Video audio in Francés with simultaneous translation to Español

Video audio in English


Well, friends, here we are again. I convey to you all my blessings and if you wish, we will continue to exchange on your questions, your testimonies and anything else you want to talk about, to exchange between us. So, dear friend, I am listening to you.

-Elisa: It is not that, it is Bidi, it is Bidi.


That's it for Bidi.


I see that you are very cheerful and lighthearted mothers. I appreciate that very much.

-Elisa: I was saying that all the questions I was asked were for Bidi, not for you. I am sorry.


So there are no oral questions?

-Elisa: No, not for you, for Bidi.

So, if it's for Bidi, it's not for me.

-Elisa: How can we accompany the children in these moments, in these last moments when we are living in the times, given the events. Do you have any advice for us?

Then, dear friend, I have already talked about this many, many times. I'll take it up again in synthesis, if I may say so.

-(Our sister links the question in Spanish because she had said it in French only).


I've already spoken many times about this ... It is quite normal to ask questions for your kids and for the children. But I remind you that until the age of fourteen, the mental body is not yet fully present. There is a spontaneous opening in all children.

Children will live happily and without being disturbed, especially for small children who are now less than seven years old, because they do not have an astral body. It is not constituted. The permeability of young children and up to pre-adolescence, between twelve and fourteen years of age, these children will have no problem to endure the shock, to live the Truth.

You will be surprised to find that whatever imbalances you observe in the children in relation to all that is happening on Earth, will disappear on their own. Your children, the children will be a model of calm and joy for each one of you. You really do not have to worry about children at all.

In fact, you have nothing to say to them. I would say that at their age, they came to watch the show. I'm not necessarily talking about the indigo, crystal and other children. I'm really talking about all the children... (Recording stops) ...not in any way worried about the children.

Because of the non-presence constituted by the astral body and the mental body, they have a kind of plasticity, - I make her work on the complicated words in Spanish - a natural fluidity. Children, as you know, are in the Present Instant until at least seven years of age. They will easily find the Present Instant and Zero Time in the Event. So, have no worries and no questions.

Instead, take care of yourselves. This is the best way you have to help all of humanity and all of creation by stabilizing yourselves in the Present Instant. You will, through resonance, bring the Present Instant to life for those who are ready, friends, family and even enemies.

I said at the time, take care of your ass or take care of your heart. And that is more than enough. Do your part. This is your responsibility. And I remind you, on the other hand, that all of this has been written and you will find it again, not in the sense of history, but in the sense of Time Zero of the Initial Instant of the dream.

So, cultivate Presence, Peace and Tranquillity within you. Listen to your intuitions or your little voice. And if you are lucid with this little voice, you are very numerous, not to hear Mary's call, but to hear this sentence when entities or consciences are there, telling you to remain quiet, to not move, to place yourself in the Heart and to let be.

You have nothing else to prepare, to anticipate or to foresee. Just be simply there, totally there and that is all. The rest unfolds as it should unfold, nothing more and nothing less. It will lighten you up, it will calm you down and you will see the differences.

Moreover, soon you will notice that, generally speaking, from the instant you want to change something, and therefore leave this reception and this peace, you will be very uncomfortable. That, I would say, is the disengagement from believing that you are the actor on the stage. You are the ones who illuminate the scene, not by words but by your state of being in the Present Instant, because the Agape Resonance is more and more spontaneous and natural.

And you know by living it, even if your life is chaotic, that you all have the capacity to take refuge in the Heart of the Heart and to note this Peace which comes to eradicate, to suppress all the questions, all the emotions and all the contractions for one reason or another.

And when you have spotted this, you will assist and participate in the withdrawal of all your activities in favor of Peace, in favor of the Heart of the Heart. Because the more you get used to this Peace, the more difficult and painful it will be for you to get out of it for any reason. This is part of your learning, your maturation if I may say so, and the expression of what is always there.

You have nothing else to do. When you want to do, you will see very quickly that you are not in agreement with your Heart. That is how you totally erase your will to want to transform what is inevitable. Everything is in its place even if you do not see it yet.

And when you will live it totally with clarity, with precision, then you will understand that there is no other choice than that of Peace and of the Heart of the Heart. You will really see that it was society that kept you in slavery here on Earth, independently of course of the confinement of the Archons. At that moment you will smile more and more often. You will laugh at yourselves, at your postures that no longer run, that are no longer of any use to you.

In other words, acceptance will only become total. And the more you will grow in acceptance and reception, the greater will be your joy and certainty. You can no longer be destabilized. You can no longer be taken anywhere but into the real silence of words. Some of you have already begun this state, withdrawing from social networks as you call them, and immersing yourselves either in their homes or in what I call natural life. Cities will seem heavy to you, but this will not be the case if you are at home.

At home, I am talking as well about your habitat, apartment or house, which is the manifest equivalent of the Heart of the Heart. You will be inside before chaos is even set up outside. Everything is simple. And you will discover, if you have not already done so, this simplicity. All you have to do is to have no further approach in the unfolding of the puppets plan.

At that moment, you will be in a kind of emptiness, in a kind of peace that cannot be confused with a simple moment of peace when everything is going well. And this is what will make you aware of the value of Peace in relation to any activity or action outside.

More and more, you have come to realize during the past few months that, in the end, you do not need to live all these external elements. You will withdraw effortlessly from the theatre stage. You will become more and more lucid about the manipulation of society as a whole. You will feel no resentment, no loss, just this feeling that everything is perfect.

You are invited, by the chaos of the world, to Tranquillity and Peace. At that time, you will be very close to the Event even if there are no signs before the Event, because your preparation, if I may say so, has been greatly facilitated by the fact that you are locked up at home.

That was the gift of the scenario that the puppets never imagined, that this period would be conducive to their unmasking, to their total unmasking, and you see the irony. They mask you and they unmask them. It's enlightenment and it's the restoration not of justice, but of Truth. This is what you have gone through, as we told you, through the horrors, the manipulations that have lasted so long. And you will laugh about it, really. You will laugh about it.

-Elisa: You will?


-Elisa: Yes, you in what?

Laugh, the verb to laugh, in the future tense.

Some are already laughing. You feel a lightness even if there are still some questions, some apprehensions. And it was a great preparation to live inside, contrary to what the puppets thought about the result. They wanted to institute fear.

Of course, many human brothers and sisters are still in that fear, you see it every day. But do not forget that your presence is contagious, your smile, your spontaneity will be very contagious. I remind you that two years ago, a little more, Abba spoke of all this, of this great feast, of this great moment when you would have all the latitudes... (Momentary pause)

...not on the astral particles, not on the virus, not even... not even on the waves.

Finally, the puppets, who are our brothers and sisters, unwittingly encouraged the revelation of their scoundrels, their misdeeds. You see, everything is perfect. And even if today, somewhere, it may seem horrible, in a few moments, a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, you will laugh about it and you will be lighter and lighter with less and less needs, to eat, to sleep, to keep yourself informed of the world scene.

Little by little, during the confinement and in what is happening now, you have, in the confinement and in what is happening now, loosened the bonds with society, with family, with work. It was a time of introspection, of searching for information. It was all excellent preparation and you can thank the puppets. And I'm saying it, and I mean it sincerely.

Do you have any more questions?

-Elisa: She asks if you said that we are always in the right place, but also you said that sometimes we couldn't stand the city and all that. Would this be the time maybe to go to (cutted)... get some fresh air, learn to farm, learn to eat well.

You don't have time for all that anymore. If you're in the city, your place to live, your apartment will be your haven in the chaos. There's no point in trying to escape from what's there. You are either in the city, or in the country, or with friends, or on a trip, but you will be, you are in the right place from now on. The Event will pick you up where you are and where you are at the time of the Event will be exactly the right place. You have nothing to worry about. But sometimes Life will push you around and make you move, but there is no point in deciding for yourself. It is Life that proposes, not you.

Some will be, as I said, elsewhere than at home, especially if there is no anticipation or prior signs, as you were told, prior to the Event. So where you are, will be the most suitable place in your individual scenario. It's also called trust. You don't have to try to run away from the cities if you're there. Unless life forces you to.

Otherwise, on your own, today, see for yourself that the more you let things happen, the freer you are. The important thing is not to find a place but to settle in the Heart of the Heart, where nothing is real anymore except yourselves. As has been said, always follow the lines of least resistance. If something resists, then it is not right.

If something is made easier, by synchronicities, various and varied signs, then you can be sure that you are in the best place. All the events of your life, already for a few months, are there to show you and make you accept it. All you have to do, as Head Chief said, is to stay quiet, to be lucid about what you observe, whatever this observation you are going to feel it (cut) ... That the observation, that the observer as Nisargadatta said, no longer needs to want to change or to act on the stage and through the actor that you are.

Another question.

-Elisa: Why if things used to be determined in a certain way, for example, trumpets, Nibiru, the three days, etc., now things don't have the same follow-up?

For a reason, it is very simple, because the effect of surprise must seize you in order to free you. The shock is liberating. The periods of anger, denial, and negotiation will be reduced to a few moments because the effect of surprise is fundamental for the whole Earth. Your preparation has been long and I repeat that the period of confinement you have lived through has been a gift, truly.

-Elisa: It doesn't contradict the fact that everything is written down.

Absolutely not. On the contrary, when everything is written and you accept even without living it for the moment, you will lighten, if I may say so, everything that is will, predation, conformity, habit, with great ease. In a way I would say that for many of you, the period of confinement is a preparation, not for fatality, but for resilience, surpassing and transmutation, because you have been available.

And as it will happen again, extremely quickly in terms of days, you will have a second preparation where fear will have less and less effect on you. Whether you like it or not, you will begin to remember who you are. You don't have to prepare anything. You don't have to change anything, unless Life decides to.

Then, at that time, the Intelligence of the Light will be at work extremely quickly and immediately. For example, you were in perfect health and suddenly you develop a fatal disease. This is to help you find that Peace. You had plans, vacation plans, since it is summer here and you will be frozen in your projects. But it will go very well because you will live the Truth even if you are there; (cutted) ...

You will live this Unspeakable Love, this Peace, with greater ease. All that is what is happening at this moment. And moreover, many of you here or elsewhere have noticed that whatever the financial or work problems, you have had an important opportunity to get to the essential.

You go back inside and no longer nourish this societal matrix in any way. You are more and more easily able to distinguish between what is important and what is futile. What is important is Peace. What is futile is all that is external and in the first place, the architecture of the society. This pyramidal architecture which is a system of predation and there is nothing better than being locked up to realize this, to understand it and to live it.

You are going to discover new talents, cooking, painting, singing. In short, confinement favours the return to oneself and to Freedom. You will relativize what is linked to money, to family ties, because Peace, it is inside you and not outside of you.

That is what is important in this period. The fact of being locked up physically allows you to discover confinement as a major way of seeing what is important to you and what is the Truth. There is no Truth in what you call outer activities. You must have noticed that you were forced to accept the laws and stay at home. You had no choice.

And as I say, it is a great grace to no longer be in the movement of society but in the discovery of True Life. Learn to cultivate tranquility, inaction, rest, and above all you will increase, increase your ability to be lucid and to see beyond appearances.

Another question.

-Elisa: The surprise effect is for everyone at the same time?

Necessarily, since it is a collective event. Humanity must be seized no matter if it is astonishment, visceral fear or joy. The mental and emotional reaction of any kind takes you directly to Peace. You will experience it if you have not already done so. And there you can only be true. You will not be able to lie to yourself about any obligation, even legal. The only legality will be your morality and also your lucidity of this moment.

Another question.

-Elisa: The Call of Mary and the three days of darkness will take place?

It has been explained. That's what I said again. The shock can be Nibiru, the Trumpets, as well as the Call of Mary. It will all be at the same time, not necessarily all three, but one will be enough. Because globally humanity, since the confinement of this year, is in a form of vigilance, whether it be with regard to the fear of the virus, or with regard to the prophecies or to your own perception.

I repeat to you that the confinement was the first and most intense preparation that you have been able to experience. Some of you, moreover, have made resolutions to stop work, to see differently the education of the children, the relationship with your spouse.

You have discovered that the important thing, of course, is acceptance, but also to free yourself from what was burdensome. If you look at it honestly, a lot of you have changed your behaviours, to see life here. Some of you have been forced, in your work, to do things differently and find that this other way of doing things has limited the burdens of your work.

Of course, as you know, there have been much more terrible consequences in relation to the psyche. Many brothers and sisters are still in the terror induced by the puppets. But it is not serious because they too will come out of this terror, and will then realize the deception.

And all this helps your awakening, your inner awakening and the awakening of humanity. Look at all that has been revealed in recent times about the occult, esoteric and satanic movements of certain beings. You have gone through all this, sometimes with disgust. But there is much more than these sordid aspects which are of a different content and which is the official revelation that you are governed and directed by what are called reptilian hybrids.

A lot of brothers and sisters laugh about this because they think it's impossible. But they will be forced to open their eyes, they will be forced to accept that they have been deceived at every level of the organization of so-called social, economic and democratic life. All this, you must see, is being enlightened. And when you see, for those of you who are still watching the media, that these so-called reptilian hybrids are beginning to be laughed at, then you will remember what I told you.

You will be at the ultimate revelation of this world, which is precisely this, the predation of non-human peoples on this planet. Moreover, the reptilian hybrids, from this intensity of Light, have great difficulty maintaining their human appearance. All this is not a science fiction film but the strict truth. And this revelation, which will of course be cheated, which will be blocked, you will know at that moment that the Event is extremely close.

The chaos will grow, of course, as we have always told you, it won't stop and won't slow down any more. But at what point is the shock? Just after the last revelations and the most important one, that is to say the presence of the archons, and that it is thanks to them and their Machiavellian plan that you wake up from your torpor, from your drowsiness and that you are free.

Watch carefully if, for those who are interested in this kind of thing, at the moment when you will see appear first in the United States, then in Quebec, in Canada and third in South America, the exhibition of the draco-reptilian and reptilian-human hybrids, will then sign the Event in a very short time, even if no one knows the date.

This is the best marker I can give you and which, of course, we're watching too. At that point, everything will be accomplished. All that will remain is the phenomenon of latency, damping and slowing of the Earth before it physically tilts. But at that time you will be in stasis and joy, not everyone but many of you.

You therefore still have to go through, not the occult side of the various satanic cults that are already exposed, but this last stage of revelation of the presence of non-humans on this Earth and which are constraining your leaders and which have led humanity along the path of transhumanism.

You will see and you will see that more and more brothers and sisters who have worked at some level for the installation of artificial intelligence will be frightened themselves of what they have created. Just afterwards, in the same month, this notion of hybrids and reptilians will be evoked and published. There you will know, intellectually, (cut) ... if in the Heart of the Heart you are really playing the last moments of the dream. It's going to be a real hustle and bustle and you're going to be in Joy. You will have no feeling of loss of anything, but rather a feeling of Gratitude for all these events, for all these revelations. It's imminent.

It's in the coming months, maybe tomorrow, maybe in the last days of the year, maybe a little bit later. But you won't have long to dread or to wait. Everything that you have been told about the creation story and the falsification of that very story will be revealed. Watch the headlines in your newspapers and you will see. I am not talking about you who know this, who are asking questions about it, but I am talking about the so-called official media.

Humanity will not be shocked but it will be amazed by these revelations (cut) ... taken with laughter. And in the dissemination of this information, while you may not be you, but others will be saying, "What is this nonsense?" they will see with their own eyes and not necessarily in the leaders, bankers or others, but in your own family circle or friends and in the beings you knew, with whom you seemed to be in a human-to-human relationship.

You will look at these beings that you know, but you will no longer see them in their human form. At first it will last a few seconds, like a dream, but you will not be able to avoid seeing the Truth. And you will also be surprised this time to see what we have called the organic or soulless portals, which I repeat, represent almost half of humanity.

You will really see them for what they are, biological machines. You will perceive the absence of heart, you will see as they are, beings without aura, without magnetism. You will see them clearly without any extra sensoriality but with your own eyes.

-Elisa: Are they aware that these are organic portals?

Not at all. They totally obey the matrix and they are happy like that. They are often beings, not always, do not generalize, but they are often order loving beings. So they are necessarily in positions, even subordinate positions, unlike hybrids, but often in the police, in the army, they obey orders regardless of their state of mind. And for good reason, there is no soul.

But you will see these beings who really have and will keep their human appearance, but you will be facing robots. You will no longer be deceived by their words, by the physical which is usually perfect because the soul has no impression in them. They are beings that one could say very beautiful but they are empty. When you begin to perceive this, you are very close to the Shock and to the Event. Those are the two markers that I can give you.

When you see that, you can start packing your bags.


It doesn't mean going anywhere else.


But you will only have one desire, and it will be a real desire, to escape from this madness and return to yourself most of the time. Your activity will be reduced to a minimum, whatever your activity is today, and you will disregard everything you have believed up to now. You will accept that you have been deceived, but the forgiveness will be there.

Because you too, do not forget, you will see at that moment, during the Event or just after, but just before, that you too do not exist, and that as we tell you, it was only a dream, a bad dream. You cannot be deceived any more than you can be deceived by the Peace you are living. This is the program for the next few weeks.


I told you at the end of June and I told you on July 14th. The whole house of cards of deception, all the gears and wheels of slavery, will be handed over to you in their entirety, even the most twisted things of the operation of the companies, of what you call multinationals, all the complexes, whether military, industrial, pharmaceutical, political or hidden, will be unmasked.

You see, it's funny. They want to expose you and that exposes them. More and more of you are waking up not to the truth, but to this manipulation. You see, it's like... It's a good show.

-Elisa: In the face of such a desolate spectacle, can we decide to die?


And I think it would be necessary, you know that all the souls, you are many on Earth, incarnated, because many souls, human souls have decided to come to attend the show, and they would like to leave the show before the end!


But this is the most beautiful thing that happens because it will end your suffering, because the Truth will set you free, because the acceptance of enlightenment, like all the hidden things that are being revealed at this time, is essential to your Freedom. So it is not a matter of missing the show unless life has decided that you must leave just before the event, I would say in preparation for the cosmic celebration of our reunion. Some of you...


What did she say?

-Elisa: If I go first...

Exactly, there's the party of the show and once the curtain falls, it's the Cosmic Party.

Look what the fusion of all consciousnesses ONE consciousness can represent. This is the moment when the ONE consciousness realizes that it too has lied. And we have to celebrate it together. It is a celebration in which there is nothing to swallow, nothing to see, it is the fusion of matter with Spirit and that concerns all dimensions. So there's no reason to want to miss the show. Because the harder it is to swallow, the more your heart will open. It's simple. Here's the program.

-Elisa: I will resist, I will resist.

You'll never resist what?

-Elisa: No, I'll resist, I'll resist, then.

-Sister: Those who are clones, since we also have those who are clones.

Of course we do. But there are already some of you who have noticed. You're in the same, we're in the same boat as in Atlantis with the chimeras, the human-animal hybrids and the man-machine hybrids, all of this is settling down. It's a reality of this theater scene. All you have to do is clap your hands and say thank you. And that's really how it's going to be.

And all of you who have been taken for failures, for rejects, for outcasts of life, who were wondering what the fuck you were doing in this mess, but you're going to fall into ecstasy because it's a joy, it's not a mockery. Because it is true that many of you, especially today, are wondering what you are doing here.


They just booked their seats before everyone else.


Because tickets are expensive. It's a unique show worth all the havens and illusions. Creation will end in a big burst of laughter. And it's not an image. It's concrete. So why miss this show? Even we are here, as close as possible to their skies, their cities. The Intergalactic Confederation appears more and more clearly, not in the deserts or isolated places, but in their cities. We wouldn't miss the spectacle for the world.


Even if you're the one with the front row seat. We're on the balcony, but it's okay.


You wanted the show, you got it.


See, it makes you laugh even before it happens.


We'll even supply the popcorn.


See how easy it is with the Planet Grill.


-Elisa: What will happen to the animals?

The animals? They are an archontic creation. I had already explained this in the history, at the very beginning of the Celestial Wedding, that the archons had created animals to make fun of other peoples, lion-headed Arcturans and all the so-called extraterrestrial races were created, not by the Genetician Mothers, but by the archons who stole their knowledge and technique from them. But since they were unable to create humans, they introduced the representations of the Star People, your star lineages, and your stellar origin, in the form of animals.

So you see. So they have nothing to become. What do you want them to become?

And what do you want to become, anyway? Besides Beatitude and Laughter, nothing. All is accomplished. You're not going to start the story again, are you? Because you will be so much in the Joy of these scenes, even if it still seems horrible to you today, it doesn't matter. When the show is really performed, I assure you that you will be in Joy and Peace. Of course, not all of humanity, but many of you.

-Elisa: I have a question. The animals now, they have a soul...

That's right.

-Elisa: ...they have feelings too.

They do.

-Elisa: So what happens to them?

And what about your becoming? Nothing. Nothing. Pure Felicity without form or attribute. It is the same.

-Elisa: They disappear?

But you don't disappear. You appear in the True Life which is formless and worldless.

-Elisa: And they too?

And them too of course. There is only one consciousness. Some of the animals, and I have explained it, are animals that are called "evolved" if you can say, that already have a soul, the elephants for example. The whales, you know, the cetacean people are very great beings, they are the Great Mothers, etc. etc... etc....

And neither have you, we haven't hidden from you that you have nothing to become. You will be, as Abba said, Pure Felicity. That's it, that's all. You won't dream anymore. And you'll be perfect. There's nothing to become. This is a dream we want to take you to. But now you're no longer fooled even by that hypothetical we talked about ourselves, the blue race, the sixth root.

It is somewhere the return to the first race, that is to say the Hayot Ha Kodesh, the Civilization of Triangles, the Genetician Mothers, the Elohim and the Nephilim, the Archons and all the peoples, whether they are of the Intergalactic Confederation, even of the Galactic Confederation. You will truly be ONE in a fireworks display of White Light, White Paradise. This is the Feast before the return to who you are and who we all are. You see?

And how long have I been talking for? Because Bidi, he's going to grow a foot.

-Elisa: Well, it's 6:00.

So it's been an hour and a half. So that's how much time I had, I guess. I can only wish you a good show, good laughs and a good wake-up call.

With all my love and blessings and maybe I'll come back if there's room. In any case, see you soon.

-Group: See you soon. Thank you.

May Peace, Love and Joy be your abode. Goodbye.

-Group: Goodbye.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations

Transcription from French: https://www.facebook.com/Transcriptionsfr
English revised translation: LMF - DeepL translator


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...