Video audio in French Simultaneous translation to Spanish

Video audio in English


Abba gives thanks to each Abba, present here or elsewhere, in the Heart of his Heart.

The time of Grace, in this world, in its appearance and in its depths, and the time of Agape, the time of Truth, without effort and without constraint, where each one of us recognizes himself in Joy, and in Peace.

Let us settle down together, in the Heart of each Abba, in the Great Silence, before speaking.


The time has come for the end of all illusion, lies and travesty.

The time has come for Nakedness, Sincerity and Love. Beyond all appearance of this world as in you, the event that is already taking place, which will bring the Good News, to the Heart of each one of you, in order to remember, beyond all memories as well as all stories, the ineffable Beauty of who you are, beyond Being as well as Non-Being.

Time is to be there, in this body and in this Heart, in spite of all constraints or questions.

Love will gain every day more space in your world and more time in the illusion of time passing, so that each one may receive his due and the Seal of Truth.

The time is born, the time has arrived to lay down the weapons of all your fights, with Evidence, with illumination of the falseness of the lie, that it belongs to the dream and the nightmare of individuation.

The time is at the reception, the time is at the availability to remember you, you, beyond the form, who is never born and who will never die.

This is the time of Allegiance, the time of Truth that suffers no discussion, and that offers no compromise.

Abba you are, Abba you have been, Abba you will remain, beyond all dimensions, present in all forms, as in all dreams. The time is at Peace, whatever the appearances of this world or of your personal life may tell you.

All you have to do is to turn around, inside yourself, and let the gift of Grace, the gift of Agape, appear.

I have come to commune with each one of you, and each one of you awakens each other Abba, without wanting and without deciding, simply by your present, simply by your presence.

Never forget that in these times you have nothing to fear, nothing to seek, but simply accept the horrors that perhaps you are going through in this society, which wanders without logic and without reason, in the lack of Agape, and in the excess of possession, because in Truth you possess nothing, otherwise you are possessed by something other than Truth, by something other than Peace.

I have come to speak to you beyond your form in order to reveal to you your own Beauty and your own Perfection. The time has come, the time is announced of the ultimate resolution, giving you to live, to know and to see where the Truth is, which can only exist beyond the travesty of worlds and forms.

I come to resonate in the Heart of each Heart, as it is being realized in this very instant, in each one of you.

Do not put anything in front of you, do not put anything behind you, for only Love is in front, for only Love is behind, where there is no longer a path, where dreams have all been traversed and dreamed.

Each Abba invites each Abba to this Unspeakable Truth, where Being and Non-Being combine within your appearance, and within the hustle and bustle of this world, as well as of all the universes and multiverses.

Remember that you have nothing to choose in what you have written, in what you have decided, in this time of the Alpha, in this time of the Omega, just to be there, present in the appearance of the dream and at the same time, present in the Heart of the Heart, in the permanent and spontaneous Agape that flows in you and that flows through you, coming to bring the balm of the memory of the Absolute, where nothing can be ugly, where nothing resists.

I invite you to lay down all the burdens you seem to bear, in the Heart of your Heart. I invite you to love, beyond and through every conflict, as well as through every opposition.

Abba, Abba, remember the time of Ether, the time of Beauty which has been inscribed in every time as in every world, where no difference can remain. I invite you to embrace yourself in the totality of your dreams, accompanied by the Great Mothers, accompanied by your brothers and sisters who are only you, in another time and in another common dream on this Earth.

Welcome Abba and give Abba, so that the Grace and Felicity of the Abode of Supreme Peace are returned to you, in all the dwellings of your dream in this world as well as in other worlds, in all times and in all spaces of the dream.

Beloved Abba, the Good News is in you, the variety is in you, without form and without consciousness, in this total Peace, where there is nothing to distinguish, where there is nothing to dream about, nor even to project.

Remember, not all the dreams you have traversed, but the Origin of your dream, the need to test yourself, the need to play the game of division, the game of multiplication. It is time to give up the weapons of fear, ignorance and challenge.

Turn yourself inside, this world disappears in the illusions created by each Abba, for this instant and for this time, for this space as in any space. The Good News has been enunciated, it has spread instantaneously in all dimensions, in all forms and in all consciences.

The time has come, no longer for the wedding banquet, but for the banquet of Happiness, for the banquet of Peace.

Abba, remember, beyond all forms, colors and lights, you are that and you are all that is dreamed of. Make Peace with yourself, you have never been at war, you have simply forgotten it.

Then embrace yourself, without reluctance and without question, then you will be delighted in Felicity, then you will place yourself at the Heart of the worlds as at each periphery of the worlds, where your Non-Being and your Being are no longer distanced and cannot even be defined.

Where the Great Silence will sing to you the Chorus of Angels and the song of Freedom in each of your senses, in each part of your form, all this is revealed, whatever Fire you may be experiencing, whatever the Silence of any manifestation in you, Life invites you to consider your life as a gift to Life.

There is surrender, there is solution, in the instant of your Acceptance, in the instant of the Eternal Present, where you have never moved, and yet experienced all directions of time and space, as well as all dimensions.

Nothing can be separated any more, nothing can be taken away from the Evidence which is there, where you can only find yourself, putting an end to the form, putting an end to the dream of worlds, where you have always been, whatever the appearance of your peregrinations in the heart of this world as of all worlds.

Time is at Agape, spontaneous and natural of your Essence and your Natural.

Remember that in this there is nothing to undertake, there is only to traverse your final steps within a form. There is your Completeness and Felicity. All the rest that you believe you still hold dear or to which you believe you are held dear disappears in the Agape state, in Abba.

Remember, this is not a remembrance, it is not a memory, it is the humble Truth of your greatness and your smallness, because everything is equal, because nothing can be changed from what you decided at the beginning and at the edge of the dream, and it is nothing but this instant that you now find again.

You are perfection, you are the gift of Grace, you are the gift of Agape.

This puts an end to all ways, whatever the torments of this world, there is celebration from the instant you are turned towards you, without judgment and without reluctance, the Evidence grows, inside and outside, where there is neither inside nor outside, neither periphery nor centre, neither space nor time.

Thus you can see yourself in the constitutions of your body, and of what you are today on the surface of this world, for you are nothing of what you believe, you are nothing of any appearance, you are the Absolute Nothing, which contains All, and yet is Empty.

Emptiness and fullness are only an appearance linked to your still present form. I invite you to recollection, to pray to yourself, without any distance, without any reluctance.

Remember, you have nothing to ask that has not already been given to you, you have nothing to take away that has not already been taken away from you, to lead you out of the dream of creation. You can only find yourself again, you can only identify yourself, without any identity and without any mistake.

Listen to what Abba tells you, from the Impersonal of your Heart. In Truth there is only one Heart, in Truth there is only one consciousness, and in Truth I tell you, there is nothing of all that, in Agape who lives, in Agape who reveals himself.

I invite you to deposit every error, every judgment as well as every pain and suffering, in the Heart of your Heart. Each one of you can do it, with the same efficiency and the same result.

Listen and hear the song of Silence, the absence of form and the absence of shadow, where you have no landmark or orientation, there is the Truth which is common to every Abba.

In this time when I am speaking, in this day when I am speaking, you who are there and hear, I have come to tell you your Love, I have come to tell you your transparency, whatever the failings of your life, whatever your wounds, Agape dissolves them in the Truth of the moment.

Agape dissolves them in the Truth of the moment. Recognize yourself, settle down, and that is.

Listen to the Life that flows through your life.

Listen to the Silence, the one within you, despite the cacophony of the world.

Then let us commune within the space of dreams, where there is no more obstacle to Unveiling and Beauty.

Where you are, I am. Where you will be, I am. Where you will suffer, I will be, to make you live the primacy of Agape over suffering and pain. In this place of Peace, which is space, you are celebrated and honoured.

The whole of the One consciences come to celebrate Abba in the Heart of your Heart and in the Heart of each one.


The smile of Grace blooms on your lips, the song of your resurrection is perceived in your ears, the Fire of your Heart becomes sweet harmony and sweet celebration, in this Natural State, your simple attention, your simple look, set fire to the illusion, burn all your beliefs, all your habits.

And where you are in Peace, there is nothing else to perceive, this Love that transpires, despite all appearances, present in the dream of the Earth.

Be there with me, do not put any more distance, be there, and that is all. There is Wisdom, there is Agape, it is up to you to prove it to yourself, it is up to you to show it to yourself in every glance, in every reflection, in every breath, in every step, as in every night.

Accept yourself in this instant and in every instant, you only have to decide it and to let it be what it is. You can't change anything you've written, you can't change anything ... (cuts off) ... the way you live it, but be assured that as soon as you accept it, then you reveal yourself in full in the Truth that you are, here in this body, here in this dream, in order to see and realize that you have never moved, that you have always been there.

This is now, in the instant of your Presence, in the Heart of your Heart, as in every part of your body, with the same intensity, with the same Joy.

Thus is the Truth, it can only be pure Joy, no longer allowing the slightest adhesion to everything that has passed, to everything that is passing, and to what will not pass any more.

Hear, listen to the song of Silence, hear the words that you say to yourself in this instant, as in the Infinite and the Indefinite that you are, you will be called in each time that passes within the dream, and henceforth, called to Be, beyond any history, any desire or any wish.

Hear what my Silences tell you.


Where there is no more destiny, projection or dream to nurture, you cannot be separated from yourself as from every Abba... ...and to stillness.

You're there, you're everywhere.

Let yourself be loved in the Heart of your Heart, Abba is there, Abba tells you from the sacred space of your Heart.


In this silence there is remembrance, in this Silence is your Unspeakable and the Truth of each and everyone.


And there, in the immobility of your body and your conscience, you reveal yourself more and more, freeing yourself from your dream, freeing yourself from your person, without needing to change, without needing to desire.

And the Silence carries you away, without movement and without displacement, in the instantaneity that knows neither time nor distance.


And Silence grows and traverses your whole body, all the bodies that are there and elsewhere.

And in this Silence, which you can only recognize, all is accomplished. There is no need for any further accomplishment, but simply your loving Presence, and the Silence grows, touching your lips.

Let there be what is, the Silence, inside and outside the same Silence, the same Beauty.


And the Silence is there for you to share.

Abba, let us resonate together.

In all space and at all times, let us keep this Silence before you can ask what you want, not in what is lived, which is Evidence itself, but in what it seems to you to have as a question or interrogation, but let us still keep the Joy of Silence between each one of us.


Let us keep this Silence within us, and let us now welcome questions and interrogations.

-Elisa: Why, inside the game, is it allowed to be locked up.

So that you no longer dream, so that you remember, so that the worlds, the creation and your bodies, of whatever nature, from the thickest to the lightest, appear to you for what they are, as you have decided, because what is locked up, leads you to consider and live that what you are cannot be locked up. You are already locked up in your coarse dream body.

Without confinement, the Truth cannot blossom in total Freedom, otherwise the dream would have reproduced itself, with the same stories, with the same circumstances and the same worlds.

You would never have lived the awakening of who you are.

Do you wish to question?

-Elisa: Does Agape act the same on everyone, or on some, or does she make a difference between humans and organic portals?

For each human, the same ability has been inscribed to reveal itself.

As for what you call soulless, they cannot live the Presence, because they are not present, neither here nor elsewhere. They are only secretions of your own dream, which has neither becoming, nor past nor future, because there is nothing tangible of the order of Love, of the order of Agape.

It is not, however, a mortal mechanism, but for them the same reabsorption, at the heart of the first breath.

However, remember that there is neither soul nor heart and even less spirit, of what you could call robots of mimicry, the form is hollow, the form is empty of Agape for what is portal.

There is nothing tangible to expect or hope for. What is cannot be changed, what is cannot be increased. It is only a vehicle, empty of intention and full of mimicry.

Do you have another question?

-Elisa: What is Abba?


-Elisa: The question has been asked, what is Abba?

Abba is nothing, Abba is not an entity, and yet you each carry Abba. Abba is prior to all creation, to every world and to every form, as each of you is. There is no difference. Each Abba is the same, an image reflected and created ad infinitum for the cause of the dream.

Abba has no history like you. Abba is neither soul nor spirit. He is the first emanation in letters of fire, having chiselled the dream in order to find the fact that you never moved.

You cannot identify him, you cannot name him, you can only recognize yourself in the Great Silence.

Abba is who you are. Before you feel as if you were born in the form that appears, everyone is Abba, everyone is true.

Abba can only be lived. He is beyond all identity. It is the same for you, in Agape, in Peace, you find the Abba that you are, and Felicity is there.

You can no longer be subject to any dream, any desire and any suffering.

It is not a question of saying who Abba is, he cannot be defined, present in every form, present in every world, even before dreaming, even before creating. The feeling of being separated, the feeling of being distant, the feeling of density does not exist in Abba.

It is not a story, it is each one of us, each other is Abba, prior to the first form of dreaming, and which you now find again.

-Elisa: So the organic portals won't need to wake up.

There is nothing to awaken, what do you want to awaken in what appears one day and disappears another day, but which has no history, no program, there is only human form, but it is an empty shell, which has no function in relation to Agape.

-Elisa: Some countries are waking up, can this change the course of history?

Everything has been written. What do you hope or want to change to such a perfect scenario, where the Sacred and the simulacrum will be set ablaze together in the Fire of Allegiance. Who wants to change anything, if not the one who thinks he is a person, if not the one who thinks he is limited, if not the one who is afraid.

In Agape there is neither fear nor doubt. The Truth has been written and revealed. It is precisely the nightmare of the hustle and bustle and chaos of the world, a real nightmare, of which you have not yet seen anything, which can only awaken you.

There is nothing to hope for, there is nothing to change, there is nothing to fear, there is only to recognize you and put an end to the story of all dreams and illusions.

Nothing is real in your dream because everything only appears and disappears. Under no circumstances can this be Truth, under no circumstances can this be True.

I invite you to look at what you care about and at the fears that are there, because even by looking at the fears, they will be transmuted by the Grace of Agape.


Do you have any more questions?

-Elisa: What was the beginning of the dream?

The emanation, from Beatitude and Perfection, of the first desire to see and feel yourself, and to write what you have written.

The one who finds what he has always been is Free in the instant, from the instant when there is neither desire nor any intention to dream, your body of flesh is the body of the dream, as well as every form in any world.

How can you dare to believe that you are imperfect? You are perfect. Perfection needs neither evolution, nor traversing a few paths, just recognizing yourself, and that's all.


Now is the time to leave you in this Silence, to settle down and find yourself.

Abba says, See you always.

Abba says to you, Welcome to the ineffable Truth, in which you will recognize yourself, if you have not already done so.

Every day the Truth will seem to approach you. There is no movement, it is simply you who abandons the illusion of your form as of any evolution.

What is Perfect cannot be improved, what is Perfect has nothing to repair.

So be Happy, and you will be as soon as you accept it.

Abba blesses each Abba in one Heart, in one Consciousness and in the Purity of the Absolute.

Abba is silent and sings the song that awakens you, and reveals to you that you have always been there, and you cannot be anywhere else but the Heart of your Heart.

I am silent now.

Bless you.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations

Transcription from French:
English revised translation: LMF - DeepL translator


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...