Satsang 2. Fire of the Sacred Heart. Part 2. Jean Luc Ayoun. April 6, 2019. ENGLISH TRANSLATION

Embracement guided by Jean Luc Ayoun, See original video in French.

Satsang 2. Fire of the Sacred Heart. Part 2. Jean Luc Ayoun. April 6, 2019.

Well, as we decided during the break, given the few questions, because there are fewer and fewer questions, we will take advantage of this direct, all together, to embrace. Don't even ask yourself the question of feeling the central point of Agape, nothing. The only thing I ask you is: in your brain, in your head, "I embrace". That's all, nothing else. Okay?

And we're gonna stay like that for a while. So I don't know if it's going to last an hour, a quarter of an hour, a half hour, we'll see.

So, you record the Silence.

— Sister: Yes.

Very well. But it works. You know that once we did that in meditation and then we would go back, we would hear nothing and it would have an effect... Well, that's the way it is.

I wait until everyone is here before I start.

Yes, yes, yes, help yourself. The blankets... You can put yourself in a comfortable position because some of you will fall asleep right now.

Just two more minutes there, for the live broadcast, we wait for everyone to be there. With the blankets, the pillows. Only I don't have a blanket.

— Sister: There is one.

Yes, I'll take it. At least on my shoulders. There you go, good.

So, for the listeners, well, whether it's live or if you see it offline, we're going to embrace, without question, Agape, the Sacred Fire of the Heart, energy circuits or anything. We are simply going to, as I said, in your head, you really think you are "embracing", "I am embracing", everything, or nothing, everything that is happening.

Come on, so it'll be in silence, but we'll keep the video anyway for those who will experience it, let's say, in delayed or ultra-temporal mode.

You can effectively help yourself with your hands, with your ankles, as I said, like that and crossed ankles, to align the flows. Not all the time, if we stay for an hour, just at the beginning, to really get it aligned. One or two minutes should be enough, as soon as everyone is here. I'm going to do the same thing as you, by the way, and we'll see.

So, Joe will draw us the Silence. You are very strong, Pierre, if you can draw the Silence for us. It's going to be... All right, come on, I'll stop reading.

— Sister: Kisses, Pierre.


So it is not impossible that there may be, as often happens, words that come out, that are not human words, that are not vibratory languages, I do not know what that means, it is not the language of Phahame, it is something else, that accompanies and rhythms that, in a way. It happens to me when I do the care, or when I set myself in Sacred Fire, it sets itself up by itself.


For the senses, you notice, at the same time, the three-beat rhythm and the appearance of the central point of the heart.


Hence the radiance of the Heart of the Sacred Fire, of the Fire of the Sacred Heart, it is the same thing, will enter into radiance.


It is exactly the same process that took place many years ago, which was triggered on Thursday evening by archangelical radiances.


It is now the radiance of the human being.

Where the evidence takes up all the space and time.


At the source and origin of the dream of creation.


At zero time, which contains all the times and spaces.


Where no polarity can appear.


Where the primary duality of the masculine and the feminine is resolved in Love.


Where all forms and manifestations come from.


In the great Silence of beatitud, in the evidence of Life.


Where there is no boundary, delimitation or frame of reference, at the threshold of emptiness, just before the dance of Life enters form.


In countless octaves called dimensions, where you no longer need to name, where you no longer need to call, where your radiance is evident.

Atouns Ma Kaya
Beresta Ma Ni
Atunska Ma Kaya


Where there is neither you, nor me.


Where there are only all the worlds in existence.


Covered with the unspeakable evidence.


Where you stand without holding anything.


Where you are, I am, beyond any being and any form.


Resounding in every heart.


Before and after anything that may have been manifested.


From everywhere in the field of Life, putting an end to any frame as well as to any limit


Amatchi Brémis Ka


In embracing everything that has been, is and will be, beyond even the existing, beyond even your presence.


Where there is no more beyond, where time and space merge, abolishing all differences and all distances.


Where nothing can be qualified without distancing oneself.


Let us embrace the ineffable, like any suffering, like any resistance.


In this present instant where neither time nor space can play, where everything is landmark and useless.


Where father and child are one.


In the present instant.


Amatchi Enoha


In this embrace, you are the gift of Life, the gift of Grace, the gift of your presence, the gift of Love.

Atouns Ma Kaya


Embrace yourself as every other you embraces you, in the same meaningless movement.


Where Love puts an end to all dreams of incompleteness or completeness.


Where your nature is, where you will never pass.


Beloved, if you have the opportunity, it is now time to embrace, in silence, there. Wherever we are, no matter how many we are, in the end, we are one.


Where grace is natural, where you have always been, where you are, where you think you will be because, what you will be, has already been and is already.

In the radiance of the Fire of the Sacred Heart are consumed the last veils, the last dreams, the last attachments.


Where no lack can be thought or felt, even beyond the idea of perfection.


In this, you find yourself.


Whatever it goes through you, whatever it appears, let it pass, keep nothing, stop nothing.



And when you wish, you can then open your eyes to this world and to our presence.


I'm waiting for everyone to be here.

Good. A little word hot or cold?

In trivial language, it sounds like you're full, full.


Ah, ah, then, either I listen to you and repeat, or you make the effort to... and no one will see you, don't worry, ... to say a few words on the spot. All right, go ahead, it's okay.

— Sister: So, I felt the heart coming out, let's say, just a small circle, and it hurt a little, but it faded.


— Sister: And then it faded over time, and here I am...

We will mainly see the effects that will follow, of course.

Ah, excuse me, but I can't take him (the microphone) that far. All right, now we're listening.

— Brother: It was something rather elongated, like a kind of flame, something warm and cosy and rising up, that's it.

Thank you. So right now, of course, you're talking about the experience or the feeling, but that's not what's important. The important thing will be in the next few hours, what will happen to you. But the feeling is important, of course, from the living. But what is going to be lived will be much more intense.

We're listening to you.

— Sister: The feeling was strong at the level of the opening of the heart and the fire, but what was extraordinary was that I had the impression that I embraced my parents, the family, the people around me, and so on, as if the people around me were rushing... a whole bunch of... Earlier, I had had my parents with wounds and the feeling that... they were coming to heal themselves there, to me, and there, it was really an embrace from everyone and it was beautiful.

You will also see, since there have been beings who have appeared, family, friends, as you say, you will very quickly see changes in them. It's part of what I called the miracle in the first part. You have nothing to do with it, that's how the miracle happens, through this principle of embracing.

— Sister: I felt it there, just now, when you were talking about it and I experienced it a few days before coming. So I do care, I no longer like the word care, I no longer like the word therapist. Well, it's difficult, with my husband, and until now he was the only person I did it with who didn't feel anything. And I, something happened, to embrace it and to embrace us in all lives, in all dimensions, in all that there was and there, he felt everything. He was able to connect his inner child, which he had never done before, and everything changed. And earlier, when you were talking about it, I said to myself, it's really that and it's true that my heart at that time was completely open. And... and then we texted each other and well, it's not the same tone, it's not the same thing.

That's the miracle. The rest follows naturally, whether it is healing, death, suffering, everything is evacuated through it.


— Sister: As I was right across the street, I felt a beam that went from you to me. And at one point, I felt a lot of heat and then at the end, as if it was opening. And in relation to what you just said, I also embraced the same person as you, because it's going well, but I thought that it wouldn't hurt. And then I asked for healing in me... in relation to all those past lives, and I thought it was going to do something in the breast, and it did something to me in the stomach.

So this is not the feeling you describe when you are in this Sacred Fire and Fire of the Sacred Heart and the action of the Light on the areas on which it works, as I said, but...

— Sister: Well that's right, so I didn't expect it to be there, but it was a long time.

Yes, regardless of the feeling, the point of the heart, the heat, the pressure, the compression or on the contrary, the explosion or the flows that you can feel without being able to feel them... or the breathing itself, no matter, the point is there. But then, that you feel another zone at the same time simply proves that, being embraced, of course, all the so-called suffering zones anywhere, and there, we have seen at the organic level, at the physical level, at the etheric level, are transmuted, and that is what you describe, that is it.

Of course, as I said, there is the feeling of the instant and there is what you will see very quickly in the coming hours.

— Sister: I don't have the impression that I still feel the point, I feel a little bit of a whole, but not the point.

Yes, so when I talk about the point, it should be known that this point is the so-called stage prior to the radiance of the heart, the chakra of the heart, not the ninth body that is done.

And there, at that moment, indeed, for the senses, you have the impression of feeling both the new Eucharist, the chakra, the breathing on the three-beat rhythm, the Marian channel that arrives, the wave of life that rises.

— Sister: I don't feel all that, I just feel something nice there.

Yeah, it's something that's around here, what, something's going on.

— Sister: That's it. Thank you.

There you go. So, beyond the experience or the expression of your feelings, as I said, I repeat it to you, here as everywhere, and even those who will listen, we will say, in delayed or ultra-temporal terms, there will be exactly the same effect. And remember above all that I had nothing to do with it, I'm not claiming anything in relation to it. Once again, it is a natural state that you find yourself in.

We're listening to you.

— Sister: There, at the beginning of the work, if you can say, well, like last night, well, I felt like a kind of emotion, a desire to cry, but which doesn't... which doesn't end and like... like it was, I don't know, like I was coming home. That's it, that's it. It's very strange how... And it makes you want to cry, yes, of course.

And yes, there it is, how to say, the heart that is more and more like burning and tingling.

— Sister: It does tingle, yes.

Excuse me, I'm cutting you off for two seconds: when a chakra rotates, you say it tingles, but it's true because, in the crown of fire of the ascending heart or the igneous fire, or what is called the radiant crown of the heart, which was much wider than the chakra of the heart, there was not this particular emotion, which is the emotion of returning home, quite simply.

And finally, even if you can't formulate it, for everyone, it's the same, finally. And now you can only cry, what else do you want to do? But this is neither joy nor sadness, it is really about finding oneself in one's totality. That's who we are, that's what you're living here, that's who we are.

— Sister: I forgot to say that the words you said in another language spoke to me as if I knew them well.

Yes, these are words, if you will, that come out, we can't say that it's a channeling or anything, it's spontaneously the words that come out, I don't suppress anything when it happens, I don't try to understand or explain. Of course, I have the explanation because being sensitive makes you feel, but that's not what's important now.

This is especially what these tears or this state where you really find yourself, as soon as you have recognized yourself by embracing all the others, all those who pass, the whole creation, you can only actually cry, how else do you want to do it?

There are no words, even if I try to stick some, I stick some on it, that can express that. And indeed, the best translation is... these tears. These are not tears that can be described as sadness or joy. It's tears, we'll say, natural, that come out spontaneously, we don't know why.

And as you say, last night, since last night we did, you did, I did nothing, you did Agape Resonance one by one, as I said, Agape now leads you there, in this period, collectively, to the Fire of the Sacred Heart, that is, to the complete realization of the Christic state.

And there, you will easily understand, in the same way as for the Apocalypse of Saint John after the heavenly weddings, we had a vibrational decoding, but once the times are there, the explanation becomes logical, the words I pronounce, at the limit, do not matter. They are beyond the meaning of words.

It is a vibration that accompanies what is happening. And what is happening, what you have expressed there, is evidently the same thing in everyone. That doesn't mean I saw your family, for example, I don't need to see them, I don't need to see anything.

Once again, and at the neuroscientific level, it's perfectly explained, it's rational, there's nothing irrational about it. You find that famous freedom, what we have called the essence, or at least all the words we have used for some time... Today, indeed, it does not require words, even if we have images, even if we have perceptions, that we express, it is normal.

Again, that's what happens mostly, I'm telling you, it's not in the weeks or months, it's in the hours to come. But again, I had nothing to do with it, and I'm just reminding you of what we've always been.

It is without words, it is without concepts, it is without energy, it is without vibrations, it can do without even perceptions, but it is the effects on our humanity, as you expressed it in relation to your husband who has finally felt, that you will see with your children, your friends, your enemies, everywhere. Everywhere, as soon as you think about embracing before reacting, or as soon as you think about what is behind the form, behind emotional, moral, social and societal conventions, well, you live it.

— Sister: And it changes everything, it's no longer a care, it's a unification.

Yes, of course. And there, you can indeed say that your kingdom is not of this world, it is of no world. You are the kingdom.

Anything else to say? We'll look at the listeners. Go ahead, don't hesitate, it's there (the microphone).

— Brother: So, for me, I would say that my inner vision, everything was white, I felt several times during a limited period of time, little pain in my heart and also, at one point, faces that came, but I didn't know them at all.

Are you saying that pictures came?

— Brother: Faces, and that I didn't know.

It doesn't matter. So, of course, there is an explanation. Of course, I can reassure you by saying that these faces that scroll, arriving either from left to right or like that as they come closer, are only the faces you had in your past lives, that is, within the illusion.

This is very well known for people who have regressed or had their heads open, even at the very beginning, in the 1980s, to have these faces that passed, that came and went, these faces that you had in your past lives, your different facial identities, the different features that you have worn in this world.

And besides, at the time, even if I don't like to go back, I explained, I had made a lot of regressions in past lives, as a doctor, for patients, and it was constant. It was constant, after the first regressions, that people see all the faces of their past lives passing by, that is to say that what is passing before you is not to find a past memory, it is active in the present instant because I have always said that this life, this present life and these present instants are only the result of all your dreams in all the worlds you have explored and in all the creations within this world, this dimension, without any exception.

And today... At the time, people saw it, there were no consequences. Today, you have transcended by this one vision that passes, by its different faces that approach you and disappear, you have resolved, in quotation marks, by the Love that you are, by the essence that you are, any notion of having to answer for any past act, because in Love, there is no karma, I have always said it.

There are two laws in this world: the law of karma which concerns the person, the soul and the law of One or the law of Grace, or the state of Grace —it is not a law, it is evident— and when it happens now, when you see these faces coming and going, or family members, you have embraced them and healed them.

It is in this sense that I tell you that in the coming hours, if you do not have family phone calls at dinner time, that will show you the truth of this.

Now, this truth is not 100% active, but overall, in a very general way, you will only see this. Everything that passes through you belongs to the ephemeral, of course.

Only the emotion, the tears, the ultimate emotion (one could say) to get to know you again, they, will never pass.

It is therefore the period of the completion of the resurrection, it is the period of the event, I believe it is a secret of the punchinello now, but which allows us, whatever our state of stasis, pre-stasis, health, financial, emotional, to have at our disposal at all times this essence that you are. And that's the miracle. Because this miracle is acting in you, it is acting in your near sphere, as well as in all dimensions.

That's why you have so many brothers and sisters who see arcturians, vegans in their dreams or on a ships. They are really there, they are waiting for only one thing, impatiently, I must say, even if the time for them is not the same as ours, that we realize that, but on a much larger scale. And it happens naturally from March 30 to Easter, every day, every hour, these graces will rain, as Therese said, but these graces are not linked to anything external to you, nor to any circumstance.


The feelings, the visions, the perceptions you have had, are what accompanies what will never pass, that is, what has been defined in the first part of the satsang, that is, this Sacred Fire, the fire of the heart, or radiance of the heart, you call it as you wish. What is happening there cannot leave any doubt, whatever your questions, whatever the difficulties, it is the solution.

You will also notice that, as the days go by, you will not be able to envisage any other solutions than that, in front of any circumstance, in front of any situation, in front of any relationship, in front of each brother, each sister, in front of everything.

Here, it is also a question of, really, in the first sense of the word, trust. But no trust in you, we don't care about trust in you, it's a trust in Life, trust in Love, whether you live it or not.

Here too, when I talk about embracing, when I ask you to trust, in general, we trust what we know. But to evoke this word of trust, not in you, not in the other, not in the circumstances, but in trust. We are much more than in faith, hope and charity. We're in something that's immediate. And it is precisely this immediacy of the present instant, well, as they say, the present instant, the zero time, that makes us experience this today.

This is what resilience is all about, not about the person, but about the authentic resilience that has until now been based on the unknown, on the dream of Love, on a dream of history to be fulfilled.


If you have nothing more to say, I will end with this sentence that I loved very much, even if at the time I did not understand, a long time ago, that Master Philippe, you know that he spoke a lot about the notion of humility, in his lifetime, when asked how he could perform such miracles, because Master Philippe really performed miracles as we all will, and as we all do, we asked him how he could do that, he said "it is because I am the smallest among you”.

To be the smallest of you, as he said... so today, in more modern terms, we could say to be at the service, but it's much more than that. It is not being at the service because when you serve the other, at that moment, you live that you serve yourself. It's not devotion, again, it's not a prayer, it's not a quest, it's the natural state.

I couldn't find any more complicated words than that and there was no need for complicated words. It will be more and more stripped, even at the level of feelings because well, I can still effectively explain all the circuits, because I have lived them, I can explain all the dimensions, but for me it is of no interest.

It's only to give you confidence, to try to give you that confidence, as do the testimonies that are published from everywhere. It's not testimonies for me, it's testimonies for those who discover.


All the words that were spoken by Nisargadatta, in his lifetime, I am not talking about the channelings, all that was received by Gitta Mallasz in Dialogues with the Angel, the Archangel Uriel, as in the Gospel of the Dove, of which I had already spoken, which were dictated by Uriel, all this poetry, which was only poetry, today is the truth.

It's concrete, it's powerful, it's dense and it's also very light. To be everything and nothing is that, it is also the thermal variations, to be warm, to be cold at the same time, it is also to be no longer hungry, to feed differently, it is all that happens in each of us, whether through feelings, visions, the absence of feelings, the absence of visions too, lead you to that, it is an absolute certainty.

It is not a belief, nor a projection into the future, nor a prediction, nor a prophecy, it is exactly what is there, available for everyone without exception, whatever the age, whatever the residual beliefs, whatever the postures, whatever the positioning. That's all there is to it.

That will be my last words because I think the cooks are waiting for us and I'll tell you at 3:00. We'll meet at 3:00 with Phahame.

Thank you.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
The Transformations

French transcript: Agape Team
English translation: revised by LMF.


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...