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Satsang on Saturday, July 6, 2019, in Malaga, part two. Who starts the debates?

- Brother: We are talking about...

We don't have to stay on the mechanisms of consciousness. Do not hesitate. We're listening to you.

- Sister: That's it. When you say, indeed, that our worst enemy is ourselves,...


- Sister:... so, now, I would like an example, not an example but something concrete. When I have my worst enemy in front of me and he tells me things, I have to...

So, already we have to accept that it is you who created the circumstances, that the other is only you. Now, when you say that the worst enemy is oneself, yes, through the mechanism of thought, through the mechanism of memory, through the mechanism of consciousness. This essential sentence, if you will, is not a pun, when we say that it is not the person who is liberated, but that you are liberated from your person, it is the truth. There is no space of freedom within the character. This freedom we are talking about, this naked love, this Agape, only exists when you find yourself. But you can't be in history. You cannot be in the process of what you see, think or do, but you can be in what is called Silence.

That is, when the moment when the claims of your body, of your person are seen and crossed by Silence. This was explained, I believe, in the last meeting last week, even before that, on the silence of words and the silence of the gaze. Now we don't have time in three days. But at the time, when we had internships that lasted 10, 15 days, we could, we put people for 2.3 days in silence with our eyes. Already looking at the ground, never looking at the people you're talking to. Never look at anyone. At that point, you'll notice something. That's not possible in life, obviously when you go to the bank, you can't look at your feet and say I want to see the branch manager, I want to see the tax manager, because people will look at you funny.


But in an atmosphere of encounter, like that, the exercises we did were first of all the silence of the words, that is, that we communicated that by gestures, we had no right to speak and also silence, but the silence of the gaze is much more important. If you don't know, it's because there is a human ability in psychology called dyssemia. Dyssemia is not at all energetic, it is the ability to recognize non-verbal signals that are emitted by the facial muscles. Ekman's work in the United States has shown that whether you are a North American Indian or a papuan in the depths of your jungle, an indigenous people or a modern Westerner, we all, without exception, have the same muscle groups that take action in relation to emotions.

That is, if you're angry, you get big eyes. If you're sad, there's such a muscle that comes into play. However, the human being has the ability to recognize in a non-verbal and non-energetic way, directly by the facial muscles you use, there for example your gaze is interrogative, okay?


So, that, I don't need to feel an energy, I don't need to, it's done on a subconscious level. This is called dyssemia, the ability to recognize non-verbal signals. That is to say, there is a possibility of communication that is not energetic or subtle, that does not involve understanding but only what you see. That is, when you see a face and talk to someone even if you don't realize it, we all have the same muscle groups that get into action to express this or that emotion. However, we know that there are only 4 primary emotions. Everything else is just components and an assembly of these 4 primary emotions. The 4 primary emotions being: joy, sadness, fear and anger.

All the emotions we can feel are an assemblage in different proportions of these 4 primary emotions. Each primary emotion and all emotions, but especially these 4 primary emotions, are manifested by an unconscious modification of the muscles of the face. There are forty muscle groups on the face and the joy is the relaxation of the lips.

- Sister: So we don't have to talk?

No, not at all.

- Sister: Okay.

It is in silence that the truth is experienced. Because silence is conducive to the installation of Zero Time and because, as Nisargadatta said, everything you can express, even on the notion of embracing, crossing, evidence, remains mental. But nevertheless, it is a mind, that we will say, sharpened that goes towards this simplicity and that allows you through concepts and simple words to feel what it means beyond the definition of the dictionary. When we say: cross over. Well, cross over well, everyone knows what that means. Crossing a road, crossing a test, crossing a road is written in your subconscious. Without going so far, for example in the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, you are told as soon as you put "I" in front, well, that's not true.

Nisargadatta went much further than Advaita Vedanta, saying that everything that can be expressed, even the most accurately, is false. Because as soon as it is expressed, it is manifested and it is therefore part of the theatre scene. But there are some theatre scenes that are more likely to live the truth and others that take you away from it. So that's it, even a word, that is, as soon as you translate the absolute truth, the Parabrahman, the a-consciousness, into words or into a manifestation, obviously, it's no longer the truth. Because the truth, as they say, the absolute can only be lived and nothing can be said about it. But at least we're just talking about it. But why are we talking about it? Because today it is the simplest element conceptually and mentally that allows you to live the truth because Zero Time is here.

But at the time we didn't have zero time. So, we had to meditate, we had to align ourselves, we had to go up in vibration, we had to make the inner silence, the silence of thoughts, the silence of words, the silence of the gaze. And you realize that when you don't look at people, you don't have the information. So, imagine you don't look at them, you look at your feet all the time. And you're talking to someone without knowing what they're going to manifest through precisely non-verbal recognition, that is, the facial muscles I just mentioned. At that moment, you will realize that the information you will receive, it is information, an energy, is much finer. That is, you are really going to become the other. Because you are no longer subject to the emotional interface of emotional expression or words when you are in silence.

And now if we did it today, but in three days, we're not going to have any fun with it. We would live, indeed the truth. If you make it a habit to do it at home, for example, when you are on the phone, not with the picture but with the phone, you know very well that you get more information about people's emotional state than when you have them in front of you. Because whatever they manifest on their facial expressions, you're not mistaken. Maybe people will say: I'm happy, but in fact, they're angry.


And everything in their facial muscles show anger, while the other says: I am in joy. That is not true. Moreover, joy, naked joy, but even normal joy with object or subject, is translated once again by chemical modifications in the brain by different muscles that are activated on the face. So you are always deceived by what the other person says because there is what he says and what you understand. And it is conveyed at a subconscious level, and not even energetically, by the facial muscles. So, depriving people of sight, you only look at your feet, makes you enter into a communication even if it is verbal which shunts all the masks, that is, what we put in front of you in appearance emotional states, affective states, thought states and you touch directly the heart.

If, in addition, there are no words, well, you can no longer communicate through sounds, through words. You can no longer communicate through your eyes and yet in encounters, you had to communicate well with others, so we wrote. But it puts you in a particular state of interiority that is conducive to vibration. This means that everything called the senses; hearing, sight, tact, taste, smell and even the so-called electric and magnetic senses. Because there are not only five senses in the human being, there are eight. There are the five ordinary senses, there is the electric sense, the magnetic sense and the electromagnetic sense. It's 3 meanings, the last three, are responsible for what everyone calls feeling.

But the feeling deceives you, no matter how you feel. Because the feeling is always a reference and always based on past experience.

- Sister: In relation to the person.

Yes, of course. Your own feeling or feeling, that is, as long as you see a difference in the other, it is obviously a judgment, which is made by your brain not by your conscience and you cannot be free. Because at that moment, from the moment you judge the other when you see him, when he expresses himself, when he speaks, when he moves, you are lured by his facial recognition system, the famous dyssemia I was talking about. You are deceived by words because not everyone has the same understanding and experience of words. That's why we took the word Agape and not impersonal or unconditional love, in addition it's vibrating, as I said, because there's no referencing possible.

But as soon as you use the word love, there is all your life experience, there is all your history, there are all your personal aspects of the sufferings you have lived, that the brain reactivates in the moment. With Agape, he can't. So, the feeling, on which we rely and on which many people say: the essential thing is the feeling. I answer: no. The feeling is an interface, it is a transitional zone that is linked to your own personal experience. You're going to say: it's okay, it's not okay. You will see things but they will necessarily be coloured in terms of feeling, because your lived experience, through your experience. So, at some point, you go through the feeling or perception to fall into what is called, the perception, that is, silence and that it is in silence that awakening occurs.

We must not forget that at the neuroscientific level, what we call, Hic and Nunc, as I told you, the present instant, here and now, the element air and the element water with the stars Im and Is, it is exactly in the same place that the motor cortex zone is, which makes the hand move, that what is the sensitivity is hot, it is cold, when I touch, but also the language area. If you put the body at rest, which I do when I lie on the floor for example for Agape or I Am You, my body is at rest. There are no more signals from my body reaching the brain. So I am no longer identified, even if I believe it, with my body because the body no longer sends a signal to my brain. Then, if I keep silent about the senses and in particular, about what can be stopped.

We can't stop the audition, but we can stop the words. We can stop the feeling, the tact and we can stop the vision by closing our eyes, by not looking at anything. If you do that, you're available for now, today. Before, you could spend twenty years like that and nothing was happening. Today, you do that for a while, you accept to keep silent, of course thoughts will get agitated at first. But if you remain in this silence of words and in this silence of gaze, either you are motionless and close your eyes, so the proprioception stops. At that moment, that zone which corresponds to the area of language, the same area which corresponds to Kundalini and Awakening, you are available for the neocortical activity of Hic and Nunc and you live in the present instant. And it's over, you're free. It takes two minutes.

There's nothing else to understand.

- Sister: I, just a testimony. Before leaving, there for the meetings I had, I was burned by a person but really burned very, very hard. Well, I didn't say anything.


- Sister: While usually, well, in my habits, I get into it, I don't give up and there I didn't say anything.

And what happens when you accept, like this, not to say anything? That's it, that's it. That is, what was called yesterday or the day before yesterday, sorry, what was called the transaction. That is, not to establish a relationship with someone who is always emotional, not affective, free, financially, friendly, whatever, you analyze the transaction. And at that moment, the best behaviour is non-reaction, which is actually a pro-action. That is to say, if you do not decide to react like the logic of duality, but there too when we talk about pro-action, you welcome, that is, you cross. You don't react and of course the person across the street is completely confused.

- Sister: Oh yes, at some point she stops.

Well yes.

- Sister: But it was me, for myself, I was very surprised.

Yes. But when you experience that you realize that you are going through circumstances, you are going through events without being affected and it is the most perfect posture. So, of course, you shouldn't be stupid, if someone hits you with a hammer, you shouldn't stop them, with a physical hammer. But in the usual circumstances of life, everything you will encounter as friction, opposition, simply in the relationships between beings in the transaction, if you simply accept in that not to react, even if there is an anger rising, which is justified, you will find that you will cross it. And you'll understand by living it that this is exactly how it works in all the circumstances of your life.

And that's what ends the idea of being a person. And this is what will also put an end to what is called motivation, self-confidence, which is useful in personal development but is a heresy in truth. Self-confidence strengthens the character. As I told you, I treated a lot of Buddhist dignitaries, when I was working on the chakras with crystals, I didn't see a single one with an open heart. They are all on the second chakra, on the centres of predation. It's the same for imams, it's the same for rabbis, it's the same for priests. It is the same in all areas where there is a position of power not only spiritual but also among bankers.

Anyone who is placed in a position of power; chief of staff, the little chief, the chief of staff, as soon as you assign a role to someone, he takes on that role, he does his job well or badly but he is necessarily in predation. And that is why, as I explained to you, even the melchisedec, however much they are, who were the closest to the truth, lived through this mistake. Because there was no other way to do it. Omraam, when he had the Bonfin and all those people who were behind him who worshipped him, who adulterated him, were never free because they were following someone. He may have been the great master, a pedagogue, an infinite love, but as long as you identify yourself, you think that the other will make you live the truth, you can't be free.

That's why I always say, you can't follow me. You can't follow anyone. You can only be yourself. And that's why, as I said, it's not an effort, it's not a natural thing to do, but we're purging more and more the discourse about even the archetypes. You no longer hear me talking about Mary, Michael or Christ or rarely, because we no longer need them. It was useful at one point. It allowed us to get out of the dream, of course. But at some point, you have to be alone, because it's just you. Everything else doesn't exist. Everything else is your creation, of which your dream is a part. The problem is that confinement has put us all in the same dream and it was essential that the consciousness be confined.

Because if the consciousness was not locked up, there is a process that is constant in the manifestation, called anthropia, that is, the law of disorder, an open system can only go to its own destruction. There is only a closed system that confronts the limits and puts an end to anthropia. But the end of anthropia, the end of disorder, is order. But not the "ordo ab chao" of the Freemasons and the illuminatis. That is, order by disorder by creating disorder. This is the real disorder linked to consciousness, what we live from everywhere on earth. It is this aspect of fragmentation that is actually defragmentation. That is, there is the point of view of the character who sees chaos, who sees the end of the world, who sees the horror of destruction.

While the one who is liberated sees only the joy of finding himself. It is the same lived experience, it is the same events. It all depends on where your conscience is. What Grandpa said at the time, what the caterpillar calls death, the butterfly calls it birth. The caterpillar does not know that it will be a butterfly. And when the butterfly is born, the memory of the caterpillar no longer exists. But when you are reborn again, as Christ said: no one can know me if he is not reborn again, it is the resurrection. That is what we are living now. This is what the Catholic Church disguised when it talked about the resurrection of the flesh and that all the dead will come out of their graves. I mean, that's, you have to be stupid to believe things like that.

It is done in this body, through the Heart of the Heart, in the Zero Time, from the moment you do Silence. And to come back to what we were saying, then, indeed the silence of the gaze, that is, no longer looking, the silence of words, is the easiest thing to do. It's the same at the time we worked for example with the Kirlian effect on music, on sounds. We all think we hear sounds through our ears. Yes, of course. But we have had some surprising experiences. We used to wear an aviation headset, that is, the people who are on the tarmacs, who are in airports, they have headsets that protect them from noise. Well, I make you listen to music, without your ears, that is, when you put on this headset, you will notice that the effect of the music is directly visible on your body.

That is, the cell captures all the waves, not just the light but your thoughts, the color of the room. This is not your consciousness, it is the cellular consciousness and that all this environment that is captured by the cell is directly printed in the DNA, it is what is called epigenetics, which is much more important than genetics. That's why even all the so-called chronic diseases like we have, only disappear the moment you are depersonalized. But not unrealized in the psychiatric sense, that is, when you have lived that you are not a person. That is to say, from the moment you broke the vicious circle of believing you are this body, you can't be because you say it's my body. I'm telling you again. As soon as you've lived through this, your body repairs itself. He can only repair himself.

- Sister: But all this is done, well, for the body...


- Sister:... I know that I always give myself lots of symptoms...


- Sister: ... but it can come with...

No, there is no progress. The mechanism for switching to Zero Time is instantaneous. On the other hand, the actual translation at the body level may take some time. But it's not a progression. It is a transubstantiation where the point of view of the person, where the point of view of consciousness no longer exists. It doesn't mean that the person is no longer there or that the consciousness is no longer there. Without it, I wouldn't be able to talk anymore, I wouldn't have a body. But you're no longer fooled by that. You are truly and deeply aligned, if I may say so, with the Heart of the Heart. That's the famous pressure that's there. And it is also freedom from this pressure. That is to say, at first when you have the chakra of the heart tickling, the little tingling that turns on the little chakra, I am not talking about the crowns, but really the chakra of the heart, when you feel the pressure in the center there, you are still in consciousness, it is your consciousness that perceives it.

That's where I am. It also happens to me from time to time when it's very strong, for example in the evening, I say to myself: it's very strong. But my consciousness, my perception, my feeling, do not stop the process. While if you carry your consciousness, without being free, without having lived the Zero Time, on the process that is unfolding, your consciousness is trained. You are not free. But it is precisely this game that makes it possible to see and understand it. And at some point, for countless reasons that are personal to everyone, you give up. You let go of the dream, as they say, because you are living the truth. But you can't decide it from the person. As long as you think you can decide and live it, you can't live it, because it's the person who decided.

The disappearance of the person, once again, means being freed from the person. That doesn't mean the person will disappear, they will always be there until the last moment. But it is no longer in the foreground, it is in the background. It's the only way you can live it. There is no other one. So, of course, there was the essential key that frees the head or the idea of being a person with the primary breathing movement that we practiced together to feel it, because explanations don't serve until you do. You have the silence of words, the silence of the gaze, you have the games, "j-e-u-x" with dolphins, the songs, it can be the channelings too why not.

Because, beyond the meaning that is said, beyond intellectual understanding and even beyond the vibratory aspect, there is the availability to Zero Time that takes place. See? And at the limit that you fall asleep during a channeling or that you have understood nothing or that you have comprehend nothing, do not change anything. Information is delivered to you without your knowledge of your own free will, whether you like it or not. In the same way, as at the time we talked about the Egyptian Book of the Dead or the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Bardo Thödol, we explained to you, we accompanied the dying by telling them not to stop at the intermediate planes. Today, the information of the absolute is spreading at full speed, which I have called the Good News. But even if you refuse it, it's over!


Because the moment you leave, the moment you leave this body, you will remember it, even if you refused it. Remember it's called friction fire and you can only be free. You can no longer be fooled by images, by so-called family members or masters of light who say: no, no, wait, we are not finished, we are going to do another cycle, you are not purified enough. That is not true. So there's not even anything to worry about. It's done by itself and without anyone. And that's all we do in dating. Well, even if there are whales, if there are other things, if there are crystals, it doesn't matter. The information has passed, it is accessible to everyone. Then, of course, there will be more or less ease to live the event at the collective level.

Those who accept, will experience freedom instantly. Those who resist will have to go through their own incoherence and chimera. And above all, the fact that, as the elders did, without knowing it at the time, they had dragged people into schools, into movements, into spiritual things. The search for the truth, said Nisargadatta, will end the world. Yes, of course.

- Sister: In any case, I still have the impression that it comes naturally.

Yes. There is a linear and natural progression as long as you are a person who observes your person. If you stop being a person who observes your character, then at that moment, Zero Time is lived instantly. And you discover naked joy. So, yes, there is a gradation, a transformation, a pedagogy that has been implemented since long before creation, that has been lived since the Holy Spirit came down to earth in August 1984. Yes, it's the truth. So there has been a progression over the past thirty-five years, but it is a progression of the person and of consciousness. However, the process I am talking about is an instantaneous process, whatever the progress that has been lived before.

The progress is illusory and only concerns the person. So, indeed, it lightens consciousness, it also allows a certain form of intellectual understanding but it is not the experience. It allows you to get closer to it but the irremediable, definitive moment of changeover, even if it is not permanently installed, it is a precise moment. This is the moment when you say like Christ: Father, I commend my spirit into your hands. But, as you are the Father too, you put your own spirit into your own hands and at that moment you surrender, that is, the character, in quotation marks, has disappeared. And when the character really and concretely disappears, you can only notice it.

That is to say, all the events that will happen in your life will be done with ease, with evidence from the moment you no longer have any questions. Well, Claude came to see me. She experienced exactly that in relation to her night that she had to live in a hotel. She finally finds herself not having to move. She did not wish or ask. That was done by itself. But for that you have to be available and not anticipate with plans but yes, I have to find a hotel, I have to find this, I have to find that. You have to be available in the present instant and the intelligence of the light that you are, systematically brings you the solution. I took the example with my electronic visa. However, it goes through electronics, it doesn't depend on the decision of someone who hosts you or not.

These are electronic circuits, and yet it's done. And the more you accept to give up, the more you can only see it and in all sectors. In all areas of your life, emotionally, financially, in terms of how your days unfold, that's how it works. There you go. You notice an ever clearer fluidity, more and more important synchronicities and that is true faith or trust. It is not self-confidence or faith in Christ, it is faith in the unknown; faith in the unknown and in the intelligence of the Light.

But you can't rely on your character to direct the light without it you make it a deviated light, a projected light that is not the authentic light, what was called at the time, the oblique light that was linked to Van Allen's mirror and the three insulating layers of the solar system. That is, what grandpa called the ionosphere, the magnetosphere and the heliosphere.

So now you are living in zero time, that is, you are at the point of equilibrium. So, in the heliosphere, we call it heliopause. It is the satellites, for example, that are placed on what is called the Lagrange peaks. That is, the balance between solar and terrestrial attraction forces. And now you're immutable. The consciousness no longer moves, it is flabbergasted, in every sense of the word and you are free. Of your character and of the consciousness itself.

- Sister: Oh, it really exists....

What ?

- Sister: Are there really any points, any satellites up there?

Yes, the so-called satellites you look at when you look at the heliospheric telescopes Soho, Cor1, Cor2, Corbien, all the images of the heliospheric solar satellites, eh... yes, called like that, are on the balance points of the electromagnetic attraction forces of the Sun and the Earth. When you install a satellite there, it will never move again.

Balance of forces, balance of the double torus of the chest, you know that we have structures here, I talked about it at the time, you have a torus that starts from the left, goes around you like that and joins kiristi behind and on the other side, the same. With two movements that rotate in phase opposition. One of them turns one way and the other one the other way. And that creates, what we call in physics, the ultimate acausal field of physics.

Every time a cell divides to create chromosomes, the DNA becomes chromosomes, you have two organelles that are silica-based, quartz-based, called centrioles that rotate and, the chromosomes align with the central line and cell division is done.

So all cells know time zero. Only consciousness cannot recognize zero time. Because it is designed to escape time zero. But our cells know that. That's why I say, when you live the Truth, you can only recognize yourself.

It's not something unknown, it's unknown as long as you're in the person. When we say that the unknown becomes known, it is not that it has appeared like that, it is that it is recognized within oneself, by the cell, by our flesh. That's why it's happening in the flesh.

- Sister: That's why they say the body here...


- Sister: That's why they say the body here...

The body is essential, yes.

- Sister: it is the body that, which...

It's a bag of meat, as Bidi used to say, but it's also a temple. As a receiver of the Divine Spark and Truth.

- Sister: Yes, yes.

What did you mean by that?

- Sister: No, I just wanted to say so, in these cases, it means that all our, all we've been through... sorry. Everything we've been through since we were born, if I may say, hey... we forget. Well, not to forget, how can I put it? I don't know how to express it. We have no more memories, hey....

Yeah, but your body recorded it. There is also, what is called, cellular memory. There are also Marc Fréchet's memorized cellular biological cycles. There is the language of birds. Everything is printed. The hard disk, our brain, learns between zero and four years. That is, everything that is seen, everything that is experienced is recorded. If it is registered in a dysfunctional way, and we are all carriers of these famous little devils or early dysfunctional patterns, whether it is through abandonment patterns, lack patterns, defilement patterns, etc. etc. Even if you no longer have it in your consciousness, it's in your cellular memory and it's in your brain.

- Sister: Oh, okay.

And that's what's responsible, at the time we called the little devils. That we were dealing with crystals, to escape the cognitive programming that is done without your knowledge of your own free will. And that, you can't eliminate. It is engraved on the hard disk, as we know, in what are called cognitive and behavioural therapies, which are the branches of psychology, we will say today, perhaps the closest to the Truth. We know very well that we cannot delete a program. We can only add a program on it, another layer that will be more functional.

But, once again, the radical and definitive solution is to put an end to what has been called the myth of immortality, because the ego believes itself immortal. Or to the myth of individuality, that is, to believe that one is a consciousness separated from everything, from the grain of sand, from the enemy or from other dimensions. Only that really and concretely unlocks what you have done with the primary breathing movement or with it, we can also do with some crystals, which will make you free. Which will instead restore you to your freedom.

Freedom is inscribed in us, as are all wounds and traumas. That's why there's no need to look for her. There is just to be silent, to remain calm, to be lazy as Osho said and to cross over, to accept. And be in the instant present and that's it. Everything else is superfluous. Everything else today is bothering you.

This does not prevent you from using your gifts, your abilities, your body, whatever you want. But the Truth must be lived. It cannot be said. And the Truth is lived, today in an optimal way because there is no longer any primary anomaly, no feedback loop on the consciousness that reflects everything in the body, but still it must be accepted.

If you place yourself, through therapy or consciousness, believing yourself to be the result of your past, whatever it may be, you are not available for the moment. And it can't be. So, indeed, we use devices. Dolphins, whales, canoes, satsangs, dancing, singing, everything that can derive our attention, our consciousness, our lived experience to the present instant.

Yesterday, when Denise was singing, if you placed yourself in the present instant, you were in the heart instantly. There was no question about whether we felt this energy or that presence, it was immediate.



- Brother: I would like to come back to what you said earlier. If the expression of words takes us away from the Truth, what about the verb that I, for my part, appear to be the language of the heart, which is impersonal and in the beginning was the verb.

Yes. The verb is the first manifestation. In the beginning, I will answer you, what beginning? since there has never been a beginning. So the verb is as much a scam as the word.

It all depends on the point of view. Linear vision is what all the Elders had. Even Peter Deunov, he was talking about the new root race. Even Bernard of Montreal, in his evolutionary psychology, spoke of the new root race. He simply didn't have the opportunity to live it as it was already lived.

If, everything you see, even the worlds, even the beings of Light are one in you and come from the present moment. Where did things come from, what said Nisargadatta in his lifetime, in the principle of refutation and investigation. He even said that not everything you can say is true. You only find yourself in the total negation of everything you see, experience, feel, speak or express or see.

- Sister: Negation.

However, the brain does not know negation. At the neural level, negation doesn't mean anything. And if you spend your time refuting or saying, not everything is true, your brain will go crazy and you will free your heart.

He went that far. And it will go, indeed, through a given moment, which is seen from the outside, by the people you meet, emotionally, professionally, amicably, as a feeling of someone who is totally indifferent. You live it in your families. You live Love but people think you are crazy if they do not accept you. Because for them, there is danger. Oh yes, of course there is a danger to the person. They can only reject you, they can only try to confront you to keep you in the mold. And the more they really love you, the more they'll lock you up.

- Sister: So how do we do it?


- Sister: How we do it then.

Well, you cross over, like you did. You don't react. You enter the embracing that will trigger the pro action, that is to say something that is not conditioned by what the other has done but by spontaneity in the present instant.

- Sister: And the person in front of us, she is going to...

She will be confused, but you will notice, as you saw in the experience you mentioned earlier, that the person no longer has any means of pressure or action on you because you do not give her a hold. She can scream all she wants, she can cry all she wants, at some point she won't have anything in front of her. If she has nothing in front of her, you put an end to duality. Let the one who is the most intelligent, who has heard these words, live it. The other, he hasn't heard these words, he can't live it but you can make him live.

- Sister: Okay.

And from the moment you agree not to react, you enter into the pro-action, into the availability for the present instant. It's a constant, for anything.

Look what happened with my electronic visa. Who arrived two minutes later. Instead of two days. Things like that, there are thousands of them. You have a sister in Canada who was leaving the meeting, she came for a day. Her car, all the lights came on, she started, she had broken the engine. It stopped immediately and everything went back to normal. While all the lights were on, black smoke behind, finally, the mega engine failure that stopped. So you can call it a miracle if you want, but that's the intelligence of the Light.

You know, when I bought cars, I asked Anaël, he knew mechanics as much as a mechanic. Before buying a car, I asked him, he said to me: There is that, there is that, there is that, there is that, there is that. We were going to the mechanic's, it was true.

It goes that far. Even on things said to be inanimate, there is a conscience. It works for all circumstances. But that requires, once again, trust, but not in itself. And especially not in someone or an entity or an external authority but a trust in the unknown. In the intelligence of the Light. That's how you recognize yourself, no other way. Without it, you're missing out. When you miss it, it's suffering and the more you suffer, the more you'll realize it's obvious. Also.

- Sister: And by the way, the other time we were talking about it. In fact, we're finally, how to say, I'm here but finally a little bit split.


- Sister: That's right.

Yes, yes. That's it, that's it. It creates a feeling or perception, apparently of duplication, but in fact, simply the consciousness that literally comes off the body, from identification with the body or identification with the character, which creates the double perception of being duplicated. That is, to be, at the same time this character and at the same time something else.

And the more you accept that, the more everything will be transferred into what you are in Truth. And the character, the person, the story, indeed, there will have, over time, less and less weight, less and less catchphrases in relation to your lived experience. And you will find that the behavioural reflexes related to your story, to the wounds, to the famous little devil, will disappear and that you will be more and more available, one, for Joy and for the instant. True Freedom is there. And you can only see that everything is set up without you. It is valid for a visa, it is valid for knowing where to sleep, it is valid for a conflict with anyone.

If it doesn't happen, it doesn't mean that you have failed, it just means that you haven't yet understood, really and that you haven't really lived the process. When you live it once, it's unforgettable. Even for a minute. Once again, you can only recognize yourself. And it cannot fail, because it is not a question of appreciation, it is not a question of feeling, it is not a question of sensation, it is not a question of perception or vision, it is an self-evident thing. The fact that there is no longer any primary anomaly prevents everything from being returned to the soul and makes the human being available for the Truth.

There are more and more brothers who live Agape without having heard of AD or having followed any channeling, everywhere, in all environments now.

- Sister: Me, for example.


- Sister: I have never followed AD....


- Sister: I never have, that's it.

All I'm saying is....

- Sister: It's only been a year and a half since...

This knowledge, these stages that we have experienced, for the old ones, today, no longer represent anything. It has been an essential support for many, it has been a light for many, of course. But today, all that's, it's, it's, it's all wind. And I'm not contradicting myself by saying that, simply, it's the logical continuation, it's unstoppable. We have simple....

- Sister: We had to go through this.

Yes. We have been told stories to bring us closer to supraconsciousness. We were analyzed the dream, the confinement, the structures, physical, energetic, vibratory. We worked on it through Unity Yoga, for example, or [noethology], (45:00) as I called it at the time, the science of consciousness. We have been allowed to lock a new information which is that of Eternity to discover that even this Eternity is a dream.

But if we hadn't gone through this, we would have had to wait for something, I don't know what. But the event, as I said, collective, is much softer whatever the external circumstances which, as you see every day for many weeks now but especially since July 2, are leaving in peanuts. But really here. It's not just a small volcano, a small earthquake, it's general.

The flood is universal. Volcanism is universal. We are really in this era of, of, of, of, of extinction level event, as they say, to such an extent that it has even become common practice. As I was saying, you have conferences on disruption and collapse and collapse in which you have even financial companies involved. We call that dying with dignity. Yes, because, they, they have in their plans, to start again after, you know. But hey, let them dream.

Let them dream a little longer because even their dreams, of conscience or of the future, feed the fire by friction. And it is very good that the friction fire is nourished because it inevitably leads to the Truth. The worst thing is when there's no fire. Habits. The worst thing is when there is no confrontation. But on the contrary, bless the confrontations that happen to you, whether they are caused by your loved one, your husband, your mother, your wife.

Whether it was accidental. That it's not fair. Because even within injustice there is only justice. What I was even explaining, in relation to my indictment, which lasted six years. It was totally unfair because it was not true. But it was years of happiness for me. Years of introspection, of particular emotional experience and of revolution too. So it all depends on the point of view. As long as you see that a point of view bothers you, it is that you are not in the Truth.

- Sister: Yes, at some point....


- Sister: At some point, there is so much to say that communication with someone else, who is even awake...


- Sister: There is something that does not pass, because it is not at the same time, it is not on the same wavelength and we must live it anyway. And yet, we see it....

Yes. Yes, yes.

- Sister: We see it [...] it is perceived...

And even the brother and sister who dream and say: That's not true, that's bullshit, the Agape, Absolute, that's nonsense, that's an archon, that's evil... It's not serious. They heard the information. They are[...] anyway... (Laughs) as they say vulgarly, because they heard it.

- Sister: I see it with my children.

The truth cannot be told. We can approach it, that's what we do, but once you hear it, whether you agree or not, we don't care.

- Sister: It says so.

When the time comes, when you lose your body, you will have to recognize this. And you will not be deceived by the visions, by the pseudo-whites of Light that you have created yourself. But that's obvious, that's obvious. You don't have to agree or disagree, I don't care about that. There is no need to live it or not to live it, the main thing is that the Good News has been announced. Even if for you, it's not good news or it's not true.

- Sister: ... It still ends up soaking the outside.


- Sister: Yet I have around me, but really, you see the opposite, the opposite, the opposite who doesn't want to be reconciled, who never wants to... And now I see in my daughter who is very directive, a little masculine at the same time in her way of being in the world. Good, because she has claims to review somewhere, and now I feel that there is a softening, if you want all this, without me having to... Whereas before, I wanted to raise this, this, you know, this awakening, and then I run into a...

Yes. And there are no words.

- Sister: a reaction...

It is simply your presence combined with your absence, the fusion of being and non-being at the heart of the heart, through the character who acts.

- Sister: Yes. But except that before, I was afraid she would get lost, you know, and so I was constantly trying to wake her up, shake her up and then actually, it was terrible because....

Now, I always say....

- Sister:"...You are in a cult, you are crazy..."...

Let the dreamers dream, dream. Because if you confront them or if you are too aggressive, you will strengthen them in their dreams. Well, of course, it's going to trigger more and more friction. But the more you leave them alone, the more effectively they will benefit from the zero time information you constantly provide. It doesn't need words.

- Sister: All of a sudden, it subsides on its own.

You don't even need to be present.

- Sister: At the same time, it also calms us down because, as a result, I no longer have this sense of responsibility, you know, where I was thinking, but I missed everything, I don't know [...] 50:19 well, it wasn't my fault, of course, all alone, I mean, it's a set of interactions of course...

It's done without you. And this can also be seen in life therapies or in Agape resonance network care or fire of the Sacred Heart, people write a request, they are healed. I'm not even informed, I'm not even aware of it. I don't pretend to say it's me. Simply, you are a catalyst, it is your combined presence and absence emanating through your character that make the alchemy come true. But as long as you think you can control things or induce things, you will find that it cannot work.

More and more, in all the circumstances of your lives. And that the more you have this trust in the unknown, in the intelligence of the Light, in that you are in Truth, the more these things will happen without asking for anything, without understanding anything. That's how there's a spread, what I called last year, the zero time pandemic.

The Good News is that, it is the information of zero time, which is made available to everyone to get out of the dream. To get out of shape or dimensions. We're perfect before consciousness even appears. We are anterior to consciousness.

- Sister: But I remember the moment when the consciousness, when I became aware of the consciousness. I felt like I was going into a vertigo, but I thought to myself, this thing never ends. You see, everything was... I was moving forward and it was moving forward in front of me and at one point I thought, I'm never going to get there what. I'm never gonna make it around this thing and I'm back.

- And so, another reason, you see, there I went straight to the Source, and then, where everything was obvious and everything was there, besides, I had the impression that it was them who came and not me who carried me. And I say, oh, but you're here, like I left them yesterday, you know. And then, no words. Just Love, you see. And then I thought to myself: but I have to go back down, I left my children downstairs.

- And on the way down, I came across a person who, here, would have made me angry, or anyway, we would have confronted each other because, well, this type of mentality that I was up against. And there, no, it was a silence and in addition I was in love with it, I said: Ah but you're there [...] He was also a brother, yet I would have met him here, I know that it would have been a friction because it was not at all, in incarnation, it was not at all the type of person with whom it could be fluid. Quite the opposite. But that was settled. It was not at all alive, what, at that level, it didn't exist.

So it will happen more and more like that, even in the most insignificant circumstances of life, in relationships that can sometimes be the most tense. Everything is only a pretext to make you live the Truth that you are. So don't feel sorry for an illness, don't feel sorry for the money you've been taken, don't feel sorry for a divorce, don't feel sorry for nothing. Which doesn't mean not to act after. Sometimes he is obliged to act, but accept and welcome. Put in front of this acceptance. Look at what's happening. Afterwards, of course, you will act. But this action will be free of any reactions, which is why it is called the pro action, at the communication level. Because it is free from your story and it is free from circumstances and it is free from all causalities.

- Sister: And above all, when you live like that, you don't have a story. I have lived....

Oh no, you have no choice.

- Sister: So until the age of nineteen....

Heresy is believing that you have a choice.

- Sister: There was no history.

And that I've been saying since I was young, as long as you believe you have a choice, you can't be free. Because choice, appealing to the notion of right and wrong, appealing to duality, whereas true freedom is precisely to accept that you never have a choice. This is what gets us out of what is called free will, which is a total scam. Love is not a choice, is not a freedom, it is the Truth. But as long as we believe we have a choice, you can't be free.

Accept that you have no choice and you will be free. It's the ego that thinks it has a choice, always. The character, who struggles in his story, in his affects, in his sufferings, not the Truth.

- Sister: But in work, for example, there are choices, sometimes to be made.



I'm talking about your choices. Choosing a garment is not a choice.


Oh no, no. When I buy a garment, I don't go to a store to buy a garment. I pass, there's something I like, I'll take it. I'm not going there with the idea of choosing. Such color or such thing or such thing or such thing, without that it's endless. Besides, if you come across people who are undecided, who don't know how to choose, then this is horrible. The real freedom is not to have a choice at all levels. As long as you think you have a choice, you can't be free. The choice is about the person.

Whoever is free, has no choice. He does not follow what life offers him, what life takes from him with the same equanimity, with the same intensity. As long as you think you have a choice, you can't be completely free. What?

- Sister: It is a testimony.

Go ahead, go ahead, of course.

- Sister: To bounce back on what you're saying. It's a testimony, it's true it's about history, all right. But, compared to a dismissal, a dismissal you have no choice. Do you agree with me? I mean, you're living it. Resistance to what is happening creates, as you say, suffering. Anyway, there you go. So, it's an lived experience. Yet I had next to me someone who can tell me: Well listen, here, embrace, embrace, embrace, but sometimes it is necessary to repeat it, repeat it, repeat it so that... so that the... so that this little thing can be jacked! It is necessary to repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat until, even if the dismissal or the way it happened etc. was lived as an injustice, etcetera, etcetera.

- When there is full acceptance of that, when there is, the other is me, I am him, he is me, we are one. And that there's really... I embraced, well, here it is, the boss that I had, I mean, really in my heart, until the... what, it took two years. But until, on the inside, I really feel that it's wow. That it was, like, really totally liberated. It allowed me to return to my old place of work very happy etc. To meet this character, finally, to live something really very nice and very happy together.

- Until he says to me: Look, really, I'm really sorry about what happened, I mean, after, after two years. So, but in me it had been, I was in love with what, well, not in... yes, if, in love with everything that has been lived, such as it was lived, etc. And I didn't look for anything, that is, it happened, that's it, it happened, I didn't have anything, I didn't want a meeting or anything, but it was lived and it was shared and that's it. It's over, it's hop, let's move on, let's keep going. It's... So there's no...

As soon as you stop looking, it comes to you.

- Sister: It's done.

It's simple.

- Sister: Yes.

Do we still have to accept the mechanism to verify and live it?

- Sister: Yes.

But it's true, that's how it works. It can be said that the choice, whatever the choice, of a garment as well as of the mind...

- Sister: It works. It really works, you know. related to the person and consciousness. Non-choice is true freedom. Totally. There can be no truth as long as there is a choice.

- Brother: That's what I meant in fact, in relation to work, I work 100 percent and I'm also a small boss. So now I have the total combo, but in fact, all the choices you're going to make in your workplace, they'll only concern the person. It doesn't impact who you actually are. Yes, yes.

And that's something, if you want that's really liveable there, right now, there's no need to think. Accept to have no choice and you are available for the Truth. It is the best way to live humility, the Way of childhood, Transparency, that is humility. It's not belittling yourself by whipping yourself. As Therese has shown, accept even the worst injustice, without reacting, as you said earlier, and the Truth is discovered at the end of it. In the course of this. But as long as you think you have a choice, you are not free.

- Sister: So I accepted everything for myself, nothing is a problem for me if you want. But in terms of my children, on the other hand, I was really resistant.

Yes, yes, well in general those who are...

- Because I... I... I didn't want them to be attacked.

Well, yes, when it's a husband or a wife, he'll tell you: choose it, it's either your Light or me.

That's a classic one.

And that's horrible because you don't want to choose but... but... But you're not responsible either. And yet you take responsibility for it.

Yeah. And in addition, living in non choice, that is, in acceptance, allows you to see what is called in sport, for example, what is called maximum neurological efficiency, which is sought by all athletes. They explain it in two seconds, what is called flow in English, fluidity, it is the moment when you transcend all your technique. For example, for an athlete who plays tennis, it is the moment when he forgets his technique, when he forgets what he wants to do. And that's something that athletes can spot very well, everything is done automatically.

He didn't decide to put the ball in this place, but it goes to that place. That's what we have in Zen when we tell you, to the archer who shoots his arrow. You are neither the arrow, nor the bow, nor the one who holds the arrow, you are the target. Get in the target and you'll hit the target. It is a very well known principle of Zen and it is exactly like that in work and in anything and in emotional life too.

The fact of not having the choice and accepting that everything is written like a video game, frees you from any tension and puts you in this flow, in this maximum neurobiological efficiency. By oxytocin, by the action of neurotransmitters, for the athlete, because I took the example where it has been most studied in sports psychology, it is the moment when the athlete wins everything. He tells you that he has been in a state of grace.

- Sister: It's Forrest Gump.

- Brother: It's Roger Federer

You have... all athletes know that. But unfortunately they cannot reproduce the flow, that is to say that when they have lived the flow, they can try mental techniques, training techniques, sophrology, whatever they want, they can't do it. It is the moment when they just give up, that they are most effective. That is to say, they drop their technique, it is mastered, they drop their will, they drop the need to win, the dependence on the reward that is terrible, they drop everything and at that moment they are effective. Efficiency, they are in the flow, that is, they are in this fluidity of unity as we called it, and they are in the evidence of life. And that can only get stronger and it can't go away.

And you will find that even when you have anger because you are human, when you are not happy because you have frustrations like any human being, you go through it but with ease and life brings you what is necessary. Always.

What you care about is important to you. Whether it's your wallet, your husband, a house, a dog, a cat, anything. Everything you set free frees you up. And you cannot make the other free except by being yourself in the present moment, that is, by carrying and conveying the information that has been called sacred heart-fire, which conveys the zero time from everywhere. You spread it all over the planet, in all universes. There is no limit, there is no time, there is no space, and when you live this truth, when you are this truth, you are the way, the truth and the Life. You can only see the effects, the consequences, the implications. But you haven't decided anything and it's a total relaxation!

Because even when the mind gets involved or gets angry, for example the story of the electronic ticket there, sitting on the floor trying to get my thing. You're still... you need to involve the character in relation to speed, to do something, but you don't even have an a priori or preconceived idea about what's going to happen.

- Sister: That's the result.

And you accept what will happen knowing that it could only be like that anyway. That's why I'm no longer looking to know tomorrow what it's going to be made of. This is how you make yourself available for the present instant, especially when we are the bearer of our history, since we will be the bearer of our history until the last day of our incarnation. But this story no longer carries any weight.

Whether in small devils, early dysfunctional patterns, whether in suffering, in disease or even in so-called hereditary anomalies. I am living proof of this, but I am not the only one. There is no longer any reason to be fat, there is no longer any reason to be tired, there is no longer any reason to be suffering, there is no longer any reason to be sick. There's no reason to miss anything anymore.

- Sister: Ah ah ! Hallelujah!

Everything is done without you. Everything is done automatically and everything is done more and more gracefully, with evidence and with more and more certainty, but above all do not ask for anything, welcome and that is it. If you ask, you put a distance. It is still a projection of consciousness, whatever the noblest objective, it is what I was trying to make pass for... all the brothers and sisters who make Agape resonances, Agape resonances network and fire of the sacred heart. And Claude also at one point I told you, you have to be very careful not to respond to any request, whatever it may be. And that's why I tell people, I don't want to know what you have, I don't want to know anything about you, just your name and first name, since I don't do anything anyway. That's how it works, that's the miracle, that's the intelligence of the Light.

- Sister: So, when there are some who tell us, people who tell us: I am not yet in Agape, I don't feel, I don't know.


That's... that's true, isn't it true?

But because they have a particular conception of Agape. They still think they can feel the fire of the heart, the double torus, the vibration. But as soon as you felt the pressure in the heart or once you felt the real heart chakra, I'm not even talking about vibratory structures, active, it's over. It's over now. But of course the character will reappear, this is what will give you the opportunity to get closer to zero time and to permanently install it even your reactions. When I said once that you had the zero time information it's won, no matter what you say, no matter what you live, you're screwed. It is clear. It can't be any other way. Then it's a game of the mind to tell you, ah yes but then I'm not in Agape, yes but then I don't feel that, yes but then I don't live that. No, that's not true.

That's not true, yes.

Of course it's not true. It is the strategies of the mind, it is the strategies of the ego and it is even more subtle, it is the strategies of consciousness, illness that lead you to say to yourself: you see well it is not for you, you do not live it ". Consciousness can only refuse its own negation, which is the truth, i.e. a-consciousness. And that's being available for the present instant, that's being inserted into the spontaneity of life, that's not something else, that's not a vibratory mechanism.

- Brother: And what I notice is, and it seems more and more obvious to me, that brothers and sisters tend to compare themselves to each other on the way they live the processes. And so there is no rule in fact, everyone lives things in their own way and therefore there is no need to compare themselves or, of, of....

You can't compare. Whenever you compare yourself, you're wrong.

- That's it, and so comparing yourself is like questioning yourself.

The comparison, the choice belongs to the person.

- And it's totally useless, actually. There is just to be yourself and nothing else in fact. And to live this face-to-face with yourself and not actually look at the other.

Whatever your knowledge, whether you have a lot or not, it doesn't matter. The important thing is the intensity you put into this relaxation, as you said, or in this moment. Accept not to understand anything, accept not to feel anything, accept not to live anything for those who do not live anything, and you are free. Since zero time is for everyone. It's not an illusion what I'm saying is reality. But most often in the so-called spiritual, energetic, feeling, perception approaches, people are drawn by their own feelings, by visions, by experiences. Certainly, there are experiences that are more nourishing in relation to zero time because they approach zero time, but at some point it has to stop.

And once again, it's so simple! Well, yes, but when you say that to the ego or conscience they can't accept it. And yet all those who live it can only confirm it, it is something terribly simple. As long as it seems complicated or difficult to you, well, you are still somewhere in the belief in your character, your story, your feelings, your memories, your projections. But you can't be true in all of it. There is no truth in that.

- Sister: It was a testimony that happened, well, yesterday, that's it. The computer didn't work right away when we arrived, and the next morning, I see, because before I was doing care and I stopped. Then the next morning I see a note from a doctor of my friends telling me about a child who was burned in the back and he says to me: do you want to do something for Noah? And I say to myself, well, it's the next day. So I put myself in my heart and then I talked to Noah, finally I, here's how you say to do it.

- Sister: As you felt.

- Continued: As I felt it, and I sent my note but she got it the next morning, well, you see. But Noah he was better since then. So that made me... Yes, I know it's not me, but I didn't get the word.

But it's never you.

- Sister: So the Light acted in my place because.

But you are the Light! It's not that she acted in your place!

- Sister: Yes, because you see, between the time she sent it to me and the time I actually received the email, it was the next morning at 9:30 am.

Yes, but it happens all the time because there is no time.

There is no one, there is no time, there is no space. As soon as the intelligence of the Light is at work, of course it is not you who acts.

- Sister: She says to me: Well, thank you.

You have to be presumptuous to believe that you are the one who acts even when you think you are acting.

- Sister: Have a good holiday, thank you, Noah, I'm fine. Well...

And that happens to me, but it happens all the time, all the time. There are testimonies of people who asked for care, or they asked for help that I didn't see and they write to me after thanks, well I didn't do anything, but I never do anything!

- Brother: And the other night when we were at the table, you forgot the care and at the terminal it was fine.


- Sister: And I fell when I fell, so I fell and was injured and then I had after-effects. And I wrote a little note to Jean-Luc, and at the same time as I was describing the situation to him, I was actually seeing exactly what had just happened and what had happened to me, you know.

And it was not Jean-Luc Ayoun who performed a miracle, nor Abba.

And I was saying I just wrote to you and I just understood.

It is the intelligence of the Light that is at work. Simply as soon as you talk to a brother or sister, even in thought, who are living in the present moment and in zero time, it will be effective. There are many who have understood, they no longer need to ask me for sessions on or send me text messages. They tell me it's very simple, I think about you for two seconds, it's over. But I had nothing to do with it! I didn't do anything! To believe at that moment that I did something is to fall into the most delusional spiritual pride and get dressed, so at that moment I put myself in an orange dress, or a white dress and then I sing Hare Krishna ah ah !


I have a friend who's never seen you before and when she has something at night, she calls you.

Yes, yes, I know. But I said it. How many times have I said that. Do not forget that you are all Abba, that I am Abba, and that you can think, not my poor identity, my poor character, but nevertheless, this is the representation I have today of Abba. You think of Jean-Luc Ayoun and you are transformed. But there's nothing I can do about it. But you do it with anyone, who would be liberated here with Pascal or others, you ask the possibility of experiencing exactly the same thing. It happens without you and it happens without the other. That's how you find out there's no one there. Because as soon as you claim: yeah, it's me, look what I did. You're done for. How many of them have been fooled into thinking they are divine mothers, there are so many divine mothers on Earth today, it's crazy, they're all divine mothers, it's wonderful...


But it's a complete fraud.

- Sister: Yes, but we can't think in quotation marks, that's a miracle, because.

It is not even a miracle because, when the miracle becomes common, it is no longer a miracle, it is the ordinary, it is what we call the natural state. The miracle is something excessively rare, it is the miracles of Lourdes for example, which are real, but here the miracle is so daily that it can no longer be called a miracle. The miracle by definition is exceptional. So it has become our daily life, it has become the natural state or the eternal or absolute I, no matter, once again, they are only words but they really reflect the real, concrete, palpable, tangible action of the intelligence of the Light and the Absolute. Since it was the Absolute who created, in quotation marks, during the first manifestation, the intelligence of the Light.

- Sister: So I would like to testify precisely, at the level of the miracles of Lourdes.


- Sister: Because I met when I was young, a man who was miraculous. If you want, he left with his wheelchair and returned to Paris with his suitcases in his hand. And we had the opportunity... well, he was moved to Algeria, with a more or less "priestly" relationship, well, you see... And he came to eat from time to time at home because he didn't have a wife and so on, so it became a habit.

- And he told us that, and he became extremely pretentious to have had... he looked down on everyone like that, he became very pretentious to have had that favor if you will. It was even to demand that my mother make the soup as he wants, that is to say cut into small julienne and not bouhhh, you see passed to the thing.... So after a while, my mother says, uh... all miraculous that he's uh...

Yes, well, after the consequence, what people and brothers, sisters do through the miracles of Lourdes or through their own consciousness, this claim you have observed, it is all those who are in spirituality, who are convinced to be great beings of light.

- Sister: Yes, and then they were elected from something special when in fact, instead of benefiting from this gift...

Yes, but at the time there was no other way. At the time, you know, when I lived the stigmata of Christ and the passion of Christ, I spent ten years praying the rosary. Because you had no other choice. Yeah, of course! Yeah, yeah!

Today that is what I am saying, when people say and repeat that it is terribly simple. It's so simple. And we can only repeat that. It is the consciousness, the mind, the person who is complicated, who wants to find explanations, understandings, who wants to find justifications or who gives himself the impression. It is he himself who puts distance from the truth. It's no one else.

- Sister: But in relation to that, I wanted to talk about the reading that can be done in relation to the face or movements. When I was a child around the age of eleven, twelve years old you see, I could read so much, but at twenty metres from me what the person was putting on me, that I decided to be short-sighted. I had no problem with my eyesight. I have a sister who has vision problems but no myopia. And one day she had just bought, so I didn't really care about that, changing her glasses and then she said: here it's different. And I put her glasses on my eyes: ah but I see differently, I need glasses.

- And then I started pretending not to see what's-his-name at school... Mom I need glasses, I need glasses, because I didn't want to have that sight anymore; seen so... with such sharpness, you know, that sometimes made me, but... cross the road because I could see uh....

- And I was wondering, but I thought to myself: what's wrong with me? What do I have to see to see all this that ended up being, uh... And so I reduced my distance. As a result, they were blurred for a longer period of time compared to what was emerging.

What you're expressing here is all the dynamics we've lived through, that I've lived through in relation to the naked consciousness, for example. Because last year when I went out at will in naked consciousness, that is, even without the body of eternity. I had access to everything, everything, everything, absolutely everything. So having access to everything, I talked about what I saw, until the moment I came, I told you, I came to you with Bidi and with Christ who told me: "One, you don't need to see. Two, you don't need to travel. You don't need to know anything.

For a doctor, tell me that when you see everything, when you feel everything, when you feel everything, outside your body where you really see the truth of conscience, you don't accept! So when you accept that the other is in you, you don't need to go out to go in him or see him because he is already there. If he's already here, you don't have to go anywhere. If he's already here, you have nothing to do with it, you have no diagnosis to make. You don't need to know anything about the other. That's how you embrace it if I can say, in its entirety, only by knowing its last name and first name, that's all, you don't need to know anything from anyone. True freedom is there.

Which doesn't mean I can't have information if I need it. There are some cases where I have to, where it doesn't work if I can say so, where indeed, I realize that I have to go and see, and it goes very, very far. For example, a couple of elderly people I didn't know, who asked me to go away, they had entities on them. Well, the entities we know it is they who create them, but nevertheless there were relays at home, where I saw the precise objects that had been brought, with the most perfect description there is.

That, how many times it has happened, but at the limit, if I don't need it, I prefer to avoid it because you touch the other person's heart directly or you touch his heart with your heart. Or you make it resonate as they say, Agape resonance. That is, you embrace him, he is in you. There is no distance.

While, when I went out, I put distance, when I embraced him and yet that is what we lived with the process of absorbing the essences, but they were preconditions that made it possible to understand that there is no other.

There is one, and then there is no one else. And that's how it all happens. That's what Bidi said. Let things happen! You can't help it! You were born one day, you'll leave one day. So no matter how much you find all the explanations, all the karmas you want, and all the justifications you want; that's fraud, that's the fraud of consciousness. And the true availability is to accept not knowing anything, to accept not understanding anything, to accept that the other is you but in totality.

And when I understood that, when I understood that I no longer needed to move, that I no longer needed to see or describe what I saw or act, but simply to be at the heart of the heart, so first by moving. And then I said good, so if I don't move I embrace the other one. But I don't even have to embrace him, he's already here. Unless I accept it in its essence and in its nature and constitution. I'm going to feel the other one, but I don't even need to feel the other one. I don't need to diagnose anything, I don't need a speech, it's done without me and it's done without the other. Accept this principle and see, it works. It works completely.

And it is the most effective thing. There's no one here! You are a dream. Everything we're saying here, everything I'm saying is a dream, it doesn't exist. That's how you get out of the dream. But without any denial of reality, I have a body it is there yes. I have a thought it is there, I have a story it is there, I have memories of all my past lives they are there. I learned a lot of things, that's where it is.

And yet I am in this spontaneity and this path of childhood. It's not because I have knowledge in different fields or because I have feelings in different fields, which have helped me to get there, of course like everyone else, but at some point you have to let go, you have to finish it all once and for all.

This does not deprive you of singing, channelling, talking about medicine, making crystal formations or evoking the rain and the sunshine. But you have crossed and you have had proof through living experience that all this is true, without it you are constantly wandering in the person claiming that you want to be freed from your person. But it can't work.


So the problem of acceptance or acquiescence as I said is fundamental, because it is a neurochemical mechanism that is realized from the moment you accept. If you accept the truth, you can only be the truth no matter what your character says, no matter what your illness, your life, your deficiencies, your lacks, your memories, your wounds say about it. This is something that is very concrete.


So another six, seven minutes. Go ahead. Go ahead. I entrust you both to this.

- Brother: At one point you were talking about... feedback.


- At one point, there was talk of feedback.

Yes, the pro action, is that what you're saying?

- Brother and Sister: Feedback.


- Brother: Feedback.

Feedback, ah, but I never mentioned feedback.




- Brother: When the cells, uh... with the chromosomes, it was at that time.

Ah, I never used that word.

- Well, I was wrong.

I talked about pro-action, I talked about ultra-temporality eventually but never about feedback. The feedback is linear, the pro-action is not linear, it is written in the present instant. Feedback at the limit, what comes closest is ultra-temporality, i.e. when you notice that the care, or that an action is done, even after the fact.

Sometimes I forget someone. It's not feedback, it's ultra-temporality. That is, someone asks me something, I tell them I do it at this time, I forgot. I do it the next day, but he believed at the same time. Because I didn't do anything. Because I simply let the intelligence of Light work. And that you don't need to be aware of it, all I have to do is read a name from someone who asks me something to do it. I don't even need to be there for the time I'm going to make an appointment. This will be done automatically at the time that has been decided by the machine, since it is the computer that makes the appointments.

I read the name, it's over.

I don't even need to think, especially not about what she has, especially not about what she asked me and I don't even need to think about it, it's done without me. It's not even done through me, since I explained it chemically, it's called a catalyst. A catalyst is a chemical body that is there and causes a reaction between two other compounds but it does nothing to make the catalyst, it is intact before and after. I haven't moved a muscle, I haven't mobilized any energy, any intention, any vision. This is also the zero instant and spontaneity.

Yes, they are permanent miracles, but they are so permanent that they are a natural state. But this natural state is open to everyone, there is no limit. The only limits are the ones you set yourself, either through the habits you don't see, or through how they work. Or through beliefs you have accepted, in a religion, in a god, in something like that. But as long as you're in there, you can't be free. There is no god, there is no devil. You are all of these at once. There is no enemy, there is no friend, there is only you.


And when you accept that of course, it puts the discord in your brain, it puts the discord in your consciousness but right behind you are free. At the same time, at the same time. But it must be an acceptance, if I may say so, frank and sincere, you sign, it is not a commitment lightly; it is like when you take a credit, you are forced to sign. It is the neurochemical process that occurs, as I explained to you. When the research ends, the dopamine collapses and oxytocin rises.

At that moment you bathe in a bath of bliss, it is a chemical process, since it is expressed through the body and the body is the perfect receptacle today, whether it is called "meat bag" as Bidi said or the "temple" of the most sacred there is, yes it is the truth. Both expressions are equally true. It is both a bag of meat and at the same time a sacred temple. This is the fusion of the simulacrum and the sacred or, if you prefer, the ephemeral and the eternal. Which leads to the understanding that there is no more sacred than simulacrum, no more creation, no more dream, no more than anything.

And then you make yourself available for Life. You are no longer your character with its limits whatever they may be, but you are really the expression of Life. And it is not the prerogative of a character or entity. It is accessible to everyone.

- Sister: The proof is that children who do not have...


I say, the proof is that children who have not yet accumulated a certain number of things are living it without knowledge.

Oh, yes, that's right.

And it's because of taking knowledge that it happens...

The drama of the human being, if in quotation marks if we want to talk about drama, it would not be locking him up, not even locking him up. The drama is to believe you are someone, the drama is to believe you are an entity, the drama is to believe you are imperfect. The tragedy is to believe that you have to evolve, that you have to transform yourself.

So when you accept the truth, the unknown becomes known and your drama becomes a comedy!


In every sense of the term.


You move from melodrama to dramatic comedy and then to comedy. This world is a comedy, creation is a comedy, it's a video game. I can't find a better expression than video games and all my life, since last year, I have been showing it to me, showing it to me all the time.

Once again, it is neither a privilege, nor a superiority, nor an evolution, nor a transformation, it is something that is there for everyone. Since you're all me. As Nisargadatta said, in his lifetime he said: "The only difference between you and me is that I know that I am a god, you don't know it yet.”

Today we all know it, we can all access it.

So, we're going to stop because we did an hour and a half and it's one... two hours minus ten?


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

French transcript:
English translation:  revised by LMF


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...