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Well dear friends, I am extremely happy to meet you again and to be able to greet you first, and to transmit all my blessings to you, and to exchange with you on anything you want.


So, dear friend, I'm listening. Do you already have any first questions?

- Voice: Yes. First question from a sister: although I have had a physical deficit for a year, I continue to do internships and even I have accepted invitations to South and Central America. I wonder if I continue to feed myself.... If I continue to feed the person.

Thus, through a handicap that I do not know, you are offered things that you do not seek, but that come to you through requests, through opportunities, and that you do nothing on your own, it is evidently the intelligence of the Light that works, and not your person, your character.

If things happen spontaneously, if you like them or if you don't like them, it's because they resonate directly with the intelligence of the Light. So this kind of questioning is not necessary. Remember that if it is true and true, things are done spontaneously or easily. It is not the same as deciding, at any cost, to go to a particular country or country and receive an invitation. In one case, there is a projection, which is the first case. And in the second case, there is simply what will allow you to live acceptance, whatever, as you say, your physical disability. So you don't have to worry about that.

The spontaneity of the one who is liberated from the person passes precisely through things, and in this case for what you ask for, through things that are organized without any personal will. So there is no difficulty. And on the contrary, perhaps it is an opportunity for you to unload this organizational aspect, and to verify that what you say, what you are, what you propose is requested and not imposed. So it has nothing to do with the character and it doesn't feed the person.

It will allow, I would say as you live it here, all these are only pretexts to live Agape. Whether it is, as Abba told you, with cetaceans, with us, with hugging you, with celebrating, all these pretexts are good for the intelligence of the Light.

So there's no point in asking yourself that kind of question. You know very well if the things and events that have been programmed have come from you, or they have come to you. That's not quite the same reason. In one case, it's your character who decides. And in the other case, it is the intelligence of the Light that offers it to you. And if you follow the lines of least resistance, the lines of ease, you will find that everything is in order and in its place. There is never any chance since everything is written.

Only the one who would like to maintain, for example, the organization of a training course in a given country, and who will encounter trials and difficulties, is not in the intelligence of the Light, but in the intelligence of the person. All the rest are only, I would say, forms of questioning, questions, which are translated by..., which are the correspondence rather of a certain form of non-maturity of the intelligence of the Light in what you are..., which you are also..., which is what you are. So of course, the character needs to be reassured.

But I would remind you that in one case, if you decide, it is the character who is involved. But if you have not decided anything and it is offered to you, it is the intelligence of the Light.

And by the way, if you decide, there's a lot of difficulty. And if it's not you who decides, on the contrary, it's very easy. It's as simple as that.

So, another question....

- Voice: Yes. It's the continuation of...

From the same sister, yes, continue.

- Voice: That's it. Why then do I have the total conviction of eternity and who I am? I wake up every morning tired of starting a new day and I'm not happy.

Because you attach too much importance to your body or your life. While Life, as you say, is there in abundance. It's a question of balance. What weighs the most, what makes you light? It requires an even greater trust, not in you, not in your techniques or your abilities or your experience, but really in the intelligence of the Light.

And indeed, when you get tired of getting up without joy, with the impression of starting over, well you will live the joy and lightness of starting over every morning, without asking yourself any questions. Because there are, despite the experience of certain states, even certain experiences that you may have had, you notice that the observer sees both the truth, and unfortunately also still observes certain elements related to the person. But it is precisely what can be played out in this coming and going that will sit you down, if I can say so, more and more in the evidence and the truth.

The more credit you give, without asking yourself, for example, what you asked for on the first question, the more you will really be free from the difficulty of starting a new day. And the more you ignore your own illness, as you say... or disability, I don't know how you said that.

But that's how it works.

So the more you accept that it is easy and that things that are of the order of the intelligence of the Light are clear and obvious, it is always the person who will question the validity... for example, of your first question. But if you accept totally..., for the moment there is still the observer who sees his character perfectly, with his habits, with his rules of functioning, and at the same time, as you have expressed it, the certainty of eternity and Light.

But that's not all. Because this certainty is linked to experiences, states, and a true understanding of what truth is. But it has to take root in every part of your consciousness as well as in every cell of your body, and for that, there is only simplicity. It is also, as Abba said, the sacrifice of your life for Life, which is much richer, much more nourishing to use your expression, for the truth that you are. And the person can only be lighter. And so, you're a winner on both counts.

For the moment, you are still in the swing, between the character, his habits, and the truth. But when the truth is totally there, the character no longer weighs anything. On the contrary, he too is happy and light. For the moment, through what you express in this second part of the question, there are probably still a number of habits that are looping around and that you have not spotted, and with which you are still identified.

So evidently, when there are physical handicaps or illnesses that appear, it is also a blessing no matter what the person says, because it allows in some cases, to free certain attachments, and also it allows to see clearly. As you say, you had this accident more than a year ago and you must now see, in an objective way, the difference, not of the character who has not lost some elements of his potentialities, but rather as the emergence of freedom.

But questioning and questioning is part of the game, between the observer, the person and the truth.

Accepting to be the truth will alleviate this lack of joy more and more and will be replaced by Joy. And moreover, if that is true, you must already notice in some of the interventions, some of the work you do, of whatever nature, that if you are completely inside, you derive not an advantage for the person, but an advantage for the truth. That is, for example, your thoughts will become clearer, your emotions and habits will no longer bother you or simply manifest themselves.

But you can't decide this or that in advance. You have to let things be, not only your person, but also the circumstances of your life. Because the more you agree with what is happening, the easier it will be. But even for the person. And especially for the person. And you will find, as you do, that if you are spontaneous, whatever your references, whatever your knowledge, whatever your habits, what you will deliver and deliver as information, it is the truth, whatever words you use.

But it is no longer the truth of your words, it is the truth of your presence, and I would say, of your abandonment to the total Light that creates this bliss, this facility, and which will put an end to the recriminations of the person, in what you express for example on the fact of rising in the morning, where joy is not there, because there is still, and you say it perfectly, a certain form of gravity, of fatigue.

But if it's offered to you, of course accept it, no matter what. Because if it is of the order of Light, which is of course the case when it is asked of you, proposed, you will find that everything will be and will unfold with ease, whatever the disability.

And you all have the opportunity to verify it under any circumstances. For example, for transport, for an appointment, for an event of any kind. If you have this total and absolute trust, not in your character, not in your habits, not in your knowledge, you can only see, here and now, on the scene of the dream and the simulacrum as Abba would say, that you will be able to see things clearly, that is, what is in the order of the person, of the conscience, and what is in the order of the truth.

Everything that is true is easy. Everything that is true, even on this world, is going perfectly, no matter what you think.

Another question....

- Question: How can I accept my stroke when if I take it, I take it as a punishment?

It's the person who thinks it's a punishment. I would rather say it's a reward. But a compensation that is not of the order of karma. I remind you that everything is written. And that somewhere along the line you decided that you had to live this limitation to be free, paradoxically. Because sometimes, for some particular stubborn heads, it is necessary that what you equate to punishment, but which is just the best possibility for you to be free.

So I don't see any opposition or contradiction between having this deficit related to the accident, what, vascular I think I told you, and what Life is asking you. It's about traveling, it's about talking. But maybe today when you talk, you are perhaps much more spontaneous and no longer refer to potential, gifts or knowledge. Even if you use these potentials, these gifts, these knowledge, you go through it, and you are totally true. At that moment, the effects are direct on those who listen to you, not through what you tell them, but through who you are.

And the paradox is that you can deliver Agape's information, from zero time, while feeling as you say, a feeling of punishment, perhaps abandonment, or being punished as you say. But it's not a punishment. It is a fair reward, which you have chosen yourself.


But the less you worry about your character and this weariness in the morning, and the more you worry, not about thinking about what is offered to you, but about welcoming it with Grace, the more you will see that everything will go well. When you get tired of being a yo-yo, like everyone else, not between the mind and the little bike and the truth, but I would say, between what you are composed of here, through this body, that is to say this illusory body, this consciousness is sickly and the truth that you are, you will naturally settle into the truth and spontaneity.

I would say to you that it is not something that will nourish you, but you who, as an observer, even a witness, even without living the Absolute, will lead you to nourish yourself. And you are the one who feeds yourself, regardless of the food, through experiences, encounters, what you have to experience. And you see well what makes you light, serene and full, and what makes you tired. What tires you is not of the order of Light. It's part of your story.

Because the Light, if you can call it that, energizes you. It clarifies you, it lightens you up. It puts you in front of the truth and the evidence at every moment. And the character on the other side who describes symptoms, fatigue as you said, or any other manifestation in life, in relationships, in the course of life.

Is there a follow-up to that same question again, or is it okay?

- Voice: No, it's not a follow-up, it's another question.

All right.

- Voice: It may correspond... Hispanic Americans thank me for my words. I find it difficult to understand why.

So the harder it is for you to understand, the more it's the truth. That's what spontaneity is all about.

The words that are spoken, as close as possible to the heart of the Heart, or at zero time if you wish, whatever these words are, whatever the teaching, the knowledge, or whatever the art that is used as a form of expression, beyond this characteristic form of communication, or expression, do not forget that you transmit, by your presence simply the zero time. And that's what's important. And that's why they thank you. And that's why even they don't know why. So don't try to grasp an explanation, but here too, accept the obvious. Thank-you and thank you for these testimonies of thanks. It doesn't feed the person that, it feeds the truth.

So of course at first, it can make you feel worse and worse because on the one hand, you don't understand what's happening, and yet it's happening, it's opening up, and on the other hand, there's the character who's suffering and who's not in joy. But Joy you will never find it in your character, or even in any improvement, but I remind you, in the fact of giving yourself, totally, without thinking about anything. Life will provide for everything that is necessary for you.

That is, you are all, without exception, in this phase where you must recognize the Life that is at work, and not your life and your decisions. And everything brings you back to that. Whether it is in the dramatic events that can affect your bodies, your life, but it is thanks to this that you discover the truth today.

That's why we didn't talk about Love or fear either. But I said a few years ago to put Love in front of it, Love everywhere. Yes, you don't even have to wear it anymore, you are, whatever you say, whatever you think, and whatever you live on it or not, because it's there for everyone. We have repeated it to you all, without exception in countless ways.

You can even do a finance course and transmit the truth, not by the words or knowledge you deliver, but by your presence, without your own free will and without the free will of the other. You are then the agent who will allow the truth to be lived. But not by desire, not by understanding. It is really sincere and concrete by your presence in what is asked of you. And here, it can be courses, teachings, but it would be exactly the same for songs or even just business, or even I said it for finance.

Words today, knowledge, are only pretexts to allow you to convey, in an unconscious way you can tell the truth. That's the pandemic. Some people realize this from family to family. Others who had recognition in their country or internationally in any field will live the same thing. They will be amazed to see that, even if they make an extremely material financial course, they will transmit the truth.

Knowledge is now, I would say, only an alibi for you to deliver the silent and truthful information of zero time. And that goes for everyone, whoever you meet.

Whether you meet a person once a year or you are called to lead groups, meetings or have a large family or to meet many people for whatever reasons that become only pretexts. That's how you settle permanently into the truth. Not by judging yourself, not by trying to correct anything about the person, since in the end, you are also a dream.


And that there's no more of you than a vascular accident earlier.


So of course, it is much lighter to experience this at first than to be affected by something that will disturb your conscience. For example, a family conflict, a physical disorder of any kind, a conflict of any kind.

But of course we must accept that if you have conflicts, if it seems to you that you have things to resolve, it is precisely the questioning of the person and the need for action and understanding of the person that makes you live the truth. Not through the answer but through the clarity that all this is useless.

And that's what happens in all the circumstances you have to live through, in every possible way, with a child, with your banker, with the fruit and vegetable merchant, with meetings, with testimonies, simply because you are there.

And even if you, you feel bad, if you have lived one minute in zero time, it cannot fail. That is to say, there, you no longer transmit your personal radiance of suffering, limitation, questioning, you pass through all the physical and subtle radiances to the causal body, and you radiate the truth.

This is what was called, at the level of the ninth body, the radiating body of the Divine, which is only the radiance of yourself when you have, not eliminated, but transcended the story, the character.

But you cannot less and less you will be able to, moreover, you will not be able to transcend the character or your story, by reflecting on your story or solving anything about your character, but much more by freeing yourself from this without effort, by totally accepting the intelligence of the Light that leads to fluidity, hyper-synchronicity and then to the obvious.

You will only be able to see that, whatever your questions from the beginning, whatever your questions, when this happens, you are free. And that's after the fact. And you realize that everything is perfectly fair, even in what may seem, as we said earlier, a punishment or whatever.

What was the question again? You can repeat it....

- Sister: Yes, of course. Hispanic Americans thank me for my words....

Oh, yes, that's it, yes. We answered.

- Sister: Yes, that's it.

Yes, yes. You don't need to understand. But they are living the truth.

Because from the moment you have lived the zero time, without your knowledge, without your knowledge of your own free will, whatever you use as a word, as a technique, as a word, as knowledge, as a habit, even if you are in suffering, others will capture your humanity and your truth through suffering. You are not likely to transmit the slightest suffering to them, quite the contrary.

And that it is precisely because of this handicap that paradoxically, you have more and more freedom. But true freedom. Not external freedom.

Because obviously, I imagine that when there is a vascular accident, there are after-effects, so paralysis, no matter where. And I can even tell you that if, at some point, you manage to ignore it, when you get tired enough of taking care of this body, and looking for improvement, the healing will really come to you, if it has to come, if you have decided so, not within yourself, but before coming into a body.


Acceptance, as Abba and Head Chief say, is the key, not vibratory but the key to living the truth. And the less you understand, the more free you are. The more chaos outside or in your life, the freer you are.

That is why we have always told you that, at the time of events, whatever the harshness of what is to be experienced by everyone, there is always this freedom that is there.

And if you completely ignore the person's whining about his problems, if you are truthful, you will live the naked Joy, instantly. Again, this is not a punishment. It's a light. Everything is enlightenment, even through suffering, to lead you to the truth that you are.


In the same way that all the pedagogy that has been implemented and written for a long time was certainly the most appropriate, the vibral, the vibration, the channelings, the crystals, the whales... Everything you are living is only an excuse to let yourself be free, and no longer to take care of it, to a certain extent, and to let go of any identification with your life whatsoever.

Many of you have experienced, for some time now, events that occur in your body, in your lives, in order to teach you how to position yourself naturally in the truth. But for that, you have to be lucid of course, and not say when you have a disease or a problem that doesn't exist. But that's what allows you to cross the illusion, in its entirety today.

There is no better location than yours, no matter what you think. Whether it is your age, your physical condition, your financial, emotional or other condition. And especially when you don't understand and you give up understanding, there you are immediately free. And truly free.

But you have to dare.

Now it is precisely this effect of balance that is no longer a "tournicoti tournicota" of the ego or a small bicycle that turns, but simply the juxtaposition and the crossing of the ephemeral by eternity that gives you the truth of the eternal I, as Abba said.

You've never moved. You were never born, you never died. It's the illusion that passes, not you. And there is no circumstance in this world that, for each of you, is an obstacle. Even if it seems like an obstacle to you, it comes from the person. But everything you live is a total blessing to be free.

The Light has no use for your conscience. The Light has no use for your comfort since you are the truth. And if you lack comfort, at any level, it is because that's exactly what was written, that's exactly what you have to go through. There is no injustice, there is no punishment. And there is no one to judge you, except yourself.

But when you live the truth, you cannot judge yourself. You accept it as something that is there. And it makes you lighter and lighter, whatever the limitations, whatever the gaps at whatever level. It is precisely these limitations and shortcomings that allow you to live the truth.


And Brother K had said when he was incarnated that it was not really... and even then it was almost a century ago..., already at the time he said that it was not really a sign of good health to feel good in this society. So you can imagine that if, in addition, you are limited in one way or another in any sector, it may seem confusing to you, it may seem like punishment. But it's none of those things. See for yourself. That by accepting it. That's also humility. And that's how you're most effective.

It doesn't matter if you talk about crystals, rocks, encounters with cetaceans, or any other discourse in any field whatsoever. Be spontaneous. But being spontaneous also means accepting everything that is given to you and everything that presents itself to you. And in this case, going to South America now will allow you to see the phenomenal difference that can exist between Europe and the other continents. Because Europe is really the continent that is the most enclosed, for different reasons.

But it is within the confinement, as Head Chief would say, that happens - what did he call it? - resilience. It's to the deepest depths that you can only go up for some. Not by fighting against this deep, but by embracing it, which does not prevent us from dealing with it. But it reflects a posture in the game of consciousness that is much more effective in acceptance than in the need to understand or say that it is a punishment or something that blocks you. That is not true. It blocks your person but it releases the truth.

If you start thinking like that, and even believe that, you can only live it. Whereas if you enter into resistance and I would even say a little too much questioning, you will start the fire by friction. And you will limit yourself in the living experience of Joy. And in extreme cases, you will feel that you are no longer happy.

And yet you have the testimonies from your South Americans who thank you for your words. If it were energetic, they would feel your discomfort, your physical or mental discomfort. However, this is not at all what they perceive. There is indeed a decoupling, between your aura - personal emanation linked to the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body, the mental body, the causal body - and the truth you manifest, even without living it, that is what is paradoxical...

That is, you can even open a brother or sister at zero time, even without living it.

From the moment you are spontaneous, from the moment you are real, from the moment you are in the present moment, you can only notice that freedom is there, even if you have never lived it, and even if you do not know what it represents and what it is. But all the circumstances of your lives, at whatever level, inexorably lead you to this evidence, to this acceptance.


Do you have any other written questions?

- Sister: No, no further questions.

So you will transcribe orally the oral questions that will be asked.

- Sister: Okay.

- Brother: I would like to give a testimony.

Ah, that's very good. A testimony, maybe you have to come next to me and put in my aura, next to the one who transcribes the questions, so that she doesn't have to repeat the questions sentence by sentence. It'll be more fluid, I think, for everyone. So, move around. Come and place yourself in our aura so that I can hear you.

- Sister: That's it.

- Brother: Hello OMA.


- Brother: I would like to thank you for your presence and give you a testimony of what I experienced some thirty years ago as energy phenomena that lasted for nearly twenty-five years. So these energetic phenomena, I lived them during my sleep, after falling asleep. And generally, I lived them an hour and a half after I was asleep. During, we can say these seizures that I was experiencing in my sleep, there were like very painful waves of energy that went up in intensity and were and were totally compressing my head and I couldn't actually wake up. I was aware of what I was going through but I couldn't wake up because I was actually totally paralyzed.

- And it was only after a few seconds that I was able to regain consciousness and actually wake up. That's how I freed myself from these crises. And these seizures, in fact, I usually experienced them three to four times a month, sometimes it went up to ten times a month and sometimes during the night, I even had three, four of them. Today, I am totally free of this, but I feel the need to talk about it, because I have talked to very few people, one or two at most. So, in fact, I never understood what I went through.

Well, it's very simple. Even if the explanation is no longer useful. Many years ago, Bidi introduced you to the different consciences. He had said, and he had also written, that when you sleep you are in the truth because there is no longer any consciousness and that the consciousness, if you can call it sleep or dream, is Turiya. What does it mean by these energy processes that have disturbed you, if I understand correctly for twenty-five years? It was simply your person's opposition to this experience but you had no way of understanding it, no way of solving it. But as soon as there was an acceptance in you, global, you were released from it. So, of course, that one could say that to feel something that is very violent during sleep is on the order of a pathology.

And by the way, that's how it was experienced by the character, but after that, what can you see? As soon as you are in the truth, as soon as you see a crown, by the igneous fire, by the vibrating fire simply, by the wave of life or by silence or by the Marian channel, at that moment, the truth is present in you. It remains to be demonstrated. But manifesting it cannot come from your character or your will. But it is the result of your own disappearance from yourself as a character, story and scenario. This is what happens every night. And if you look at the years it started, it's very easy to spot. For the first of you it was around 1984. It's up to you to remember if it started then.

But if it started, since you say, it lasted twenty-five years, indeed, we'll fall back on today's years. You see? Even if it is true that thirty-four years ago, through the Holy Spirit, information about the radiation of Sirius, the Source, the solar radiation but also about the radiation of what was the crystalline nucleus of the earth that made it possible to live the wave of life and the liberation of the earth. So, this has been present for many years. But all those who have been affected by particular disorders since the 1980s, I am talking about particular disorders that affect the body, sleep, as well as the events of your life. Today, in hindsight, if you are fundamentally honest, it is thanks to all this, that you wrote and lived, that the truth is revealed.

It creates, if I can say so, for many of you this kind of thing that Hildegarde de Bingen talked about many years ago about abandoning yourself to the light, like Anaël. But also on this notion of acceptance of everything that happens on the screen of your consciousness, on the screen of your body and on the screen of all activities within the ephemeral sein.

One more question.

- Voice: There is no other one at the moment.

We'll wait for them to come out. There are always questions coming out. Don't limit yourself, I've already said it, even if it seems crazy to you, it can still be useful to brothers and sisters who are listening, because more and more of you are living it. But to also come across what Abba tells you, what we tell you and what life tells you, yours. Everything you live, without exception, has only one purpose, which is to make you live what you really are, that is, freedom, without exception. Well, you're not too talkative in this meeting right now. Or you can be talkative with each other but not with us. I still have all my time and your silent presence and mine also deliver information of Zero Time and joy, while you do not speak.

But this is not a meditation. That is why I invite you to let the questions that emerge in your mind, in your head, in your consciousness to be asked freely.

But they'll all fall asleep if it continues.

- Voice: No, they are not asleep.

Ah, all right. Do you have a question?

- Voice: Yes, I think there is a question.


- Voice: There are many demonstrations taking place at the moment. If there are a lot of demonstrations, in fact, right now, what can it be?

What are you talking about? Inner demonstrations or what is happening on the world's screen?

- Voice: Of all that is happening, disasters, if I may say so.

But as you've been told, it's total chaos. It is the total extinction of what you call life on earth and life in creation, in the dream of everywhere. What do you want it to mean? That the discovery and living of the truth that you have never been the least world, that you have never been the least person, that all this is a dream, a nightmare. That's the only meaning. We've always told you that. The chaos of the world, not only has evidently reached a point of no return, but the spectacle wherever you look, has begun. So, the person calls it the end of time, the end of the world, scientists talk about global extinction, the tilting of the poles, the visibility of Nibiru, no matter what the words are, no matter what happens on the screen of your consciousness or your world.

That's how you discover yourself naked and true. We told you that. The more chaos in the world grows, the more chaos in your personal life necessarily will at some point. When you no longer have your toys to communicate, when you can no longer heat yourself by turning on a button, when you no longer have anything to put on your plate, you will be free.

Paradoxically, yes, for the person but it is the truth. We have always told you this and we have never hidden it from you. So, what does that mean? From the person's point of view, it's the end of the world. It is not even just the end of time or time, it is the end of space, it is the end of the dream of creation.

And this is the end, as Bidi or Abba would say, of the disease of consciousness. Quite simply. And the harder it is in what you see as information, and the harder it will be in what you are going to have to live, the more you will feel free. Because you will no longer be held, and I think there was an Abba satsang that was very clear on that. It is society itself and its organization, the common dream. In this common dream you dreamed of a society that is not and cannot end, as you are experiencing in some countries and regardless of climatic events, with a form of dictatorship and total deprivation of freedom. It is becoming more widespread. It is the strongest and most violent subjugation to its degree that you experience on earth.

But simply, as I used to say, at the time many years ago, if you put a frog in boiling water, it jumps out of the water right away. But if you heat the water slowly, it will not realize that it is dying and being scalded and it will be free. That's exactly what you're going through. You have brothers and sisters who have felt these events coming for a long time and who have done this work of purification and crossing. And you have brothers and sisters who do not realize because they are not necessarily in denial, if you do not look at the information, if you do not perceive what is lived in you at the vibrational level, you can only be ignorant.

And if you are ignorant, you still live it. But all those who live the vibrations or who are interested in the news, volcanoes, the earth and everything that is happening everywhere, you can only agree that it is the end. The real end of something that never started is wonderful! But for the person, yes, it's the end. The end of the dream of individuality, the end of all projections, the end of all dreams and illusions. And that's freedom. But it is happening here on this world, through this body and through all the moments of your lives for everyone. So, what's going to happen? Nothing more than what we've always said. Simply, now, as you say, the signs are more and more apparent except for the one who doesn't read anything.

But he is not yet in denial. He is in ignorance, the true ignorance. But also remember that those who are ignorant today are the last ones. They will be the first, because they, in quotation marks, had nothing to purify and nothing to transcend. They are brothers and sisters who, perhaps, live a very simple life, very much in their little life but who are good naturally. These people do not need to go through all the stages that perhaps you have lived through here, supraconsciousness, vibrations, stars and gates. They are so inserted in the present moment that they do not need history, that they do not need a prerequisite. And indeed, as we have always said, these brothers and sisters, like children, will open up, if I may say so, like flowers.

Don't worry about the children, just worry about yourself. Children are spontaneously ready to live the truth until they are 14 years old. So, yes, every day that is going to happen and as I said in my last intervention, cetaceans have decreed that from July 2 to 18, the dream will break down more and more clearly. That's exactly what you see. It's at this time, it's not tomorrow. All this has been recorded, you still have to cross it. And you will also find that if you are honest, you will live with even more intensity each moment within the dream. The dream becomes more and more intense and also more and more lucid if it must shake you, in relation to your families, your children, your home.

And when that happens to you, you will find that whatever the initial shock, if I can say, right behind it, there is freedom. Because you are no longer prisoners of concepts, beliefs, societal, moral and emotional rules. You will be completely free. It is society, the organization of society, the organization of what you call family, that is confining. That is to say, the confinement of the archons allowed revelation, but it is accompanied, as we have always told you on this earth, by a certain number of cycles that are increasingly difficult to live with, because they are more and more confining and limiting. This is exactly what you are experiencing in countless countries on earth where what is called individual freedom no longer exists.

We are trying to direct you more and more towards this form of dictatorship of the behaviour of thought, of your actions and actions. But it is not serious, on the contrary, since even this will contribute, not to revolt or revolution, but to living the truth. Because, whether you like it or not, when we are incarnated, independently of being one in the other, we are inter-connected through Gaia, through the ionosphere, through confinement. We are in each other. Of course, what is happening collectively on earth impacts all human civilization incarnated and all consciousness incarnated, but not only us too, who are in your heavens from everywhere, still a little invisible, but soon visible, at the moment of the event.

Today, more and more of you are living it and so are we among the elders, the stars or even the entire Intergalactic Confederation. If you accept chaos, whether it is yours personally, whether it is that of your country, your region, your family, the more you will laugh. And it's not a joke. That is the truth. Laughing at yourself, laughing at suffering, laughing at the dream, laughing at your own questions, at your own limitations, whether they are those of the body inherent in the presence of this body, or those you have imposed on yourself even without realizing it. It's the same thing.

- Voice: There is a sister who wants to give a testimony? A testimony.

So, let's listen. If it is a testimony, we must come as close as possible to our aura so that it can be heard. Talk to the microphone and talk to us.

- Sister: Hello. So I don't know if it's really a question or really a testimony. I think it's more of a testimony. So I experienced something this morning and I want to share it because maybe it will resonate in others. I have put myself in a situation, which I have already experienced countless times, where I have fallen into successive impasses.

In some?

- Sister: Dead ends.

OK. All right.

- Sister: That is to say, I went to look for a path and these paths, one after the other, led me into dead ends. And at the end of the third dead end, I said to myself, but, well, since I felt very slack and very tired, I saw this situation and I said: but, it's not possible, what does this thing mean now? So I thought to myself, either I collapsed right now and felt that it wasn't the solution and then anyway, it wasn't happening because I was still standing on both legs. And I said: well, I'll find another way. And in retracing my steps, it is a situation I have already lived through many times, that is, to make the path backwards.

- As I progressed, I finally realized the situation I put myself in and, I don't know how I meant it anymore but. In fact, the thing is, I realized that I left like that, in a way without thinking, a little abruptly, and without taking precautions, anyway, I had no address, I didn't know where I was going, and finally the conclusion is what I could say, it's that I can't get lost. That's what I meant by that. It's that even though I feel like I'm lost, well, I found my way back and then I lay on a bench so that all this could rest and I said to myself: well, it's okay, it's kind of like I'm sitting there I don't know where, in an invisible trust.

- And that finally, I found my way back and that I had found my peace. And that, the conclusion is that, whatever happens, we cannot get lost even if appearances, we have the impression that we are lost. Well, deep down inside, there was something that made me not get, I wasn't lost. I don't know how I can explain myself...

I totally understand. As we were saying earlier, for both sides of the balance on the questions we had at the very beginning concerning vascular accidents and meetings or trips. It's the same thing. That is, you clearly express that it has happened to you many times, but that somewhere hidden there, in you, there is the truth. You can't get lost. But whenever you found yourself in a dead end, even if it irritated the character, it was only ways, again, to stabilize yourself in the unchanging, in the truth. And at some point, you'll laugh at yourself. You will not only have the perception that you cannot lose yourself, which is real, but you will laugh at your own character.

And remember that you have chosen the body, life, the form you are living today as the best opportunity to find yourself. Even without knowing what it was like when you went down into the incarnation. So, yes, I thank you for your testimony because, as I said, even if it was not just the fact of getting lost but physical or mental suffering, it always leads to the same result. Emergence is the living experience of truth. Remember, everything is just a pretext to live the truth. There is no punishment. There is no judgment. But it is the judgment you put on yourself at times when you ask yourself questions, at times when you doubt, at times when you simply question yourself.

But I remind you that it is precisely because of this, which is unpleasant for the person, that the truth is found. That's how you are imposed because you are really the intelligence of light, that you wrote yourself and especially when you say it's not fair, it's unfair, and I never decided that, you can be sure that it's your character who expresses himself. But it doesn't matter. Because, at the same time, in an increasingly immediate way, you notice that from the simulacrum you are moving into the sacred. Because it's all there at the same time. And every brother, every sister, is in his rightful place no matter what he thinks and no matter what he says. But simply, you all notice that certain choices, certain decisions, certain actions, certain thoughts lead you to truth, to freedom.

And that others make you realize that it takes you away from the truth. But that is how the interaction between ordinary consciousness, supraconsciousness and the absolute plays out, if I may say so, or non-consciousness or a-consciousness.

- Voice: Our sister thanks you.


- Voice: Our sister thanks you.

Thank you to you.

- Voice: There are large ships everywhere, many ships around the sun. Are these ships ready, they can accommodate us. Is humanity ready to welcome them?

Well, we don't care about that. Whether you're ready or not now. You have triggered, and triggered with Abba, the truth and nothing can stop it. You can see it. Everything is progressing every day. And I would also like to remind you that amazement, the shock of the conscience of those who will be very surprised, contributes to liberation. So there is no need to be ready or not ready. What is ready is the person. The truth doesn't have to be ready. You have experienced it for a number of people. It just wants to be spread out, to be revealed in the open. So there is no need to be ready or not ready. Ready or not ready, it's always about the character. The truth, it has always been there. And today, you're ready for the truth, not for your character. We don't care about that.

And the more chaos you are in, of whatever nature, the more you will laugh. While you think that everything, in governments, among scientists, astrophysicists, elites as they tell you, who know exactly what will happen. Do you think they will be in peace at the time of the event even if they bury themselves underground? No. They will live in total terror. But it is thanks to this total terror that friction fire consumes everything. It is through the experience in the heart of the ephemeral, in this bag of meat and in the whole earth that you will laugh at yourself. We've always told you that too. So, the ships, why were there the ships? They're not just around the sun now.

Others are coming, but we are in you and more and more present in the heaven of the earth. And at the moment of the event, we will all unmask ourselves, externally and internally. It is there that you will see, for those who have not yet lived it, that you are all alone and that there is no one there. And that everything in the end, in the dream, in the illusion, was only a pretext to finish this nightmare, this dream or this disease. But, there is such an adherence in consciousness to form that evidently you have many brothers and sisters engaged in visions, engaged in the new earth, who will be terrorized and they must be terrorized when the sky falls on their heads.

Because it is the only way to shock them in consciousness and free their hearts, but they too had chosen it. As Abba said: let the dreamers dream. Take care of your butts, I've been saying all along. If you take care of your butt, you take care of all the butts. (Laughs) It's simple though. You bring everything back to yourself, not to the ego. But you bring everything back to the heart of the heart, to the truth.

Another question or testimony or something to say.

- Voice: I have a question. Only consciousness blocks light?

No. Especially habits. Especially the habit of experimenting with form, pseudo individuality. And of course, all the beliefs of those who feel the energies, who live them and who are still inscribed in completely far-fetched things, such as reincarnation or the new earth or access to other dimensions. Abba decreed, because it was written the end of the dream of creation. We have experienced it in our ships. We know that this is the truth. So, what is most embarrassing is one: habits, because they prevent you from seeing clearly, all habits without exception. And two: those who maintain the needs of the conscience and who even oppose the absolute and the truth. But they too will be consumed.

Everything will be consumed. Ask the Head Chief what Anael had made him live, before the heavenly weddings. It is a white paradise for everyone. It is the truth for all creation, for all dreams. And besides, if you are light on that, today you should not be concerned about the chaos of the world, as I said. But by enjoying life. Whether you have little or no time, doesn't change the case. Use every minute of time you are given to be in the wild, to ask yourself, to embrace, to embrace, without asking yourself any questions. That's all the light wants, that's who you are. You wake up. And any way you can wake up is fine. But of course, today, you have to be ignorant or not want to see or not be interested in what is happening on earth.

So as not to easily understand that this is a process of total extinction. But the extinction of what? From the dream, from what is happening, from your world, from your person, from your husbands, from your children who are just passing through. Nothing belongs to you in its own right, you are everyone and you are all.

Other questions or testimonies.


- Voice: A question? So there's a question.

- Brother: Is it the withdrawal of consciousness into the Absolute...

- Voice: Is the withdrawal of consciousness and the Absolute... into the Absolute... Let's start over. Does the withdrawal of consciousness into the Absolute...

There is no withdrawal of consciousness in the Absolute, there is annihilation of consciousness, which is a disease. The Absolute is the absolute, he does not need consciousness since he has been named a-consciousness. But in short, continue.

- Brother: Yes, but the withdrawal of consciousness.

- Voice: But the withdrawal of consciousness... at the end of the dream of creation...


- Brother: Will there be a possibility of new dreams, without projections, theoretically speaking.

- Voice: Will there be the possibility of a new dream without projection, whatever it may be?

But every dream is a projection. Every conscience is a disease. Life appeared spontaneously.

- Brother: My question is rather to know if life could reappear spontaneously?

- Sister: From the Absolute.

- Voice: That's it. From the Absolute, could life reappear?

But no, no. It's impossible, everything was written at the initial moment which is nothing more than the final moment. And who would like, by living the truth, since you will live it all, at the moment of the event, and us with you, would still want to dream. Since there will no longer be any possibility of ignoring the truth. That's impossible. Even the most relentless dreamers, the sickest of the conscience will stop their games.

Again, as Abba said, you can only recognize yourself. And when you have recognized yourself, there is no longer any space for the dream of consciousness, for the disease of consciousness. Remember that everything happened in what you could call an initial and final moment, with no difference in time and no distance.

So, really yes, you are completing the myth of Creation. Alpha has joined Omega, Omega has joined Alpha, there is no more Omega than Alpha. The end of the dream is a total celebration. Even for those who, today, are still in violent refusal of the Absolute through speeches, visions. They cannot be free, but even they contribute to freedom by fire, by friction, by their opposition of their consciences.

It is impossible to escape the event. And moreover, even those who fear it or do not understand it or deny it, can only find themselves. It's a reunion. It never existed. The example of the dream when you wake up in the morning, even if the dream was symbolic, was strong and gave you the real feeling of being, of having been lived and crossed. It simply fades away, even if it leaves its mark as you go through the day, fortunately.

Well, it has been said, the end of worlds, the end of dreams of creations leads to freedom. And no one can refuse freedom. But this freedom is not to come and go, it is freedom with regard to form and total freedom with regard to conscience. But there is nothing to reproduce since everything has happened at the same time and everything has been dreamed to satiety, in its entirety and truly. Not only in this world, but always and everywhere.

- Sister: Why, to my knowledge, only head chief... what do you call it... Why, to my knowledge, only head chief talks about it, when no one talks about it? Why? Nobody talks about it, is the world asleep or what?

- Voice: Why head chief... not just head chief?

- All : No. (Laughs)

- Voice: When you tell me things again, it's... Yes. Why only head chief talks about it?

What do you mean?

- Voice: Head chief.

Yes, but why? Would he be the only one talking about it? But no, but all those who live the truth know it and live it. They can no longer project themselves into a future world or into a form or dimension. Quite simply. Ask around you, the brothers and sisters who are living the truth. What does he/she keep talking about? I can't hear anything.

- Voice: No, no....

- Sister: Neither in France nor in any country can we hear that.

- Voice: Neither in France nor in any other country can you hear that.

But, because all those who are in spirituality and in the dream, pursue the dream. But all those who live it, really, they do. And not all of them are in the spotlight wanting to talk about it. Because not everyone is made to express that. You have to be unbreakable, like a head chief, to cope with all the subtle, causal aggressions of all the spiritualists and dreamers.

But it is lived by millions of brothers and sisters. Of course. And I remember, when I returned to Abba in Quebec, the brothers and sisters who of course live this Absolute. And yet, they visited the dimensions, penetrated the ships of the Marian Fleet. But they are not fooled. They know that the only solution today is the present instant. There are no other ways out.

And of course, all those who do business, business with spirituality, with conscience, will never stop. They are the most dangerous. They are not the ones who live the truth. Because all these people are still in the dream of consciousness, in the dream of another dimension and above all, because as long as you are in spirituality, which is a scam, you cannot be free.

Only those who have lived Agape are free, totally free. But they are not always in a position to speak as Abba does. And of course Abba is the only one who talks about it and lives it. But you are countless to live it. But realize that if you are not unbreakable and take a microphone and announce this truth to those who are in the dream of consciousness, but you would be swept away by their aggressiveness, by their denial, by their vibratory power. So, yes, of course, the important thing for you is not to talk about it, as I said earlier in the first question, is to be real. And it happens through you.

But all those who have remained in spiritual teaching of any kind today will receive the cosmic spanking. It's evident. They refuse the truth, they refuse Agape. And the one who is in Agape knows very well. You have countless brothers and sisters who have died, who have testified. Head chief has talked about it a lot. But you will certainly not find them in those who are known in spirituality, who are only crooks.

There is no cheating in that. It is necessary to be sufficiently unbreakable and to have a hard head effectively, to dare to carry the Truth. Everyone else is only slowing down, as we said. Or hope to slow down the inevitable. The inevitable is the end of the dream. So asking this question proves that you think the dream is real. But you all dream, as long as you don't live Agape. As long as you're not in the Naked Joy. They are chimeras. And if you wait until there are enough spiritual teachers, I tell you, we don't give a shit about these characters.

We have much more admiration for those who have had a despicable life and who have been despised and who live the Truth. Because they have been humiliated in their lives but they are True. All those who teach, and I'm not talking about spirituality, hide behind their knowledge. They only want you to adhere to their narrow and incomplete visions. The one who lives the Truth does not have to declare it from the rooftops. It is.

And when Abba tells you that there are millions of you living it, of course there are millions of you, but you are anonymous, not the ones who are known or in the spotlight. All these are puppets. This is the end of the business of personal development, of spirituality, it is a total scam. It said, at the time by Brother K, in relation to Other Dimensions, just before it stopped, that all organizations, even if they had been useful for a while, had to stop. As long as you believe you are organizing spirituality, not only are you not free, but you are depriving others of freedom.

And it's going to be more and more true. You can't cheat on the truth. And especially if you don't live it, Agape. If you do not experience this Joy. Understand this well. And I have no fear of the words I say, just as Abba has no possibility of being touched or reached by everything that is done by some. Because he is in the Truth. And all those who live it too are in the Truth. They are Abba. They are Agape, they are Freedom, they are the Absolute.

But of course, in the face of this, all those who still dream in their consciences and in the energies and vibrations will fall seriously. That's normal. It has been a year, more than a year since the Good News was spread. And in a way that is more and more accessible to everyone. The Truth is everywhere. In the increase of earthquakes, in volcanism, in floods, in hail, in the disappearance of animals, insects.

You have to be in bad faith or believe in who knows what, in order not to live the Truth. Because they're afraid. Remember, Bidi and head chief told you, not only is spirituality a scam, but the spiritual search is only the reflection and translation of the fear of death. Nothing else. It has nothing to do with the path of childhood, the path of Theresa, which is the most direct path. That was, of course, the only possibility, until a few years ago.

Energy, vibratory rises, chakras, crowns, stars, it still exists. But it was to make you live and discover the Truth that you are. But, through this question, here too, we only see and feel the fear of death. Fear of the disappearance of consciousness. Of course. The person asked the question, he can tell me that he is not afraid of death. I'd be curious to know that, here. She's terrified of death, that's evident.

- Sister: What was the question?

- Brother: You asked why there was only one Abba.

I didn't hear anything.

- Voice: No, they talk to each other about what you just said.

But, again, Truth is not a subject of discussion. It is lived or not. Truth can only be lived. You can't understand that. As long as you put understanding in front of it, you will not experience it. You will experience it in the collective moment and that's all. But the landing may be difficult. You have been warned for countless years. By all possible means.

Have you sacrificed yourself?. Look at these spiritual teachers, did they sacrifice themselves. Did they give Life, but no. They think they are Masters, gurus even if they don't say it. They really believe they are superior. But the one who is really superior is the child and the innocent, not the teacher. Moreover, to be a teacher, at any level, you need a serious lack of humility. Yes, even the Elders, we are telling you today. And it takes a lot of fear too. And of which the essential fear, and that, I believe, Abba the head chief told you about it. It is the fear of the extinction of consciousness, the fear of death and the fear of nothingness. It proves that you didn't live the Truth.

And you can search all you want, in energies, in vibrations. You can talk all you want, it won't change anything. Until you've lived it. However, it is much easier to live it for a brother or sister, who has a life, this last life, extremely difficult. Because for them it's easier to give up. They have nothing, what do you want them to give up. But all those who have knowledge, money, houses, do you think they'll give up like that?

It is to misunderstand human nature, even when living through energies and vibrations. He who has nothing to lose accepts to lose everything. Whoever thinks he has everything to lose will never accept to lose everything. Whoever wants to save his life will lose it.

Now you don't need Abba. Instead, you need some knowledge, a little, a minimum scientific knowledge of what is actually happening.

And what's the gibberish, what were they saying, the conclusion of what they were saying separately?

- Sister: The question was no longer remembered, so... [...]

- Voice: No, there was nothing special.

Moreover, the one who accepts that consciousness is a dream and spirituality a scam, he is much lighter. You see it in the meetings. They are brothers and sisters who are spontaneous. They are brothers and sisters who no longer rely on energy, on vibration, they live them. But they are based on spontaneity, on fraternity, on their simplest humanity. They do not need to highlight knowledge of chakras, energy, vibrations or whatever.

- Sister: The question was not asked about the doubt of the truth of what Abba was saying, the question was asked about the fact that the world is still very lost and there are few people who talk about it. There you go.

- Voice: That would be a testimony, so...

So we have to repeat it or we have to make it heard.

- Sister: It is not a testimony. The question was asked about the fact that Abba....

- Voices: The question was asked about the fact that Abba....

- ... It was not about a doubt, it was not about a doubt of what Abba said. It was about the fact that there are not many Abba people talking about it, but not about a doubt about what Abba says.

- Voice: It's difficult to say it again.

- Brother: Repeat word for word.

- Voice: In fact, there are not many Abba who say that...

- Sister: It's not about the doubt of what Abba was saying.

But ask around among the brothers and sisters who are there. Who are those who are liberated and still thinking of going to a dimension or elsewhere? It was the same question the week before that I was asked. Find out more. I am not talking to you about spiritual teachers or those who are in questioning but about those who live the Truth. There are some in this room, I see them.

- Sister: John, you know what I mean.

- Brother: Please repeat.

- ... Oma may have misunderstood the question. In fact, saying that it was only a stubburn head talking about it, it was not like a criticism of what he said is not true. It is evident that there are few people who simply tell the Truth.

- Voice: Yes, it's not a criticism actually.

I understood well but I advise you to read a little bit of writings outside of spirituality about brothers and sisters, living or dead, about whom you have heard about and who have written their lived experiences wonderfully.

- Sister: No, but I understood all that.

We don't care nowadays about the old "croutons" that we are. We don't care about the spirituality of your archetypes, your energies and your vibrations. Of course, we relied on it as an educational tool, it was essential. But today, who speaks. Who still wants to play with the dream of consciousness if it is not the one who has not lived the Truth. The Truth cannot be told. It can only be lived. There is only one truth. It is absolute and total. You can gesticulate all over the place, say all the arguments you want, it won't change anything. And you can't be convinced by words, by energies, by vibrations. It is precisely the cessation of questions, energies and vibrations, the total nakedness that makes you live the Truth. Nothing else.

Consciousness is a disease. But the one who is conscious, installed in his supraconsciousness, he cannot accept it and that is normal. So if you want to talk for hours about it, it's no use. What is the point of view to defend?

- Voice: It was right, not a testimony but a misunderstanding.

And once again, many of you here, as in all the places I go with Abba, are living the Truth. Do you need to imagine a new world, a new Earth, a new dimension no, you are totally inserted in the present instant. In humility, in fraternity, in giving and sharing. Do you need to involve even the most noble archetypes in it. Do you need to refer to any story. Say it.

When you live Love, when you live Agape but it is evident. And I know that Abba told you this morning that those who didn't live it, they had red noses. It's evident. You're playing red noses. The real ones don't need red noses. They are transparent. They are authentic. They don't need to suffer, they don't need trials. They have generally suffered enough in this life. Precisely, not to be recognized and to be very bad in this world for different reasons. But today they have the reward.

But all those who have lived in the opulence of spirituality are in a very bad position to give their opinion today. Once again, you can ask each other here in this room and ask the brothers and sisters who live Agape if they think of Mary, if they think of Christ, if they think of a new Earth or a new dimension or anything related to consciousness. Live it! Live it! And you won't be able to ask yourself any more questions.

And the notion of questioning, why spiritual teachers do not talk about it, is they are in the ego. This is what was already called spiritual pride many years ago. And you have proof of that from everywhere. Those who are authentic are not teachers. They are humans who live the brotherhood, the gift of themselves. Love, they hug each other, they look at each other, they don't need speeches about chakras or anything else. When I mentioned cosmic spanking earlier, that's the truth. It's not a punishment, it's a reward. We have experienced it too. As soon as you are followed by someone, you deprive them of their freedom, the one who follows you. As Christ said, it is one-eyed people who guide the blind, it is wonderful.

That's exactly what it is. And you will notice this more and more directly. Today, it is not spiritual teachers who live the Truth. Certainly not. It is those who are spontaneous, who have discovered the path of childhood, that is, their humanity and simplicity. You have no other options. You can turn the trick in any direction you want, as we said, countless times, the vibration made you discover and live the supraconsciousness. That was the goal. But if you are settled in supraconsciousness, no matter how magnificent your perceptions or gifts may be, you are false. You're not true. Because if you were true you'd only be in Joy, no matter what happens to you. And no matter what happens to this world.

And above all, you would have no projection or propensity to think of a new dimension, a new Earth or anything else. Agape is complete. Agape is the only Truth. It's the end of the dream. But once again, let the dreamers dream. They will always have arguments, justifications to offer you or questions. He who really and concretely lives the Truth has no interrogations or questions. He has found his Truth, his humanity, his childhood path and his simplicity.

And everything happens in simplicity for the one who is simple. And everything will get complicated for the one who is complicated. It's called retribution, it's not punishment. Remember, we talked at length about conscious co-creation. What have you co-created in this life. What have you done with this last life. You've come to the right place.

Yeah, what do you mean by that? That it's time, yes.

- Voice: That's it.

So dear friends, I give you all my blessings and I will leave my place after me and your break to the one who will, I do not pull you, but take you out. I look forward to seeing you soon! With great joy and be well!

- All : Thank you! See you soon!


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

Transcript from French:
English translation: revised by LMF

Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
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Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...