Video Audio in French


Well, dear friends, I am extremely happy to speak at the end of your Agape encounter which, from what I see, has been beneficial somewhere in your hearts, isn't it?

First of all, I present to you all my blessings, all my love and I will of course try to answer your questions as usual.

So I'll give you the word.

Sister: Thank you OMA.

Written question: Some pyramids have been mentioned in Mexico that are linked to archontic confinement, what about the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt?

So here, dear friend, it is important to know that the pyramidal structure corresponds to important historical elements. Pyramids are omnipresent on this earth but also, of course, elsewhere. The pyramidal shape you know allows the crystallization of life. It is the angle of the pyramid, you say of Cheops especially; the pyramids wherever they are located on this planet generally have the same geometric configuration. The pyramids do indeed allow at certain privileged times of the year to receive certain rays of light and solar rays.

Well, I won't go back over the historical circumstances that don't interest us, but we have to understand somewhere that the geometric shapes that are stone constructions have been there since very, very many civilizations. And not only in relation to Egypt but also in Atlantis and of course in previous dreams. There is a form, yes, of opposition between the hexagonal structures of the circles of fire whose purpose, of course, which you were told was to channel the return of the Light to the crystalline nucleus of the earth at the moment when the dream was about to end.

These circles of fire, with the hexagonal stone structures, have played their role; of course we spoke at length to you many years ago about these circles of fire and their function. The purposes of the circles of fire, I remind you, were therefore to allow the Light to be directed from the cosmos to these precise places where they were built and moreover these places should be, I remind you, the places from which the heavenly Jerusalem should arrive but also be under domes of Light where the brothers and sisters should be gathered and after the three days and before the final planet grill.

Of course, as you know, the situation has been turned upside down, if you will, by the final revelation and the work carried out by some of you the previous year on the mirrors and structures that maintained the confinement independently of course of the archon ship that had been ejected from this solar system the very day the metatronic keys were delivered, on August 15, 2009.

The pyramidal form, as I said, captures at certain privileged moments, generally the solstices of summer and winter, a form of Light that is authentic but the Light remained inside the pyramids but could not and still cannot reach the crystalline nucleus of the earth. Crystallization, the geometric shape of the pyramid that you can reconstruct even if only with copper or wooden tubes, or paper, still has the same properties that is the crystallization of life, that is, the confinement whether you like it or not.

The set of pyramidal structures of the earth independently of their inner virtues for example at the level of what was called in Egypt Djed pillars with electromagnetic healing properties, but at the level of the planetary aspect, it was related to the history of different dreams, the different cycles and also to confinement.

You know very well that if you put something alive, a flower, a piece of raw meat inside this pyramid, it will fossilize. It is not really a transubstantiation but it is, as I explained, a stop to the movement of life and a crystallization. You know, a lot of us have all had these experiences with the pyramids.

So, there was indeed a therapeutic interest inside but at the planetary level, at the level of the earth as a whole it participated in the confinement and certainly not in the liberation. Liberation, I tell you, is linked to the circles of fire that are now obsolete because of the evolution of the revelation that has been lived since last year.

So, the pyramids have a double vocation which is evidently dual, which is not the case on the circles of fire.

And that's what I had to say about the pyramids and I specify, wherever they are located on the surface of this planet, they have an interest because there are particular energies inside but on the planetary aspect, they are an integral part of what we had called the predation lines that connected these pyramids to each other from all over the earth and made, until recently, a mesh of enclosure that prevented them from breaking through if I can say the dream.

I know that this is not exactly what we have thought until now and what people who are doing research on the pyramids of Cheops, for example, are saying. I remind you that the pyramids, the three pyramids of Cheops, are directly linked to what is called the Orion harness, the Orion hunter and the belt worn by the hunter with a reproduction on Egyptian soil that, on an exact scale, represents the Orion harness.

Now we are not going to go into the stories but remember that the pyramids inside them have regenerative properties but in the planetary impact at the level of the ether it is exactly the opposite, it is part of the predation forces and like other structures that have been present on the surface of this earth since time immemorial.

Only the architectural structures linked to the circles of fire with these large stones, quite large in hexagonal shape that were sculpted three hundred and twenty thousand years ago. Only, while some pyramids are much older, of course, should have allowed the Light to make this thing essential at the moment of the return of the Light, it is to make you discover the Truth, that is, to see that whatever the healing, whatever the experiences of consciousness, the dream in its totality was an enclosure even within the free dimensions.

Of course, these were a mystery, not only on earth, but in the whole dream of creation. It was necessary at the initial moment of the dream by the genetician mothers that there existed from that first dream structures inscribed in time that would allow the moment to stop this ultimate veil that make you believe, whatever the dimensions, not only here in the enclosed worlds, in any evolution. Everything has always been perfect.

But once again, it was necessary, if we can say so, to evolve to a certain level of consciousness so that the ultimate veil of creation, and not only in this enclosed world, could be revealed but above all lived. You know today that you are the one who reabsorb the whole dream in all dimensions. You are not in a peripheral position but in a central position in relation to the dream of creation.

That's what I had to say about this pyramid.

You can continue of course, as soon as I stop talking, with other questions.

Sister: Thank you.

Question: It is said that Christmas is also archontic. If you wish Merry Christmas with Love, isn't that the most important thing?

That's the most important thing. I had explained the symbolism of this feast many years ago, I believe the year of the heavenly weddings especially. But it was enough to be informed. It is like energies, as Abba, head chief says: energies are Luciferian; they are dual in essence, positive, negative, therefore, they do not reflect the Truth at all, but that does not mean that we should no longer touch the energies, it simply means that what is most important is the quality of who you are and who uses these energies.

If you look at Autres Dimensions from the beginning before it even existed, I had demanded that what I was going to say be transcribed and retransmitted directly to what you call the Internet but we all know that the Internet is the binary beast.

That didn't prevent us from using, I would say, the existing to transcend things and, of course, the question gives the answer at the end, the love you have and the lucidity you have is much more important.

Of course, if you have children, family, you wish them Merry Christmas, but you are no longer fooled, that is to say, there too, you are going through the meaning I gave then, today it is totally possible of course.

To get out of the dream, if I can say so, you have to rely on the dream somewhere, not on the person because the person of itself cannot find itself but at the level of history, it had to be written as it was written to allow reunification with the Truth. So of course, you can wish Merry Christmas in the same way that you have every opportunity to use vital energy from the moment you are lucid and from the moment of Agape, I would say, is simply in the spotlight.

One more question.

Question: It's a question from a sister who's not here. Dear OMA, could you help me to make my connection with Agape more fluid? I was born under X, abandoned at birth by my mother, only a first name, that of my mother, followed by X, appears on my birth papers. Also, it is a difficult name to put in resonance with Agape. Can I mention the last and first names given by the parents who then adopted me? Thank you so much for your help.

So I had already answered that question by saying that we should take the name of adoption, but today, I remind you that it has been replaced by what? By the yes. The last key Abba gave you a few months ago, especially through the channelings, I am you, I would say, they are superfluous. As the last veil shrinks, everything becomes easier.

For example, what Abba explained to you in different places about the ternary osteopathic breathing movement of the head, you no longer need to put your hands on it, everything is simplified. Agape takes up all the space so for this sister: be reassured. She must be late in communications, though. You no longer need this, you no longer need to name yourself since you are passing through this spatial resonance Agape where there is no one left. You no longer need the last and first name. You no longer need anyone, neither you nor the other, but to celebrate Agape everywhere and you don't need to have a target; it can be the ether; that's what Abba taught you.

Of course, from that moment on, what is the point of saying that key, you see things go very fast. Years ago, after the heavenly weddings, you had been using the yoga of unity, the seals of the archangels, for years and you can see that for a little over a year now, things have been moving so fast at the level of the final revelation. Do not clutter up, do not stiffen yourself with fixed things because everything is mobile.

Today, there is no need to help you with your last and first name, you say Yes and that's it.

Sister: Yes.


There you go.

Question: OMA, where are you, where are you talking to us about?

Well, from your heart since I am in your heart. Why are you still trying to locate when consciousness is entering a process of relocation and dissolution? I am the ether just like you. I am The Source just like you. I am in you as you are in me through even the dimensions. That is why I spoke and Abba also took up this notion of a spatial agape of resonance but also inter-dimensional, multidimensional. When you resonate Agape, it is all the universes and creation that react and it is who you are.

So, this question by asking me where I am, of course, I am in my ship that I have already explained but above all, we have repeated it to you enough times, the Archangel Anael too, we are all inside you since there is only you. You of course you can't understand it but you can only live it. So I answer you: "I'm everywhere and I'm nowhere. Quite simply, you are me and I am you. "but of course, from ordinary consciousness, it is totally impossible.

I explained, a very long time ago, that, for example, when I communicate, whether through Abba, through previous mediums, know that when we are outside this confinement of the third dimension, Christ can communicate at the same time with thousands of people at the same time. Do not forget that when you are out of this body, you are all the bodies but unfortunately, if you think with your personal conscience, you will not understand that I am here in the middle of your chest, through Abba as in Abba and also in my ship and yet this is the strict truth.

We have if you prefer a multi-location of consciousness. You when you call someone you dial a number and you have a person online but we, when we call you, dial thousands of numbers and we have thousands of people online and, each time, with different words, presentation and speech.

But you can't imagine that or even imagine it. And how can Abba do it according to you when he makes Agape resonances where he has twenty appointments and at the same time? He told you, even if you all see him and many of you see him or me or Bidi. Do you think you are unique? We can find you wherever you are since now the veils are almost totally dissolved, the ultimate veil in any case but, the habit of form and believing you within a form makes it impossible for you to understand and live that you are multidimensional.

You are as well the archangel as the devil, we have told you, and you are God, you are the Source. But you can never understand it from your conscience. There is only when you really reach the ultimate consciousness at the junction of being and non-being but, beings like Bidi, for example, who intervenes a lot, many of you see it and if you look when you have seen it during your schedule appointments well you will realize that there are hundreds of you at the same time to have seen Bidi, to have heard it and what you have heard is different for each person.

It is not a problem, I would say, the multiplication of consciousness and, moreover, it is exactly that; we tell you that there is only one heart. There is only one consciousness, it is called unity, that's exactly what it is.

So I'm from everywhere and at the same time now also from nowhere. We Melchizedek have also purified the stories, you see. And Abba when he intervenes or other brothers and sisters for the Agape resonances, he can be at the same time, although he is in a body, in thousands of places at the same time; evidently, it is not the bilocation with the physical body, it is on the level of the bodies of eternity and consciousness. So, it is a form of bi localization but it is not linked to the body of flesh but to the body of eternity quite simply.

Question: When we talk about embracing, how far should Quebeckers embrace immigrants who do not share our philosophy of life, who advocate secularism, but who, subtly, impose their religious point of view?

But you know very well that Agape takes up all the space. It's time, what was it said about? Reconciliation, great forgiveness. Take any enemy or any person who does not have the same culture as you in your arms, it is yourself. And it is precisely through the confrontation that is taking shape on earth, I remind you of the war of all against all in relation to different cultures, in relation to different religions, different beliefs that the greatest possibility of reparation is precisely found.

So you have nothing to do without it you oppose but you have to hug. Agape is stronger than anything and stronger than culture and stronger than religion and stronger than all apparent differences and all differences in thoughts, emotions and lived experiences. Feel free to check this in any case possible in this multicolored month.


If you take someone in your arms with sincerity, if you look at a brother or sister with sincerity rather than thinking that he or she is in religion, that he or she is invading you or that it is something that is contrary to your way of life, it is that you are not free, you have not seen that the other is you. How do you live it, that the other one is you, if you reject it?

Of course, there is no question of letting people walk on their feet. I'm just saying that this is an exceptional opportunity for reparation. Here and now, you will see it there, through all the events that have been described to you, that Phahame has repeated at the level of the elements, at the level of social groups, ethnic groups, religious groups, financial groups.

The great forgiveness also concerns what I had called the bad boys since they are only us. Agape makes no difference; like the sun, it gives its light and warmth to all. He makes no distinction between the poppy, between the child and the old man. It's still the same radiance. You are suns.

You have to lose these habits of particularism. Even if it is indeed completely different cultures, but it is precisely through violence, alas, war that you will sometimes find yourself again. But again, since it's a theatre scene and it's a total dream, it's just a written script, so it's up to you to change your posture.

It does not mean once again embracing those who want to deprive you of anything, but take advantage of this to love them and you will see that they will quickly give up their culture, their religion or their ethnic or racial side. As a beacon of humanity, it is up to you to demonstrate this.

Always put Agape everywhere and you will check that it works even before your thoughts and before any recrimination regarding religious, cultural or facial aspects as they say since everything is you. It is not a concept, it is not a joke, it is the strict truth, there is the great forgiveness and there is the great surprise that will begin in a few days, is it not. That's why it's also called multicolored, but you'll understand what it means once the month is over.


Sister: There are no more written questions.

So oral questions, testimonies, what you want to say. You know, I don't want to tell you stories anymore, but a little like Abba, to help you find your way around, to situate yourself in what you are going through; that's the most important thing. There is no need for stories anymore, no more carrots and sticks, by the way, that's all over.

Sister: Hello OMA. I will try to elaborate a little bit for the people who are not attending who are our brothers and sisters who are in other countries. I am currently wearing a face of you on my heart, which we have had printed on sweaters.

It is the multiplication not of bread rolls but of OMA's.


Sister: Yes, and sometimes a brother arrived and offered me the Quebec flag that he tied around my neck and this flag is from the time when René Lévesque wanted to establish Quebec's independence here.

What I felt in me, the fact of carrying on my shoulders and back this flag and as your face is on my heart, for me this flag, it is you who is carrying it on your shoulders now.

And this flag, because our brother Louis made a new flag of Quebec this week and the one I carry is the old one and for me, it represents New France, the control of religion and politics that has been exercised for so many years in Quebec.

Yes, I reassure you: these forces no longer control much.

Sister: Then for me, I can't explain how I feel, but for me, there is an end to this old flag with all that it represents and the new flag that our brother Louis made and I would like you to share with me the fact that you carry this Quebec flag on your shoulders.

Sister: Then for me, it's... I can't explain how I feel, but for me, there's an end to this old flag with all that it represents and the new flag that our brother Louis made and I would like you to share with me the fact that you're carrying this Quebec flag on your shoulders. Do you have anything to say about that?

What is the question?

Sister: The fact that I carry this flag but which in reality with the image of...

If it is the new Joan of Arc, be careful not to burn.


Sister: I did think about it earlier. For me, it is you who are on my heart with the image but the flag is you who carry it on your shoulders.

Yes, we can say that the simulacrum, as Abba said, joins the sacred, it is the two sides of the same coin. And the fact that this earthly act of raising a flag, of course, to a symbolic but also sacred virtue in relation to what I told you when I came back here outside my body in June, quite simply.

But I don't see what more I can say than that, except that the simulacrum meets the sacred in the act or, as you say, I'm wearing this Quebec flag, but I remind you that all the flags will end up in smoke. There are no more nations. It is a war of all against all and dissolution.

So, of course, you have to collectively fulfill your country's motto, I explained it as I did for all countries because that's what ends the film. Of course, I do not hide from you that you have many brothers and sisters who have located New France with the shift of the poles into a future that will not exist as the new... the new, the new consciousness if you can say so, that is what we must see. But do not see there, the persistence of any simulacrum.

That's what I can say. But also, it can be addressed to you regardless of the face you wear that is mine and the flag that covers it.

That's the interest of the last ones, if you will, brides of history. The last flanges of history are part of the revelation of the revolution that is underway all over this planet, of these upheavals but also of the solution and if there is no more projection of consciousness with dreamers who dream of a new earth or whatever, you will live this by yourself at the moment of the white paradise.

As Abba always says: "Let the dreamers dream. "But there is a total concordance of the simulacrum with the sacred. All this, in the dream, in the illusion, but which reaches somewhere into the Truth.

Because the illusion or relative truth, if you prefer, can now be superimposed on the absolute Truth. You look on one side, it is the simulacrum, you look on the other side, it is the sacred until you realize that there is no more simulacrum and sacred since there is only the joy of Agape and that there is only the Absolute, the Parabrahman as our dear Bidi would say.

It's a way, again, to write the ending word like when you tell a story to a child at night before he falls asleep. Besides, a story is made to fall asleep, isn't it?


Sister: Yes.

That's exactly what it is. And you told yourself, we all told ourselves stories but we knew at the beginning that we had gone through it because we had lived and written everything but we had to find a mnemonic way if I can say to remember you. You are the beacon of humanity as those who remember. Because they have kept somewhere a form of authenticity. That's all. That's all.

Sister: I just want to clarify that when I spoke of New France it was not for the purpose of something coming, but as Quebec being named New France at that time.

There was no perpetuation of dreams or anything in... maybe I misspoke at that time. And I know that we are on our last day of meeting, I know that a surprise will be announced, I don't know if it's by you; I'm not asking for it but we're looking forward to the surprise.

What was said there? Didn't you forget to transcribe there?

Sister: [...]

Oh, well.

Sister Translator: In her question when she spoke about New France, it was not to bring back, to perpetuate the dream.

It's more to solve it, yes, I understood.

Sister: More like the name given to Quebec in the beginning, before.

Yes, absolutely, I understood correctly.

Sister: Very well. The surprise, Bidi told us about a surprise.... Bidi.

Sister translator: Bidi told us that we were ready to receive a surprise. Is it through you that we will receive it?

Well, yes, I just told you.


On December 8, the festival begins.

Sister Translator: But I have a question, yesterday we were meeting Phahame and our brother Jean-Luc forgot to activate the recorder and we don't have a copy of this recording. Through our brief, we tried to find the message.

I think that Phahame must have told you about the elementary activities of the waters above and precisely about this great forgiveness and reconciliation through precisely climatic, societal, financial, cosmic, terrestrial events and all that we can imagine. It's going to be a big mess, that's why I mentioned multicolored.

But it is precisely in this great bazaar that is more, I would say a priori, I do not make any predictions or prophecies but I make a human aspect even if there are the elements, even if there are great, great events happening, the important thing is the multicolored aspect of individual and collective consciousness on this earth where a lot of lighting will be done.

And the insights are not in the sense of explanations of why and how, but here I am talking mainly about Agape's insights and what you are outside of any history and any territorial or other consideration.

Yes, Phahame and I hope you mentioned it, she said to make resonances, network and spatial resonances, spatial resonances, inter-dimensional on the places that will be blessed by these events.

Because Yes, it is really the case of a commotion, of chaos in the usual living conditions that human beings have the most possibilities to find themselves because they are no longer in their daily comfort, they are disturbed in their dream which becomes a nightmare and there, they have no choice but to think of other things than their daily routine and their social life and interpersonal relationships.

At that moment, in despair, in suffering, in the upheaval of living conditions for one reason or another, there is an incredible access, a facilitation to Agape. That's what you're going to live through and that's the big surprise.

You will see it from all over the world precisely as these events unfold, because fraternity in emergency and disaster situations is naturally promoted by human kindness, even among the most selfish.

That's the surprise, but it's not a specific day, it starts on a specific day and chances are, as I said, it will last until the end of this year with an aspect that is both crescendo but also, how to say, you will go from surprise to surprise, both in the collective theatre scene and in your own consciousness depending on where you are at the moment. Are you in character? Are you in the illusion of a becoming or the Self. Or, are you real?

And the surprise is that you will see it yourself, of yourselves, for yourselves and for the circumstances of your country, the territory or the elements that will manifest themselves, not only social but also cosmic events.

The big surprise is this. These are totally new things that will erupt on your personal but also global theatre scene. I'm not necessarily talking about light vessels or scrap metal vessels, of course. I'm not just talking about Nibiru. I'm talking about things that erupt on the stage set but also in your consciousness.

It is, I would say, unless the event occurs in this period, but it is a succession of events that will lead to a repositioning of planetary consciousness regardless of the occurrence or not of the event.

Sister: I will add something. I would add that, perhaps there is a possibility that Abba will not leave Quebec? Because the day starts on the 8th.

This is the surprise of the 8th. If it starts on the 8th here.

Sister: Then Abba, he left the next day.

Anyway, I think Abba has decided to follow the intelligence of the Light and no longer questions where he will be according to the event. I have already said that he is becoming more and more homeless, so what more do you want me to say? Well, he's itinerant, but when there's no transport, we stay where we are.

Sister: That's right. Well, thank you.


Don't sabotage the planes though.... maybe he has something else to do. Whatever happens, what has to be will be. If your life conduct is this, you will experience a terrible, immeasurable feeling of freedom, despite this body, despite your sufferings, despite the problems. You will recognize yourself. Without it, you know what you're doing, you tie him up, you keep him from getting on a plane.


Sister: We will give her the message.

Brother: Hello OMA, it would be a two-part question, if you will. Since the beginning of the interview, you have spoken several times about veils, veils, veils that are thinning and also what we can see is that before our resonances were rather, I would say, located especially between us, on earth, towards countries, towards brothers, that's it, well now just by the terms we use, Agapè resonance, spatial resonance, so there is no longer anyone and in more, multidimensional. So now we use the Agape resonance inter-dimensional resonance.

You can continue the Agape resonances network to being to being, if you want.

Brother: Yes, too.

It's not one or the other; it can be whatever you want.

Brother: But since we are coming or going towards more multidimensional then, can we say that, well, the veil risks or (it is a beautiful risk) to crumble completely and from us, if we can say, completely, well, good... the Source or the universe, if we can say.

The veils I'm talking about first of all are not the veils as I said, i. e. the magnetosphere, the heliosphere and the ionosphere. This veil is the ultimate veil in relation to the Absolute Truth. That is, the junction of being with non-being. That is why Abba always said: "Let the dreamers dream", those who are in the spiritual pride of the Self, because they are at the edge, they are at the door of this veil.

The veil for them is not totally dissolved. Those who live Agape, the fire of the sacred heart who are no longer fooled by creation, form or worlds, when they say that there is no one, they live it; it means that in them this ultimate veil that separated being and non-being no longer exists. That's the veil I was talking about. There, I'll let you continue.

Brother: All right, you have, I think, answered a good part of it. It's just that I was thinking somewhere now about the spatial resonance, interdimensional, well, will do like a little vibrating, that's the second aspect of the question....

There is a second part.

Brother: ...by this spatial resonance, I could see that, probably, we were doing this resonance, if we can say so, the universe even more but despite the fact that you say that now it is more between being and non-being, if we can say so, that it was happening.

Yes, but I would like to point out that this veil is not the veil of confinement. The veils of confinement are the magnetosphere, the heliosphere and the ionosphere. This veil, I repeat, is present in all dimensions, without exception, because the dream had to be traversed in every possible way before the Truth was lived.

So, yes, at the inter-dimensional or multidimensional level, when you do this Agape resonance you will dissolve the veil in all dimensions. Of course, many peoples around the world have already understood this and are rejoicing, but you have, I remind you, dimensions that are beyond anthropomorphism and for example the civilization of the triangles, for example, the four living Hayoth Ha Kodesh who must also experience the cessation of this veil, the dissolution of this veil and for you individually as well, here.

What was the question?

Brother: It is on its way; it is coming; it is arriving; in the end, the second part. I was thinking that this interdimensional spatial resonance was like a parallel with what you had already told us, when the butterfly breaks a wing, well, the whole universe, finally of account, vibrates; feeling it, our resonance will eventually become more...

Quite by specifying and stipulating that this ultimate veil between being and non-being could only be dissolved in a totally inclusive way of all creation, all dimensions, all universes and suprauniverses and multiverses but also of absolutely all the One consciousness.

This is what is happening and it is thanks to this that the month of December is multicoloured. So, by the way, on December 8, if you looked, it was the Immaculate Conception in terms of simulacra, fine. Well, then you'll realize that there was never a conception (laughs), neither immaculate, nor carnal, nor otherwise.

Brother: Surprise.

You will live it.

Brother: That's all, thank you.

And I refer you back to almost at the end of December when I remind you that at the astronomical level, there is an annular eclipse of the sun, that is, you will find the ring of fire, the ring of the primordial alliance whose inverted image is of course the ring you have in these films and books by Tolkien, the ring of the alliance of fire. It's not just symbolic; it was written in the simulacrum that, a sacred counterpart.

The alliance of fire is the igneous fire, it signs, I did not say that there was this event on December 26 or just after; it can as it cannot; but there is indeed a form of collective awareness and, I have already partly explained but which relates not only to the resolution of history or dream but to an lived experience and understanding of what being and non-being is all about. Such an intellectual understanding.

Sister: We continue with the questions.

Brother: It won't really be a question plus a testimony.

We're listening to you.

Brother: To thank OMA especially for the time I have been listening to you, you is in front of me, I am very honored by this. Then, since the intelligence of the Light makes me here with my spouse, and it's been almost a week, I don't have any more questions to ask; everything is easier to live with.


Thank you very much. Everything will be lived in spite of the chaos, but we warned you, more and more easily and with more and more joy, and I can even tell you that some of you will burst out laughing when they see, live and check that all this is a vast farce; that is Freedom.

And I thank you.

Brother: So do I.

Translator: We have a sister coming forward.

Sister: With regard to video games, I would like to have some insight.

Yes, let's hurry before we turn off the power because right now....


Sister: There are different points of view about the information that is circulating on the Internet, one of which is about the President of the United States, Trump.

The what?

Sister: Trump, the trumpets. Mr. Trumpets. Some say that he is protected and that he works to combat paedophilia in video games. Is he a good or a bad guy?


Sister: Is he a predator or a benefactor?

It has a mission, yes, indeed, to unmask everything that is deep and hidden. Now, I'm going to answer you differently too. What does it matter to you to live what you are? Nothing. Please don't waste any more time with this kind of childishness. You must love unconditionally who is a good boy, bad boy. Don't make any more difference or you will condemn yourself. To the extent that you judge, you judge yourself. To the extent that you discriminate, you discriminate against yourself. Stop these games; it's gone on long enough.

I explained it in relation to cultures, races, religions, everything is just you. If you have these kinds of thoughts, what do you feed? Not only history but duality. Because you are interested to know if it is good or if it is not good rather than to keep you busy, at the time I would have said about your buttocks, but now I am telling you about your heart, about Agape.

Agape must take up all the space of reflection and your thoughts. If you are discriminating to know what is good, who is predatory, who is a fraud, who is true, you will never be true. You are immediately part of a prolongation of duality.

Ask the brothers and sisters who live Agape all the time. Do they care who Trump is, who this is, of course, even the head chief talked about the President of France a few years ago because we were still in history, but now you have to ignore all that.

If you make a difference in thought, in Agape, in interest between Trump, for example, and anything else, you are still in duality. Don't feed that anymore, take care of your agape and butt also a little bit anyway.


This is not how you will live the Truth in its entirety. Because you are feeding something that no longer has to be fed. It's a theatre scene; you can be interested in it; you can look at what's happening on earth, but when you have these kinds of questions, first of all, it's up to you to answer them.

But all the more reason if he is a bad boy, you have to love him twice, three times, than the one who is a good boy. He is the one who needs it the most, and if he is, on the contrary, a missionary being, and you think that, what will happen? Well, now, the return of the Light, it's not going to be very nice for you, it's going to reintroduce you into duality, but not only, but also into doubt and fear, you secret your own fear to me.

So yes, there are a lot of stories going on, you know, there are people who are interested in this world who know what's going on, I would say, behind the scenes, but if you're not involved behind the scenes in one way or another, well, take care of your video game. You have enough to do in each of you to find yourself completely. And it is not by looking at the theatre scene, you look at it as a curious being of what is happening, yes, but above all by looking at yourself.

Be careful not to nurture duality, but rather to love it, especially with everything that will happen there. If you are not in Agape, even if it is a theatre game, a video game, you will find yourself led by the latest égrégores of religions, financiers, politicians, banks, cultural, racial, religious. Is that what you want? Moreover, you will soon see that you will only be obsessed by Agape. Agape as I already said will take all the space and all the time.

Let everyone play their video game, everything is in their place, everything has been written. Be quiet as Osho would say, be lazy, live in your simplest humanity, forget all the stories, make sure instead that you are available and present for all the brothers and sisters you will meet, from this world or other worlds.

Sister: Our sister would have something to add.

So add it up.

Sister: There will be exchanges between human beings because there will be the holiday season soon, and then there are very strong opinions. Is it silence that is required?

But if you have family, on the contrary, and if you like it, enjoy the holidays, but if you feel you have to be in silence to enjoy it, it's up to you. Each case is different, I can't give you a single conduct, of course. But of course, if during this period, rather than participating in all these orgies of food, meetings, food, lighting, gifts and so on, if you have the opportunity, without harming your family or anyone else, stay calm. But if you have responsibilities, take them on, that's what was written for you.

Remember, you are in the exact right place. If it bothers you to celebrate the holidays, and there's a family, then celebrate the holidays is the right thing to do. Be available, even to play this role-playing game that you can no longer support. On the other hand, if you are in a situation where you have the opportunity without disturbing anyone to remain calm, then remain calm. And especially this year. This is precisely what you are doing that has been written in relation to this holiday season. I mean, if you go that far.

Sister: Thank you OMA.

Thank you.

Sister: Nobody move.

Would the great silence set in?

Sister: Oh, no, we have a sister who is attracted

Sister: Hello Oma, I would like to give a testimony, a little pleasant to make a change. I want to talk about trees. About fifteen years ago, I planted a tree in my house, a maple tree. Then throughout its childhood, I did shape it so that it would become a giant tree of all beauty. Often, when I passed by, I would talk to him, then from time to time I would ask him: Can I put my hand on you? I touched it and kept doing what I had to do.

One day, when I was walking by him, he called me, then I asked him what he wanted, and he told me: approach your body against my body. Which I did immediately because I was happy. And when I leaned on him, I received all the energy that surrounded me. And he said to me: now you are me and I am you. Then, later, he said to me: in your heart, you have become the forest.

I decided to talk to you about trees because people talked a lot about animals, and I consider that trees have done a great job on this Earth.

But that, as I have always said, dear friend, perhaps between you too you talk about animals, but trees are essential. That's why the bad boys tried to cut as many as they could. Thank you very much.

Sister: Thank you OMA.

Brother: Hello OMA.


Brother: Since the beginning of the teachings, we have been prepared that everything that exists in Creation, whether on Earth or elsewhere, is part of an illusion. So, whether in duality or non-duality, all Creation will dissolve, and we will go into the Absolute. What I am asking for....

I'm correcting, you're not going anywhere. There's no need to move, it's always been there.

Sister: Did he answer you?

Brother: Yes, he answered me. Thank you OMA.

Sister: Thank you OMA, it answered the question.

There you go.


Brother: Thank you.

You're welcome.

Sister: A brother is approaching.


Brother: Hello OMA, I am testifying to something very simple. I had a dream a few weeks ago, where I was very, very lucid and present, and I saw a big black ball under a blue background, and I had the impression that it was the Earth. And this ball was black with a few small circles. So my question, I had the impression that I saw either the Initial Instant, and also the Final Instant. Is my perception right? Because I feel that all I have to do is embrace life as it presents itself to me. I feel like that's all I have to do. So is this the famous veil you're talking about that I still have to cross?


Sister: What he saw...

Oh no, not at all, what you saw was indeed the Earth scenario. And you have already known for a long time that there is the White Paradise of stasis, just after that there is the black hole. The Earth seen from the outside will be black, before everything is reabsorbed by the Earth's black hole. It's not a veil, on the contrary, you had, I would say, a vision of the end result. Before all the galaxies are reabsorbed, even if it is in you, collectively you are made up of the earth of Gaia. Of course you have a body of flesh, whose food is the constitution[...] of the Earth.

Until now we had told you that there was the Event, the stasis, 132 days, and then that you would go according to your vibratory affinity, your stellar origins, in 5D, in unified 3D, in intraterrestrial or in the Absolute. All this is of course obsolete. And the vision you had corresponds exactly to that. You, you live the White Paradise before the black hole, it is the two sides of the same room, where the last veil is, but evidently the Earth must live the same thing. The galactic and solar flashes, the White Paradise, and immediately afterwards, the black hole, which allows the reabsorption of all the dreams of Creation whose first dream took place on Earth.

Brother: I think that answers my question, my testimony.

Sister: Thank you OMA.

Sister: Hello Oma, my brother's testimony made me relive in myself what I lived yesterday when Abba played the tam tam. When Abba started playing the drum, the rhythm of the drum, every time I hit the drum, I lived it in my hands, my hands made the same movement as the stick on the drum. And through me, I felt the vibrations of the Earth running through my body, and at one point I was living the time of the Earth, on the left side, with a movement that became very, very accelerated, the same thing on the body on the right side, and it was the same thing for the forward and backward movements.

I had to ask my spouse to hold me back so as not to fall either forward or backward because the movements were so pronounced. And then there were spiral shapes inside me, like vortexes, a bit like the crystalline heart of the Earth that passed through me in a very, very accelerated movement. And when you answered my brother, I had an answer in my heart and I would like you to confirm if it is right. Could the Earth have passed through the black hole in my heart?

Not yet.

Sister: Not yet, but can you tell me the explanation of all these movements in me?

But it is simply communion with the Pachamama, with the Great Mothers, with the original sounds. It is simply the pulsation of the Earth. The shaman drums awaken the forces, it depends on the rhythms of course and who holds the stick as you say too. But this is what makes it possible to resonate with the primordial memory, not of the first dream but in any case of the first dreamers, that is, the Pachamama. And what you felt that came from the Earth was obviously the life of the Earth, its primordial rhythm, just as you have a heart rhythm. That's what happened. But for the black hole, finally[...] the Earth in your heart, really and concretely, it is necessary first that the White Paradise arrives.


I think they've exhausted all the questions there, haven't they?

Sister: Thank you OMA.

Thank you.

Sister: We still have a few minutes left.
If there is one last question, then.

Sister: Yes, a brother is approaching.

Brother: Hello OMA.


Brother: Do we have to live the White Paradise before we necessarily live the Black?

At the Earth level, yes. At the individual level, fortunately not. It is safer to pass from the person to the Absolute than to transit through the White Paradise, in your individual journey at this time. Because the risk of White Paradise is to remain frozen in this glimmer of Light that I called spiritual pride at the time. There is more certainty by going directly from the person to the person, and living after the fusion of being and non-being, there is less risk. In quotation marks, eh, risks, you are in the heart of the dream. But it's more direct.

So there is absolutely no obligation at the individual level. Until now and for many years, we have made you deploy Supraconsciousness, that is, the Self, because collectively, it is much easier to move from Self to Truth, once enough of you have lived it. But that's been years, hasn't it, that there's already enough of you? But, for the individual, no, especially now.

But living in darkness must not be something that is simply seen, without it, it remains a vision. It has to be lived. At that moment, you can only laugh, there was never anyone there. And you will see that consciousness, by living it, is a dream. It is not a question of vision, it is a question of lived experience. But there is no obligation. There you go, dear friend.

Brother: Recently, on several occasions, I have had a very clearly defined black rectangle in my field of vision with my eyes closed, at rest.

So what?

Brother: My question is this: will this black that I saw in the shape of a rectangle eventually change to a round shape?

I'll answer you. Just before, what is seen does not mean that it is lived. So that it turns into what you want, as long as it's seen, it's not lived. It's when it's lived that you see that there's only black, but it has no form. You say it yourself, there is still a form. But there is no form. So the form is a visual mechanism, even if it is the etheric vision or the vision of the heart. It means it's getting closer, but when we talk about White Paradise, there's no shape, neither square, nor oval nor rectangular.

When we speak of the Absolute, for those who plunge into this Absolute, it is your abode, you recognize yourself, but there is nothing to see because it is black. Do not confuse what is seen and what is lived, even if it is perhaps, and often, a first step.

Brother: Thank you.

There you go. And all the more so because when you live the nothingness, the Absolute, the Ultimate, it leaves no doubt and no question. So here we are in a visual mechanism, whether it is an etheric vision, a vision of the heart or an inner vision does not change anything in the matter. Especially since you mentioned shapes. Both the White Paradise and the Absolute have no form.

Sister: Thank you OMA. We are already at the end of the allotted period.

Well, my dear friends, I convey to you as usual all my love, all my Agape and all my blessings. And I thank you for your interest, for all the questions and exchanges we have had over the past few days. And I tell you as usual, I'll see you very soon. Goodbye.

Brothers and sisters: Goodbye.



Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

Transcription from French: https://www.facebook.com/Transcriptionsfr-784909108558566/
English revised translation. LMF
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Les Transformations, Wordpress -

Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.


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Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...