-Translator: We're going to talk again about some topics that come from the previous session, before we start channeling, and again we wish you a great Agape moment.
Well, so if you don't mind, we're going to continue with these very general data on what I called architectures and shapes. I repeat for all those who are watching and don't know me that what I'm going over now, because it's really overflown, if you're curious, you have more than one hundred and seventy thousand pages to read that summarize it all, that explain it in detail.
I remind you that my goal here is simply somewhere to sit you down, to wedge you into a coherent frame of reference, at least in the satsangs, in order to arrive at, as I said, exploding these frames of reference. In the same way, for many years with Autres Dimensions, we were told the history of this world, the history of stellar origins, of lineages, of the Source, of the primary anomaly.
So now I come back to this notion of the body of Eternity. That's what I'm talking about.
Until 2018, finding one's body of Eternity was done through a certain number of vibrations, activation of the chakras, new bodies, and the interfacing, the interconnection between this dense physical body and the so-called body of Eternity.
So all this happened, I'm going over just to give a framework, by the descent, starting in August 1984, of the arrival on Earth of the five new frequencies I was talking about earlier, OD-ER-IM-IS-AL, the five new bodies and especially the junction, the docking of the Body of Eternity through this physical body, by what was called at the time the doors that are located on the body.
Until the beginning of 2018, we had the revelation of our stellar lineages, and our stellar origin which is evidently determined by a given dimensional state, and a Body of Eternity which differed according to the origin and the lineages.
Some found themselves living the reality of their bodies of Eternity according to their stellar origin, the blue guides of Sirius, the Elohim with their crystal bodies, but also origins such as certain solar systems, for example, Altair, the constellation of the Eagle, where some who were ...
( Cut)
-Translator: No, go ahead.
I was saying, some of them have recovered the morphology of the body of Eternity from their stellar origin. I was taking the example of Altair, the constellation of the Eagle, some people found themselves with a body of eternity with a beak, really.
And then afterwards, gradually, in the year 2018, which I won't go back over, you have all the history on Autres Dimensions, there was the unveiling and the dissolution of what had been named, I refer you to this text, I don't have time to talk about it, the Primary Anomaly.
From the moment that the Primary Anomaly was dissolved, there was a mechanism that occurred in relation to the body of Eternity, many of us at that time among brothers and sisters, and friends, to travel freely in this world as in any world, with the body of Eternity, specific of our stellar origin, of our history.
When the end of the primary anomaly was lived, around May 7, 2018, if I remember correctly, a very special process took place. And this is where the illusion of the body of Eternity began to appear. As much since 2014-2015, there was a junction between the physical body and the body of Eternity, with different attributions of forms, different potentials according to their origin, it disappeared.
At that time, I and others, I am not the only one, we realized that when we went out of our body, through the heart, we found ourselves inside a body of Light. I remind you of the essential, fundamental and inalienable difference between the body ... even what we could call the astral plane, and the plane of pure Light.
When you have a near-death experience, you go out of your body, you go through a tunnel and land on the other side, where there is Light. But you are stopped before you merge with the Light by your family members, much younger, if you are believers, you go to see Christ, if you are Buddhist, you go to see Buddha, if you are Muslim, you go to Mohammed.
That's not true. The light is not inside the forms but it is outside the forms. This is astral, always, even if it is very luminous. You are still in the world of death as Bernard of Montreal said, and of course, these family members, Buddha, Jesus, show you your life, and tell you to come back to Earth.
So evidently this kind of experience leads you to become aware and to live that the death of this physical body is not the end, but you are still in the world of death.
In the worlds of pure Light, in the dimensions that are beyond the eighth dimension, for example, you come out of your body, with very precise symptoms, and when I say come out of the body, you understand at that moment, while living it, that ultimately there is no coming out of the body, but it is a re-entry into the Heart of the Heart, at that moment you will also land on worlds of death, astral worlds, as an experience of imminent death.
You can meet, as I did in 2011 and 2012, the Archangel Mikael, beyond his known anthropomorphic representation, represented in classical iconography, this young man with his curly hair, very young, who is striking down the dragon. Well in eighteenth dimension, for example, which is another area of the dream, Michael is the shape of a gigantic bird with a wingspan of eighteen thousand kilometers, without any human anthropomorphism, without any human form. It is the shape of a bird.
But the essential difference with the world of death, you can very well meet in astral the archangel Michael, but in the world of death, his representation which is a hologram, an empty shell created from scratch by the archons, the big difference when you go beyond the small sky, that is to say what is called the astral, when you penetrate the Great Sky, the Light is inside the form.
I don't know if any of you have seen the film Predictions I believe, where the Elohim, at the end of the film, in their crystal bodies, come to take the children away. In short, in the world of death, the light is projected, it is not in the form, it is outside the form.
In the Great Ankal, the so-called Great Sky, at the limit of anthropomorphism, around the eighteenth dimension, the Light is inside the form. The projected light is not the Light.
In the somewhat philosophical, spiritual philosophical terminology of the twentieth century, it is evident that there was a lot of talk about the soul, there was talk about the masters, the ascended masters, who are nothing but empty shells, who created kingdoms, named for example Shamballa. It is a total illusion.
I walked for a long time in Shamballa, in my younger years I had relationships and communications with Kuthumi, El Morya, Sananda. I visited magnificent crystal cities, and all these masters and beings who were in the light, were still in the world of death. The light was outside and not inside.
The analogy is easy to understand, and I spoke to you earlier about the physical bodies and the subtle bodies that are nested inside the physical body, which correspond to larger and larger dimensions, but all these beings that I saw at Shamballa in 2010 were in total illusion, in the world of death, astral, world of color projection, of externalized manifestations.
And then, as I traveled under Mikael's wings through the worlds, there I saw the big difference. In the Big Sky, the Light is inside the forms, not outside. In Predictions, the Elohim with their crystal bodies, these great beings, we saw through their etheric heart, what we called us Shantinilaya, the Supreme Abode of Peace, the Heart of the Heart, or the ascending crown, or the ascending heart.
All this I tell you for the story still in my frame of reference which is also yours, to arrive at, little by little, at least initially, for those who do not live it yet, to conceptualize a little bit these notions of forms, bodies, bodies of death, ephemeral bodies, or the so-called eternal body, the body of Glory, which is pure Light inscribed in a form and not outside the form.
The equivalent for us, incarnate, we have the bodies nested inside, and a seer or medium will see the auras around people. The aura is a resonance, but also a projection of light.
The true Light, that of what is called in Kabbalah, the true Kabbalah, not today's Kabbalah, what is beyond Kether, beyond the crown, what is called the Ain Soph Our, what is beyond form, what is unchanging, what has never appeared and will never disappear, where there is the Source, where there is no more individualizable form, nor any possible identification to a scenario, a history, a dimensional origin or a stellar lineage.
You are what you are. It has no relation whatsoever to what we may experience here. That's why great mystics, such as Ma Ananda Moyi for example, Ramana Maharshi, Yogananda, closer to us in France, Jean Klein, to a lesser extent anyway, Arnaud Desjardins or Bernard from Montreal who is now being rediscovered.
In short, when you arrive at the source of Light, there is no longer any possible identification with any individuality, any history and any projection. What Ma Ananda Moyi used to say being mystical, as I could tell you today, as millions of brothers and sisters could tell you: You were never born and you never died.
This is the strict Truth. What dies is the dream, what dies is the illusion, what dies is the form, from the atom to the universes, and when you get to that stage where the Light is no longer projected, from the moment you realize in your life that everything that was in relief of your character, whether it be fears, whether it be questions about the past or the future, can no longer exist.
And at that moment, I would say it's back to square one, you've gone up, you've come down. There has never been an ascension, there has never been a descent, there has never been an involution, there has never been an evolution. Truth is immutable, so is the Real.
At that moment you no longer depend on any form, and there you discover that there has never been anyone, and that by accepting to be no form, which you are obliged to accept since you can inhabit all forms and all dimensions, you change costumes at will, costumes of Light, costumes of Light or costumes of matter, and there you can only understand at the same time, on the one hand that there has never been anyone but you and you alone, and that there has never been anyone.
At that moment of course, for those who feel the vibrations, once again I specify that you absolutely do not have to go through all these stages, now your access is direct, there again I explained it at length, we have many brothers and sisters who live Agape and who testify to it. There is no escape from the illusory reality of this world, you are fully here, totally if I may say so reunited, you are leaving the worlds of form, while remaining in that form.
And there you are living these movements that I described last year, which are not movements of energy, but which are the revelation and experience of the double torus of the heart, you are in the Heart of the Heart, whether you feel it or not. The very unfolding of your daily life, of your days and nights, cannot leave any doubt.
As some experimenters have said, but I am thinking in particular, for example, of Dr. Eben Alexander who saw his brain destroyed, completely, he went through all the worlds of death, he met his father and mother whom they had never known because his parents had abandoned him, And after this world of death, he continued to descend into the depths of himself, or to ascend to the highest planes, it's the same thing because there is no movement, it's the impression of only movement, and there you see this Freedom, this Naked Joy.
You don't need certainty, you don't need to look for proof, because your whole life is proof of what you live, whether you are a gardener ...
Ah, cut.
So I lost the thread.
Well, when you have this certainty, this certainty is not a belief, is not a reasoning, it is the experience of each moment of your life here incarnated on Earth, which demonstrates it to you and demonstrates it every day. This is what has been called the Intelligence of the Light, which I could just as well call the Intelligence of the Real, which directs your life.
That is why I have repeated countless times that you are not your life, but that you are Life, whatever your age, whatever the state of your body, you are autonomous, you are lucid, and you are free of any fantasy of form, of any myth of creation, of any apprehension and of any projection.
At that moment, you are living this Naked Joy, it doesn't mean that you have a personality that has been alchemized into something ethereal, but clearly and truly, you see and you live the Truth. All this, all these forms, all these states of consciousness, are ultimately only an experience, and when you are settled in the Truth of Agape, you are forced to understand and say that spirituality is a total fraud, and that consciousness is a disease, fortunately a fatal one. And there you are Free.
You are human, you are permanently Here and Now, you are available and above all lucid. At that moment you are autonomous, you will never again submit to any spiritual entity. There is no world, there is no consciousness. I specify for those who do not know, that to be deprived of consciousness is not to be unconscious, it is to be a-conscious, that is to say to be anterior to consciousness.
For years, Bidi and others, have talked to us about all this, they have told us stories, but a story that would put an end to it. There is the Beatitude and there is the only Real, there is no other. Once again, you remain and you remain totally human, it is then impossible for you to create anything in relation to spirituality, no school, no movement, no grouping, and that is the end of what has been called religions, the masters, the stories of genetic mothers and archons, because we are constantly playing, until we are lucid, those dreams.
The myth of creation, the six successive dreams, the six cycles of creation are only the illustration of the way out of the dream or the nightmare. It so happens that to be free from the state of sleep, it is much easier to wake up with a nightmare than with a dream.
Many brothers and sisters still dream. I have always said: let them dream, because they will only be able to recognize themselves beyond all forms and all people, as soon as they have had enough nightmares. The circumstances of the end of the year 2020 inevitably bring us closer to the end of the world of death, spiritual fraud and the disease of consciousness.
Bidi said, while she was alive, I don't say it in quite the right order, but that's about it: the universe has appeared, creation has appeared, creation and universes will pass, and you will always be there.
In fact, there's nothing new that some twentieth-century beings may have said, but there's a fundamental difference: we are legion too, and through the resonance of interdimensional spatial Agape, we transcend any notion of identity, because in reality we are Love, in reality we are anterior to consciousness, and in the end we've only done a few rounds of innumerable cycles, innumerable forms, innumerable worlds.
In reality we are space without time, we are the Ether, we are the Intelligence of Light, simply having believed that we are this body or any other body from any other dimension.
Remember that what I am saying to you, before I finish and give way to the Impersonal, that all this is lived, it is not concepts, and it is a lived experience that is shared by millions of brothers and sisters, and will be lived in the very near future in the linear space of this Earth, by all the universes and all creation.
We are the origin of the first dream and we are the end of the last dream. This is what we call the awakening, the Freedom, the Real of Agape.
I'll end this first part now, remember that right now I'm not asking you to understand, I'm just asking you, if you don't mind, not to be interested in my face during the channeling of the Impersonal, don't try to understand. Just let his words, his verbs, penetrate you. Besides, the Impersonal already speaks about you and in you.
There is no channeling as far as I am concerned, at the very beginning of Autres Dimensions, 2008-2009, the people attending the channeling clearly discerned a Being of Light coming down from the left, in the Marian channel, and arriving at the heart.
What expresses itself now has no distance from me, expresses itself from my heart, which is nothing other than your heart, whether you want it or not.
So the best posture for what's going to happen now is to make yourself comfortable, to ask for nothing, to expect nothing, but really to let these words, these vibrations, these verbs, go through, which will, I hope for some of you, many of you, make you live this state beyond any state because it is not a state, even though I called it the Natural State.
If you are in this posture of acceptance, without trying to understand, you will have all the time you need to reread afterwards or listen again, then you are Free.
So from now on, I do the Silence, I close my eyes. If there is the slightest problem, as a security measure if there is a technical breakdown, the recording will be made in such a way that nothing is lost, and the person who accompanies me will be able to contact Cristina to fix it.
... (Cristina takes the word, addresses the participants for the continuation of their program for the next day) ...
Jean-Luc: Jean-Luc is leaving you, we will let the Impersonnel speak.
Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations
Transcription from French: https://www.facebook.com/Transcriptionsfr
English revised translation: LMF - DeepL translator
Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.
Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser
Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal
Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser
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