BIDI 1. - (Direct). July 1st, 2018. Testimonials, Questions and Answers. ENGLISH TRANSLATION

BIDI 1. - (Direct). July 1st, 2018. Testimonials, Questions and Answers.

Well, Bidi is with you and he greets you. So, I hear we're live, so I need to speak clearly. But first of all, Bidi remains with you in silence, in order to embrace us, to give us peace, and that everything you are going to say and that I am going to say is written in your heart without going through your head.


Well, you can start with the written questions. I'm listening to you.

— Question: Hello Bidi, I didn't understand why the prophecies were false. Can you enlighten me? Thank you.

And who said the prophecies were false? It is simply the linear temporal arrangement that no longer makes sense today. Obviously, in the experience and discovery of Love, Love becomes preeminent over all prophecy as well as over all time. That is what has changed. But just look around you to see that everything that has been written, even within religions, as among the oldest and most recent prophets, is happening. There is one difference, as I said, and that is that today you are countless people living the resurrection and the truth. And this, like Love, prevails over any temporal notion.

So everything is happening, yes, exactly as announced, wherever you are interested in the texts of the prophecies. Simply, the linear arrangement, a succession of events, no longer means anything. It is Love that decides, the truth, and not what has been written, whatever the time, the continent or the prophet. Love is much more important than prophecies, much more important than any illusion in this world, and more and more of you are living it. So I urge you today more than ever to go deep inside yourself, to go through everything that many of you have been through during these weeks and months and, in a way, to settle where everything is quiet, where everything is persistent and where everything is permanent.

And I am sure that we will have questions about the inadequacy of what is experienced in it and the persistence of illusion as soon as we look around us. That's normal. And remember, when you are in the truth, really and concretely, time no longer means anything. If you have the impression that time is unfolding inside you, it is because you are not inside you. Of course, time still exists. If it is a day of the week and you are working, you cannot ignore that you have to go to work. But inside, it doesn't exist anymore.

And it is, moreover, as explained above, by passing from the inside to the outside that you notice at least a difference between the true inner state beyond any image, and what happens in a temporal way in the illusion of your life as well as of society. From there, you can gauge, if I can say: what is preeminent in what you are experiencing? If you are caught by time, by any deadline, rather than by Love, you notice it: Love does not disappear, but seems to be moving away. And as soon as Love moves away, for those who live it, it is a tear. It is precisely through this process that you will take or that you are already getting used to remaining in this emptiness, where nothing can appear, both as a vision and as a journey.

We are no longer talking about different consciences here, as I told you during the last few interviews: what makes the difference is the measure, if I may say so, of peace, the measure of Joy, the measure of the spaces you live in where there are no questions or interrogations about the illusion of this world. Love cannot acclimatize to concerns related to illusion. You are already using this Love that you are to see the other, to love him, to eat him and to see that he is in you.

And two, three months ago, I explained the notion of the scales' trays. But from now on, the balance is much heavier on the side of Love than on the side of illusion. But you also notice that around you, outside, this is not always the case. What do you do in these cases? You cannot thwart or impose the other by passing through illusion, that is, by words, by persuasion, but only by remaining more and more firmly within, where everything is emptiness, where everything is peace and where Love can, without intention and without will, radiate around you. From the moment you have understood and applied this mechanism, there can no longer be any salient elements of the illusion that could disturb you. Whether it concerns the sufferings of the body, the unfolding of the illusion or the occurrence of the event, Love will always invite you more and more to remain in Love.

The person or what remains of them, like the people around you, will do everything to get you out of what for them is an illusion. Don't expect to be embraced with open arms, you are the ones who come to break the dream and the illusion. Not by yourselves, but by the inferno of Love, by the lighting of what you experience in yourself, which of course radiates spontaneously outside. Everything else as an action is doomed to failure.

In other words, the more firmly you hold the truth of who you are in the spotlight, the further away the scene will get, and the more the insistence of those who may apparently oppose you, even in the family, can only die. But if you seek to justify, explain, make people understand, you will trigger exactly the opposite. You must testify, yes, because a testimony does not need to be read by a relative, but it is read from everywhere. And this is transformative.

But don't expect those who have deep connections with you in this illusion, in this world, to see very positively what you are experiencing, because you are no longer in the operating model, you are out of system. And you will be more and more so, every day, every hour. Love wants you whole and entirely. You cannot compromise, compose or explain, you can only be more and more intensely, in an increasingly truthful and authentic way. Everything else can only fail.

However, if you want, for those who are still in a hurry for the event to happen, be quiet. Remain in bliss where there is nothing more to see, from now on, nothing more to cross, nothing more to explain, nothing more to demonstrate. Of course my sidekick, and you are countless others who have also worked in the workshops of decreation, you have broken all the myths, all the archetypes, all the obstacles that could still be obstacles, but you notice that the people around you are still there, right? You have no other means of action than to be yourself as often as possible. Try it, try it, and you will inevitably see the same result.

This is what happens when you see the other, when you take it in your heart, when you eat it, as you say, to see that it is in you. But everything that is external to you again, even in your family, there is a bond, an emotional bond, a so-called family bond. You experience this one and sometimes with despair. But remember that you are in exactly the right situation, in the right place and at the right time to accomplish the truth. Do not divert this naked consciousness towards anything other than naked Love.

The quieter you stay, I think the lazy word has been used, from now on, the easier it is for you and for all the characters around you. I'm talking about your presence here. I am not talking about what you are writing, which also helps, whether it is a testimony, a poem, which can affect anyone, but which will not affect those who are closest to you. They'll reject you. And being rejected or feeling rejected necessarily creates a duality. You have not absorbed the relationship, emotional, family, hereditary or other. It is no longer a problem for anyone, it is a problem of transaction or relationship between two illusions. Look at it this way and no other way.

It does not mean that there are traps, it simply means that all the circumstances you have to go through, no matter how difficult they may seem, are there only to affirm yourself in the truth, not anything else. If not, how else do you want to prove to yourself and to anyone else the truth of Love, if you yourself manage to justify it or to fall back into reaction? You must absorb the relationship, regardless of who you are.

The relationship in this world, as Anaël had explained at length, is a bond. For there to be a relationship, there must be two people, regardless of the relationship. But since the other one is in you! You see a little bit of the difficulty for the ego to accept this. You don't have to change anyone. You have to be who you are, to witness it, to sing it, to paint it, no matter what, but not in relationships that are close. You cannot take anyone with you, since there is no one anyway, so you can no longer, and you will see it from now on, and I will say it in an increasingly obvious and brilliant way, depending on where your conscience, your Love, will be carried, either it will be fluid or it will resist.

And it is a way to readjust or realign yourself to the truth, not to the conditions of the relationship. Do not be deceived by appearances, by forms, by ideas, by concepts, by energies, by visions. A few weeks ago, it was essential to dissolve, in a way, all the mirrors, all the dreams. But don't replace this with another dream. Love does not need dreams.

You can continue.

— Question: Hello Bidi, can you tell us the new chronology of what will happen until the final grilled planet?....

Not on your life!


— Voice: ...Thank you.

Next question.

— Question: Hello Bidi. Thank you for all the years that have guided us. My mother, due to health problems, came to live with me. She is a difficult person to live with. And then I can no longer be at peace, when I feel Love. She's always trying to attack me, my husband's always in conflict with her. Is the problem coming from me? Can you help me? Thank you.

But when you are in Love, really and totally from now on, nothing from the outside can affect you. Or your own body. Because if you depend on a lack of pain or calm in this world, you are not really free. You are living experiences of Love, yes, but he who lives the truth in an established, permanent, irremediable way cannot be affected in this state by any element from the outside. And precisely, the fact of experiencing it shows you that. You have to get past it. As long as you depend on your body, as long as you depend on anything in this world, it's an alibi.

However, you do not have to feel guilty about anything, you simply have to see it, to remain calm, not to react, to remain firmly established in the peace of Love, and of course everything else, and especially relationships, will work out, if I can say so, on their own. But you cannot arrange it from the person, by bringing Love back into the person, as I explained in the previous question. It is precisely through this game that is no longer simply a back and forth journey, since you live in the same place, but this game shows you and shows you that there is no solution outside Love.

That does not prevent, as I have already said, if you have a money problem, from solving the money problem, if you have a nobody's problem, solve the nobody's problem. But do not justify cala by Love. The more you keep quiet, the more you will eat and absorb all your environment, but if as soon as you feel destabilized, you try to come back with the memory of Love in that person to solve something, obviously not only will you not solve it, but what will you find? Anger, a terrible fire coming. But you're not responsible for it, and you're not guilty. It is precisely the lighting of this specific circumstance that is shown to you.

As long as you believe, and to ask the question as it remains a belief, because when you ask, or you wonder, how to escape a toxic relationship, especially when there is a family or marital relationship, how do you do it? If you come back into the person, you will suffer. If you live in Love, you say "it does not solve anything". I tell you, you are not deeply enough immersed in Love. You are still susceptible, you are still reactive, rather than proving to yourself that Love overcomes everything. But do not use this state of Love to bring it back to the person. Act with the person if it is really intolerable, with the rules of this world.

Love does not make you penguins at the moment, even if there are symptoms of stasis. And you'll see that we're certainly going to have questions about that too. But take advantage of your moments when you are in the person to see things clearly. Not to feel guilty or to ask, living in this state, "why do others bother me? ». But of course, they are not in the same condition. You will see more and more that you can only be in Love when faced with any problem. If you try otherwise, well, you'll find it hurts. But if you have a problem in a relationship, there is nothing to stop you from coming back into the relationship and solving it from person to person.

Until the moment you live that the intensity of Love and your inner fire, of your naked Love, is such that nothing can come to destabilize you or turn you away from it. But until then, you'll have to dial. And Love transforms, before making it disappear, the person too. So you should be able even within the person, the personality, an extremely intimate, marital or child-to-parent relationship, you will be able to with the experience, but it is not done over weeks, it is done instantly, through your benevolence, through your acceptance, through this rather than to oppose it in any way. It has been said, Love takes you entirely, at the level of what you could call your body, as well as in all space, as in all time. You have no other option for action.

You can continue.

— Voice: Good morning, everyone. What is the use other than for oneself to reach and stay in alignment vibrates here and now? I explain myself: in this world of interaction, being in alignment makes relations impossible with the majority that is not and that works in action-reaction-judgment. Do you understand my question? Thank you, dear friend.

Well, dear friend, I have already answered the previous question, but you illustrate this perfectly. What do you want? What do you want? To be the truth or to be in the relationship? At some point, you won't be able to make a deal no matter what. The weight of Love must become so intense that everything else, without exception, must become laughable. You cannot maintain the old with the new. You see it, you see it, you experience it, you live it. So what do you do? The world is still there. Do you resign, do you return to the relationship with all its attachments, or do you cross this in the name of Love and truth?

Because if you still think that Love depends on any relationship, any age, any well-being, you are deluding yourself. Love is independent of everything in this world. So of course, during the beautiful month of May, you travelled, for many, you worked, you worked. It is now time to reap the rewards. And you will also notice, as I said, that the more the density of Love is there, the more it takes you entirely.

Of course until now we were all telling you, each other, that you had to take responsibility, not reject anything. But if Love puts you in ecstasy for a week, how do you do it? Are you going to come down to see a doctor to have him take you off work? Or are you going to come down to please your child or your mother? Or will you remain in Love? It's a matter of commitment. And you can only notice that Love is always a winner, that nothing can stand in the way of the truth, even within conflicting relationships or obligations. Obligations are the obligations of society, they are not the obligations of Life or Love, even less so.

There is no question of running away from anything or anyone, I am not asking you to resign, but you must see for yourself that the more you let yourself melt, merge, ignite by Love, the less illusion can affect you. Otherwise Love is useless. Otherwise the dream can continue. But you can no longer give energy, consciousness, to what makes the world. There comes a time when there is a break-up and more and more of you are experiencing it. And that's where the choice is. You all know the purpose, you will all experience it. But in this period, what do you do? Do you facilitate the revelation of Love or do you maintain at all costs and worth whatever is illusory?

You will not get away with it through consciousness itself, but only through emptiness, through a-consciousness, through the Absolute. And it is quite possible for you for everyone, whether through your exchanges, your testimonies, to see this. Do you put Love in front or do you put the relationship in front? This is what the Light is asking you for now at every moment. And she's going to ask you more and more insistently. Sacrifice is not an empty word, neither is resurrection.

Some have been through a number of processes since the beginning of April. These processes are real, aren't they? They necessarily lead to the following observation: you are increasingly unsuited to any illusion whatsoever. The truth today can no longer deal with illusion and will be able to do so less and less. So, either you are authentic and true, or you try to compose. Perhaps it is precisely for you that, this notion of sacrifice. But you don't need to isolate yourself. You need to be clear-headed every minute. But don't let yourself be carried away by everything that is resonance, reaction, duality or anything else.

You can continue.

— Voice: Can we have confirmation that all these sufferings experienced in illusion can no longer be repeated by any entity in need of strong sensations?

It is enough to live Love once to no longer be attracted by it and to no longer be reached by it. When you are truly in this unknown Love, the weight of the person, the weight of suffering, the weight of illusions, move away, and irremediably, from you. You can be sure of nothing but Love. Love is Joy, Love is peace, Love shows you that everything that takes place on the screen of ordinary consciousness, as with any consciousness, is only an illusion, which passes. Acclimatization to the truth is taking place at this very moment, not outside this body or in any journey, but in precisely what is called this naked Love which is, I repeat, obvious.

If this is not obvious to you, it is simply that you are not there yet. There are no other questions to ask, not even the how and why. It is just a matter of seeing it and letting the intelligence of the Light be lived. But as the commander said, you can't stay hand in hand with the peanuts in the jar, with your hand closed. Drop everything. Today, it is the great challenge of Love. Until now, despite everything you have been able to experience which was very intense, during these past months, well you can only notice that the illusions of this world are weights, unlike Love which is evidence.

Seeing both, having lived both, it is you who decide: where do you stand, where are you? It is not even an understanding that you might call intellectual, but it is a direct result of what you are going through. You cannot live Love, be Love and at the same time nourish something else. That was possible just a few weeks ago. But the intensity of Love is such, everywhere, not only in your heart, that soon you will no longer be able to dither in any way. Remember, the commander told you "no one can serve two masters at once". Who is the master, Love or illusion? It's up to you. And your conscience, and your experience, only reflects that. You are completely autonomous.

My sidekick told you: you are the master of consciousness. What is the master of consciousness? Love. Not the person. The person suffers consciousness. Love leads you far beyond consciousness, to the source of consciousness, before the first creation. And when you are there, whatever the course of your life, whatever the events of this world, you can no longer deviate one iota, without that, you are not free, totally. Freedom is not about wanting to do what you want in this world, true freedom is about being free from everyone. While being present on this world.

Some extremely simple tools were given to you during the beautiful month of May. Seeing that the other, even the worst pain in the ass, is just another part of you. If you are not able to accept this, how do you want to live Love, at every moment, every minute? It means that you consider the other one as an outsider. In your language, you didn't eat it, you didn't like it. Love cannot reject anything, even within the illusion. Since it is Love that puts an end to illusion, nothing else. Neither your personal will, nor the actions of Abba or all the Abbas.

In the end, if there should be only one question, it is this one: am I in Joy or not? Whatever the circumstances of my body, whatever the circumstances of my life, whatever the state of relationships, family, professional, emotional or other. Do you depend on the climate, do you depend on a mood, do you depend on a person, a character or a story, or not?

It's over playing in dimensions, in archetypes. Settle down, in this naked Love. Naked Love has no use for consciousness. That's how you end the equation. Not by experience, by state, which then leave you with a lack, but in the definitive, permanent, irremediable installation of this Love, whatever the cost, whatever the environment tells you, whatever your body tells you, whatever your character or any character tells you. And it will never be a fight. It is obvious.

The action, the actions that had to be carried out within the images, stories, archetypes, religions, all that is illusory, has been done, you have fulfilled your contract. It is now time to enjoy Love, to be only that, which is all that, and not to be stopped by any ephemeral circumstance. So of course until now you had consciousness, if you can call it that, pegged to your body. But the ankle ties are gone. However, you do not have to go elsewhere, since everything happens inside and the solution space is inside, not in the relationship.

Talk to the other person who bothers you, like the mother before, talk to him inside you, but don't see him as an outsider, like your mother, husband or child. Otherwise, in this phase, you maintain duality somewhere. Love does not know duality. There is no shortage. That's naked love, that's all it is. It's laughing at your own death, your own suffering. Without it, what does that mean? Without any guilt, it means that you are subject to it, no matter how intense your experiences, no matter how intense your states may have been. And the more intense the anger, the inconvenience, the effects, as the commander said... to yo-yo, right? Or small bicycles... But since there is no more mind, how do you do it?

More and more, every day, every hour, with every look inside or outside, Love must be there immediately. And you can't find it by searching or by vibration. Just by disappearing from now on. And if you really disappear, from your occupation, your activities, your relationships, it is precisely in this disappearance that you will recharge your batteries, not by opposing it, not by wanting to maintain the person at all costs. If the Light wants you, you, in your personal time, in totality now, you will not tell it "come back tomorrow" or "I have something else to do".

You must not define your priorities, but see them at work. And the more you are immersed in the truth of this naked Love, the less everything that belongs to this world, in whatever aspect, can disturb you. That's impossible. My words may be harsh, but it is now time to shake you up. And the Light shakes you. That's what it's for. It is not made to maintain a story, a character or any relationship whatsoever, since Love leads to this nakedness, where there is no consciousness, no form, no history, no identity, no time, no space. It's up to you. Either you let the truth take you or you play the game of illusion.

So of course the person will tell you "yes, but how do I eat, how do I pay for this or that, how do I raise my children...". But he lets you know what you want. But you can no longer and you will be able to dial less and less. It is no longer your person or your story that decides, it is Love. So either you are this Love who decides, or you remain in the person even having experienced states of Love, even fires, as you say, but you will burn yourself for nothing.

There is now a state of facts, Love is more and more evident, from everywhere. But remember, the caterpillar, it has to disappear sooner or later, right? Do you accept the disappearance linked to Love or do you oppose it? You claim fullness, eternal Joy, and in some cases, you do exactly the opposite. How can you expect the permanent Joy, this ineffable Love, to result if you continue to put a person before a story? But this, it is not I who enjoins you to do it, it is the Light and Love that will force you to do it. This is already the case.

Remember, everything you care about is important to you. In Love, you can hold nothing. Today, Light, Love, can only become whole and total again. And Love is becoming less and less comfortable with illusion. So do not go, by I do not know what morality, by I do not know what obligation of this world, to oppose Love. To find the inner child again, as you say in the West, spontaneity, the obvious, can only be lived in its totality if the person is no longer there. For now, you have experienced it through the person, through history, through this world or through archetypes. But then what do you do?

We can continue.

— Question: In this last time, my character is aware of illness and death, mine, occupying my mind in an annoying way. I feel sad, worried, and the game of the mind does not leave me room for silence and peace. I appreciate your words. I love you Bidi, I am you and you are me.

But if Love is there, concretely there, the death of this body, which does not have to be sought or triggered, but if it occurs in your consciousness, the spirit cannot be agitated, in Love. Since you know, in true Love, that there is no one, no story, no character, no dimensions. On the contrary, apart from fatigue, eventually, you should be in a senseless Joy. It is the person, with all his survival reflexes that do not depend on who you are, who disturbs you. See it clearly. Because once it is seen, really seen, you can no longer be identified with your mind or this mood.

It is precisely, I would say, the presentation of the two aspects, the ordinary consciousness and the ultimate consciousness, which are side by side. And it is precisely when you see it and experience it, that you can decide on where you are. In Love, there is no discomfort. Even death is not a burden, quite the contrary. Without it, indeed, Love is useless. It is of no use to the person, if not in these stages, I would say, initial, if we can use this term, of the resurrection, that it may have served you, to see the two realities.

But today, given the intensity of the Light, its intelligence, what you are experiencing in your chest, you must realize and you will realize that it is one or the other, but in no case can it be the two superposed. There's nothing to do here too. You just have to see it and leave it or cross it, or let it cross over.

Any action, from now on, that will be carried out from the person, can only be suffering and resistance. All that is led by the intelligence of the Light and by Love, will be fluid, obvious, and facilitated. I can't tell you any better. This had been explained many years ago by the commander, for example, for the heart's response. But now you don't even have to ask yourself the question anymore, you just have to see it.

If you really see the person at work, who is seeing? What you are. So, do you trust who you are or do you trust what the character says? Do you trust Love, or not? And not only for internal states. This is what Life asks of you every day.

There are already enough reasons for the person to react in this world, through postures. You must respect everyone's freedom, no matter what you live. From now on, you are all elders, stars, Abbas, whatever you want. But you can't deal with the character and the story before. The rupture, which you could call transubstantiation or disruption, is real. She's not tomorrow, she's not after. It's not a question of composing, it's a question of letting it be decided, of letting it go away.

Can you continue?

— Question: How to live something, how to leave myself and at the same time take care of five children, all the chores of the house, and be asked at any time? Besides, I don't know how to live another person in me.

But there is no question of supporting another person, whatever the obligations. And in this case you're talking about five children, you're not going to leave them to their fate. You must not compose either, but you must without any reluctance, with total trust, let Love take over. Love is not resigning, and I think that in your case, the Light does not make you disappear like others who do not have children to raise or families to support. Since the circumstances you are living in are exactly the same as those that are adapted to you at the moment. Whether you have, let's say, a husband or wife, the most horrible thing there is, whether you have young children or whether you are totally free, makes no difference, it's the person who believes that.

As long as you believe you are limited by an obligation, by something that is on the screen of your ordinary, of whatever nature, it is that you are not yet adapted to the truth. So of course there are already fluctuations in this state of truth. You all notice that there are moments when you are more in Joy, more in Love, lighter, and moments when it seems to you, even without any external reason, to return to habits. And even habits that used to be reassuring become a burden. But that's normal, there's no anomaly in that. It is the right progression of truth, of naked Love, through illusion.

Even Christ on the cross said, "Father, why have you forsaken me? ». But he never abandoned him. Never, never, never. Just as Love has never left you. Please understand that it was your person who left him. And don't go looking for the alibis of the archons or anything. Today the truth is omnipresent, whatever the state of the world. And precisely, as we told you, the more Love was revealed, the more chaos would increase. You are seeing exactly that.

There will come a time, and it is the end of time, when Love will no longer be able to coexist or even see any element of this world. And this is happening for many of you. Always think, and especially in the most difficult situations for the person, think about getting back inside, first of all. I have said it and repeated it, and Abba too, and the acolyte too, you must live what is to be lived, but do not put understanding or intellect in front of it, without it, you will never live it. And all the circumstances of your conscience, at the moment, are there only to highlight that.

You're not too on fire, are you all right?


Then let's keep burning.

— Question: How can I stabilize myself in the heart of the heart? Sometimes everything is Peace and Joy, and Love, the top of the wave, then the bottom of the wave... I take myself by the hand to go down to the bottom of the heart and find the Joy that is always close to me, but is veiled.

Well, I thank you for the question because you gave the answer at the same time.


Go down to the depths of your heart, disappear from this world until you find yourself. And at that moment, you see for yourself that the lightness is there again. But if you play the game of illusion first, you can only be in a gloomy mood. Especially when you have experienced these states of Love so intense and so true, as soon as it seems to go away, it is a torture.

Next question.

— Question: Hello Bidi. We are several people living in the same place. What do we understand about transient stasis states and physical discomforts as soon as we stay in the place? At such times, we feel diluted, without being able to do anything. Outside the place of life, ephemeral consciousness becomes normal again. Thank you for your insight.

You see, we always revolve around the same things. You are in a place, apparently at home, as this person says, you are experiencing states of expanded consciousness. You are not without ignoring that there are memories in the walls, remanences. So you live in this place, in expanded consciousness, and you want to recover the ephemeral. But if you want to get the ephemeral, like you said, get out. But you will notice that outside, the ephemeral consciousness will work, but that this does not satisfy you at all. So here again, what do you want to deal with? Do you want to conjugate Love with the person, with the ephemeral, again and again and always? This is no longer possible.

Go to the end of your transubstantiation, go to the end of your resurrection, and Joy will be there all the time. But if you stay in a place, your home, and of course, it is these places where you will live the experiences, the states of Love, that will literally permeate the walls, and then you asked me how the ephemeral can manifest itself in this inner place where you live these states. That's not possible. You already have your answer too. You say it yourself, when you have to go out, you recover the ephemeral consciousness. So if that's what you're worried about, then get out of the house. But don't expect to finalize the resurrection by playing again in the ephemeral.

You must see, when I say that Love wants you entirely, it no longer wants to share anything, and especially not the ephemeral and the illusion. Because you are still countless to think that with this naked Love or these experiences of consciousness, you will be able to negotiate with the person or the ephemeral. But you can see through the questions that this is no longer possible. So what do you do? What do you feed, by your gaze, by your gesture, by your behaviours, by your experiences? Go all the way. As I said at the beginning, nothing can hold up before Love.

And do not be surprised afterwards, if you ask yourself questions, why you live such inner states, where everything is dissolved and where at the same time you want to remain, somewhere, in the person. All these brothers and sisters who ask these questions are indeed living, and that is the word used, these states of stasis. As I said and as I repeat, and it is already in progress now, you can no longer settle, you can no longer negotiate. The more intense the Love, the more intense the experience, the more intense the experience of naked Love, the less room there is for any kind of life in this world. You've been prepared for all this.

So what do you decide? To try again to compose between the person? So of course, the result, either you laugh at yourself and Joy takes you, or you fight and you will see, not the paradox, but the gap that exists between the ephemeral and what you experience at other times. And that the two are irreconcilable. They're moving away, we told you. And more and more, it will be naked Love or the person, naked Love or obligations, naked Love or morality. There's nothing you can do about it. You experience stasis, for some, before stasis. Quite simply.

It is as if you were returning not to your home, but to the interior of that heart, to the heart of the heart, that you were experiencing ecstasy, intasis, white paradise, black light, the dissolution of body and form, and that when you return you are surprised not to be able to function as before. But that's impossible. And it's going to become more and more impossible. When we told you that Love wanted you in its entirety, it was not a pun. As you can see, this is the strict truth. So how do you do with that? What do you decide? What do you prefer? But again, it's one or the other.

All these brothers and sisters who live moments of stasis, you have already spent time zero. You're trying to put the cars back together again from something that no longer exists. All the mystics have described it to you, when you are in this fire of Love, you can only be in Joy, you can no longer be dependent on any illusion, any consciousness that only passes through. That's why we called it Naked Love. And I must point out that at the general level, positioning within the person will become increasingly uncomfortable, not only for those who are awake, but for all human-soul. This is precisely what signals the imminence of the event.

So don't confront yourself, in contradiction with yourself. You can no longer maintain the illusion and live the truth. My whole speech today could be summed up as this. And all you have to experience can only show it to you. As long as you have legitimate concerns within the person, they become totally illegitimate when you live Love.

That's what you see, even without understanding it. But I guarantee you that you will understand it very quickly, if only by the fire, by the possible dissonances, which will hurt you. But not bad in the body, it is not important, but bad for your conscience, which can make you go so far as to deny your own experience of Love. Because even if your individual dream is over, even if you are free from the person, free from history, it seems to me that you are not yet free from this world, is it? He's still there. Don't worry, you still see him?

— In chorus: Yes.

Well, that doesn't make me feel any better. But hey...


— Neither do we.

But you can only see that. So what do you do in these cases? You can no longer turn around, it's recorded. We have been telling you this since the beginning of this year. So you can make a pun by saying that eternity is long, especially towards the end, but you still have to realize that there was never a beginning and there will never be an end. There is the end of the person, yes. The end of the story, yes. But you, you've never moved. And until you have seen, lived, this hub that has never moved, that is just on the other side, if I can say so, of the infinite presence or the ultimate presence, beyond the heart of the heart, well you are straddling two realities, an illusory and a true one.

But even straddling these two truths, one that passes and the other that is real, how do you do it? There are only two solutions, since there is no turning back. Either you let the person express himself or the story, or you remain in the truth. Whatever price you think you have to pay. Nothing can hold up before Love. And if it seems to you that you can maintain a story, a character, a suffering, well, you tell yourself that you haven't gone deep enough yet. You have not bathed completely, washed your dresses completely, in the heart of the heart, in eternity.

Today, the most direct, effective, transcendental way to live Love is to remain still, immobile. I am not talking about meditating or closing your eyes, but about being permanently in this species, as Hildegarde de Bingen described it, in this kind of tension towards abandonment. Everything else disappears. How do you know that you are in this tension towards abandonment? You no longer need images, and the most subtle senses are revealed, which are neither the image nor the sound, but the smell, the scents. So, whether you smell burnt or rose, the scent is essential.

Because it's the level, the smell level, OD, I'm not going to make you the same movie as the sidekick, od-eur. Understand, in your language, it's OD time. And on the other side of OD, what is it? The smell, the quintessence. There's not even the rose anymore, there's just the perfume. It is the most subtle essence, it is not vision, it is not vibration, it is not perception, the only sense that is the most subtle is smell. Because when you smell the mystical smell, pink, lily or whatever you want, or even the consumption of your body, which really smells like grilled chicken... (Laughs) Ben when you touch those smells, you go into ecstasy. The smell, the essence of the form, the essence of consciousness, if you will, before the disappearance, is the smell. It is the most subtle meaning. And many of you can smell these smells. The perfume.

Today, I can only enjoin you, we are still several weeks after the end and resolution of the primary anomaly, the most important is silence, the most important is emptiness, the most important is disappearance. Not by the disappearance of your life by fleeing from problems, but by entering inside you, there is nothing simpler. You don't need any money or preconditions, and all the trouble around you disappears as soon as you get inside yourself. I can't tell you any better. Try it, live it.

Let's continue.

— Voice: Experienced by a sister present.

I woke up in the night with a particular feeling. I no longer felt like a person, I had disappeared. My brothers and sisters were each like a thought within the whole. I lived them as soon as I thought of them.

Is that all?

— Voice: Yes.

That is the truth.


And when you come back from that, we call it coming back, but it's not true, it's the only reality, well obviously you can only notice that everything that is connection, link, resonance to this world, is less and less present. The only truth is in what you experienced last night. Every form is an essence, every form is a perfume, which is the threshold of perception. After that, there's nothing left. There is just the truth and the nakedness of Love. And while living this, what can the weight of years, the weight of problems represent? Nothing at all.

You have reached the point, whether you like it or not, where you will have to realize, as I said in my last years in the flesh, that there is no greater weight than consciousness itself. Even supraconsciousness, even naked consciousness. The only truth is that which has never been created and will never disappear, and which predates consciousness. Everything else, without exception, only passes through and will necessarily disappear. What appears can only disappear. Love has appeared in this world, so this world is disappearing. Love does not need consciousness. You are Love before you are consciousness, whatever it may be.

When I was incarnate, I used to say all the time "the only difference between you and me is that I know that I am God". I used the word God at the time because it had no other connotation, but use Absolute, Parabrahman, choose the words you want. But it's not a concept, it's a real experience. And until you live the weight of consciousness, and even the weight of the experiences you have lived in liberating the archetypes, well, I'm sorry, you haven't completed the dream. The dream of yourself already.

Today, you will recognize each other and you will see, as our sister says, all consciences. It is the last stratum before seeing and living that there is only one consciousness. And that in the end, this consciousness where everything is one, is only a burden. That, your conscience can never accept. And that's normal, she's not cut out for it. It is the limitation, within a form, of Love. Love is unlimited. It is not dependent on a shape or dimension, nor on a state of mood, and even less on the state of a body that will end up dust anyway. Not even from your eternal body.

You have deployed, in large numbers, the mechanisms of perception linked to what you called before "the unreal impossible", that is, beyond the dream, what was called "the archetypes". And you realized that the archetypes were also wind. But after that, it is time to enter into a perception, into silence. That doesn't stop you from communicating, testifying, exchanging. But as far as you're concerned, where are you at? Now that you have passed through these kinds of images of mirrors, these fringes of interference, these diffraction zones of Light, we must return to silence, we must return to the obvious, where there is no longer any vision, neither inner, nor heart, nor suprasensible, nor any other. Beyond perception, beyond consciousness itself.

You will realize, if you haven't already done so, that consciousness is a burden. The ultimate sacrifice, not that of the resurrection, but of total completion, can only be there, not elsewhere. And the more you put yourself in this a-perception, in this a-consciousness, simply by silence, or by nature, if you want, or by home, if you live it in your home, the more Love will emerge completely naked, not depending on any character, any history, any suffering, any calendar.

I don't know, me, invent moments of inferno, moments of communion, at certain times, call it healing, alignment, but it doesn't matter. But remain in silence, in communion. You don't need vibrations, perceptions, visions or anything. And in this silence, you will notice that you will eat without any difficulty all the illusions, even the most indigestible ones. Remember that Christian consciousness unifies hearts, but also unifies thought. Moreover, our sister, in this dream of that night, described it perfectly, and lived it.

You can continue.

— Voice: My dear Bidi, here are three questions. First question: When I listen to you, I feel Love and Joy in my heart. I have not had the opportunity to do an internship so far, but at the end of April 2018, I had the chance to have a reading in conscience as well as a fusion in eternity with you, and the effects have been multiplied tenfold compared to listening to the messages. I have lived the supreme dwelling of peace, shantinilaya, and you have given me a mudra that is very useful to me in calming my mind and stopping all perception. Why did the readings in conscience stop, knowing that many people cannot participate in the courses due to lack of places?

But I would like to point out that you are on the air right now. If it still works. You no longer need this. Even messages, even offline, now have the same effectiveness, as long as you don't stay in your head trying to understand. Look at the foreign brothers and sisters, they don't need to understand the words I say, they feel the essence, the vibration, and fall into a-perception, into a-consciousness. Of course, I did it individually to initiate a process, but now the process is done collectively. And what you say you have experienced through a reading of personal consciousness, can now be experienced since the stopping of mirrors, archetypes, in the same way, even offline. That's what you're seeing.

Things change very quickly. I told you, in a few days, perhaps, we will make a satsang of silence, without any words. This is already the case with what has been called the fires of Love. Vibration, for those who experience vibration, vibration takes you completely, makes you heavier, and you disappear. It is the same as an individual reading of consciousness. You don't need to see my face, you don't even need my words. I could be silent, and you would experience the same thing, that is, the quintessence, the essence, the perfume, beyond all perception, beyond all vibration and energy.

Here you are touching the ultimate truth, and this process is no longer individual. It even concerns humans who have never thought of anything but life in this world, who are totally atheists. Because they are now, in some cases, much closer to the truth than those who live extensive experiences. It all comes together. As we have even said, some lines are already separating. In addition, through Christ consciousness, you are connected not only by the heart, but as has been said, by thought, in the previous dream. Think about it, and that's enough. But if you also have iterative thoughts all the time, "I don't understand, I'm fed up, I'm suffering, I'm suffering, I'm this, I'm that", well, you're missing the coach, at least for the moment.

Let's continue.

— Second question: why continue to make pipes, even live, knowing that everything has been revealed? Wouldn't it be better now to remain in the silence of words and expect nothing more from you or your sidekick...

But I hope you don't expect anything from me. If you expect something from the outside, you have not understood anything. And now the one who lives the truth, that is, who realizes that everything is unreal, but that nevertheless he is in each other, what does he do? He can wait a long time in silence. It was necessary to gather a certain number of consciences, everything was revealed, but was it enough for you to free this world? You may know everything, you may live everything, but you are still there. And so are we. So what do we do now? If you are really capable of being in silence, in apperception and in Love, then yes, there is no need for words, then yes, there is no need for pipes, I have never said the opposite.

But if you live it, then don't ask that question, stay silent and you will be more effective than me. Of course, there is no question of revealing any more time frames or telling you stories. That's not why I'm here now, not Abba, not the sidekick, not the other Abbas. You are obliged, not to act in this world, but to be in the truth. But you can't stay in the truth by seeing the suffering. Without it, it means that you are selfish, that you do not really and concretely live that all the worlds are in you. Of course there is no question of revealing anything else, there is no more history.

Besides, it's very brutal, what we've been telling you since the beginning of this year, isn't it? It's brutal for consciousness, it's brutal for dreams, for projections. You are not in the same times as those that prevailed when I was incarnated. You are in a collective history that is coming to an end, that is coming to an end. So this a-perception and silence, as you say, must be experienced and shared. Without it, then all you have to do is go home, get into bed at the same time and it's over. But until proven otherwise, as I said, you're still here. Even for those who disappear.

So what do we do now? We leave the intelligence of the Light and continue to nourish the illusion in one way or another? Or we are aware of what is being experienced, that is, the end of consciousness itself, and we settle there happily. Indeed, as you say, in silence. But I doubt very much that your body still present does not have a desire. Not everyone is My Ananda Moyi, is it? This desire is simply the maintenance of the body, even if there is no desire, no own volition. But now, if you think you can be more effective in silence and in withdrawal from this world, then do it.

But if you live the truth, totally, and not the concepts of silence, you will only see that everything that is consciousness within the illusion is torture for you, since the other is in you. If you think only of yourself, your conscience and your a-consciousness, all the other illusions, where are they? Be careful not to become a selfish person of conscience. There is only one conscience. And what do you want it to do to the world or to other worlds? I was liberated, I lived the incarnate Absolute, did it change the world? No. And yet I said that my words could not fail. Yes, now. Yes, now. Because it is a collective moment in the midst of illusion.

And when I talk about silence today, I did talk about joint silence, and not everyone at home in their own corner. The world, it can go on like this for a long time, in free wheel. When you live the truth, you can't leave anyone behind. First because there is no one, but then these people think they are someone. And they are also in you. That's real, that's real. It's liveable, it's lived, it's the only truth. We are all in each other, without exception. To believe that you will be able to live your freedom alone in your corner is a vast illusion, a vast swindle, it is spiritual pride. You must be connected in silence, connected in freedom, in Love.

There have been so many anchorites in this world, mystics who have retired to caves, to the top of a mountain, to monasteries, to holiness. Oh, yeah, that changed the world pretty much. Are you blind or what? Blind of conscience. So let's not even talk about a-consciousness. There is no one, we agree, but what are you doing with all the others in you who are still dreaming?

You are a collective, whether you like it or not. You're all dreamers. We were all dreamers. And the process that is taking place, I think it has been clear for more than thirty years, is a collective-lec-tive process. The risk of believing that you are living this alone is to put yourself on a pedestal, on a superiority. But I said it, as long as you are not first of all nothing, you cannot live the whole thing. And living it all brings back to consciousness, even when you are in that ineffable peace, the reality of others. There's no way we're putting ourselves on top of a mountain by ourselves. It is about loving and serving, even through illusion.

But indeed, today, I am talking to you about silence. But you are not going to do this silence twenty-four hours a day. Look at it inside. Already the silence of thoughts, questions, ideas. Empty to fill up. But when you fill yourself with this Love, you can only see all the other illusions. And the one who tells you "there is no one, there is never anyone, there has never been anyone", he is in an ivory tower. It is placed outside, instead of in the center of.

You have characters who today are very strong, to talk to you. But where are they talking to you from? Inside you, where do they take you from above? Where's the humility in that? Where is the truth? Her and where is the ineffable Joy? Silence becomes action, yes, but collective silence. Plus the silence of one or a few. It has no effectiveness, this silence. None. I'm talking about the collective. Since you are all one and we are all one. But we still have to live it. It's not a concept. It's not a belief. It's not a goal.

Next question.

— Question: We are told to serve the other before anything else. And at the same time, since we are not saviors, we must take care of ourselves in order to become Absolutes again, to radiate Love around us and to embrace the other in our hearts. For example, I was giving care, by laying on my hands, and shiatsu, and I stopped, because I'm not a savior. So could you redefine the notion of service to the other?

But to serve the other is first of all to become aware that he is in you, he is not an outsider. Until you have experienced this, say it or stop doing anything, you will always be a savior. Eating the other and living it in oneself is not saving it. Where do you see a notion of a lifeguard in there? Don't confuse everything. There is no savior, there is no savior. There is only one conscience. One and only one, fragmented to infinity. So you can't be anyone's savior. You can just see it.

These are the most important sentences Abba told you: "I see you. ». When you see the other one, he is eaten, he is absorbed, he is recognized. There is no difference, so there is not one savior and one saved. It is still a dual vision, inscribed in a character, in a person, in a story, and absolutely not in the truth. The words betray you, totally. You don't have to take care of anyone, much less yourself than the other. You have to take care of Love. You won't get anywhere as a person, even if you stop everything you want. You will achieve something by recognizing all the others inside you, all the dimensions inside you. You don't need to experience them one by one, it's a global package.

And for that, you have to disappear, you have to sacrifice yourself, not believe that you will go into personal development. It's another heresy, that stuff. It's still new-age, it's still projections, it's everything but Love. To love is to embrace the other, to see that he is no different than you and that he is you. That's not a concept, that's an experience. And as long as you make a difference between the one who thinks he is a rescuer and the one who is saved, you have not understood anything and especially you have not lived it.

When you are told to eat the other, to absorb the other, it is a real and concrete fact. The acolyte has shown you, Abba has shown you, you show each other. Everything else is actually cinema, it's concepts, it's ideas, it's thoughts. But as long as it's not lived, it's useless. No matter how much you declare in all religions "love one another" or the law of Dharma, or whatever you want, in all religions and movements, you are not in the truth. Truth is to understand, not by the intellect, but by living it, that the other is really you.

So there can be no rescuer and no rescuer, it's still putting a distance, it's still putting a separation. You can't be in the spontaneity of the heart like that. Love first and you will see what happens. But don't put concepts before, or understanding before. You will experience nothing. Or you will experience the fringes of interference, all the stories you have experienced in breaking the archetypes. And you will continue, over and over again. And you will not return to the original state in this way.

When we speak of silence, it is the silence of the person, the tranquility of the person, that allows Love to be and this emptiness to take up all the space, all the space, all the time. And the more the days and hours pass, the more it will knock at the door with a terrible insistence, where all your concepts like that, savior, rescuer, will be swept away, pulverized, by Love. Do not use the Love you are experiencing for anything other than Love. Do not reveal the truth and the naked Love, do not put concepts in it, do not put projections in it, do not put visions in it. It will become more and more pointed, more and more incisive, more and more real, and everything that is ahead, concepts, ideas, stories, will be destroyed. This is already the case.

Can you continue, if we have time?

— Voice: We have ten minutes and more written questions at the moment.

Who wants to speak?

— Voice: Someone introduces himself.

A brother:


In the jungle, terrible jungle
Bidi died tonight
Pam padam padam

It's an experience I had one night when you disappeared. And I was all alone, and there was nothing left. And from that moment on, my attention has been focused on this thing that is so wonderful and yet so insignificant, the body stretches and relaxes, emotions pass and disappear. And... and life becomes simple. And that's it, over, for the testimony.

Thank you very much. Yes, Love is simple, the truth is simple. It's the concepts that are difficult, it's the words. When you tear off the last sails, you can only laugh from before. And Love is a permanent laugh where, as you say, emotions can pass, the world can pass, your body can pass, but you are no longer identified with all this. And indeed, there is no more weight. This is inner freedom. What was the song that was sung?



In the jungle, terrible jungle
Bidi died tonight.


There you go.

All right.


But Bidi's already dead, so he's safe.


You're the one who didn't die. But when you approach death, as our brother said, you can only laugh at yourself, laugh at all your postures, all your beliefs, all your experiences, all that you have held dear, after all. Love can hold nothing. Nothing at all. It is the form that holds you, the sense of being a person, or something, a soul, a separate mind. There is only one spirit, there is only one consciousness. And even that consciousness and spirit are an illusion. It is a great freedom to live it. There is no other one.

So I think the time is almost up, I'm going to give you the last five minutes, because anyway we're meeting here in an hour, right?

— Yes.

So I thank you for taking all my words.


And of course, I am in you.

— All together: Thank you. Thank you.

Not just now, not just now.


But it's all in you. All the time. So don't dream of being a person who will evolve or transform. Become aware, through a-consciousness, through a-perception, that everything is there, in the heart. But really, concretely. There are no dimensions elsewhere, there is no God elsewhere, there are no archons elsewhere. This is all about movies, set design. I said it at the time of the refutation: first you are the spectator who sees the theatre scene, you think there is a theatre, you wait for the final scene, then at some point you get tired of it, you leave the theatre, and now what happens? There has never been an actor, there has never been an observer, and the worst thing is that there has never been a theatre.


These are not concepts, they are the one and only truth. I leave you with these words.

—All together: Thank you 

Bidi thanks you.

— All together: Thank you Bidi.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

French transcript: Agape team
Spanish translation: revised by LMF.


Les Transformations, Wordpress -
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.

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Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...