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Here we go. Come on, who's starting the debates? Maurice, do you still have questions?

- Brother: No, I have less and less.

Yes, less and less, but... to animate.

- Brother:... to mark....

Come on, I'm listening.

- Sister: Louise.

- Sister: Yes, there is no one there.

Come on, go ahead.

- Sister: I hear a lot of twin flames right now...


- Sister: ...and karmic relationship.


- Sister: ...can you tell me the difference.

Of course, of course

- Sister: ...and how do you recognize a twin flame if...

It is necessary to differentiate between what is called

- Sister: my, flame.

Yes, yes, yes, I understood correctly

- Sister: It's because she said.

She said karmic relationship. Anyway, what we call soul mates is always karmic; it always ends badly. These are people with whom you have indeed had very close ties in the past and who need a solution today. I have never had a soul mate relationship, as they say, that ended well.

Then, there are a lot of soul mates; you can meet dozens of them in your life;[...] every time, it's a lot. On the other hand, twin flames are extremely rare. Even then, when we talked about it, we said that the twin flames concern a very, very limited number of individuals. I will answer you that today, with the Absolute, it has no value anymore.

Okay, even the notion of twin flames. Now, what we call soul mates is a karmic relationship; they are people who have met each other, who have had various experiences, in different roles, not always the husband and wife; it can be wife, child and so on and the recognition of soul mates is done, a very strong recognition as long as there is no alibi linked to spirituality, that is to say sexual relations as many rely on it by saying: "Ah, you are my soulmate." All right.

Now, the twin flames are profoundly different, there is nothing karmic about them. Even if there have been lives that have been, in close quotation marks, but I remind you that all notions of life on this world or on other worlds are only a dream.

So even what we call the monad, this monad that has divided into two, called twin flames, represents a percentage but extremely low in humanity; we are less than one per thousand, or even one per ten thousand; so all the people who gargle when they say I have found my soul mate, my twin flame, it is very simple: a twin flame, two twin flames get along perfectly whatever the characters and temperaments, there is never, never a hitch, never a confrontation; which is the opposite of soul mates.

And today, to imagine a relationship with a kindred spirit or a twin flame, I would say that it would be a heresy. Freedom is total; therefore, we do not need these concepts or even this reality today.

The absolute knows no monads, no twin flames, no soul mates. The soul mate corresponds to the reincarnations in this world; so we are in the dream; twin flames is the stellar origin that is not necessarily known but, in any case, a monad, what is called a divine spark that has separated into two complementary aspects but once again, it is something that is extremely rare. So there are many, in the so-called spiritual domains, we talk about this in all directions; it's an alibi frequent enough to try to find someone, but often it's not true.

Twin flame recognition is not emotional recognition, nor sympathy, nor empathy, nor karmic, nor linked to anything. It is an immediate recognition and, above all, it is reflected in the fact that it is impossible to have the slightest conflict.

- Sister: There are a lot of coaching videos on social networks, on YouTube.


- Sister: ... and in fact we agree that, now that, as you say, it no longer matters but, if we are in 3D, what it shows them about this phenomenon where it is a very complicated relationship that allows us to evolve, to free ourselves from everything that is egotistical...

That's right.

- Sister: ... they talk about twin flames too, so it's, it's...

No, no, there are many people who confuse everything; I tell you many people in terms of spirituality are in the alibi of the meeting or the booty call, as they say vulgarly, and that's all, man and woman. The reality of a twin flame is something that shatters you in recognition, that is not a spatial, karmic or other recognition that is really linked to the monad that has split in two, but I remind you that we all come from the same particle and therefore the same monad; therefore, all brothers and sisters are necessarily our twin flames somewhere.

So wanting to focus, as some authors or people who are obsessed with twin flames and soul mates present it, are simply people who are unhappy in their lives and who hope to find happiness in this way, nothing more, nothing less, in ninety-five percent of cases.

The twin flame relationship is so obvious in the experience, not in the encounter, in the experience itself that it suffers no exception; it is a total, perfect agreement which, once again, gives a perfectly linear experience even with completely opposite characters even without physical affinity in the carnal sense of the term.

But indeed, there is a very lucrative business on the twin flames and soul mates like the energy today that has become a monumental business where everyone rushes into it in the hope of evolving, or helping or serving but, beyond the professional or service motivation what is behind it, especially today? Now that there is no more primary anomaly, now that love is gone, zero time is everywhere, going to get into things like that or looking for something like that is a heresy; it's absolutely useless if not to ruin life.

- Sister: Yes, but not... how to say... because we expect a fusion result that it rots life.

But because most people who discover the spiritual world, who discover what we call soul mates, go there with their heads down; they obviously go, when you are open to energy, to feel a lot of things but as soon as they meet a man or a woman, ah, that's it.

- Sister: Yes

Well, but it's, once again, a total disguise; there is no more soul mate and even at the level of the twin flames, the reality of living in illusion is one thing, but what does it mean in relation to the Absolute?

- Sister: Anyway, I think it's an opportunity for... evolution because the relationship with the other is...

As long as you consider that you must evolve, I have said it and I repeat it, you cannot be free.

- Sister: Excuse me, cleaning up.

But what a cleaning, you're perfect.

- Sister: Yes, but...

As soon as you consider today, I wouldn't have told you the same thing two years ago, but as soon as you consider today that you must clean something, that you must purify something, you submit yourself to the laws of this world.

A free being is not subject to any law of this world; it is an inner and outer freedom, you depend neither on any food rule whatsoever, nor on anything, freedom is total at all levels and the difference, it is noticeable in what you are experiencing of course.

When you see the conflicts of soul mates but it's something terrible, terrible; moreover, I'm even talking about a real soulmate, I'm not talking about false recognitions like the false induced memories that we find with the generational Trans, the family constellations and all that which are only means to lead people into delusions. Love doesn't need that, love doesn't need to be completed on the outside.

This is still the person, this is still the person, this is still the illusion of karma, the illusion of evolution. There is no evolution; as soon as you live love, you live and feel yourself and everything is manifested in your life with regard to this perfection of love. Love is not a feeling; so, if you start mixing love with what's called love feelings, well, you're done.

The love we are talking about is well known as Agape, whose Greek meaning is very precise: It is God's love for men; it is a human being, and among the Sufis it is perfectly explained, the one who loves God at the height where God loves men and when we say God, it is not Yaldébaoth, Yahweh, the Chief Archon, there we speak of the Source, the Father, Abba in the sense that Christ wrote it and where it was written in Aramaic.

From the moment you show this love in your life, you are free and all that, all that esoterico-energetic, spiritualist hodgepodge and everything that is in fashion at the moment falls by itself, it is a total illusion. Bernard from Montreal talked about an astralized world. Everything you evoke in energy, in feeling, belongs to the astral; it is not the truth. The only truth is the fire of the sacred heart, this unspeakable state of love. Everything else is just passing through; it's just at the level of the person; it's just sometimes at the level of so-called spiritual laws, but what spiritual laws? Love needs no law.

And we must realize that everyone, when we use certain words, certain sentences, we immediately put ourselves under the influence, not the influence of the Light, but of what we call Luciferian intelligence, that is, we still play a scenario, a story, a myth; we are subjected, we submit ourselves to the laws of this world.

Go say that to Nisargadatta, Bidi or whatever; he will answer you in much more virulent terms but he will tell you exactly the same thing. There is no more soul mate than twin flame, no more god than devil; there is only love, that's all; there is no one more. So if you want, I insist strongly on that; two years ago, it would have been pointless to insist since there was no possibility of living in zero time.

There are only a few beings on this planet who have lived it so far; even the authentic great masters had not lived it. Today, it's open to everyone; so if you lean the balance towards the soul mate, energetic, well, you deprive yourself of freedom and that's it, totally.

Today, it is not only a certainty but the damage, in quotation marks, that appears more and more terrible. All those who devote themselves to this energy in a somewhat unbridled way with structured or unstructured knowledge, well, find themselves confronted with disorders, I would say intense in their lives and it can only get worse, the one who is free has no disorder, of any kind, no illness, no disorder, no trouble, no nothing about the person.

And this is an experience, an experience that is permanent, that is constant and that suffers from no exception. So, if you nourish with thought, simply by thinking about it, this story of a soul mate and twin flame, you naturally distance yourself from the Truth.

Especially remember that the twin flames are something extremely rare, one in a thousand, one in ten thousand, one in a hundred thousand, I don't know, but it's very, very rare.

- Sister: There are some who say that we all have them on another level, and that we all have our twin flames.

No, we are all one, we are all in each other, but it is not the same as evoking a feeling towards a man or a woman based on so-called spiritual data; it is a total fraud; all the more so, I repeat, true kindred spirits always end very, very badly because there are actually karmic conflicts; we can then that karmic conflicts allow to evolve but, as long as you think you have to evolve, you can't be free, it's as simple as that.

It's not even an energetic question, to rise above consciousness, to access visions; it's a process, as I said yesterday, neurochemical, it's a chemical process that occurs in your head. It only happens from the moment, as I said yesterday, when you accept even without living it.

If you put beliefs in front of you, if you put knowledge in front of you, whatever that knowledge is, even what we call stellar lines and stellar origins, it had always been said that they could not be revealed from the outside. Yet there are some who have traded very juicy, very juicy (I won't name names) but who have only made money by disclosing to people their origin and stellar lines; there is no evidence that this is true.

It's always been said, because lines can only be revealed from the inside and today, four years later, or five years, six years, seven years later, these stories of twin flames and stellar lines or stellar origin, frankly, it's a waste of time.

You're going to get away from the truth. The truth is only in zero time, I repeat, in the present instant, in the good news and nowhere else. Perhaps we should accept intellectually to verify it by ourselves, by living it, the truth of what I affirm without it, what will happen: as soon as you set energies in motion by thinking, I am not even talking about energies or anything, nor visions, only by your thinking, what do you feed? You feed division and illusion; it's that simple.

Aïvanhov said that love is absolutely not a feeling that love is something that is anything but a feeling. At the time, during his lifetime, he had called it a state of consciousness; I would say that love is a state of A-consciousness (ndt: previous to consciousness). Agape love is the moment when consciousness no longer intervenes in your presence here as an incarnate human character.

So that's exactly it, if you want to succeed, eh, I come back, forget all these esoteric notions of external knowledge because external knowledge, whether symbolic, energetic, linked to a medical system, a psychological system or a knowledge of neuroscience, is of no interest today to live the Truth. Yet I have created neuroscience systems that measure everything in the individual; I have studied all the energy systems that exist.

In Agape care, I do not rely on energy, vibration, visions, exits from consciousness, or expansion of consciousness; I rely on nothing, that is, on what the ego calls nothingness, that is, zero time.

Time zero contains all the dream, all dimensions, all entities of any plane and time zero is the resolution. It does not mean that energy does not work, it means that, simply, you have to change the mechanism of thinking because your thought obviously leads to energy; it leads to astral forces, divisional forces and it prevents you from living freedom.

Even meditating today is a total waste of time; meditating is useless. I am not the first to have said it; Nisargadatta has said it all his life: meditation leads you to visions, leads you to well-being, leads you to a feeling of being free, yes, but you will never live the Truth like that, ever, ever, ever.

So until you stop, as Bidi said at the time, research, today more than ever, you can't be free; it's that simple. As long as you believe that you are going to search to find, you will never find, because you are what you are looking for; therefore, it is the paradox, you are looking outside what you are; you cannot find it.

- Sister: To get to what you're saying here, which is totally true, which I'm living well, it took a lot of....

No, not today. Not today.

- Sister: Yes.

Thirty years ago there was a prerequisite, it was the vibratory rise, the expansion of consciousness, the activation of chakras, gates, stars; today it is over, totally over.

- Sister: Yes for some people, yes, but in the years before that, I relied on the experiences of[...]

Yeah, but you were getting nowhere.

- Sister: No, but now I understand; here I understood that all this, indeed, is outside of me and that it was a projection, that it was...

That's all it is.

- Sister: That's right, but I had to go through it to get to that.

Yes, we've all been through it [...] we've all been through AD, through energies, through vibrations, through expansions of consciousness but, I repeat what I said today: forget all that; it's a burden.

- Sister: Yes, yes, yes.

It's a dead weight. You just need to be authentic, to be spontaneous what I was saying to Quebecers because they are spontaneous, they don't think, they are really in this opening, that's spontaneity, that's being yourself naturally, without needing a posture, without needing any reference especially to an energy, spiritual or vibratory system that are real of course. We have experienced expansions of consciousness, we have experienced them, we have experienced outings in naked consciousness, we have walked around in dimensions, in vessels, but it is useless compared to what is there now, that is, zero time.

I said it yesterday and I repeat it: There are brothers and sisters who open themselves today without having asked anyone for anything and they open themselves much more easily today than those who are in a spiritual process or search; I don't even speak, religious; then it's not even worth it, or energy; which does not prevent me from using, when necessary, energy, vibration when necessary but, as often as possible, it is zero time that acts and the more it is zero time that acts in my life, in life or in care or in anything, or in relationships of any kind, the more effective things are.

What I told you in the preamble, what I now repeat at each meeting, the purpose of the meetings, even if there are whales, even if there are walks, even if there is everything we can imagine as a celebration in three days, in four days you are free, really free but you can't maintain, you will see for yourself; from the moment you are free, you will no longer be able to maintain these archaic systems of spirituality; all spiritualities, without exception, once you have lived the Truth, are total scams and consciousness, I repeat, is a disease, it really is a disease; I mean all these aspects: unconscious, subconscious, conscious, supra conscious.

Of course, these were steps that we had to open, to go through during, for thirty years even before AD. It started in 84 but it ended, it really ended, it's really over and that's what I'm telling everyone who haven't yet lived, who are in a phase of opening their consciousness effectively, of opening up to feelings, to perceptions, that you shouldn't be attached to these feelings, a feeling, it passes; Agapè love never passes. That's what you are; that's the natural state and that natural state, it can't be conjugated, married with all the esoteric notions, all the external knowledge of symbolisms.

Yes, of course, there are many of us here who have studied thousands of things, you see, but today no, no, no, no, it will take you away from the truth, it will take you away from peace, it will take you away from love and it will make you more and more frustrated, that is, the more you swallow knowledge, the more you will feel things, the more you will be frustrated because you will never be at peace, never, ever, ever. Only Agape puts you in peace, but this peace is indelible, it is not fluctuating, it can never disappear, never, never, never.

I lived what is called liberation by the wave of life, what was called the living Liberated in March 2012, but it was not Agape yet; evidently I lived the Absolute, I lived all the dimensions, I walked everywhere, but the state called the natural state, today, has nothing to do with even what was called the liberation by the wave of life, at the time, by the rising of energies, by the feet and which ignited the Kundalini, once the Holy Spirit had gone down.

The people who are at peace today, among all those who live the Truth, now spontaneously, do not need to worry about all this mess; it belongs to archaisms; it belongs to an enclosed world; it belongs to the Luciferian illusion; there is no space for a solution in there.

I repeat: even the saints were not free, even the greatest saints. The only ones who experienced freedom, I repeat, there were not many; there was Nisargadatta, there was Enoch, there was Elijah and that was it.

None of the prophets of the Old and New Testaments, none of the apostles who had received the Holy Spirit; they were speaking in tongues, when Christ left. There was the ascension and then after Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit. Even these beings were not free, even Padre Pio, who spent his life working miracles, who was a being who was all that was authentic, was still locked in the vision of an external savior.

It was necessary to comply with a moral code. In Truth, you do not need morality, you do not need to comply with any rule; you are in a permanent spontaneity, in a permanent lightness, in an irrepressible joy, in a love, as I have expressed it, which is the same in front of anyone and it is not something that is sought; it is a natural state of fact; it is our natural state. That's why I insist on these words, they're not just words or concepts; they reflect, as closely as possible, the lived experience.

And you feel it, when you see it, you can't help but feel it. You know it every day because you experience it every minute, every breath, no matter what happens to you. It can never go away. It can never fluctuate and it can never decrease.

And once again, if I was alone, I say to myself: either I am crazy, or I am out of control; we could think it for those who do not live it but as I am not alone in living it[...] more and more, we must face the fact that it is the only Truth. And the only Freedom is this one. Today, it is to be free of all these concepts, all these beliefs, all these energies, all these vibrations. It's the only way to be free

The feeling, I repeat, even if it is the most just and perfect, there is, is only a fringe of interference between what is called the outside and the inside; that's all. This is the place where interference occurs. You feel at the limit called the etheric; you feel the interaction of your vital field with the vital field of anything and you translate visions, understandings, diagnoses. Yes, it works, but that's not freedom. It is as if, as Bidi said, the expression he often uses, you think that by studying the prison where you are, you will get out of prison. We arrive like the bird that was born in captivity; you open the cage; it does not even leave the cage because it is frightened.

It's the allegory of Plato's cave, it's the same thing, you see. But, if you think you have to rely on an external knowledge, on a feeling, on a vibration on a state of supraconsciousness to live the Truth, you can wait for eternity, it is impossible.

In fact, that's how all the ascended masters, Kutumi, El-Morya, the whole gang of St-Germain fans and ninety-nine, ninety-five percent of the channels that are, as Bernard of Montreal said, completely astralized, got caught.

They do not speak of the Truth, they speak of what is called in Sumerian of the small sky. We differentiate between the small sky and the large sky, the small angel and the large angel. The small sky is everything that is below the causal world and the great sky is what is called the atmic or Buddhist state and what is called in Hebrew the Ain Except Aur because it is beyond the Light.

This is the true contemplative, as Krisnamurti also said in his lifetime. He understood, since he was the historical character of Jesus, he perfectly understood that as soon as there was a movement, a school, a group, a federation of people through spirituality, it was a scam because it put you under the influence of a egregore and that we, with AD, were prepared, especially in recent years, for this notion of autonomy and freedom, of idleness, as Osho said, which is fundamental, fundamental.

Of course, afterwards, that doesn't prevent you from knowing the energies, the meridians, from using them but, at that moment, your point of view is no longer coloured, your thought is no longer coloured by your knowledge; it is simply made available the techniques you have learned, whatever they may be, but before that, that's not true; all the energy therapists,[...] who stopped last year; I know many who have stopped precisely because of that. Because they knew that by maintaining their mode of operation, their frame of reference, even the most subtle energetic, they were not free and above all they did not allow the other to be free. It is important to understand, as I said yesterday and I repeat, that any relationship between two beings is a relationship of predation; it cannot exist otherwise.

You have the teacher, knowing it and the one who is being taught; in a couple you have the dominant and the dominated and that you can't escape it, that's part of this world. It is like that and everything is like that.

One more question.

- Brother: In the Agape state, therefore, if you are in the Agape state, what becomes and how does the need for physical sexuality become?

The need for...

- Brother: The need for physical sexuality. Does it disappear, does it evolve?

It becomes totally free, that is to say, there is no longer a sexual impulse; there is a relationship that is decided by what you are in Truth but you can no longer have attraction, attraction, you can no longer have desire in the sense that the ordinary mortal understands it. This does not prevent sexuality in any way, but it is a sexuality that is decided, I would say, in all lucidity and that no longer depends on the lower chakras. The sexual relationship, in other words, becomes totally tantric. You have sex, you don't feel anything in your genitals and it just blows your heart out, that's all.

But the very notion of desire no longer means anything, you are totally free even from that. You are free to eat, I can eat as I did in Morocco: seven couscous in the week, or nothing to eat for a week, it doesn't change anything to my condition, it doesn't change anything to my shape, it changes a little bit in weight or kilos, but that's all, it disappears again after very quickly, you see. But you're really free. When I talk about freedom, it is total. You are free in relation to sleep cycles, you are free in relation to food cycles, you are free in relation to sexual cycles, you are free in relation to moral, societal, family and emotional obligations. Freedom suffers no compromise, no compromise.

So sexuality, yes, it can exist, but it is magnified because it is not linked to a drive, so it does not set in motion the lower chakras, ever. It always happens at the heart level, really and concretely. You feel it now, but I'd say, the genitals are just a socket, that's all. You put the plug in, then it happens all by itself, really and concretely.

But that, too, is far from the techniques of Kashmirian tantrism or elsewhere. It is a sexuality that is no longer subject to a physiological need, no longer subject to impulses of any kind, but is a freely consented act that is effectively expressed without desire. That may sound strange to say. It works because you decided it was going to work, so it's profoundly different from the usual male or female sexuality.

It's no longer a problem, like food, like sleep. You sleep ten hours or three hours... And this freedom, you can only see it in all areas of life, you see. Indeed, there are rules. For example, I have talked a lot about dietetics for years. You will remind me to give back the rules, some essential rules, well. Because people are not going to go back to the satsangs I made on mushrooms several years ago, because it can be reduced to a few very simple sentences, if you want to have a body that works in accordance, not with physiology, but with Light. That's it, that's much more important.

As I said, DNA modifies itself by the Intelligence of Light, hereditary diseases disappear, you can only notice the changes in your way of working, look at Omraam Mikaël Aïvanhov who until the month before his death trotted like a rabbit to go and adore the sun in the morning and nobody could follow him so much that he ran fast yet he was an old man, it is the truth.

There is an ageing but this ageing no longer leads to wear and tear of the usual physiological functions, this is obvious for all those who are released, it is an observation that we systematically make.

Now don't go depriving yourself of this or that because you won't get anywhere. Before yes, we used to say during the celestial weddings for several months we ate liquid to promote the vibratory rise, to go touch this supra-mind and make this Holy Spirit descend into the body to activate the body of eternity through the doors and the stars, the new bodies.

But all this today means nothing anymore, of course it is present, of course when you live the fire of the sacred heart you see and feel your tetrakis hexahedron, you feel the twenty-four rays but your consciousness is no longer carrying it. The consciousness, here I am talking about the global consciousness makes more distinction as we did in 2012 between the awake consciousness, the sleep consciousness, the Turiya consciousness, finally all the consciences that had been described as well by Bidi as by others, today, when I use the term consciousness I include both the unconscious, the subconscious, the normal conscious and the supraconscious, since everything that concerns the consciousness in all these different aspects is a disease, the disease of the dream and the one who is awakened can no longer imagine what was said yesterday asking some who live it to imagine going into a stellar dimension or origin or into any world.

We only want to remain in what we are, that is to say, this total Beatitude where there is no longer any form, where there is no longer any dream, where there are no longer any laws where there is just this love.

You know, at the age of thirty-three I lived what is called the passion of Christ every Friday, I went up to forty-two degrees and relived the path of Golgotha, I even had the holy oils coming out of my hands and just like the great saints it made me laugh.

All this I lived it at thirty-three years old what happened after that, I did like all the great saints I bought myself a rosary and I made three hours of rosary a day and of course at the third ten I was attacked and I was happy because I told myself that at least proves that it is the truth since Bernadette in Lourdes, in Fatima when there prayed the third ten of the rosary they were attacked. But it was totally inept and yet it was a path that we could only take then, but today I'm telling you all this is to forget, to forget completely.

The more you want to live the truth, you want to be true, be spontaneous, be humble, that is to say, love everything without distinction, be simple, human, I called and stopped with all the concepts of Hinduism of God, religion, master, guru it does not exist.

Run away like the plague those who will say I am master or guru, there is no more master than... I don't know what but it's crazy what.

- Brother: Precisely, about that, I have a little question about Osho's work and what I have to say that he still encouraged people to free themselves or did he also make them dependent?

Osho he never opened anyone. He created a beautiful cult when you watch the documentary on what he did in his life and grandfather it's the same, the universal white brotherhood for me is a cult in the literal sense of the word.

They are people who are dependent on a teaching, they are people who are dependent on their own emotions, especially on the Bonfin, and even today, and that is why the very old Melchizedek elders they were, they still had to repair what they did, even Osho, it is not his fault, he had given the keys of what he was to the woman who accompanied him there but it was, it was, it was, when you see the documentary on his life Osho it was a real cult that he had made, no better than the Moon cult than any other cult, huh!

- Brother: Yet he talked a lot about liberation, about not following religions.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, but there is one thing to talk about and live one thing and it is already your responsibility but then it is also your responsibility if there are any around you who behave like disciples or like students it is up to you to break that. It is all very well to talk like Osho about autonomy, freedom and laziness as he talked about. When you see what was done in his lifetime, there is still a long way to go.

And grandfather, as brilliant as he is, as wonderful a teacher as he was, certainly one of the best teachers in the world really Bah looks at what to give the frat what we call the FBU, are still engaged in the teachings of Omraam of the time with the Kabala with all that are not free there will never live there will finally we will all live it.... but all this you must be lucid about it, freedom is only lived alone, there is no teaching that holds, no master that holds, no religion, no energy that holds and no vibration.

But for that again yesterday I was talking about acceptance of what I had called in the beginning sacrifice, yes, you have to sacrifice all your noble objectives of devolution or understanding because as long as you are in understanding you cannot be free.

The understanding I am talking about now is not an intellectual understanding, it is the experience here on earth, I am not talking about the other dimensions or what I did last year on Van Halen's mirrors or the scenarios that were written long before creation but simply by remaining in your humanity, that is, you have a better chance of living the Truth that it will fall upon you than you discover what you really are by adopting Therese's path of childhood, that is, humility, simplicity, service, self-giving, self-sacrifice.

As long as it's not registered, it's the first step. We passed with AD upside down because we had to touch the supraconsciousness so we expanded the consciousness with the vibrational phenomena that correspond to the consciousness, we activated certain functions for us and collectively but afterwards, it was not necessary to stop there all the ascended masters, all the teachings of these pseudo ascended masters are only horns, the teaching of Alice Baley that I know by heart, at the time, I was very young, I channeled all these horns, it is astral.

They have stopped at the level of the soul, they have never lived the spirit and even less the Truth. He who lives the Truth cannot lock you up, he cannot teach you, he cannot be your master, he cannot be a model. It can't be that a human like you will never wear orange clothes,[...] or exotic clothes, that's total makeup. Nisadagatta would go out there and dress normally in the street.

- Sister: Sacrifice of self, you say sacrifice of self, humility, sacrifice of self.

Humility, simplicity...

- Sister: ...simplicity.

... the way of childhood, the way of, the little way of Therese of Lisieux, is the sacrifice, that is to say accepting not to understand knowing that everything that happens is right without any exception and it cannot be otherwise so is the Intelligence of Light and especially if something happens to you you say, it is not right, it is unfair, why I have this, it proves that you have not understood and especially not lived what was to live.

But once again, these are words but what can't be wrong is what you live when you are free, you see that everything is different, you see that your heart radiates constantly that you don't need to build yourself stories, scenarios that life brings them to you before as we said with Franca we talked with dragons, elves, fairies, undines it is wonderful today we no longer need that.

When we came back from the Canaries we had eagles, seven eagles that came to land in the garden, there were seven vultures that came to show us how we flapped our wings, you see, these phenomena happen in your life but constantly, without stopping every day, every day that you live there are only synchronicities, there are only events that put you, that confirm that it is the Truth.

- Brother: But it is the Light that also directs.

Yes, it is the Light that directs

- Brother: leads like puppets, led by the Light.

You're just a puppet.

- Brother: Yes, but then I'm not free if I'm a puppet.


- Brother: I am not free if I am a puppet if it is the Light that pulls the threads

Ah, but you're just a puppet.

- Brother: As soon as I go wrong or[...] it goes wrong then.

It's going to go very badly.

- Brother: To be happy you have to remain a puppet.

The word happy if you want doesn't mean anything, you can't be happy, you can be free or you're not free. If you are free you notice that you are in joy and it is a joy without object, without reason, without subject that is there all the time, night as well as day, you wake up at night you want to pee always in joy what do you want me to say to you, it is like that.

Now it's been going on long enough I'm not even talking about liberation, the liberated alive with everything we said between 2012 and 2018 but now since 2018 it's, it's,, it's so evident, it's so light, it's so beautiful, it's so full of grace, full of lightness, full of joy, full of? whatever is going on.

- Brother: In fact, it is very pleasant to let yourself be led, but


- Brother: eeee.....

What leads you is the intelligence of the Light but the intelligence of the Light is what you are. The puppet is the body, the mind that gets excited, it's the emotions that are there, that's the puppet but the puppets are controlled by the wire as you say, the wires are the Intelligence of Light and what holds the wires is what you are before creation, before the dream it is only you as said Bidi as I said yesterday, I repeat, the only difference between you and me said to his audience is that I know that I am God you do not know you yet and I say the exact same thing when I say I am Abba it is the Truth and you are all no less. No less than equal, it couldn't be any other way.

That is to say, Abba had to be present in everyone in this dimension as in all dimensions, as in all the peoples of nature.

- Brother: But we come out of a big flame, it's small flames that came out of a big flame but now it's what we do what we're doing.

Exactly this is what I called the rewinding of the film last year, that is, we rewind the yarn, that is, we go back through our own scenario, we rewind our own scenarios without having to live them since everything has been experienced but actually markers, emotions, things that pass by, that go through, but you don't even take them into account, that is, you are so filled with this joy and love that you go out to have fun and enjoy what life gives you and offers you, you have no desire or spirituality, neither energetic nor vibratory it is impossible and this change there if you want good, I think I observe things quite well in general a panoramic vision quite right by the profession I practiced, by the neuro science systems I created to see the reality of this but not only in me but in those who live it all without exception and they all have the same speech, all without exception, there can not be any other.

- Brother: ... Let's just say that the small flames have gone and the big mass has shrunk.

Yes, yes, yes.

- Brother: ... now it's happening, it's happening in the other direction and so it's getting stronger as we go along...

As all dimensions approached the earth.

- Brother: ... is, is being inflated again what?

Yes, yes, but after the flame there is what, there was never a flame, before the first flame. The first flame as you say is the first dream, the first particle but before that particle there was what, nothing just Beatitude and Love we needed no world, that's what you are.

But as Bidi said there are three stages first step and I said earlier we went upside down we expanded the consciousness but Bidi said to him in his lifetime when he was incarnate, the first step you are nothing, the second step you are everything and the third step none of it exists.

It is the Truth as long as you are subject to desires, here I am not talking about sexuality, as long as you are subject to a feeling of inadequacy, impotence or incompleteness you cannot be free at that moment you enter into a quest, a search, a need for improvement, a need for well-being which is logical but which is not the Truth.

This Truth of which I speak and which we are living more and more blatantly, it does not suffer from any discussion. Because it's not debatable you can only recognize yourself, I've always said it when you experience this love when it touches you, you know it, you know it because you recognize yourself immediately.

So before it actually went through the wave of life, it went through the fusion of the three crowns, it went through the chakra of the fusion of the canal of Mary, with the chakra of the heart, the new Eucharist and now it goes only through the little point that is in the heart of the heart and the little chakra of the heart that we call the true chakra of the heart that has never been active in anyone, ever, ever. It was pseudo open when people had really pacified their ego a little bit, it expressed the self here but the dominant center is that one is the head, it is not the heart.

Today it's the heart and you can feel it, when I said that I feel when I talk, I don't talk about here or there it's talking about there I can't help it, you see. I never prepare what I'm going to say, I never know what I'm going to say, but I don't need to know what I'm going to say because it speaks for itself.

Of course it is different when we go to areas of neuroscience knowledge learned for example on mushrooms but it is another area it has nothing to do with it but at the level of Truth, the Truth you can't discover it anywhere but in the heart of the heart, that is, in yourself, no external knowledge can lead you there and today it is a way out, it is a way out of the Truth in a formal way, without exception, whether it is religions, teachers, teachers you can put everything in the same package.

Freedom is autonomy, it is the path of childhood, it is humility, simplicity, openness, spontaneity the closer you get to these words, these concepts the more likely you are to live it and the more you live it, the first time you will live it because there are brothers and sisters who have experienced this awakening all at once and who after they have fluctuations, personality feedback, habitual feedback without even talking about personality but because all this has to be seen, there is only when it is seen that habits do not disappear by analyzing them at a given moment you realize that you are the observer of your own character, this is what we called witnesses with Bidi at the time but after a moment if.. what is, if you are not the observer's witness what are you? Because in the end you are neither the witness nor the observer, it concerns supraconsciousness, that is, the Self, but you are not the Self.

Nisargadatta on the end of his life expressed well that even the, I am, the Self, must be blackballed, all the masters have been screwed with that, all the teaching of Alice Baley, all the movements that were created whether Auroville by Sri Aurobindo, whether it is the schools that Ma, not Ma Ananda did, but Emma and all this leads you to illusion.

There is no Freedom in there, but to be free you must already accept the freedom of the other, or to accept the freedom of the other is to take it as it is, without judgment, without bias. It doesn't stop you from seeing clearly, it doesn't stop you from seeing clearly about some brothers and sisters, but you love them as I say what else you can do, nothing.

It is not a moral conduct, it is an evidence that is there on which you can do nothing, you can't oppose it. And at that moment, of course, your, your, feeling not energetic but your feeling of freedom becomes a permanent, permanent jouissance.

- Sister: You don't get up in the morning sometimes we get up in the morning sometimes we don't feel good, sometimes we feel good, so in fact you feel good all the time when you get up in the morning.

Yes, good and evil is a concept that belongs to this world.

- Sister: [...]

So I make no distinction between good and evil since everyone plays a role, whether it is the most prestigious of geneticist mothers or the most rotten of archons, they have only played their part, especially the ones like the others do not have freedom.

I am talking about the greatest geneticist mothers among them and I am talking about the archons, the two of them never had the slightest freedom within the dream, they accompanied the dream it was mandatory, it was part of their creation from beginning to end, it is mandatory too and that is why you want the only solution, the only solution is in everything that has been taught to us for some time, the little way, the way of childhood, the humility I will not repeat all these words I said there but that is what was most conducive to making you live what you are beyond being, that is, non-being.

Non-being for the ego and for the Self is a heresy, they call it nothingness but they do not know that nothingness is at the source of everything and it is in total nothingness, where there is no world, no form, no dimension, no presence, no entity, no consciousness that you are true. The chance we have today is that it is not three people on the planet who have lived through, there are millions today, it will be the case for everyone without any exception.

- Sister: It's a bit like an animal, we're a little bit in a state... in this case it's a little like that, right? We have a little something...

You can't imagine it, the problem is as soon as you try to make a representation for example the story of the small flames that join the big flame is what I told Maurice after the flame or before the flame misses a stage there. There...

- Sister: When I say a little bit why because a cat is always fine, there is no question of time or space... I don't know a little bit... well.

There is no time or space when you live Freedom you are of course subject in this body to the passing days, yes time passes but in what you are fundamentally beyond being, there is no time, no space, no dimension. Dimensions are part of the dream of creation and the lowest dimension that is ours is actually the highest dimension since everything starts here.

Besides, you know very well that there are people today who are looking at rather particular data where in fact Alcyone that we see in the sky that we call the Source, the Pleiades is nothing more than the center of the earth.

The projected image, by the way, we know that the stars we see, the constellations and all that, it's a theatre set, it doesn't exist. Moreover in Sumerian cosmos it is called kusmus it means snake skin, Vatican it also means snake, Yahweh, it means Yaldébaoth i. e. the Chief Archon, Allah it is the same.

All these are demurges as they say in the teachings of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts, I prefer to say the Nag Hammadi manuscripts than the Essenes, because the Essenes never existed, contrary to what some so-called spiritual guides can claim. But in the Nag Hammadi manuscripts, it is said that creation is the work of a mad demurge, yes, quite so. And the mad demurge is not only Yaldebaoth, it is all of us, because we have all been Yaldebaoth, we are all Mary and all Jesus, we are all the murderer, we are all the saint and you have no way out as long as you make any difference, any distinction, so you put a distance and as soon as there is distance, there is space and there is separation.

That is why in the heart of the heart at zero time, in the ultimate Presence, the infinite Presence as it has been called or Shatinilaya or Sat Chit Ananda finally we can take words in all the traditions that you live the Truth not above all the rest is only done to seduce you only to bring you into the experience of consciousness and make you believe that you must evolve when you are free evolution does not mean anything.

You are perfect from all eternity and I am not asking you to believe me, I am asking you to accept it and check for yourself if it exists or not it is not the same. As I say all the time no one can follow me, it's impossible, no one can follow anyone as long as you believe you follow someone, a guru, a master, a religion, well you can't be free, it's impossible


- Sister: Yes, that's exactly what Gautama the Buddha said, that's what he taught that no one could follow him that we had to live, to experience...

Of course, of course

- Sister: ... that is, there was nothing, neither Self, nor soul and it worked.

What do Buddha's men do with them, they made them Buddhism?

- Sister: I'm not talking about Buddhism, I'm talking about...

..of Buddha

- Sister:... of Buddha and, and...


- Sister: ...and someone who lives as the Buddha did, can he free himself?

Who are you talking about here, the original Buddha or...

- Sister: I am talking about any Buddha but especially Gautama Buddha.

Gautama Buddha, yes

- Sister: Gautama Buddha who has done this again, someone like him does not follow him, has no religion, it is not Buddhist but simply follows his original teaching. I have a feeling it matches that.

Of course, of course, of course.

- Sister: So there are people who certainly perhaps could have been released in this way.

Apart of the three I told you ,the others wasn't really free.

- Sister: So the Buddha was not released.

Even Christ was not free, I and my Father are one.

- Sister: And Gautama Buddha?

No more than that.

- Sister: Okay.

No more, no more. Even the founders of Advaita Vedanta, the non-duality is in the non-duality of Kashmir Advaita Vedanta was not free, it is false the only one that is really expressed to perfection in any case before dying is Nisargadatta after there were many people, Christiane Singer, Jeff Foster, Dr. Ben Alexander, there are many names of people who really live the Absolute they actually live it.

There are others who are big falsifiers, big mythomaniacs you see it as soon as there is a written sentence you see immediately if it is the Truth or not. Because whoever places himself in the Absolute and whoever is not, he will constantly refer to duality.

He will talk to you about spirituality if he is wrong, if he is true he can no longer talk to you about spirituality it is not possible, it is impossible.

-Sister: What do you call self-sacrifice?

What I call...

- Sister: Self-sacrifice?


- Sister: When you said earlier, humility, simplicity, the way of childhood was without understanding that yes, I am here but...

Yes, of course it consists in understanding and living that you are nothing at all. That your character is only a dream, that your body is only a dream, even a nightmare, you are none of those things. Until you accept that, you can't be free.

- Sister: Is that what self-sacrifice is?

Yes, of course, and it's a process I said yesterday neurochemical. It is the moment when the dopamine which is the hormone of spiritual research gives way to oxytocin at that moment you are immersed in a bath of real love, a little bit like a woman who is breastfeeding and who has felt this feeling while breastfeeding Beatitude, it is almost similar except that there is no breastfeeding there, it is permanent.

- Sister: Can it be compared to forgetting yourself?

To this...

- Sister: The sacrifice of Self.

- Sister: To forget yourself.

Yes, of course. It is to disappear to oneself. Already when there is a spiritual search you never disappear to yourself because as you search, you will meditate, you will align, you will do meditations, you will learn systems, you will practice rites, you will practice exercises you will never be free, never.

Once again, this does not prevent you from using Yoga or an acupuncture needle, but the fundamental starting mechanism is this one, as long as you are not sacrificed you cannot be liberated, we always say, it is not the person who is liberated, it is you who are liberated from the person, it is not the same thing, as long as you have a person's point of view and you have thought of being liberated you will never, ever be.

You can live mystical states, you can live visions, you can live energies, vibrations but it will remain confined in what is called the small sky, that is to say in what was included in Van Allen's belt. The great heaven is beyond the causal, beyond form and beyond dimensions.

Once again, the result is concrete, that is, it will be translated into this life here on earth, in this body, in this form and if, as long as you have not returned to this humility, this simplicity that is automatically imposed, it is not something that you seek or cultivate, it is something that is quite naturally part of the process that we have called liberation, which consists simply in understanding and accepting that we have always been free to live it, it is as simple as that.

All the thoughts you put in front of you and all the stories you put in front of you, all the energies and vibrations you will put in front of you today are a brake on this state of freedom.

There is no other alternative you can't escape it if you accept it or not, it doesn't matter, it can only be like that and it's not even a spiritual speech because I could talk about neuroscience for hours it's perfectly proven, perfectly demonstrated and perfectly accepted.

There are changes that occur at the neuro-anatomical level and not neurochemical level, when scans and MRIs are performed on beings that are released. We can see that the areas of the brain that work are not the same. While those who are in the astral, they are always under the influence of the punishment circuit. So there is the balance between the reward and punishment circuit: the reward circuit has not taken over. They are people who are permanently self-punishing, through guilt, through the ego, through the suffering they will experience in their lives, whether emotional, family, physical or other.

A free being cannot suffer. That's impossible. Whatever his age. He may have pain like anyone else, but he will never suffer. He may have emotions like everyone else, but he will never be driven by his emotions. That's impossible. Not by the visions. Not by the exits out of the body.

I did the outings out of the body last year for a long time. I almost died, by the way, but I saw some crazy things, yes, okay... but today, I'm not interested. I feel so good here, in this body, in this moment, I don't need references to anything.

- Sister: What you saw were creations... it was your own creations you saw that you said there, in those outings out of the body?

But everything is your creation. It's just you. It's just you. The other one is you. Everything is you. When you sleep, the world disappears, do you wonder about it? No. Well, there you go. When you're released, you're awake. You don't have any more questions. And what you're living is the truth. And everything you experience in the dream is accepted and lived through. You are fully present, you do not flee the world. You are not seeking to retire to an ashram, or to a group, or to a community, or to a religion or other. No. You are perfectly in your place wherever you are, with or without money, with or without a woman, with or without a house, it doesn't matter.

- Brother: And as a person too? Are we in its place as a person?

Yes, also, of course. Sure, of course. You use yourself, but you know you're not that person. You know it because you live it. You use your body as a vehicle, but as you are transparent, the body can no longer stop anything. This means that diseases disappear, really, truly, really and concretely.

- Brother: And when we say that it is others who are important and not ourselves, do these other people, or...

It's all the others. As long as you consider the slightest living being, or the slightest flower, or the slightest plant, or the slightest animal, as different from yourself, you cannot be free. Everything is you. And that's really what you're going through.

And that is why when you express yourself through your ordinary consciousness, in your simplest humanity, you see that you respect this in its entirety. You can't judge. You can't condemn, but that doesn't mean you can't see clearly. You can't love this or that more. That's impossible. Even if you wanted to, you can't. It's mathematically and neuroscientifically impossible.

Once again, today, it is the neuroscientists, and astrophysicists, and physicists, who are most at the forefront of the truth. They are not those who are in spirituality and energy....

- Brother: As a person, and then...

...As a person, and direct understanding, not intellectual understanding. Not by an understanding you're going to learn. But an understanding, for example, you discover a mathematical law, that's discovery. You understand it because you discovered it.

- Brother: Yes.

Here, it is the same for the inner experience. You discovered it. You've crossed all the shadows. You've been through all the dreams. You have agreed to disappear from yourself through this sacrifice, and you see the effects. That's all. That's all. And your life is, as I have been saying for a year: you are no longer your life, you are Life.

And wherever you go, whatever you say, whatever you do, it's perceptible. It's not something... you're not trying to play a role, or put on an outfit, or show anything. I don't care about that. Because I know that everyone else is me.

- Brother: Yes.

I have no reason to mistreat anyone else, even the worst bastard. That's impossible.

- Brother: Yes, but we are all dissolving ourselves.

We are all...

- Brother: We are having our person dissolve. So the person dissolves....


- Brother: But other people are also in the process of dissolving or spitting out what needs to be spit out.

Yes, but this is the collective moment. It is the moment of the white paradise, the solar flash, the Nibiru event, finally the call of Mary, and the trumpets... This is the collective event. The collective event is not yet here, it seems to me. Even if it is very, very imminent and closer and closer to everything that is happening on Earth, but we have not yet lived it. And this is an advantage because, the more people live the truth, and the more people live Life, the more we cushion the shock of those who will cling when they see their bodies disappear and their consciousness disappear.

- Brother: Yes. But we don't have to help them...


- Brother: Exactly, that's...

Yes, it is. If: spread the good news. But spreading the good news is not in the speeches. She's just in your presence. As I explained yesterday with Pascal, you are becoming the catalyst. That is, you are not an agent that will act, you are not a chemical agent that will act on anything. But you can see that's how it works.

- Brother: Yes.

Like Christ, when he walked in the street, he said, "Who touched me? ", the woman is healed, or the paralytic who is healed, or the blind who is healed. As he says, "it was not me who saved you, it was your faith".

- Brother: Hmmm.

But faith in what? Faith in the truth, not in a character, even if he signs Christ.

- Brother: I mean if we help people, we keep them in their dissolution....

Yes. The only help, the most authentic help, is to be yourself.

- Brother: Yes.

That is to say, if you are in the truth of your present moment, aligned in the heart of the Heart with all the words we have used, you are in this permanence of the Fire of the Sacred Heart. It is the best help you can give to anyone, because this help, it is available, like the sun, for everyone, wherever you go.

And I don't make any difference. I'm not looking to help any more this person or that person. It happens in stores, it happens anywhere, I can't help it.

- Brother: Yes, helping others can be as simple as letting them live what they have to live.

Exactly what I was saying: let the dreamers dream.

- Brother: Yes, all right.

All those who are in the projections of consciousness, with their new earth, their new root race, paradise on Earth, or in the 5D, let them dream!

- Brother: It's another dream.

Yes. They'll stop dreaming when the dream is no longer possible. They're going to be seized. That is why there will be three days of what has been called stasis. They will be seized, if you will, by what they are, that is, the Light, and that they will see at that moment, that they are anterior to the Light. And that the Light has also been an impulse linked to the dream of creation, but that the Light does not need to be manifested, neither in this world, nor in any world.

- Sister: There is still a[...]. If there is someone who is suffering, for example, we leave them[...], if they ask you for help, and you see that the situation is not good, we can't look... and at some point, we are still...

As long as you rely on a speech, to prove anything, it's useless.

- Sister: No. Without proving anything.


- Sister: Without proving anything. You don't have to prove it.

But I have nothing to prove.

- Sister: No, but we're not talking about proving it. Someone who is in trouble, who comes, in something loving, who comes to you, who doesn't go well, who spleen and who comes to you. At some point, we talk to them, we're not going to stand by and do nothing...

Ah, but I'm not sitting around doing nothing. There are people, you know very well, when I do care, there are people who ask for example, "what did you see? Ah, but I'm not saying anything. You're the one who does it. I won't say anything else. Because it feeds, if you will, stories, it feeds scenarios, it feeds explanations, it feeds causality, and it doesn't make them free.

But to make free, you cannot make free, no one. But you can put it in resonance at zero time, what we call the Agape Resonances Network or the Agape Resonances, or even, the Fire of the Sacred Heart. There is no need for justification or explanation, energy or vibration.

Other Sister: Yes, what she actually means is, I don't know if you're okay... it's that someone goes to see Annie, for example, finally someone, to talk to her about her problem and it will get worse, and she wants to redirect the person to get out of...

- Sister: No, it's not leading, no, no, no. I'll give you an example: I have my son who's burning out.


- Sister: He calls me regularly. He explains the situations to me. I give little things where he realizes that... He realizes some things he didn't see, for example. Well, after that, I can't stay... I can bring things that are also..., that can also activate uh... He realizes some things. He is aware of certain things.

Yes, but that's your responsibility. You're a mother.

- Sister: Yes.

So this is a social, human, normal role.

- Sister: Yes, that's right, but.... We are still communication beings. I mean, that... the energy, right. The energy...

No, no, I'm not talking about energy. No more energy than.....

- Sister: No, no, of the Light, of the Light.

Yes, if you want.

- Sister: The Light you're talking about, okay, but... She is[...]

No, not at all. Wrong. That's totally wrong.

- Brother: It's not about who you are, it's about the person.

As long as you remain in communication and explanation, you do not make the other person free.

- Sister: That's not an explanation. It is an awareness, at this point in time, him, there. He is at a time when he doesn't understand what's happening to him. At some point, I put on some little awareness stuff... I don't know. An example: he says to me "it bothers me in my work, they're all laughing, and I'm working, and I have this". And I tell him "what bothers you, why, why...

But this is not about the truth. It's about personal history and the person.

- Sister: Yes, all right.

Don't mix spirituality, energy, or Light with that. That has nothing to do with it. I talk to you about spontaneity, when you walk in the street, or in the care, or in the Agape Resonances, where I don't want to know anything about people. I don't want to know what they have and I don't want to know anything. Sometimes, yes, it is necessary. But it's very rare. So, we must not confuse what is the domain of your responsibility as a mother, quite simply, which is a responsibility of the person, that you will have until the end of your life, as a mother. That's normal.

But now I'm talking about something else, not that. I'm talking about the natural and spontaneous state. The one who is in the eternal and absolute I, he does not need to communicate. He needs to be and not be. And it is the zero time that is diffused, that acts.

So of course, those who are obtuse, or refractory, or who do not want to live it, will not live it. They will not live anything. It doesn't matter. I have no one to convince, I have no one to seduce, I have no one to change.

Of course, if my son asks me for advice, I'll give it to him. Of course, if someone asks me for specific help for a fungus or disease, I will give them the name of the fungus. But it's about the person.

What I am talking about here now is the spontaneous inner attitude of the one who lives this state of Agape, who is a total, permanent gift, but who does not need personal elements. Even if sometimes they are necessary. It is a state of being and non-being, which are conjugated through a character, through a form, and which is active all the time.

And, the danger for those who live this freedom, or those who seek, who are thirsty for this state, for what I call, me, not freedom... what has always mattered to me is the truth. It's not the vibrations, the energy, the love, the visions. Yes, they are there, indeed. But that's not what's important to me. That is not even the truth of this world. Even though I have been a seeker of truth in this world, through neuroscience, acupuncture, or whatever I have studied in my life, but it was to understand this world. But again, understanding this world will never make you live the truth. I repeat, it is evident.

Besides, first Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians: you can speak the language of the angels, you can communicate with all the entities you want, you can have faith to move the mountains, if you miss Agape, it is useless. This is the major text. Yet, it was Saint Paul... it was not the absolute reference. But the first Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians tells the truth exactly. You can speak the language of angels, you can speak the language of geneticist mothers fluently, if you lack Love, it is useless.

However, this Love we are talking about is not a personal love. It is an impersonal, unconditional Love, which is called unconditional. But when you call him unconditional, it already sets conditions. I prefer Agape Love, because Agape at least is clear when you look at the meaning of the word.

Besides, it's vibrational, in the brain. The brain resonates in syllables. What is called the language of birds. That's why the birds' tongues work so well. When you say knee, it means "I and we". The brain hears that before it hears knee = joint. What is called the language of birds. What was developed at the time by Athias, Dr. Athias and many others.

But all this belongs to the prison scenery. But it'll never get you out of prison. The only way out of prison is already to accept that this world is a prison, that all worlds are a prison, that the form is a prison, even in free worlds, and that you do not depend on any form.

What is happening today, for all the brothers and sisters who are liberated and who live Agape? Of course, for those who have a stellar origin of Altair, we felt the beak growing, the wings growing, and other appendages growing. And now what are we seeing? We see our own body, our own body of eternity, that we were... wow... so enthusiastic to see, to feel, that deflates like a bladder. That's bullshit too. The body of Light, the seamless body, the immortal body, it's a fraud. There's only what you are, beyond being. That is, you are everything.

As long as you have not lived it, you turn, and you turn, and you return to your head, to your experiences, to your life. You're going in circles, what, you're going in circles. Even if you feel like you're evolving, you can only go in circles.

Now, once again, no one can follow me. You can only live it by yourself. There is of course, yesterday you did it, the ternary respiratory movement technique. What I will show you tonight too, what you will do tonight, the Fire of the Sacred Heart, as I did last night, but here, in Network Resonance. I'll explain how. Not one by one, but by several. But we'll see about that after dinner.

You have no other option. You can experience mystical states. Even before the liberation by the wave of life in 2012... I remember, in 2010, I was travelling under Mickaël's wings to senseless dimensions. I was completely lost, I didn't understand anything about what I was going through. I had no body, I was a point of consciousness under Mickaël's wings. I saw things unfolding, stuff folding. I saw incredible lights and shapes. And I was passing, what I call dimensional jumps, absolutely incredible... It was exciting.

But it can't be compared with what's happening now. It has no point of comparison or support. It has nothing to do with it, nothing at all. And you can feel it, you can live it, if you want. It is something that is understood because it is lived. It cannot be an intellectual understanding, a vision, an energy, or a vibration. That doesn't mean that the energies and vibrations aren't there all the time. But my consciousness is no longer coupled to that.

My consciousness is formally coupled with what has been called the fusion of being and non-being. That is, the junction, the moment when you are in supra-consciousness and the extinction of consciousness, which is now permanently maintained through this body, through this ephemeral, and through the point that is at the center of the heart, there, which has been called the heart of the Heart.

That's a constant. It's totally constant. And you can only see, as I said, the changes that are happening in your life, which is no longer your life, but which is Life. You are available to answer any request for help, whether it is personal, or at another level. It can't be any other way. You can only give. You can only give yourself.

And this is not moral conduct. It's something that's natural, something that's spontaneous. It can't be any other way.

As long as there is reluctance about these words, it is evident that somewhere, there is still ego, it is evident. "No, that's not possible. No, that's not true. I can't be God. I can't be the other one." » Well, when you see it, I'm sorry, it can't be any other way. And besides, you come out satisfied. A satisfaction, an ecstasy... but real, which is total and permanent! Total and permanent!

Now, once again, let the dreamers dream. There is no point in going to a Rabbi or an Imam and saying "you know, your religion means nothing, you don't exist and it doesn't exist". What do you want him to say or understand? Nothing. Let him dream. Since the dream stops for everyone. When the time comes, they will understand that they have dreamed.

The important thing is that those who are on the way to this openness, this thirst for freedom, accept these few words I am saying, to be free. The others, I love them. But there's no point in me talking to them like that. It's no use even listening to what I say. They're going to call me anything we want, a devil, an impediment to going in circles, a devil, I don't know what.

There are even friends who allow themselves to write that I was taught Love up there before I came down so that I could express it. No, but wait..., you have to be completely insane to say such things... Love, you live it or you don't live it. It just proves that those who write this, don't live it. You can see it... I call them red noses, you can see it like a nose in the middle of your face. You have people who write about Advaita Vedanta, who are very well known. I guarantee you they haven' lived through anything they write. It's so evident!


The speech is one thing. What this speech translates into in simple words that are written is something else. And there are words that cannot be misleading. This is the example we gave earlier with Maurice when we say "small flames that join the big flame". Yes, but after the big flame? There was never a flame. Never.

And again, it's not a concept, it's not a belief, it's not a teaching.

I am only translating my lived experience, which is the lived experience of millions of people at the moment. I have met many of them there in Quebec, wherever I go.

And these people, they're like me. We know it, we recognize each other. We don't need to talk to each other, we don't need to communicate, even if we enjoy doing it.

We've been through the same things, we've been in the same ships. We have lived the same states, the same stages, the same experiences, but all this is behind us.

Certainly, at the time it allowed us to get closer to them, but today it is totally useless. Even it's cumbersome. It's cumbersome.

Be simply true, be simply spontaneous, and you will discover what humility is, such as Therese imposed herself in her little voice to live it...

And whatever our age! You don't have to be a child, or... There's no difference between the one who's twenty, the one who's forty, or the one who's eighty.

We have the same availability to live this. Whatever the state of our body, and even I will say again, whatever the state of our beliefs.

- Brother: You were talking earlier about food, about recommendations.

Yes. So if you don't mind, I'll develop that at the next satsang, so as not to mix it up.

I'll take it up again at the beginning of a satsang on Saturday, not tomorrow. Because tomorrow, we have OMA and BIDI, where I will talk about a few points of reference, both energetic and vibratory, as well as food, to get as close as possible to freedom.

We'll see it in a more common way at that time.

Another question....

- Sister: I have a question. […]

I'm not sure about that. I'm not sure... the microphone... can hear you.

- Sister: Why? For example, I experienced this beak that grows.


- Sister: Why do we have to go through all these experiences?

Because we're rewinding the thread.

I too have lived the beak, because I am from Altair at the stellar origin level. So I lived the eagle, the flight of the eagle, I flew in an eagle body, I visited many sites in shamanic journeys in the body of an eagle...

Why are we going through this way?

- Sister: Yes.

Because in rewinding before the end of the primary anomaly, it was imperative.

- Sister: Okay. So we have to go through everything we've created?

Not anymore today. Not anymore today.

A year and a few months ago, I would have told you "it's imperative". Moreover, this was the case for many who are free today. But today, no, no, no, absolutely not!

If you have not lived anything, nor appendages, the beak of the eagle, or the fins that grow in the back, especially do not try to live it. It's no use anymore.

- Sister: Anyway, we can't try to live it anyway.

Oh, no! It is lived or it is not lived.

- Sister: It is lived or it is not lived.

But there are some who can search in quotation marks, thinking, "Wow, they've been through this, I'm not seeing it," so they're going to... you know....

- Sister: Isn't it just that it's not... Oh yes, it's because we're rewinding history... But it can also be... You don't have to focus on what you've been through, you know, it's....

Yes. That's why I'm telling you today....

This is what I mean when I tell you that you have to go through all the feelings and manifestations. Of course I can feel my wings, of course I can feel my beak, but I don't care.

- Sister: That's right.

That is to say, to return, to descend into his simplest humanity, that is the way of humility, the way of childhood.

That is, whatever the visions, whatever the energies, whatever the naked conscious journeys beyond all possible and unimaginable dimensions, at some point you can only be nothing.

That is, to become the smallest again.

When Master Philippe was asked how he could perform such miracles, he said "it is because I am the smallest of you". That is the truth.

As long as you believe you are someone here on this world, at whatever level, you will not be free.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, we will all be free at the collective moment.

But if you have experienced mystical states, vibratory states, supra-consciousness states, and today you do not accept this truth and you do not live it because you do not simply accept it, you will find yourself facing big problems at the moment of stasis. You won't be able to let go of your conscience.

You will necessarily let it go.

- Sister: Yes, yes.

But today, if you really want to be free, on a practical level, let's say you feel that you have all the visions of the world, that you travel in naked consciousness to the Triangles civilization, to Metatron, whatever! It doesn't matter!

If you go through all this, without hanging it up, without holding it back, without telling you stories, even if there is a story that is real, then you are free.

- Sister: So we let ourselves be crossed.

Yes, ah yes yes.

- Sister: Because I still have things happening to me.....

Oh, yeah, me too.

- Sister: I am not looking for anything.

Well, neither do I.

- Sister: And we let ourselves be crossed.


- Sister: Aren't we reabsorbing somewhere?

It just means not carrying your conscience on it. It's there, you know it. But above all, don't be interested.

- Sister: That's right.

It's like the theory of the complaint: what you're going to oppose, or what you're interested in, will get stronger.

This is not a complaint. Wow, I see the game... I take out my appendix, wow, I have the vision of this thing, and then hop, come on, I dive into these states of consciousness... Well no, you're not free now.

- Sister: [...] We let ourselves go through.

There you go. It's accepting.

Even these manifestations, however sublime they may be, for some of them, which are truly sublime, are of no use to you today. They have been very useful for several years at the time.

- Sister: Yes.

It's been explained in length, breadth and depth, but today it's over.

True freedom is there. It is not elsewhere.

So it doesn't mean "Oh, I don't feel that way!" When I feel an entity, I feel a presence that is there, I feel it, I can't deny it or deny my feelings, or what I see.

But the big difference is that none of this leads to my conscience, my attention, or anything.

I remain immutable in the heart of the Heart, whatever happens. Which doesn't mean you can't bite a bitch for something wrong! It's also part of my humanity.

And when I say that we must become as humble as possible again, it means accepting everything that is happening in your humanity, whether or not you bear the stigmata of Christ.

Just because you have wings spreading and levitate won't change anything. What will change everything is once again accepting this notion of crossing, obviously, that is, not caring about what is there.

Take much more care of your humanity, in your functions, roles, responsibilities, of your person: take care of a child for example, whatever his age, when he asks you for help, yes.

You will be much closer to the truth like that than with endless visions or vibratory experiences.

But of course there are vibrations, there is no shortage of them. They're still there, they'll be there until the end.

But the big difference is: either you take an interest in it, and then you drag your consciousness into the visions, into the experiences, into whatever you want... or you let it all go.

- Sister: You have to embrace them anyway.

It's called embracing.

- Sister: Precisely[...], it can separate me from the incarnation.

Yes, yes. That is absolutely true.

For example, at some point last night we talked about it, when you have a pain that appears in the heart of the Heart, when... very strong. So obviously, if you are in pain, your conscience is on it, even if you don't complain. Well, there are moments like that for everyone..., even for the greatest of the liberated, even for Nisargadatta at the time, or for Abba, it's the same thing.

There are indeed moments when you have a very bad headache, moments when you can't take it anymore. But we don't build a scenario on it. We are not looking for visions, we are not looking to develop a vibratory state, or to feel more.

We don't freeze anything. That's what crossing is all about.

And from the moment you cross, you will realize that, even if there are entities, even if Christ is there, even if Mary is there, even if you feel all the vibrational circuits, you are not concerned.

It happens. It's right there. You let it pass through you. And at that moment, you discover the immobility of the heart of the Heart, the total and permanent bliss.

This total and permanent bliss, which nevertheless, as you say, where there are many moments when there are[...], where it hurts a lot, stop, damn it, and yet, you don't complain. You can feel it.

So indeed in these moments, you notice very well that your conscience in spite of yourself is trained, not to complain, not to analyze, but to be, in quotation marks, embarrassed precisely by the feeling.

Because the vibratory feeling, or the presence, real, at the limit, bothers you. Because you are so well when you are alone, in the heart of the Heart, without anything, being in nature, or doing your housework, or helping your children, that you no longer need any of this.

- Sister: Well, yes.

And you feel very well, as the days, weeks and months go by, that the less you take care of that, even if you have visions, the less you take care of it, the more free you are. And the more you have that immutability that's there. And the more firmly this peace, this ineffable joy is established.

And that from now on... then even with your ordinary annoyances too... sometimes you piss off if there's something wrong with you, or you get caught up in material things to do.

And you feel very well that this indescribable state, it cannot be extinguished. But it may tend to take a back seat. This is intolerable. It's intolerable for everyday life events, it's intolerable for mystical or spiritual events, you know. It is the same process.

From the moment you have understood the mechanics that are unfolding and you accept, if they are vibratory phenomena or visions or other, to let them flow without stopping them, without being interested in them, and on the contrary to be interested in the lucidity of the present instant in any brother or sister, or being human, or animal or vegetable who comes to you to ask you something or simply to resound with you, then you are available. That's it, that's it. Love is nothing more than that. There is nothing simpler than that.

There is no need for vibrations, there is no need for feelings. Whether or not they are there does not change the reality of Love, what I said yesterday. There are brothers and sisters who live this indescribable state without perceiving any energy, without having lived any vision, without knowing what a chakra is, without even knowing what a body of Light or anything else is. They are perfectly in the right place. And there are more and more of them like that.

And we can obviously see that it is in the spiritual environments, in which we were all living, that there is the most resistance. Because they are people who have been so nourished by stories, by vibrations, by states of consciousness, that they are unable to remain in this state of Agape. And besides, they can't stand the word.

- Sister: Oh, yeah.

Well, yes, certainly not. They will talk about a new religion, they will talk about how they will encounter things but foolish, to protect themselves from the truth. Because they are in... they are somewhere in a form of spiritual predation. Grandpa explained it perfectly: it is the "tournicoti tournicota" of the conscience. It is the one who wants to be a vizier instead of a vizier, whereas he can be a vizier of himself already. When I say that I am Abba, I don't see any role of superiority or function. You are all Abba. It's the only revelation I can give you.

The rest is only my lived experience, the lived experience of brothers and sisters. And you can see very well, and I have already explained this for many months, that it will be less and less colourful references to AD or references to energies or concepts, even in Hinduism, are nevertheless very promising. When we talk about Sat Chit Ananda or Shantinilaya, well, it's a very precise definition. No, I prefer the word Agape, it's not colored, it's a Greek word. We just don't talk about it anymore, that's all. And besides, it's vibral. Phahame too. She explained that the pronunciation of Phahame - that's why I changed the spelling - it's Phahame - we pronounce them two hours.

It is very important, not for your consciousness but for the internal mechanics of your brain, because you will unlock Hic and Nunc by simply saying - Agape,Agape, Agape, Phahame, Phahame, Phahame - in the same way as yesterday when you made the ternary breathing movement at the head level, you will find that at some point, as soon as you think Hic and nunc the ternary movement starts to move, alone.

You will find that when you approach a being, there is a zero time that comes out and heals him. But you never tried to heal him, he didn't ask you for anything. That's the miracle. It is the miracle of Love.

And indeed, as you said, there are days when vibrations, perceptions or even visions become more than embarrassing, because it disrupts that peace. Whereas before that it allowed you to go towards that peace. Now it's the other way around. Feeling is an obstacle. Feelings are always categorized as good or bad.

The pendulum, it turns one way or the other. And you spend your time in duality. It's as simple as that. And you always make the difference between right and wrong. It's the same when you're in front of a food: this one I can eat, this one I can't eat, but damn it! Eat everything. I was allergic to peanuts, I was eating a peanut, I was rolling on the floor. Now I can eat them. As long as you chew them. Once I didn't chew them and it went very badly.


But these are all ideas in our heads. You have an American neuroimmunologist who has been affected - he published an article in the land set, it's very recent, less than six months ago - and he had leukaemia, I spoke about it briefly yesterday, it's a fairly serious disease, not chronic, but an acute leukaemia, at an average age, and he was condemned. And one night he dreamt he dreamed he had leukemia. And he said, why am I dreaming this? I don't need leukemia. And in the morning, there was nothing left, in the morning.

This is the power of Love. If you accept that even your illness is a dream because you are a dream yourself, but you heal instantly! If you have the true faith of the coalsmith. But you have to have real faith, otherwise you have to take care of your case, with all the means possible. But it depends on your position, over to you. If you are in total giving and total surrender, all diseases disappear. Without exception.

I have seen not only on myself, with thousands of brothers and sisters - you can imagine that I am in contact with a lot of people, that I have never even seen in my life, on all continents - they all describe the same thing. It can't be any other way.

-Sister: It means that if you still have a disease, it's not....


-Brother: Yes, but can we be in discomfort or in well-being? We can choose if we are well, happy, we want to go swimming in well-being, like yesterday in the water...

I am neither in well-being nor in malaise, I am in being or in non-being.

-Brother: That's okay, for you, okay....

But for everyone! Because I'm the same! It is the same chemistry, the same brain, the same heart in all human beings. There is no difference. These are neurochemical processes, of which I am speaking, that have been proven and demonstrated for ten years... twenty years. What you're saying to me right now is all people's stuff.

-Brother: I am where I prefer to let myself be crossed by uneasiness and remain in well-being...

In Peace. It's not a good thing. Maurice, I'm telling you again, this is not well-being. I've never used the word well-being.

-Brother: Yes. All right.

Look at the semantics of your speech: you talk to me about discomfort, well-being. Have you heard me talk about well-being and malaise? Good, bad, bad, again.

I'm talking about being and non-being.

- Brother: Okay, but when I'm in well-being, I want to stay there more than when I'm in unhappiness, that is.

Yes. The intelligence of the Light answers you that if you are in trouble, it is for your own good. And if you are in illness, it is also to free yourself from these concepts of malaise and well-being.

- Brother: Yes, okay, but then I think he will certainly come up with something better when it's over.


But it will never end! The only way to end this antagonism of well-being, malaise, well-being, well-being and malaise is the freedom conferred by Agape. That's all! That's all!

Everything else, even if it has helped us a lot and fortunately, for more than thirty years, since the Holy Spirit came down to Earth, it was to bring us, today, to the gates of freedom, the end of the dream.

So living the end of the dream, if you live it, the simple word well-being and malaise evokes duality to me. I'm good, I'd rather be good than bad. Well, yes. So do I.


But I also accept that if there is an uneasiness that appears at some point, even if I don't understand anything, even if, as a good ram, as a good doctor, I would tend to react, I know that the reaction leads to nothing.

I just know it's going to have to go through. And if I agree to cross over, it will disappear.

It can't be any other way. Everything you oppose is reinforced - the theory of the complaint, which has been demonstrated for more than ten years in neuroscience. There are other laws that have been demonstrated. The circuits of reward and punishment. Neuro-mediators: those who are responsible for happiness, those who are responsible for suffering... All this, I have explained it at length, but as long as you are subjected to it, you cannot be free.

True freedom does not care about well-being and evil, it does not care about happiness and suffering. Because it's not a state of happiness. It is a state of Peace, it is a state of Truth. This is what is called Agape or Fire of the Sacred Heart, when it returns in permanent radiance. But it cannot be explained through concepts that belong to duality.

It's like I told you: there are people who want to talk about the Advaita Vedanta, who write books, from the very first lines, you know perfectly well that they have not lived through any of this. They have read books about Advaita Vedanta, and they write books about Advaita Vedanta.

What Jeff Foster said, for example: don't come to me about your spirituality, your gifts, your chakras, your energies, your entities. Tell me more about your humanity. What are you doing in your daily life for your neighbour you meet on the street? Do you pet a child when he cries on the street? Are you smiling at him or not? I don't give a shit about your vibrations and energies, and your well-being because you won't judge yourself by well-being or malaise. Under what circumstances did you lack Love? And I don't talk to relatives, I talk for the child you met on the street, for the dog looking at you?

Love is there. It is nowhere else. And this, if you will, is not moral conduct. It is the implication of freedom and Truth. You can't escape that. And if you look at all the speech we had, that I had - which was necessary at one time - all the beings who are in a process, called spiritual, who have locked themselves in there, consider themselves as caliph instead of caliph or vizier instead of vizier, or from above: you are not open, you are not liberated! They didn't understand anything. It is precisely in the flower that is there, in the child who smiles or cries to you that is the Truth. It is not in your energies, your vibrations, your well-being or your discomfort. In these cases, what does that prove? That you didn't give yourself.

- Brother: I just accept what the Light offers me....

But you are the Light, you are. So you can't make a difference.

- Brother: Yes, well, that's the problem.

It is as I said: Christ, when he said "I and my Father are One". Otherwise, he would have said "I and my Father are an illusion". He couldn't say it then. It just proves that he didn't live the Truth, that's all. It was however fundamental for the Christic Matrix, which was activated last year, which replaced the binary matrix, but that's all. Don't make it a religion. He said it himself: don't make it my words, a religion.

It's always the same, as soon as there's a guy who comes to Earth to say something, we make it a religion: Buddha, Mani, Rama Dao, the masters - who were really open masters - they created movements.

Only Krishnamurti dissolved the Order of the Star. When Krishnamurti saw that he was going to be locked in an order and that he remained free. But that is not why those who followed or read his books were free. It didn't free anyone. Today, you free each other through the zero point.

- Sister: Why do you say that the Essenes (speaking of Jesus) do not exist? The Essenes, the Pharisees...

No, there are no Essenes. The Pharisees are. They existed. But the Essenes never existed.

- Sister: Meurois, he wrote a book in which he says that Jesus was an Essenes.

Yes. Yes, that's why I say that. And he also wrote a book on The Advaita Vedanta. A literary talent should not be confused with the Truth of the Being. Bis. The first book written by this character and others was about astral travel. They simply went to a psychic, who was a friend, and asked him: But do you think that's true?

For this friend, medium, we were all the reincarnation of the Tibetans, he incensed everyone, he caressed everyone in the direction of the hair. He's very well known for that. Of course, for him you are great beings, you are disciples, apostles of Christ at the time... It started from that. And I guarantee you that when you read this, it's very well written, Memoirs of Essenes, it's fabulous.

- Sister: He says that he wrote in automatic writing the memories of Akasha, Jeshua, finally, that it was Jesus...

Yes. It's a certain literary talent. I repeat, I repeat. He's a great literary talent. I challenge anyone who lives the Truth to write this kind of thing. That's impossible. Yet we all got water from that source, me first, twenty or thirty years ago.

- Sister: How do you know it didn't exist, Essenes?

But check with the historians. Real historians. The only ones who existed, who produced the texts of Nag Hammadi, which were found in the desert next to Nag Hammadi, in the caves, but it has nothing to do with the Essenes. You're going to talk to a historian about the Essenes, he'll laugh in your face. Why does Daniel Meurois no longer refer to the care he now provides as Essene care, but as Egyptian care?

- Sister: Yes, but he says that Essene care comes from Egypt.

How can you say things and not live them in your life. I had a hard time understanding that. You can write some very beautiful things. At that moment, you are a poet. But you can't present stories from Akashic annals about things that don't exist. I mean, I don't know. What I'm going through, I'm going through. What the other person writes, he writes. I'm reading it. It resonates or it does not resonate. But I could never say in writing: it's the truth or it's not true. It simply shows me a positioning of consciousness. The positioning of consciousness, of those people who write well, is not the truth. I'm not criticizing. I'm not judging. Let them dream.

I'm just saying that whoever lives the truth, can't write. Babaji, The Source, has not written anything. A single text, the day before his departure on February 24, 1984. Nisargadatta has not written anything. He wrote poems when he was young. But as soon as he lived the Truth, very young - the absolute - he did not write. People came to listen to him. That's all. That's all.

- Sister: When I read the book, I noticed two testimonies when I read the book, there was one who couldn't because he cried all the time and it wasn't possible. Is that a repentance? We don't know, and one person was on fire all the time reading the book, you see, they were swimming.

So what? So what?

- Sister: And I don't know if it was[...], I don't know

I can't answer that. But I can ask you: did this person behave in life as I said? Does she smile at any child who smiles at her? To be completely in his present, in all circumstances of his life, or not? Yes, yes, then it's perfect. Otherwise it's bullshit. I don't care how it feels. Totally.

- Brother: The funny thing about his latest book is that he calls his father Awoun.

What are you talking about now?

- Brother: From Meurois' last book

- Sister: Her last book, Jeshua's secret life.

And what do you say his father calls him?

- Sister: A.W.O.O.U.N. AWOUN!

Well, Awoun has a root, both Jewish and Arabic. Ayn is the eye and Ayoun: it means the dove in Hebrew, the messenger.

- Brother: with a W or a Y?

With or without the h. You can write it like the general: Aoun. The Y is simply Jewish spelling.

- Brother: It's funny that remark.

It can go very far. Symbols and numerology, symbolism, it goes very, very far. But once again, I can only say that the Truth is something terribly simple. There is no longer any need today to carry all these stories, all these energies, all these chakras, all these new bodies, all these stars. They are there, they are spontaneously active.

It's like you're telling me: I want to walk! - Well, it works! - Ah! No, I need to know how this muscle works. - No, it's automatic. You've learned that. It's in you. It's as if I'm telling you that the truth is simple and you need explanations, understanding. No, you walked. Get up and walk. You don't need to know which muscle is contracting or which part of the brain is going to act.

For Love, it is the same thing. As long as Love needs to be based on a justification, an understanding, an experience, a mystical, vibratory, energetic vision, it is not Love. It's simple. It will be energy, it will be personal evolution, personal development, but it is not the truth.

There is only one truth: it is Agape. It is this indescribable state, which is, today, illustrated through the character that you are, and which does not depend on any world, any dimension, any master, any law, any guru. You're welcome. It's just you.

- Sister: I think I had already asked this question, but I just wanted to ask again: can't we bring someone in total Love, in Agape?

Of course it is. By the resonance of zero time.

- Sister: Yes, but a person who doesn't want

Ah! Well, if a person doesn't want to, he doesn't want to. Those who are in spirituality, religions, I say let them dream.

- Sister: Okay.

On the other hand, whoever is thirsty for truth, who wants Agape, who wants the Truth, yes of course. Today, yes, with Agape resonance- network.

- Sister: Do we embrace?

No, it's different now. I will explain to you tonight what you are going to do. There is no question of welcoming the other, or going into the other, there is no question of movement, neither of welcoming, nor of emission. It's just saying... Well, I'll tell you tonight. This is not the time for what you're going to do tonight.

So you can only see, if you are honest with yourself that when you live this Agape Love, indescribable, this beatitude and this Peace, you are more and more human. I no longer speak outside the meetings about spirituality or entities. So, of course, you obviously have to when it comes to material things, like in the Canaries, there are eagles, vultures that come to rest in the garden, in the vegetable garden you have to notice that something is happening, when the next hour you have a whole herd of transhumance that passes with newborns, beige calves - light and almost white, which passes in front of your house for almost an hour, well, it's still a lot of synchronicity! All right, I'm observing them.

I am not interested in it any more, but I am happy to see this reality, if you will. Everything comes to you. Really. So it's not a search, it's actually an embrace, but in the process you're talking about, that is, triggering Agape, yes.

Until now, it has always been said that we cannot open the heart of the other. Today, I say to you, for the one who asks, yes. But his request must not be coloured by requests for visions, energies, vibrations, or feelings, nor a request for care.

- Sister: Just open to Love?

Yes, exactly. That's what you're going to do tonight and that's what you're going to do in all your meetings now.

As I was saying in Quebec, in general, there are ninety or ninety percent of the people who are Agape as soon as they leave the meeting, well, in Quebec, they have done better, they are one hundred percent! That said, there was a chance because there was half of them already free among those who were there. So we were balanced between those who were discovering, those who knew Bernard de Montréal before me, and who took over with AD, because they had already had training since the 1980s.

You can imagine that they were people who were rather of a certain age, and then we also had young people. A young man who arrived, who was not well and who came out of Agape. The gentleman, Daniel, who had spoken of karma on the first day, he went out in an unspeakable Love, he took everyone in his arms, he cried with everyone, while he arrived on the first day talking about karma and suffering... what do you do with suffering? What about karma?

It was radical. I can tell you that four days later, he was laminated, it didn't exist any more. Then he met Gandhi, he met the greatest masters in India, everywhere. He told me I've never lived through this! Ah! But I've never lived through that! Ah! But that's not possible! How do you do that?

Nothing. We were natural. Above all, we were neither one nor the other, let alone me, in an orange dress, the role of the guru, the master, or the teacher. We were spontaneous, we were real, we were natural. We were frankly saying things.

When he started having Maria start crying, making everyone cry, well, it wasn't an emotion of crying. She was carrying this zero time and it was a total happiness. And you can't resist that. Like I said, you can only recognize yourself. It is written in us. It's always been there. We simply forgot it or we don't want to recognize it. It is not a problem of vibration, energy, chakra opening, door opening, life wave rise, or Marian channel fusion with the heart. It is a state of availability. Your availability must be total for the Truth.

If you are totally available for the truth, if you are thirsty for the Truth, and you exclude all concepts, all beliefs, all karmas, all that you have learned, for an instant, you are free. Really.

- Sister: Without asking anything, without asking a question, without knowing if I can tell the future, apart from our projects?

What future?

- Sister: Yes, that's it. Finally, not the future


I explained in the video game. I would rather be surprised by what is going on, good or bad, if we take a dualitarian reverential, than to know the future. I don't want to know anything about tomorrow.

- Brother: Okay!

I prefer to be fully available in my present instant. Which doesn't stop me from planning when we organize meetings...

- Sister: That's right.

But this is planning. It has nothing to do with anything else. I don't want to know anything about what's going to happen to me, but I can still decide to go to Tunisia on a certain date.

- Sister: I would like to ask something else. When you're a little psychic and so on, there are always people who ask you for things...


- Sister: Can we answer?

Well, yes, answer it. It's about the person.

- Sister: It concerns and then I move on.

That's what I was telling you. Some stopped the energy because they felt they had to stop, but the others, I told them, but continue. We need energy specialists. Just don't be fooled. Do not pretend, with the energies, to free someone. Do not claim with mediumnity to free someone. You are doing the person a favour. That's all. That's all. It is not the same objective.

- Sister: Okay.

- Brother: In any case, it is the light that will send the person to him.

Exactly. Or no. It's the same thing. But it also depends on what you also express as an intention in your auric field. You know that very well. If you think about such and such a thing, it will manifest itself. It is conscious co-creation. You create something in your energy field and the universe will respond to it. You are afraid of illness: you will be sick. She's afraid of being stung, she'll be stung.

- Sister: I am not afraid of being stung. I'm afraid that after that, it'll cause disproportionate reactions.

Yes. We agree. It's the same thing!

- Sister: In fact, everything I'm afraid of, I attract.

You actualize in yourself what you are afraid of. I'm not saying you're afraid of a mosquito. A mosquito, you're not afraid, but you're afraid of the consequences on yourself.

- Sister: Among other things.

Among other things. But don't confuse things. If someone asks you for psychic help, give it to them, but it concerns the person. Do not mix truth, vibration or spirituality. Because mediumnity, even the most perfect medium, will never be the Truth.

Even if you say the right things. Our mother, she says events on the same day and at the same time they are supposed to happen. Even years before that. Completely hallucinating thing. Whereas in pure mediumnity, you cannot give dates. Well, she has all the dates. For people, I don't talk about the rest, but between people, she says to you: "Here, I'm going to see my son, this day, this hour. I'm going to meet such a family member I haven't seen in fifteen years, such and such a day, such and such a time! "And it happens. This is insane. And yet she's with it.

- Sister: And it will get worse and worse because I lie a lot.


- Sister: I can no longer lie.

We can't lie to him. The problem is, she'll see if you're lying. And you continue to do so....


- Sister: Oh, it's better to laugh about it now.


I remind you that we will meet after dinner, so that I can explain to you what we are going to do tonight, what I will ask you to do to save time is to cut a sheet of paper 21x29.7 into sixteen or eight, so that each of the participants or organizers, from everyone here, in short, write their last name three times and then their first name. Three different papers, you write your last name, first, in upper case, and your first name, in lower case. Then you close the paper and we'll find a container to put them in.


And the rest, after the meal.


Through Jean Luc Ayoun
Les Transformations.

Transcription from French:
English translation: revised by LMF


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 Original Video Audio in French and Portuguese. Video audio in English   THE NATURAL STATE WITH JEAN-LUC AYOUN. AGAPE WEBINAR (LEAD YOURSELF...