Video Audio in French

Video audio in English:


Well, Bidi is with you and he greets you.

Brothers and Sisters: Hello Bidi.

Before starting our interviews, we first settle down in silence and peace.


We will now let the questions and answers come in order to progress in waking up and remembering who you are. So I'm listening to you.

Sister: Thank you, it is a testimony. Hello Bidi, sixty years ago, I got married, and my husband liked to give nicknames to his brothers and sisters, which corresponded very well to the personality of each person.

Pregnant, I wore a garment, which was a camisole, to keep warm, and one day my husband said to me: you wear bidis. I didn't know what it meant, and I never did. I became Mrs. Bidi, and this nickname is still used by my in-laws as a sweet word.

For years I have been listening to you, imagine my surprise when I saw your name on AD, and your voice at first reminded me that since my childhood I have always been fascinated by authority, and especially very respectful. For example, my father, the director of the convent, really loved these people.

I didn't know at that time that this person was me, and that I had in me the same authority that has been present in my life, but that is no longer part of me since Agape is the key to joy and freedom.

I really had a shock the first time I heard your voice, like many brothers and sisters I tried to understand until the day you explained that it was to shake us or cross us, and I confirm that you succeeded in my case.

That is why I wanted to testify to this story which seems banal, but which is not random because there is no such thing as chance. Oh, I forgot to mention that I've never smoked a single bidi, and I've had smokers' cancer in my 40s. I thank you and I love you, can you please enlighten me on this subject?

But what do you need to understand? I call you Bidi, my name is Bidi, and there are certainly dozens of them called Bidi, it is simply a resonance, or if you prefer synchronicity, there is no other explanation to provide, it is always the mind that wants to know why. The important thing is not the why, but the resonance, there is indeed resonance.

As you said, the nickname I chose when I came back to express myself corresponds to what I made and smoked during my professional activity. See nothing but this resonance, do not look any further, do not ask yourself these kinds of questions, there too I would say, content yourself with embracing and crossing, because it will always be the mind, the person, who wants to know, who wants to know, a certain rationality, even within the invisible that has no place to be.

It is a synchronicity mechanism that has no other justification than to lived resonance at any level. There is the most important, the rest is superfluous and can only lead to a satisfaction of a curiosity, certainly, legitimate, but which will not bring you any more Agape or more joy. But I thank you for your testimony, which does not require any further justification or explanation.

As you said, and I see here that the sound system is particularly powerful, the goal is to cross, to let you cross, beyond my words, by what my words carry. What you call the vibrational, what you call the truth, no matter what words I use, my words are not only for your ears, nor for you to break them, but much more to penetrate directly, beyond even any understanding, directly into the heart of the heart.

As you said, it has been effective for you, but it is also effective in the same way when I come to visit you at night, in silence, whether or not you see my presence, what is also important at this level is the communion of hearts, the resonance and the installation in the Absolute, its rediscovery rather, its lived experience.

Keep going.

Sister: Hello to you Bidi, I never have any questions because I am more and more in the truth of the present moment and of the Agape. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the help you are giving to the humanity in the dream. Gratitude.

Thank you very much. I have nothing more to add to this, I thank you all, both those who see me, perceive me, and those who feel nothing, in the same way, I remind you that I am in you, even beyond my earthly identity. And that the resonance that is established by our encounters, at night, by the words I say, becomes easier and easier.

This undeniably proves to you that you are getting closer if I can say, more and more, to the essentiality of life, manifesting itself through you. And it is a great joy, I would even say more, an inner jubilation to see the results of my presence, my words, and what I was able to explain during my incarnation, which were intended to prepare the moments you are living.


We can continue.

Sister: Earthquakes are very active. Is there a link to the San Andreas Fault in the United States?

But it is in connection with all the faults, you enter into the mechanism of expansion of the Earth that follows the expansion of your consciousness, the supramental and especially the discovery and experience of the truth that you are and always have been, and that shakes the foundations of the dream and evidently the earth's mantle.

The same is true for all climatic activities, which are in fact only the upheaval of the discovery of the Truth, the living of the Truth, which puts an end literally by your presence, by your love, to the illusion of this dream, to the myth of creation.

Many of you, here as elsewhere, have somewhere revealed and awakened in you the initial state, which I remind you is nothing more than the final state, which does not depend on any form, any world, or any pseudo-individuality. Most of you live the discovery of Unity, the primacy of Love over all the person's activities. Love that takes up all the space in an increasingly evident way on the components of your ordinary life, not only superimposing itself on it, but also substituting itself for it.

You are all in this process, whether you are informed or not, does not change anything, collectively, you are in the phase where observation, the observer, are more and more present, more and more effective, in the resolution of illusion. It is happening right now, it makes you happy, even if there may still be some apprehensions when the unknown is not totally revealed, but which is unavoidable.

The circumstances of your lived experience can only lead you to the surrender of consciousness and person, thus realizing the collective present moment of what was called by the Commander, the Event. You are the Event and you are the advent of what has always been there, but which had been forgotten.

Nothing can deceive you anymore, on the meaning of life, even if you do not understand anything about your life, Life is much more important, because it does not depend on any individuality, any condition, or any restriction. There is total freedom, which does not need experience, which does not need any other evidence than your own re-recognition.

The great joy, through and thanks to the elementary, societal, planetary marasmus of the whole solar system and creation, only reacts to the intensity of your revelation and to the experience of the Truth, not depending on any history or condition.

And as has been said by countless voices, in this present period, you still have to go through certain elements that are only relics, memorials, linked to the habit of form, to the habit of consciousness, which as you go through the eons of the illusion of time has made you forget who you really were.

This recognition of yourselves cannot fail, nothing can deceive you in this ultimate truth that is to be lived. Everything will be given to you, not explanations, not logic but the naked truth of who you are, before the dream and after the dream.

Where there is no more time to pass, where there is no space for the slightest suffering, for the slightest doubt, for the slightest question, and which results in an acceptance, a crossing, and which inevitably leads to an ease of living what is to be lived for you, both on the stage and for the observer, burning in a way mutually, to let the bare Truth reappear within the Eternal Self.

I said it when I was incarnate, creation will pass away, the universes will pass away, but you will never pass away. As I said, and this is not a spiritual view, you were never born, you were never dead. It's a game you played, that you wrote yourself to make sure you'd get together again at the collective moment.

Everyone has written their own scenario, their own course of revelation, their return to the Truth, in every possible way. You still have, and this was explained a short time ago, to say yes, but not yes to anything, yes to life, yes to what is, whatever the appearances, whatever the sufferings, and whatever the doubts.

There is a form of inner certainty that is already present, which you just have to let go of any request and any questioning. Remember, in the sometimes difficult moments that you may have to live individually and collectively, that it is precisely this that allows you to remember who you are, beyond being, beyond the games of consciousness, beyond form, and beyond any universe.

You have always been present, despite the appearance of the form, despite the theatre scene and despite all the suffering. To accept this is already to live it, to accept it is to be free. This is neither positive thinking nor positive affirmation, but the affirmation of Truth, which may still be unknown to you, for many, but which can only blossom in this way.

Let it be what it is, take care of your life in what there is to solve, but do not mix anything other than the materiality of the theatre scene itself. Accept to play the game, you can't leave the stage until the end, but you know you're only an actor, until the final clap, until the curtain falls off the theatre stage. The theatre exists, you are confronted with it every minute, since you are inscribed in this bag of meat, which is in fact also and simply the temple, the heart of the heart, as you call it.

Remember that beyond simplicity, there is also a notion of ease, and even if it does not appear to you, even if it seems eccentric or incongruous, it is precisely because of this offensive aspect of your habits of functioning within the form, which puts an end to the illusion of the form, which puts an end to the attachment of consciousness, to this body as to history.

The more your disposition is that of embracing, the more possibilities there are to resolve everything that may still seem resistant or unseen to you. Zero time, Agape, is the balm that puts an end to all wandering and also very soon for a multitude among you, that puts an end to suffering, pain, and questioning. It will then just remain for you to enjoy Life, through your life, everything will indeed be, for a greater number of people more and more simple, more and more evident and more and more certain.

That is why the Elders, like Abba, spoke at length to you about habits, automatisms, conditioned reflexes linked to the successive forms taken within the illusion. And I can even tell you that in the events that may happen to you, of whatever nature, some of you had decided to be shaken in your habits, in your comfort.

This shaking is necessary for you, in the same way as the activity of the elements on Earth, because it is precisely in those moments, when there is an interrogation on the processes that take place in your life as well as on the theatre stage of the whole planet as in the cosmos, that the shaking is found, a little like my voice, which allows you to shatter the illusions, to break the dams of the love that you are.

Do not judge anything, do not condemn yourself, that is exactly what you have chosen. And I even say that the more you are in opposition to what can happen, in your body or in your life, the greater the ability to be and to regain freedom. Do not judge yourself, do not condemn yourself, there is nothing to improve by yourself, there is simply to let the intelligence of Life, the intelligence of Light, and the supreme intelligence of Truth work.

All means are good to disaccustom you, to disable you from the illusion of consciousness and form. All those of you who testify, or who live it, as the few testimonies we have had, are absolute proof of this, that it is up to you to verify for yourself, not in some dream, not by escaping your life, but precisely by accepting it.

That is how you are free, that is how you find yourself, you have given yourself to life and life will give you back a hundred times over, every day and every minute, by this inner joy, by this self-evidence that is there, whatever the shortcomings of your life, that is exactly what you have decided to be sure to wake up, to be sure to recognize yourself, beyond any trauma, any memory and any question present on what is happening on your daily screen.

And I also remind you that in moments that can be difficult, either in your body or linked to cosmic, climatic and terrestrial events, you will have the most opportunities to be free from any conditioning, any submission, to society and illusion. It is not a struggle, it will never be a struggle, no matter what you think, but much more a surrender to who you really are, especially if you don't know it yet.

All the other strategies aimed at opposing, fighting against, wanting to resolve by yourselves or by any external authority, whatever its science, that you affirm yourself in the eternal I, this is also done to show you that there is no fear, of the unknown, of the future, of something else, that can come to hide the truth.

The unmasking is total, each according to its own circumstances, which I remind you were written from the initial moment of the dream. You're just browsing, only what you've written. It may seem difficult for the character to accept, to believe that one has written suffering rather than joy oneself. But suffering also leads you to joy.

The human person is never as strong as when he is shaken in his foundations, and this burst of personality inevitably leads, despite the sufferings and I would even say thanks to the sufferings or the resistances, to this naked truth.

You wrote the script, we wrote it together. You are the originator, as you are at the end. You have only gone through dreams gradually forgetting who you really were beyond all history. It is so, it is your choices, and the more unfair, difficult, or incomprehensible it seems to you, the closer you are to the truth.

It is at the moment when you are shaken, when the usual automatisms of the apparent security of society, show you the fallacy of everything that has been built within this dream. There is nothing to judge, it is neither good nor bad, but, I repeat, this is the scenario you wrote to put an end to any scenario.

So don't worry, don't worry, always welcome what's there and welcome it more and more. I have repeated it countless times, what must happen will happen no matter what you do, and what must not happen, will not happen, no matter what you do too. This is not an admission of helplessness, quite the contrary, it is simply the most appropriate way, of the chaos of the dream that becomes a nightmare, that will allow you to rediscover yourself.

No matter how many of you are released today on this Earth, which is constantly progressing every day and every week of your illusory time, only brings you collectively closer to the Truth. Even if it is shattering, hateful, you can only laugh and smile about it once you get through it.

Agape creates a state, within the character, the person, within the ephemeral, a kind of convergence and concordance between the illusion of dream and truth. Between the simulacrum, as Abba would say, and the sacred. The simulacrum and the sacred meet at the same time, which is the moment of the collective resolution of the dream.


Well, you can continue.

Sister: There are no more written questions.

So who's coming to be executed next door?


Brother: Hello Bidi, this is going to be my second execution after all, because after the meeting, I don't know if it's the last one, in Tunisia, a sister who asked for a suggestion for her sister, to help her because she was depressed, so you suggested that she listen to Bidi on a loop for at least three hours. So I found that I was somewhat in the resistance in my character.

So one morning I settled down and listened to Bidi for three hours, moreover I am the audios, the channelings regularly for a long time, but listening to an hour, an hour and a half is fine, but when I arrive at two o'clock, naturally the character sometimes, they find a lot of things to do, things to do, excuses if you can say, at the end of three hours, but then I kind of tried to put it aside as much as possible, not to get distracted, to stay available and I did the three hours.

I heard that. And?

Brother: The good news also is that, absolutely, as you say, as I also live when I listen to Bidi, so I had a tendency to fall asleep, which this time, for some time now, when I listen to you, I stay awake, I stay present, without sleeping.

So well, that was the first one, or the first two things, I say, the character might not have been too distracted, I didn't sleep and well, afterwards, well I didn't see any effect, but for me often the effect happens in delayed, if I can say.

So well, offline for me it means the night, so I went to bed, already I felt my mind was calmer, then I went to bed, and then during the night maybe two, three hours of time I woke up and there I was all vibrating, it seemed to vibrate from everywhere, and what I remember most is that I was like, well, I don't know if we can call, the white paradise, but for me everything was white, there was nothing else. And then at that moment well, I got up a little bit, I noticed what was going on and went to bed to complete the night. So that's a little bit of the effect it had on me.

Thank you for your experience, but allow me to complete, if I may say so, the prescription.


And that goes for everyone here, everywhere. I would indeed advise you at nightfall to start with three hours of Bidi, any of my interventions, to follow just after that with one hour of Eynolwaden, and to end all that with one hour of Uriel. It is the perfect prescription for release for these times. You don't even need to think, you can adopt this prescription for anyone.

One, you are crushed, or angry no matter what, two, Eynolwaden comes to bring her joy and freedom and three, Uriel rhythms the final passage of the access to the Heart of the Heart. This prescription in these particular times is better than any cogitation, and will easily allow you, in the sometimes complex situations of your ephemeral life, to find serenity, a new form of sitting, which is no longer done through the hara but directly in the heart.

As you described, at that moment a vibration or a fire will run through you, each of you can verify it. For some of you, cross the discomfort with my voice, and even if you fall asleep, you will invariably notice a new space of freedom that opens up in you, a new space of certainty and evidence. Prescribing is simple, the dosage does not need to be increased or even renewed, it is a minute treatment.


The efficiency is guaranteed by Bidi at 100%. There is no better medicine, because you will reintegrate the three into one, by being crushed by my voice, by being covered by the balm of the joy of Eynolwaden's freedom, and you will thus stabilize thanks to the vibration of the archangel Uriel, who you are. Can you tell us that after this experience, there have been some big changes?

Brother: I would say that what I can add as you say, about the character being crushed, I felt that the character, at least for I can't say how long, twenty-four, forty-eight hours, was very afraid to show up, he didn't dare, he was really in the background, then he didn't dare be there too much.


And then it went on for a while, yes. Then, what I could perhaps also say, another thing, when I listen to Bidi, I had, compared to your prescription, it also happened to me when I listened to Bidi before that experience, sometimes yes, it comes, as you say smashing at the character level, and precisely, as perhaps it is a smash, I would say, who is not violent, it's just that the character, we have the impression that he is dying out, but nevertheless, sometimes I would listen to Abba afterwards, because I had the impression that Abba also has a certain sweetness, so it came to compensate the character a little bit, a little bit, so that's what...


Well, thank you very much.


Let's continue. Next execution.


Brother: Before I ask you a Bidi question, I would just like to say, personally, when I use Bidi, B-I-D-I for me, what you do, the inner beauty divinizes the moment.

What is the last word?

Brother: The present instant. For me, Bidi, that's what he does. Now, here's my question, does Bidi, today, have any new things for Quebec?

Why, there has already been something for Quebec besides my coming at 11:00 p. m. at your hour?


You want another date, don't you?


Is that what you want? Ask.

Brother: I want to know if in Quebec they will have new events that will happen soon

Oh, yes, that's for sure. But it's the surprise, it's the multicolored month, the Commander told you, you'll see all the colors, but the joy will be more and more present, it's always been said, the more the chaos will grow, the more joy you will be. Not from a morbid joy of chaos, but from the morbid joy of finding yourself through the chaos of the ephemeral. So yes, in this beacon of humanity as the Commander said, there are also a number of events preceding the Collective Event which is already being updated.

Do not worry about the nature of the surprise, just be lucid, and what I say for you in Quebec is valid in all parts of the world, just be lucid and present, no matter what your eyes will give you to see, hear or live in your body. You will see inexorably the progression of joy and lightness, no matter how hard and difficult the ephemeral may be.

The chaos of the ephemeral is certainly not a destruction but a return to the Truth. Only the ego sees destruction, only the consciousness sees drama. What you are sees joy in it. And even those who see this as a tragedy will be surprised to find that they will still be in this joy and this new freedom.

Do not be alarmed by anything, live your life and life in what it gives you to live. Do not regret anything, go through all this, remain calm and motionless, in relation to the events, the surprises, which will occur regularly from now on and without interruption. What you call climate change, in the end, is only a first step in the collective process, despite what the Commander had said about the power of the elements, an interlude and an intermediate step in the process of the collective.

You will be supported by the truth that will flow from your heart, that will flood your consciousness, but also your body, whether it is through intense vibrations or intense heat that will no longer bring fear at all but great joy.

You will laugh at yourself, especially if you cry today, for one cause or another. No one can escape on their own. There is nothing to run away from, there is nothing to avoid, there is just to say yes to what is. It has already been lived, from the initial instant, you just forgot it. And I can say that even fear or suffering of any kind will transmute itself into joy, from the moment you remain quiet, from the moment you are the observer, from the moment you nod.

So yes, to answer your question, it seems to me that it is the whole of the Earth, in what the Commander explained to you many years ago before I even came. He had spoken to you about all this long before it happened, and always with the specificity, as some have said of the carrot and stick, which is the dear Commander's own pedagogy.

Everything has been done, I repeat, everything has been written to bring you in the safest, most reliable way, whatever the ephemeral events, in you or around you, to rediscover you. Accept this idea and you will experience it. This leads to moments of discomfort for some of you, here and everywhere, when you no longer know who you are or where you are.

This blur will not last, it is simply related to the installation of the Truth and the deployment of the Event on the surface of this world as well as in the whole sky, which is visible to you from Earth. As you can see, everything is changing, not just the climate. If you look up to the sky, you will see that the clouds are no longer as they once were, that everything that worked in society no longer works, that all the reflexes conditioned by your habits and behaviours become heavy. Sometimes, despite the joy, the result is a feeling of no longer knowing where you are or who you are in the middle of the ephemeral. This is the installation of Agape.

What you are cannot take anything from any history, any memory, any trauma, since as has been said, you are joining the Initial Instant, virgin of all dreams, virgin of all projections and all consciousness. The witness of Truth is joy, whether this joy is interior and silent or exuberant, because the decoration is consumed, giving you to perceive, really, concretely, that all this is only a dream to which the habit of the form has subjected you and locked you up.

The truth does not need stories, the truth does not need this memoir, as I said, but the truth is what it is, it does not depend on any point of view, any personal opinion, any positioning of conscience and any scenario, even written.

Anything to add?

Brother: Thank you.

Has he ever run away?


Brother: Thank you.

Sister: He said thank you.

I heard that. I heard it from a distance.


The next one.

Brother: I have a testimony to give, do you hear me well? First, I would like to thank Johanne and Yves for welcoming me, and then Jean-Luc, Elodie, and Louis too, for all the work you do.

Transcription in French with that terrible accent, thank you.


Brother: I will try...

Sister: It is a testimony.

Yes, I understood correctly.

Brother: Thank you very much Bidi for being here since 2012 when you kicked my ass, it's French, isn't it? And I really appreciate it....


Brother: Do you hear me well Bidi, or do you hear me?

Yes, yes.

Brother: Okay. Well, I'd like to testify, a lot of things to say, I'll try to summarize. When the word Embrace arrived, so quickly Acceptance, for a week and a half it didn't ring a bell, but I knew that alcoholics anonymous, they had a prayer, my God, give me the strength to accept... all that, in any case. Although, after a week and a half, the word Embrace began to take hold, I felt that, a warmth, and acceptance, well, it was hard to accept things, and more and more I accepted what was not acceptable.

I see a chiropractor once a week and then, he spends his time saying, Paul, let go, your spine will crack and you have too much weight on your shoulders. I started to clear my shoulders by accepting. And today, it's so easy to accept what the person wants to keep, to accept to let go of that, that even when I was coming, I didn't go fast, today, in a car, on the road, there was one hitting me in the butt, then I looked at him, I told him... I forgot the word...

Sister: Did you forget the word?

Brother: Agape, Agape, Agape. Then I felt a joy in having a ass-kicking back, is that French?


Brother: And then I looked at the guy and then, I don't know, it seems to me that I was happy that he was there.


Brother: I had given that up but the person was something else. I have a continuous struggle between the person and the Light. I realized that the person is very limited, the ego doesn't even talk about it. And then the person, and too bad, I think it was Jean-Luc who first said that, that at some point, the mind, it is at peace, and indeed, it is true. And then, the more it goes on, the more I become aware, not of the incompetence, but of the person's lack of skills, in everything. And then that, I'm glad to see that.

Finally I said, well, listen, there's nothing you can do, we'll ask the Intelligence of the Light. There, I abandoned that, very clearly, openly to the Light. I wasn't playing the game there, that the person was trying this to try to get the Light thing as I often did before. And then, there, there, I started to have a distance between the person and the Light. Then, I am happy, it allows me to see that, the Light, it is it that will progress in there and not the other.

It makes all this lead me to accept even what's happening right now. I was supposed to be here Sunday night, I was back on board. I had to be the watchdog at home. And then, every time I... I have a thirty-four-year-old son. It's been ten years since he left. Today, he may be homeless or something. It doesn't bother me, because I think we're all homeless, with or without wallets, it doesn't matter. And then, we're busting each other, even physically.

And then, recently, I was receiving him as an Agape, Agape, Agape, I felt him as an Agape. And then I waited, I watched. And I realize that, often, when we are parents, I will not talk about lifelong parents there, when we are parents, young children mirror our behaviour. And he, well, I think, somewhere along the way, he has to do the same thing. It's just that I'm waiting here. But I know he wants to come home, go home and check the place, that doesn't work. There are others at home.

And then, but, it's there, there. I'm starting to wonder right now, with everything that's going on, he may be subject to energies, I wouldn't say negative, but strange. And then I start to accept his drooling behavior. I've been drooling before, it's just... And then, now I see it the same way. My wife is completely different, but the link between the son and the mother is always there, then it is very intense. I don't want to make the cushions between the two either.

In terms of acceptance, I find it fun, because my shoulders are lighter than before. I don't go to the rammer so often. And then, I'm happy, very happy to get my ass kicked again by Bidi. Thank you Bidi. You allow me to use the familiar form, it's easier for me than you to see, to see, it belongs to the person.

Well, thank you too. Just tell me, your butt doesn't hurt too much?


Brother: I already had good kicks in the ass when I was young, wow! It didn't get past that one.


Remind me to think next time I come to see you, to aim at another place.


Brother: How did he say that?

Sister: He's going to aim at another place.

There's no need to kick ass anymore.

Brother: Yes, that's true, because you told us that at 11:00 p. m., you don't even have to be there, you're already inside.

There's a need to break your heart now. As you said in your testimony. There are some kind of comings and goings between the Light and the character. This game is seen, it is lived. I remind you that the comings and goings between the person and the Truth are only there to disgust you completely with the dream, even if it is the most pleasant, or even the most unpleasant. That's how Agape's certainty, the certainty of what you are, takes more and more time and space. Can you confirm that?

Brother: Oh yes! the disgust settles down, the disgust settles down in my path...

So remind me to not kick you anymore, but to hug you.

All: Ah!!!!!

Thank you.

Brother: Thank you too Bidi.

See you tonight.


Brother: I won't tell you where.


By tonight, I will not have forgotten what I just said.

Sister: Our brother has something to add.

Add it up.

Brother: Since you say it wasn't necessary to be there at 11:00 p. m., I'm not there at 11:00 p. m. because the times I went there, I thought to myself...

Ah, it won't be at 11:00.

Brother: ...I've had enough of this. It was the character who wanted, I said, shit! Since you told someone, oh, I tell you, I wanted to add something, okay.

Oh, it'll be a special session, say at midnight.

Brother: Well, I'm going to be at the computer at midnight, I'm a night owl. I wanted to say something too. Bidi, Belgium, first question, answer that lasts fifteen minutes, I failed. On tape, on the recording tape of Bidi, Belgium. Bidi, Tunis, from the minute fifty-two on tape to the minute seventy, it's very quiet but, it's full. I messed up. Maybe that's what kicking is all about. Thank you again. I'll listen to you.

What's going on? Twenty years ago what?

Sister: I will listen to you. I'll wait for you.

Ah, don't wait for me, it'll be a surprise. See you soon.

Brother: Yes, see you soon.

We can continue.

Sister: I come to you for a total crucifixion.

You can repeat next to me.

Sister: I come to you for a total crucifixion.

I don't know how to hammer the nails.


Sister: In your arms, on your heart.

Well, yes, I do. We're going to do a group package for tonight, right? And then what?

Sister: It is a bit like a brother's continuity sometimes. We know that, in June here in Quebec, Abba calls us the lighthouse of humanity.

Can you repeat next to me, please, the voice doesn't connect.

Sister: Okay. In June... at the meeting last June, following that, Abba or Jean-Luc called Quebec the lighthouse of humanity.

Sister: And I would like that, what I feel in me, the fact that I participated in the organization in June...

Sister: The fact of having participated in the organization in June.

Sister: And that in July, the Intelligence of Light pushed so much in me to make another meeting in December, the one we are currently undergoing.

Sister: And that in July, the intelligence of the Light pushed so much within me to organize again the encounter of now.

Sister: And I feel like something has been locked up. It started in Quebec and it had to come back to Quebec before the end of the year. It's an evidence for me.

Sister: I felt that there was something closed, because it left Quebec in June...

Sister: And that there would be another meeting in Quebec before the end of the year.

Sister: And that there would be another meeting in December before the end of that year.

Sister: Do you have anything to tell us about what has happened over the past few months? The fact of leaving in June and coming back in December, in that impulse that I felt inside me.

Sister: Do you have anything to say about this period between the two meetings, given that our sister felt that it was impulse inside her. Reorganizing a second meeting.

You have followed what the Intelligence of the Light suggested to you and of course you are well placed to know that it was not a personal interest, far from it, but a general interest. Way beyond those who are here. Wherever I express myself through Abba. Wherever Abba goes and wherever you join him, you create a form of synergy and amplification of revelation like no other. Have no fear, it is not a decision that came from you, but from the Intelligence of the Light.

You must have noticed that in terms of the organization, management and progress of the preparations, it must have been much more fluid and much easier. What more do you want me to confirm than what you yourself have perceived. I can only give you confirmation, but you've already had your answer inside yourself, haven't you?

Sister: Yes.

Thank you.

Sister: But at the same time, when I heard OMA, at the last meeting, talking about black November and that, here in Quebec, the lighthouse of humanity, on November 1st, we were in darkness, and what I feel in me is that there is something else that will be told to us for the month of December. And well, maybe then the speakers will say it when they feel it, but it's like an evidence inside me that something else will be said from here.

Why are you talking about September?

Sister: From November.

Yes, I heard that, but there was September after that?

Sister: No, she mentioned that in December she felt that there was something else that could be announced or said.

I'm not sure I understand. I heard but I don't understand what the request is. Or the questioning.

Sister: What I am saying is that we knew that November was black November.

So what?

Sister: Okay. And here in Quebec, which is the lighthouse of humanity, on November 1, we had a blackout...

Yeah, I heard that, but what's that got to do with it?

Sister: And, what I feel, what the Intelligence of Light places in me is that in December, there are other things that will be revealed, on the reason why, there is a meeting in December and not just one in the spring of 2020. There's something about being here right now. Well, anyway, we're letting it go. It's just, I was expressing something that I feel with such intensity.

Let me interrupt you and tell you something. Why do you ask yourself these kinds of questions? Since you had the impulse, that this impulse came from the intelligence of the Light that you are. Why do you want to make a report with November? What link do you want to find there?

Sister: No, it's not that. That's not a question. It is because at the moment when, in July, the Intelligence of Light placed in me this evidence, this joy, this Love, and it was to plan another meeting in December, I also had, at the same time, in me, that something would be revealed here, in Quebec, that will serve the whole Earth, all peoples, all countries. But I was wondering if you had anything to say about that because I feel, with a strong intensity in my heart, that someone is going to say something important here.

But then, follow the intensity lived in your heart and do not follow your head.

Sister: No, but I was wondering if it was you who had to say it.


Sister: She wanted to know if it was you, who had to say it or announce it, how she felt.

I don't understand anything.

Sister: Well, that's okay.

I don't understand what you're asking for. What are you getting at? If you have something to announce, announce it.

Sister: In any case, if it is me, it is not yet totally clear what I will have to announce. We'll talk again. Thank you. Then, total crucifixion in your arms and in your heart.

The Intelligence of Light is simple. You had the impulse, we're here, why would you want anything else? You talk about the future in an announcement. What announcement are you talking about?

Sister: That's right, that's because I don't know. It was the intensity of the Light in me that revealed this to me. I don't know anything else, I don't question myself, it's not a question of the mind, it's...

Tell me, tell me, is the meeting over? No.

Brothers and sisters: No.

All right.

Sister: Perfect.


Thank you.


Settle down in the moment of what is happening, if there is an announcement, it will be. Whether it comes from you or me, or from another speaker, or from Abba, doesn't matter. But don't go faster than the music.

Sister: Yes, but it's been five months.

Sister: Our sister adds that it has been five months for her. That she lives it.



Sister: This impulse inside her that there is something that must be revealed or added.

But yes. But it will come when it comes. As I said, the meeting is not over. Why announce to you, by your voice or by my voice, or by any voice, something to come, in the middle of the present instant. It will come when it comes. By your voice or by another voice, it doesn't matter. In saying that, I simply ask you to stay focused in the present instant. If there is an announcement, it was written, this announcement will emerge.

Let things unfold as they are and if there is an announcement, it will emerge spontaneously. No matter what voice expresses it. But I can see very clearly where you're going with next year. But it's not next year. We are here today. Rather, I suggest that you immerse yourself in what is happening there, in the instant. There is indeed a surprise, but if I say it now it is no longer a surprise.


The surprise will come when it is a surprise. And not a premonition or a presentiment, which is right, certainly, I grant you, but which can, during this present instant, drift you towards the future, already. You know what I mean?

Sister: Yes.

Thank you. So, the surprise or the announcement as you say, will come out when it comes out. Even if I'm aware of it.


Sister: Here, that's what I knew he knew.


Sister: Our sister adds, she knew you knew it.

Brother: In what present can we hear it?

Remember that you and we, wherever we are, follow what has been written. Everything that is going on has been written down. This is the true freedom. But congratulations on your intuition.

Sister: It was the Intelligence of the Light that placed it in my heart.

Sister: Our sister adds, it is the Intelligence of Light that has placed her to my heart.

That's right. That's right. So let's accept, you like me, like all the others, that it should go the way it should. Certainly, surprise and announcement there will be. But I would say, as usual, that this will be at the end of this meeting and not during. All right?

Sister: That's good.

Thank you. And by the way, I know you knew I knew.


We're waiting for the next convict.

Sister: Our brother is already settled.

Brother: In the end, it might be a small addition to what our sister said, that's it. If I ultimately look at what happened before. And then, well, in relation to also, as you say, the surprise. Well, what we can see, what Jean-Luc told us, among other things, during the last visit to Abba, Bidi, Quebec, and then OMA as well. So, after that, we noticed, as Jean-Luc said, some changes in Quebec or Canadian society. Protection of whales, there were also other events that came up.

Sister: Immigration.

Brother: Ah, so is immigration. So, there have been events that have occurred. And then, well, when I participate in the meeting, when I know that Jean-Luc will arrive, Abba will arrive, in the previous days, we already feel a certain presence. You can feel that something is happening. So there is an energy that is being deposited, if I may say so, in this place, in Quebec, in Canada for that matter.

We can't hide anything from you, can we?


Brother: No and then well, it is certain, we know that the meeting will give, well, as you say, a surprise, even later. We also know that, from the outset, things are happening with what is called the New Madrid fault, and then the central United States. I don't know if it will be related to all these things. But, as they say, we'll see at that time.

I think the surprise will be much lighter and more pleasant than that.

Brother: So that was my complement, if you will. The certainty that, as they say, who goes, influence or energy, something more, yes, more acceptance could take hold.

Thank you very much. But as I say, you all become, through the Intelligence of the Light, insightful. But it's excellent. I'm happy about that kind of thing. But then, it's not the day yet, that's all.

Sister: For the moment, yes.

All right. Next.

Sister: Hello Bidi.


Sister: Good day to be here for us and good day to be here for all. I have been the interveners, all the interveners, including you, for years. And I have always accepted what was given. It seems to me that it was obvious. It was evident, even though I didn't understand everything. So I never asked any questions, or very few. Until Abba, when Abba arrived and talked about embrace, about acceptance.

So, the practice, I put it into practice without resistance. When the primary anomaly and this notion of the end of Creation arrived, and there were no more dimensions, for me it was evident. But it put me in a bit of a conflict, in duality with others who knew more, in quotation marks, and who.... That made me have to withdraw from these people. And I still haven't asked any questions. So today, I feel at peace, but it is an extremely peaceful peace. It's nothing exuberant, no visions, I don't have any of that. And the question I dare to ask today....

Blessed are the simple-minded. Keep going.

Sister: Did I recognize myself?

But only you can answer that question. What confirmation do you expect from any outsider, even Bidi? To recognize oneself can never be a question to anyone. It is an inner certainty. As long as there is a need for some kind of external confirmation, even if I am in you, what does that mean? I don't want to know if you recognized yourself or not, it's your problem or it's your reason, your justification. But from the moment you ask me if you have recognized yourself, I can tell you that complete autonomy is not yet there.

No answer, either positive or negative, to your question can be given to you from outside, by my voice. I can bring it to you inside when I come to see you, but not like this. It has been explained in countless ways. When you experience it, you can only recognize yourself, without a doubt possible.

Here, I am not saying that you have not recognized yourself or that you have recognized yourself, I am simply drawing your attention to the fact that, on the fact of asking these kinds of questions, even if you have recognized yourself, simply proves that complete autonomy is not yet fully lived. Somewhere along the way, there is a need to be reassured, no matter what your experience. And it's not a problem of the reality of your recognition, as I'm telling you, it's just a problem of autonomy and empowerment.

I could tell you, the answer is in you, yes, of course. But the simple fact of asking anyone, even a brother or sister incarnate among you, if you have recognized yourself, simply proves somewhere, not a fear, not a suffering, but a form of hesitation. A form of procrastination or questioning that has nothing to do with your experience, but has to do with the way you need to function in your life, which is usual for you. That is, the need for confirmation, the need for certainty. Because you believe that through certainty and confirmation, peace will be greater, don't you?

Sister: Yes.

Peace is in you, it cannot come from outside. That's why I told you about autonomy and empowerment. Somewhere we have to break - not by will, but by what happens spontaneously - these archaic reflexes of the personality that no longer have any reason to be. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

Sister: Yes.

Thank you.

Sister: Thank you.

To conclude on your questioning, we can add that the very fact... evidently, you ask yourself the question, you also ask it to me, rather than letting it be, or letting the Truth bloom, which was born, in your case, internally. I simply advise you not to question yourself anymore, not to question yourself, but to be even more available and lucid in the moment. That's all.

And you will thus develop, if I may say so, a new autonomy whose foundation is no longer in the characteristics of the personality or character, but directly a foundation in the heart where there can be no doubt or space for questioning your own lived experience.

When there are visions, we can always wonder about the meaning, the why, the how. When there is an energy too, we can wonder. But in the process of finding who you are, there's no longer any reason to be. That is what needs to be clarified. The oscillations, the shifts, the very entanglement between the ephemeral and the eternal, between the character and the Absolute that you are, is ultimately there, not to have an answer and a certainty, but to illuminate the very game of questioning.

When I talked about empowerment and autonomy, it's simply not letting yourself get carried away, abused, by the characteristics of your personality. Even if it is no longer in the spotlight, if I can say so, even if there is real recognition. See, I finally answered you.

Sister: Thank you.

Next execution.

Sister: Noon, we need a break.

Already? How long have I been talking?

Sister: About an hour and a half.

Then all right. We just have to say for the listeners, what time we talk again.

Sister: In about fifteen minutes.

So I'll see you in about 15 minutes. I'll let you air your ears. See you soon. I'll see you in a few minutes.

All : Thank you Bidi. I'll see you later.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

Transcription from French:
English revised translation. LMF
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Les Transformations, Wordpress -

Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...