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One important thing.
We have often talked in recent days about moving from communication to resonance; we have talked about information theory, when we developed the notion of Agape resonance in space. There is one thing I just understood; we live it, we understand it, and then we have the explanation. We're talking a lot about scalar waves right now. What is a scalar wave? It is a wave that does not have the shape of an electromagnetic wave, i.e. it is not sinusoidal, which propagates either in a straight line or in the form of a spiral.
It carries, this scalar wave, neutrinos. What are neutrinos? What are they? It is a particle that is not charged, it is neutral; it is therefore at time zero. When I said that we were moving from communication, from relationship, to resonance in the broad sense... The scalar wave exists as soon as the source and the target, the transmitter and the receiver, meet in resonance. It escapes time and space, I said that we become space, that we cancel the charges, that is to say the polarity.
The scalar wave is exactly what we generate in Agape resonances. We move from communication to resonance, which is why there is no spatial notion, there is no notion of time and there is no notion of space, because it does not follow the alternation of the manifestation that will always manifest itself as electrogravity or electromagnetism, which is always in the form of a sinusoidal wave, with different frequencies. The colors we see are sinusoidal.
It means going from duality, alternation, well-being, evil, day-night, whatever you want, the yin-yang in the broadest sense, the Tao. ...] The Tao, the principle is linked to the neutrino which has a zero charge and cancels the polarity. The resonance that we establish, the heart to heart, the joy, the Agape resonance, when we decide not to be the source anymore [...] we become as I said space, that is to say that the scalar wave is the effective solution to all polarity problems.
The toroidal field, the double torus that we have in our heart, generates a spiral wave that escapes time and space and escapes polarity. So, the scalar wave is really the most balanced, therapeutic if you will, but also puts an end to the inexorable duality of the manifestation. The source of the demonstration is the neutrino of zero charge, which is not polarized and therefore belongs to what the Chinese call the anterior sky or the unmanned sky.
So, when we make a heart to heart, when we have absorbed the essences and now we pass through space, we leave time and space, we are no longer subjected to the inexorable polarity of the manifestation and we penetrate, if I can say so, fully into the unmanifested world, that is, what the Chinese call the previous sky, the uncreated sky. We find the source of who we are beyond the inexorable polarity of any manifestation even in the most subtle dimensions.
So, the scalar wave that was found, finally, not so long ago, puts an end to the electromagnetism in us, puts an end to the electromagnetism of the solar system, that is, the attraction and rotation of the planets with the forces of gravity that are linked to the interaction of these movements. It is much more than zero time, it is about finding the source of the demonstration. We are God, we are the creator at the same time as we are the creature and, we are all creatures.
So, I found the connection, it came to me all of a sudden.
When I used this word of resonance, it is exactly that, that is, the transmitter no longer sends a sinusoidal wave of information, but it is an annihilation of the information, which is present at zero time, that is, in the black hole. What emanates from our heart, in the fringe of interference, that is, the interaction with the vital fire that has been called the sacred heart fire, is exactly a perfect scalar wave.
I was saying, remember, that there was still a notion of a quantum threshold, that we create the event. Propagation is infinite, except when it encounters an electromagnetic wave, of course, because the electromagnetic wave, duality takes over from the scalar wave.
That is, if we really and concretely become space, what we are doing right now, the disappearances we have, we no longer know where we are. We no longer know where we are, that is, we do not disappear, but we are in something indefinable. There is Liberty, there is Truth, there is the origin of the manifestation.
So we are joining the primitive scalar wave which is not limited by any electrogravity or electromagnetism. It's totally consistent.
So, the more we enter the heart, the more we enter the silence, and the more we cross the fire of the sacred heart... I have always said that we must cross the vibrations, because the vibration is the consciousness, but it is not the Truth. To reach zero time is nothing more than to have a permanent, constant emission, independent of any idea, thought and attention. Silence, the Great Silence, tranquility, zero time, or Tao, as the Chinese used to say, is exactly the same thing. It is a scalar wave that is no longer subjected to electromagnetic radiation. That is what we are living now.
It's unstoppable, it corresponds to the perfect definition of who we are. We are not even information, we are not energy, we are not form, but this is allowed by the scalar wave and today we find the primordial scalar wave that is no longer affected by duality.
Whether you take a very bad speech, polarities, neuroscientific, whether you express it through any speech of any tradition, religion, we are not energy, we are not even information. We are the starting neutrino of the first impulse, the alpha, which is the last impulse. The circle is complete. And it's totally consistent.
So, the scalar wave, you know there are devices there I have you, we brought you orgonites with scalar waves. There are Russian physicists who created the plates called Koltsov; moreover, a gentleman who created plates that look like credit cards that emit scalar waves and this is the mistake made by some who want to work with scalar waves or generate a scalar wave through electricity. This cannot be done because it is a sinusoidal even when you take a direct current and it is no longer alternating. You nevertheless have a contamination by duality since it is manifested by this electricity. So, the first initial flash is not electric, nor electro-gravific, it is scalar.
When the spiral that emits from our heart what we call this scalar field, which is linked to the double torus, which works, as you know, in one direction and in the other, therefore in phase opposition... We know in physics that when you put two objects, whatever their constitution, but of identical shape, but which rotate in opposite directions, what happens in each of our cells, we generate the ultimate acausal field of physics, which is no longer even a spiral, which is linear. It's the line, the line of the mind, for example, it's that, it's a neutrino. That is, we find the origin of creation. We are that, it is totally consistent.
That is the preamble. Then the Yes.
We said that we were going to talk about this notion of resonance and Yes.
-Sister: Are we recording now?
Yes, it's recorded. Yes, yes.
The Yes is a Yes, it is not a Yes to something or no to something. This word, Yes, everywhere, in all the languages you want, the Yes is an acceptance that does not impose any conditions and does not need any understanding.
That is, we unlocked - by activating the stars, crowns and everything - we discriminated against attraction and repulsion. Good and evil, we know - for those who live it anyway - that it has no livelihood.
To reach zero time is effectively to activate the double torus, to cross the fire of the sacred heart, that is, the very perception of what is there, to discover what is just behind it. This is zero time, this is God, this is the Source, this is what we are.
This morning, it was the lucidity about that, which is total. We are hearing more and more about the issue of scalar waves. This has indeed had unsuspected effects. You see it for those who have tested them, the small scalar field orgonites. The Lakhovsky circuit is working on zero time, but... here it is. So, the scalar wave is a spiral wave. What you have, what is drawn here, is made of metal. It could have been drawn simply with a pencil line, it's exactly the same thing.
So it is totally consistent. So the scalar field corresponds to the Yes, which is not a yes that opposes the no, because we could say yes after all, we have to say yes, okay, but we say yes to what? No, we don't say yes to "what", we don't specify. That is to say, the word Yes is more than acceptance, it is the very crossing of the notion of acceptance and it is emptiness, it is the great silence, it is this naked joy. And anyone, as long as you have this understanding, it will allow you to adjust without any difficulty, without any reflection, without any thought.
I said at one point that it is not a thought, it is an idea. Look at the etymology of the word idea and you will actually understand what it means. There is no effort to be made, as Nisargadatta has always said, remain calm, as Osho said, be lazy, because everything is there.
So, we have a question, yes. Come put it in the microphone.
-Sister: Thank you. So, this spiral scalar wave makes you think, when you get near the black hole and you're absorbed, it's the shape too?
-Sister: Because we're not absorbed like that, boom! When you see the stars that are absorbed, that's it, you're there, you get closer, and you're....
-Sister: ...this scalar wave moving towards the black hole.
That's it, that's it. We are this spiral movement. Moreover, when people turn on themselves, in the Sufi, in the trance, that's exactly what they do, they circulate. What happens when you turn on yourself: you alter your semicircular canals, i. e. the sense of sound and orientation, which you dazzle with movement to find immobility, i. e. the primitive scalar wave.
So the scientific explanations that there are today on the scalar wave correspond exactly to what we are living. There is no effort to be made. Stop all research. It's been said by Bidi for years. Accept what is and what is not, with a Yes.
Acceptance is still an idea, the Yes is the result. Do not ask yourself any questions about what you say Yes to, this Yes is the total opening and the definitive and permanent exit of the sinusoidal, good and evil, the alternation of Yin and Yang. You find the Tao, the principle, the hub of the wheel which is immobile and which allows all the movements of the manifestation.
It's the wheel of fortune in the tarot, the arcane ten, of course. It means going beyond the wheel of karma, of manifestation, of action-reaction. It is to enter into the action of Grace and in short, into the state of Grace, which is nothing other than the neutrino prior to the electron and the proton, there are all the elementary particles, it is terribly simple, it resolves itself to a diagram, we can draw it.
So, to say Yes is to put an end to duality. And it will be instantaneous, moreover, there are many who have already understood it, on social networks, after listening to yesterday's channelings, they write Yes everywhere.
Because when you say yes, there is no possible reaction. There is no thought that will tell you "it's true" or "it's not true". It's not a question of truth and falsity. The Yes is, I would say, the first and last affirmation of the game of creation, which is seen as a theatre scene until we understand that there has never been theatre, as Bidi said, and at that moment we are really free.
And when you are yourself the generator of this scalar field, as I have always said, you can only observe one thing: it is that the intelligence of the Light transforms you, not only in the mechanisms of functioning, not only in behaviours, but also transforms your matter.
Those who have known me for a long time, you saw it well I... well, I eliminated more than forty kilos without doing anything. Well, of course, there was a little bit of the ketogenic diet, the mushrooms that helped, but this kind of joy without purpose, of naked joy or great silence where, as they said, there is not even a need to have this joy manifested, since we are the source of the joy itself, naked. In other words, when you are in the exuberance of this joy, what is it replaced by? By the great silence.
When you are in great silence, that is, you let things happen and leave as they happen through the play of manifestation, you are no longer - even while being in this body - the manifestation, but you are at the source of the manifestation. And that's how you see that you are all the others, without exception. Even the worst murderer is you. There is no one else but you and in the end, there is no one.
So, wait for Maurice, because now I'm going to move, don't move, just sit still, it makes me move a little.
-Brother: Yes, so.
-Sister: Yes!
-Brother: That's it!
So, when there is a yes, it's yes, but... yes, but...
-Brother: It gives you time to think. So the Light has a speed since there are stars light years away, but the scalar wave would not have a speed and it would be instantaneous?
That's what I explained to you in the Agape resonances I do: people send me an email, some people understand, they don't even send me an email, they think about me, and they're cured.
-Sister: They are healed.
But I'm not the one who caused the miracle. It is, as Christ said: it is your faith that has saved you. I am only a representation, like any other human being is in the same way. I have always said that we are all Abba, all of us, all of us, without exception, whether we like it or not. And Abba, what is it? Remember the spelling. A, B, the mirror image: B reversed, A.
-Sister: That's it, exactly.
You end the manifestation, you end the reflection of light, all the lights. We are not even the Light. We are Abba, that is, prior to the Light. This game of fools, of mirrors, that we created, really, it was created spontaneously, moreover, to allow us to make a circuit, to join the alpha and the omega, as we have said, it is exactly the same thing.
And physical understanding is linked to this notion of wave. Until now, I have said that we have a transmitter and a receiver, we put an acupuncture needle, we give a homeopathic granule, it is an energy, so it is necessarily sinusoidal, carrying frequency information, voltage rise time, harmonic of this frequency, and when the two cancel each other out, that is, when the transmitter becomes the receiver and the receiver becomes the transmitter, the two meet, it is the Abba phase opposition, the two are turned around, you have turned around, you have been spoken to without stopping turning around.
-Sisters: Yes, yes.
The ultimate turnaround, the face-to-face, as we have said, the crossing of the ephemeral and the eternal, they come together. That's why I was saying, the simulacrum and the sacred come together in the same theatre scene. It all depends on the point of view and it cancels out the same, whether you like it or not. And that's exactly what we see in the universes, that is, the black holes that are absorbing all the galaxies, that's exactly what's happening.
-Sister: You were talking, the person is thinking of you and he is cured. In the propagation now of the Yes, I think of someone, I say Yes...
-Sister: And he said Yes, since we are in each other.
That's right. That's right.
-Sister: So we don't even have to say it each and every one of us.
No longer even, that's why we become space - it's independent of the source and the target - and the miracle, as we see it, will become more and more spontaneous.
-Sister: So, as in the Canaries, we used to say the first and last name, and when we saw our family members, it was the same for the Yes?
It is the same, simply that now there is no longer, we no longer need to name, we no longer need to demonstrate. It's not even a thought anymore, it's the idea. The idea of the scalar field realizes the double torus. You are no longer stopped by the perception of the fire of the sacred heart. That doesn't mean it's gone. I have always said, when we said to cross the vibration, we relied on the vibration to rebuild the bridge between the finite and the infinite, and the indefinite which is even more important than the infinite, because the infinite is opposed to the finite, but the indefinite cannot be defined. It is neither infinite nor finite. From there on, it's over.
-Sister: There has been a transformation even of the igneous fire. The primitive igneous fire has transformed, in the neutrinos and at another level.
Exactly. Exactly.
-Sister: That's it.
That's what gave all the shapes. Because a particle, once it is polarized, the Light is diffused to infinity through sinusoidal waves, called distance, according to the time it takes for the Light to travel through the zones of resistance, that is, all dreams. But there is no such thing. The cosmos, as we know, means snake skin in Sumerian, it is the veil that has been thrown on the Truth.
Therefore, the manifestation, whatever it may be, in whatever dimension it may be, prevents us from living the Truth. And the solution, the solution, could only come from as far away from Home as possible, that is, in the densest levels called the third dissociated dimension, that is. There will never be... like the vision of transhumanism, which is to bring consciousness down into a binary electronic world, it is the mirror image of Truth, which does not exist, and the loop is closed
So, in the mechanism of quantum entanglement, of course, all the scales of electromagnetism are present, but it is precisely the inversion - of what was deviated, the Oblical Light, as it was said at the time, with the mirror systems in Van Allen's belt - that makes us realize, as Bidi said, that there is no planet, no star.
There is no such thing. It is only a projection by the appearance of a neutrino, which was called the first dream, of course. This first dream, which was carried by what were called the creators and which then immediately led to the appearance of its opposite, the masculine, or its complementary, you call it as you wish, but it is the same thing. But it is precisely this confrontation between good and evil, in terms of what is visible, that we see everyday, that cancels out good and evil and gives way to Truth and the Absolute.
And it's something that's unstoppable. In other words, we are spreading this good news, as has been said. Whether it is called Agape, whether it is called sacred heart-fire, whether it is called a healing, a resonance, but it is the resonance where we no longer distinguish the transmitter from the receiver, which ends the distance, there is no longer any need for an electromagnetic wave.
So the more you stabilize at zero time, without asking for anything, without waiting for anything... and it comes down to one word: Yes. It's as simple as that. That is, the more you go into the Yes, without asking yourself the very question of acceptance, even if you say "I accept"... I accept, it is still someone or something that says "I accept". In the Yes with nothing after, what do you want there to be?
-Sister: Why the Yes? Because, deep down, yes, it reminds me of the polarity yes, no.
No, this Yes is irrelevant and irrelevant. He's no longer polarized.
-Sister: There you go, there you go, okay.
It is a Yes, one could say again, unconditional, but it would be a mistake. It's a naked Yes. And this naked Yes, puts an end to polarity. At that moment, we reach what we had called at the time, at the level of the twelfth body, at the root of the nose, what we call the primordial androgynous. It is not for nothing that this word was used. This primordial androgynity was nothing more than this Yes. The fusion of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine that has been explained to us for years is simply that.
-Sister: We can no longer attach to it the notion of sacrifice, of gift.
So the notion of sacrifice is still an embodied point of view.
-Sister: Yes. Let's put....
It was a resonance that was established in relation to the great mystics, in relation to all those who, as in the allegory of Plato's cave, are the ones who are stoned because they told the truth, who said that there was no cave and no light. This is the way of Christ and also of other great saints, there was not only Christ, you have Mani Ahura-Mazda, in ancient Persia, who was also stoned because he was telling the truth.
The Truth cannot be told. When you tell the truth, you are in opposition to the game of the demonstration. Truth, as Nisargadatta said, can only be lived. Understanding comes from the lived and not from any cogitation, since cogitation, the un-lived understanding, you understand something, but you cannot necessarily live it. Necessarily, if you see it, it is already polarized, because there is form and not form, even in the other dimensions.
You know that anthropomorphism stops at the twenty-fourth dimension, with the appearance of what is called the civilization of triangles, which are the structure of worlds where there is no longer any anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism is inexorable in the manifestation, even if there is not the same conformation as the human.
I explained to you, at the time, I had carried out experiments in the central laboratory[...] at Plaine Saint Denis, where a copper plate was taken and an electric flash, an electric discharge, was sent, with an angle of 50°30', i.e. the angle of crystallization of life, that you have in the static structure of DNA, but also at the top of the pyramid of Cheops. This angle of 50°30', which is known in karmic astrology, which is the angle of realization called karmic, that is, the moment when you overcome antagonism and duality, and what has been called the law of duality, and the law of thanksgiving, the law of unity, is exactly that. And we are living it in every way we can.
Yes ?
-Brother: A quick remark: When we were... when we were in the energy business and wanted more energy, all we had to do was make a spiral, like that, and the energy was increased.
Yes, of course, but you were training electromagnetism. That is why I have always said that even after twenty-five years of energy, that energy by definition is a Luciferic energy, not in the sense of Lucifer, because it is redeemed, but in the sense of duality. Of course, an energy is dual, since the energy has a sinusoidal shape, whatever the energy, whether it is invisible energy, visible energy, photons. There is a limitation called the speed of light and string theory, and quantum entanglement and scalar waves are the final explanation. That's fantastic.
-Sister: Yes.
It all makes sense.
-Sister: Everything is waking up.
This is where I wanted to come to as a preamble to this notion of Yes, which is only the generation of a scalar wave and which makes you cross, or those who are still in the feeling of vibrations. Because we always feel them, the vibrations, they are always there, the Marian channel, I feel it, the chakras, the ascensional crowns. I'm just saying, you can't stop them, of course, that's not the goal, we developed them for years, it's to cross them, that is, no longer focus, as we used to say, with the camera, it's a defocusing and no longer a zoom, we first zoomed in and now we zoom out.
Yes ?
-Sister: Where is the Marian canal, please? It's just a question, I don't know.
The Marian channel... If you like, there is what is called, in the oriental language, Antahkarana. Antahkarana is a celestial rope which is represented for example by the horns of the goddess Hathor in Egypt. It's... Steiner used to say that cows have cosmic antennas because there are horns and cows' horns capture cosmic energy.
Moreover, in the current manifestations, you have many brothers and sisters who feel these horns and who feel this solar disc above their heads, moreover, we see it. It is no longer a channel like the channel of light that was above the head. It has taken on a spherical shape surrounded by the two points that are here, on the small crown of the head, the Buddha hat, which are the famous celestial strings.
The Marian channel is nothing more than the permeabilization of the Antahkarana, and what is called the ampoule of clairaudience, which are generated by an acupuncture point, which is here, which is also called [...], the door of understanding, the 21st point of the triple meridian heater, the mediums see, someone who hears, they see this ampoule. The bulb of the clairaudience was horizontal; when there was fertilization by the information Light, that is, the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Shakti, as we say, which has a polarity of female light, it directed this channel, this bulb of the clairaudience, upwards, so that it captures other information than that which we usually had on Earth.
The first descent of the Holy Spirit or the first Light information, which would lead to the end of polarity, that is, the end of manifestation in all worlds, occurred very precisely in August 1984. It is there that ear whistles and sensations began to appear in the head and it is following this opening of the head that the Light energy, the Light information, still polarized, could come to invade the body, the median channel of the spine. So, what is called the Marian channel is the place where the entities of Light could manifest themselves.
-Sister: In our body?
No, externally first. In the canalizations, for example, during the celestial wedding, where the people who came, they could see perfectly when there was, a lot, Anaël who was there, when Anaël, who came down, they could see the archangel as you had also seen him, this form of two meters forty high, very long, without feet, like a form of Light with a kind of big head up, like this. This was another representation of the manifestation until the Marian channel, which is above the left ear, merged into unity with the point here, above the left breast, which was called at the time the unity gate, which resonates with the unity star and what was called Gemma Galgani.
So that was the first step, living Unity, non-separation, non-separation and non-separation and at that moment, there was a fusion of Antahkarana, of these celestial horns, which are based on these two points here, which are related, I remind you, with what are called the Hayoth Ha Kodesh, the Kerubim of Tradition, but two special Kerubim, there are four, of course, the one on the left and the one on the right, the one that generates the air triangle and the one that generates the water triangle, which is above the right ear.
Water, the first matrix of life, the first liquid crystal of creation, I will not repeat a course on water, I have spoken enough about it, water is a crystalline structure that carries and conveys information, and even that of zero time. That's why the first dream, and the whale song, and the water is so important today, you see it when you bathe, whether in your bathtub, in a river, in a river, in a river, and I think yesterday Phame talked about it again, the waters from above are now merging with the waters from below.
The waters from above are called - the waters from above and the waters from below - they are called in Kabbalah the Mayim, the waters from above are the mi, im, and the waters from below are my, the matter, the matrix, the hand, the manifestation; the mi are the waters of the mystery. And when the waters of the mystery, the invisible, the unfathomable, the unknowable, the so-called God, meet the waters from below, in this body, here and now, it is the end of the mystery.
The simulacrum and the sacred, the eternal and the ephemeral, are only the two sides of the same coin, the opposite side and the opposite side, which today are totally seen. And at that moment, you understand that there was never a part.
So what Nisargadatta was saying when he said that, and what I am saying, when he said that consciousness is a scam, a fortunately fatal disease, is the Truth. But we have had to go through all the forms of consciousness to bring it up to date, that is, we have dreamed, that this dream, as I said, has neither time nor space, scalar waves, which has allowed all the possible manifestations of Light, that is, simply sinusoidal, and alternating day and night, but also form and non-form, which we have even in the other dimensions, even if the form is not static.
An archangel does not have the same appearance at all when he manifests himself in his form, when he breaks into 3D, he has the archetypal form vaguely human without the feet, of course, because he has never been incarnated, while in the 5th dimension, it has a totally human anthropomorphic representation, and that in the other dimensions, as I told you, when I travelled under Michael's wings, it was the equivalent of a ship, a kind of swallow of eighteen thousand kilometres in size.
It is the truth, but this truth is relative, since it is linked to a form, to a manifestation.
This is what we are told, where the Light comes from, where the manifestation comes from, it comes from the unmanifested, that is, from the Uncreated, and when you find the Uncreated in you, you do as Bidi, you are obliged to realize that you are God, and that the only difference between who lives it and who does not is that the other does not yet know it.
However, we are at the moment when the whole of creation is living it. And that explains it perfectly.
So the Yes is not the opposite of the No, here, it is a Yes to Life. When we say "MâYm " (Ndt.: water), we toast to Life, it is not to life as opposed to death, you see it is not the yes that opposes the no. This Yes creates the opening, not only of the ultimate a-causal field, since we live it through the Fire of the Sacred Heart, the double torus, but we cross the double torus of the initial moment of creation, to realize that it is the final instant and that we have only dreamt. There are no more cosmos than butter on a skewer, there are no more stars than planets.
And it's a relief.
That is, at that moment when we talk about Freedom, well, we release all tension, we accept life as it is, as it manifests itself, without asking for anything, without waiting for anything, and we realize what, that everything is fluid and that everything is easy.
-Sister: And when we are in the white paradise, we will see nothing more, only white, that's all...
Only white, the form disappears.
-Sister: No planets, no plants, no trees, no nothing at all?
Only white.
-Sister: And do you think we will all be there together or gradually one after the other? How....
No, it will be a collective moment, that is to say...
-Sister: Oh, that's the solar flash?
It's the solar flash, the galactic flash.
-Sister: The.... So stasis.....
There you go. The white paradise triggers for this body, there is no more consciousness, so the body falls into lethargy, during these three days, we will conscientize the whole history of creation, not only our own history, we will really see...
-Sister: We'll see the film, it's going to pass in front of us?
The film it will be finished there, the white paradise only occurs when the film is played. But it is an appointment that is, that concerns the whole of creation, not only this Earth, without it, it would mean nothing.
-Sister: That is, an extra terrestrial could penetrate and come and lie down, finish, go with me to white paradise...
Yes, all the extra-terrestrials are around the Earth, in ships, and besides I published a cartoon, thanks to Maurice who had an article, it is: we came from another world, the Telephone song, and there is a drawing of extra-terrestrials, there are two humans who approach the extra-terrestrials who say: then you come to save us? Oh no no no no no, we're here to see the show... It's a show! It's a show!
-Sister: But it concerns them, too.
Of course, but it concerns all creation, good and bad, there are no good, there are no bad guys.
-Sister: But it's crazy, as soon as we talk about this, I look at everyone, we all have the banana so far, as if we....
Well, yes, because our manifestation, our brain is finally happy. We no longer need energy as I said, nor vibration, we are at zero time, as Eynolwaden said, a text I read again this morning that was fascinating, when she talks about smiling, that's it.
It means that today, if you force yourself to smile, you will live the zero time even if you want to cry, open your lips, as she says, Eynolwaden, let him smile, he doesn't need you, whatever happens to you, if you smile first of all, you are in the Yes.
And of course this will also be explained in neuroscience, which nerves are on the brainstem and allow you to smile, you will release all the memories that are facing the brainstem, the cerebellum and the fourth ventricle, and you will be free. Just by smiling.
-Sister: Oh yes, we smile all the time.
(Comments and laughter)
Laughter is manifested, smiles are not manifested. He sees himself smiling, but he is no longer projected, he is inner. That's why Nisargadatta, in all his interviews, if you look at the videos, he always had a smile that some people called snide, no.
And now I understand why when I was a doctor, when people came to tell me their stories, and before I put my crystals in, because I was treating with the crystals, I always had a smile on my face. I wasn't laughing at them, nor anything, it was obvious, it was Joy, not to listen to their sufferings or their illnesses, but to know that we were going to put them back to zero time, I still worked twenty-five years with the crystals, so I know a little bit, and that's how it was done.
Just as we realize that we were in this spontaneity of the child who chirps before two or three years as soon as he sees a look, he smiles. He doesn't ask himself why he's smiling.
-Sister: There are two enigmatic smiles that are, in any case, one of the most famous paintings in the world, it is the Mona Lisa anyway, and Leonardo da Vinci, the Saint John the Baptist too.
Yes, yes, absolutely. That's why everyone is hypnotized by Mona Lisa's smile, because it's the smile of Truth.
-Sister: Yes, but before, when you would get into the subway, with a smile on your face, people would look at you as if you were an extra-terrestrial person.
Today, you enter the subway smiling, they lynch you. They are all in front of their screens....
-Sister: No, ah no, it's not that anymore, they're so busy with their phones, they don't see you, they don't see you.
That's it, that's it. They can't see you.
-Sister: But before, I was afraid of being in a psychiatric hospital because people were looking at you: how did you smile, but why were you smiling?
-Brother: But that has changed now.
-Sister: Yes, now they're all in their mobile phones, maybe to avoid...
Yes, they are on screen, in other words, they are on screen. This was explained at the time by Brother K on the notion of screens and images.
-Sister: That's it, exactly, and that's it.
-Sister: So that's it and the closer you get to the Truth, the more you want to get away from the screen. I've been living the distance from the screen lately. I hold my laptop less and less and less and if I read, or more often than not I listen, I can't stand to watch so much... the screen.
That's right. That's right. But it was through what we call social networks that we were able to spread the Good News. Moreover, Omraam Mikäel Aivanhov, at the very beginning, as I said, had asked us to publish everything on the Internet. We used to say: he's crazy, he's crazy, he's crazy! Internet.... No, it was precisely because of the sham, of those who thought they were taking us into bondage, that we discovered Freedom.
-Sister: It is the tools, it is the diffusion.
There you go. And besides, it is often said that Moses was the first geek in history, he engraved the Tables of the Law.
-Sister: And that's why now, when you smile in the street, because it can happen, well, it's the children who respond the most.
That's right.
-Sister: And the dogs.
We started to see that last year, when there were the gas absorptions, when we smiled at a cashier and that really, the cashier who is in her most annoying thing there is, and looks at you and smiles too. It's over now.
And now, the smile and the Yes, that is, when you meet someone, if you smile first, it's over. You're going to throw the scalar field at him without any intention, that's the good news.
-Sister: It instantly neutralizes any potential aggressiveness in the other.
Yes, in the other one, exactly.
-Brother: And all the merchants know that you have to smile when...
Well, it's marketing techniques, it's well known. Have you ever bought a car from a car dealer who pissed off? You buy the smile before you buy the item. These are marketing techniques that are perfectly known, it is totally logical...
-Sister: In small businesses, there are more and more of them, finally in my region, in small businesses you see more and more stickers on the front door, with an emoticon and a big smile. But what is also funny is that the new program at SNCF is called Ouigo.
Now I remind you that the yes in English in the reverse language means we, we, yes, pronunciation. You know when you say a word, it takes the form of a sinusoidal wave, it's an electromagnetic frequency.
There was a gentleman named Thomas Thiss, who died, who was channeling the sounds you hear, but I saw incredible things with this gentleman, that is, when he pronounced the letter Aleph with a certain pronunciation, on the oscilloscope that recorded the frequency of the voice, it drew the letter Aleph.
The letter and the Word/Verb, you have Annick de Souzenelle, she spoke about it in length, breadth and depth. The Shin, for example, is the incarnation, numerological value 300, the trace of the letter Shin, with its trinity, which is Neptune's trident in fact, refers us to the incarnation. Christ said: I am the alpha and the omega. Aleph, the first letter of creation, symbol of the crystallization of life. Moreover, in the representation of the letter Aleph or Alpha, you have the double spiral of DNA, with your hand stretched out to the sky, the Yod, and your foot walking on the ground, the Kaf.
The hand and the foot, the hand, it is what is grasped, the manifestation, it is the[...], it is with this that we create, that we manifest, that we write, it is the tool. The foot is what rests on the ground and is nourished by terrestrial electromagnetism, which is generated, as we know very well, the electromagnetism of the Earth is generated by the crystalline nucleus of the Earth, which is a crystalline structure, where there were the crystalline matrices provided by the genetician mothers, who were enclosed by the curve of space and time.
And I remind you that there was the liberation of the crystalline nucleus of the Earth eight years ago, about that time, so eight years ago, in 2011. The liberation of the Earth's nucleus in 2011 allowed a few months later the appearance of the Wave of Life, for those who have lived it, you know when there are feet that heat up, it rises, that we feel today with another component. It is logical but unstoppable, there is no longer any mystery.
-Brother: Jean-Luc, I noticed and I told you about it, that the sign of infinity is an eight...
Eight lying down.
-Brother: A lying eight, yes, but it's the eight/yes sound and if you put an N in front, it's night, but in about ten languages.
Yes, yes, you explained that to me earlier.
-Brother: No, but right now, I was asking the question, but then I understood. Either it's yes or it's no yes.
Or it's no, no yes, yes.
And at that moment you are in the night, you are not in infinity.
The yes is the union of the finite and the infinite. When the infinite, the finite meets the infinite, you have a very well-known figure, which has been called the sacred lemniscate that meets the heart and head. It's exactly the same thing, with the turnaround at the throat. It was part of our body, well that I was helped, simply by Annick de Souzenelle, when we talk about the symbolism of the human body, each part of the body has an equivalent in terms of archetypes.
I told you at the time that I had received the names, for example, for the names of the creative geniuses, that is, the civilization of the triangles, which made it possible to make an organ resonate, for example, I no longer have it in my head, it is old, and then it is no longer useful, but for example, when they said Shama, it is the genius of the gallbladder. When I pronounced Shama aloud in front of someone, the gallbladder would empty.
And for each organ there was a name, for example for emotions, it was Belkabalel. When you pronounce Belkabalel, with not this pronunciation, a different pronunciation, you instantly release the person's emotions. They are no longer crystallized. That I have, it's something I received years ago, thirty-five years ago, and all this journey in fact, all we have done, even with AD, is to rebuild the body of Eternity, that is to say rebuild the weft, the bridge, as Nisargadatta said, what is written on my tee shirt, the mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.
It is the bridge between illusion and Truth. In fact, there is no more illusion than Truth, there is just who we are.
And here the loop is closed, the alpha has joined the omega, but at all levels, not only at the level of manifestation, but even at the level of understanding, it is the goal of the Intelligence of Light, it is to enlighten everything, not to punish, not even if it burns, but for resilience.
The Möbius ribbon is the sacred Lemniscate, it is this particular structure that is responsible for the ignition of the inter-dimensional Merkaba, when the heart meets the head, and I remind you that in the dynamics of the fusion of the three foci, i. e. the sacrum, the pelvis, the chest and the head, there was a particular structure that united the earth triangle, Od, behind, with the heart.
It is the moment of the end of memories, since all the so-called karmic memories are engramed in the cerebellum, as Steiner said, it is the truth, and when the heart takes precedence over the brain, there were very strong pains on the earth triangle, with a large circuit that passed through the median channel of the spine and entered through Ki Ris Ti, through the fifth dorsal, and it was at that moment that we began to feel more and more clearly what we call the wings in the back.
Yes, we all have wings, since we are all angels, before we discover that we are none of those things. So fusion, resonance rather than fusion, resonance today, we find it in scalar waves. There is no more transmitter than receiver, there is one, and when you live the one, well you realize that there is nothing, but that the nothing contains the whole.
It is logical, it is very logical, and it could not be any other way. Simply this logic, even if it were understood, since the scalar waves were discovered a little while ago, could not be lived.
Today it is lived. The universe is a vast farce, there are no more super universes than multiverses, it's part of the dream, that's all.
And at that moment, you release all pretensions, all ego, all body of Light, all Light, you discover, indeed as it has been said, that you are at the origin of the Light.
Light is an electromagnetic wave. Gamma radiation, since we know that real light is not photons, it is gamma radiation, it is also an electromagnetic wave, since it manifests itself, it crosses matter from side to side, we are told. Cosmic rays, that's what they do.
But where do these cosmic rays come from? So we said that it came from Alcyone, that it came from Sagittarius A, from the centre of the galaxy, from the sun, what we called the triple radiation, the radiation of the Source, the Holy Spirit and the ultraviolet, which came from the sun.
These three radiations came together, in your name I gathered the three into one, that's what we did at the time, you remember with Unity Yoga, it's exactly the same thing.
-Brother: And that's why you harmonize someone by making a roller coaster like that in front of it, or on the side or all around it?
Yes, yes. What is it that the Eight in the Tarot is Justice. It is also a form of balance, but not human justice, which is a parody. This justice, in the sense of restoring the Truth, which will always restore the balance of polarities. Without this, there would be no possible polarities.
Zero is the basis of one, is the basis of the whole deployment of the dream or manifestation if you prefer. Everything that is manifested is only a dream, whatever the dimension. And that puts an end to the antagonism of time and space, and that is why, the good news, we spread it by resonance, and the more you resonate, the more you will contact more and more apparently distant points within you, and you will realize that indeed all creation is contained in the heart of the heart, in the zero point.
And also, the first manifestation is the Fire of the Sacred Heart, as we rewind the film, well the Fire of the Sacred Heart we have lived it since the end of the primary anomaly, it has nothing to do with the ascending crown, nor the chakra of the heart, it's something that is there.
But even that as I have been saying for many years now, you have to go through it, not annihilate it, you have spent years developing it and carrying consciousness on it, to discover and live the supra consciousness, but there is something else after the supra consciousness.
The I am is still a manifestation. That's why Nisargadatta, at the end of his life, he said the I am is a total scam. But he conceded, and it is indeed true, for most humans, you have to go through the I am, before you go beyond the I am.
Don't stare at anything, don't stop anything. The only way to not fix or stop anything is to disappear from oneself and from the self, to live the Truth, and when it is lived, understanding happens.
And then in the same way for scalar waves, we hear about scalar waves everywhere, and then this morning, I realized that we are being told the same thing.
-Brother: And that's why the salesmen also avoid saying no. They say you're Mr. So-and-so, yes, and then, after a certain number of yes, the customer is in the pocket.
Of course, of course, it is marketing techniques that are taught. Yes, that's right.
-Sister: You know all the scalar wave plates they sell, they are programmed in addition....
In addition they are programmed, so it is not a pure scalar wave, since it has an intention.
-Sister: She has an intention.
She has an intention. The purest scalar wave is no longer a spiral, it is a line, it is a straight line. However, we know that in the universe, the straight line does not exist. Yes, because if there is a straight line, there is no more manifestation, there is no more polarity.
But we had to bend the space-time, i. e. the so-called starting point had to be confused with the so-called ending point, and consider that it was round, to have a total perspective of the line. It's exactly the same thing.
It's still magical.
-Sister: You see, everything is simplified, though.
It's getting easier and easier, yes. And it is through chaos, as has been said, it has been said for years that the more chaos grows on Earth, the more Joy we would be in. It is not the joy of seeing chaos or destruction, because it is true that anyone, when I go to Paris, well I see this suffering, it is so obvious. But I am obliged to live it, not to stop it, to go through it too, to see that all this doesn't exist.
But nevertheless for the one who lives it, he lives it. No matter how much you say that there is no such thing as suffering, the one who is suffering suffers.
-Sister: Maybe there is a need to get over it.
That's it, there's a need for acceptance. Today it is much more simplified, it means that even if you say yes to what is manifesting itself in you and that bothers you, you will find that it will disappear.
We were talking with Leila this morning, and I have other examples even here among us, of people who have gone through stages of their lives, in a state of depression, in a state of sadness. What did they do? What did they do? At one point, they decreed that they were in joy. And what did they find out? It is invariable, that Joy has arrived. It didn't happen in a minute, but it happened.
-Brother: It's better to say OK than KO.
And it is magical, because there the understanding that is the lived experience also finds its justification, even through scalar waves, sinusoidal waves, through being and non-being, through what we experience, but also what we can understand, at the level of cellular biology. That is why silica, silicon, rock crystal, is also the basis of the cell's time.
-Sister: Could we explain, by the presence of this scalar wave, the fact that a quantum unit, if we split it in two, and put part A in a place and part B thousands of kilometres from part A, when any phenomenon occurs at point A, instantly it is in point B. So that's it, that's the quantum scalar wave that...
It's explained by a scalar wave. Exactly.
-Sister: That's it, and put it into practice.
There is no time, there is no space.
-Sister: And so, perhaps that would explain, if I understood correctly, when you say, when you think of such a thing, instantly, the intention is there.
That's right.
-Sister: It touches us instantly. It is this scalar wave that binds you to each other, or one that is the other, or one that is in the other, it is instantly, the manifestation happens, the intention.
That is exactly what is happening. Agape, I don't need it anymore, I told you, last year, when I was doing Agape, I had to put myself in a posture, I had to put my hands, I had to repeat Agape, Phahame, I had to travel or embrace, and all this as Bidi told me, until I fought, he told me, it's useless, you're crazy...
-Sister: It's like crutches all this.
It had to be accepted, indeed, it took in my lived experience that I accepted, that I didn't need to come and see you when... ah, it was fabulous, we saw my body of Light coming to heal you, but that I didn't need that, I didn't need to manifest, I didn't need to make him aware, even if I could see everything, and it was indeed exciting, for those who lived it at that time.
-Sister: Even for us.
Oh yes, yes, of course. But, what I noticed, is that as I entered this body of Light that I borrowed to go and heal you, my body here of flesh was getting thinner, I was losing control of my legs. So, after fighting with Bidi, it was when I saw that my body, my life, was in danger, that I stopped, that I recovered all the functions that were disappearing, and that the miracle happened.
This miracle is not linked to me, it is linked to everyone, since Abba is everyone. And there's no other way to look at it. If I said it's me Abba and you, you're nothing, I'd still be in a monumental mistake, there's no difference between each of us.
There is an apparent difference, indeed, and that is why Bidi said, life appeared one day, it will disappear, but you, you will always be there, it is the strict Truth. Not in a form, since you are already all forms.
-Sister: As Abba, we, as Abba.
-Sister: We as Abba, without form.
Yes, that's it. And today the Yes is enough. It's awfully simple. The Yes makes the brain break out in quotation marks, that is, the seat of individuality, as surely as the Light, as surely as the entheogens or magnetic fields.
You saw, they discovered, as I said a short while ago, a molecule called crypto chromium, which re-synthesizes a brain, a molecule that will re-make a brain. So of course, there are some who have made the analogy with Superman's Kryptonite, which is a green stone, which is Lucifer's emerald, quite simply, knowledge, which is only an illusion, but that it was necessary to travel and live.
-Sister: The superman, Superman.
-Sister: And Lucifer too will disappear in.....
But there is nothing left, nothing exists. The archangels are also in us, and the good news is the flash of Light that we called the solar flash or galactic flash, the famous white paradise, with an acceptance, I told you, me, when I have it... Anaël made me live it in ultra temporality,,, every night I called my mother, because when you see your form disappear, even when you do spirituality, energy and you have the chakras open, when you see your form disappear, it makes you all strange.
So, despite everything, there was an identification with the body, an identification with matter, even if we were not materialistic, an identification with the manifestation, which prevented us from finding the mystery.
But today the mystery is in the manifestation, that is, in the acceptance of what is, here and now.
And it's more than just here and now, it's a Yes, your Yes travels through space and time, all spaces and all times.
Acceptance was actually accepting, embracing, the resultant is the Yes, there is no more movement, and when you experience it, really, well you are in this carelessness as we say, of the child.
-Sister: I want to say something.
-Sister: As you speak, I say yes, yes, yes, and everything is... but fluid, and it frees me up...
Oh, yes, it liberates, of course.
-Sister: Jean-Luc, could you tell us about this Yes in conjunction with what was said about Black November?
Yes, it's planned, that's the case to say.
I would like to point out to you that last night, after the Phahame canalization, and before Abba who spoke of black November, that is, on November 1, Quebec, which is the lighthouse of humanity, in Sherbrooke in the Eastern Townships, not very far from where we were, they were in the dark, in the water, and in the wind.
General power outages, catastrophic floods that usually only occur in the spring when the snow melts, water has penetrated the ground, as it overflowed, and the power has been cut off. It is totally synchronous now in what is being said. So at the time, we were told: you say things, it didn't happen. And now when I tell you that we are rereading channelings from five years ago, from seven years ago, we realize that it corresponds to now.
Like the words of Nisargadatta he uttered in the 70s, 80s, were not for his time, but were for us. The words of Christ two thousand years ago, or of the other prophets, were for us today. It is man who has made them into religions of enslavement. Christ had said it: do not make my words a religion.
-Sister: That's it, we know everything now.
-Sisters: Yes..... Yes... Yes...
-Sister: That's right, they said they were going to say yes before the end of the evening, in a few hours...
Yes, yes, absolutely.
That is exactly what happened, water by the rains overflowed, it invaded, you know that Quebec is called the lighthouse of humanity, it is not for nothing that the gateway to Europe of this lighthouse and this information, which is no longer information, which is the scalar field of zero time, entered through what is called Portugal, the gate of the Gauls. And then the Good News spread throughout Europe.
The proof is that in France today, you have a storm called Amélie that sweeps all over France.
-Sister: Who is called what?
Amélie, her name is. Soul and bond, Soul Elijah, it is, it is... the simulacrum is wonderful, what, it carries within it the sacred of course.
Only those who believe themselves to be in the simulacra, in what is called Satanism, who do so as has always been said, also necessarily serve the plan. No one can be excluded from the plan.
-Sister: It is in the South that there is this storm.
No, not just in the South, all of France, yes, all of France is concerned, from the English Channel, Normandy, Limousin, Central France, South-West, South-East. Grandpa had always said, OMA had always said that France would be affected at the elementary level last, and that France would be at a standstill in terms of strikes, transport and everything, that was announced for early December.
-Sister: And when is the Maghreb?
-Sister: The Maghreb?
So the Maghreb is the one who carried the heart and assumed the heart, it is not the same, the whole Maghreb, not just Tunisia, because we know very well, in any case I was born in these countries, so regardless of Islam, the Maghrebins have their hearts on their hands. The problem is that their hearts on their hands, they were blinded by religion.
-Brother: They say hello with their hearts on their hands.
Of course, Salam. But they have been altered like everyone else, they by their religion, we by ours, because religions are only in confinement. When in the prophecies, in a somewhat ironic way, you are told that France is the eldest daughter of the Church, it is above all Satan's eldest daughter, the proof, look at Macron. There I talked about it in 2016 before he was elected, I told you what was going to happen, you gave your consent by voting Macron, you gave your consent to the antichrist, now you have to assume.
-Sister: And at the same time, look at all these French people who are there, because there is a lot of French there, today, we are almost all French. So, then, then, this France then, but it's all the dark ones who[...], it's always the same.
There you go. As I said, we can only observe, I can't help it, it's like that, it's that wherever we go, after that it's fire, floods,... it's normal, since we have...
-Sister: You are accelerating....
Yes, speed up, or we'll reveal it. And there is indeed an acceleration of climate, weather and events. Even at the level of laws, everything changes. Look in Belgium, we went to Belgium, there were three days of rain, it's the first time there's a woman running the country.
When we arrived in Quebec, they passed the law, both to bring in the French and at the same time to stop all the captivity of all marine mammals. And the belugas, for example, that's it, it's over, before we went to see the belugas, we went there, to Tadoussac, now we're not allowed to go there anymore, we leave them alone.
-Sister: Oh, yeah.
It's over now.
-Sister: That's good, that's good.
The captivity of animals, even in France, circus animals, wild animals, will be banned.
-Sister: Oh yes, it's about time.
So then, pushed to the extreme, it's veganism, but that's the irony of the mirror image of those who are still in the version.
Look in Algeria at what is happening today, they are calling for a new revolution as they did sixty years ago. While the other one is dead, well, no, they say no. There are millions of people in the streets, in Chile it continues, and it will grow. Unconsciously and perhaps not in a fluid way, but it doesn't matter, there is a claim to Freedom, even if people don't know what it is. That's normal.
-Sister: I have a question from a brother who is not here since yesterday, Peter who says: Why some events will not happen for all humanity, this questioning came to me during the satsang, Jean-Luc said that some events will not happen for all humanity, that then OMA has repeated the same statement twice.
I didn't understand what that means.
-Sister: There you go.
It concerns all humanity, but not only, it concerns all of creation.
-Sister: Well, that's the answer.
Of course, each country is marked by elements, Quebec is the beacon of humanity, the reversal if the current is cut, Brazil is marked by fire, it is a country, a fire element that is very strong, France, which has been called the country of freedom, enlightenment and human rights, is exactly the opposite today.
So each culture, each country is obviously marked by a history, Portugal, the Gaul gate, that's where the first International Summit will take place, whereas we wanted to do this in Malaga but it's happening in Lisbon, because it's the entrance of the Light. And in my journey that I made this year, because before we didn't travel, I started in September last year with Morocco, we went back to Morocco in April, and there, where we finish the year, we didn't decide, in Quebec, after going through Portugal, and other countries of course, Belgium, Tunisia.
I don't decide anything, I've always told you that. I am what is proposed. And when you see the circuit we've done, well, we've come full circle. There is a total simultaneity and concordance in the manifestation of the simulacrum that corresponds to the sacred. And it is in hindsight that we realize this. You see. From the moment you let things happen, so you live them, understanding comes just behind. Who can imagine that I could have decided in advance to do this, it is impossible, impossible.
It's like channelings. Could Jean-Luc Ayoun, alone, have invented the Stars, the Gates that everyone has lived through? No, it's mathematically impossible. It's part of what it was, that's why I say: everything is written. You just have to let go of your intention and desire and all things will happen as they should. It's as simple as that.
And for health, it's the same. If you can leave your body alone enough, there is no reason for it to be sick. Moreover, we know that madmen, real crazy people, they never have cancer, never, never, never, never, never. They have many skin problems because there is a problem of identification with the skin self, in the sense of the limit of the shape. But they don't have cancer. That's impossible. The madman never has cancer. This proves the pressure of the mind on the body, as long as we are identified with the body. That's why Bidi's first step when he came to break AD in 2012, was to stop identifying with the body.
He also said: not this bag of meat, for months and months. Not to say it was a bag of shit but to say that even if we were inside and the body is a temple, it was still a bag of meat. There is no antinomy between this sacred body, to say that it is a temple, effectively because we are in it and at the same time, it is a bag of meat.
-Sister: How come we have the sacrum that is still waking up right now?
Very, very powerfully, especially at the level of the Gate which is above the sacrum whose name I can't remember. The lumbo-sacral hinge, by the way, you saw it, when you saw me, you told me there was a point here. Indeed, I had a lot of back pain, so I never usually have back pain. But it was at the penetration of zero time information. You know that for the Chinese, there is the most important point of acupuncture is located under the second lumbar vertebrae, it is the fourth point of the Governor vessel called the Ming Men, the Warrant Gate and the Destiny Gate. It is by this way, say the Chinese, that we pass from the anterior sky to the posterior sky. That is, from the Uncreated to the Created.
And besides, we see it and we see it in embryology, when you have a sperm that fertilizes an egg, it multiplies, it forms what is called a morula, that is, a kind of small blackberry with lots of cells, and at some point, it is arranged in two sheets. The point of invagination, which gives the third leaflet, that is, the endoderm that is responsible for the digestive tract, neural system and everything, the mesoderm that is between the most superficial layer called the ectoderm, the skin. This point of invagination occurs on an extremely precise day, at an extremely precise moment in the embryology, it is the moment when the two becomes the three.
When this two becomes the three, hurts, you have a known disease called spina bifida, the opening of the spinal cord at the bottom, occulta or aperta, that is, closed or open, the bone has not closed. It is a very rare but very serious anomaly, this point, this point, this point, the Gate of the mandate, the Gate of destiny, this is the place where the anterior sky passes through, not manifested at the manifestation what is called the posterior sky. So, it's actually below that point at the Gate, if anyone remembers the name of the Gate that's just above the sacrum, I forgot. I know you have four points about what is called the sacrum.
And in a very funny analogy, there are four points that draw a diamond and besides it's called the triangle or Michaelis' dimple. Before modern means of pregnancy monitoring existed, obstetricians would take out a double decimeter and measure the distance between the pelvis by measuring the space between the two side doors, whose names I have forgotten, but which in acupuncture are the[...], the blood chamber, which are the balance points of energy and blood throughout the pelvic sphere. So I'd like to find the point on the Gate above, if there's one to which it belongs.
(Jean-Luc and the group look for the name and location of the points at the sacrum.)
You have to look at it. I know there is here somewhere, I wonder if it is not Now, by the way, the point that is above the sacrum. Yes, but Hic and Nunc are not aligned on either side. I know there's Hic on one side and Nunc is on top, I think.
-Sister: So, would it be Nunc at the top?
It would be now. Now is the time.
-Sister: This point....
He is very strong, very powerful. It is not the fourth point of the Governor ship, I believe it is the third point of the Governor ship that is at the hinge L-5 S-1. It is the hinge L-5 S-1, you know that we have 33 vertebrae, the 33 degrees being so-called Masonic, and that the sacrum is the triangular sacred bone that points down. There, the sacrum was shaken, of course, and not by the Wave of Life, that is to say, before it was felt by the Wave of Life that was rising, merging on the Gates here of the groin and coming to the level of the sacrum that realized the alchemy of Unity.
But now we're a little higher up. We are at the limit of the sacrum and the fifth lumbar vertebra, that certainly, surely, an extremely important symbolism in relation to what is happening now.
-Brother: Isn't that Malkuth on the Tree of Life?
It is rather Yesod, it is the end of reflection, that is, the end of the lunar world. Moreover, for that reason it was taken up again in the Koran, you have the prophecy of the split moon, it was taken up by one of the speakers, I don't know who.
-Sister: The end of illusion.
...the end of illusion, the end of reflection since the moon is linked to the astral, to confinement. So, what we see, the lived experience leads to an understanding according, of course, to the systems you have in you. Well, everything connects, everything resonates. It's not a reliance, it's really a resonance in the really physical sense of the word. Moreover, the scalar wave is a resonance that does not know duality. So we are well before the manifestation, we are at the source of the Light, at the source of consciousness. There's no one there. But to do that, we had to rewind the film as I said and find the thread of the story while there was no story.
And that's Freedom. It's not a liberation as Nisargadatta used to say. Even the notion of liberation is an illusion. So, he said at the beginning in the 1970s, 75 until the 1980s, he said that it is not the person who is liberated but you are the ones who are liberated from the person. To finish at the end of his life, to say that liberation is a scam. Since liberation you live it in illusion, it is also an illusion in the end. And there's only the Yes. It reminds me of a drawing yesterday, which I loved, which I saw passing like that. It is Christ who is on a couch of a psychoanalyst and says, "I have decided to forget my past."
That's exactly what it is.
-Brother: It's like a woman who says to her son: Jesus, if you don't clean your room, you can forget about your Easter vacation.
One more thing to say.
-Brother: Yes. Yesterday, I wanted you to talk to us about Clarity and Precision.
-Brother: This morning, there is something that came up in relation to this point, the point Clarity, on the biological level, what does it correspond to, in neuroscience?
In neuroscience, then, the Clarity and Precision points are located as you know on each side, here, at the junction of the frontal and parietal lobe.
-Brother: Yes.
When you look at the structure of a skull, well you know that better than I do. Well, you have fontanelles, of course, that close at such an age when the feeling begins to appear, begins to wonder about being an individual, at eighteen months to two years, three years. The points Clarity and Precision, good it has been defined at the level of the functions. Clarity is the moment of lighting. Precision is what we have, we have entered into materiality, into analysis, into the experience of the Stars, of the Gates to realize that even that is what we have called focusing and now we are defocusing.
It is this that comes and goes between being and not being, quite simply. So, at the neuroscientific level, I don't know what it means. Indeed, all Stars correspond to specific areas. Clarity and Precision, I didn't look, because the most important ones are Attraction/Repulsion, Good and Bad, and of course Hic and Nunc, that is, IM and IS, since that's where the motor cortex, the sensory cortex, the language area too, the Wernicke area and the Broca area and all the sensory motor cortex are located, so this is very well known. Same for OD. OD, you are at the base of the cerebellum, you are in the sub-tentory space, you are at the end of the fourth ventricle which is median, which is extremely important.
Now, I can't specify you, I don't have that in mind anymore. I'll have to look around. But there is a total correspondence between what have been called the Stars or the twelve spiritual potentials, the twelve bodies, if you will, and the very structure of the brain and the very arrangement of neural networks. Yesterday, we talked about the seat of, the pseudo seat of individuality at the level of the epiphysis that sent permanently, we said, it is two neurons are there and are always active, that they go into the prefrontal cortex that are the zones, supposedly, of the decision but a decision is never free.
It is always activated by the punishment circuit, until the moment you decide to be more in the reward circuit where you say, that's it, from now on, I will never be sad again, and you live the Joy. At that point, the reward circuit takes precedence, ascendancy over the punishment circuit. You can no longer judge yourself and you can no longer judge anyone. It's not a moral. It's something that's totally physiological. It's not moral conduct, it's not asceticism. Morality can be intellectual or it can be de facto, if I can say so, by experience.
It's not the same thing at all. In one case, there is a constraint, there is a difficulty, the mental morality that leads to all the wanderings, that is, justice was created to obey morality and today, we realize that justice is completely immoral.
-Brother: Absolutely.
It's the inversion. Now, on Clarity and Precision, yes, it is important. In fact, you can still smell the Stars today, of course. But we don't have to focus on it anymore, it happens all by itself.
-Sister: Something happened the other time when we were at the table and we were coming out of I don't know what, but I was bathing in this, I don't know what to call it, in the primordial bath...
In the Primordial Ether.
-Sister: the Primordial Ether, at last...
The White Paradise.
-Sister: Yes, it was more black than white, by the way. And I looked at a sister and all of a sudden I felt that there was like a focus. See, we're talking about focusing and defocusing. And then, it was focused and the Love for her, was immense and hop, that was defocusing and I came back into the bath...
It's the resonance. It's more of a communication, you don't need to talk. It's more of a relationship. That's the resonance.
-Sister: But I really had the process, that it started from the big picture, it focused on her and then it came back. And you know, concentration and deconcentration. But it was no longer a projection at all.
The projection ends the projection. But the projection was necessary. It's like the appearance of consciousness.
-Sister: Yes.
The impression of being two, of being divided, of being separated,...
-Sister: Yes.
...ends the separation on its own. Yes, since it's running in a loop.
-Sister: But there was still a form of focus, defocusing. It was the resonance.
But that's what someone does for the Agape resonances, those who have understood, well, I'm going to write an email and well, they're treated. Oh no, I don't even need to write anymore, I don't need to ask and today, I'm telling you, you don't need to ask anyone for permission anymore. From the moment you think of someone, you make them resonate with time zero. That is, it is affected by the scalar wave and it works from one end of the planet to the other. So, of course, when you're at the table, or someone in front of you, it's very close, but it would be exactly the same on the other side of the world.
When I traveled by the way, last year when I was healing when I left my body in the Body of Eternity, I could surrender instantly, there was no travel even if I went out, as I say, to anyone on the other side of the planet, but it was instant. There was a switch error once, but that's okay. But otherwise, I was always at the right place. I didn't ask myself how it was done, where she lived and how she was physically. There was already a resonance at that time.
Finally, I had established a resonance but I used this resonance for polarity, that is where it was dangerous, that is, it was extraordinary to live, but I used the resonance, which was instantaneous, to show a presence and reveal what was to be revealed, but I paid the consequences. It made sense. It was not a mistake, it was an apprenticeship, it was an experience. But that's how I realized, by accepting what Bidi was saying, because Bidi is more stubborn than I am, that he was telling the Truth. When someone tells me something that is contrary, what do I do? I check if it's true, of course, like everyone else.
I have an analytical mind that is there too. As I said, I even have more of a scientific mind than a mystical one. Now we see that the scientist joins the mystic. Who was the first to do this was the physicists.
-Brother: But before that, two or three years ago, I saw you walking around like that and indeed, without feet like... misty....
This is my Elohim body. This is my original body, from Altair, it's a body of Elohim. Not an archangel. I have nothing to do with the archangels even though I am an archangel. But the paths I have taken are linked to the Elohim.
-Brother: You were out for a walk, that's why I asked you if you were aware of....
At the time?
-Brother: the time you were travelling. When you answered me. Sometimes, yes and sometimes, no.
Sometimes not, that's why when I was a doctor, sometimes there were people coming from the other side of the world because they had heard my name in the night. I had no conscience at all. Even well-known people, actors and everything who have heard from the other side of the planet Ayoun Jean-Luc, go see Ayoun Jean-Luc. Who is Ayoun Jean-Luc? It's not me. It's not me. It was the Intelligence of Light that manifested itself in these moments. But I can't make it an advantage or a superiority of any kind because I recognized myself in everyone, really and concretely.
Moreover, Christ said it, Master Philippe said the same thing when asked how he performed his miracles, it is because he said: I am the smallest of you. This is the symbolism of the washing of the feet, since Christ was washing the feet. There is no better sign of humility than washing each other's feet. It's not a sign of superiority.
-Brother: And in the neurosciences, how do you explain the stigmas, by the neurosciences?
That explains it perfectly. By a belief that is so strong, a wish, an intense desire for identification. You know, when I was 33, I lived the Passion of Christ. It is so much faith in the history of Christ. Moreover, I was incarnate at that moment even if I was totally unknown, I was a young child, at that moment, a pre-teenager, we will say. But every Friday I relived the Passion of Christ with the holy smells and holy oils in my hands, with the mystical scents of rose everywhere in the rooms where I was. I couldn't go to work on Fridays. I knew that in the evening, from 8 p.m. on Thursday evening, I went up to a fever of 41 and that it would last until Friday noon.
It lasted for months. At thirty-three years old... At thirty-three years old, that was the time when I used to make an hour and a half of rosary a day. Well, I was doing the whole Rosary, you know. So, yes, there was a story that was told for everyone, that was lived to get us to that point. We had to move on in this life, which is major and fundamental, to go back to each one according to his scenario and script through stages that were written. The only freedom is to accept that everything is written. Because at that moment, there is a total relaxation, you follow what is written. It's fluidity. As soon as you come in resistance to this, you suffer.
And the worst part is that you have no way of identifying where the suffering comes from until you go through the suffering and then it reveals itself, not before. It's not a punishment suffering.
-Sister: There is a sister who asks me, with the transformations of the sun, solar, what is your point of view about taking vitamins, like vitamin D or K2, compared to what happens with the sun.
No. Forget all the vitamins and molecules, we already said that when we talked about mushrooms. The most fundamental thing is to make the cells spherical, that is, to feed the cell membrane. Well, we talked about mushrooms for a long time, I'm not going to talk about it again. When you have a cell with a perfectly functional membrane, resonance will be established at the cellular level, at the biological level, at all levels.
-Sister: All that is complementary...
So if you stay still and your cells are also quiet, that is, they work without resistance, because the cell membrane is functional, you no longer have any worries. There's nothing to preserve, nothing to preserve. In any case, Ramatan had spoken about the transformation of the sun in Humanity in Becoming and by Séréti especially, the transformation of our sun into a red giant. So, what do you want to do about a red giant? What do you want to do about gamma radiation?
-Sisters: We drop everything.
There you go. Take care of your bodies. Feed him the good things instead. Don't be too obtuse and rigid in what you do. But from then on, there's no reason it should work sideways. I told you that. I see it through my own body. I haven't found it again, I live a flexibility that I didn't have even when I was fifteen years old. Yet I was thin when I was fifteen. So it all happened on its own. Of course, I gave the right fuels at the right time by chance and that's enough. And that's enough.
-Sister: Thank you.
So, the more you are in what has been called embracing, accepting and the more you say Yes, the better you will be.
-Sister: That's it. Yes.
-Sister: Even for the elderly?
Even for the elderly? Yes.
-Sister: Especially for the elderly. Gamma rays. But there are no old people there.
Well, if you're your age today to live this, it's because you had to be in these physical conditions to live it. And I had to be that age to live it because you would have known me thirty years ago, in a good ram, I was going for it all. So, there is a maturity that is necessary for some, on the other hand, which is even essential to live what is to be lived in the best possible conditions. So, here too, it is part of the Acceptance, of the Yes and as I said and I repeat, whatever the age, from the moment you are in the Acceptance, you accept to be crossed, that you do not put the need to understand before.
So, you are really in this Embrace as we said, Welcome, Welcome,, Welcome. You will live the Yes and your body can only transform itself. He is informed by the Light.
-Brother: We are past the age of life expectancy, so we are lucky.
-Brother: And then, we're sure we won't reincarnate again, so it's still a good chance.
Oh, there you go. Then, the point that is at the level of L5-S1 (fifth lumbar and first sacrum) is the point Clarity.
-Sister: Doris had talked about it.
So it's the total lighting.
-Brother: The point is how?
The point that is L5-S1 is the Clarity Gate, which corresponds to the Clarity Star, here at the head level.
-Sister: It is Françoise who...
That makes sense. It's the total lighting.
-Sister: Thank you Françoise!
It's the total lighting.
-Sister: She knows that.
So, the clarity, well, we have the explanation now, since there is indeed there also a resonance that had been explained between the Stars and the Gates beyond any personification by those who carried the Stars. Clarity is achieved, everything is illuminated.
-Sister: That's good.
-Brother: What about the sacroiliac then?

The sacroiliac is the balance of energy and blood. It's the Gates... Where's the phone? There's Nunc, here on one side and here on the other, I don't know anymore. So, above it is Clarity, on the left, on the sacroiliac on the left, it is Nunc, Now, and on the right, it is Repulsion and Here, it is the tip of the sacrum, the coccyx, if you prefer. It's the same thing.
But Clarity, now I understand better, it corresponds to the lighting we have at the moment. Everything is revealed without any difficulty. It is also the revelation of the simulacrum. The Elites, the[...], the scam.
-Sister: Everything is clear.
Religions, all the predation that religions and spiritual movements have exercised as well.
-Sister: Clarity comes with Transparency.
Yes, of course. The more enlightened you are, the more transparent it becomes and the less there is to see. The lighting makes you see, you focus and then it's replaced by what? By the White Paradise. There's nothing left. The clarity is such that there is nothing left to discern. We know very well when we illuminate violently with a flash, at some point the light is so intense, that we no longer see what we illuminate. Focusing leads to defocusing, to use the terminology you said earlier, it is both the impression of moving outward but it happens at the same time as the movement inward.
Well, that's how you realize the other one's in you, really. That's what Christiane Singer said: it's incomprehensible, but when there's nothing left, there's everything and we're really in each other. Even physically, even if there is the appearance of a distance. It is not only the Essence that is common, or Unity, that is common.
Come on, maybe we'll stop there, we've done an hour and a half.
-Sisters: Everything is clear.
Through Jean Luc Ayoun
The Transformations
French transcript:
English translation: revised by LMF
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