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Video audio in English
Well. First of all, there are people, I think, who wanted to talk, I was told, about the Agape network resonance that we did last night together here. Things to say.
-Brother: Last night, as soon as it started, I had the same one a few years ago in Christ's channelling.
When? Wait, there's too much noise there.
-Brother: When there was the channelling of Christ. I was at home, quiet, listening. And right away, I got the bar here. [...] my friend, there is another friend, Remi.
Yes, Rémi.
-Brother: And so did Rémi, something happened. What did you feel?
-Brother: I felt a bar right away. Same here. As soon as... And then I found it last night. As soon as it starts. [...] Funny.
-Other things to say, or to ask, or to express.
-Brother: Yesterday, I felt as if I had a very, very strong influence here. Which lasted a long time after it was over. After that, I went to bed and for at least another hour, it continued to shine. I've never lived through this before.
So, what I see more and more in the Agape or Agape-network resonances is that the brothers and sisters who ask for this, now, even those who have never felt anything, feel something there, even if they are sleeping. They remember it the next day, or if they live it the next day and above all, where it becomes incredible is that it has an immediate effect within forty-eight hours on the consciousness, on the mind and on the body. Directly.
Whether we feel the energies or not, whether we are in Agape or not. And it's not only related to Jean-Luc Ayoun, be careful, it does it for all the brothers who do and sisters who resonate with each other. Because there are some who are, you know, on Messenger groups, there are two hundred of them in I don't know how many dozens of groups, on the phone, remotely.
And once again, what is more and more surprising is that it no longer obeys the notion, as we did at the time of the perpetual love bath for those who were there, where we made appointments, at such and such a time this is done, when it is necessary.
In other words, if the person does something else, well, it will wait, as I was saying, until the person is lying down to do it. It is really, well, for me, and what I see, the proof that the Intelligence of Light really acts now, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.
And more and more clearly in the consciousness, on the set, as Abba said, of this world than on the physical body. No difference. It is more and more palpable. So of course, it doesn't concern one hundred percent of brothers and sisters, but I would say a large proportion. There is no need to put a figure on it, but it concerns a lot of people.
And many brothers who do these resonances. And this Agape state also comes to birth, as some brothers and sisters point out, in the same way, under circumstances that have nothing to do even with listening, with an intention, in a totally natural way.
It's a little bit, as you like, in the first book that was published by Patrice Vandersel and Moody, these are books that go back twenty or thirty years. When Vandersel had studied, so had Moody, the near-death states. We realized that there were people who were going through near-death experiences without going through an accident, cardiac or respiratory arrest, simply, at the time, by picking a flower.
Here, it happens unexpectedly, as soon as you are available, that is, even while listening to music. There are musics today, which were written several centuries ago, that have this ability. An example I posted not long ago, you all know it, called Pachelbel's Canon.
Music, at the time, you have, for those who were on Facebook, I had shown that all the songs had been written, well before Creation, to illustrate this period, even those that were sung thirty or forty years ago. And in the same way, we observe this process today with, no more, a story that is told but, directly from Agape's lived experience.
You saw it when Daniel sings I'm multidimensional, upward. You'll see him with Denise later. But also, I tell you, this piece, Pachelbel's Canon. You have the same thing, moreover, with Vivaldi's Four Seasons, which have a capacity for liberation, straightforwardly.
So, it's no longer a matter of Agape, Agape is performing in a car, well, it's a self-Agape, if I can say so, by reconnecting with sound frequencies. Music is about sound frequencies, which have particular rhythms and arrangements and which have the ability, now, to put people in Agape, who have not asked for anything.
You have a lot of brothers and sisters, well, of course, on social networks, especially brothers and sisters who were in spiritual search. But I guarantee you that you have brothers and sisters, and I have some in my own family, who don't even know what Agape is. They feel there, they are in love. They cannot define it, they do not even ask themselves the question. They see that there is something there that changes everything.
And that's something you can see from everywhere. It is really, the Intelligence of Light that really begins, as it has been said, to consume all illusions, without exception. And it happens in every country in the world.
Anything else to ask or say?
-Brother: I meant. I made a video in March, April on The Canon of Pachelbel, where I play like that, I'm not sure if some people have seen it.
I didn't see that.
-Sister: Yes.
-Brother: You saw it, you. Come on, go back to my Facebook page and you'll see, it's that music, actually. And so, I just left like that, I say, it was just a parenthesis.
Oh, yes. That's funny, that's funny. It's like when I go to Essaouira,[...]. In fact, he writes himself what he's going to do, it's wonderful.
-Sister: It's a question.
Do not hesitate. Mirella.
-Sister: When you do Agape. If you don't feel anything in your heart...
Is that it?
-Sister: If you don't feel the vibration, does it still feel like?
Oh, yes, of course. Whether you feel it or not. I take the same example from my close family, people who, overnight...
-Sister: Yes, but the person who does....
What ?
-Sister: Is it necessary for the person who does the evening work, who pronounces the last name, the first name and who is in the Agape position, to feel love at that time?
Does it do what?
-Brother: Is it necessary for her to feel love, the person who makes...
Not even anymore. Even more. Even more so, since there is no reason, because there are people who feel nothing, who experience nothing, who wake up overnight, they are different. They are in a state of love, as some of you lived several years ago. But now it's affecting people who don't ask themselves any questions. And often we observe that they are people who were in their lives, as simply as possible. Who were human people, simple and who live it. And more and more. More and more.
-Brother: It reminds me of the owner of the place here.
Oh, yes.
-Brother: I find it simple. I feel like she's going through this without realizing it somewhere. There's something like that.
Yes, yes. That's right.
-Brother: We took her in our arms for that matter, and she lets it happen.
-Brother: Because, she didn't stop. But I'm curious, I put the soup there and I saw you, but what exactly are you doing, what is it? And then, well, I told him it's Agape. So she went to see in the dictionary what it was Agape, then she said, oh yes, that's it. So we gave her examples of the confinement that we all live on certain levels, for example, she, for example, is locked up in a certain way also on her farm. It must produce. I tell her, tomorrow, you can't take six months off, or your children go to school, it's also a kind of confinement, we indoctrinate them.
-Brother: There you go. That, she understood what. And then, I tell her for a moment, we're leaving. Do you want an example of what Agape is? Oh, yes, yes. So I took her in my arms.
-Brother: And she let it happen and she was, that's it.
-Brother: Perhaps it would be good to have a list of participants, last names and first names.
-Sister: It's on the table over there.
It's on the table.
-Sister: Didn't you put yours on?
-Sister: You have to put it on.
But you too, you have to put your name on it.
-Brother: Well, I didn't know.
And your phone. Well, we didn't hear you. It's over there, the leaf is over there.
-Brothers: All right.
Yes, I remind you that every time we have meetings, we create WhatsApp, Messenger groups, where people still communicate a year, a year and a half later, they are still in the process of, and indeed, they all say so, even these are groups of people who have not met, as soon as there is a newcomer coming in, on a social network, plus Facebook, Messenger and who arrives in a group where they are in Agape where they put little hearts into each other, others who send each other songs, others who say three words, hello, goodbye, good night, without anything else. There is no speech, there is no other exchange. People get in there, poof! They find themselves in Agape but instantly.
So the contamination, the spread of what I had called the pandemic, is becoming more and more apparent. That's what's magical. So, of course, there is the other side. It is those who, for reasons or others, I am not talking about the brothers and sisters who have experienced Joy and who live from, what he called it, earlier I called it reticence again, because the habit of conscience. But even for brothers, on the other hand, or sisters who are still in this total darkness, of course, well, they are also beginning to wonder.
Of course, of course. And it is the questioning well, will also lead them, like some of us, to this consummation, this friction fire. As I said when Abba was talking, in this kind of evidence, about love, quite simply. And so, we're really waking up.
So, in different ways but everything contributes to the same awakening. So it's been said again, even those who are in opposition, well the opposition will consummate them in the same way. There is no choice. And I really liked the closing words, let's be gentle with ourselves. This is extremely important.
-Sister: And patience
Without prevarication, by really being in a form of honesty. I'm not even talking about ethics or integrity, but honesty towards oneself. And gentleness with oneself and with the circumstances of life now favours this resurrection and this awakening what. And it's going very, very fast. At the speed at which events in quotation marks spread on the theatre stage. Now, I don't think anyone can ignore it unless they really don't look at any information about anything, it's going very, very fast. There is a kind of acceleration that is becoming increasingly clear.
Other things.
-Sister: I can ask a question. Quite often, when I lie down, very often, I have a change of heartbeat, fast, sudden.
This is what we call the passage, as we explained at the time, the passage from the rhythm of the heartbeat to the breathing of the heart. What I had called the three-beat rhythm or a thousand beats. Effectively that translates, for those who are sensitive and who perceive energies and vibrations, the passage from the person to the Agape.
This is what happens when I do the care, when I receive an email, I barely have time to read the name that it is already done, that is, I feel what is happening there. It lasts a split second and I know it's done. And besides, there are brothers and sisters, they write the email, they don't have time to send the email that it's done. Yet I did nothing. It's done by itself.
-Sister: There is nothing to do.
I think the most fundamental thing to understand about all this is that there is nothing to do. To live your life as best you can and according to what you have to live, but above all not to seek anything, especially now. It was said yesterday by Bidi, it's Agape looking for us. In every possible way.
And it creates, even if there is suffering, a form of relief. The problem is that we all still have habits, habits, as has been said, conscience now. It is no longer even the repetitive habits that we do every day without noticing. Or simply, for example, the little devils we were talking about at the time, who induce behaviour, now it is directly the consciousness that is targeted, in quotation marks.
And for the conscience well, there's nothing we can do. Moreover, we have no choice, it has been repeated and it is repeated every time, to accept what is there, at all levels. Whether it is our illness, our suffering and once again I say it, it does not mean that we should not treat ourselves, what I say. I didn't say that. I said that there is acceptance first, even if afterwards there is a need for an acupuncture needle, a tablet, a surgeon or a doctor.
You don't have to be stupid, you don't have to be stupid there, I'm in pain,[...] okay, I accepted, nothing is happening. No. You accept first, fundamentally and honestly and then you take care of it. I mean, I don't know, it's obvious. You can pray in front of your car that has no gas for a century, that's not why the tank will fill up.
You have to accept, despite everything, to play, to play the dream. It is by playing it to the fullest that it is revealed. And absolutely not, indeed, by searching, especially now. Whether you are, whether you have all the active crowns, all the gates, all the stars, or whether you have never lived anything. It doesn't change anything. The prerequisite of supraconsciousness, once again, I repeat, is what has simply been built, reconstructs the body of Eternity, through tension, through supraconsciousness, through ordinary consciousness to allow this.
So don't stay on what was true yesterday, that doesn't mean it's not true today. What was true yesterday is still true. We always feel the gates, the vibrations, the stars, the channelings, everything we want, but there is no need to worry about it either. That is also what I repeat every time, to cross, to cross. It means, don't stop anything. The essence of consciousness is to stop, to freeze.
We are not even talking about the mind, I am talking about the consciousness itself. Consciousness, good, is a disease but it is also a predatory element, that is, it will take everything that is seen, everything that is perceived, everything that is lived to maintain its own existence. Conscience will never accept to disappear. The only solution is, indeed, to see what is before consciousness.
Before the dream, before the form, as Nisargadatta said, if you were able to remember what you were like at two years old, when you didn't yet have a supposedly constructed individuality. When you are constantly appointed, when your parents tell you, you are called that, at two to three years old, you become aware that you are an individual. But before that, there is no such thing. It also means finding the initial state, the state of childhood, it has been repeated here.
But yes, the changeover you describe, whether in the Agape resonances or even spontaneously. You are driving, you are a person, it is not the Being who is driving, then suddenly you feel, like a start, like a change of pace. And it happens more and more often and that's what allows us to appreciate, precisely, the difference when we are in the character and when we are no longer there. When you are in consciousness or when you are in a-consciousness or observer, if you prefer.
And, well, this game, this coming and going, is absolutely not pathological, even for those who have seen organic pathologies, especially in recent weeks, it's been very serious. And above all, indeed, as has been pointed out to me, a lot, a lot among women. A lot, a lot. More than in men. That doesn't mean we're not going to die either.
Well, of course, if we look at the side of the theatre stage that has particular astrological influences, there are very particular cosmic alignments. Especially with the black holes coming out of everywhere. That's the new thing. In the centre of the Milky Way, in the solar system, galaxies that disappear like that. It happens everywhere.
And it proves all the more so since time doesn't exist. Why? Why? Well, it's very simple, when you see a black hole that reabsorbs a galaxy that's so far away from so many light years, then astrophysicists will tell you, we see it today but it happened billions of years ago, or millions of years ago. That is not true. There's no time, it's happening right now.
It is all the times and all the dimensions that come together. That's why all the ships, even hidden in the clouds, all the dimensions, all the spheres of life are there. To live the event. Only for that, because the event itself, whatever the descriptions we have had of it, whatever the prophets may have said, is above all the consummation of love, which is all, there are no other words. We meet again.
I would say, whatever the circumstances of our lives today or our bodies, it must no longer be a problem. That is to say, without meaning to, it often overlaps. It can be suffering, that is to say, we see, we have lived, we are Agape and at the same time there is the character who is there with his suffering, his illness, his mind and it makes you suffer. As I said this morning, but it was not humour at all, it was to make us all disgusted, really and concretely with our conscience. It's part of the wake-up call.
-Sister: Let's say that consciousness sticks to something and...
Consciousness, as they say, as a Friend said, a few years ago, consciousness sticks to everything that is there.
-Sister: That's right. All right.
It's unbelievable. Whether it is a thought, whether it is what is seen, whether it is a perception. And the problem today is that, what I was explaining a few minutes ago, that is to say, before, we raised our awareness to stick to the doors, the stars, the yogas, to live things, whereas now we absolutely have to take off. Get away from that. And that's the learning we're living through. Everyone in their own field.
Even people who are liberated, really, who are in Agape can have periods when they will see something that was resolved, that was understood, that was overcome, for example like guilt. Why. It is not a punishment, it is not a step back, it is not even a resistance. It's not even a reluctance, it's just the lighting, as I said, that shows you the mess that consciousness is.
This object that sticks to everything, that never wants to die and yet is dying, but will do everything, until the last moment, like some horns, to play their roles, quite simply. And their roles are neither positive nor negative, it is their functions. This is the function of consciousness.
-Sister: Often, for fun, I used to get stuck! And glued. […]
-Sister: So I felt that the good thing was glued, and glued, just seeing this gymnastics to feel, well, when the consciousness sticks, you don't even realize it, it sticks. And while, take off! There is a movement, there is something happening and then we are told, if I stick, if the conscience doesn't stick anything anymore, what happens?
Yes, but we see more and more easily, I find, for everyone, even without knowing these words, the moments when we are an actor, the moment when we are a spectator and the moment when we are Absolute. This is no longer a problem, except when it is not fully accepted. As soon as there is this acceptance, well, it's true that it's annoying to be in pain, it's annoying to think.
I remember, in August, between August 15 and 30, I witnessed the return of my own mind. What the hell is this one doing? Really. And then, at first, like everyone else, what are you doing, you, I don't know, I'm going to meditate, I'm going to pray. The more I wanted to see it disappear, the more it held on to that asshole.
But at some point you say, well, shit, after all, he does what he wants, and then, as if by miracle, bam, bam,[...] then he disappears. That's really what sacrifice is all about. It's nothing more than that. That is, no longer believing, not only what the mind says, not only what our senses and perceptions say, it is above all, no longer adhering to the meaning, sticking. It's leaving them, letting everything go through. This is what Bidi called yesterday, divine indifference, that's it. I think so.
That is divine indifference. It is not selfishness, it is on the contrary, an acceptance. Of course, for the external gaze of the one who is locked in his ego and in his consciousness, it is a heresy. It is simply a matter of experiencing it to live it.
-Sister: Sometimes it's so much, I speak for the mind, sometimes it's so much, even if you see it etc., but it's stronger, what.
Never. No, he's stronger as long as you value him.
-Sister: But that's just it, what to focus on then rather than...
In the same way that Bidi said yesterday, be indifferent to it. Go skip rope, have sex, go for a walk in the wild and then it will disappear. But indeed, if you take it by listening to it, by staying in your corner, it will get bigger, it will grow.
-Sister: It's like it's frozen, you know.
We all know very well that when we have a concern in our heads, something that turns in a loop, a thought or a problem, spontaneously, there are times when we drop out and get some air as we say. You see. But then... and then, when we came back, the problem was always there, of course. But now it's going to be different, it's going to be profoundly different, it's already profoundly different. And we all live it.
At different levels, it can be the mind, it can be the body, it can be relationships, it can be the husband, the wife, it can be a child, it can be anything. But all this is part of the Intelligence of Light. Remember that it is no longer, apart from the unconscious resistances or the resistances of those who oppose the light. But for us who are living, who have already lived, would it only be fragments of Agape or experiences...
-Sister: But that's it, that's what's even more...
Yes. It is even more pregnant, it is even stronger, until you try yourself, really to enter into this divine indifference. Without it, there is no solution. If you leave the mind, we know that if you oppose it, it will become stronger, or suffering, it's the same. If you want to fight against it, indeed, it will seem stronger to you, so, at that moment, what remains to be done. That's what I was saying, if it's mental, go skip rope, play hopscotch, go to the movies. As any depressive does when he is too depressed, what does he do well, he goes out. He's better, but when he comes back, he was falling back into depression. Well, that won't be the case anymore.
You will necessarily find relief and if you feel the ben energies, you will feel this jump from the heart, as it is called. The transition from heart rate to heart breathing or then the double Tor or the ascension column, whatever, there is something that changes there, whatever is perceived, that must attract your attention. Even if you don't have any problems.
You see, when you are the character, then with this astrological sign, with this behavior even if it has been purified. As I said, the ego, the character, the mind, he will be there until the last minute, and fortunately. Without that, you do like Ma Ananda Moyi, you put yourself on a chair, you don't move for twenty years. That was her job. But it is not our function or our future.
-Sister: And when it really pulsates here, for days it's like a kind of[...] as if it's going to come out.
Yes. It can be very painful, it can pulsate, it can vibrate, it can be a shaking of the rib cage, it can be the Tri-Unit [...] it can be vibrations, it can be a terrible heat. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Remember, if today your conscience is focused on that, who is there, really there, well what will happen? It's going to get worse.
But since at one time we were working at the time on consciousness, consciousness is vibration, we were mounting the vibrations, today, the one who is only in the vibratory rise, who is still identified with the Bah consciousness, he will suffer, he will take a beating. Until he accepts. As I said, it's not a pun, until you're disgusted with this disease called consciousness.
So of course, those who do not live it, who are still on spiritual journeys, subject to archetypes, subject to beliefs, subject to spiritual or religious movements, they do not yet live it. Until they understand.
Which doesn't mean giving up, once again. You can go to mass very well. But you're no longer fooled. You are no longer a member. There at that moment, you are really free, internally, externally. See? There is a kind of Presence, it was reiterated earlier with Abba and Absence at the same time, of lucidity that must be there in relation to this. Not in relation to bringing consciousness to vibration and energy even if we feel them all. When we entered the forest earlier, we all felt that we were cleaned, rinsed and washed.
It was clear. But we didn't make a movie, we didn't set any clocks, we didn't talk for an hour. It was natural. We have the information, we feel it and then we move on. That's how it should be for everything. That's how you're available for every moment. Without it, you only maintain vibrations, energies, memories that were extremely important to stabilize this but that today are a real weight, a real weight.
One other thing.
-Sister: I wanted to ask, why when I go to bed, then, there is the heart that starts to... while I am falling asleep on the chair. And I go to bed and it starts to go boom, boom, boom, boom.
You didn't notice when you're lying down, your heart and energies are activated, the fire rises from your feet. Well, yes, because you're at rest, you're motionless. Of course, it can even interfere with sleep. Sometimes it wakes me up too. I'm not escaping all this. But with experience, with what is said, with what we are living, well, we are getting used to it little by little. That's how you'll be disgusted even with the vibration, even with the channelings.
-Sisters: We don't sleep. Yes, yes, that's right.
Vibration, it is better to be consumed in the sweetness of Love than to be consumed in the fire of vibration. It's more pleasant, especially now. Even if the vibrations for AD elders, it was extremely important. I agree with you. It is not the opposite of what we are living, it is a completion. Remember, everything we hold, holds us. It's unstoppable.
-Sister: Jean-Luc, I care about you very much.
If it is an Agape Love, there is no problem. "To hold on to" is not "to be attached to". It's not the same notion in terms of words and what it means. It is clear. But anything that is played pleasantly as well as unpleasantly. Look at Daniel, what he finds, songs he wrote three years ago that are now his lived experience.
-Dany: Um, um.
It was proposed. That's incredible! It's the same for everyone. When you spot that, you're laughing at the limit. You say, but indeed, as I say and I repeat, everything has been written. Whether we accept it or not. Nothing can be changed about what is and what cannot be, everything that will be, everything that must be, will be and everything that must not, will never be. From there on, apart from Divine Indifference, what do you want to do?
-Sister: That's right.
This is the example I was taking earlier in the forest. Even me or you, three or four years ago, we would have pulled out Lecher's clocks and antennas.
-Brother: Oh yes, yes.
We would have measured, searched for master trees, sacred networks. We would have done all this! There, we lived it, there was nothing to measure. We felt it, it was nice and kept talking about other things. See? See? So, we are less fixed on things that before were all our life. Jean-Pierre with your radiesthesia, since I know him, with his antennas...
-Brother: That's right.
Yes, yes. There, we can see directly the transition to something else. In other words, it is this fluidity that must be present. Don't freeze anything. That's how we are crossed, how we cross and how we become Life. And I assure you and I see it, every day, that I am in the meetings, I had warned Daniel before: You'll see, it's going to be very fluid. And it's always like that. Of course, he provided a job, which had to come, which had to be there. But as soon as the objective is clear, everything becomes clear. The same is true for the Foundation, which is currently being created. What was supposed to be swept, has been swept away to make way for what is fluid.
Well, we don't need to fight, we don't need to put our fists on the table. It's done by itself. Really. If you accept that, you can only live it. Once again, it is a matter of experience and lived experience. As long as you put understanding before the lived experience, well, you won't live it. Accept to see if this lived experience is possible and then you will understand. And it will get stronger every day. And you will be in a fluidity even if there are moments, addicts as in any human being. But it will be safer and safer. There will be a kind of absolute faith because it will be manifested.
It will not be the faith of the one who is in his head, who hopes for a paradise or whatever tomorrow. This is paradise, it's here, it's not, it's not in another world. Or in hell, it's that simple.
-Sister: ...now a paradise but before it wasn't paradise, huh!
So it depends on the point of view. What's happening on Earth is hell right now.
-Sister: Yes, well, that's it!
It's much more real. And when I say who has no good or evil, I am perfectly aware that on this world, what is at stake is horrible!
-Sister: Yes.
See? See? And when I watch some news, because I like to follow the news at all levels even if I'm not glued to it as they say, but it's true that there are moments when you see what's happening at the level of peoples, at the level of countries, there's not a tightening of the heart but there's still a kind of nausea even if you know it's a theatre scene because it's really nausea. And that's how it is, when you get nauseous when you get out of the theatre, you don't want to stay. It's the same here too.
-Sister: I don't want to look at it.
Of course, if you're fragile, don't look. Some of them are and I can see that. I have brothers and sisters or friends whom I have known for a very long time, who are immersed twenty hours a day in this beatitude and whom they certainly do not want to hear, even if they see it, because they have kept a kind of hypersensitivity to events and if they looked at it, they would be degraded. Because it's very hard, indeed. But at the same time and it has been said and said long before this period of the primary anomaly since last year, it has been said for years even by Grandpa at the very beginning of the Celestial Weddings.
He said: You will see a moment when there will be such chaos and paradoxically, you will be more and more in Joy. So let us also accept chaos. Resilience, in the techniques we teach even today and in quantum physics, in marketing and well, we teach them that. We teach them the same thing. There's no point in making plans on the comet, plans for the future. The solution is in the present, even for them. So, no matter how we say it, I'm going to make my provisional budget, I have to present a business plan. No, you won't get the solution like that. Be first in the Present Moment afterwards, everything will be done by itself.
And that's how it should be, that is, the more you are in acceptance, in sacrifice, you call it what you want: embrace, sacrifice, resurrection. The more you accept, the more fluid it becomes. The more you oppose anything, the harder it's going to get. That's how we are no longer our life but we are really Life. At all levels, whatever our profession. There are osteopaths, for example, there are more and more of them who have been, who have learned, who know everything and suddenly they realize that their hands, they leave on their own and they do what they want. They no longer need to lead anything.
This does not mean that they have forgotten the technique or that they neglect it, but the Intelligence of Light passes through their hands. That's all! That's all! I'm not talking about energy, only, I'm really talking about the Intelligence of Light. That is to say, the Adamantine Particles that are there, quite simply that many people see at night, in the morning when they wake up, in the evening, because the lighting conditions and you are in a lying position, are privileged to see it, well, like the Presences, like everything else.
-Brother: Someone wants to ask a question.
-Sister: Yes.
-Sister: When we made Agapè Résonance Réseau,...
-Sister: ...you used the Code of Geneticists.
Yes. A little bit, yes.
-Sister: And can we do it when we have something?
Yes, of course. Oh, yes. Before I was like you, when I was doing the resonances, last year, you remember for those who had direct appointments where I went out of my body, I made appointments at such and such an hour and had to be lying down, I was lying down, I crossed my legs, I had my hands like that (hands joined on the Heart)..... Afterwards, I stretched out my arms completely still, I breathed, I waited for the Breathing of the Heart, I went out in naked consciousness or I went in since it was neither outside nor inside. So I don't know where it happens before I live it. Now, you've seen, it's more and more automatic.
But there we were, yesterday as a group, I sometimes pronounce these Names. Sometimes I think about something else. For example, I had some concerns during the day. I'm not fully available and aligned, well, it's very simple, I put my hands like that, I do that Agape, Agape, Agape, Phahame, Phahame, Phahame, Phahame. And then there it is! When I didn't have time to read the emails or when I had too much to do during the day. Yes, of course, you can help yourself with that. There is no risk. Don't make it a ritual, of course. Don't make it something that's repetitive. But if you need it when you do, use it.
It's as simple as that. It's like for the, like I said yesterday, there are no rules for poum, poum, poum. Anyway, you will see for those who are therapists, who have a lot of people available to do it. It puts people in such a good position that you can't do without it anymore. (Laughs) Don't make it a ritual either. Don't make it a protocol like in the strict sense or rules like a yoga that we will repeat over and over again. It has to be very fluid. Yesterday, I didn't decide, it just happened.
-Sisters: Yes.
Well, those are the words that came up because I had the impression that it would help me to stabilize the group in this embrace as well. But remember Christ, surely spoken in history, when he walked down the street and said: Who touched me? Because the woman who was bleeding was healed. It's the same when people say to me: I just had time to write your name, or I think about you and I'm cured. But I tell them: But I had nothing to do with it. It's what's going on between us that's acting. I can't take credit for that. That would be insane for me. It is the Intelligence of Light.
It's not Jean-Luc Ayoun or even Abba. It is the intelligence of the Light. That's all. And the more you are, the more you see the reality, the truth of it, the more, of course, you will adopt this behaviour as the easiest. What was then called the Fluidity of Unity but at a level that no longer has anything to do with it. Grace, will rain. I see, in the reencounters we had previously with the people I put in rodation 39.00 for a specific purpose, it happens all by itself. I don't need to think. And the more you are in this spontaneity, even intellectual, even in relation to a profession X or Y, the more it will be done.
But if you don't try it, how are you going to verify that it's true? Again, as they always say, it's not to be believed, it's to be verified by yourself. And when we've really been told for months that it's enough to accept, that's really how it works. And in neuroscience, if I had to explain it to you with neural networks, the reptilian brain, the centres of individuality, the thalamus nuclei and everything, they have the same explanation. That's what Nassim Haramein says: The Universe is made up of Joy. That's all. Don't worry about the rest.
He went there through observation, intellectual understanding. We go there by living experience. It's much more direct now. And if you have this trust, this faith, not in you, not in an external god, but in, call it Agape or the Intelligence of Light, you can only see the same effects. It can't be any other way.
-Sister: Jean-Luc, sometimes we have this faith, etc., and when it started and Hop there... a level.... See? See?
Um, um, um.
-Sister: As if it was leaving, as if it was going to leave....
-Sister: ...then, than we have lived it, then we have it...
Yes, yes. But this...
-Sister: ... to have this very acceptance, let us be repeated [...]
But that's the game, as I say, but without smiling, it's so that you're disgusted with the idea somewhere of being a conscience or a person, a story or a stellar origin or a stellar line. That's when you're free. Accept to be nothing and you will be everything. There is a sentence I posted yesterday from Jean Klein, someone I've never met, someone I really like because he talked about the Absolute even if he didn't have that language before Bidi, in the 1950s, a Frenchman, no one understood at the time. He had friends who followed him physically and met him. No one could understand and yet he lived it.
So, accept that, accept that there's nothing you can do about it, that is, you give up your weapons. It doesn't mean committing suicide, it means: I'm not looking any more, I'm not doing anything. The Divine Indifference where I deflect my own mind, go eat cakes, make love, take care of I don't know what and you will necessarily come out today. But if you stay focused even on your own heart, it used to be on the navel, well you're going to be sick. Because it still means that somewhere you believe in the theatre scene. This world is a dream. I've been through it. I really lived it, that is to say, it is not a projection, it is not a conception.
I lived it by leaving my body in naked consciousness even by my eternal body for months last year. I checked it from all sides. Accept this too, don't believe me, even if you don't live it. Accept that all this is a dream like when you dream at night. And at night, we know very well that there are dreams where we are aware that we are dreaming. We can even change the course of dreams. It's the same for that life. You're just dreaming. We're all in a dream and there's no one there. So, already this, accept it even if it is not verifiable for the moment but you will notice that it will lighten things up very quickly.
That was also said by Oma himself. It is no longer time to solve suffering, to seek explanations. It's not even like I say anymore, it can be reticence, it can be resistance, it can be habits. But it is above all the disease of consciousness that is revealed. And as long as you want to manage with consciousness, with vibration, with even the Fire of the Heart, well, it will resist. Because the problem here is not the same. It is no longer the face-to-face between the ephemeral and the Eternal, it is no longer the crossing. It's the release of this ephemeral.
This is what we call waking up like when you wake up in the morning. Whether you have had a nightmare or a dream and which pursues you with its intensity during the day, well you know perfectly well that it is a dream, even if it is lived very strongly. Consider the same for everything about this life here. And that's really what it is. I saw it, I lived it by going to Van Halen's Belt. All these archetypes, all these gods, all these goddesses, all these most prestigious have all been derived without exception. They've all been recovered.
So, as soon as you connect with one of those beings who were guides for us to get there, today, it becomes an obstacle. You must be autonomous. That is, not depending on anything or anyone, which does not mean not meeting each other or staying in one's own corner, but living spontaneously. These are examples I was giving with Jean-Claude earlier. So yes, we feel the energies, it's great! Then we move on to something else. We don't need to check them, to measure them. We felt, we crossed, we continue.
-Sister: So what passes through us is not to be placed in the heart as we usually do.
No, now even to tell you: I put myself in your heart, your mind will tell you: Stop your bullshit.
-Sister: ...to the heart, you mean? We need to focus more...
No, because you're going to increase the vibration. Before we were told: Put yourself in the Heart of the Heart, Grandpa, he said: Hit your chest.
-Brother: Oh yes.
That is absolutely true.
-Sister: Before we say either to the Heart of the Heart....
-Sister: ...there is no intention...
But it's not that anymore. The Heart of the Heart is no longer just a place, it is the place of extinction of consciousness. That's what Nisargadatta said: Stay calm, stay on the edge of time and space and that's enough. That's exactly what I'm telling you today because that's how it works. It can't work the way it used to work. This is no longer possible. We are in the phase of extinction of the dream of consciousness, of the myth, as I call it, of creation. And when I said after Bidi, as he said already in 2012: that spirituality is a scam, and it is a total scam.
Because precisely all the Great Beings of Love who have passed through this Earth, whether among the Sufis, Muslims, Jews, Arabs, Buddhists, they have all been diverted once they have died. It was recovered by the archontic forces. That's what I saw on Van Halen's Belt, that's what I burned when I went up there with ABBA's letters of fire, because Abba is not a shape even if it is in all shapes. It is anterior to the form, anterior to the dream and there was no other solution. Moreover, all the events started to happen at that moment and it was[...] now physical.
So, the Divine Indifference, once again, even if from the outside we will say, you have an ego, you are crazy or you are sick, that's nonsense. No. Be free, free of everything. This does not mean no more going to X or Y meetings, no more going to places of worship but you will see freedom. I have someone very close to my family for example, who was passing by, she was saved by going to the synagogue and she was living the Fire of the Heart and every time she went to the synagogue she was getting worse and worse. So, at first she said: I'm not going anymore. Now she has nodded, she can go, it doesn't matter to her anymore.
She goes for the social aspect, for the friends she has known for a long time but is no longer impacted. And it's the same for everyone. So, the sacrifice, the Abandonment to the Light, the Divine Indifference, is always the same thing.
-Sister: But if we are in the Heart of the Heart, but it is no longer a place and the intention is no longer the same.
-Sister: So.....
You're not doing anything.
-Sister: Okay. That's why....
You're crossing over.
-Sister: ...because I am still at the Heart of the Heart, focusing here.
Yes, but yes. I can feel it too. But I can feel all the structures, the doors, I don't even know what they're called anymore. I feel it all the time.
-Sister: Hmm.
But I don't stop there. That is, I will never, ever carry my conscience on it today. Especially not. Without it, how do you want to be consumed? Consciousness will do everything because Supra-consciousness as described by Sri Aurobindo, the incredible love fire that Gemma Galgani, Therese, so many beings who have lived it, is described. At the time, yes, that was enough. Not today, no. It is not just an ascent as it has been described for years. This is the end of the dream of creation. And when I say that, I'm not exaggerating. And there are still some who continue to turn in a loop, to speak of a new Earth even among close brothers and sisters who nevertheless live the Fire of the Heart.
They are not in the present. If you're really in the present, none of this exists. These are just projections. We have already lived them. The problem is that even people like Bernard from Montreal, who had announced my arrival, I didn't even know who the man was, said it. And he too was talking about the sixth root race because he was convinced that it was linear, that it was an evolution. That is not true. There is no evolution or involution. There is a deep re-entry into the dream that ends in a nightmare that allows awakening. It's as simple as that.
-Sister: This, about the archetypes[...]
There you go. Today, don't be interested. Be interested in your life, your vegetable garden, your husband, your wife, live as simply as possible and humanely as possible. We agree, by the way. I promise you that you have a better chance of being free by living what Life makes you live at all levels.
-Sister: ...vibrations that came to my temple [...] it was because I focused them too much [...]
Because your conscience is on it, that's all. That's all there is to it. Humility, simplicity, is really being humble and simple, that is, eating together as we eat, the pleasures we took to go and make this meal at noon, the trouble when they arrive. But don't mix energies, vibrations and spirituality with that anymore. And you will be free. Besides, there are brothers and sisters, you were talking about it, you experienced all these vibrations and now there are none left. Blessed! Don't try to bring them back.
-Sister: ...it's the anguish, Jean-Luc, well, for me, these are anguish that...
Yes, the anguish of emptiness, the anguish of death, the anguish. But who is afraid of death? The conscience. You are not the conscience. Many brothers and sisters are still identified with consciousness or with Supra-consciousness even after having lived everything that has been lived with AD, the vibrations, the doors, the yogas, are still in the dream of consciousness. They have not seen that they are not the conscience. No matter how many times I say it, the channelings have been saying it for months. Well, no, it goes on. What do you want me to do about it? Until they accept it, they will not be able to live it.
It is no longer even resistance and it is less and less the habits as it was the case, the habits that fall apart that we had for everyone, in our character, our temperament, the astrological signs. It's just that. That is, somewhere, somewhere, you are still subject to your consciousness or your supra-consciousness and you believe you are consciousness. You are none of that conscience.
-Sister: But we will always have it until the end anyway.
-Sister: Consciousness will always exist there until the end.
No. Never, never, never, never, never. Read Dr. Eben Alexander, the neuroscientist who lived the Absolute. Read Nisargadatta again when he was incarnate. Read again the testimonies of brothers and sisters who live the Absolute, consciousness is a scam, a total illness.
-Sister: She will always be in the body but....
Which body?
But there is no such body. It's a hologram. Like the people you meet when you do an NDE, you see the younger family members, Christ, Buddha, Mary, Mohammed, who tell you: But, you have to go back. That's bullshit. There is no such thing. So, you can see through your words that you still believe in that. Well yes! But it's time to accept, I'm not asking you to believe me. Accept it, you will live it instantly. It's as simple as that. I have no way of convincing you. Would have been last year, I would have taken you to the other side.
As I travelled with a lot of people, taking them out of their bodies and taking them naked in conscience, but that's out of the question to do it again. Because it was an energy consummation that had no reason to be, since everything is in it. There's no point in going out and living it. So, all those who today feel that they cannot succeed, among the people who are, in quotation marks, interested in spirituality at any level: in energy, in spirituality, in what we have read, what we believe, what we think, therefore, in the subtle if we want to take a very broad meaning. Stop believing in that.
If you want to be free, you must get rid of all this, but without opposing it. If you say: I don't want to feel the vibrations anymore. You bet, you'll feel them even more. No, be indifferent, really. Indifference, availability...
-Sister: And no willingness.
No willingness. No willingness. When we say that it is, when I say that I am no longer my life but that I am Life, it necessarily involves no willingness. And it's clear from your lived experience that everything is done without you.
-Sister: Yes, that's right.
I don't decide anything. Yes, I decide what I'm going to choose as a dish in the restaurant, though.
And again, to the limit, not even. And all the events that happen, the encounters, the pleasant, unpleasant events, are done without me. At that moment, but you can't know how lightweight you are to live this. That is what Jean Klein said seventy years ago, before noon. I'll find it for you because it's so strong what he wrote, two sentences. Ah, I have to go up a little bit, if it works on the Internet.
Well, it doesn't want to. Oh, but it's closed, no. But it's in every country in the world.
-Sister: Oh, well! It's not just here?
Things are happening. Well, I'll tell you later.
It's a quarter to seven. It's time to set the table for us to eat. Thank you very much. See you later, no, we're together.
Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.
Transcription from French: https://www.facebook.com/Transcriptionsfr
English translation: https://www.deepl.com/translator revised by LMF
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