is a form of ultra temporality, that time is a total illusion, it is enough that I pronounce your name, I do not ask for anything, I do not send any energy, I do not receive any information, and I do not want to have any, you will see what is happening. That too is part of the technique without technique, or practice without practice.

But once again, I told you, do not see any superiority in it, in Agape, your humanity is total. You cannot claim anything, neither superiority, nor the title of master or anything else. The master of what? Master of dreams? Master of illusion? It doesn't mean anything, I'm just Jean-Luc, a person, that's all, nothing more.

I have often started my travels, whether in Quebec or in other places, with the same words: I am nothing more than you, I am neither above nor below, I am simply inside, as you are inside. In there (by showing the heart), and in there (by showing the room), it is the same thing.

Of course, the ego can never accept it, the consciousness will seek to negotiate, but you are neither the ego, nor the consciousness, nor the soul. You are nothing qualifying, because you are both All and Nothing. What Bidi said: "When I see that I am everything, it is Love, when I see that I am nothing, it is wisdom. There is no other me."

All spiritual journeys, all spiritual movements, are only illusions, and yet we have had no other choices or possibilities for a long time. It is the end of what could be called involution, it is the end of illusions, it is the discovery of what I have called naked Love which does not depend on any condition or circumstance.

For that, you have nothing to do. You just have to be, and I am not talking here about the Self that prides itself on living the Self, Bidi said it at the end of his life, even the Self is a total scam, it is the ultimate layers of what I call spiritual pride, to believe something or believe someone.

No, you're not someone, you're all equal. Individuality is a myth, everything is interrelated, not only on this earth, but in all dimensions, then that everything is there (heart center), there is nothing else.

The people who attended the live pipes before 2012, the mediums, the clairvoyants, clearly saw that it was an archangel coming down, this form of white light coming from above and coming down, straight away, and then Bidi arrived.

Noon, horror for many, there was no longer this archangelical form, there was black light. But black light is not shadow, you now have a scientist you must have heard about, Dr. Eben Alexander, a very well-known scientist, it happens to be a very high level neuroscientist.

He had septicemia, and then the bacteria ate his brain, he had no neocortex at all. So they unplugged him, he had unplugged himself. He came back, his brain was restored in a week, and today he travels all over the world.

What does he tell us? Exactly the same thing, with different words.

Eckhart Tolle uses his words, there are many women who are talking about them today, I can't quote them all, one who has passed away that I love very much, who is Christiane Singer, Yolande Duran Serrano, today you have in all the countries of the world you have men and women who are living that.

The goal is not to create a movement, a religion or anything else. The goal of Love is the goal that is simply to spread the good news.

The good news is, it doesn't need a speech, even if I'm talking about it now. She needs you to be there. It needs your availability, your embrace, and the evidence is clear. Everything else is superfluous in relation to this.

Again, do not understand amputee, the dream must be lived in order to wake up. As you are well aware, we are in the process of a global extinction of life on Earth. There is no need for predictions or prophecies, it's official from everywhere.

Only those who do not want to see it do what is called ostrich, but nevertheless there has been a huge increase for some time. And I would like to mention this as proof: a month ago, we decided, with a friend and several other people, to create the first international Agape meetings. I'm not talking about here, about Jean-Luc Ayoun who's going to speak.

I'm talking about making a really big meeting, with thousands of people, relayed by TV channels all over the world. Well, surprise, all this went smoothly, at all levels. People from all over the world have arrived, a patron has arrived, and everything is setting up on its own.

So this network resonance Agape, or just resonance Agape if you will, which has been developed, this resonance now is present, as I said, not only in all countries, but in all societal structures. That is undeniable.

Even if many still think, but let them think, that everything will start again afterwards. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I challenge anyone, living Agape, to project themselves into any consciousness, any world or any dimension whatsoever. Because in Agape you are complete, you are whole, it is the natural state, everything else is a dream.

That is a bit of a preamble. So I tried to fly over a little, for those who know me, what I have been repeating tirelessly for a year and a half now, but always trying to bring some light and also a greater simplicity.

Of course, I have my head which is well filled, but do not confuse the mind and the intellect.

Look at Tesla, Nicolas Tesla, a brilliant intellect, he had no mind. People tend, in addition to that in France, to confuse the mind and the intellect. It has nothing to do with it, nothing at all. The mind belongs to the person, the intellect has nothing to do with it.

It joins somewhere what I call the intelligence of the Light, which Bernard from Montreal, Canada, called pure intelligence. It's the same thing. It is the intelligence of light or intelligence at all. That's the intellect.

Mind is something else, you can have a poor or rich intellect, and you can have a very strong mind. The mind has nothing to do with the intellect.

And besides, when you live Agape, you clearly see your mind. And besides the period for those who live Agape from mid-August until a few days ago, the mind was horrible, but we could see it. So there was no possibility of being identified there.

Come on, I am making a little reference, and I will end there, that is what Christ said, "You are on this world, but you are not of this world", I will add that you are not of any world, whatever your stellar origin, whatever your lineages.

Remember, we told a story that ends the story. It was written long before the creation.

Also remember that when you live Agape, that phrase of Bidi when he was alive, which is a leitmotiv for me. I do not repeat it over and over again, it is not a mantra, but it is evident throughout the course of my days: "Everything that has to happen will happen, no matter what you do. Everything that must not happen, will not happen, no matter what you do. It relieves any pressure, any tension, it makes you available and it allows you to embrace what is.

What is, is not your person, it is the present instant. I can't even talk about a presence, even if we're talking about presence, or about oneself, since in the end, it's an absence. You see the dream, you live the dream, but you are no longer fooled, and that makes you human, and that makes you loving and you can't do otherwise. It is not an effort, it is not a moral conduct, it is the simplicity of what is lived, there is no effort.

Effort is resistance, effort is suffering. Keep up the effort if you need to take care of this body whether it is through chemistry, surgery, alternative medicine, whatever. There is, by living Agape, a total decoupling, not only from identification with the body, but also from identification with energies, from identification to perceptions, visions, projections.

You are no longer fooled and now you are real, and you feel it (by showing the heart), this fire that is there, which comes out profusely without making any difference between the worst of bastards and the most adorable child, you can do nothing about it, nothing can be done about it, it's just like that.

It is a fullness that I would call never full, because it fills up every minute. So don't see there an ethereal Jean-Luc Ayoun, who would be in ecstasy and out of the world, no, I am fully present, fully loving, fully alive.

I can play a video game, I can go to the movies, I can eat meat one day, why not, I can have sex, I can get angry, like a good ram, but I'm no longer a fool.

Remember, everything you care about, you care about. The only way, accept that you can't understand, and you will live it. And then you will understand it, but not before. Let go of any pretensions to want to explain, to want to see logic in a human sense. The truth is not of this world, the truth is not of any world.

But nevertheless, the dream is there, so how do we do it? Well, we're not doing anything. We let life be. I took the example of the first international meetings in Agape, in April, a foundation was created and people come from all over the world to participate, whether they live it or not. So that's the good news.

Let the rest take its course. The event? He's never been this close before. But I'll tell you, who cares about the date? You can't be in tomorrow, and be there now. Understand this well.

You cannot occupy your intellect, your mind, your consciousness until tomorrow. If you think about tomorrow, you're not now. Don't misunderstand, when I travel, I have to plan, take tickets, have an agenda. But this is about the person. I don't decide anything, I am what life gives or takes.

It is very difficult to be seen as someone with a very strong intellect, to accept that. I can see that for myself. I was like that. But at some point, you have to understand that when you let go, when you are tired of suffering, well, everything is given to you in abundance, but not according to what you want, but according to what is.

At that moment, you are really in that natural state.

We could summarize this by what Thérèse de Lisieux called the little way, the way of childhood. I would even say that today it is the only way. All other roads are dead ends. On the contrary, it doesn't prevent you from being fully there. You go shopping at the supermarket, write your check for taxes, yell at each other with your husband, wife and children, but that doesn't stop you from suffering.

Believing that a liberated person does not suffer, and I said so, and it is very embarrassing for several years, you feel the pain, and you do not suffer, this is for the body. But suffering, when it happens, whatever it is, if you accept it, it does not mean that you do not take medication, do not make me say what I did not say, do not misunderstand, if you accept, without asking yourself questions, you are free.

Again, that doesn't mean you don't have to take care of this body and your life. It is a real transcendence. The ego and the person, then I know that in the teachings you are told, you must destroy the ego, you must purify the ego, leave it alone now to this ego. You are not him, so how can you find a solution in something that is unreal, that only passes through, and that cannot know the truth.

All this has been explained by piping, neuroscience, energy, chemistry. When I talked about certain molecules, called entheogens, when I explained, for example, that a molecule is capable of instantly putting an end to the myth of individuality. When you have molecules that are known to scientists, such as DMT, it doesn't matter, that's what's in some hallucinogenic fungi.

Imagine, today we are able to put an end to suffering and depression with an intravenous injection of this molecule. Today, we are able to use magnetic fields, with magnetic induction coils that we put on our heads, for example the so-called Chakti helmet of Professor Michael Persinger from Vancouver, Canada, or even some Australian teams, where we are able to make you free instantly through transcranial magnetic fields.

When you know that there are other molecules being studied today, which are derived from plants, called salvinorin, is able to put an end, in one injection, to the idea of believing oneself a person. Look even today, we learned at school that we have chromosomes, that we have DNA, and until a few years ago, the law of Mendel's evolution and the pseudo-scientists of previous centuries, who told us that genetics was fixed. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We know today, we even created a science like that, called the genetic ear, which tells us that DNA reacts to a thought, to the colour of a piece, and that what we thought we were taking, for what we called genetic mutation, DNA mutations, took thousands of years, that is not true. It happens instantly.

Everything is being discovered now, at all levels. If I take a medical example, which is a world I have been in, we were taught in medical school that the most important thing was to lower cholesterol. But there is no greater bullshit in the history of medicine than cholesterol. There is no good and bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is the vitamin of the brain and consciousness!

Moreover, we know very well that when an older person, an elderly person, dies, the first sign is the lowering of cholesterol in the blood. Ten percent of the social security budget of all countries, ten percent, to lower cholesterol. It's a total scam.

It is now formally known that the best antibiotics are colloidal silver and garlic. Ten times more than all antibiotics.

Truth comes out at all levels, light illuminates everything. You see it through pedophilia, Satanism, you see everything that was hidden that is revealed. But we must not be driven by a spirit of revenge or reparation. You just have to see it, that's all. Accept to see, do not react because the reaction feeds duality at all levels.

If there is no reaction, even if it is very hard, you can only notice that the absence of reaction, and here I am really speaking in a very general way, leads to what is called pro-action, proactive coaching in companies. In this pro-action, it is not a reaction.

I have developed, with my scientific cap, technologies that I hardly mentioned during the era of Autres Dimensions, which correspond to what I called the meta-model of regulating life. It is a psychological meta-model, which explains the mechanics of the body and the psyche. It is something that has also shown me, by my intellect, that I am not talking about vision, perception or channeling, but by a very concrete work, that this whole assembly that we call the human being, is only a machine, that's all, in which we believe and that we live.

As Bidi said, it is a bag of meat, but it is also a temple, it is the two sides.

I think I've talked a lot, I haven't given you the floor yet, so what I propose, if you wish, is that we take a little break, I don't know how long. What time is it? How long are we taking a break, Christina? Fifteen minutes?

There, so we take fifteen minutes of rest and then I don't talk anymore, I'll let you talk. I'll answer if I have to. So we'll be back live in fifteen minutes.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations

Transcription from french:
English translation. revised by LMF:

Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

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Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.


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Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...