Video audio in French


-Sister: What does it mean when you say "we are made of emptiness"?


-Sister: You said "we are made of emptiness".


I'm not clearing my head. You can't clear the air. The void IS. As soon as you have the idea of emptying your mind, everything you oppose, everything you want to understand, either you create it or it creates resistance. So you can't say "I'm emptying out". That's impossible. You are the void. So you can't do it.

-Sister: That's what I don't understand. How are we empty?

You can't understand it and that's what I keep saying. No intellectual element, no vibratory element, no energetic element, no vision, can allow you to live it, and intellectual understanding, even less. It's not something you can understand. Only by living it will you understand it. It is not an intellectual process. It can't work like that. You can conceptualize God, you have the religions that are there for that. But you can't experience what you really are as long as you are in the will to understand, because it remains a concept, not to mention mental.

This irresistible thirst for the Absolute, for the Truth, which we all have, inscribed deep within us, cannot be an answer to a question. It can only be an evidence lived. First of all, you have to accept it, there too. As soon as you accept it, as soon as you can't understand it, you're ready to live it. But as long as, somewhere inside you, there is a willingness to understand, that is, to grasp, it can only escape you and it can only cause suffering, either in the body or elsewhere. But it's always like that. It is stereotypical, that is, there is no one individual who is different from another in this respect.

But today, the good news is that we all have the capacity, since it is the natural state, to rediscover it. But for that, we have to stop, when I say we have to stop, that is to say, not deny or reject them, or even refute them as Bidi said, it's simply to cross them. You are not what you perceive. You're not what you're living. You're not your pain. You are not your joys. You're not an individual. Already, this acceptance removes many obstacles. It's not a matter of believing in it. It is not a belief that will be added to, on the contrary, it is the cessation of all beliefs.

But as long as you stay on "how I can perceive it" or "how I can understand it", it can only move away from you and create a distance, and therefore, the illusion of time, and therefore, the illusion of space. There is no time, there is no space. We know that in astrophysics, we know that in neuroscience, it's exactly the same thing. Today, there are branches of neuroscience that are, even if the neuroscientists who found it don't live it, they have understood, that is to say that everything is... besides, we tell you: we are in a computer simulation. As Keanu Reeves said: Matrix is not a film, it is a documentary. That's exactly what it is.

And people are bowed down in the spiritual realm, as in the ordinary human realm, on what they believe they are. They can only discover who they are by accepting that this is all a huge charade. Already, you place yourself in the best disposition to effectively live what is called the Fire of the Heart, the vibratory aspect, the trembling chest, all that. But at that moment, you are still more ready and more available to accept that you are none of these things.

So there is a process that is not a negation but, I would say disidentification, that has nothing to do with derealization. Déréalisation is people who are ten thousand high, what, they are in what we call the astral in the sense Bernard of Montreal called it, in projections, in visions, in perceptions, but they are not in the Truth. And they are convinced they are there. It is much easier today, as Christ said, for a child, a poor person, to pass the eye of the needle, as they say, to cross, to discover who he is, than for someone who is cluttered with possessions.

So, when I say possessions, it is not material possessions, it is possessions that can be material, but that concern everything that we believe we possess: our husband, our wife, our child, our body. It is a possession, but in the dramatic sense of the word; in the diabolical sense, you are possessed. And only the one who lives the absence of form called non-being, understands by living it that all this is a charade.

All these gods, goddesses, characters, entities of Light or shadow, are us. We created it ourselves. So, at that moment, you suppress any distance from an external god. There is no god, there is no devil, it doesn't exist, just as you don't exist, just as I don't exist.

The questions and answers in the satsangs, are only made to find, by the questioning, the game of questions - answers, the answers, they are born spontaneously. I never prepare anything. Questions are born spontaneously. But it is this set of questions and answers, which is not made to nourish the mind, which also creates availability. Believing oneself to be two, that is, a questioner and a respondent, a knowing and a non-knowledgeable, is an illusion that ends the game.

Vibration has built, as has been said, a scaffolding, a vibratory state that has made us reconnect to what has been called supra-consciousness or supramental - no matter what words you use - that allow you in an easier way to live the Truth. The Truth is that we are what we are, that is, we are nothing of an individual, nothing of a world, nothing of what we believe to be our history. Besides, there is no history. There is no time, there is no space. But until you bring it back as lived in ordinary consciousness, it's useless.


-Sister: When I say "I am Love", is it just right?

Yes. I never said I didn't. But where does this Love come from?

-Sister: But Love.


-Sister: Love.

Yes, but, where does it come from?

-Sister: But he has always been there.

Well, no, it comes from somewhere. Love is, as we have said, the substratum of creation. It is not related to the love you feel or live. He's everywhere. He is from everywhere and everywhere can only be in the void. The emptiness that the ego, the spiritual pride, the self, call nothingness. It is exactly the opposite. Nothing means born before, too. Born before, born before what? Before Love, there is something. There's what you are.

-Sister: But we are Love.

You are not only Love. You are manifested Love, but you are above all Increated Love. And when you go through that again, well, as I say, all the brothers and sisters, we're free. Free from its vibrations, free to be Life. You can't go wrong when you see it. What I always say, people who ask themselves whether they are absolute or not, simply proves that they have not lived it.

-Sister: When we feel Love, here it is ouf, but this is ecstasy.

Yes, but this is still evident. Where did this demonstration come from?

-Sister: I don't know that, where it comes from.

But yes, you don't know that, you can't know that, you can only live it. But when you experience that, the big difference as I said, the vibrations, they are always there, the presences, they are always there as well as when they arrive. I am perfectly aware that this is a dream, but you have to accept the dream too. To leave the dream is to live it fully, to accept what is. And the fewer questions you ask yourself, if not this essential question: what is true? By definition, what is True is what has never moved, never appeared, never disappeared. That's what you are.

You appear and disappear. You were born, you're going to die, whether you like it or not. What remains?

-Sister: Love.

Yes. But Love does not need form, it does not need consciousness. And, but, only, between saying it and living it, the consequences and implications are not at all the same. In one case, there is persistence, even in the self, of a duality, of a questioning somewhere. While the one who is free has no more questions about it. He has questions about what he will do tomorrow, what he will eat, if he has to move. Yeah, well, yeah, the most human, the simplest thing. But in relation to this natural state, there can be no questions, because it has been lived and therefore, it is perfectly understood.

But you cannot, if not by metaphor and or by words that we use each other, make it live. On the other hand, the Agape resonance puts people in contact as it was done last night, as many brothers and sisters do, puts you in contact with Time Zero. Already, it is lived, when you describe, for example earlier, in your vision, the black hole after the visions [...] yes, that's it. And it's when you dive into it that you recognize yourself. That is to say, even this black hole that we see, it doesn't exist anymore. Simply, when you are no longer identified with any shape, color, perception and you become that, well, you realize that this black hole, this void, this nothingness, is the whole. And that you are that.

There is no more room for the deceit of consciousness, no more room for any evolution, since everything is perfect. Really. And even imperfection or suffering leads you to perfection. This is what was written at the Initial Instant. So, it doesn't stop you from having fun, it doesn't stop you from doing crystal treatments, it doesn't stop you from doing pendulum, it doesn't stop you from doing radiesthesia, it doesn't stop you from doing what you love, of course. Because if you imagine that once you live this, you have to stay still in a corner and spend ten years like Ma Ananda Moyi in ecstasy, you are wrong.

You must become totally human again, that is, live what Life makes you live. You have the right to have passions, music, crystals or sing, make love, whatever you want. True freedom is there.

-Sister: Why do you make a difference with the love shown and say, the love before....

Of course, of course, of course.

-Sister: The Love that manifests itself here, in my heart, is still reality.

But I don't question what you're going through. I question the purpose of what you're going through. Because until you know Alpha and Omega, you are not free. You transpose this real living experience of Love, this Fire that is there, that sets everything on fire, it is manifested, since we live it.

-Sister: It is manifested.

But where did the demonstration come from? But you have this in every tradition. Look in Taoism, among the Chinese, they speak of the anterior sky which is the unmanifested sky and the passage to heaven manifested, by a reversal of course, which is also the descent of the child, head down. But you also find it in Kabbalah when we talk about the Sephiroth Tree, with Kether, the coronation. A lot of people think it's the best. No, after that there is Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur, that is, the Light and what is beyond the Light.

For NDEs, for example, it is very simple, what are called near-death experiences. Thirty years ago, I was part of the research teams of the French association IANDS de Moody, and we had questionnaires for people who had experienced NDEs. So we know that there are 10% of near-death experiences that are hyper negative: people come back and they are even worse than before. There are 90% of them positive and in these 90% of them positive, there are only 5% who have lived the Truth.

All the others, they were arrested by much younger, better dressed family members. So, if you are a Christian, you go to Jesus, if you are a follower of Krishna, you go to Krishna, if you are a follower of Islam, you go to Mohamed and so on. If you are a Buddhist, you go to see Buddha. But they are holograms, they don't exist. Light is external. A Being of Light, the Light is inside, it is there, again, when there is a form. So all these beings, these people who cross the tunnel and who have landed in a world where everything is Love, everything is ethereal, have only seen ghosts.

On the other hand, among these 90% of beings, there are 10% who, as if by chance, are still beings who have succeeded in finding their way through space, aircraft pilots, Formula 1 pilots, helicopter pilots, mathematicians, physicists, who have a spatial representation, who have been able to cross these ghosts, because there was the Light behind them. You know that the family members - yes but no, look, your mission is not over, you have to go back to Earth - it's all bullshit, complete. So, of course, when people come back, they know that they are not limited to this body. But they are still limited to manifested worlds.

On the other hand, the 5% of those who pass through these ghosts, Christ, Buddha, Mohammed or whatever they see or all these pseudo-family members, go into the Light, that is, the Sun, and go to the other side of the Light. Besides, it is what is called the Inner Heaven or if you prefer, the Ain Soph Aur in the tradition, in the original Kabbalah, but it is the same thing. And those who return are freed from all concepts, all forms, all evolution, all souls. All the others lived a dream, a dream in the Dream, what is called the astral which is an archontic plane, that is, forces of confinement, that we do not have to judge because if there had not been a script written entirely at the beginning, it was Endless History, what.

-Sister: To be liberated is, I will say as it comes, to become aware that we are before....

To every form and manifestation and that you have been all of this, both out of time and space.

There's a titmouse coming to confirm.


-Sister: While being here, in our body...


-Sister: While being here, in our body...

But especially in this body, not elsewhere. Not anywhere else. You know, last year, when I did some healing by going out in naked consciousness or when I saw myself, that I could borrow any form of eternity - I could be Christ, I could be Buddha, I could be Thor, I had a good time with Thor's hammer by the way - all these are archetypes. All this is what Bidi called these gods and goddesses, they have no consistency.

-Sister: Archangels and all that?

But they exist in their plan, of course. I traveled under Michael's wings, it was real. But this reality is not the Truth. It's a demonstration plan. True Freedom is to find the origin which is also the end since it never existed. And now you can't - again you can't talk about it - even if I can describe certain states to you, that's not why it's going to make you live it. That's not why it's going to give you the opportunity to live it. It's just a testimony like any other. But the important thing is that when you really live it - and you don't need to leave the body or go into a body of eternity or in naked consciousness - it is lived there in the center now.

As soon as you accept this, you fall into the Black Hole which is in the middle with sometimes an anguish as you say. And when you dive into it - it's an image, well you discover the Truth. There were never people, there were never planets, there was never sun, there were never stars. All this is in us. So the pill is difficult to swallow and it will never be swallowed by the conscience, by the way, it's impossible. It is only by finding this source of consciousness itself that you discover that even what has been called the I Am, the Self of which we have talked so much, of which the elders and all beings have talked so much, is a total illusion. That is not true.

-Sister: Is that why I was saying earlier, can we say "I am Love" after all?

No, no.

-Sister: It's not fair either.

No, no, you can't say, neither "I am", nor "I am a", nor "I am Love". Because as soon as you say that, there is identification with a form that carries that concept. You predate that.

-Sister: Well, then we can't say anything.

But you can't understand it. And no matter how many billions of questions you ask.

-Sister: We can't say: I am Love?

You can say it, but that's not all you are.

-Sister: Yes.

And the important thing, once again, I repeat, is that once you have lived the Truth, there is only one, called the Absolute Truth, which is different. I refer you to Anaël in 2009 on the Abandonment to the Light, already no one understood. And then, on relative truth and absolute truth, the Absolute Truth does not depend on a point of view, it does not depend on a history. It's the same for everyone because there's no one there. And of course, you can only see the consequences on the functioning of your body, on the functioning of your mind, on the functioning of your life and the freedom you live.

Because when we talk about inner freedom, when Krishnamurti, even in his lifetime, expressed that, people couldn't understand. True Freedom is something you can only recognize. It doesn't remove human shit. When your back hurts, your back hurts. When you are constipated, you are constipated. When you run out of money, you run out of money. It's not gonna change that, is it? But you are in something that is true and you know it. The question of Love does not even arise. The question of the I Am does not even arise.

That's what I say in the preamble, OK, Abba, but above all I'm Jean-Luc Ayoun with his life, his problems, who lives like everyone else in the same trouble, the same joys, the same sorrows.

-Sister: But you are no longer identified with the character, that's right.

No, but I'm in this character.

-Sister: But you are still in it, yes.

And this character is my vehicle.

-Sister: But you are no longer identified with the character.

That's it, and I'm not saying it's easy every day because like every human being and even all those beings who speak even with fabulous words, we have our humanity. We have the same shit as everyone else on all levels. We must not believe that we are a completely evanescent ethereal being, completely on our pedestal or on our throne. No, on the contrary. We have become again, that's why we're talking about Natural I, Absolute I, Eternal I, we have put the I, I-E, not the self, it's the moment when you transcended all the cleavages, all the illusions, all the contradictions, not by an effort but by an abandonment. By a sacrifice if you prefer.


-Sister: A intervener, I don't know which one, he said: The conscience will not abandon itself.


-Sister: So who is making this ultimate sacrifice of consciousness? If it is not consciousness, since it does not abandon itself, to the very end, it abandons itself...

She can't, what?

-Sister: Consciousness itself does not abandon itself.

Never. She can't do that. The purpose of consciousness....

-Sister: So the ultimate sacrifice...

Sacrifice, you can only achieve it through acceptance.

-Sister: But then who accepts?

Acceptance is not a concept. It's not to say: I agree to eat this or not to eat this, or to make love or not to make love. It is the unconditional acceptance of what is, accepting that you cannot change anything of what is, accepting that absolutely everything, even when you move your little finger, has been written. So that puts you in a position...

-Sister: It was written, that...


...of the consciousness which is acceptance and not claim. When you say I am, it's a claim. When you say I am One, it is a claim. When you say I am Love, because you live it, it is also a claim. So, the lack of claim, Time Zero, Silence, leads you to that. There is no better word, I'm sorry, than acceptance. It is said in neuroscience, neuro-ethology and neuro-theology, these are the neurosciences of mysticism, all mystical processes have been identified in the brain. But the brain is nothing.


-Sister: I wanted to talk about Anita Moorjani who came back cured, from the afterlife, who made an NDE.


-Sister: And, she, in fact, when she did that NDE, she had cancer....


-Sister: ...she fell into a coma for thirty hours. And when she came back, she was completely cured.

Like Eben Alexander, yes.

-Sister: Yes, and it is true that when you read her writings, she is really in the Absolute afterwards.

Yes, all the people who have experienced this instantaneous transmutation of the body, by making an NDE, are free. Dr. Eben Alexander, he didn't have cancer, but he had his brain, his neocortex, totally blown away, he no longer had a brain. He restored a brain in a week.

-Sister: And today, there is Dr. Charbonnier talking about hyper-consciousness....

No, then that's... Dr. Charbonnier, I know him very well, he's in the astral trip, that is: the NDEs, the survival of the soul and all that. That's bullshit. But it is nevertheless a huge step forward.

-Sister: Because it heals some people.

It already allows you not to be afraid of death anymore, to know that you are, in quotation marks, immortal, but it doesn't give you the Truth.

-Sister: But it helps to heal some people.

Yes, of course, of course, of course. But the energies are also healing, even today. But energies are by their very nature Luciferic. The work of hypnotic trance is also Luciferic, because it brings you back to the soul, but not to the Truth. Nevertheless, we are incarnate, so we need energy, to eat, even if we fast, even if we don't need to eat, we still need to feed this vehicle. But, it's a first step. Just as thirty, forty years ago, when the NDEs, Moody's first works on the afterlife, were a major milestone. It must be understood that all this was written, written and lived.

And that the only way to do that was to let supra-consciousness happen. Sri Aurobindo had described the process perfectly. Let these laws of evolution unfold. Bernard de Montréal, for example, or others spoke perfectly of it until the final lighting of the theatre stage, that is, what was called Abba's return. But Abba is not Jean-Luc Ayoun, it's all of you. Anyone who would make a specificity in relation to this, he has understood nothing, he has not lived anything. And besides, as well as Christ, look at Master Philippe de Lyon, the greatest French miracle worker, when he was told: But how do you do these miracles?

He said: It's because I'm the smallest of you. That is real humility. And apart from this humility really experienced, there is no space for solution. Well, we can call it sacrifice, acceptance, welcome. We can shoot with a lot of words like that but it's always the same process that's at work, which is a neurochemical process. That is, in what is called, what the spirituous worship, as I call them, that is, the famous third eye, the epiphysis, which is a total fraud, it is in fact at this level on the epiphysis that the confinement takes place and we know it in neuroscience.

There are entheogens, in particular salvinorin A and B, which are derived from the sage of the diviners. Even without mentioning DMT and all the other molecules. This molecule, in one injection, in perfectly controlled hospital doses, in milligrams per kilogram of weight, completely ends the notion of believing oneself an individual, really. We know today, for example, with technologies, with electromagnetic induction coils that were created by Professor Michael Persinger in Canada, who is also a neuroscientist. I put this helmet on you, we bought it, we have it at home, with software, I trigger what you want: an awakening of the Kundalini, mystical visions, by stimulating certain areas of the brain.

As if by chance, these areas of the brain are on what we have called the Stars, the twelve Stars. That's exactly what it is. For example, we know the difference between someone who is in the astral and someone who is Absolute because they have investigated, they have done MRIs, scans. It's very simple. The Absolute has a cerebral edema on what has been called Hic and Nunc, Here and Now, a real cerebral edema. Moreover, Dr. Hamer had found that when someone was going to die, he had an edema on this area, which corresponds, of course, to the area of language, but also to the entire motor cortex, but also to the awakening of the Kundalini.

All this is perfectly mapped in neuroscience. There is... evidently, you have to have access to this knowledge, but it's always the same, whether in astrophysics, neuroscience, molecular biology, it's the Truth. Time Zero is recorded in all our cells, without exception. So, whatever - that's why I was saying today - the Good News, the whole world is ready. Whether in scientific circles, organizations, companies, enterprises, multinationals. The world is near everywhere.

Ready for what? They don't even know, that's why we have to deliver the Good News to them. You are the Truth, it is within you. Everything else is just passing through. Then, after that, the speeches will vary, the words that will be used will depend on the structure of my brain, the layout of my brain. The words I will use are not the same as those used by Betti or Claudette or Ginette or others. I only give last names because it is not necessary to name them all. This is the strict Truth. But the one who went the furthest, moreover, she died, at the level of this Truth...

If you really want to have something powerful to put in front of your eyes and read, it's Christiane Singer, of course. Because she gave her life, she died. She succeeded, she was not healed, but what she described and lived it through in the days before her death is exceptional, exceptional. Because she knew she was going to die, there was no way out. That's what she said: when you're shaved by the disease, that there's nothing, nothing at all, that you're nothing of your character - because she was still a hell of a character when she was alive before she got sick - she said: that you realize that it's where there's everything, there's Love.

And not the love shown because it came out of the demonstration. Substrate Love, Essential Love, Love that is everywhere, that infiltrates everything, even within the most unbelievable darkness that we live on this Earth. Freedom, it's there. And until you realize that the advantage we have is that we are in a collective scenario that does not only concern the Earth and this solar system, which concerns the seven super universes, as described in the Urantia cosmogony. The seven super universes are waking up. And we're the seven super universes, there's nothing else.

But it had to get to that point. That is why everything that has been said by Christ, everything that has been said - even by the Elders, the Stars, the mystics of all times - has only been directed towards this convergence. And here we are what I call this point of convergence, this point of resilience, this point of passage to Zero Time and I challenge anyone living this Zero Time to imagine having to evolve or be in a form or dimension. This does not mean that everything that has been said about stellar origins, stellar lines, was false. But it is history, the common thread that had to be found for some, especially all those who were in what is called spirituality.

Today, those who are in simplicity, who have never been interested in the chakras, energies, vibrations, who have never lived anything but who are in the spontaneity of their simple presence in daily life, are much better able to live the Truth than others, because they are in the present instant.

-Brothers: The others, they have to forget all this.

Yes, yes, yes. And when I say the key is the present instant, yes. But the present instant with the Good News. Not the present moment as presented by Eckart Tolle. Because Eckart Tolle is talking to you about a new Earth. He's still in a projection of consciousness. But that's all right. It doesn't matter. There is no point in asking yourself what tomorrow will be like. When you are in the Present Instant, you don't care. Even if the Truth has been lived, that is to say that all these projections, all these dreams, all these characters, all these goddesses, all these gods, all these worlds, all these universes are a total fraud.

It is a disease and I go further, the creation itself is a disease. And who created Life? They are not the archons, they are incapable of creating life. They are the Mother Geneticists but they are no more responsible than the archons because it is us too. But again, the most important thing is what happens once you have lived through it, once you have recognized yourself. Well, you can see that your life is changing all the time. Those who know, you have countless brothers and sisters also on Facebook, in our friends, you have Pascal, you have many beings who live it, who really live it.

That doesn't mean they're supermen. That doesn't mean that these are people who are Arnold Schwarzenegger, quite the opposite. There is a form of sensitivity, especially in men, that is invasive. But it is not a sensitivity in which one is attracted or attracted but which one crosses. The ability to go through everything, I would even say to let oneself go through, what has been called transparency, humility, is fundamental. Being transparent is simply not to stop anything, a window, the light passes. The glass does not need to know that it is a glass. You don't need to know that you are a form. You're in good shape. Yes, that's evident. But that's all it is.

Go ahead, let's keep going. Yes, Myriam?

-Sister: I have a question that has been bothering me for a long time.


-Sister: But the character is afraid because he says: What will happen to this form? Will it be buried as usual or is there a transubstantiation of the matter and we will move into another dimension....

Yes, the character he's afraid but when you say, the character, he's afraid, think about it for a second. Who says that? It's not the character. When you say that simple sentence, who says that?

-Sister: Who says that?

No, no, but the question is essential.

-Sister: It is the ego that is afraid.

Who says: the character is afraid? If you say, the character is afraid, it's good that you're not the character.

-Sister: I am not the character.


-Sister: I am not the character.

Well, that's it. So don't be interested in the components of the character's fear, you say it yourself, the character is afraid, so you say, in the simple words you use, that you are not that character. From that point on, why would you want to be afraid? Who's afraid?

-Sister: The character.

We agree with you. But who says the character is afraid? What was then called the observer or witness. Didn't the observer or witness relay the fear of the character to him, fear? No. To be an observer, the one who observes and is called the witness is the spectator. He's the one who sees the theater scene.

So, don't be identified with this actor anymore, you say so yourself. And as soon as you settle into this spectator of the theatre scene, or this observer, or this witness, call it what you want, it's already a huge step towards acceptance.

-Sister: But if I am no longer there, I am not afraid, but if I am there, I am a little afraid.

Well, yes. But when you say, when I'm not there, I'm not afraid and if I'm there, I'm afraid. Who says that anymore?

-Sister: It is the observer.

The observer. Or the witness. But that's exactly how you become aware. The words we use, even the simplest ones, simply reflect the truth of what you are experiencing, which is quite real. But when you say that kind of sentence, who says that sentence?

You see the character who is afraid, you can only see what is not you. This is Douglas Harding's headless vision, it's obvious, it's so simple. The very words we use. You know me, when Anaël made me live before the Celestial Wedding, I have already told you, every night I lived the White Paradise, you know the Light that comes white, magnificent then, at some point, you call your mother because you see your body disappearing. You yourself become the White Light. But I spent three horrible weeks every night.

-Sister: You were not afraid.

Horrible. I was afraid. It was bad before 2009, but a fear, you can't even imagine.

-Sister: Well yes, well yes.

Not even imagine. Yet I lived the energies, the chakras, the new bodies, the stars but I was terrified. Until the moment when Anaël, every night after experiencing this, he repeated to me, hic et nunc. Oh yes, hic et nunc, when you experience that, damn it!

And after three weeks, what happened? Since there was nothing I could do, I agreed. And the Celestials Weddings began right after that. So, indeed, it's not something....

-Sister: Accept to see fear.

Oh yes, but at that time, I didn't have the means to make it aware, if I can say so. What was afraid of, if not the one who was identified with a form, with this character. And yet what I saw was not dramatic, it was the White Light that made everything disappear like a fog, if you will, but with an unspeakable love, an incredible fire where everything is consumed.

Why were the Stars, Gemma and others talking about this consummation of love? Yes, there are plenty of them living it right now. This fire that takes you, that shakes everything, that starts from the feet and invades you and even becomes boring at times. This is the consummation of love.

Accept, and you are free. There's nothing else to do, especially not to do something. Above all, don't want to be, don't want to understand, don't want to own anything but be totally transparent and be totally available for that. You will not be a superman, on the contrary, you will become even more human, with your weaknesses, with your strengths but all will be crossed with the same equanimity.

You can't change anything. You were born a ram, you will remain a ram for the rest of your life. You were born with one less vertebrae, you will have that one less vertebra for the rest of your life. You were born fearful, the fear will remain there for the rest of your life. It's the game of the theatre scene. And you are exactly, already accepting that we are exactly where we should be and that there are no other possible places, it is already a relaxation of consciousness and it is already a fundamental step towards acceptance.

And this is much more important. Yesterday we were talking about channelings, yes, there will be channelings, Grandpa will be there, Bidi will be there, Abba or Eynolwaden or Phahame will be there too but they are there to make us resonate to the Truth.

It is no longer even a question of vibrations or vibration rises, it is a recognition. It is not even a reconnection like we had with the peoples of nature for those who met them. Indeed, you remember, we were among the elves, among the fairies, we had a place in Can Mas where we had all the peoples of nature so it was practical. But even that today, I don't mean that elves don't exist. I don't mean they don't talk to me anymore.

But for me, it's just part of this theater scene, that's all. That is, when you experience this total freedom, you remain that immobile fixed point that has always been there. Of course you are in this body, of course there is still an identification but it is not total as a vehicle. This vehicle is like my car, if I don't put gas in it, it doesn't run anymore. So as long as the vehicle is there, we'll take care of it. Yes, a minimum.

This is even fundamental in some cases. Because it is evident that when you are in a consciousness of suffering, illness, depression, well you are less available for the Truth. We all know that.

Even when you are totally liberated, you are in this facility, you can't stand the pain. That is, you do not suffer but you feel that consciousness reappears and is evidently attracted by the place where you suffer. And this is intolerable. It is not a pain when I say it is intolerable, yes because you see that it is not necessary.

So of course, and especially when you are a doctor like I was, the first thing that comes to mind is to think about why and how, even today. Of course. You can't hunt that naturalness, just, at some point, you go through that too, and more and more easily.

You let the thought happen, where it comes from, you have the answer or not but you no longer cling to a need for understanding, a need for explanations since you are what is eternal, so it is all the easier to cross. At all levels. This is how you discover the power of the Intelligence of Life that makes you say that you are no longer your life. You have become this Intelligence.

With your imperfections, with what I call your humanity, your simplicity. You are not trying to escape anything, you are simply lucid and present. So, indeed, today more than ever, this notion of the present instant is fundamental. Agape is born from the present instant. So, all the practices without practice we're going to see. What I did to you last night, what you're going to do in the evening, will lead you to that.

We are obliged to perform on the theatre stage even without being identified, even as observers. But it is precisely the theatre stage that allows us to get out of the theatre. It is this stagnation, this societal collapse that is happening on Earth and that is accepted by everyone except those who still have their heads in the hole of the ostrich, that is evident for everyone.

We are in a process of global extinction. While it is called collapsology, collapse, disruption, it is words but it is the same reality. So there is not even the question of the Absolute, next, of tomorrow. It is precisely a huge opportunity to let the present moment take hold, it is the only key.

The last keys were given in May, it was the pronunciation of the birth name. That is, within the confinement, within the illusion of the last name and the first name. You know the difference, maritime law, land law, birth certificate, your birth is declared, you no longer belong to yourself. And precisely it was hidden in that, in the worst illusion, that is, the last name and the first name that the ultimate Truth was hidden.

And that it is not for nothing that people pronounce, even me, last night when I do, so before, well, I used to put myself in the posture, I explained it, hands like that, Agape, Agape, Phahame, Phahame, Phahame, crossed feet, I waited for the energy to rise that the vibration becomes active, that the double Tor, the sacred Fire becomes active and there I pronounced the names.

Now, I don't even need to. All I have to do is say a name, I have nothing to ask, I have nothing to know, I have nothing to decide. From the moment I read a last name in this state, which is the state of Free, of Liberty, the other is in me, he can only find himself. So obviously, that's what I'm saying, it's not meant to cure, even if it cures. It's about rediscovering yourself.

And everyone has the same opportunity. Of course, these practices were created without practice at first to get used to this Freedom. But now I don't even care if it starts to vibrate, if it's the igneous Fire, if it's the Tor or if it's the person who enters me or me who goes into it, whatever.

As Bidi said when I was leaving my body, he told me at one point, you don't need to go out, all you have to do is embrace the other. Until the day I embraced someone who carried the primary anomaly and I thought I would die. I had no way to move, no way to get inside my body. I was that Naked Consciousness, there, in the middle, that could no longer reinvest the body.

It's terrifying. And then, at one point, well Bidi arrived, I saw him in the distance, he was there, he told me he was a coward! I said, what do you mean, I say, let go, you're crazy, I'm going to die. He said to me: let go! Well, I gave up. As when there was anguish, as you describe it, at some point, you can only let go. And that's when you let go, that's the sacrifice. It's nothing more than that.

It is not sacrificing your car, your husband, your wife, your children or going to stand, I do not know where, in conditions where you are at peace. Peace is inside. As long as you seek external peace, you will not find it. External peace is a total illusion. This is what puts you in the process, in research, in quest.

And the hardest thing for those who are in spirituality, in energy, in what we have lived though, is to let go of all that.

-Brother: It is in nature that we are.

Nature is a great help. Yes, of course. It's been said so many times. Of course, once again, it is better for this vehicle to be in good condition and it will be all the more in good condition if you are immersed in nature next to the trees. Even without doing any shamanic rituals or contacting fairies and elves. And near the water, as Phahame said.

Even I was surprised. Because when we went by boat to meet cetaceans, whether in Quebec, Tarifa or elsewhere, we were in a boat. We were on the water but not in the water. And then, in July, we had a little time, I went to get into the river water, we had time. But it's incredible. Any water, when you are saturated with water in a bathtub even at home.

-Sister: In a swimming pool.

You're experiencing something unheard of. You are in your natural state. That is, you regain the memory of what is called the first dream. It is still the water that carries the dream. The spirit of God[...] is the spirit of God that floats on the waters.

The waters, what has been called mystery, the waters from below. But the waters below have joined the waters above. Now, we're going to go, Daniel planned it, we're going to the waters below, since we'll be in groundwater, in caves. We're going down to Plato's cave this afternoon. This is not insignificant. It may sound like tourism, but it's not just tourism, far from it.

Because we're going to find ourselves on the water but in the waters below, that is, where there's no sky, in caves. And everything is done that way. Why did you choose that, because you were thinking about the waters below or just came up with it?

Brother: Why, why, why, because I don't know, I had seen a comment, yes, it will be difficult, it seems to me that it was my mother who said it might be difficult to find water in Belgium except for the water that rains.

The water that rains.

So I thought to myself, a river, so I first had the idea of a river and then it was by looking at the tourist attractions, the caves and all that and looking, I thought, but I know caves where you can go by boat in the water, it would still be special. There are two in Belgium that I knew and the closest one being this one, it was the most interesting. It was the one that had the longest course in the world open to the public.

The Intelligence of Light led him to propose this and other outings. Because it is Belgium that you wanted to make people discover too, something but, it corresponds to the objective of the Light. This is what is called the Intelligence of Light.

-Sister: Ah, what OMA was saying.

Which will lead us this afternoon into the groundwater.

-Sister: And what am I supposed to do, I'm going to take a foot bath. I don't go to the caves, I take a foot bath then.

-Brother: You have the bubble bath upstairs.

-Sister: The bubble bath ah!

Now, we're not going to go swimming anyway. It's like in the St. Lawrence, when we went to Quebec City this summer, the water was at four degrees. So the body there, I don't think it can resist. But already to be in this atmosphere of groundwater in a cave is not trivial.

-Brother: No, then we can, as we said, see the height of the boats, we will have our hands in the water at the limit. To be in contact with.

So that's all that, if you will, all the people who came close to the water, even to their bathtub, who didn't have any water in their homes or who went into a lake, a river, a sea. On Facebook, you have a lot of friends who describe it to you, it's incredible what's happening. Your body is no longer in the air, it is in the water. It changes everything. Because the water was informed. The singing of whales, you know that the singing of whales, there are scientific articles coming out of everywhere because they did not understand why the singing of whales changed in 2009, after August 15, after the metatronic keys. That's when the whales started singing the song of awakening. It's real. It's real.

It's on the theatre stage, it's completely real, it's not a view of the mind, it's not happening elsewhere, it's happening here.

-Sister: And at Porte-Dorée there is an exhibition on cetaceans and next Sunday, there is a film on whale song.

Yes, yes, yes. They are talking about it more and more. Yes, they talk more and more about it because it surprises everyone. You even have a gentleman who works on whale singing and who has realized that whale singing is above all what we call proteodies.

So, without going into details, it's a little complicated, it's called at first, it's a gentleman named Joël Sternheimer who wrote a book called La musique des particules. It was he who paved the way for what is called molecular architectonics. When a molecule, whatever it is, changes shape, it changes shape all the time, a molecule, it emits photons. For example, when a hormone arrives on its target, at the organ level, we were taught in school, in biology, even elementary, at the Lycee, that the molecule came to embed itself in the wall of the cell to deliver its message, its information, there is nothing more false.

In fact, what triggers the message is the change in conformation of a molecule. This Mr Joël Sternheimer, a long time ago, more than thirty years ago, had demonstrated that there is a music of particles. He had worked in a stable, a dairy, in Normandy and he had calculated, it is very easy to do. He had posed as an equation, E, energy, is equal to mc2, the mass that multiplies the speed of light squared and that E, in quantum, in quantum physics, equals hν (h naked) the Planck constant and the frequency. So he simply put, hν = mc2 and concluded that the mass was equal to a frequency multiplied by the speed of light divided by the Planck constant. The ν (naked), the letter ν (naked).

And from there, you can calculate the atomic mass, you know the atomic mass, he had taken the lactogenic hormone from the cow. We look at its chemical composition, so there are so many carbon atoms, so many hydrogen atoms, so many oxygen atoms. We have the atomic mass, this atomic mass in reduction, in the equation we had, it is also a frequency. He took a sound frequency but it would work with visual frequencies in the same way.

He made this sound in the barn, milk production increased by thirty percent. First conclusion is to say that there were more circulating hormones in the blood. False. The hormone in the blood, circulating, has never moved. And that's where the so-called proteodies were born, that is, playing sounds, frequencies that make certain molecules resonate in the body.

Whales sing harmonic songs and create proteodies. This gentleman, I forgot his name by the way, he is an Englishman, he has now gone to the West Indies because he obviously had trouble in France, when he was in France. The Dutch West Indies not French. And he had the idea of recording the song of humpback whales. The real humpback whale, not the pilot whale. The pilot whale is not a whale, it's a dolphin. I'm talking about the humpback whale, the one that dives with the tail coming out. The jumping whale. He recorded her songs and found that they were proteodies.

What did he do, he reproduced these proteodies on algae and realized that these algae had values that no longer had anything to do with nature algae. The whales' songs are proteodic songs, which are the songs of awakening. And it started of course, as soon as the metatronic keys were delivered by Métatron.

That belongs to the scenario of the story. But it's very beautiful. It's very beautiful because the story is magical. There is no way, when I say that there is no history, that it is a dream, we are living it though. We live it and everything is amazing in what is happening. And this has always been said by the interveners, the more chaos would increase, the more joy we would feel. Not to see the chaos, because it's true that even I, when I look at what's happening in France because I'm very interested in what's happening on the theatre stage, it still leaves a vague nausea even when I'm in love, in my heart and being liberated, because you see that it's something terrible. While knowing what's next, however, you have to cross it.

Well, it's more or less easy to cross. But nevertheless, this music of particles, these proteodies, these sounds that are emitted by whales, it is the song of the Universe, it is not the Aum. There is an Anna's cana in 2011 in Toulon which clearly stated that the Aum would be replaced by the OD. The Aum, which everyone gargle, is like the famous third eye, the eye of Horus, a Luciferic confinement. The Aum, by the way, it shows, I have treated enough Buddhists at a high level and in particular thanks to a friend who was the lawyer of Franco-Tibetan friendships. I have seen all the great pundits and dignitaries of Buddhism march past.

They all have problems on the second chakra. Not one of them doesn't. They are all in power. They sing Aum all day long, they are in asceticism as they say solidity, here there is nothing. Nothing of nothing. And that's normal. And that's why you see today in all religions, all the people who have worked on this centre without knowing it, you have all the failings, the paedophilia that is omnipresent, the hypersexuality, there is no heart in it.

-Sister: And martial arts, they are all equally focused on hara.

But all of them, without exception. And all the great pundits, I will not give a name, Tibetan Buddhism are in this movement. And all the greatest religious who have created movements, even the elders, have been subjected to this. It is not only Osho with his sect, it is not only Sri Aurobindo with Auroville. Even Grandpa. No need to go back over the story, but there have been stories related to it. That is, as soon as you are, and the only one who escaped that is Krishnamurti, because when he saw what it had given when he was identified as Jesus that he really was. When he saw the Order of the Star that was created, he saw all these forces of predation at work, and there he immediately dissolved the Order of the Star and said, Get on with it.

Everyone has their own freedom and autonomy. He was absolutely right. As soon as there is an organization, as soon as there is a takeover. Even if it is the others who give it to you because you are a master in orange or white dress or this or that, predation is at work. And even these beings with the purity of intention they had at the beginning were taken on predation and on all the failings of sexuality, hypersexuality, paedophilia. It's unstoppable. You can't escape it.

-Brother: Philippe de Lyon, he never, well, he never cured people.

But wait, Philippe de Lyon, he didn't create anything. He is one of the few among the elders but all the other elders, all, without exception, Master Philippe did not create a movement. But all the others, they have created movements, it seems to me. And in this will of good, for a long time Anael spoke of the will, the will of good you work on the second chakra, you do not work on love. And if you strengthen the second chakra, as all do, in Tibetan Buddhism, they all do, you are subject to predation and you create predation yourself. There's no heart in there.

So it makes me nervous when I hear about Buddhist compassion, I smile. You don't know the lives of these dignitaries. But I didn't need to go into detail, when I saw what energy they had on the second chakra, and the emptiness that had here, they are only in power, whatever they say.

-Brother: They are[...] yet.

Yes. And they claim it as well. Asceticism, incarnation, when you are told, be present. In new age techniques, stop it, you're not rooted, but damn it, we're here in this body, it means we're rooted, even if in our head we're elsewhere.

So all this is stuff that leads you to what is called predation in the most horrible sense. And yet they talk about compassion.

-Sister: I participated, precisely....

Then I can't hear you, let alone him.

-Sister: I took part in a vibratory concert on Sunday. With singing bowls, bamboos, I loved it.

Do you have?

-Sister: Worshipped. I really liked it.


-Sister: And what, it's not, it's not right?

No. I didn't say it's not right or wrong. It doesn't happen in terms of right or wrong. Once again, it is done in terms of lucidity. As long as you are in, knowing if it is right or wrong, you are subject to it, you submit yourself to duality. Hearing a singing bowl feels good, yes. But what is the purpose, it's always the same.

You can feel very, very good with singing bowls, with tuning forks, with frequencies, with music, with a being, but what is behind it? There is always, always, whether you like it or not, this predation that is there. And she works, I would say, below the threshold of consciousness.

And that is why most, well, almost all the elders, even if Krishnamurti straightened up very quickly, afterwards, when he dissolved the Order, the Order, I don't even know the name anymore, finally, when he dissolved the association, the Order of the Star, he escaped it beautifully. But all the others, Father, Omraam, as great a commander as he is, even Peter Deunov. Well, yes, they created the Brotherhood. From the moment you create an organization... That's what Krishnamurti said, spirituality cannot be organized. As soon as there is a federation through a being, who thinks he is a guru, a master or an awakened person or through a religion or through a group membership, you are not free.

And you use the forces called relational forces but relational forces, they are located on the second chakra. Because the strength of the relationship at the level of the fourth chakra has nothing to do with the relationship, it is a resonance.

The relationship is not a resonance. In the relationship, there are two individuals. In religions, there is the priest, the imam, the priest, the teacher, in spiritual groups and then there are the students. But as long as you are in this posture you are not free. So, it is not a term of good or evil, it is a term of lucidity. Yes ?

-Sister: What did it have to do with the predation here, with the singing bowls...


-Sister: What does the predation have to do here, it was listening to a concert.

I didn't say it was predation.

-Sister: Oh, that's what I...

I didn't say that. I simply said that everything that is frequency, whatever it is, makes you live things. The light, the sounds, the music, the singing, the artistic creation, but after that, everything depends on your lucidity. Do not confuse what she expressed in relation to sounds with movements, or so-called spiritual organizations.

What I mean by that is that as soon as you want to organize life, well you are in predation. And this predation, it works in an unconscious mode at first. That is to say, as soon as you are not lucid, even if it is with the will of good, because I don't think we can say that Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov is someone who wanted the evil of humanity, it is he who is the most human. But, the fact of having created an organization automatically creates predation.

So, the concert she attended was not an organization, well, I don't know. It's two different things. But it's obvious that the predation is at a level I would say, infra-conscious or subconscious, if you prefer and that once the damage appears, it's too late. That is to say, you give, you are placed in a position of master, guru, religious who teach but if you lose sight of the objective which is the freedom of the other, and it is very easy to lose this objective, then it is over.

At that moment you are recovered, as are all the great archetypes. When I went to Van Allen's mirror and saw all these gods, all these goddesses who were in mirrors that reflected the light infinitely, I understood that everything had been diverted. Same Mary, same Jesus, same Buddha and all of them, without exception. They are all recovered by the forces of duality.

It doesn't question the messenger. It calls into question what we did with it. And besides, there is a very funny story, God and devil walking together on the beach and then, God says to the devil, I will give freedom, because the human being is free so I give him total freedom. And the devil says what, don't worry, I'll organize it. That's right, that's right. You cannot be free and belong to any organization whatsoever.

Of course we've all been there, I've been a Buddhist, I've been a Christian and anything that could be religious in quotation marks, I've been there. At the age of thirty-three I lived the passion of Christ, really lived with the holy smells in my hands every Good Friday.

Did it change my life then, no. Absolutely not. Only the discovery of who I am allowed that to happen. When I was talking about Van Allen's belt, when I saw how Bidi was, by the way, because he describes it in his books. When you arrive and you see these mirrors that send images to infinity of all these archetypes, all these gods, all these goddesses, it is a total falsification.

Again, if I take Mary's example. Mary, we made her the queen of Heaven and Earth, that's what she is, but on this Earth, she was the most humble of characters. You would say today, she was the most naive and gullible of women who ever lived on Earth. She didn't know who she was.

That's what Master Philippe said. Master Philippe said, I am the smallest of you. You have it in the symbolism of Christ, in the washing of feet. It is the one who is the smallest who is, it is the humble one who is the closest to the Truth. It is never the one who shows up with an orange or white outfit or, with garlands around his neck, creates an ashram. They are possessed. Despite the fact that they were honest, authentic and true.

Because it is the fabric of this world. The plot of this world is Matrix, the film. It is a computer simulation in the true sense of the word. Scientists today are noticing this, they say so. Nothing is real.

-Sister: There is neither god nor master.

No god, no master, especially not. Especially not. You cannot follow anyone and be yourself. And someone who would ask you to follow him, I never asked you to follow me, if, we followed the story with A.D. since we had to rebuild the gates, the stars, the vibrating structures. But today, if you hear me say something like that, run away. That is not possible. Freedom cannot be part of even the most noble grouping.

Neither here, for example, is the Agape Foundation a spiritual organization, it is an organization that is intended to give the good news. There is no one who is in charge or who is this or that. It's still a big difference. And true freedom will never be in joining a few movements, religions or even lived experiences.

-Brother: There is a sentence that says: neither boss nor homeland.

That's right. But not reversed, as they are now doing with the new world order. Don't forget that, even in their plans that we see spreading before our eyes, the new world order that[...] now, they have reversed everything. Nations Unis, United Nations, in English, it is the law of One, but reversed. They don't know, they are obliged to refer to duality.

When we talk about energy... I too have been doing energy for twenty-five years, I sometimes do basic energy, even though I know that it is Luciferic energy. But I'm not fooled. I'm not making it an objective or something that's the truth. But you have to help yourself, when you're on a stage, you use the set. There's your game, of course, and then there's the set. Well, the scenery is there so.

-Sister: There are still people who need energy care.


-Sister: There are still people who need energy care. Even if...

I never said I didn't. Yes, yes, I have never said the opposite, but you have to be lucid; it is also a question of lucidity; it is not a question of saying it is Luciferic, I do not use it, no, it is a question of lucidity, that is, you see things clearly. We are in a given setting, on the theatre stage, there is a chair of one colour, if you want another of another colour, it doesn't exist, so how do you do it? You use it.

But you are in lucidity, you are no longer fooled by energies, relationships and especially when you are totally free, everything that is predation even invisible becomes intolerable so all the more reason; You, you can no longer exercise the slightest predation towards anyone, that is humility, it is not to put yourself in a posture, it is to live that not only is the other one us but what we do to the other, as Christ said, it is to ourselves that we do it, even to the enemy, to the so-called enemy.

There is no better revealer today than the one who could be called an enemy or a dramatic circumstance in our lives because that is where the overcoming factor lies, that is, the acceptance, surrender to the Light and the experience of this natural state or the Absolute you call it as you wish - Parabrahman, the Ultimate, Ain Soph Aur, Anterior Heaven, the Tao - no matter what, these are words that all translate, without exception, the same Truth and this Truth that is Absolute that does not depend on conditionings or histories, nor masters, nor gurus, nor religions, nor examples, even if they have been authentic.

-Sisters: These are the ones who no longer ask questions.

No, there is no more question, but in addition to not asking questions, there is a lucidity; it is really there. It is not a discriminating lucidity because there is no longer any need to see, to feel the entities, the entities of light, of shadows. Of course, at a level of being, I see it clearly, but it's of no interest.

This is the moment when you accept that everything is perfectly in its place, even the most intolerable things, even if they stir you up as I said earlier. When I see what is happening in France in relation to the dictatorship and everything, it is stirring, even if you know that it is a theatre scene but we are still, whether we like it or not, even if the theatre does not exist, it is not an escape from reality, it is an acceptance of reality, it is an acceptance of what is; freedom is there.

-Sister: The French are Europe.

I didn't say it was easy, but nevertheless, if you put yourself in a position of acceptance, it becomes easy. It is much easier to accept a caress or an embrace of love than to accept a slap, it is evident to everyone, but there are in some cases and in many circumstances where today the slap is the only way to live the Truth.

This is also non-judgment; when I say that all movements have been, all groups, all religions have been in predation, I do not condemn them; I simply say that it was lucidity that showed me and that it was necessary to reach the end of the dream, to understand that it was a dream and everything is in its place.

There is nothing left to chance; everything has been written, whether we like it or not, it is unthinkable otherwise, but once again what I am telling you is not an acceptance, it is not a concept, it is because it has been lived. The lived experience I am talking about is the moment when you dive into this black hole and realize that you are really all worlds.

But that no conscience can apprehend it, no intellect even the brightest, even if it can conceptualize it. Look at Nassim Haramein, he comes to the same conclusion today: the universe is joy, everything is joy. Which doesn't mean he's happy all the time, especially with[...] but well, that's okay.

There was a recognition, a resonance that was made and that opened the door. It is not the relationship as I said that opens the door, it is the Agape resonance and resonance or the Agape network resonance or the fire of the sacred heart, you call it as you wish, it is what creates this resonance, that is, what abolishes distance, the very notion of distance or the notion of time.

I told you this when I do the care, people make appointments at this time of day, but I do the care when I read the name; I don't have to take care of it at that time. There are even people who have understood even better, they don't even need to ask me, they just have to write a request and they are already cured.

I had nothing to do with it, I didn't do anything. They simply contacted what is called the ultimate a-causal field of physics, the zero time that I carry and that I am, that's all. But he could do the same thing with any brother who is going through the same thing. That's the good news. There is not a being at the centre who directs all this. We are all, both in the centre and at the same time on the distant periphery, we occupy all spaces and all times.

-Sister: And Nassim Haramein, he discovered an incredible thing, which is that in the nucleus of the atom, it's a black hole, actually.

Yes, but of course, but the black hole is omnipresent; we are made up of eighty percent vacuum.

-Sister: That's what he discovered.

And all astrophysical calculations have been made by all astrophysicists considering that dark matter and what they call vacuum was a negligible amount in the calculations.

-Sister: While it's very ponderous.

While the universe is made up of emptiness already at the base, at eighty percent of emptiness and of course it is the black hole.

- Sister: When you say empty it doesn't resonate with me, the emptiness is full.

I didn't understand what...

-Sister: The void is full.

Yes, it remains empty only for those who remain attached to the person, clinging to his form or clinging to the self from the anguish, hence fear, but those who fully accept this emptiness, who accept to let themselves be crossed, are instantly and totally free.

See, what is important is to understand that today there is such simplicity to live it, it is so simple that our brain cannot accept it and that consciousness even less and yet that is the good news, that is the good news, it is nothing more than that and that once again, it did not exist two years ago.

It was really at specific moments when there was this Van Allen belt that literally exploded with its plasma mirrors that diffracted the Light to infinity and Bidi, by carefully reading what he wrote yet forty, fifty years ago, he describes it perfectly.

He also talked as he said with the gods, the goddesses and everything until one moment I remember very well there is a man who comes to see him, a great Indian medium, who says: I communicate with Maharshi. Bidi who looks at him and says: yes, yes, Maharshi, he is there, I see him, I also spoke with him, forget all that.

He was perfectly right, but at the time, no one could understand it or even live it, but simply it was a prefiguration, which is why among these last sentences, which he did not write, which he said, he said: my words cannot fail.

At the time, I am sorry, there were many, many people who went to see him and not many at the time who experienced this liberation; in fact, this freedom, because there is no liberation, this real freedom, today we are really millions at all ages.

-Sister: And those who channel light beings into channeling that receive light messages are...

But the whitelighter when I was channeling the people who were attending the channeligns, they could see the archangel coming down there. Then after in 2012, there were many who fled because it was no longer a beautiful archangel or OMA in his outfit who was descending but they saw a being, Bidi who was timeless who was the Black Light, not the shadow, and they confused the Black Light with the shadow, the Black Light is real; it's the antechamber of the black hole, it's in the Sephira, it's what we call creative intelligence, there's Kether, Chokmah and Binah. Binah, it's the spiral nebula and Chokmah is this creative intelligence, it's the famous black hole.

Yet it has been described in Kabbalah, we have the same thing in Taoism among the Chinese as in Kashmir Tantrism.

-Sister: Are these people real? Are they real?


-Sister: These beings?

No more than you do. No more than you do. At first, people - I'm talking about 2012 - people saw Anaël arriving there, then Bidi arrived... But now, even when I feel there, I know they are leaving here. There is a junction that has been made between what was called the Marian channel that has descended to the unity gate to the heart chakra, and when the junction is made at the heart, it is the new Eucharist, as it has been called. All the vibratory structures melted into the igneous fire of the heart. When a presence emanates, it emanates from here, even if I feel it at the same time here and you will certainly see it here, but it emanates from here. It's me, it's just me, since there's no one there, so they don't have more reality than you.

The first time Anael appeared before me in his fifth dimensional anthropomorphic form I was terrified. I really saw it as you see a disembodied person or when you see a whitelighter appearing at the foot of your bed, you see him with your eyes open. The first time he came was on All Saints' Day before the heavenly weddings in 2008.

The second time, I tried to establish contact with him. What did I do, it came in a certain form; I thought of that form, Anael came, said: you are not going to freeze me in a form. I didn't understand what he was saying to me. He says to me: I am not the shape you see. But yet, I see you. He says to me: yes, I see you too. And that I didn't understand right away.

Only then, if you want, when I started, at the end of the celestial wedding, to travel, what I call Michael's wings, because Michael, he has an anthropomorphic form, the curly young man who terraces the dragon and then, he has his form in his original dimension which has nothing to do with it: it is a kind of swallow of eighteen thousand kilometres in size in which I was underneath a tiny point of consciousness. And that's where I didn't understand anything because I saw, we went from dimension to dimension but I didn't move, I had the impression that we were fixed, there was a start: we changed our environment; another start: we were in another dimension.

Something I saw at a certain distance we were instantly there; there was no distance, there was no time and at the time, it was very confusing when you lived it and when you saw the truth of zero time, of the black hole, of the Absolute, you realized when you lived it that all that, all those forms, all those worlds, all those dimensions are only part of the dream of creation.

These are forms that are mutable. We are in a fixed form from birth to death even as we grow and age, we are used to our faces; when we see ourselves in the mirror in the morning, we recognize ourselves and yet there are so many changes. Every morning, the wrinkles are not the same, how we slept, yet we recognize each other.

An archangel, on the other hand, is not frozen in a form. It has a different shape in each dimension that it can travel freely. The only dimension they cannot freely traverse is ours, because it is the origin and end of creation. And there are no archangels incarnate, it's not possible.

I know there are some who think they are Michael, others who think they are... whatever, let them identify with what they want, but why can't an archangel, as they say, incarnate? Because if it is incarnated, it is trapped in the density that is the origin of the dream.

We are much more than this isolated planet at the bottom of our Milky Way, completely off-centre, which is called the cosmic dump, right? We are at the source of creation and it is precisely because we are the bearers of all this, archangels, gods, masters, perverts, the devil, Yaldabaoth, Mary, who is in us, that we have the key to the solution. That's why the myth of creation is solved right here on Earth.

-Sister: But all this will no longer exist, there will no longer be a name, of this, of that...

No, no, no, you can't say that. Because when you say that, you consider that there is a linearity. Everything was created at the same time, at the initial moment that we called the alpha. The alpha has joined the omega, the omega has joined the alpha. You can't say that it won't exist anymore, it's always existed.

-Sister: They are in us...

Just you, you'll see for yourself.

-Sister: We are no longer going to call the Archangel Mikael to ask him for something.

But certainly not. He is in you. It is already a reversal; I would say from the outside to the inside. It is a changeover that puts an end to the myth of creation. But there is no more Mikael than there is of you. You are the originator, you are the cause and you are the result of it, of everything.

-Sister: When you say that we are all dimensions...

Yes, all the dimensions are in it, as they say, but we are indeed the Great Whole.

-Sister: Will we be conscious?

You don't need to be conscious.

-Sister: I don't know, I talk like that.

When you live....

-Sister: Of all the immensity.

Once again, when you live the Truth, you no longer need conscience. Of course, I am here, I am conscious, I speak to you, but in the Truth, consciousness is a burden. It's a disease, really. It's not a pun, consciousness is a terrible disease, the only chance we have is that it's a deadly disease. There you go.

I am not talking about the personal, individual consciousness that believes it is necessary to reincarnate, I am talking about the Truth, there. So like any fatal disease, there is a deadline, yes, a life expectancy if we can say so, if we make an analogy with the disease.

And so, if you want, there's no question about it. Once again, in the acceptance, in the welcome we say, it is really the only key, acceptance today, I would say. Before we had the four pillars of the heart that are more than valid today. Humility, simplicity, transparency and integrity, as well as ethics, are always valid, but they are resolved in what way? I would say in embrace, acceptance and present instant. You don't need anything else. Everything else is fun. Have fun in geobiology, with crystals, with energies, with aspirin tablets, if you want.

There are no limits, but you are lucid and therefore, you are light, really. And that doesn't stop you, once again, I tell you, from using the energy, from singing, from making love, from eating, from living, what. On the contrary, but you are no longer fooled by movements, gurus, masters, those who sell you dreams in dreams.

-Sister: What do you think about the awakening of Kundalini? What do you think of people who...

If there is an awakening of Kundalini without first having received the Light, it is the descent of the Holy Spirit. As soon as there was awakening of the Kundalini, you had a magnificent archon who stood on your back and stayed there.

All the people who have had access to this vision, especially in the shamanic worlds that you are sold there, in Latin America, with ayahuasca ceremonies, are black ceremonies. When you have the true vision, you see that all these shamans, behind them, there is a beautiful archon who is being tackled.

It is not serious, it is a game, but the awakening of the Kundalini, if there has not been a descent of the Light, is a process called Luciferic. If there has not been activation at the same time, because the awakening of Kundalini, if you are right-handed, it is linked to the sensory-motor cortex that is called, we call the Wernicke area, pardon the Broca area. All we learned in high school about Sylvius' fissure is the Sylvius area that controls the hand, the entire sensory-motor cortex. This is the awakening of the Kundalini, but there must be hic and nunc, that is, both sides, without it, it is a dream.

-Sister: If we are present here and now...

Today, it is better to try to be present, totally inscribed in the present moment, what I am experiencing at the moment, to let thoughts and emotions pass through, to be available, to accept, even if afterwards, it will be necessary to act, to be proactive, to take a pill or change the place, or to change hands, or to change women. First, accept.

Do not confront the conscience, do not confront the need to understand, explain or see and you will be free instantly. The Agape resonance, the practice without practice will bring you closer to that.

-Sister: But the awakening of Kundalini can...

But yes, indeed, we changed our name, for those who have followed AD for a long time, when the Light finally came down, since 1984, it has perforated the sheaths of the chakras, it has penetrated what is called the middle channel of the spine called the Sushumna, it has fused at the sacrum level and after the wave of life has risen in 2012, the currents Ida and Pingala, that is to say solar and lunar, at the level of the Shushumna and moreover, it is no longer called the channel of the Shushumna, it is called the channel of the ether, that is to say that it is where the ether has passed and at that moment, your channel of the ether is covered with adamantine particles by the descent of the Light.

Therefore, the descent of the Light is a prerequisite for the ascent; all those who have worked and experienced Kundalini awakenings without first experiencing the opening of the chakras from above, well, are simply possessed by an archon.

And of course, in these worlds, you will have lots of experiences, lots of colorful visions, you will stop... it's the hallmark of shamanism, but all this is just dreams.

And once again, the one who lives it has no possibility of accepting, whether it is a dream, since it is part of the consciousness, that is the paradox. And it is precisely the true sacrifice, that is, humility, simplicity, embracing, accepting and being in the lucidity of the present instant that opens the floodgates of Love, everything else is only a projection.

-Sister: What about when you are in possession?


-Sister: When you are in the possession of an archon, what do you experience?

What are we living?

-Sister: Yes.

A very great power, they are world planners. They are not creators of worlds, here I am talking about... I am not only talking about archons, I am talking about what are called dracos, even dragons in the noble sense. It is the same quality, it is the world planners, it is those who allowed the dream to be structured and it is they too who have locked the world in without knowing it because the purpose was awakening, that is to say, to make people aware that whatever analysis you make of prison, you are still in prison.

We can know this world to perfection, we can know the subtle of this world to perfection, travel in all dimensions but you are not free, you are only describing prison. Only the one who got out of prison, who saw that there was no prison, is free. That's what Bidi said with the notion of... the notion, what we call it... the notion of theater stage, it's the same thing, it's exactly the same thing.

But remember above all that from the moment you are plunged into this black hole, what you are living at that moment is total understanding, you no longer need vision, you no longer need to see anything, you no longer need to know anything and Agape only works like that.

Last year, when I came out of my body in naked consciousness or in the body of eternity, I saw everything even in complete darkness; when I went to someone's house I described all the objects in the room, I could heal everything until I fought with Bidi and Christ who told me: you have nothing to do here, you have nothing to describe, go home, just embrace and especially, do nothing.

Well, it had to be accepted, so I accepted, when I saw that I was starting to die, what. I was starting to paralyze my legs and everything last year. And then I accepted that I had no need to know that Love, the intelligence of the Light took care of everything and did exactly what was desirable and necessary for the person.

Of course, at that moment, the miracle is possible, healing is possible, death is also possible, but it is no longer me who decides and that's how it works. That doesn't mean I don't see anymore if I want to see. Sometimes, in some cases, for some heads of head even harder than me, I get out of my body, go to people and act physically.

Besides, some people see me in dreams and everything. They're not dreams, they're reality. But overall, I no longer need this form, this identity or any god or goddess, it is done alone and above all, without me, and that is why it is accessible, I repeat, to everyone without any exception.

-Sister: Yes, but, Jean-Luc, this dive you are talking about, in the black hole, I can only see it as an anguish, an anguish of eminent death, an abandonment. It's as if, okay, I accept to die, as we just said, the conscience will never accept.

That's right.

-Sister: Can this dive be done differently, as by[...]
When I talk about acceptance....

-Sister: [...] that anguish there...
When I talk about acceptance, I never said that it is you who must accept, I said that acceptance cannot actually be born of conscience. It's the release of consciousness, it's the moment, it's the other side, it's the sacrifice, come on, I'm sacrificing myself, it's the moment when you say: I have nothing more to lose, I have nothing to die, I live, I don't care. At that moment, you are free.

-Sister: I'm not far away, then.

But you can't....


You cannot accept from consciousness, nor from the mind, that's why I'm talking, well I'm not saying... you have to accept, it's the principle of acceptance that creates Truth.

Because the acceptance of the unacceptable, you cannot know how to accept it because it is unacceptable for conscience, for your life, for morale, for society, but it is a mechanism that occurs within you that is identified in neuroscience.

It's about neurotransmitters because what we call awakening, when you start to feel the energies, the chakras that open up, that's related to what we call dopamine, a neurotransmitter, but freedom has nothing to do with dopamine.

This is the part where you're bathed in oxytocin. So oxytocin, ladies, you all know if you have breastfed a child, it is that moment of fullness when you have the impression of a total communion with the universe, with the child, it is what is called oxytocin, it is called the hormone of happiness and joy and is secreted in superabundance by all those who have precisely released dopamine, the notion of awakening, the notion of self, the notion of vision, the notion of perception, the notion of entity.

Acceptance, here it is not up to you to say how I accept, you will never be able to do so, it is the very principle of acceptance that creates acceptance and creates sacrifice; but as soon as you ask the question of how you will accept and well you cannot, that is normal, acceptance is an inner positioning, it is not a decision of the will on the contrary, it would rather be the abandonment of the will, of all will, it is total annihilation.

-Sister: Annihilation.

Yes, a total annihilation and that's what Christiane Singer said: when you're killed by life... but then, you're not going to die, but everything in your character, in the consciousness that constantly distils you "you're going to die, you're going to die, you're going to die, be careful, you're going to die", well, that's the monkey talking. What I call conditioning and what in neuroscience are called survival strategies that are accidentally inscribed in the reptilian brain, in the famous third eye that is the place of confinement.

I told you about it; we believe we are an individual because it is a chemical secretion of another neurotransmitter which is serotonin which is the neurotransmitter of suffering, of fear.

-Sister: [...] mushrooms that...

For that, there are no fungi, for that there are enterogens that exist; one that you can't find anywhere that is injectable DMT, demethyltriptamine and not MDMA. MDMA is a drug used by the fighters in Dahesh. DMT is a natural substance found in some magic mushrooms but that I[...] absorb. In your country, you have other molecules I mentioned, salvinorin in one injection, you put an end to the myth of individuality, really and concretely.

I also told you that there were magnetic induction coils with the helmet, moreover, if you want to buy it, it costs 200€, is called the shakti helmet, the well named one, by Professor Michael Persinger. You see: a computer, you have induction coils and depending on where you put the coils on the twelve stars, there you trigger what you want and even the end of the myth of individuality.

Suffering comes from believing oneself to be an individual or a form, believing oneself to be a world because the world, the worlds are a suffering, consciousness is a suffering. So, you cannot from consciousness and from the mind even less; when I speak of acceptance do not translate this by the fact that I have to accept with my mind, no it is an unfailing total acceptance position of what is, on which you accept that you can change nothing because everything is, absolutely everything has been written, as soon as you really accept that.

So, acceptance in the archetypal sense if I can say, and not mental or in the sense of consciousness, you are instantly free. But of course, during that time, your conscience will whisper to you: "danger, danger, danger, it's not true, it's not true".

-Sister: [...] there is an observer who sees [...]

Do... exactly...

-Sister: [...] it's starting to do that [...] what's going on? How can I handle it?

You can't handle it, again.

-Sister: [...] this kind of resistance [...]

Don't try to do anything, there's nothing to do. As long as you believe you can do, you don't... everything you think you can do, puts you in opposition...

-Sister: Yes, I can feel it. resistance and friction. So what happens then? Even if it doesn't happen in the head, the body will toast there because you will be invaded by more and more fire, vibrations, tremors, beyond reason, if I may say, and at that moment the consciousness has re-identified itself with the vibration.

-Sister: I just want to ask you if you heard about... not long ago, I saw on the Internet a gentleman who had connected... who invented a device, he connected it to plants and he did... and then the plants, they sing.

Of course they sing the plants, they can even scream.

-Sister: It made beautiful sounds.

You have the works of[...], before him, forty years ago, you had a gentleman named Lyal Watson who wrote supernatural, natural books and who demonstrated by connecting electrodes but without converting it into sound. You put a green plant with two electrodes, one in the roots, one in the stem and in front of this plant that does not speak that does not live supposedly amorphous, you take live shrimp and boil them, the plant, it emits an incredible suffering, incredible, incredible, everything is alive, everything is suffering.

-Sister: So these sounds, he amplified them to put them in a greenhouse and the plants they have[...]

Yes, you hear the music, it's the same thing I was saying about Joel Sternheimer about proteodies and sound frequencies. Yes, of course, it's the truth.

And you know that a tree pulsates but the pulsation of the tree, it is not like us sixty per minute, it is a pulsation every half minute. So the heart of trees exists, not on the same frequency as us, like plants, but consciousness is everywhere. It is in the atom, it is in the black hole at the limit of being and not being, it is in people, it is in the plant with the same intensity, without going to the Vegan extremist; but the one who is very sensitive could hear his salad leaf while he is eating it, hear his suffering, yes, it really suffers but not in the same time space as us so, we do not perceive it but it is real, the carrot that you peel suffers as much as the duck that you will eat.

-Sister: Is it possible to feed only on Light?

So there are some who do, but I wouldn't recommend it.

-Sister: I try and every time and I'm too tired.

On the other hand, when you are actually released, it is a problem because you no longer feel hungry, you can still have desires to eat but functionally and physiologically, you are really no longer hungry.

-Sister: And I have very low hemoglobin and iron levels and then I have to eat again.

That's right.

-Sister: To bring it up, my[...]

Because this is not a pranic nourishment, it is the real nourishment of the Light. But what happens when you become totally Light? But you die. Well, it's a shame to miss the end of the story anyway.


So you might as well stay alive, well incarnated, eat and make love if you are old enough and share and live, what. Today, you are more likely to be alive, in your life, to be real than to put yourself in an ashram or a cave alone. That's bullshit, the Buddha under his tree, but wait, you don't see the cinema, it's cinema.

-Sister: Aïvanhov, at one time, proposed to us to fast dry to metabolize Light, it is no longer useful?

Yes, yes, yes, it is useful, but this fast is dry, it lasts twenty-four hours, three days.

-Sister: That's right.

But living and feeding on Light, I'm not talking about pranic feeding, did you see how she ended up, Martha Robin? Thank you, I don't want to end up in a bed with a host every week.


I prefer being alive.

-Sister: [...] and who lived like that.

Yes, we can live without food, but necessarily, you will pay for it in your body. So obviously, if you have the destiny to be a Martha Robin with your host per week, completely paralyzed, go ahead, but I, no thanks, I'm fine. I have much more joy, even if my appetite has decreased, to be at the table with friends.

Besides, it's easier to eat when you're in a group, I can already see it when you're alone at home: sometimes, you don't even think about eating [...] eleven o'clock in the evening, shit, you haven't eaten anything, you've had breakfast, no, not even, but on the other hand, when you're in a group, it's called not Agape, but agapes, sharing the meal is sharing the joy, sharing life. The suffering of the salad or the carrot you put in your mouth, but I guarantee you that the suffering of the carrot is the same as the suffering of the piece of beef.

Come on, let's stop.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

Transcription from French:
English translation: revised by LMF


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...