Video audio  in French Simultaneous translation to Spanish

Video audio in Eglish:


Jean-Luc: So, I thought it would be Abba, but no, it's not Abba, it's "Nameless", without identity, without anything. I can't even talk about channelling, it would be a resonance of who you are, I can't call it anything else. There will be no question.

Make yourself comfortable, it's going to be a bit long. Make yourself comfortable. Anyone who wants to lie down, do so.

Don't try to understand even if she translated for you. These are words, sentences, silences that will intervene directly on what could be called the intimate voice or the inner voice or the voice of childhood.

I'm waiting for everyone to be settled.

Is everyone ready?

You, who are here, don't try to name me, I am beyond any identity like everyone else.

I am your voice from the instant you embrace, available and authentic, without desire, without request, and without expectation.

I am your voice within you, the voice that only asks to be recognized as the Evidence of what is.

So sit down and rest so that you may be available for yourself, beyond all forms, independently of all history, where time has passed, where the whole of space fits within this body of flesh.

In Truth, my voice is your voice that will speak only of you, beyond your shadow and beyond your identity, from here or elsewhere and in every dream, in every world and in every universe.

So listen to yourself. This is the song that can never disappear.

In the heart of the Plenitude of Silence and of your Heart raised in your Crown of Glory, I am speaking to you, Eternal Flame, formless and colorless, from what you can call the emptiness that contains all the possible.

I invite you to the impossible, to listen to yourself. You are what can be named as what will never be named, and that is in you since the first breath of creation, before the form, during the form and independently of the form.

Such is the melody of harmony, the eternal melody of the song of Life laying you bare, laying you in the moment, in the time of now, whatever your space, whatever your thoughts, whatever you think, whatever you live.

I sing to remind you that you are Life, that you are the Truth and that you are the Way which, knowing all paths, no longer needs a path, no longer needs to move, where everything is peaceful, where everything is seen, giving you to grasp that there is nothing to see, that there is nothing to think about. You are that.

In Truth I tell you, there is no difference, no distance, no shadow, no light.

You are of the origin, you have always arrived. The end is nothing other than the origin is the understanding of what the Universe is in its multiple dimensions, the infinite space of dream, the infinite space of creation, where everything is possible.

You have gone through everything, you have arrived where you never left. You have returned to the essence of your nature, to the essence of your essence.

Hear it. Your own Freedom has declaimed it to you with each breath, each beat, each movement, each rest. I have always been there. You never missed me.

You have simply chosen to experience the sense of absence, the sense of deprivation that was only appearance and play of experiences and moments, in the face of the totality of times that also resolve themselves, where time is no more.

In this sacred space where you stand when you care for nothing, neither for yourself, nor for tomorrow, nor for yesterday, this is your dwelling place, not only of the Supreme Peace, but of all that you have dreamed, imagined and thought, of what you have suffered and all your joys.

Remain there. There is your support, there is your unspeakable, there is your mystery that is revealed in the Silence of the being, in the silence of the soul, and in the silence of the spirit.

Where there is nothing more to perceive, where you decide nothing, because everything has always been accomplished there. Without that, you would not be alive in the heart of the dream.

It is enough for you, you do not need anything except to listen to yourself and to hear yourself in the heart of this Silence, in the heart of Immobility.

Let yourself be carried where you are sovereign, where nothing is lacking, where everything is obvious.

I am you, there is no other, all the others are you without any exception, without any particularism.

Then the balm of Agape comes to erase all that is memory, all that is history, and even your last name and name can no longer influence this Unspeakable.

Accept yourself, overcoming all reluctance. Discover yourself, without judgment, without questioning and without asking for anything.

You are blessed beyond all, vessel of Life, vessel of Light, Life and Light yourself, whatever your appearance. Whatever you may say, you cannot escape what you have always been.

Whatever you have been told, whatever you have been given, whatever you have lived in this last life, this last dream whose joy sets you on fire. Whatever your state, whatever your age, whatever your sex, whatever your life in the dream, you are much more than the dream of Life.

You are the Life that has always been known, without consciousness and without form, in the Great All that is Nothing and in the Nothing that is Everything.

Depending on where you perceive yourself from, no thought, no suffering can alter this. So, place yourself even more deeply in the Heart of yourself with confidence in this Unknown that you are, so that the Evidence and the Fire that accompanies it may spread everywhere, spreading the Good News to the outskirts of the Universe as well as to all the Multiverses.

You are from everywhere and you are from nowhere. Do not limit yourself in anything.

In the Truth that is being discovered, remain in tranquility, remain in Peace, it has always been there.

Today, there are no more veils, there are no more shadows, only those that you may still have nourished by habit, by suffering, but all that has passed from the moment you are laid down.

Don't look for an alibi, don't look for landmarks, because you are both the alibi and all the landmarks at the same time. You no longer have anything to play with, you no longer have anything to mime in this place without space, there is no goal, there is only the Felicity of the Truth recognized, and the one that has never left you.

In spite of all appearances, in spite of all your sorrows and in a way far more important than all the joys you may have known, this is in this world, this is in this life.

To you alone, through all these appearances and these veils that you have put on yourself or that someone has put on you, let the reality of your Beauty emerge, in the very heart of the dream.

You are Light and you are much more than that. You are the very source of Light, the very source of all forms and all life. Do not conceive any weight or responsibility for it.

Lighten yourself from what may still seem heavy to you. Trust what you tell yourself. Beyond the course of your history, beyond any tomorrow as well as any past, you are this pure Joy that has danced in every world, in every form, in every relationship, in all the ethers of creation.

You are much more than the Infinite, even if you consider yourself as finished. You are the Indefinite that never ends and never begins.

Fill yourself with what you are already filled with. Your form contains no limit in the capacity to embrace you through every brother, through every sister who is only you in another time and in another story.

You are much more than one or the other, you are much more than all the others together, of this world as well as of all dimensions. From the most subtle to the thickest, you are pure Felicity.

There is nothing more to come in terms of what is played out in your place and in your body than what has always been there. And in this, you can only recognize yourself beyond all questioning as well as all identity.

You are every entity and you are much more than that. You are the Source of Life, the very Source of Light. You are at the root of history. You are the sky of history to perform the miracle of one thing, that of the indelible and imprescriptible Truth.

And where you are placed, realize that nothing can be missing and that all history is superfluous, where you can distinguish neither form, nor soul, nor spirit, nor past, nor present, nor future, in this you reunite the Three in One to make the miracle of one thing.

You, who have secreted the consciousness and excreted it in the manifestation, the time has come for you to rest. You no longer have to run. You no longer have to search or seek. You are the very completeness of all that can be told, of all that can be revealed, of all that has been lived.

In the density of this instant, you find lightness again, putting an end to any weight and any limit you have written, where you are complete, where you are satisfied, not with your life, your past or your future, but satisfied with this lived instant, which will never cease, which will never disappear in the midst of any dream, any identity or any desire.

Listen to yourself, not to what your thoughts, your story, or your person says. Listen and realize that there has never been anyone but you beyond form. You are the Absolute Truth, the Absolute Beatitude and the Life in the Absolute that does not depend on any consciousness, world or dimension. So rejoice and may this rejoicing invest this body of flesh, your subtle bodies and your body of Eternity.

You are the Earth, you are the Sun, you are the Ether, you are absolutely all that you have been able to see, here below in this body as above in the worlds that you have created, by your stellar origin of manifestation, and by your lineages that have been your four pillars in which the dream has sat and has been able to unfold according to your desire, as you have written, as you have decided, independently of your life, independently of your whole life.

Recognize yourself, here and now.

You have never been born, you have never suffered, because it is the suffering you have endured, which is only linked to the idea of being separated, to the idea of being locked up. But I remind you that it was you yourself who decided to take shape and to create false limits within this form as with all forms.

You are the Formless One who contains all forms. Let the smile of your Heart blossom on your lips and in your eyes. Listen to the song of your Spirit for it reminds you of what you are, what you have been and what you will be, which is in fact the same thing, where all times have passed, where all spaces have been traversed. You do not need to remember it, you do not need to relive it, but, in Truth, simply to be placed where you are at this instant.

Hear yourself in this Great Silence. You are proof of yourself. You are your own target, your own thirst for Truth and Beauty.

Remember that you have nothing to decide to be what you are, that you have nothing to ask, that you have no one to pray to but yourself. From your character of the dream, you join your prayer, for you are the prayer of Love that constantly celebrates the dream and joy as well as all sorrow. You are the balm of yourself with which you must anoint yourself, you are the final anointing and the initial anointing to which has been affixed the seal of Beatitude, the seal of the Truth that passes without word, that passes without proof, that passes without any dream.

The time has come to remember. The time has come for the Truth, whatever the setting on this Earth or in your Heaven, never forget that it is only a setting, having allowed you to experience yourself as a separate and divided being, all this without purpose and without reason, but just to let Life manifest within the whole space of creation.

You are from everywhere. You are the wind blowing in the trees. You are the star that appears in the firmament, the sun that rises and sets. You are the water that flows and ebbs in the alternation of the tides. You are the man and the woman, the child and the old man.

You have played all the roles in all the worlds. This happened at the same time of what was called the first breath, which is nothing more than the last breath. You have created the impression of time passing and the impression of distance, and therefore of space.

You have created laws of life, you have created all laws to experience yourself.

Hold nothing, then Love will hold you like a banner of Light, a banner of Truth.

Rest and walk the last steps on this Earth with confidence, no matter what this world tells you, no matter what anyone tells you. There is your joy, there is your Truth which is the same in each other. There is no conflict... (Cut).

At the moment when the simulacrum and the sacred conjugate in the Present Instant, as in every time, of the past as of the imperfect, of the future as of the conditional. There is no condition, there is no limit to what you thought you could limit, to what you thought you could experience through the illusion of distance, through the illusion of space, through the illusion of form, through the illusion of society, through the illusion of imperfection.

You are all Beauty, you are all Light and you are all Source, no matter what your head tells you, no matter what your body tells you, no matter what your perceptions tell you, no matter what your visions tell you. All this is only passing by in order to understand that you will never pass by, and that you were never born, and that you can never die, except for this envelope, except for this soul that has compressed you so much and that has made you desire love, wealth or simplicity so much.

All that has only passed and in reality has never existed outside what you wanted. Accept yourself, accept yourself beyond all appearances as well as beyond every body and every world.

You are pure Vacuity and pure Freedom that appearances have made you forget, but that you had planned to remember at a common moment your innumerable forms, your innumerable spheres of dream that you call worlds or dimensions.

Accept this and it will be revealed to you, because it has always been there. Lean on yourself, no one can tell you what you have to do, what you have to experience. Never forget that it was you who wrote it. Don't ask me for proof. Join me in the Heart of your Heart, without hesitation, without apprehension. Come back to you beyond appearances, beyond anyone.

Go deep inside yourself, you don't need to move, you don't need to feel it, you don't need to feel it, you just need to decide it, there, in that moment when you have landed at the heart of the mystery, which is one only for you.

Recognize yourself beyond everything, beyond nothing, where you can no longer qualify yourself, where you can no longer measure yourself, or even define yourself.

In this is a Peace that your person will never be able to feel. This is how you wrote it, whatever you may contest, whatever you may refuse. What you are has never been able to discuss or refuse it. You had simply forgotten it.

My words are not there, they are your words, I remind you, when your person is silent, when your soul is seized ... (Cut) ... of the Truth, when your Spirit has surrendered itself to the Unknown Unknown ... (Cut) ... in the very instant when you decide it. You cannot hold on to life, it is Life that holds you, it is Life that animates you in this body of flesh as in the body of Eternity.

Accept it without discussion. You have nothing to weigh, you have nothing to judge, it is just to accept yourself without question. In complete freedom, make this choice, which in the end is not a choice, but simply the Evidence, where there is nothing left to choose, to decide, to acquire ... (Cut) ...

Your Heart calls you, whatever you say and whatever you do, you cannot avoid it, you cannot change it. It is there in the instant when you are at the threshold of Presence and at the threshold of Absence. You are this Intelligence from which nothing can escape, from which nothing can escape.

Then, the Unknown is revealed to you and you realize then that it is the only thing you have always known, but that you had forgotten, so evident was it.

There is no more confusion, there is no more distinction, nothing can be separated, neither removed nor divided, nor even multiplied.

You have reflected yourself to the infinity of worlds, you have reflected yourself to the infinity of each form, whether human, animal, vegetable or mineral, whether angelic or archangelic.

In the highest heavens, this cannot be discussed, it can only be experienced when you cease all claims and identification. Then, at that moment, you are entirely present, you are not simply aligned, you are not simply radiant with Love, you are the totality of the Created, but you are also and especially the Uncreated.

All these things come together, all these things come together and merge in the same joy, from the instant when you are at rest, from the instant when you understand that there is nothing to ask for, and also accept that there is nothing to fear.

Let things happen naturally and spontaneously, they don't need you, they need your rest, they need your silence, they need the noise of the world. The chaos of the world is only the Beauty of the Unspeakable, if you don't see it yet, then come down and settle down even more and recognize yourself.

You can't explain it, you can't understand it, but surely, you can only live it in each one of you, in whatever form, be it that of an angel or that of a murderer, everything is relative, and nothing is real on the scene of the dream. Strip off all ornaments, strip off everything you know, not to reject it, but to lay yourself down freely in the heart of yourself.

Then, all the chatter of this world, all the thoughts you can capture, all the emotions you can live are not from you, but come from you. So you have thought it, so you have shaped it, I would even say that you have chiselled it for the moment of the end of oblivion to which you have now surrendered.

You chose this date and you hid it from yourself, to be sure you would not get lost, to be sure you would find yourself again, whatever experience and whatever world you have travelled through.

So lay yourself down even more deeply, where nothing can be disturbed. Remember, you are the Evidence from the instant you no longer believe in yourself, while remaining there, in all simplicity and humility. Then the smile of your heart and your lips will allow you to smile at chaos as well as at suffering, and to respond to it with laughter, beyond all that you called karma, which allowed you to believe for a moment in your imperfection or your involution as well as in your evolution.

What is perfect cannot be undone. What is perfect is anterior to the form and belongs to you. It is, moreover, what you are before you even have a name, before you even have a body, subtle or coarse.

Lay yourself down even more deeply so that the words you speak at this moment will pass through the last zones of reticence in order to burn the resistances, and find yourself sculpted and chiselled as on the day of the first breath, which is the same as the day of the last breath. All that lives and only passes. All that you have experienced did not take place in some time, nor in some distant space, but in the very heart of this Earth.

You created the savior, you created the waters, you created the elements of your dream and the dream of all the others who are you. You cannot reject anything. You cannot discuss anything as the Evidence of Fire is so great, coming to put an end to the illusion of being someone, while you are each one, at the same time as you are nothing, at the same time as you are everything, of all times and all spaces.

The dream was perfect. Everything was built in an instant, in all times and in all spaces, which exist only in the time of the dream. The life you wrote today, where you are, is exactly what you need to reveal yourself.

Accept everything, what you are doesn't need a struggle. What you are doesn't need affirmation. What you are doesn't need demonstration. What you are simply needs acceptance in order to recognize yourself, beyond all birth and death. You are not what you think you are on the stage of the theatre you have created. All this was built in an instant and in all dimensions ... .(Cut) ... understand, but accept it and you will understand.

Everything else will be faced on the stage of the final dream. No matter how chaotic the appearance, no link can bind you ... (Cut) ... What you have bound to Heaven and Earth ... ( Cut) ... yet it comes from the depths of where you have landed.

Draw inspiration from it, and manifest it in the last breath of the dream that the whole of creation is living, this last breath which is nothing other than the first Yes of your first breath, of your first animation, of your first form, which is in fact exactly what you are now. Do not judge by any of your appearances. Judge not any circumstance. Accept the unacceptable... ( Cuts off ) ...right place, it's your set, everyone else is you.

You just have to accept it, the proof is in the acceptance and not in what you might argue with me. I express myself from deep inside you, transcending your identity, transcending any idea. There is nothing to discuss, there is nothing to discriminate, there is nothing to separate. Remember and remember.

You, the totality of the dream, the totality of creation sheltered in this person that each of you is the same breath, the same flame, everything is similar, and yet so different in appearance of form. All this is only appearance ... (Cut) ... all this is what you have written, all this is what you live.

Then you will forgive yourself in a great burst of laughter for believing yourself to be mortal, for believing yourself to be a form, for believing yourself to be in a world, this world or so many others. There is only you, and every part of you has built the same dream, in order to experience every feeling, every suffering, every day and every event. Everything is you. It's everything.

Lay yourself down even more, even more deeply. Do not be disturbed in this moment by anything known, by any perception. Don't analyze anything and everything is offered to you. This is the gift that you give yourself and to each one of you, with the same intensity, the same equality, the same brotherhood. You are each life, you are each element, you are the continents, you are all the suns, the entire galaxy, the entire Milky Way and all the dimensions.

You had to go back up the thread that could never be broken, in order to grasp, without making it your own, that you are everything of what can exist, of what can be and what cannot be.

Do not limit what is. Do not limit in any way your words, what I pronounce for you, I who am you with the same equality, the same reciprocity. There is no distance. There is no time. There is no world. There is only the beauty of the instant, this present which is sufficient in itself, which makes you forget all times, whether they are past or to come, because they will never come, because there is no past in the bosom of Truth, in the bosom of Beauty.

Everything else has only passed, has only been tried. What you are doesn't have to be solved, what you are doesn't have to be defined. Only the last name and name of this life was the ultimate key that you had written in letters of fire, in letters of blood, so you decided.

You have nothing to do, nor anything to be in Truth, because you have landed at the threshold of the Unspeakable.

Lay down your burdens. Lay down all heaviness, for you are neither heavy nor light. You have no density. You have no weight other than what you have deemed necessary to live these instants.

Rest, so that Life may rest, so that Life may be deposited in your temple, in this perishable and yet sacred body, whatever its aspect. True beauty will never be in appearance, will never be in words, will never be in what is seen or in what is perceived, but simply discovered in the acceptance of what is your life at this instant. You are sacred. You are from everywhere and you are from nowhere because there is no time or space. You are pure Intelligence, you are pure Intelligence.

You are the purity of transparency that does not freeze anything, that does not stop anything. All you have to do is decide to be what you are in this body, in this life, in this world, in this instant when everything must be laid down, for you can carry no burden where you have never moved, no weight can remain, no form can subsist, from the instant you are placed in the depths of your speaking voice, beyond the meaning of words themselves,

And there, in this silence filled with my words, which have no other meaning than the meaning you give them, without thinking about it and without trying to understand.

I am you from the first breath to the last.

I am the first and the last name of what prefigured the dream experience.

Whatever name you would like to give me, it is only your name. So, say Yes, to Everything, and to Nothing, in the same posture, where you are placed, everything will be crossed. There will be no place for any terror, for any fear, from the instant when you are posed as you are doing at this instant. I am you and it is you who expresses yourself.

Then, your Heart dances the dance of Freedom on a thousand beat rhythm, going through space without displacement and without any speed, without any notion of time. You are the Intelligence. You are Life, in its most complex as well as in its simplest expression.

My words will begin to disappear so that you can settle definitively in this Beauty that you are.

It is time to listen to you. It is time to rest. It's time to be Life, the one that was never born and never moved.

Let your words fade, then your words will fade. All your words, all your sufferings are only the pretext to reveal yourself. Do not judge yourself, do not condemn anything but see clearly, in order to be more and more lucid and more and more precise in the manifestation of the Truth. You don't need a fight, you don't need a struggle, but simply to resound as I do from the Heart of every other one of you.

Remember what you are beyond being, beyond this person who yet illustrates what you have written for each one of you.

Everything is perfect and all is perfection in the beauty of the Truth. There is no appearance that fits. There is no suffering that resists so much beauty and sincerity. So bless yourself because you have always been blessed.

And even when you rise, you will remain seated at the Heart of that which is, at the Heart of Beauty, at the Heart of Truth.

I pay homage to you for having listened to you, for having heard you, for having embraced you beyond all discussion as through all the joy and sorrow of this world.

You are this simplicity. You are this child, you have always been. You are the proof of Life. You are the proof of the Truth. You are the proof of the unspeakable.

Thus ends what you said to yourself, but it will never end, for you remember.

Never again will you be able to forget yourself, never again will you be able to discuss if you have fully settled down, if you have fully accepted it, there will be no more reticence, there will be no more resistance. So there you choose. Don't let yourself be disturbed any more, whatever happens to the scenery, it has no substance, whatever the pain, it is simply a joy that is not yet released.

I am telling you that you are Love. I am telling you that you love even when you think the opposite. All this is only learning Beauty, Truth. All that you are. All that, without exception.


I greet you, Pilgrim of Eternity, Pilgrim of Love. Be in Joy.

To always.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations

Transcription from French:
English revised translation: LMF - DeepL translator


Les Transformations, Wordpress -

Les Entretiens d’Apothéose
Todas las publicaciones en Francés y Español, portugués. Audios, Vídeos.


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Bodas Celestiales - Madre Universal

Soy La Realidad Absoluta del Ser

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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...