Vídeo audio in English


What happened, and what is happening now since the alpha has joined the omega, we go in simple words, as they come out, to recount about the present instant, the present instant of zero time when the alpha joined the omega.

In immemorial times, which there is no point in dating, in the first instant when time met in space and were unified and dissociated, once the impulse of creation, expressed from nothingness and unfathomable, was deposited in the first form and unfolded in the infinite ecstasy of the creative act, a set of fragmented consciences having taken shape, were arranged in the organization of the dream, by what we now call the white whale, the geneticist mothers as well as Abba, stabilized in their first form of bottlenose dolphins, standing in the air, with copper skin, deposited in the heart of the Earth, of this Earth, Gaïa Uras, the germ of Life, the germ of expression, through a blue crystal, first act of arrangement of the worlds and dimensions was deployed in the heart of Gaïa, by those who much later were named the geneticist mothers.

In the initial moment, it was not a question of genetics, nor of diversification, but simply of the manifestation and expression of Life, through these crystalline matrices, which would fragment even more, in the same joy and unity, in innumerable forms, in innumerable dimensions, in innumerable constituents, in the very matter of the inert dream.

These great copper-skinned dolphins, ancestors themselves of their own creations and diversifications, where of course the script was lived in an initial and final impulse, inscribing in the very deployment of life and in its forms, the possibility of return, in order never to lose Life whatever the form.

Thus was born the first dream of creation, thus was born the hand, the one that grabbed itself, the one that gives as soon as it is opened. The hand is the now, and the hand holding, and the hand reaching out to heaven, calling for the initial memory, not as a commemoration, not as a cycle, but as an eternal truth crossing and intriguing the different dimensions, as well as every expression of embrace and gift.


In the creation of time, thus in a flash, from the white paradise of the first emanation, unfolded the musical spheres of life that we call planets, always experiencing in an increasingly ethereal and dense way, the game of Life allowed by the Eternal I.


In these immemorial times that linear memory could go back three hundred and twenty million years, in an instant and in a space, all the possibilities of time and space were born, but above all the possibility of finding, whatever the appearance of loss, the Truth beyond form, in any form whatsoever.


Thus was born here on Uras, in the first Eden which is Hawaii, the abundance of life, the abundance of expression and the abundance of gift.


Each of us, Abba, carries within us the recognition of this gift.


The song of cetaceans, that of the white whale, resonates in the infinity of creation from now on.


In historical terms, all dreams flourished and unfolded, each time creating a new time and space, intertwined with the previous and previous space, as well as intertwined with the next and subsequent space.


To infinitely preserve the meaning of giving and embracing, this crystal matrix was recreated in the first original crystal of creation, in water. At that time, there was neither water from above nor from below, there was only one water, the primordial water, supported and arranged by the Hayoth Ha Kodesh of water, or the kerubim of water.


Then the elements were arranged by the first forms of the world planners, called the Triangle civilization, so that each Abba would find himself at the centre of the four living beings, by the celebration, individually and collectively on Uras, as in each fragment of the creation, containing all the other fragments.

Then Life could unfold from the heart of the heart in concentric circles, going to the infinity of time and the infinity of space.

The geneticist mothers, before they appeared in the framework of the deployment of time and space, allowed the elements to be arranged from the densest plane of creation on Uras, playing the partition of the four elements within the ether, supported by the Four Living Ones surrounding the throne of Abba, into the white paradise of the heavenly Jerusalem, magnified in shapes and crystals, into a crystal temple that accompanied the dimensions here on this very Earth, through the Beloved Heart of God, Amentka.

There were many dreams, many scores, illustrated here in this world today, in the four bases and components of DNA.

Thus, anthropomorphism was born, the form took on specific characteristics according to the alchemy and vibrance of the four elements as well as the four living ones.

Thus, in today's history, many of you, even without knowing it, have played the partition of the four times, the four Orients, through DNA and its four bases, which we will call A, T, C, G, to which was added, by the message of the good news, what was called the fifth base, U, or uracil, in Uras resonance, in Gaia resonance, allowing the good news, under any circumstances, never to be forgotten, despite forgetting.

Today, we celebrate this fusion of the four ethers or the four living ones, no longer individually, but collectively, where any sense of being a person, a history and a given meaning, no longer represents anything, except the joy of finding the alpha and the omega.

The game of A T C G playing the score and transmitted by U, then danced and gave the rhythm of creations and dreams.


Each of us, perhaps still living as a separate individual, carries within us in the intimacy of our cell, the seal of Truth, in the most dense matter.


Once the deposit in the heart of Uras of this crystalline silica-based matrix, which regulates time and regulates space, allowed the birth of primordial genetics, assumed, carried and transported by those who were named long after, in the illusion of time, geneticists mothers.


This crystal was modified by a war between the masculine and the feminine, leading to today's understanding and experience that any polarity is only the expression of the initial imbalance.


What was then called the primary anomaly and lived in its resolution since May 2018, allowed reparation, allowed reminiscence, so that the whole resonance of Life within the appearance of an individual, can be discovered in you.


The acceptance of Life and the gift of Life, was altered in the acceptance of the other polarity. Thus was born, from the densest plane of Uras to the most distant space and time in appearance, polarization. From this flow all the stories and creations.

On Uras to the Source, the Light was manifested. Polarization then leads, in the illusion of time and space, to suffering, as well as joy, which allowed the deployment and understanding of the illusion of creation.

The copper-skinned bottlenose dolphins then took on their specificities by becoming what was called Sirius' blue guides, standing at the limit of being and non-being, at the limit of form, as well as at the limit of time and space.


In the unveiling of history, as expressed by countless, yet rare, brothers and sisters, could then glimpse the notion of root race, the notion of stellar origins and lines, which are nothing more than the dance and resonance of A T C G transmitted by U, by Uras.

The play and dance of the elements, arranged according to a symphony of perfect crystalline matrices, could not stop or modify the Light.

Polarization, including the most dense and painful translation, took place on Earth, long after the end of the first dream, within the last six cycles.

Thus, the brothers and sisters who saw and perceived the New Earth and the new root race called the blue race, are neither before us, nor behind us, but in fact present in the instant moment, the celebration of the Four Living Beings and the five ethers, now escaping from the hands of every woman.

The pursuit of the dream, the visions that some brothers and sisters have had of it, through the advent of the sixth root race, is not in the future, but in the history already passed and already lived, thus demonstrating, through play and the dance of evidence, that none of this is true.

And whatever the beauty, whatever the joy and whatever the suffering, according to the living environment, has remained, inscribed in every cell of every body, as in every crystal of creation, as in every mineral, vegetable, angel, archangel, as in every dimension, the eternal and instinctively present memory of zero time.

Where truth comes out, putting an end to the illusion of time and space, where everything that is seen, in this present time as in the relatively present instants, is embedded in time. But in the phase we call the twentieth century, in this present cycle, the sixth root race is not yet to come, even if that is seen. According to time, however, the same moment of the present instant, in the same truth of joy and suffering, takes place.

The arrangement of the worlds carried the sowing that is delivered to us today, both by human brothers and sisters who until now could not be recognized, and could only keep it silent and hide it.

Today, I tell you, because we live it, nothing can be hidden anymore, everything can be lived and everything has the same goal, which is neither a distance nor a time, but simply the recognition of the eternal I in the gratitude of the instant, in the gift of the instant and in the acceptance of the instant.

The sixth race does not have to come, does not have to unfold in some future time, but to be revealed in the eternal instant of zero time.

If in countless brothers and sisters persist today, where these visions of the New Earth, of the New Root Race, appear, it is because consciousness still plays at letting time unfold and space unfold, thereby showing the incompleteness of consciousness, and yet completing itself in each consciousness.

In the game of embracing and giving, it is revealed in an instant, creating at the same time, the tears of our eyes, salty liquid, memory of the primordial waters, at the same time as the smile, which has no opposite, unlike laughter.

So, in this smile of the eternal present, where the initial instant, which is nothing more than the final instant, is revealed, the alpha has joined the omega and the omega has joined the alpha, time and space are only the expression of the illusion of distance, the illusion of separation.

I have experienced this, I am living it, without suffering, without moods, without questioning, since my childhood.

Unlike women, in this body, no suffering, no despair, no expectation, no desperation, just living, and letting that time come, not for me, but for each and every one of you. You have brought me proof and resonance, by your gift and grace, lived a few hours ago, the authenticity of your living.

I was only waiting for this moment for everyone to reveal themselves to themselves, putting an end to all distance, where even Love no longer has to be expressed, under any word whatsoever, where you play the only true game that will never pass and is beauty. Beauty and authenticity of the gift of grace and the acceptance of grace, in the same movement, ending distance, ending the idea that someone gives and someone receives, because the gift and the acceptance are only the same game.

It took us some time, between May 7, 2018 and February 18, 2019, dates that have been inscribed forever in the agenda of illusory time and space, to experience its quintessence, as well as the evidence of gift and acceptance, which needs no other justification than to live it with evidence, with grace.

As here in this very place as in countless places since February 13, you have been living it on the inner screen of your consciousness, where you see and live that consciousness is only passing through, because it is subject to forms, worlds, stories, and it is precisely to play history up to that time, from the moment of that day, that I too can dare, to liberate in totality what is our common right, our common truth, where the dream is seen, and where no form, no attribute and no reluctance can intervene.

Then the gift and the embrace balance each other, because as you give yourself, you embrace each other. And the first thing to embrace is of course you and everyone else, so that everyone may have their robes washed in the blood of the lamb, so that you may sit on the throne of the truth of the initial instant, in the first emanation of form, in the perfection of the blue crystal.

Thus, in the waters from above, as in the waters from below, in the blue of the water as in the blue of the sky, the miracle of only one thing is realized, that of the gift and the embrace in perfect balance, where both tears and smile take us into this collective dance, in this consummation of Love, which consumes only illusion, which consumes only time and space by consuming them literally in a blaze of joy, in a blaze of tears, as we have shown here and everywhere since yesterday.

This is not an invitation to go through the history that has already been travelled since the initial moment, but rather to exalt the power of Love, which needs neither energy, nor vibration, nor form, nor worlds, nor us.

There is freedom, the freedom to embrace, to hold in one's hands, the freedom to love in any distance or in any dimension whatsoever. Because the whole of creation, as I have said and as you live it, can only be within this body and emerges from this body from now on, without having to stipulate or analyze its circuits as we have done for so many years, in order to be free there too, from the illusion of becoming, from the illusion of having something to perfect, because there is no better force, no more powerful force, than that of embracing and giving.

So, beyond the history of this creation, everything that unfolds in you, around you as well as everywhere in the whole creation and not only on Uras, leads you inexorably in every moment that seems to flow, to the ineffable beauty of Life that no longer needs you, that no longer needs anyone, and especially no longer needs to be externalized or manifested in any experience or game whatsoever.

In June 2018, I removed the blue crystal from Gaia's heart, the one that was altered in the logical sense of history and transformed into green on Lucifer's forehead. This was placed in the exact place, not of Abba, but of Mary, allowing the collective resurrection and the resurrection, since a few days, of the mothers.

For every woman is a mother, in spirit, in truth as in the flesh, whether she has carried life in her or not does not change anything, whether she has procreated or not does not change anything, for ladies, today in this woman's body, in your womb, you carry much more than the possibility of life downwards, but of true Life, which unifies the top and the bottom.

This is what the resonance of the gift and acceptance spread the good news, here as everywhere on Earth, and throughout the whole of creation, as Phahame had stipulated.

Then, the Word of the geneticist mothers was revealed, awakening in each one, as in each one, the memory of the ineffable who has never moved.

The hand has become the gift, Agape has also become the gift and the embrace, because there is no longer any distance, because the flesh is sacred. And it was in the consummation of this sacred that everything was revealed.

As I said, Abba accompanied the creation, but did not create anything, because only female polarity could achieve it.

You may know it, in the blue rock crystal, as in any crystal on Uras... the crystal deflects the light. It is a physical property of the crystal. However, the crystal can deflect light in two directions, called levogyrus and dextrorotatory, a movement that rotates counter-clockwise, a deflection, looking forward, to the left, and some other crystals are dextrorotatory, they deflect light to the right or in a clockwise direction.

Today, in the blue crystal that has been restored to Mary, blue can finally be lived in its entirety, not only what was called Mary's or Archangel Michael's blue mantle, a mantle of grace and compassion, which is now present in the heart and hands, ignoring any distance or space, or any dimension.

Whatever the smiles, whatever the tears, whatever the sorrows or whatever the joys, we live it through all history.

Thus ends the revelation, whatever the aspects to be illuminated within Uras as well as in any dimension, you simply have to let the gift be, to let the embrace be, making find through this densest flesh, the original vibration of the blue crystal of the Earth, coloured at other times by what was called the Elohim, the Nephilims, the crystal beings or the fire beings.

It resonates in everyone, whether it is by tears or smiles, it is the same thing. And today, in 2019, on dates when the simulacrum and the sacred of the celebration of the ethers of the Four Living Beings meet, you see in your flesh and conscience, you recognize yourself through the seeding codes that complete the Geneticist Word, which will never be a idiom or a language, but simply the expression of the first impulse of creation, your first name, your first appellation, which does not care about dimensions, which does not care about origins or lines and which places you every minute, every breath in the evidence of the Truth, where the game of gift and acceptance takes place naturally.

You experienced this last night, here and elsewhere. You will experience it more and more as soon as the celebration ends. Seeding codes will be delivered by Phahame, through my throat, through my presence, through your donation, through our embrace.

See there no anteriority, no superiority, but simply the humility of your gratitude, as I have recognized myself, beyond any form as beyond any creation, leading to the transmutation of your flesh, as it is visible to me and as Christ told you: what I have done and what I am, you will do it, and much greater still, and what I am, you are.

I tell you as KI-RIS-TI, I told you as Abba, I tell you as a person, I tell you as Elohim where my name was Alta. I tell you this as the original Great Mother, mother of Mary, I tell you this as a man, fallible and perfectible. I have told you this in my memory as a woman, in countless lives, in the game of creation.

Having in mind all of my lives as well as all of my roles, I can only conclude, by living it, that each of you is all of this. Because in the same way that you carry creation in every heart, I also carry it in the same way, being nothing if not the bridgehead.

Then there is surrender. This surrender is spontaneous. It has already allowed me for a very long time to recognize myself in each of you, even without being able to explain it, where sometimes even, through unspoken words and certain inner sufferings, acceptance was already there, as it is there for you, with the same intensity, with the same translation.

Since yesterday, the seeding codes have woken up, in me and in everyone. What I have translated by Agape resonance network, to unite the three in one, unites the whole of creation in each heart, where everything that would appear to you as a role, a measure or an individual, or a reaction to this world, becomes stupidity and ignorance, as well as excessive pride.


But even through this, in resistance as well as in suffering, the good news resonated. Seeding will make landfall in the primordial water of tomorrow, where the four elements and the four living things meet, between the two continents, between the two oceans, in the middle of the columns of Hercules, on the border of Atlantis, at the confluence of all history and all dreams.


Do not see there any superiority or inferiority, but simply the same Love, the same fraternity, the same Truth inscribed in each one.

As Phahame told you, I invite you to get closer to the water, whether it is your tears flowing, as if you heard the seeding codes I let emanate from me. For each of you who is each of us, great forgiveness, reconciliation, is an act of freedom, but also an act of enjoyment that I would describe as cosmic. Because some of our sisters live it here as everywhere, while others are still in suffering, but they can only resonate, like any man, with these seeding codes.


There have been in recent times, the OD ER IM IS AL, the so-called metatronic keys. Today, you are, if we can say so, at the origin of the source code, that of the crystal of Uras at the centre of the Earth, which was returned to everyone on 16 June 2018. All this is not yesterday, nor last year, but is happening now.


You do not need both speeches and stories, because I am restoring you to this first impulse of creation, to the first dream of creation, where there was the first polarity, which can be expressed not in good or bad, or male - female, but in the game of Being and Non-Being, which is expressed in every flesh today.


Each of our sisters who, years ago for some, but also for men, expressed or felt within them this resonance of these seeding codes, could only suffer because it could not be accomplished.


Today this is accomplished, and by living it, it puts an end to any claim of knowledge, however subtle. This puts an end to the claim of energy, to the claim of the vibrational, to the claim of being an imperfect individual who has yet to cross the threshold of a new race, a new world, a new Earth which, of course, you have understood, has already been created and has already been lived.

This is what reminiscence is about, which is much more than a memory or a memory, because it takes place in this moment and has unfolded in the appearance of dimensions as it has always done, in a past or future history.


So each of us stands there with all the others, you can do nothing, you can do nothing, because all this is resistance to the evidence of giving and embracing.


I have often said and it has often been said that the more you give, the more you receive. But if you give yourself up, then you embrace yourself in full. There is nothing to restrict, there is nothing to condition, there is nothing to see, there is nothing to feel whatever the expression of your feelings. There's just the eternal I, there's just that. And that's simplicity. And that is our humanity. And it is neither a duty nor a responsibility, even if it was a great guilt for some of us, I say to you rejoice.

Abba tells you, and Abba will tell you this afternoon and especially Phahame, where the seeding codes that were completed last night can appear in the open, in each of you.

All that results from this, for this person named JLA, as I wrote yesterday, are only tears and tears of gratitude, and have nothing to do with a passing emotion, and have nothing to do with a mental or intellectual understanding, but which flow directly from your experience, in which I can only recognize myself, in the greatest joys as in the greatest suffering, with the same intensity and, of course, with the same grace.


It is impossible for me to cheat. It is quite possible for me to make a mistake in this plan, as soon as I mention time, as soon as I mention space. In the moment of the zero time of infinite grace, of this character of flesh, nothing can fail, as in each of you, nothing can be lost, nothing can be retained.

The time has come, not only to celebrate, but to dare, with evidence and ease, to give with intensity and to embrace with the same intensity. For in fact and in the end, what you give to each one, you give to yourself. And when you embrace the other, you only embrace yourself, beyond even the essence, beyond even the form, beyond time and space.

I'm not reciting a poem to you, but I'm telling you clearly what's going on. There can be no mistake, there can be no misunderstanding, because I no longer put distance and no distance can be put, because I no longer put space or time, because I can't hold on to any time or space and indeed, as I have said and repeated, as for each of you today, I am not my life, even if I have a personal life, very simple and very human, in the right balance, where nothing is missing but nothing is in excess.

It is the same for each of you. Because you can only see that as you embrace, even the unacceptable, as you are given it, I will even say, restored. You cannot be deceived, you cannot be deceived at that level.

It will take all the time, all the space, all your cells, all your relationships, all that is seen, all that is suffering, with the same grace and elegance, from the installation of the white paradise, as you have been countless for a few weeks now to testify. And whatever the suffering, whatever the pain, joy and smile cover everything.

It is inevitable. I know this because I am living it and I am not making a difference, in an increasingly fair way, between any form and any story. Because I am in each of you, not only as the Abba who reveals himself, but through this form that I have given for you.

But see in it neither superiority nor inferiority, but simply the same humanity as everyone else, whatever the screens of stories and suffering. Because I can only reveal, in its entirety, not the story, even if I have just done so, in the initial moment, by limiting the data and elements of the set, which are very real and alive, but which are, as I just said, only sets.

And yet, I am nothing, just as each of you is nothing. And as soon as there is this recognition, there is resonance and there is a miracle.

But it is not me who decides, nor you, it is simply the game of gift and welcome that is played out without us.

I do not need to write it, as some elders have done, I do not need to impress it through my flesh, as some sisters have lived it, with their stigmas and mystical experiences, because I have traveled the worlds since last year and for a long time, and I have not taken any advantage or superiority, or even the slightest responsibility, but just the acceptance of what still seems so vast at times, so intense and so incomprehensible. Because I know that I cannot take it, because I know and I live that nothing belongs to me, because I am from everywhere.

I have said it in other ways, I have nothing to sell you or teach you about it. I can only give, I can only welcome. And I know that it is the same, in whatever appearance you are still living in this hour, for each of us, without any difference, whatever the appearances and whatever the sufferings.

I am not separated from you, as you are not separated from me. Whatever you say, whatever you think, whatever names you give me, whatever names I may have used, whatever roles I thought I played and played, both as a child who dies killed by his own mother, and as Elohim, I no longer see any difference, because there is none.

Just as I can no longer see the slightest difference, even if my eyes see it, my heart can no longer see it.

This is an invitation to meet you. This is an invitation to let the sowing codes of the Word be freely issued and received, simply by giving and welcoming, thinking of nothing else, crossing everything that can still be in you, seeming reactive, and especially on the scene of the simulacrum.

Of course, I still follow the events, but I don't talk about them anymore. It is a curiosity of my person and my character, which will only die out when everything dies out. Not to have any confirmation or doubt, but simply because it is the game of life.

You see it well, moreover, as soon as I try to formulate it, as soon as we implement, here as elsewhere, for example, the Agape resonance, for ourselves or for others with our hands, from the next moment, something else appears and puts an end to what was obvious a few moments before, not because it was false, but because it goes towards more and more simplicity, or whatever you do, whatever you say, whatever your posture today, your suffering or your joy, the ineluctable has happened.

The good news is spreading. I don't need an image, I don't need energy, I don't need vibration, I don't need consciousness, even if it is the relay of what is at stake in me and what is at stake in each of you.

I'm not claiming anything. How could I claim any paternity or responsibility, or any application whatsoever, even in relation to the first dream, as well as the last dream.

And don't think that it's having the memory that allowed that, or the knowledge of who I am. What allows this is the resonance of every moment, to every help, to every look that takes place in life, whether it is reaching out, reaching out for your heart, reaching out for a money bill, or simply helping. In any case, you do not decide anything, but your simple presence is already the most appropriate help for everyone.

But see in it neither superiority, nor inferiority, but simply the same humanity as everyone else, whatever the screens of stories and suffering. Because I can only reveal, in its entirety, not the story, even if I have just done so, in the initial moment, by limiting the data and elements of the set, which are very real and alive, but which are, as I just said, only sets.

And yet, I am nothing, just as each of you is nothing. And as soon as there is this recognition, there is resonance and there is a miracle.

But it is not me who decides, nor you, it is simply the game of gift and embrace that is played out without us.

I do not need to write it, as some elders have done, I do not need to impress it through my flesh, as some sisters have lived it, with their stigmas and mystical experiences, because I have traveled the worlds since last year and for a long time, and I have not taken any advantage or superiority, or even the slightest responsibility, but just the acceptance of what still seems so vast at times, so intense and so incomprehensible. Because I know that I cannot take it, because I know and I live that nothing belongs to me, because I am from everywhere.

I have said it in other ways, I have nothing to sell you or teach you about it. I can only give, I can only embrace. And I know that it is the same, in whatever appearance you are still living in this hour, for each of us, without any difference, whatever the appearances and whatever the sufferings.

I am not separated from you, as you are not separated from me. Whatever you say, whatever you think, whatever names you give me, whatever names I may have used, whatever roles I thought I played and played, both as a child who dies killed by his own mother, and as Elohim, I no longer see any difference, because there is none.

Just as I can no longer see the slightest difference, even if my eyes see it, my heart can no longer see it.

This is an invitation to meet you. This is an invitation to let the sowing codes of the Word be freely issued and received, simply by giving and embracing, thinking of nothing else, crossing everything that can still be in you, seeming reactive, and especially on the scene of the simulacrum.

Of course, I still follow the events, but I don't talk about them anymore. It is a curiosity of my person and my character, which will only die out when everything dies out. Not to have any confirmation or doubt, but simply because it is the game of Life.

You see it well, moreover, as soon as I try to formulate it, as soon as we implement, here as elsewhere, for example, the Agape resonance, for ourselves or for others with our hands, from the next moment, something else appears and puts an end to what was evident a few moments before, not because it was false, but because it goes towards more and more simplicity, or whatever you do, whatever you say, whatever your posture today, your suffering or your joy, the ineluctable has happened.

The good news is spreading. I don't need an image, I don't need energy, I don't need vibration, I don't need consciousness, even if it is the relay of what is at stake in me and what is at stake in each of you.

I'm not claiming anything. How could I claim any paternity or responsibility, or any application whatsoever, even in relation to the first dream, as well as the last dream.

And don't think that it's having the memory that allowed that, or the knowledge of who I am. What allows this is the resonance of every moment, to every help, to every look that takes place in life, whether it is reaching out, reaching out for your heart, reaching out for a money account, or simply helping. In any case, you do not decide anything, but your simple presence is already the most appropriate help for everyone.

I can never make a difference again, I can only do what I am beyond Being and Non-Being, having the chance to manifest that. But this opportunity is for everyone now, you don't have to seize it, you don't have to look for it, but simply recognize the evidence without understanding anything. That's how you embrace in complete freedom, without brake, without reluctance and without question.

The more just you are, the more smiling you are. The more just you are, the fewer questions there are, and the more evidence of the gift and acceptance manifests itself through you, through you, in every glance, in every gesture, in every touch, in every drama. All this only passes through and crosses, as I have expressed in countless possible ways, in order to open the possibility of resonance to what are only words, and yet carry the Word.

I have no intention or will of my own, except to follow what life gives me and takes from me, because what is given or taken does not make any difference. And it's the same for everyone, even if for the moment it seems absurd and so far away, you haven't recognized yourself enough, but the seeding codes allow you to do so.

And many of you have suffered from these seeding codes, through the feeling of separation, suffering and violence, especially among women. Do not forget that it is a reconciliation, it is a celebration, where there is no longer any place for history, for the individual and yet it happens in history and in the individual, and that it happens in every circumstance, we have verified it again yesterday, in every place, even when leaving this particular and privileged space, simply by walking, by being alive, the smile is there.

Whatever the suffering, whatever the state of our mood, whatever our opulence or poverty, it doesn't change anything. Because we can no longer compare, we can no longer measure ourselves from the moment the gift and embrace is there. You can't disguise anything anymore. It is not an effort, it is not difficult, it is precisely the easiest thing.

And if that doesn't seem to be the case at the moment, look at what you value: history, evolution, your individuality that doesn't exist.

There is only Love, there is only gift, there is only welcome. It is Jean-Luc who tells you this and above all, use me to resonate, but do not use me as an alibi, as a justification or as a savior, or as some archon, as some people like, because I can only laugh about it. Because through what you say, through what you think, I know that it is nothing, and through all this, there is the same gift and the same embrace in everyone, in the blade of grass like crystal, in every brother or sister, in every animal, in every dimension.

Over the past thirty years, we have reconstructed the history that has already taken place. As I said, we follow, as Bidi said, the theatre scene. I say it's a video game, and more and more of you are realizing it. Everything has always been written.

There has never been anything but the gift and acceptance of Life and Love. I am a living witness to it, as many sisters and brothers are, despite their sufferings, and for some of you, for countless years.

I did the best I could to give back, without brake and without limits, if not to keep quiet, without suffering for me, the initial moment of creation. For I could not accept it myself before in full and, of course, even less so for you, until I recognized myself in each of you.

And yet, those who know me, my human life, know full well that I have nothing more or nothing less. I have the same needs, the same physiological functions. And my simplest human life, beyond any title and any experience of my journey, no longer represents anything for me, except the ability to answer questions, and to make the link between the simulacrum and the sacred, because quite simply, in this life, I have been given the opportunity to cross it, to live it, and especially to apply it.

Whether it is through crystals, through channelings, or through the technologies I have created with other brothers and sisters, for me, I no longer see any distance and difference, the simulacrum has joined the sacred in its entirety. And it is so lightweight that no disease can resist, to the point that, whatever the disorder, it cannot manifest itself through this body, even if obviously in my simplest humanity, as soon as something happens in this body, it leads me to reflection and resolution, of course. But I'm not fooled.

So of course, I could also give you the names of those big copper-skinned dolphins that were standing in the air, but that would take us too far. So I just have this name that I am in this appearance and, indeed, to be the best I can be. And to be the best I can is to let things happen. It means embracing Life, it means really and concretely, whatever the person's agonies at times, which are very real, even if I have to organize my life, but to let this organization do itself, in order to be available.

Available neither to me, nor to you, but to the Truth, thus making myself available both to myself and to each of you, to the extent of my possibilities, which are only those of the truth that is being effused.

No one can follow me, I have always said, I will never be a guru, never a master, you can never follow me. You can only resonate with your own truth, and at that moment, you will discover that you have never followed me, you have followed yourself to find yourself.

Whatever the language, you know it for those who used the channelings, there was no need for translation. Whether you understood or not, whether you are in refusal or not, it penetrated you, it crossed you, as it did for me.

This is what I had to deliver to you today before, especially Phahame delivered to you what she has to deliver to you, and that many of you have already received, of course. You are countless to communicate with Phahame, as you are countless to communicate with Bidi.

I will conclude with these words, at least today: until you have given yourself, you are not alive, whatever you think, whatever you believe.

Until you have accepted everything that is presented, you cannot be crossed. To do this, we must be very simple, not as a search for simplicity, but by looking at your life, whatever its sufferings, whatever its karmas, whatever its illusions, whatever its hopes. If you are yourself, joy covers you whatever the suffering.

You cannot blame anyone, neither your relatives, nor the accidents in your lives, you cannot blame yourself and this effectively puts an end to guilt, to responsibility and it frees you completely to live life, as I was saying, that is, to give and receive in the same momentum, to give and receive in the same movement.

This is what puts an end to the illusion of distance, the illusion of time, the illusion of space, as well as the illusion of believing oneself an entity. You are none of these things, and it is through these things that you discover the Truth, or rather that it is discovered in you.

I am not the only witness, already last night here in this small group alone, you have experienced it. I have done nothing, except to be present, as I am at every moment, in this simplest humanity, in this fallible body, in the uncertainty of life, which has been replaced by the certainty of beauty and the living of beauty.

I can only invite you to be that again, because you already are, even if you don't see it. There's nothing you can do. All that must happen will happen and all that must happen is what is already there, zero time.

I can no longer even talk about a date, because indeed, whatever the date of the calendar, it doesn't matter to me, because the present instant is so intense that I can only invite you to it, I can't do anything else and you can't do anything else but recognize yourself, as I have recognized myself, by recognizing myself in you.

It is not an ideal, it does not depend on a teaching, it does not depend on a prerequisite, it depends only on you. And we can only resonate and enter into resonance.

(Little dog)

...through each other's livings, where each of us can recognize ourselves. That is the case, especially now.

I will refer you to a single text that has marked my whole life, long before the life of Christ's passion for my thirty-three years, which I have often quoted, which is the first epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians. Do not see any religious or historical reference, which simply says:

"When I have the gift of all tongues, when I have faith in moving mountains, when I speak the language of angels, when I lack Agape, I am only a resounding timpani and I am not true."

This was my leitmotiv (guiding principle)in the same way that Bidi had his master's leitmotiv, in quotation marks, who told him: "You are not this body”. It was his only mantra.

All this I knew when I came into this world, my mother could testify to it, my real biological mother, I refer to. And it was not because I knew it, but because I lived it, that it was true. This is true, because you find it.

So now I can say it and I told you. I repeat and I tell you, you can only be yourself, and nothing else. And that's a relief. Because at that moment you no longer carry weight, even the weight of the disease has disappeared, even the weight of the years and the wear and tear of the body has disappeared, I see it, you see it, for those who approach me closely, those with whom I participate as well here as elsewhere, a form of intimacy of life.

So, I can only give thanks for this senseless Love, for this total acceptance and for this total gift. Because by resonating, by testifying, as I told you yesterday, my tears can only flow. But they are not tears of suffering or joy, they are tears of upheaval, which show me that this is true and that everything else can pass. This body can be destroyed, that I will never pass through, in the same way that you will never pass through.

I let the words speak spontaneously as they came, as usual, avoiding of course what I do at times, to spread in quotation marks all this knowledge, but which are not a display, which are simply a means of breaking with Love what you have put before you and which prevents you from seeing you, as I see you.

I can't claim anything, I can't ask for anything. I can do nothing about it because so is Life, it can only give itself, in its entirety. Yes, it is a sacrifice, a total sacrifice, that I could never regret and where nothing can ever be missed. Whether I have an empty stomach or a full stomach, whether I have tickets in my pocket or not, doesn't change anything. I understood that because I am living it, and because it can only be an acceptance.

There, I have delivered my heart to you in the same way as you deliver yourself. Christ had said, it seems to me, "Drink, this is my blood. Eat, this is my body.” I have only one desire, which is already realized of course, you are all in me, as I am in you.

I am all flesh and blood, precisely because I am no flesh and blood, even through this body, which nevertheless lives its human life with happiness and joy. This happiness is not linked to what I can say during the meetings, evidently it participates in them, but to live this Love in every look, in every gesture, without wanting to, because it has been understood because it has been lived, and because it is understood and lived with every breath, and indeed, it cannot be otherwise.

It does not take anything away from my humanity, quite the contrary. Those who really know me know that I am a good ram who can go for it, who can also react, but never will the smile of my heart ever fade away. It is not a belief, nor a certainty, it is simply a fact, that each of us can live with the same intensity, from the moment you let go of your feelings, your stories. But you must nevertheless go back to what you have been going through since yesterday, my sisters, but which is not all the stories, but the origin of the story.

As you know, there are countless of us living it, and more and more of us are doing so every day. Leave the birds of bad omen, who condemn and judge you, or call you archons, or call you false. Like Christ, I can only say, "Forgive them, they don't know what they are doing," to themselves, not to me. Because Love is invulnerable, whatever the future of this body may be.

I would never ask you to believe me or follow me, but I ask you again to verify it for yourself. And you will see that there can be no choice, no distance, no misunderstanding. Check it out, don't believe me. In the same way that you cannot believe yourself in wholeness, as long as this Truth is not there, and yet it is there.

But it is simply habits, as I have expressed it, as expressed by many voices, to feel that we need money, history, to become, to evolve, to help, to serve. But this is the location of the person, or of the Self, but it is not the location of Love. It may come close, but it's not real. And you know it, because you live it, as long as you are not true, it goes away and it comes back, and you oscillate constantly, you talk about fatigue, and you have the feeling, without sometimes being able to describe or define it, that there is an incompleteness.

I knew this, of course, I experienced it like everyone else, but it no longer has any reason to exist, because I understood by living it that everything was perfect, even in the simulacrum of this world. And you see it well, for those who follow my adventures, if I may say so, on social networks, that I am no longer interested in all this.

Because I no longer need to show the concordance between the simulacrum and the sacred, everyone lives it in himself, and now only beauty is possible, only gift and acceptance is possible, I can do nothing about it, I decide nothing, and it is of such strength, such power, such evidence, that you cannot ignore it for yourselves, as I could not ignore it myself.

I too have had my share of suffering in this life, but it was not related to memories, nor to lack, but to the suffering of the body, which today no longer exists, because I have accepted and because I have given myself, without brake and without limits.

It didn't appear today, it appeared at the time of the primary anomaly, when I really agreed to die, by integrating the primary anomaly and dissolving it. And then I died, I agreed to die and at that moment I came back alive in full. And from that moment on, nothing can oppose, confront or measure itself anymore. Because I offer no hold on this and it is not I who decide, it is what I really am, through this body, through this identity, as well as through all the stories of this world and the worlds.

In fact, by revealing this to you, I am only talking about you, about each of us. Because whatever the setting, it was always the same game that was played, there were only circumstances that were different.

I have been saying since last year that it is inexorable, unavoidable, I have called it an epidemic, a pandemic. I can only see the effects of it, without claiming anything. I agreed to give myself totally, I agreed to embrace unconditionally, but it is not an effort on my part, it is not a decision on my part, it is the evidence that has emerged, I have no merit, really, no merit.

From now on, I see myself in each testimony, as you also experience it, I see myself in each story with the same intensity, and I am therefore available.

Allow me to conclude my speech by embrace each of you, to the extent that you embrace me, beyond any person or reference. Because we are together at this moment, in exactly the same listening, the same embrace and the same gift. What I say, you can say it, because you are living it. Even if it seems to you that this is far from you, in fact, you are only lying to yourself and delaying this moment. But that's all right.

I embrace each of you who wish it and I can only say "I love you", without any conditions and without any definition.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations

French transcript: Agape Team
English translation: revised by LMF


Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser



Video audio in French

Vídeo audio in English.


In the heart of each one, presence and absence merged in the same Truth, Abba embraces what is present, and Abba gives the Truth to each one.

Beloved children of the One, in the eternal Truth of the instant, may Peace, Joy, Love and Truth be our common space and time.

In these days of celebration of Life, relayed by the Four Living Ones, where man and woman meet in the primordial androgynous, beyond all polarity, as well as beyond all manifestation, I greet you in the resonance of the Agape network, in this unspeakable embrace of the Truth of Life.

In these precise days when Life is celebrated in every possible way, in resistance as in surrender, in beauty and in truth, we install from heart to heart the truth of the one heart, the Truth of the One.

You are all invited in these days to refrain from anything, to limit nothing, to let what is and let disappear what has only appeared on the screen of consciousness, as on the screen of suffering, where there is nothing to do, where within immobility and emptiness, there is presence and absence, gathered in the same celebration of Being and Not-Being, where nothing can project, where nothing can be stopped, or even deviated.

In dance as in rectitude, in movement as in immobility, the ineffable song of Life unfolds in each of us, relayed to us by the song of the whales and translated in each of us by the resonance within the origin of creation, by the sacred Word, the one who has no need of understanding, the one who is inscribed in the moment, not dependent on any form, any world or any specificity, where everything is spontaneous and where everything is evident, at all times, as well as at all instants.

I invite each of you at this moment, when listening, to let the welcome be, in order to welcome without wanting anything, without asking anything, without projecting anything, without reticence and without questions, where you are crossed by eternity, where nothing of what is to appear can remain, where nothing of what passes can also remain.

In the emptiness of the great silence, in the intensity of the instant, unfolds the eternity of the white paradise as ineffable joy, whose smile on your lips witnesses it and whose brightness of your eyes is its receptacle, where no question can appear, where no question can remain.

My words have no other meaning on this day than to accompany the dance of creation, the dance of eternity, where nothing has ever moved and yet everything is movement, where everything merges, where everything opposite is resolved in the same burst of laughter, in the same consumption, whether by your tears, whether by reminiscence, whether by embracing, abandoning, or by welcoming, is realized, at the same time of this instant, in every heart willing to embrace, in every heart willing to take nothing, to appropriate nothing, in order to restore itself entirely to Life as a gift, as a Truth.

Where there can be no search for meaning at all, because Life is meaning in itself, making you discover your essence, as well as the essence of each person, where no direction can be taken, where no time can take place, where nothing can pass and yet everything passes, and yet everything is crossed.

I invite you to dance and breathe with your heart, because each heart is in each heart, to perform the miracle with one heart. This is present at this moment, as soon as the embrace is made, through you, and not in you.

The time has come to break away from the last certainties, the last experiences, as well as the last sufferings, because in the immediate instant that follows, joy can only invade you and literally possess you, because you have nothing, except Life itself possesses you.

Thus, in the depths of the flesh, in the depths of the cell, as well as in the densest of consciousness and the most ethereal of consciousness, the same recognition is experienced, beyond history, beyond any form, in the present instant, which merges all times and marries all spaces, putting an end to the idea, as to any experience of being dissociated or separated from anything or anyone else, where there is no master, no superiority or inferiority, because nothing can be measured there, because Love is excessive, because Embrace is unbelievable

Thus, every day that passes within the illusion of the time of this world, the revelation is completed in its entirety. At this moment, the apotheosis of Life, which is not your life, unfolds its carpet, in order to welcome the totality of what you believed you appeared or were, in any situation whatsoever.

You can only recognize yourself in this evidence that is present. You can only agree with your beauty. You can only agree with the truth of the moment, where you are only what is prior to any creation, and it is precisely through the reunion of the human feminine, as well as the human masculine, to the highest heaven, in the communion of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine, where the inner child becomes the androgynous prerequisite for any substance, prior to any world.

It is lived without difficulty, from the moment you forget yourself, in the course of this life as of any character you have played, in what the person calls past lives, and which shows you the futility and uselessness of any concept from now on, the uselessness and futility of taking some support or reference from past history, as in the hypothetical future, because there is no history, there is only that, where everything is resolved, where conflict is seen as a decoy.

In the simplicity of our meeting, our communion, our listening, the embrace unfolds, embracing and accepting all that is presented, brother as sister, air as element, in any vision whatsoever, in any reference that is still present in you.

Each of you is invited, with solicitude, to dwell in this space without time, and in this time without space, where all this is only appearing, where all this is only play.


My friend, my beloved, remember, not of history, but of the eternal presence and absence that you are, through this body, as through everything that crosses your gaze, your ultimate questions, your ultimate sufferings, through our common embrace, simply by that, without asking for anything and expecting anything, without seeing or feeling anything, then Freedom appears before the observer, who becomes the witness, not of himself, but of Oneness.

The Word has come to light, the Word is no longer the flesh even if it had become flesh, the Word is free, from any attachment as from any creation.

What you have expressed in recent days, what you have lived, only reflects the installation of the ineffable, of which no conscience can account, except through the manifestation of spontaneity, in whatever form it manifests itself, where nothing can be missing, where nothing can be hidden or even forgotten.

This is the embrace that naturally impels the gift in each heart. Indeed, the Love that is given cannot be removed, whatever the reticence and resistance. Because, today, the very idea of any separation, like the very idea of being a person, can only collapse, through tears or laughter, to give way to the nakedness of Love, which needs neither an object, nor a subject, nor a transmitter or a receiver, and even less form or time.

It is lived and received, as it is given, from the heart of the heart, magnified by the radiance of what has been called the ninth body. Then, the sacred heart raises its radiance and diffuses it in a constant way, in every part of this body, in every part of your consciousness.


You are invited, by the whole of the One heart, to deposit what may remain of burdens, weight, pain, so that the sweetness and evidence fill each weight and lighten it, fill each deficiency that it seems to you to perceive, by the fullness of the instant.

The time has come, within the whole of creation, of the past and the future, to be reabsorbed by the density of Love, by its intensity, by its revelation in you, where there is nothing to judge, where there is nothing to condemn, where there is no longer any causality, but simply the evidence of Love, where you will never thirst again, where you exceed all need to understand, to grasp elements of your history as well as this world, as well as all people.

What is there does not need you, what is there does not need anyone, and yet it is lived in this flesh, as in any state of consciousness, where it is no longer even possible to differentiate between the different fragments of consciousness as presented by countless speakers and by countless people who have lived, in all centuries of the Earth.


In the progression of the great silence that brings you to the Ultimate, you know it to live it, you cannot reject anything, you can only let what still needs to be enlightened be enlightened, in order to give you the feeling of an incredible progression, but at the same time leading you to understand through living it, that it has always been there and that only the look, the point of view, pretended to ignore the Truth of Love.

Love is the spontaneous manifestation of the evidence of the Light and its intelligence, which does not need you, except to be the vessel that welcomes, that gathers, that makes you the receptacle of the unspeakable beauty, breathing and then naturally emanating from this opaque and ephemeral body, where everything is transparent, where everything is clear, where you conceive and understand it, that even liberation in the very sense that you have experienced it until now does not need to be recorded or realized, because it has always been there, in any form or world whatsoever.


From that moment, who is there at that moment, it appears, showing you that it was already there, invisible to your eyes, invisible by the opacity of that body, and yet today is realized, and yet today is seen and recognized, this irrevocably ending the very idea of questioning anything, because in the question is the answer, making you laugh at yourself, making you laugh at the circumstances.

There is your only being, there is no need for shenanigans, there is no need for delay, there is no need for a frame of reference, because everything is done without you, but through you.


Abba, in the heart of each one, embraces in each one, in turn embraces, in an endless round, the heart of each one, which is none other than my heart, where even the differences, whatever the experience, no longer make any difference, and no longer put any distance.

Where the Way, Truth and Life show you that you have never moved, that all this was only a dream, and that even through the initial trauma of the separation of the masculine and the feminine, no longer makes sense or hinders.

The Word is then liberated, beyond any model or creation, because everything has already been created and everything has been lived. It cannot be otherwise, in the very architecture of time. Whatever your obligations, whatever the obstacles, they are swept away by the unspeakable truth.

Everyone is invited with insistence and permanence by the injunction of the Light, an injunction that comes from the heart of yourselves, as soon as, within you, the cry is made, the cry of illusion, the cry of the idea of waiting for some evolution or some more favourable moment.

This is how this world still works, in its interrogation, while the true and ineffable beauty does not care about everything that happened yesterday, like the day before yesterday, like everything that will happen, tomorrow like the day after tomorrow, where rest, words like searching for meaning, can only be the solution, to what may still seem embarrassing to you, to what may still seem to you to be absent, to what may not seem to be lived and yet has already been lived, and is always lived in every minute.

Simply, you have not yet seen it, because you anticipate the need to understand, the need to explain, the need to be reassured, the need to compare yourself or the need to discuss, and this will be demonstrated as it is for many brothers and sisters in the very game of Life, under any circumstances.

Then, from that moment on, the smile will blossom again on your lips, good and evil, inherent in this world, can no longer stand in the way of the Truth.

It is in these moments of the present instant, in this very instant, in this very instant of live, as when you will listen and embrace, far beyond my simple words, your own presence which is nothing other than mine, as well as your absence, which is nothing other than our common gift.

This celebration, because it is one, cannot be subject to any conditions or limits. Don't worry about how you feel, don't worry about your approvals or disapprovals, don't worry about whether it's true or false, because it ultimately depends only on where you think you're standing.

At that moment, your heart implodes and explodes, the breathing of the heart then becomes an explosion of joy, an explosion of Love, which is directed elsewhere only within you, in spite of this explosion, because what can still resemble an exterior, is what puts an end to the illusion of distance, to the illusion of time that passes by, to the illusion of being an individual.

You do not have to worry or question yourself about any circumstance of your life, because it is precisely these circumstances particular to each life that lead you to this.

Embracing and giving are part of the same dance, embracing does not only go inside, the gift does not come out only outside, it is an inner state. There is no outside, no inside. It is at this exact instant that you are totally free of any frame of reference, any history, and this is shown to you by the initial moment of the dream of creation, which in fact cannot be dated, but which can be, there too, only lived and not understood.

It is now, it is forever, it is for every moment, it is for eternity, beyond this world, beyond your form, as beyond any form.


You, anchors and sowers of Light, in the time of the history of the years that followed the celestial wedding, you discover and live that you are the pure eternal Light, independent of any history, of any form, as well as of any still apparent and residual distinction between Being and Non-Being, and your person.

The majesty of Love, the majesty of Truth, can only dance, the dance of joy, the dance beyond people, where the reconciliation of the sacred and the simulacrum, in these different polarities, is inscribed in the joy of the moment and in the eternal smile that does not need lips to manifest it, nor consciousness to express it.

It is madness in the one who believes himself to be a person, it is absurdity for the one who believes himself to be spiritual, but it is unshakable truth for the one who settles in simplicity and humility, where everything that touches, suffering as happiness, is simply the game that unfolds against your will, and yet, thanks to you, where you discover that in fact everything has always been accomplished, and that no effort is necessary, because evidence nourishes you and effort restricts you, where there is no longer any possible choice, because choice itself is a carrier of doubt, is a carrier of indecision.

Love is not decided, Truth is not decreed, Love and Truth cannot be said, even if they are transcribed, as much by the song of whales as by the Word of Genetistic Mothers, as by silence.

In this, you know that there is nothing to undertake, nor anything to modify, because perfection is of itself, without you, and through you, where any idea of any evolution can only appear as ridiculous and useless.

In that silence, nothing can be missing, because everything is empty and everything becomes the container that never fills, and yet is always full of that void. This vessel is the vessel of your heart, the one that embraces flowers and essence, the one that embraces Life and restores it in its entirety, for nothing can belong to you, being already there. It can only be a restitution, it can only result from an abandonment, not only to the Light, but a total abandonment of yourselves, where there can be no claim, where there can be no doubt. As long as you doubt, then you have not accepted in full.

The cetacean song that has been accompanying you for a few weeks now, leading you to this celebration of the Four Living Beings, to the fusion of the ethers, realized up to the atomic level of each atom in the Universe, and not only in this world, and not only in this dimension, since it includes all creations as well as each world. In this is your consolation, in this is your regeneration, in this you recognize yourself.

Everything has always been perfect, from the moment when consciousness no longer leads the ball of the game of Life, but from the moment when you remain in silence, in the heart of the heart, observing your life as any life, not through visions and perceptions, but as a dance of evidence, where there is nothing to do, where you have nothing to do, or even to be, where no more landmarks can be of any use to you, because you are yourself the landmark, because you are yourselves the ineffable of ecstasy as well as intasis, and that nothing can move, that nothing can seem or appear incomplete.


In what is being experienced at this moment, shows you the power of great silence, my words only accompanying this great silence, giving it rhythm in its breath, in its deployment and in its evidence, where there is no longer any difference, not only between you and any other, but between man and woman, between the sacred male and female, where the ultimate complementarity as antagonism, resolves itself of itself, without you and through you, making you live and discover that there is an equal part in the right one, as much feminine as masculine, without any imbalance, despite the physical appearance, it, always real, thus balancing in a natural way, letting be what is, and letting appear what can never be.

Thus disappears all appearance, thus the resonance is made, no longer from person to person and no longer from one person to another, whether through the Agape resonance network, but directly through the sense of embrace, because from the moment the balance of the masculine and the feminine is experienced in you, ending all memory as well as all initial suffering, then the beauty is perfect.

No imperfection can remain and you know it, because you live it, even if there is still in this body, as in your relationships, a need for consolation, a need to share, a need to touch you, whether by hands, or by hearts, whatever the distance, whatever the space and whatever the time.

This cannot be understood, it can only be lived, because from living it comes understanding, which does not depend on any judgment, any specificity, or any contradiction.

You are freedom, you are resonance and you are fraternity, which knows no country, which knows no language, like no difference in form, because you are all form, even within the formless.

The waters of Heaven fertilize the waters of Earth, the waters of Earth fertilize the waters of Heaven. This is called seeding and it is connected to you by the song of cetaceans, translated beyond words, by the spontaneous song of Geneticist Mothers, merged with the resonance of the song of whales at the top, spreading through the ether, in your heart of the heart, and then emanating what many sisters have already perceived, or even manifested, often with pain until now, which today no longer carries this pain, memory or reminiscence, but is definitely part of the beauty of the instant.

So yes, freedom is there. Whatever the constraints of your obligations as a society, you are no longer subject to that, whatever remains as convenience, whatever remains as obligation, these can no longer hold today, in the face of the Truth and the freedom that is there.

This is how you contribute, through non-violence, through non-action, through Being and Non-Being, to letting this world live what it lives, because you are not of this world, but you are this world in its entirety, like everyone else, where there is no longer any distinction, despite the difference in forms, despite the difference in dimensions, despite the polarities between men and women.

The man is as much a woman as the woman, the woman is as much a man as the man, to perform the miracle of one thing only. It is inscribed in every couple, it is inscribed between every man and every woman, there is no need for a role, there is no need for attribution, but simply to recognize it, because through acceptance, embraced and gift, it is lived and it is beauty.

You can only live it, even if today, at the moment, it does not appear to you. This means that there are still a few appearances that are not enlightened, a few appearances that are dissolved by the beauty of the moment, where Life is lived, and where your life is also lived, without needing to choose, without needing to decide, without needing to clarify anything or anyone else, because through the impulse of spontaneity, embrace and gift, you cross the last apparent inconsistencies, you cross the last suffering, the last tears.

Freedom is there, it is not elsewhere, it is not tomorrow, it does not depend on any event that has already taken place, since it is nothing more than the realization that the alpha and omega have never been separated, nor even divided, that there is neither man, nor woman, now that you have recognized the suffering and violence, the wound and the rape of the sacred feminine, as the sacred masculine.

So at that moment, and at that moment, you can be the man, you can be the woman, in any interaction whatsoever, it's no longer a problem. Everyone is embraced with the same intensity, without any distinction of any event, any feeling, or any appearance.

It is there where every child is your child, every husband is your husband, every woman is your wife, not in the sense of belonging, not in the sense of property, but on the contrary, in the sense of restitution to freedom.

The evidence then manifests itself in everyone in the slightest detail, for everything becomes significant and means something to you, in every event of each of your days, even within the most total simulacrum, where laughter prevails over all suffering, where laughter prevails over any element that seems to resist or oppose in one way or another.

Thus is discovered the freedom that depends neither on the inside nor the outside, because in welcoming and giving, there is no more inside or outside, because there is no more limit, because there is no more border, because there is no more distinction, whatever the appearances may be.

The observer thus moves away from observation, from the simulacrum as well as the sacred, in order to be available, where there is nothing to observe, where there is nothing to look at, but just to reveal the marriage of Being and Non-Being, the marriage of the masculine and the feminine in his humanity as in his sacred, where there can be no position of dominance, ancestry, or constraint.

Everyone gives himself freedom, everyone gives himself peace, so that everyone may live peace, so that everyone may be free, because nothing can be excluded from it and nothing can be taken away or divided.

This is the event, this is the white paradise, this is the absolute.

While the song of the whales resounds, in all the waters of the Earth as in the waters of Heaven, the waters below meet the waters above, so that the Word who became flesh may allow the flesh to become the Word.

It is this, this alchemy that is unfolding, that you perceive beyond all feelings and situations, where Life has no use for your life, making you available to your humanity, to your availability, where nothing that is polarized can disturb you or interrupt you.


Abba speaks to you beyond the words that are spoken, because even my words pass through you, beyond their meaning, beyond their significance, they are the sign and they are the explanation.

It has nothing to do with Yang or Yin, it has nothing to do with any aspect of discrimination, because as long as you discriminate against it, you are not quite true, and yet you discover it.

There is no man or woman, there is just Life. There is no form that holds, nor any world that holds, when Life is restored to itself. This is what is lived at this moment, as in every instant.

The celebration is lived every minute, it is communion and fusion, it transmutes and transubstantiates the cells, the body, everything that is known and perceptible to you is no longer of any use to you in the face of this immensity, which is summed up in the smallest point, because you are from everywhere, and this has always been the case.

No pain still present can interfere with the Truth anymore. The Truth ends the pain, the Truth ends the suffering, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Thus is the majesty of Love, so is the majesty of resonance, so is the Christic matrix, and so lead you to it the least of your thoughts, even if they are the opposite of the Truth. You cannot resist, you cannot oppose yourself, except at the risk of consuming yourself, a consumption that will reveal the One, that will reveal the Non-Being present in all circumstances, as in every pain and suffering evacuated, yet coming from so far away.

Then, you will laugh at yourself, whatever you still think of it today, then you will discover that Love is the only justification and that, indeed, everything has always been in its very right place, even suffering, to bring you to the point where you no longer need anything or anyone, where everything is resonance, where everything resonates from close to close, as well as from far to far, because this Agape resonance knows no distance, no time, no separation, where no one can be glorified, where no one can be ahead or superior to anyone or to anything.

So, my friends, my loved ones, Abba is there only for you and you are Abba, no matter what you think.

There is neither man nor woman, in the same way that there is no world, in the same way that everything has always been perfect, because nothing has ever moved, and everything that has appeared must disappear in the same fire of joy, in the same carelessness, and in the same silence.

Abba asks you nothing, Abba gives himself,, Abba gives himself to you, but it is not a movement, it is simply the evidence that you had forgotten, recovering the memory of the initial instants by the song of cetaceans, by the Word of Geneticist Mothers, prior to the very creation, where everything is only silence, which has been transformed into Word.

In the beginning was the Word, a beginning that never happened.

In the end is the Word, for there will never be an end to what has never begun and has always been there.


Everything must be accompanied with the same happiness and, I would say, the same elegance. Under any circumstances, at any time, you can no longer ignore the slightest request from the brother or sister who seems to be suffering, from the child who is starving, from the one who needs a helping hand, because that one is you, at another time, at another time, at another apparent definition.

At that time, the donation is spontaneous and the embracement is automatic.

You no longer even have to ask yourself, you no longer even need an intention, you no longer need an agreement from anyone, because you are each and everyone is you, and each of you as each of us, wherever we are, only reflects the same truth, only reflects the same Love, even if the presentation appears to you as the opposite, because everything leads to the same ineffable, to the same point, in the same space and the same time, which is the sacred space of your heart, which knows neither man nor woman, and yet recognizes each suffering as its own, and which allows precisely not to let the slightest suffering appear in anyone.

This is happening now and even in the intensity of course that you are still experiencing certain situations, certain discomforts and sufferings, that they affect the body, that they affect everything else, that they do not make any difference there either, and no longer put any distance.

Thus is the evidence, it puts an end to all discussion, to all positioning, it transcends suffering as well as distance in the same beatitud, and in the same goodness.

You cannot do otherwise than be benevolent towards everything, towards every situation, towards every brother, as towards every opposition, because benevolence is, there too, now, a devouring fire that absorbs and consumes every illusion and appears every bit as every suffering.

This is done without you and yet through you, you can do nothing about it except to see, to be lightened, and to come out of it true, full of power, full of strength, full of a certainty that does not depend on a frame of reference, or even on a form.


At this moment, Abba embraces you as you embrace Abba. It is the same movement, because there is no movement, because there is no distance, because there is no time, and it is visible, and it is lived, and it is.

There is your power, there is your strength, when you rely solely, beyond all appearances, on the true Love that you have always been, despite all the sufferings, despite all the manifestations.

At that moment, beyond saying "I and my father are One", Love even takes this definition and leaves you stunned and blissful, obviously, whatever the state of the body, whatever the state of your consciousness, because any positioning of the body and consciousness, in suffering or in lightness, leads in the same way, with the same intensity, to letting the Truth be established, which has never disappeared, and which has never missed you, whatever the imprisonment, whatever the stories, even the initial ones.

You are all of these at the same time, and yet you are none of these. There is no paradox here, there is no antinomic aspect or even complementarity there, because it is part of the only Truth. No one can escape it, no one can add anything to it, you can do nothing about it.

This is the true power, this is the true force.


There is just to embrace, and to embrace, you must give yourself back. And to embrace without brake or limit, you live it and you will live it, you can only give yourself. Everything else is superfluous, everything else is useless, and everything else will only become an increasingly visible obstacle between what you think you are and the Truth that you are in Non-Being.


You are the living heart, you are the alpha and the omega, and you live that there is no difference between the alpha and the omega. The alpha is indistinctly the beginning and the end, the omega is indistinctly the beginning or the end of what has never begun, and which has never begun, and which will never end.


Silence is embrace, resonance is embrace, and all this is a gift, because Life is a gift, and because everything is a gift, because everything is free, and nothing can be paid for, and there is no price to pay, except in your own resistance, in your own reluctance, as in your own distances.

Abba bowed within you because that is how everything is given, because that is how everything is True, because that is how you live the uselessness of any judgment, towards yourself or towards any situation like anyone else, because that is how it is, because it has always been so and always will be so.

The angel of the Presence is only yourself at another time, in another place and in another creation. You are as much the whale as the Genetistic Mother, as the archon. You are beyond any definition, beyond any role, beyond any history or suffering.

This is experienced, whatever the access roads that have led you to this point, whatever the state of your body, whatever the states of this ephemeral, in whatever field.

In this, you are true. In that, you are whole. In this, there can no longer be the slightest fragmentation, whatever the explosion you are experiencing, of tears or joy, because all this is only the same light and the only Truth.

Then Abba blesses each of you, as I embrace all your blessings, which is only a resonance of Love.

Agape. Agape. Agape.

Phahame. Phahame. Phahame.


I will conclude with these words:

Nisargadatta told you that his words cannot fail, Abba tells you that you cannot fail, even without words, and whatever your words are, it doesn't make any difference, because Life can never fail. Despite appearances, you were never born, you never died, except within the person, except at the level of stories, because there is nothing to pay.

I greet your eternity, I greet your Being, I greet your Non-Being, but I also greet every cell of this body, like every member of this planet, like every kingdom of this planet.

Abba gives you grace.

He can only give you what is already there and what is your right, from the moment you give, from the moment you embrace.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

Transcription: Agape Team
English translation: revised by LMF.


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Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser




 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...