Original text in French

Original Video audio in French and Porugues

Video audio in English


-Cristina : Agape Webinar on line.
Hello everyone and welcome back to this spaceless space that is Agape. In the name of all the human and etheric team we welcome you. And we wish you a journey in this day of Joy and Agape.

And to begin our magical day today, we will have our commander Jean-Luc in command of this ship.

See you soon.

Jean-Luc: Good morning everyone.

So, before I begin, I would like to point out that I am going to overpassing some data, I would say neuroscientific data, which will, as yesterday, on another level, allow you to understand the general functioning of the human psyche, the human soul and the human personality.

So evidently today's talk about neuroscience will take up elements that I have already had the opportunity to develop in a very broad way. My objective here is not to go into details but to try to give you in an hour and a half a coherent and global vision of how all humans function.

So of course when I talk about the brain today, I'm talking about the brain of the head. In fact, we have two other brains, one which is major, which is the brain of the heart where there is an arrangement of about two hundred thousand neurons. These neurons have their own program, their own programming. There is a third brain called the belly brain, which is profoundly linked to our behavior through the influence of molecules called "neuro-mediators" that are secreted by our intestinal bacteria.

I will take one or two examples in relation to this belly brain. For example, if you have a fungus called "monilia albicans", or "candida albicans", this bacterium, this fungus, sorry, it's a fungus, will secrete neuro-mediators, chemical molecules that will directly induce on your eating behavior, it's as if the intestinal flora triggers in you the need to eat certain foods, not to feed you, but to feed the bacteria themselves.

I took the example of candida albicans because this candida albicans, monilia albicans will program you somewhere, to eat what is good for him and not for you, in this case for candida albicans it is the dairy products.

So we can already see that the brain of the head is not the only control center but is, either in collaboration or in competition, with the brain of the heart and the brain of the belly.

So we have three poles of neuronal and chemical activity, the head, the heart and the belly, so there is a tripartition. The brain of the belly corresponds to instinct and impulses, and the brain of the heart, independently of physiological regulation, is above all the brain that is active in what we call unconditional love or Agape.

Of course there is not only the brain of the heart in the heart, there is also the pericardium, and the brain of the head, this is what I call the devil, and I am going to try to show you through the functioning of the brain of the head its functioning mechanisms, its seduction mechanisms that work in total autonomy and make you believe that you are responsible for what you decide, what we call cognition.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, in the head, the brain is made up in a phylogenetic but also ontogenetic way, of three parts. The most archaic brain, the oldest, the learned name is "paleocortex" and, as if by chance, it is called the reptilian brain.

During the so-called evolution a second brain appeared, which in scientific terms is also called the whole limbic and emotional brain, the brain of the mammals we are part of.

Remember that in this mammalian brain, there is an extremely strong principle called "Lucifer's principle" which is active in all mammals, including man, and which constantly emphasizes a notion of competition, not predation, competition, comparison, it is also the instinct of the social group in any mammalian or human social community. This principle of Lucifer is in action without our knowledge at an infra-conscious level, not subconscious, infra-conscious.

This mammalian brain or mammalian brain is governed by the notion of hierarchization within a social group which I will summarize by these three words, by these three expressions: the leader, that is to say the one who commands the group, is recognized by all the others in a tacit way, for example a pack of wolves, there is the dominant male. These three principles, which are at work without our knowledge, determine the leader of the pack, the leader of the social group, it is the one who eats first, it is the one who makes love first, it is the one who commands with the aim of preserving the group, but often to the detriment of other members of the group.

Everything that we name in the individual, as in the company, as in social groups is governed by this principle, by these three principles. It is at work in all mammals. The leader of the pack, the commander, the boss, it is supposed to be the strongest but above all the one who dominates the others. This middle, median brain, the mammalian brain, is evidently linked, as we will see, to emotions, to everything we call emotional intelligence.

And finally there is a third brain in the head which is the so-called most recent brain, the grey matter, the neocortex which is linked to cognition and of course all motor and sensory functions. It is linked to perception, whereas the reptilian brain, the first brain I mentioned, the reptilian brain is linked to memory, to learning, to the survival reflex.

The mammalian brain, the limbic brain, the emotional brain, is totally related to emotional intelligence with its two major components, personal emotional intelligence: how we arrange, how we react, how interactions related to perceptions, emotions, and their impact on the body. All the brains, the reptilian, the limbic (the intermediary), and the neocortex are in permanent feedback by different ways that are not chemical and that will regulate the body.

For example, at the level of the limbic system, the emotional brain, the brain spends its time sending out frequencies ranging from forty-eight to seven hundred and eighty kilohertz, which are, as if by chance, the frequencies of crystals: silicon dioxide, the rock crystal used to measure time in our computers, our watches, and also in our cells, passes through what are called the lateral areas of the neck, and the brain permanently controls the functioning of all the organs of the body.

For example, at the time of the liver organ or the liver meridian between two and four o'clock in the morning, the brain sends a frequency, it says "allo, allo the liver", it sends a frequency through the lateral areas of the neck that is supposed to be recognized by the liver, and the liver sends back the frequency, - in computing we would call this a pling -, as long as the liver responds, the brain says OK.

If your liver is sick, when the brain sends "allo the liver", the liver can no longer respond and the brain at that moment, through its frequency mechanisms, the limbic brain will exclude the organ from its regulation.

Through this, you have the genesis of all diseases without exception. First there is an imbalance which appears either on the astral or mental level, and which will gradually over time lead to an exclusion of the brain's regulation of the liver. The liver is then excluded, and at that point you enter into organic diseases that are called degenerative.

It is the same for each organ, knowing that an organ is much more than its anatomical, physiological and metabolic functions, but that an organ is above all an archetype in the arrangement of creation. There are thus spirits, geniuses, which prefigure the shape of such or such organ, this has been perfectly described in Chinese medicine.

For example, I took the example of the liver, we'll stop there otherwise it will take too long. Liver in Chinese is Gan (pronounced guan or gouan), it's a Chinese word, Gan. The Chinese tell us that the liver is the minister of the armies in charge of forecasting and planning. Beyond China, it also brings us back to the myth of Prometheus who every night sees his liver eaten by an eagle and grows back every day. Every day his liver is eaten and at night the liver is reconstituted.

Emotions, there is no positive or negative value judgment here, are formally linked to organs and evidently also to brain areas since there is a connection between the limbic system and the organs of the body. It is not done chemically, it is not done neurally, but by frequency.

Everything overpassing now has been the subject of countless satsangs and interviews for over ten years. So I go back to my three brains now and forget about the organs. So you have three brains, in the head, the most archaic, as we've seen, the most central, if you will, corresponds to the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, everything in the middle and central part of the brain.

This is where the cognitive dictatorship and the dysfunctional behavioral injunctions are located, this is related to learning between zero and seven years, that is, between zero and seven years and some even say zero to four years, the programming of the hard disk takes place.

When you are going to encounter certain archetypes from birth, the way you live this archetype will condition the rest of your life without your knowledge. All this is part of a body of knowledge to which I refer you, which you will find explained in my brochure "Crystals and Being", which in psychiatry is called early dysfunctional patterns, and which we called at the time in 2010 "The little devils".

The reptilian brain, which is responsible for the survival reflex and the preservation of the species ...

-Translator: Who is responsible for the ..., Jean-Luc excuse me for repeating.

Yes, I was saying this reptilian brain that is responsible - I don't remember what I said - that is responsible for the behavioral, pathological injunctions, it's the brain that is linked to the preservation of the species, to the survival reflex: something burns, you put your hand on something that burns, you don't need to think and say "it burns" to remove the hand, the hand is removed on its own before your conscious intervenes.

The reptilian brain spends its time deceiving us, it is evidently interconnected with the emotional brain because the behavioral injunctions of the reptilian will be disguised by the emotions and make us accept that we are the ones who decide. This is not true.

All the decisions we make without exception are never free. They are conditioned by the writing of the program by meeting the first archetypes: dad, mom, the other. When we are little, it can be the bed, the cuddly toy we suck on, the pacifier and of course the primary emotions.

A hungry baby cries, if the food arrives right away there is satisfaction. If on the other hand the baby cries and he doesn't have a fast enough response, he will be hungry for a long time, then the hard disk of the reptilian brain will engram the notion of fear of lack. That is to say, and this will be seen more in cognitive and behavioral therapies, don't worry, I will send you via Cristina a set of documents in PDF or Power Point, which will allow you to find all this and enter a little more in the understanding.

So we have three brains in our heads. We have a dominant brain, a supporting brain, which supports the dominant, and a brain that is repressed. The biophysical measurement systems that I developed in neuroscience, which are now present on five continents, make it possible to measure the activity of these three brains and allow us to measure in a validated way more than three hundred criteria or items of what we call emotional intelligence.

So you have three brains. For example, it is said that you are either neocortical, limbic or reptilian. I will take a professional example that will please Cristina.

If you work at IBM, you are necessarily a conservative and a reptilian. You're dressed in a suit and a tie. If you work, for example, for an advertiser, you try to trigger a buying impulse through images and you are necessarily a limbal like all artists. If you are a pure creative, even an artist now, who does not reproduce but creates, then you are said to be a pure neocortical.

The reptilian focuses on the past and memory. The limbic brain, as we saw earlier, is related to what is called sociality, the ability to represent one's place within a group. And if you're a neocortical, you're in innovation, you're in the search for novelty and you don't accept rules.

So, you imagine this for example in corporate recruitment. I've created biophysical measurement systems that can determine whether an individual is neocortical or reptilian. If you want to bring a neocortical into IBM, you're going to be in for a disaster. So today we measure perfectly the activity of these three brains. Each of the brains can be classified according to, I talked about time, the past, the present, but I could also talk to you about the skills of each of these brains.

All of this, you'll have graphs. Each brain is under the influence of a primary neuromediator. For what we call the reptilian brain, the neuromediator is serotonin.

For the limbic brain, the neuromediator is norepinephrine. And finally for the neocortex, you have what is called dopamine, its name means what it means; the amine, the amino acid that dopes, dopamine, the amine that dopes.

These three neuromediators are in constant interaction and competition. When you are a neocortical, it is your dominant brain, your supporting brain will be the limbic and the repressed brain will be the reptilian.

So of course, all this alchemy, all this chemistry of the three main neuromediators is stabilized or not stabilized by a fourth neuromediator, which is not only in the brain but in the whole body, which is called acetylcholine. That's what makes the muscles move when you have a nerve that's going to release the motor plate that's going to trigger the movement, that's acetylcholine.

An American neuropsychiatrist Robert Cloninger has created a reading grid that has been called a psychobiological personality map. And remember that all of this is programmed without your own free will, without the conscious mind, and will direct your whole life. I'll show you later, I'll explain to you why, when you decide to buy a yogurt, a car, you think you decide, it's not true.

Marketing spends billions to find out what motivates a buying decision. For yogurt, for example, contrary to what you might think, it's not the taste, it's the texture. For a car, men are going to be disappointed (Laughter). You can be sensitive to the power, the shape, the color, but unfortunately that's not what triggers the purchase. You'll see, it's the smell. If you get into a car with a smell that smells like old leather, or smells like gingerbread, hot chocolate, you're going to buy the car.

The decision or the impulse to buy is not guided by your reason, but by the programming between zero and seven years that I was talking about earlier. The reptilian brain is linked to olfaction. When you say to someone: "Him I feel, Him I don't feel", it is absolutely not energy or reason that makes you say that. As soon as you use the expression, "I can feel that" "I can't feel that", it has nothing to do with intuition or reason. It's called instinct. It's a reflex that works without your knowledge.

So if you have a neocortical dominant brain and therefore a reptilian repressed brain, you can get over it without any problem. But if you are a conservative, reptilian, you will be subject to these behavioral injunctions all your life. And the worst thing is that you think it comes from your decision, whereas it's a decision of your memory, of your hard drive.

Now, I'm asking you to listen carefully, because I'm overpassing here, but remember this. Something exceptional has been demonstrated in neuroscience, especially with imaging, CT and MRI ...

So, apparently, same problem as before, there is no image.

-Translator: Yes. Are you plugging in your phone?

We're going to try, but give me two minutes then.

-Translator: Yes, yes.

Do you remember where I left off? ( Laughs)

-Translator: I zap easily. ( Laughs)

I would like to point out that I have never had any notes with me and whatever the field, the words come out spontaneously. So, of course, when the...

I'll let you explain that and I'll be right back.

-Translator: Okay.

(The translator takes the time to provide explanations in Portuguese and continues in French).

-Translator: Jean-Luc has a little technical setback. He told me to tell you that he never takes notes in his work when he speaks in satsang. It's always spontaneous.

So. I went back to the phone but it still doesn't work.

-Translator: No image.

So it's not related to the IPad. It's really related to the video. I can't go in as an administrator anymore when it's too crowded. So I'm going to keep talking. We're not going to disconnect everyone.

-Translator: Oh, yeah! It works!

It works. So, on the other hand, I have a phone. So I'm going to try to keep it down like I did earlier. That's it. How's that? Yes. That's perfect.

-Translator: Good, yes.

(Cristina adds a comment in Portuguese.)

I'll start again. Good.

So every brain is responsible ...

There are network outages there.

-Translator: Yes, there are outages. Yes. Go!

Let's keep going. Okay, good.

So every brain, I gave you the example of the reptilian, but we can take any case. Just remember that each of these three brains is responsible for what we call primary behavior. I told you about the fourth neuro-mediator also in the brain, acetylcholine, which regulates the stability of the other three.

The reptilian brain linked to acetylcholine is responsible for a primary behavior that we call, Cloninger calls it, "avoidance of suffering", we rather call it attitude in the face of ordeal. As paradoxical as it may seem, you have individuals who are excellent when they feel threatened. This is typically reptilian.

You have a second primary behavior that Cloninger, like ourselves on my team, has called "the need for reward". The need for reward, for example, is directly related to your level of sociality. Social phobia, for example, is people who have an atrophied limbic system and a lack of norepinephrine. The third primary behavior, related to dopamine, therefore at the level of the most recent brain, the neocortex, is responsible for a behavior called "seeking novelty".

I will take the extreme example, the case where the dopamine is very high and the search for novelty. Contrary to the previous example of the reptilian, the neocortical one will need permanent stimuli, he will search for novelty and at the extreme, this gives an individual with a heroic arriviste personality. This is what we call for those who know the Enneagram, what we call the heroic climber...

-Translator: Yes, but I don't know any Portuguese. ( Laughs)

Ah, it doesn't matter. The hero, the heroes.

He's the one who's going's Arnold Schwarzenegger, but inside he's a scared child. ( Laughs)

It is important to know that each of these primary behaviours or each of these neuro-mediators can be normal, in deficit or in excess. Each of these three primary behaviors has a value specific to the individual, and from the combination of these three primary behaviors arises what is called temperament, which is one of the components of the personality.

There is therefore, as I told you, a fourth neuro-mediator, acetylcholine, which will give him as a criterion what is called neo physical stability, which corresponds roughly to what we call in psychology, what we call maturity. Here too this neuro-mediator can be normal, or the behavior if you prefer, it's the same, can be normal, increased or decreased. The alchemy of these four behaviors gives eighty-one types of temperament. And also explains, what the Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli had observed, that is to say, all the so-called sub-personalities.

I said sub-personalities and not multiple personalities. In the case of sub-personalities, in the processes of adaptation to an event you have only three strategies: flight, struggle or refusal to see. It is the ostrich who puts his head in the hole. This is what we call cognitive dissonance. This is exactly what is currently being carried out on humanity by processes of mass behavioral change, so that you can no longer be balanced and set in motion the survival reflexes and the fear reflexes.

The multiple personalities refer to the MK Ultra which is used today in all possible ways, thanks to what is called neuro marketing, which is not made to make you buy a yogurt or a car, but to make you accept the vaccine, or something, not only a vaccine. At the individual level, it's exactly the same thing. Life gives us a shock, for example, a mourning. The mourning will freeze, so we would say "it gives you a sore throat", or the throat chakra is knotted. But above all, it will paralyze the limbic system and at that moment, there is no more possible communication between the head and the body.

-Translator: Cut!

(There's a cut. You can't hear the translator anymore).

-Translator: That's it!

So, here we go again. I was in the neuro marketing considerations and I was making the connection between neuro marketing and social engineering and the MK Ultra.

Then our American neuropsychiatrist, who I was talking about earlier, showed that there were eighty-one temperaments in human beings. And of course, depending on what one is living through, if there is a shock, if there is a fear, then the temperament of the personality will change. And of course, depending on whether you are a neocortical or a reptilian, you are not going to act or react in the same way at all. Of course, everything I'm telling you here, and again I'm just passing over, is of no use to you for the Truth, for Agape.

I repeat what I said yesterday, I'm building a kind of framework, a frame of reference, in order to make it shatter tomorrow night. Nevertheless, the fact of knowing oneself, of having a more or less coherent vision of the functioning of the human machine at the behavioral level, explains a lot. And when you understand it, it's very simple.

At another level, you become the observer of yourself, the famous witness, the famous observer of the teaching of Nisargadatta in 2012. In psychology, it is like taking a step back, seeing things in a more synthetic rather than analytical way. Or if you prefer, to see the hand and the threads that manipulate the puppet that we are. The devil is inside us before being outside.

So, from the alchemy of these three neuromediators plus the fourth, we are able to retrace an individual's complete mode of functioning in relation to his adaptation strategies, his operating strategies. I don't have time to develop. I gave you an example for dopamine, Schwarzenegger has an excess of dopamine. Whoever has an excess of acetylcholine is going to be filled with fears and in particular fear of the new, and therefore fear of the unknown.

And this can be seen through the measurement systems, and through cognitive therapies on a daily basis. All our life scenarios, without any exception, loving, professional, relational, are all dictated by the memory of learning, plus of course what we call ancestors, family memory, ancestral memory.

The goal of all this and all these studies and all these understandings, was to build twenty years ago, what I called a meta model of regulation of living systems. When Nisargadatta, myself or Abba, we say to you, "you are not that person", that is the strict truth. The neurosciences formally demonstrate this today.

And this is, moreover, the thing, before the break, that I wanted to talk about, it is precisely this, that is to say, understanding that we are only the result of memory, that we are only the result of conditioning, suffering and learning. How do you want the present instant to be free?

And this is where something fundamental comes into play, but as I told you just before the cut, in brain imaging we have demonstrated, formally, what is called the complaint syndrome. What does this complaint syndrome say? It simply tells you that when you press where it hurts, it can only hurt more.

A typical example. You have experienced a major problem with your father, whatever the situation, whether it was abandonment, incest, violence, or an overly protective father, it doesn't change anything. Your hard drive will engrammer "danger".

As soon as you find yourself in adulthood in front of an authority figure, and that's when coping strategies come into play, the hard drive's survival reflexes will lead to a number of events in your person, over which you have no control.

The complaint syndrome or the complaint theory, has shown us through brain imaging that if by chance you want to eliminate your problem with your father, whether it is through psychotherapy, through psychology, through anything, family constellations for example, you are going to want to resolve, to want to eliminate this suffering.

So certainly, you're going to eliminate it from your head, there won't be any emotional reaction, but it will go down gradually over the years into the territory of the body that corresponds to it. Generally speaking, it takes ten to twenty years before it appears on the physical level.

It is the absolute swindle for more than a century of all the data of psychology, which made us believe that to solve a problem, it was necessary to look at it in the face, to analyze it, to go beyond it. There is no transcendence in this, and the theory of complaint has led to this sentence that I find masterful: Everything you oppose, everything you bring back to life in the present, becomes stronger.

When you do a work, for example, on a partner conflict, with the husband, you know that the area of the body that corresponds to that is the right breast, in Dad's example earlier, it was the right ovary, and I'm not talking about symbolism of the body, but about things that are even stronger that are inscribed in our neurological architecture.

Anything that you're going to oppose is going to get stronger. If you transpose that to the collective level of humanity right now, you understand perfectly well what's going to happen: total confrontation.

Everything you oppose will become stronger, everything you want to analyze and understand about your character in relation to what you are suffering from today will also become stronger. Not on the mental level, you have eliminated it, but in the body. We are far from what used to be called psychosomatic medicine, but we are in the direct influence of your psyche, your behavior, your suffering, your learning, which will descend, as I said, into the body.

So that corresponds to a doctor who has been very well known, who should not have been talked about in France, who is Doctor Hammer, in integral medicine, everything comes from your head. The devil is in the head.

Why we insisted so much on the present instant, on Hic and Nunc (Here and Now), it's not something that is abstract, it's something that is inscribed in the neurological architecture.

You don't have any other solution, and we are starting to talk about it in what we call "neuro ethology", excuse me, I'll make it simple. Behavioral neuroscience and neuro ethology or spiritual neuroscience, for example, if we talk about the awakening of the Kundalini, brain imaging shows us that. The whole motor-sensitive cortex is in hyperactivity.

When you have breast cancer, you have the territory corresponding to the psychological level, but also the territory of the brain that is affected. This is the whole cartography of Dr. Hammer and integral medicine. And the neurosciences today have shown, I'm not going to please many people here, that any work on yourself or on any memory whatsoever, condemns you irremediably.

You have no alternative but to see this cognitive slavery, which is not in any way dependent on you, and which is only memory. It goes very far, we all know that someone who is an Aries does not have the same characteristics as someone who is a Capricorn. What determines that is the stars, the planets. The stars are astral, it's emotion.

What I'm talking about here is not to analyze your personality or your behaviors, it's to tell you and affirm that this is how it works. It's not me saying it, it's the functional imagery of your own brain.

This is exactly what happens at the collective level, I won't go into details, it's a marketing technique to make you accept the unacceptable. You introduce a fear, you introduce paradoxical injunctions, one day it's closed, one day it's open, it's constantly changing, cognitive dissonance sets in, the reptilian brain takes over and will lead you to avoidance strategies, out of fear!

It's not just the fear of death or the fear of disease, or the fear of the new world order, it's the collective archetypal fear that feeds the hand that pulls the strings, your own reptilian brain.

So when I hear spiritualists tell us that we need to activate the third eye, the epiphysis, the pituitary gland, everything related to memory and astral vision, that's what prevents the heart from taking over! The trap is perfectly designed, it has moreover been called the confinement of this solar system, and the same thing happens in our head.

As long as we have not opened the heart, but it is not us who open it: putting the reptilian brain to rest whatever its behavioral injunctions, whatever the fears or sufferings secreted. Eckhart Tollé spoke of stopping the engine of suffering. You have only one solution and only one, Hic and Nunc, Here and Now, the eternal Present, the eternal Absolute.

Everything else belongs to the world of death in the terminology of Bernard of Montreal.

Neuroscience today, thanks to spiritual neuroscience, neuroethology, has validated all this. The problem is that the use that is being made of it today is exclusively social engineering, and social engineering works the moment you forget the present.

It's one thing to do as I do, that is, to enlighten, to show manipulation, but there's no point in reacting. Social engineering is taking you to reaction, to shock, to chaos, that's what they want. We who live Agape know it.

As long as you don't manage to be here and now, you are subject to the world of death, whether you want it or not! Even if your memories, your learning, have been perfect, happy, you cannot be free. The stopping of the engine of suffering is favored by the observer, the witness, who lets himself go through, without stopping the thoughts, the emotions, the sufferings.

It is the only way: To let it cross. So I called it acceptance, I called it Yes, I called it ..., but everything I told you during the satsangs, or what the interveners say, is real, it's indisputable. You can always argue, but sooner or later you will have to face the facts, because the human being has never been as good as when he is threatened, and when he has exhausted all possible answers, then he accepts.

It is not the acceptance of the situation, it is intolerable, it is the acceptance of what is, without reaction, that creates the solution. This is the Intelligence of the Light, the Intelligence of the Present Instant.

You can't maintain a story, you can't maintain a scenario and be free. It is IMPOSSIBLE! It's not me saying this, even though the interveners repeated it in every possible way, it's the anatomy and physiology of how we are constituted.

The only way for the dictatorship of the devil of the head to stop is to let the brain of the heart act. The brain of the heart can only act if fear is overcome, if the search for novelty is neglected. In business we would call this anticipation, vision, what is sought, but for you it is impossible. Any projection and any vision inevitably leads you into a "To Come", and you are no longer available for the present.

The first phase of what is called awakening, I am not talking about awakening, awakening is concretely seeing that everything we live, everything that happens, has no substance, is not real. As soon as you let go of your objectives, as soon as you let go of your memories, your learning ... as long as you have not let go of that, you cannot be in Joy, you cannot be free, you are slaves of Your person.

It means that you are possessed, you are possessed by the devil in your head, and the only way to be free from it will never be a fight, it is an understanding as I told you through the architecture (...) (inaudible). The understanding triggers Agape's lived experience, but not the understanding of your character with your story and your suffering.
Get out of your personal delirium, just be lucid about what is being played and lived, but this is not Life, it is not for you. The only way, it is certainly not meditation, certainly not the vibratory rise that has been useful to us, that is to say that it has raised the vibrations and the level of consciousness. The only solution is to enlighten, to see clearly, not to react, because as soon as you see clearly, the manipulation falls off by itself. You don't have to do anything.

You see that today at the level of humanity everything is done to make you react. You just have to be informed, you just have to accept the unacceptable and the intelligence of the present will rectify all this without you.

In the cognitive and behavioral therapies, in the vibratory therapies that I conducted for twenty-five years as a doctor, I had proof of this every day, remember.

I will end with these words, I will continue this evening before Abba, because I haven't finished, this sentence is essential, and it is in neuroscience too: "Everything you hold on to, holds you". And that's written, not in books, it's written in our anatomy.

At the time, with Dr. Moody's team and the international association for the study of near-death states in France, I had already demonstrated all that. When you tear the first veils, what we could call awakening, there are two areas of the brain that light up, Hic and Nunc, the two stars that are there, motor sensory cortex.

You don't have anything else to do, and I say this on a societal as well as on an individual level, but to be present and accept what is. The solution will establish itself, by pure Intelligence. All people who have had an awakening, who feel the crown of the head, the band around the head, the whistling of the left and right ear, are witnesses to a real cerebral edema that occurs at the moment of awakening.

But awakening is not waking up.

So I will end tonight before Abba with something fundamental called the reward and punishment circuits, which we have called in the history of Autres Dimensions, the stars Good and Evil, Attraction and Repulsion. I will explain all this tonight, it is now time to stop, it is twenty to two, and I think we start again at four o'clock with Cristina, right?

-Translator for Cristina: Again, I am amazed at your explanations, which will help me a lot in my presentations in companies, because it has everything to do with it. Thank you very much.

Thank you, see you later. Enjoy your meal.

See you later.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations

Transcription from French:
English revised translation: LMF - DeepL translator


Les Transformations, Wordpress -

Les Entretiens d’Apothéose

Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.


Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...