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Well, dear friends, I am extremely happy to find you in this sunny country, I transmit to you as usual all my blessings and all my Love.

And if you will and as usual, we will answer your questions of all kinds, and in what you are living, and at this moment, or what is asking you questions in your head, or in your life, or at any level.

So, dear friends, after my blessings, I will let you speak and ask what you have to ask.

So, who is going to start the first question?

-Brother: I'm going to go for it. It's not a question, it's a testimony, even two.

Ah, I love testimonials.

-Sister: It is a testimony.

Now I hear, he's right next door.

-Brother: It was in Tenerife and it is the equivalent of a waking dream, therefore very strong for consciousness and for the emotional. I saw, as an observer, on the right, something that was absolutely nothing, there was nothing, and on the left, there was like a very clear cloud, very... very thin, that's it. And I was an observer, and now I say: Here, my conscience, on the right is useless and on the left, there is something that sends back.

This was the first testimony.

-The second one was something stronger. I felt penetrated by a boa, a large snake, which was between 12 and 15 cm long, between the OD point of the chest and the OD point of the spleen, and it went upwards from below, towards the heart.

-This snake was, I said prehistoric, because it had triangular scales, the tip detached from the tail side. So he was fat and he would come in, he would come in. And at one point, I was afraid, I said: that's it, he's going to invade all my side, how to say it, structured. And then, that's when I had the idea right away to say: Agape, Phahame, Agape, Phahame. And I accompanied the absorption of this snake.

-And, at some point, I saw the line, it was over. And then there was Osho who appeared to me in my conscience and said to me: Swallow the rest. In fact, I could still see, on my left, I could see this cloud very scattered, very bright with light, that's it. Well, I absorbed the cloud. And finished.

So I thank you. It calls, if you don't mind, not for explanations, but for some comments. And as you yourself said in the first testimony, you were simply the one who observes, and who stands at the edge of being and non-being, in Shantinilaya or the Abode of Supreme Peace, who gives you to perceive, there, this time in a visual way, on the one hand the White Light, and on the other hand, what indeed, from the point of view of the observer, we can call the void which is non-being.

So you stood on the edge of being and non-being in a way. This is the first testimony.

In the second testimony, you absorbed a snake, as you say prehistoric, which put in resonance, and the door Attraction and, of course, the chakra of the heart, that is, during this awakened dream, this experience of consciousness, there was indeed a form of digestion of the attraction of the first desire, symbolically illustrated by the snake and the temptation.

That is to say, there has probably been a kind of transformation of your personal consciousness since that moment, with a form of relaxation, as you said, in relation to the structure, that is, you have had to observe, in the different sectors of your life, a kind of greater ease, or in any case, greater readiness to cross the structural and subtle aspects themselves, to lead to bare Joy, or in any case, at least peace.

And this reinforces the feeling of naked Joy or peace that occurs, whether you see it or not, when you stand at the junction of the Light manifested and the source of Light, if I may say so.

Did you notice, in the days, weeks or months that followed, something that changed in you?

-Brother: I have more peace, I have peace, let us say there is no fear of everything that can happen now. That's it, a peace of mind.

That is exactly what I describe to you, said in your words of course, but what has been lived, in what you call a waking dream with a very conscious, very strong aspect, is not a dream. The proof, you have lived beyond the experience, as always, there is the effect of the experience or the lived, which is much more important I would say than the observation, or the vision, or the energies, or the vibrations.

And you comfort us through your testimonies that you have just given, no matter how it happens, after this kind of experience, there is a transformation that happens. Many of you on this Earth have now experienced the processes of embracing, of Agape resonance, of network Agape resonance, and as you said and when you saw Osho, he told you to absorb everything, that is, to let fear digest itself by acceptance, and you discovered that behind fear there was peace.

And of course, the transformation afterwards can only be observed, because it is the moment, as Abba said this morning, when you find yourself, when you really and concretely remember, even without seeing anything, that you are somehow anterior to the Light, anterior to the manifestation and you are that from all eternity.

And all of them, no matter how you get there, as Abba said, the good news is available from everywhere. Zero time is accessible to you in every possible way, from the moment fear gives way to acceptance.

Don't confuse the word acceptance that Abba says to you all the time with resignation, it has nothing to do with it. It is an intimate mechanism of self-absorption of the projection of your consciousness into the heart of the heart, that is, into zero time.

It can only result in peace, serenity and real changes in the way you work in your daily life, in your ordinary life, as you said, a kind of eradication of fear, a persistence of peace, which can only increase in intensity, depth and duration, as time goes by within the dream.

Thank you for this testimony, which allowed me to tell you that you can all do this. Simply, the paths are countless. It can be during an accident, it can be during a happy surprise, it can even happen regardless of any circumstance, or any perception.

And today more and more of you, awakened to energy or not, are seeing, as our dear Bidi used to say, the theatre scene, the simulacra and the masquerade. And the more you are numerous, the more clearly the unveiling of the Light by the consummation of Love of the dream, realized by the four horsemen, by the cosmos, by the galaxies, by the universes, by the superuniverses, will appear to you more and more clearly.

Do not be reluctant to anything that happens in you. Do not condemn yourself, do not judge yourself, do not judge any circumstances, and you will see that at that moment you will discover behind, if I can say, just behind, this peace and this disappearance of all fears. And that's the best way to do it, and you'll find that every day, this kind of thing, in every way possible, will be offered to you.

Thank you very much.

So, who wants to question or testify again?

-Sister: It's Leyla. Is that....

-Sister: I repeat the question.

Then we'll have to repeat it, yes.

-Sister: This is the testimony of a sister, the recent lived experience of a Quebec sister who is absent from this place.

And who gave you his testimony, didn't he, that's it.

-Sister: She says: Hello OMA. First of all, a big thank you for your presence and support for all of us. Here is my testimony.

-Like many of our sisters in incarnation today, I am still living with a health problem. In my case, it is a large cyst....

I think I hear, I think the microphone must hear there too, because the sound power is good. So you can rest.

-Sister: Thank you.

Then keep going.

-Sister: In my case, it's a large cyst in the ovary, as big as a grapefruit. In about two weeks, I'll have surgery.

Doesn't it specify which side it's on?

-Sister: She didn't say it.

It doesn't matter, keep going.

-Sister: Cyst, ovaries and fallopian tube will be removed. I accepted the situation. A few days ago, I embraced with one hand on my stomach, the other on my heart, in total surrender to the Intelligence of Light. I recognize in myself that we are One and one in the other. I live it in embracing and accepting in all simplicity and humility.

-I let myself be crossed by what is presented, by the residues of pain, sadness, suffering, and by a very great fear linked to the belief of separation to be abandoned by love, the lack of love, the evil of Love, the struggles, the war between the male and the female lived on this world in multiple incarnations.

-In my belly, the mass, in cyst brackets, became the Earth and the suffering of all humanity in incarnation and, at the same time, I perceived being surrounded by a great pure white dove of Love. I embraced in the One breath, letting myself cross over, while breathing gently until I was welcomed by the Source, in me, in its masculine and then feminine aspects, then in Unity, Love, Joy, Peace, then as a movement of aspiration in the black hole, in a great black space.

-I lived that it was happening simultaneously on the whole planet and in all of creation. It was naturally sucked into and through the black hole into the black space.

Is that your phone making castanets?

-Sister: Yes

It doesn't matter, keep going.

-Sister: I was Love, embracing myself, there was only that. Around me, and in my body, I became a pillar of Light where the crystalline nucleus of the Earth and the Source joined in my heart, then sucked into the black hole of my heart.

-During this experience, I was simultaneously in everything and in the black hole, I am part of it.

The next day, when I woke up, I perceived the presence of my father passing through me, then the presence of one of my sons who was passing through me in great love. My body was happy everywhere in welcoming, in welcoming Love. I would like to point out that these are two characters I was afraid of in my scenario of this life. I concluded that the healing took place within me, feeling free and joyful. Question: Beloved OMA, may I, may we have your enlightened comment on this lived experience in humanity. Thank you and smile to the heart.

Thank you for your testimony. Now we will have to see on the medical side what happened with your modern exams and techniques of course. But the important thing was, if I may say so, the healing of his memories related to this incarnation which, I remind you, really summarize everything you have lived, not as a reward and karmic, but simply as a summary of the rewinding of the film as you were told by the head chief.

So what is important is a problem as you described it, which corresponds to the whole Earth, which has been this kind of tearing between the male and female, which is linked to the dream of creation itself, that is to say polarization, even before talking about good, evil, or male and female. And before that happens, there is this tear.

And you say it yourself, the ovaries, and especially the right ovary, are linked to male relationships in women. And you describe yourself the image of your father and son who have been, in your life story, things certainly in one way or another, difficult to digest and difficult to live with.

Indeed, many of you are aware, even if you are totally free, that there have been for a few weeks, even months, in many and essentially sisters rather than brothers, species of crystallization, which are not defects, which are not punishments, which are no longer habits or beliefs, but as you have expressed, through the vision of the Earth, a resolution.

And on an individual basis, what you experienced through acceptance, acceptance, even if it did not heal this cyst, that it may have to be removed, there was crystallization precisely to allow you to remove, through the Intelligence of Light, which in any case enlightened things, perhaps even through the miracle of Light, or, I would say otherwise, through surgery, to solve the last elements, no longer of resistance but more like memories, of the functioning habits of the male and the female.

Many years ago, we spoke at length about the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine. Then you had the cessation of the primary anomaly, the dissolution of the primary anomaly, which allowed you to begin the process of returning to zero time for the whole creation and for the whole universe.

This is exactly what through your personal and individual experience also corresponds to the totality of what has happened on this Earth.

You have no better example than the little Thérèse of Lisieux, who when she was incarnate, wanted to take upon herself the misery of the world, the suffering of the world, because she was very young and because she had faith as she said in Christ, but if you prefer in the Ki Ris Ti Light, to really endorse, by the sense of service, by the sense of sacrifice, she also endorsed, very young, karma if you can say, because at the time we could not talk about liberation, and the suffering of the female.

I remind you that she died of tuberculosis that affects the lungs, and which is of course related to the laryngeal chakra, which is itself related to everything that is mourning, everything that is also unspoken, repressed, but also has to come out.

And I would also remind you that in the case of this sister, if she confirms that it is the right ovary of course, it is the side of the relationship to the male, and it is linked to the second chakra as I said, in direct resonance and direct affinity in the coupling of the chakras with the laryngeal chakra or the throat chakra.

So yes, even if it is not physically resolved, even if the cyst is still there, you can be assured and certain that you have solved something on this Earth, it is obvious, and you all experience it in this way.

I would like to take this opportunity to say that a number of you are, I would say, while being free, to go through this process of crystallization at this time. Remember above all that this is not a punishment, it is precisely the way to eliminate something from the field of your mind, through the body. It doesn't need to be explained, but it is indeed what you are going through for a number of you, and as you have noticed, indeed, once again, a lot by the sisters.

Because female polarity, since you still have a sex of course, and you are male or female, is the one that is best able to welcome the suffering of the world, this time not to pay for confinement, but to restore freedom through your body or your conscience, or your emotions. Some of you are experiencing sometimes unpleasant demonstrations right now.

But this is no longer a question of illuminating the Light, but in a way a return to Unity and Freedom, and thanks to you, even if you do not know it and you do not accept it, that is to say that, as you said in the preamble to your testimony, we are really one in the other, and really everything is in each of us in incarnation and nowhere else.

So there are, when the opening, the dissolution of the primary anomaly has been realized, many processes have followed automatically on this Earth, in consciousness, in the bodies, in the activity of what was called the Horsemen of Revelation, but also in the process of restitution at zero time, which is the good news and the consequence of the oath and the promise. But there are many, many of you going through this.

Above all, do not look for any other explanation about your person, your history or your life, even if it necessarily corresponds. But it is a pretext and an opportunity to live the liberation of the Earth, and to accompany the total liberation of the dream on this Earth, as in all homes and universes.

And moreover, for those of you who go through this kind of crystallization at the level of the body, you can only notice, either immediately at the subtle level, or after, unfortunately in some cases after operations or interventions sometimes necessary, that you will be totally transformed, even more transformed even for those who live Freedom, the absence of fear, the naked Joy and Agape.

In any case, I thank you for your testimony.

Does anyone have anything to add to this area I just mentioned, or to this testimony?

So if there are no comments or anything else to add, we will listen to the next brother or sister.

-Sister: I don't know if it's related, but for some time now, at times, my mouth and throat have been completely on fire, and the feeling like a fire or a flame coming out of my mouth. Would it have anything to do with the laryngeal chakra or what's going on right now?

Of course, of course. For those who are the elders, I would say in Autres Dimensions, you will remember that since 2010, there have been countless passages, if I can say so, of the throat, with successive purifications, and which have, in a way, rid the causal body of all the memories, all the karmas linked to the person and the soul, which have nothing to do with Truth.

And today too, in what you describe, it corresponds exactly to the same process. It is the reparation, by the grace of the sacred feminine, of the outrage against this sacred feminine, but also the reparation of the sacred feminine, but also of the sacred masculine. It is the return, I remind you, to the primordial androgyne that was linked to the twelfth body, and much more than Unity, it is what prepares the white paradise that we had in the previous testimony of our brother's lived experience.

It is exactly the same process that is at work. Some of you have had important manifestations in the throat, but also when it is more dense and physical, in everything related to the second chakra, i. e. in women the right ovary, the right colon also in men, but also everything related to predation. The second chakra is power, it is will, it is also the will for good. This is what you call in esotericism the foundation, sometimes the anchoring, but which has nothing to do with it.

All that, there's no need anymore. You are anchored because you are present, simply present. You don't have to mobilize energies, to visualize anything to anchor yourself on Earth, you are on Earth, and that's really enough.

But indeed, like little Therese, you yourself wrote this scenario, this script, in order to help, in your own way, even through the body, this time to free yourself from the dream, and not only on Earth. That is undeniable.

That's why we always tell you, don't look for explanations, accept, welcome. And besides in the first two testimonies we had, you saw that it is exactly that, whatever the result on the physical body, of flesh, there is Liberation, and it goes through you.

In the same way that you were, at certain times, the anchors of Light, the sowers of Light, today you are the agents, I would say, of the Good News.

And the good news being accessible to the greatest number of people, from the moment you decide, as has been said, to sacrifice yourself, not to die, but to overcome and transcend the most crystallized manifestations of the dream in this body, but also at the psychological level.

And all of them, without exception, brothers or sisters, who are going through painful events in the body, in the mind and in psychology, in the relational aspects, are only there to free you. Do not look for noon to two o'clock, do not look for other explanations, only to deploy acceptance. Because that's how, for some of you, you wrote things and decided to live them to literally, to lighten, if I can say so, the burden of the dream.

Because you can see that everywhere around you, as announced, and as I told you without hiding it, long before the heavenly wedding, for more than ten years, when I was talking about the planet grill and the events on this Earth into which you have now entered with your feet together.

And everything is going faster and faster, everything is getting brighter and brighter, everything is getting more and more violent in every way. But I remind you, that you too have to accept without understanding, and it is not a question of belief, it is not a question of blind faith, but it is really the process that will restore you to Freedom and that will also accelerate Freedom for all the consciences of this Earth, but also present from everywhere, in all multiverses.

You are at the same time the target, the receiver, the creator of the dream and the creature who makes it possible to solve in this moment of the end times, and who will be magnified by the events that we have described to you for years, which now occur directly before your eyes, in your daily everyday life, and in all countries.

No country, no place on this Earth, can escape the light of the simulacrum, and the discovery of the Truth.

It is becoming more and more intense, of course, and from your capacity for acceptance comes the lightening of the burden, the nightmare of creation, since now you see it from everywhere, your Joy is very real, but the nightmare of this world of dreams is very real. It is underway, and as I had the opportunity to say a few months ago, it will never stop, there will never be a break in the process.

You can see the effects in you, but also for those who are interested in what is happening in the world, in the universe, on Earth, you see exactly the same thing. And that is the shock of Humanity, independently of the event itself: planet grill, Mary's call, trumpets and Nibiru's visibility of course.

All this, as the days go by, will be totally synchronous and the chaos will be more and more devastating for the dream, but more and more liberating for who you are, in order to live the Truth.

This is the path you chose in the initial moment of creation, this is how the ephemeral is literally consumed and you awaken from the dream, from the nightmare of believing yourself to be an individual or a consciousness that must evolve, perfect itself. And that is how you discover that everything is terribly simple and that there is, as has been said, only this unspeakable Love called Agape.

Do you have anything else to say about this testimony, or anything else to ask for?

-Sister: I would be willing to testify if no one else...

So we're listening to you. You don't need to repeat yourself, do you?


-Sister: I repeat myself enough in my head as it is. I am living in a relationship, and there is an aspect of this relationship that for a year now has put me in a despair without a name, which does not prevent me from living Love and Joy at times, and...

It's a male relationship, with a lover, you mean.

-Sister: Yes, you could say that. And recently, I realize that I can live this despair simultaneously with Joy and Love, it can be quite...

It's surprising, isn't it? To feel at the same time, or simultaneously or at a very short distance, this incredible Joy and total despair, isn't it?

-Sister: Yes, because before, I was plunging into despair, I was taking time to get out of it, and now, or despair is there and two minutes later I am already, I am regaining all the grandeur and space of Love, and at times it is happening at the same time.

Absolutely. And I can tell you that at that level, don't make it a personal matter, even if it concerns your personal life in quotation marks, because it is a reparation that concerns the whole creation. Then the term reparation is not really adapted to the Light, but it allows the establishment of Liberty.

It is something, and you have to accept, that you wrote yourself and that this companion also wrote himself. And in general, in male-female relationships, or in a couple, and in general, there is always, and I can say, the good and the bad. But it's the good guy who eats the bad guy. That's how it always works. This is service to others, but in a way, service to others of which Abba spoke to you, which is at the same time a resolution, not for you, perhaps for the moment, but for the whole of creation, and which helps to bring out the dream, to awaken, to Freedom.

And as you say, you notice that after the great despair, well as you say, both are present. And the more you will accept, without understanding, without seeking causality, that is to say, he is the bad guy and I am the good guy, even if it is the truth, you have to tell him the opposite, you know how men are, don't you, it is always women who are the bad guys and men who are the good guys.

But hey, let them talk and let them believe what they want. What is important is also acceptance at this level, and the more you accept, the more you will see the other person transform. It's obvious.

But again, even if it's, I don't know, stories of soul mates or twin flames, it goes far beyond your story. It's about the dream story, don't make it personal, that's what I want to tell you today. If you agree not to make this a personal matter, you will see that it will go even better. And rest assured, whatever you say, whatever your head says, it is you who wrote this for each of you.

Of course, not everyone goes through that, fortunately. But it is in general, I would say, the most hardened by the incarnation, those who have taken the most incarnations on this world, who are going through these episodes right now. And you even have brothers and sisters who have lived through unspeakable stages of Joy and who, today, have the impression of sinking into these kinds of despair and suffering.

Just accept it. But please, stop trying to understand, stop trying to solve, accept yourself as things are. I repeat Bidi's sentence, what must be will be whatever you do, what must not be will not be, whatever you do either. From there, you become free, paradoxically.

So of course, in one of the previous testimonies, we had a sister who saw things perfectly. You express them differently, but it's the same thing. This is exactly the process by which you embrace the Truth that you are in each other. It's not for you, even if it seems to concern you, and especially in a love story. It is for the whole of creation.

So please don't try to explain in the past, don't look for guilt or responsibility, that's what you wrote and that you have to play on the stage.

And remember as you say, and that today you have evidence, Joy is there despite everything. But you gave yourself away, it's also part of the sacrifice you decided before you were even in form. For each of us it is like that.

I remind you that we too, elders, had to solve everything we created within the dream, and yet there was no other way to do it before. But even that, which is not karma, since we did good, had to be solved. Freedom must be given back to everyone.

From the moment you create a movement, from the moment you create a school as I did, well, you have a duty to make amends, it's that simple. Each of you comes out of the completely free dream, and you now free each other, through your personal history, through your very body.

So don't look for justifications, don't look for causalities, just, there too, go through it, accept it, because as I said, always behind, just behind or just after, there is the Joy that is there and waiting for you. It is you who have decided to help the incarnate brothers and sisters, to help the whole dream to solve this dream and this nightmare, and to live the Good News and the Truth.

It is not masochism, it is not karma, it is Love, it is kindness towards everyone. If you accept this, you can only live it and understand it in its entirety, as little Theresa explained so well when she was incarnate, but also in everything she transmitted to you on the little path, the path of childhood.

You have no other possibility, everything that has been written must be crossed, individually and collectively, at the level of countries, at the level of religions, at the level of this Earth, at the level of aliens, at the level of dimensions. It's exactly the same thing.

Of course, you have to get the notion of guilt out of your head as well. There is no one to blame, there is no one to be responsible, it is you who wrote this scene to play, and you just play it. And the more you accept that, the more you accept it, the more you embrace it, the more you release it, and the more the fire will consume you and consume the dream of creation, as you see it on the Earth's level right now, on the level of forest fires, for example, not just volcanoes.

The fire of Love does not only come out through the mouths of volcanoes, but it also comes out directly from the ground, independently of volcanoes. It is an inferno of Love, truly and concretely. And you will soon have the undeniable proof, both individually and collectively.

The principle of acceptance also applies, both for relational suffering, and in the previous example for a large cyst in the ovary, and I would even say for any pathology. And you will often have the opportunity to verify that when you have, fundamentally and really, accepted without trying to understand, you will be all the more free, and all the more in Joy.

But if you maintain, or create by yourself, a need for explanation or a need for understanding in spiritual or simply human logic, you will suffer more and more. But you wrote that too. That is why for months I have been telling you, no longer Love or fear, because fear disappears, but Love or suffering.

And often, for those of you who have to go through this, it is Love, at the same time as suffering. I believe that the head chief explained this to you through concepts and neurosciences and psychology, of course. But it's not about your story, it's about the whole dream story. Accept this and you will cross it.

But if you face the need for understanding, the need for explanation, or even the need to solve, you will be more and more suffering. This does not mean, once again, that it should not be solved, even by a surgical procedure. But what must be in front is the lighting, not of your head, but the total lighting of who you are.

And I thank you.

So, who's talking?

-Sister: So I would like to give a testimony.

Don't repeat his words. I also hear there, very close.

-Sister: That's where I live, I have a friend who practices with me Agape, and then she has a son who is going through a life crisis right now, and who is really very ill, and she asks me, she calls me, she asks me: Do you want the three of us to get together to do Agape network...

Agape resonance network.

-Sister: There, and I told her, and from that moment on, I already felt that something was happening, just to talk about it, we were already in a relationship. And then, the weather, all right, we say to each other tonight we'll do it together, really. And time goes by, the day goes by, she calls me back a little later, she says to me: You know, something has already happened, because my son called me, he has already changed his attitude. But I tell him, it's great, well.

-But in the evening, though, I got in touch with this young man and this person, and I immediately felt an enormous sadness, an enormous weight, uneasiness, and I said to myself, I embraced, it was instantaneous, I welcomed this suffering, like that, and suddenly peace came.

-And the next day, she called me back again to confirm that her son had really felt, all of a sudden, a lightness. And above all, what challenged me was that I really lived what it is like to live in each other. It was especially this that caught my attention, really I had never lived it so strongly before.


-Sister: And then it touched me deeply because I saw that it was me too, in there, it was me. It was me and I dropped everything.

But as Bidi said, all the others you see are you, there is no one else but you, and that applies to each of you, that's what's real.

-Sister: That's what it's all about.

It's totally real, and it also attracts two comments from your testimony.

The first is that as soon as you think about a brother, sister or stranger now, it happens all by itself. Many of you find that you no longer need to do even what Abba told you, crossing your ankles, crossing your hands in front of your chest, saying Agape, Agape,Agape, Phahame, Phahame, Phahame, just thinking about it, without any intention of triggering an Agape resonance or an Agape network resonance, from the moment you think of someone, you have the solution.

It is independent of you, it is independent of your appointments, it is independent of an appointment at a given time, it is done more and more immediately. From the moment you welcome someone, without any ritual, even if the means, the crutches, that Abba and Bidi had given you to pronounce the name and the first name, are no longer useful.

You don't even need to have a picture, or even to know this person actually, not his name or his first name. You are in the zero instant, in the zero time and in the Truth. And whoever connects to you is instantly healed.

Remember Christ, he said: Who touched me? And the woman was healed. Did Christ do something? No. Simply you are there, simply you are in this unspeakable Love, everything else is done from there. You no longer even need appointments, you no longer even need to lie down, to put yourself in a certain posture, as for example last year when, for some of you, you were doing the absorption of essences.

All you have to do is think of someone, they are within you, they are healed. You no longer even need to ask him for any permission since he is you. That's how you prove it to yourself.

You are no longer in the absorption of essences, you are in the reabsorption of creation. It is a great Freedom, a great Liberation, and I assure you that each of you is able to live this. And I also think that the head chief will explain how to do now the Agape network resonances.

Once you have done it, with the position of the body when repeating Agape, Agape and Phahame, they are crutches, that's why he told you that it was a practice without practice, because it actually leads to immediacy. We are in each other. We are all as the archangels have told you, inside you.

It is the Truth, there is no other Truth. You are the world, you are the universes, it's the same for everyone. When I say everyone, it is because there is only one Presence.

There, never your body, never your mind, never your energies will be able to accept it and live it. On the other hand, it is liveable from the moment you are in this kind of nudity, in this unconditional embrace that is Agape's own. And miracles, real ones, will be more and more frequent. And the more you perform these miracles, the more true these miracles are, the more you will see this world being consumed in the Fire of Love, totally.

You can no longer be fooled by any becoming, any form, any wish, any fear. But until you have lived it, today you will suffer, until you have let go of your last resistances, your last reticences rather, that is to say, hold on.

If you do not live it and you suffer, it means that somewhere you still value your little life, even unconsciously, even if you are free. That is, you still believe that consciousness is useful to you. That is not true. And the testimony of this sister is a perfect illustration of this, as our brother just now with his prehistoric snake that came in through the Od gate.

It is exactly the same thing, each with a different scenario, but with the same purpose and conclusion. You can't escape it, no matter what you say, no matter what you think, you will all go through this eye of the needle, without exception. It has been called the crucifixion, except that there is no work to be done there now, except that there is no distance there now, except that there you are really one in the other, in totality, whatever you think.

And if you even oppose that, you will suffer, especially you who are informed about it.

You want to get rid of suffering, you want to be free of any disease, accept what is, even if it means acting as I said earlier, but put this acceptance, this acceptance, this unconditional embrace, is unconditional, ahead of everything, and at that moment, Love and suffering, will no longer mean anything. You will be Agape and that's it.

And each of you has exactly the same potential, especially from the moment you leave and let go, even the practice without practice of which Abba told you. It's instantaneous, even if the other person doesn't know.

And until now, head chief told you to make appointments. Good afterward, for those who have lived it, you have gone through the absorption of essences, you have gone through the resonance of Love in the most diverse circumstances, today, each of you performs the miracle by simply being there, even without any intention, and you will even see that if you do not intend to make an Agape resonance network that it will happen independently of you.

And that's how you realize that you are nothing of what you still think today, that you are nothing of your sufferings of any kind, and that you are absolutely nothing of what you feel. And that is a great freedom, and it does not depend on you, it is the Intelligence of the Light that acts, it is what you are.

You no longer need intention, you no longer need it, even if for the moment I completely understand that for many of you it is still more true, perhaps somewhere, by putting yourself in the posture that you have given yourself head chief, or by repeating Agape, Agape, Phahame, Phahame, Phahame or Eynolwaden for example.

But very quickly, you will realize that you don't need anything, you are really in this state of Light, right here, in this world, in this dream, in the nightmare, whatever the nightmare, wherever you go, wherever you look, wherever you think, the resolution is there, for all the universes.

And what you just said is a perfect illustration of that. All you need is an idea, all you need is a thought to make it happen. There is no need for energy to transfer consciousness, there is no need to send energy or to send I don't know what, that's still duality.

Be quiet as Osho said, if something happens in your life, embrace it and then you will see well. This is the best conduct you have to adopt, and you will discover this naked Joy that will become increasingly clear.

And I repeat, miracles will abound, but not in the direction you want, not in the direction the other wants, but in the direction of the Intelligence of the Light. That's why you've always been told not to express any intention to heal. That is why head chief told you that you should not decide to act on this or that, because the Intelligence of Light will always know much better than you what is necessary and what is useful.

And that is how the miracle happens and not by any will of Love or will to heal. These are pretexts the Agape resonances or the network Agape resonances, to let the Truth be lived, for you as for everywhere on this Earth.

You can see that you have brothers and sisters around you who are suffering, and others who discover, without ever having sought anything, the Truth of the theatre scene, the masquerade or the simulacrum, it is the same thing. The more you are in this neutrality of accepting benevolence, the more you accept that nothing can go other than what is, and that you can do nothing about it. Then you will see the effect.

But it is not your power, it is not your energy, it is no longer even your intention, it is the spontaneous play of Light and Light Intelligence, it is Agape, that's all.

But without it, if somewhere there are habits, if you're still trying to understand, even if you're living the chakras, even if you're out of your body, well you're going to suffer until you let go, it can go to death and I'm not kidding, it can go to suicide.

So we need you here, in this body, and not elsewhere. You are needed in the present instant, precisely to allow this Intelligence of Light to really enter into a sensitive manifestation, to allow the 4 Living Ones to shake what must be shaken within the dream. You see it from all over the world.

But I reassure you, that does not make you a mystic who must withdraw from his family life, or leave his wife and children, quite the contrary, that is precisely what you have chosen. It is no longer time to readjust anything, it is time to accept, understand this once and for all.

Everything you wish for, even if it seems logical to you, will come back to you in the middle of your face with a lot of pain, and it will be unstoppable. That's why I warned you, Love or suffering, there is no other choice. It's one or the other, and even for those who don't suspect anything, now it's that.

Remember that it is never a punishment, that's exactly what you wrote and what you play, even if you don't understand it, and especially if you don't understand it.

Anything to say about what our sister said, and what I completed?

-Sister: In recent months, I have observed that when I thought of someone, when someone crossed me, there was a twinkle in my heart, as if my heart was responding, finally the heart was responding to the resonance.

Absolutely, absolutely, the resonance as you say is self-evident, you just have to think of someone to make it happen.

-Sister: But for some time now I have been observing, I no longer feel the heart in the same way, as if I leaned over the heart it is a black space, and when someone comes, it disappears without... and I do nothing at all, I think of nothing at all, but it disappears into the black hole.

Absolutely, he disappears into the black hole, absolutely. You no longer even need the breathing of the heart, you no longer need to feel, even if of course there is, the Fire of the Heart, or to feel the double torus. It happens all by itself and it is indeed from your character, by the simple idea or thought of someone, a brother, anywhere on Earth, that you bring healing, because you have embraced him in your turn, and he too can only echo to that.

This is the Good News, it no longer needs intention, it no longer needs your will, of course, it has always done so, but it no longer needs rituals or practices.

And more and more of you are checking it out. That's what I called Love or suffering, there's no intermediate positioning, that's it. At the time I was talking to you about having your ass between two chairs, do you remember, or did I tell you to take care of your butt. Yes, but your butt is also everyone's butt. That's right. It's you. It's you. Even the worst enemy, even the devil is you, in another time space that you have written, that we have all written.

It is a perpetual celebration of Love that consumes in the Fire of Love the setting of the dream, and very soon, your physical body really and concretely.

This is getting stronger every day, and now I'm talking about the daily aspect. The month of October, by the way, you saw it, and I think the head chief had also called it, not without humour, red October. Yes, but November is black November.


You will understand what it means, very quickly, but not the black of darkness, the black of the black hole.

-Sister: Wow! Great! Great!

It is a preparation for the event that is getting closer and closer. Of course there is no date, but nevertheless, there are elements from everywhere that we too see, which make us say that the good news has touched all the universes, and that everything is ready, and that everyday it will be even closer, not close in distance, but ready to live this celebration of the final event, the final planet grill, with a Joy and a feeling of freedom that even those who live Agapè cannot yet suspect the intensity.

This will be what you live in Agape, but in a thousand times more intense. It is a pleasure....

-Sister: Ha! We're going to die.

Yes, it is the goal, the goal is to die, to die to the dream, to die to the illusion, to die to the suffering, to die to the form, to die to the nightmare or to the dream of creation. It is really a death of illusion, in order to discover the Eternal Self. Do you think that all the words we have used recently and for years now find their justification today and their lived experience today.

So of course Abba tells you not to dive into past pipes. But if you take a look at it, you'll see that it's what you're going through now. Just as our dear Nisargadatta, who had expressed this when he was incarnate, had said that his words could not fail. Who, however, at the time he pronounced them, experienced them? Do you think that the words of Christ, of Mohammed, of Buddha, of Moses which were spoken sixteen hundred years ago, two thousand years ago, three thousand years ago, were effective at the time? No.

They are effective today, only today. It is a story as Abba tells you that has been told to bring you as close as possible to the ability to let go of the dream of consciousness, and the dream of creation. And not to project, even as my master, Peter Deunov, did, through a new creation or a new dream, since there is no time.

All cycles have taken place in the same cycle, at the same time, and when you accept this, you really live it.

Love or suffering, I repeat, and head chief had spoken to you about red October, you see fires everywhere, you see revolutions, revolts, well November, I tell you, it is black November. And December is colorless.


-Sister: Precisely, this entry into black November will be made here, therefore in Tunisia, and having lived through several encounters, notably...

So there you can work (to the sister who is in charge of rehearsing), I listen to you.

-Sister: I have already forgotten...

-Sister: This entry into black November will take place when we are here in Tunisia.

Yes, but November lasts thirty days, doesn't it?

-Sister: Yes, precisely, having lived the meeting, for example in the Canary Islands....

Yes, I know, I know.

-Sister: ...Being here, does the geographical location have an impact, because I feel...

Of course.

-Sister: ...This absorption in the hole, in the silence, in the black hole much more present here, precisely in Tunisia. Is it personal or is it geographical? There you go.

It's geographical, of course.

-Sister: That's it.

Abba's movements are never random, never random. In the Canaries you saw, head chief told you, he smelled magma under his feet, and well the volcano woke up. He had been asleep for ten million years, hadn't he. And in all the countries where you meet, something is happening, of course.

And Tunisia, without going into detail, is nevertheless a crossroads, a place of passage too, like Portugal, which is the gateway to the Gauls, which is a place of passage.

So all the places where you celebrate Agape, in these Agape encounters, with both the pleasures you take, the holidays you take, are extremely important and are not there by chance. We shouldn't say this too quickly because without it they will expel our dear head chief from the region where he lives.


Because you know, there is revolution there too, isn't it, and wherever you go, we can say, but see no negativity, that you are the great destroyer, the great revealer, not only Abba, but also those who organize, those who gather in these different places.

Wherever Abba goes, in Quebec for example, where I came back with great joy and this past summer where I will soon come back with Abba, a lot has happened while he was there. The end of whaling, the end of the confinement of cetaceans, many things have happened at the political level itself, and it is the same in all countries.

Look, for example, at Portugal, where the first Agape international summit meeting will be held, it is the gateway to the lighthouse of Humanity, which is Quebec, in their cousins in Portugal, and which will inform the European continent and enlighten it, and thus consume it, at all levels.

That is why I also talked about black November, not only in Europe, not only in Africa, but all over the world. The road is paved, the organizers who invite Abba, even if they do not know why, are evidently also in the script and in the scenario of what must happen geographically, and at the level of the peoples who live there as a whole.

I believe that in this country, you have had, elected, you have had elections, I believe. But wait, it's not over, there are others. Look, for example, where we were a short while ago, I think in Belgium, and just look in the gazettes and in your newspapers, in terms of the theatre scene, this is the first time in Belgium that a woman has led the government. It changes everything, even if it concerns the theatre scene.

The simulacrum, as Abba said, has joined the sacred, and it is the point of view that makes the difference, the positioning. On one side you see the simulacrum, on the other side you see the sacred, but it is the same event depending on where you look, that's all.

So you can track Abba now, and as I told you, there is a return to Quebec, after that of course there is the gateway to planetary time in Peru and neighbouring countries, after what is there. Well, it's very simple. There is Brazil, the South American continent, and in June, back to Portugal.

Do you think all this was never written? There is no freedom, everything is planned, everything is predictable. Have fun with this if you want, it'll keep you busy.


Look, for example, at the rains, the floods that occur, the volcanoes that wake up, the elements that wake up. Of course it is not Abba alone, it is you who participate in the meetings, but also all those who connect, if I can say so, who listen, who hear what has happened in these different countries. This is very important.

The geographical aspect makes it possible to light up if I can say lighthouses at different strategic places if I can say, in the historical sense of the Earth, civilizational sense of the Earth, geographical sense of the Earth, telluric sense of the Earth, but also cosmic sense.

The simulacrum joins the sacred in its entirety.

We can continue, unless you have something to add to that, of course, as always.

-Sister: Yes, maybe me. I have a little testimony in relation to that, to echo what you just said....

So maybe repeat for the microphone, yes.

-Sister: Our sister has a testimony about what you just said.

Of course, I listen to you, we listen to you.

-Sister: In Tunisia, for example, I do not know if it is related to Agape, to this meeting that we have prepared, already Tunisia with the election of this new president who is promising, he was wanted by the voters, he has a very high rate, he was elected with seventy-two percent of the votes, and he is known to be a person of integrity, of loyalty, cleanliness, correctness, and the day after his election already, campaigns of cleaning, cleanliness everywhere, carried out in almost every region by young people, by adults, by everyone, and a lot of hope, a feeling of hope, a feeling of relief for a large majority of Tunisians...

-Sister: You are the one who helps me in addition (the sister who repeats, to OMA who blows her away!)


Yes, dear friend, how is your first name? I think I heard earlier....

-Sister: Leyla.

... Leyla, and you know that Leyla in Sanskrit means the games of the Lord, the leyla of the Lord, in Ayurvedic, in Sanskrit. I don't know what it means in your language, but in any case, that's it.... What did she say?

-Sister: It is Night, the Night, in Arabic it means night.

Yes, the night needs the lighthouse and the lighthouse is each of you as Abba. It means putting an end to obscurantism, it means putting an end to fanaticism, not through struggle, not through combat, but through enlightenment. So, yes, of course, in all countries, there are major transformations. You have even seen that there are countries burning everywhere. But even at the societal, political level, as you say, and even at the level of companies, as you say, where competition and predation are omnipresent, there are also major changes.

But do not made by Abba, it is you Abba, it is the encounter that acts by what you experience, you, here, but also all those who listen and resound at these encounters. Of course.

But everything that has been programmed to date has a useful purpose, which goes far beyond Abba or those who participate in the meeting, but which affects geography, architecture, societal organization itself, in its entirety.

-Sister: And how can we, each one of us, apparently in our own corner, contribute to this great Agape meeting in Portugal?

Ah you will have information and you will see and whether you are there or not, it will be what you say, a very special kind of high point. But you will also see that the brothers and sisters who will come to express themselves and sing, be it the artists, be it the testimonies, be it well-known people, will only be able to play the score that we have prepared for them, that they themselves have written, but which will prove to be for them at that time.

The best way to participate, you already do, from the moment you listen, from the moment you are informed even if you are not there, it happens within you. It is the same principle as the Agape resonance we were talking about earlier. You don't have to want to help, you are help from the moment you think, from the moment you listen, from the moment you are connected or connected, you are effective.

So of course, everyone afterwards, according to their specificities, will be able to help on the purely material aspect if I can say so. But that's not important, the important thing is to be informed, to participate for those who want, but especially to be connected to it, and you are necessarily there as soon as you think about it.

-Sister: Because since I learned that this is happening in Portugal, I feel directly connected, and I don't yet know how it can be clarified, but I feel a direct connection.

Yes, absolutely, like the one who organized Abba's trip there, who has since then been stimulating her with whips so that she can move forward every night.


And I've always done it this way. Remember when AD was here, there was another person there, whom I called my private secretary, whom I used to agree a little bit, but it was his function and role, quite simply.


-Sister: But OMA no one wants to miss the celebration, the great final celebration.

Ah I never said it was the final celebration, it's still called the first international Agape summit. It could be before, and chances are it could be before. But that's okay, because you're in ultra-temporality. As soon as you are in the idea of Portugal, as our sister has just said, you are there.

You are connected to it, you are in resonance with it, even if you are not physically connected to it. That's how it works.

-Sister: So if you take whiplashes at night, you shouldn't be surprised.



I'm not here to tickle my feet anymore, we're moving on to something more cruel, but it's for your own good.


It is the truth, ask those who were there in Portugal if they did not burn themselves with Love, as you will burn yourselves with Love here, if this is not already the case.

-Sister: (Whispers) That's the case.

Another thing, or always in the same lineage, it's up to you.

-Brother: I wanted to know, what France's role will be after that, how will it go?

The role of France, so if you look in the prophecies, what have you been told everywhere, France is supposed to be the eldest daughter of the church. She's the eldest daughter of the church, what is that? She is simply Satan's eldest daughter. Satan, what is it, that's the reason. The French have a hard head, it takes time to wake the French, but when they wake up, they are no longer turned off.

And this time they will no longer be deceived. There's nothing to judge. It is not a mission, it is rather I would say in the order of anchoring and lighting. Do not look for roles, missions or functions, especially as I tell you, they are both geographical aspects, both civilizational and historical aspects.

The so-called Elder Daughter of the Church France which must be saved by the King of France, but this is the story of the puppets. Elder daughter of the church means nothing more than elder daughter of Satan, representative of Satan, Satan is the head, nothing more than that. It's predation.

So of course we also called France, in time, the land of lights and freedom. I remind you that my master Beinsa Douno sent me to France, and that I ended up in prison, finally I went to prison, through the prison barracks for four years all the same, for nothing.

France, you had all the preparation that took place on this territory and which was called other dimensions.

Other things.

-Sister: This seizure in the Silence, in the black hole, is it that we feel even stronger, is it due to the presence of Hercobulus who is so close to us that he takes all our sky, often according to geographical places, and which makes us have in fact a little this paralysis which is not the stasis that we knew two years ago, but which is really very exciting at the physical level.

Yes, that's right.

-Sister: But how can they hide this, this body?

Well, they don't have to hide it, you see the effects on Earth. Only those who put their heads in the sand, like ostriches, do not want to. It's called denial, it was explained by Shri Aurobindo many years ago after the Celestial Wedding, I think in 2010 and 2011.

The shock of Humanity is simply, first of all, the first phase is denial, because there is nothing worse than seeing one's own end, when the person believes himself immortal, it is the proper of the ego, and the soul believes himself immortal and the consciousness believes itself the goal.

Of course, they are not the same octaves, but I remind you that there is not only Nibiru, there is the Good News which is no longer the oath and the promise, that has been fulfilled. The good news is, what is it? It's not Nibiru, it's the black hole of the solar system, it's the black hole of your heart. This is much more than what Séréti had explained long before the celestial wedding, concerning the reabsorption of Mercury into the solar protosphere. It is the total consummation of the solar system and of all universes, in the Fire of Love, in the black hole.

This is the moment of remembrance. The oath and the promise, you have been living it for more than a year now, and the event I spoke of at the time, the planet grill, the trumpets, Mary's call, I would say that it represents something that will indeed happen, but that is nothing compared to the Good News.

But first we had to live the oath and the promise, the lighting, to find the Heart of the Heart, the Living to allow the Good News, which had to remain hidden until the last moment, to appear.

That's exactly how it happened, because that's exactly how it was written at the original time.

Remember, I told you in, there are one or two testimonies, that all of us, elders, especially the elders, much more than the stars, have been deceived by our own projections of consciousness of a new world, a better world. Read again Shri Aurobindo, look at myself, look at my master Beinsa Douno, who is one of the Melchizedeks, who was the Commander of the Elders before I took his place.

And by the way, Bernard of Montreal, this Canadian mystic, this evolutionary psychologist, had announced that the right choice for the Melchizedeks would come to Canada when the time came and that his name would be Jean, of course. It's all written down.

Sri Aurobindo himself, on his deathbed, said he would express himself through a channel as you say. It's all written down. There is no superiority to imagine or to pose on Abba or on the head chief. Just to show you that everything is written.

It's not a mission, it's not a role, it's not even a function, there's no superiority that can come out and express itself through the head chief, it's not possible. We are beyond gurus, teachers, schools, teachings. When I say much beyond, it does not mean above, it means at the level of the Heart of the Heart.

And they are all Abba, he keeps telling you. It is the Truth. And when you are Abba, when you live this Agape all the time, what can be important in what happens in your little life, at any level? Nothing. Even if you have to do it honestly and transparently until the last moment.

Anything else?

When you get tired of listening to me, tell me, you can stop.

-Brother: Let's take a break.

-Sister. We're not fed up, but can we have a little rest?

Yes, we can do it in two parts and give you as much time as you want before we start again, of course, there's no hurry at the moment.

See you in a moment......

-Saloon: Thank you, thank you.

Thanks to you, see you later.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun

The Transformations

Transcript from French: https://www.facebook.com/Transcriptionsfr

English translation: www.DeepL.com/Translator revised by LMF


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...