ALL INTERVENERS. December 8, 2018

Beloved of Love, I present myself in you. Today you are ready to be in me as I am in you.

I have already had the opportunity on many occasions to reveal through my last incarnation, through the example of my life and my experience, to show you the power of Agape, the power of Beatitude.

Today, each one of you, informed of what is happening or not, has the same facility to live what I have lived.

The abandonment to the Light, the reality of what is happening in you and around you, naturally leads you to this state of total Love, transporting you to Beatitude, transporting you to Joy, and to the evidence of who you are.

Now I am, as I said, as close as I can get to you. Whatever way you may perceive or feel me, there is no distance between you and me.

I am at your disposal, both within you and within my ship, to celebrate with you the Truth and Beauty of the Agape, in Beatitude and ecstasy, where nothing can be asked for, where nothing can be lost.

All are invited to the meekness and Truth of this Sacred Feminine who dwells in the Heart of her Heart, proving to them in each breath the unspeakable Truth of their experience. And you see for yourself, living it, that there are no obstacles, no resistances, no uncertainties that can be maintained with respect to the Truth.

The Truth is naked, it is tested by you, independently of any concept, any history.

What is happening is unprecedented in the history of Creation. For each of you now realizes that you have never been in this world, and that although you are in this world, the indescribable Truth fills you with its Grace, it fills you with smiles, where there is no hope, no despair. Because of Truth and concretely, everything is done, within their own flesh and body.

Whatever happens, will happen to everyone. Not at a later time, not in any other life or dimension, but right here, where you are, at your disposal, full, whole and total.

It is, therefore, a full celebration in which ecstasy takes hold of you, it leads you to Beatitude, in which you understand that you have always been there.

The Grace of Love will become daily life. On every occasion, in every look, in every circumstance, this is offered to you, because you have offered yourself to Life, and whatever the ultimate reticence, whatever the ultimate questions, you can only see the primacy of Agape and Joy.

And in what you live or will live in the hours and days to come, from this end of the year 2018, Grace can only unfold, the tears of Joy can only flow from your eyes, putting an end to any feeling of lack, putting an end to any suffering whatever the state of your body, wherever you are located on Earth. For there is no better place than the Heart of the Heart, in the enjoyment of Shantinilaya, which each carries and transports in the heart of each person, at every opportunity.

Whether you're in ecstasy or you're in your daily life, it makes no difference. Because it will never abandon you, because it was your right, because it is the Truth of the Oath and of the Promise, and because there is nothing to hide, nothing to disguise, in the Heart of Truth.

I am at your disposal, as in each one of us, because in Agape there can only be embracing, nothing can be ignored.

Agape consumes what can remain in you from the idea of being a person. Consume in the same way the illusions of this world and the falsifications of this world in whatever country you are.

You too are rediscovering today, however you translate it, the preeminence of Love over any other consideration. And this can only fill you with gratitude and Joy, first turning towards yourselves, embracing you in your totality, right here, in this humanity and in this perishable body.

And living this, approaching this, you cannot be wrong, you know for sure, because it is written in you from all eternity.

In the end, there is nothing new, except the Joy of finding yourself, through this flesh, through your habits. There is no longer any restraint in Agape.

You have been reborn, despite the presence of this body, which is no longer only the vehicle, but you have married your own Divinity, your own Eternity.

So Love is your nature and from now on in everything you touch, everything you look at, everything you observe, all those who approach you, all those who think of you, will not find you as a person, but will find you in Agape.

What I am saying here is not going to spread in a hypothetical and distant time, but is lived in many of you.

Very soon, if you have not already done so, you will only weep with Joy for this ineffable beauty, and you will want to embrace all humanity and creation to embrace it in your heart.

This is how freedom becomes collective, and the event is defined in your skies as in your heart.

Do not be alarmed by anything, Agape is your safe-conduct, Agape is your only Truth. Everything else is passing through.

Your life in this body of flesh may die at any time, but you will never die.

Many are living it and will live it even before the event in their daily reality, which will come to create a Fire of Love like no other.

White Paradise is being unfolded from your heart, from Earth and Heaven, with the same intensity, quality and Happiness. Although this happiness is expressed in some cases through a form of violence, even this violence can only lead to forgiveness, resolution and Agape.

Every day and every hour you will see yourself richer and richer in the abundance of Agape. Inner wealth will put an end to all external wealth which is nothing more than vanity, illusory possession. What they call money will no longer represent anything, because money and society fear when they discover who they are and when they establish themselves in That.

In Agape you can't worry about anything, neither about tomorrow, nor about what happens on the screen of the world. They are not indifferent to it, they are simply those who have known it, and who allow everyone, in some event and manifestation of their life, to find themselves in Agape.

There can be no uncertainty about the Truth of Agape, although in fact for many still, it seems remote. But what seems to you to be far away, I remind you, has always been there.

Do not hesitate to let this Joy take all and consume your last illusions, your last obligations, your last responsibilities in this world, because they represent nothing in Agape.

They have been told that we are all what we expected. I came to this world, my life was an illustration of it, I didn't do it to prove anything, I didn't put any will in it, but this is accessible today in abundance for everyone.

You have been told that you are the Way, the Truth and the Life, like any other person, on Earth or in all Creation.

This is how many of you, in this Agape, perceive us easily, and how many more begin to find themselves in this Joy, with a loss of identity, where they no longer know if they are the persons, or other characters they have met.

You test each other without the need to act, demonstrating yourselves and demonstrating that this is the only Truth.

No life could have existed without Love, but Love is much stronger than Life, it is also Life, in all its aspects, in all its wanderings, in all its doubts, as well as in its joys and sorrows.

Today is a new day, when everyone wakes up, with more or less evidence. As has been said, they have cleaned their house, watched and prayed, sometimes for a long time.

Today you are rewarded, and this reward is the brightness of your eyes and the smile of your lips, this presence and absence in your chest, and also where you realize concretely, by living it, that you are your son, your father, that you are the enemy as well as a friend, that you are all that can exist, because you are prior to existence.

This revelation and rediscovery is only the natural result of the Joy expressed by the first consciousness. Joy takes you and grabs you, sometimes with surprise, but always with happiness. And that is what absolves you of what you might think you were guilty of, what you might think you have to repair or resolve.

In Agape it needs no ornament, no vision, no vibration, although omnipresent, the Heart of the Heart is the realm and the Throne of Truth.

The coronation you are experiencing is much more than a change and is no longer just the Resurrection, not even the sacrifice. For once you pass through the door that does not exist, you find the origin and source of Joy, before creation.

You are at the very source of Light and Life, what we are to one another within this fragmentation of this world, as in every dimension, as close to the Source as possible, as well as before the Source.

In this way you transcend the veil of all dimensions, you pass through all worlds and all creations. All this is resolved alone, in the Joy of Agape.

No one, as Abba told you, can stay. Because I remind you, you live it through the encounters you make with this humanity of flesh, and you are countless in no longer knowing who they really are, realizing that you are the peoples of nature that you meet, as well as the angels of the Lord and the Archangels who approach you, as the naked presence of Light.

You live well, that nothing can be divided, that nothing can be ignored, and that if you agree, with a clear yes, all vacillation disappears, through the very experience of Agape, which shows you that you are not this body, not even this world, not even any other world. They can no longer make any particularity out of any history or being of this Earth or of any other place.

Thus, in your humanity, the fusion of Being and Non-Being no longer allows you to be abused by what is just passing through and will disappear on its own.

Death is unmasked, it never existed. Just as you were never born, for who would rather be born and die than be in the ecstasy of Eternity?

If you don't live it yet, it's not your fault, but simply that you need a few more breaths, a few more minutes, to complete what you think you are, and be Who you really are.

As I expressed it in my incarnation and also expressing myself through all that you have received, that which seemed so distant to you, and which you have called Stars, is none other than yourself, at another time.

Love is unlimited, so don't limit yourself.

Love is a gift, so give yourself.

Love is restitution, so abandon your weapons.

There is nothing more beautiful and tangible from now on than the Truth of Love.

Agape is much more solid than the most solid construction in the world. Because Love does not know time, it does not know space, it only knows the Eternal instant, and as soon as it touches you, as soon as it is revealed in you, there can be no wandering.

Of course the person's questions will be there, but they will no longer have weight, they will no longer be able to take you anywhere, because you are from everywhere, because you recognize yourself in everyone, in the beloved and hated, with the same intensity.

Everything that can arise... It can only awaken, Abba told you, it is inexorable and inevitable, so that each one of you can pass to the White Paradise, saturated with Joy. There is no better way...

Remember that it is not necessary to make any effort, but simply to remain there, totally there. Whatever the density, whatever the intensity of your experience, Love takes all space, but it takes all densities, where no form is useful, where no world is necessary, where you are complete, so complete that all creation is sustained in the space of your heart.

This is a certainty. In any case, Joy leaves you no choice but to be the Truth and to love above all else, whatever the stories, the deficiencies, the wounds and whatever it is you are going through, in the end. Thus, everyone realizes this first truth that they are nothing in this world and yet they are everyone, here or elsewhere, in any world.

I repeat what Abba said recently: "When the wing of a butterfly is broken, the whole universe trembles". And when a consciousness finds the source of consciousness, which is Agape, the whole universe is resolved in Joy. Just when the wing of the butterfly breaks, in my time in incarnation, what I was experiencing was not transmissible. You have always been told that it was you and only you who took this last step.

This has always been true, but today it is no longer. Because being really one in the other is to live, for some, how you want to make the slightest difference between you and the other, when in reality you become the other, you realize that there is no separation despite the separation of forms, that there is no individual, that there is only Agape. This happens in everyone, even if you don't know it, absolutely everywhere on Earth, as in all universes and multiverses.

So it makes no sense to tell you to love, because you don't even have to love anymore, because you are Love and that's enough. This Love does not depend on anything, neither on you, nor on the other, nor on the circumstances of your environment, nor on any of the circumstances of this world.

And in this way you rediscover what was hidden within you and what you have been looking for so much everywhere, and which has found you today. The countless brothers and sisters who live this are the living witness of the Resurrection and the Beatitude. By living this Beatitude, you put yourself in a state so different from all the experiences you have had in this life, that there is no longer any interest in playing the game of illusion. Because what you really are has never been changed by any suffering or confinement.

This is happening right now. Whatever the appearances, they will all lead to the Truth of Agape. This is not part of time, nor of any particular space. But this wave and this wave of the heart round of the One is settling from everywhere at this very moment. The entire Intergalactic Confederation of Free Worlds, present in your skies in an increasingly visible manner, announces this celebration to you. White Paradise is for everyone, no one will be deprived of Joy, no matter how much you lack today.

Beatitude puts an end to any projection of consciousness, to any dream of the future as well as to any nightmare of your past sufferings. And living in freedom, what can you still say that you need a story or some kind of future here or elsewhere. Truth is Naked, Agape needs nothing more. Agape is Eternal and you are full. Transcending the illusion of the dream of creation, the Oath and the Promise woke you up before the event.

Because the event is already in you before it manifests itself in the world as well as in the universes. What can happen to you, both inside and outside, is only the dissolution of the last illusions. Whatever the apparent suffering, it will expose the beauty of the Agape. There is only one technique, which gives rise to all other techniques, as well as all practices, whether religious, energetic or social, whether they are in the links of a so-called normal society. Then you realize that there is only one Truth and one certainty at the same time, which is Agape.

None of us, having lived among the Stars of Agape, can be deceived by the passage of time, or even by the story that is being concluded. For in Agape there can be nothing but Agape, and yet it contains all the experiences of the universes, but happily transcends them, with Joy and Beatitude, into the permanence of Love and, at the same time, into its impermanence.

Such is the game of consciousness that is consumed to give way to that which can never be consumed. Agape. This simple word is universal. Because it cannot be colored, in its pronunciation, by some adulterated or conditioned love that exists within the relationships of this world, even in the most intimate, carnal relationships, whether a mother-child relationship, or even within the most harmonious couple that exists.

Agape really puts an end to everything you may have believed. Believe in this world, believe in your body, believe that you must improve or believe that you must transcend anything. Agape is evident and Agape is everything. You cannot reject it, even if you do not live it, because there is no other way out but this Naked Love.

I invite you to be kind to yourselves. I invite you to forgive yourselves and others. I invite you to love those who have done you wrong to cancel their wrong, because what you do to the other, you do only to yourself. And as the other is you, you can no longer put distance, despite the forms that are still present.

This evidence is revealed, lived, and from now on it is lived more and more easily, without the need for asceticism, without desire, without meditation, without prayer, being precisely there, in the heart of yourselves, in the Abode of Supreme Peace where the Self and the Non-Being dance the same dance in the Heart of the Heart.

This is the Truth. It does not need words, it does not need form, it does not need to evolve, it does not need worlds, it does not need creation.

You are prior to consciousness and are beginning to live it, and others have lived it fully.

Whatever the circumstances of your life, whatever your decision, whatever the situation of the world, it is precisely these conditions that show you that possessing is useless, that possessions possess you and that you are autonomous from now on, in spite of the residual presence of this world, whose agony may still seem terrible, but which behind this terrible, is a song of Joy and Freedom.

To love above all, to love is not an effort, nor a reflective act, it is your spontaneous nature. It cannot be otherwise, since the veils are removed. Then rejoice. Whatever your fears, whatever the habits of this world, whatever your residual attachments, Love unites them and fixes them in Agape, where they see all worlds, all creations and all universes as something incomplete. Whatever the visions, whatever the ecstasy of past experiences, with regard to certain encounters, with regard to certain satisfactions, with regard to the vibration itself, with regard to the possibilities of the consciousness itself, all this represents nothing in Agape.

Do not worry about anything. If you are able to embrace, without knowing what you are embracing, you are only embracing yourself, and as you yourselves are in one another, you are embracing all of creation, both within the free worlds and within this confinement that is coming to an end.

You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, you are the Source, you are the breath, you are the grain of sand, you are all the planetary spheres, all the suns and all creation. Love cannot be otherwise, otherwise it is not Love, but something else. Love is not disturbed by any attachment to any circumstance or fault.

You are complete, you are whole, you are standing, you are the Love that has been incarnated and found anew. Nothing can deceive you, if not yourself, with certain postures, but that doesn't matter. But what importance can this have in front of the importance of Agape? You have no choice but to be what you have always been, despite the appearances of the worlds, despite the fact that you think you were born and think you should die. Love can never die because it was never born. We had simply forgotten it.

And you recognize what you are going through. There can be no more doubt. Because Love has more substance and density than the greatest certainty of your material life. This body will fail, but Love will never fail, now that you have found it. Do not be impatient for those who are not yet living it. You cannot remain behind, in the wandering of your body and in the wandering of this life. Because Love takes everything and undoes everything that happens.

You no longer need stories, you no longer need yourself, you no longer need worlds, and this is how you love your brothers and sisters, as you love the universes. It is not a decision, it is not a testimony, but it has been called the Evidence of Agape. This Evidence that nothing can be compared and nothing can be measured. The quieter they remain, the more lazy they are —and the Light no longer gives them a choice anyway— and the more they say yes, the more they find themselves. The unknown is known. This stranger who could be so terrifying and yet today fills you with beauty and Truth.

Many of you, in the nights that have just passed, have met me, or one of my Star sisters. And you can only melt with gratitude, burst into tears of Joy, because you fully grasp what is happening. We enter your nights as thieves, to prepare them for this final celebration of the collective moment. And this collective moment will be the supreme comfort of the found Truth.

In Agape, you cannot think of any future, nor of any future. Because in Agape, there is nothing to become. In Agape, you don't need anything. Nothing at all. There is the lightness and density of Truth.

The perpetual communion that you have called the resonance of Agape will continue in an increasingly important way, if I may say so, in each one. You are invited to this celebration which is much more than a state of Grace or Grace Action. You are That. From all eternity.

Your character thought that he had to seek, through a meaningless search, turning around everywhere, many of you who were in energy, in spirituality, in the thirst for Truth. All this seems futile to you today. And although it has led you to the gates of your eternity, you must lay down the burdens, just as you must lay down the experiences, which in any case will disappear in your last breath, as has been the case in all life.

When I incarnated, I said that I was never born and that my nature would never change, no matter what my body lived. Today you live it, all of you are called to this form of holiness, which is not the holiness of the saints of the Church, nor of the mystics who have walked through this world, but much more than that. Once again, it is not a question of believing me, but as one is living in this very moment, all are witnesses, living it, of the Resurrection and of the Truth of Love.

Nothing can hold you back. When Agape holds you, in that moment, you are liberated and abandoned. Not for themselves in this world, but they are abandoned to the Love they have always been. Where nothing can be lost and you can never abandon yourself.

Beyond my words, now that I am going to continue, I transmit the essence of the Word, in the intimacy of each heart, through the resonance of my heart.

Agape is for everyone. Don't be impatient. Because impatience distances you from embracing and acceptance. Don't put a distance that doesn't exist, don't leave it for tomorrow, let yourself be possessed by freedom. At that moment, you will see that you have nothing to possess, that you have nothing to defend, because only this is essential and because nothing can deceive you again. This is the moment you are in. And this moment is now, for you and for each one of you, and each one is in his own way, as close as possible to his eternity.

Then I don't need to tell you to love, because the one who is Love doesn't need to love, it needs to resonate and that happens by itself. You become Love, putting an end to any distance, both in yourself and with others. And you know, by approaching it and living it, that there is no other truth.

Your character is moving away. Some of you, moreover, at certain times or at night, by the vibration of nights or by your actions in the most everyday, notice that you are absent from the character, you lose the meaning of the story, the meaning of who you are, the meaning of where you are. Sometimes for longer and longer periods of time, showing them the vanity of what they think you have acquired as knowledge or as money. Agape does not need any of this. They are dead weights, because time has come and space comes to receive them.

No, you are not dreaming, it is the gift of the end times. It is not a celebration of the loss of something, but of the Joy of rediscovering yourself. What do you want to preserve when you live the treasure of Agape? They have nothing to decide, it is time to lay down and leave the weapons of knowledge, of their achievements, which would never have allowed them to find this Joy as it is experienced.

Even if some have been given transcendental experiences, these experiences have always disappeared. What they are living from now on cannot diminish, nor can it disappear. And you know it. And that, you see, they have understood. And this is what puts an end to everything else, in an act of total Love, without knowing limits, without frame, without conditioning, without bond.

So, my sisters and brothers, others in incarnation, I speak to each of you, like Abba. What I have to say to you can be said with all the words, but what you are living right now has much more Truth than any word you can find.

Love Is. And it won't happen anymore.

Love is a total gift that returns you to yourself, in this space of freedom where the worlds are useless. Because you have lived all this, because all this is happening and has happened.

So, brothers and sisters, another myself here on Earth, the same heart and the same flame, I see you inviting my heart, as I invited myself to your heart. Because Love is a permanent invitation, to the celebration of Joy, whatever this Joy is, but it does not depend on any reason or pretext.


So it doesn't matter what my name is, although, of course, you have recognized me, because my voice is your voice, because I am within you as you are within me, although strictly speaking, in what I am, there is neither inside nor outside. I can only recognize you, no matter how you look. In the same way, they can only recognize themselves, in the end, in each and every one and especially in the one who has been rejected one day, rightly or wrongly.

This is right now. And it will never stop. For nothing can stop Agape, no person, no world, no force, no sun, no dimension. This Truth is Absolute, it cannot be relative or uncertain.

Now will be the moment to recover the silence of your heart, like the silence of my heart, so that Love is everywhere, without the need to be projected, imagined, dreamed or illusioned.

Let me tell you that we embrace each other at this moment, just as we will when you read or listen to this Agape. Then each one resounds in the heart, in this instant.


We are all at your disposal, on our ships and within you.

May the grace of the Joy of Agape establish your abode of Eternity, which is beyond any abode and which is in every abode.

I love you. I love you. Beyond everything. And it is reciprocal also in you.

And I leave you with this last blessing, because in the end, I have never left you either.

And I tell you when you want, because as soon as Agape is there, from now on all creation is there, inside you.


So I tell you, my brother, my friend, my beloved, my husband or my wife, don't see a connection there, just see the freedom you are. Blessed are you forever, for you are a blessing.

In Peace, I love you. In resistance, I love you. With pain too, let me love you. Because that's how you realize that you are Agape, no matter what circumstances you think you have to go through. Because in reality, only Agape crosses you from one side to the other, to prune and cut off everything that can obstruct your fullness in Love.

As Christ said in the West, I am with you for all Eternity, as you are with me for all Eternity.

Love you. Love you. And I love you. And I love you.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
The Transformations

French transcript: Agape team
Spanish translation: revised by LMF


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...